Monday, November 08, 2010


evening thread.  Lots of travel...


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Costume Lady said...

Lib and Belle are both in the nest and moving sticks around like crazy. They are bumping into each other and at times, one or the other has to fly upward a bit to get out of the way. Wow, you'd think it was January:)

Costume Lady said...

Well, wouldn't you know it, Belle started pecking Lib...everytime he would make a move to get a stick, she pecked him. I guess she wanted him to rest:) Got a video of the action. Will put it on here, shortly.

Costume Lady said...

They are both gone now, look for them to come back soon.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Wanda sounds like you caught our eagles.

I would have been with you but the new curtains I put up in kitchen. As I was opening the one at the bird feeder. Had a bird I have never never had here before or at any place I lived at my feeder.

The darkest bird I have ever seen with a black head and black tail. It never turned so I didn't get to see its face. Wait there are now 4 of them.

Now I have to find out whatthe bird is? I was so stunned and pleased I just stood there forgetting I might be able to get a picture with my cell phone.

wvgal_dana said...

Now I wished I had brought that bird book at Open House. It is much better than mine. dang

wvgal_dana said...

Theirs my beautiful male and female cardinals. Whenever I see the male I think of my "Dad". Of course the bluejay comes, and off flies the titmouse.

Costume Lady said...

Don't you just love those feeders? We went for many years without a feeder...don't know why, too busy,I guess.
Since Gene and I retired, we have REALLY stopped to smell the roses! We enjoy so many things now that we just didn't have time for.

Costume Lady said...

Video is ready now...on Wild and Wonderful blog. It is not real sharp, clear, but viewable:)

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Wanda I catch your video. Our eagles haven't come back yet.

Ed just loved calling the titmouse "baby bluejay" lol
I like the blue jays but they just use their beaks and splash all the seed out instead of picking and eating.

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda thank you so very much for that video. I have watched it twice now. Am going to watch it again later. That stick with the Y
on the end. I can't wait to see if it finally gets at the 12 o'clock position. I think that is truly where he wants it. Since she pecked him twice. I don't think he is in the mood to ask her to move her butt so he can get it back there lol GREAT VIDEO THANKS WANDA!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Just read on later post last night of Judie going yesterday to cardiologist office. Prayers that I read things turned out good.

I can't believe it!! I looked at bird feeder and suddenly seen something small dark black where on of the birds was sitting on the railing. I finally seen MORE A DANG BLACK CAT after my birds. It ran but I know it will be back....purrrr you are doing what you where taught my God I know. Please leave my birdies alone. Thank you in advance BLACK CAT.

wvgal_dana said...

Judie oh thanks for sharing about your doe and her twins. Oh that is closing my eyes and I can see them Judie. Thank you for sharing your joys of nature in your yard with use. ( :

Judie said...

Good morning, everyone.

Yes, I was ambushed by the sandman. Didn't even stay awake to watch any t.v.

My HDL is good. Triglicerides are great (65). LDL is not good. So, starting out with some diet modification and a new cholesterol-eating drug called Livalo (pitavastatin) for 30 days.

Left wall of heart shows some thickening but wasn't told why that happens and forgot to ask. Too TMI being given at one time, I guess.

Woke up this morning to a six-point buck investigating the back yard. Stayed for about 30 minutes. Doe sprinted through the yard and off he went in pursuit. Squirrel: whatever!

Andy, glad you feel good about the algebra final. Hope you can get a certified birth certificate very quickly.

Lynn: Ooo Long Winkles.

Shirley, when a phone rings or is in use for any reason, I make the student let me talk with the caller, call the caller back, or discuss what he/she was watching on the screen. Usually cures the problem after the first incident. Also, can be very, very funny.

Hi Margy, Dana, Lowreeda, and Jim.

Well, need to get some coffee, scan the newspaper, check out Wanda's video, and then put in some serious prep time for the cops tonight.


wvgal_dana said...

I am so happy to read of Judie's report. That they are starting out SLOW!! That truly means a lot. You can tell more like that cause you then know what each medicine is or is not doing. Judie so HAPPY FOR YOU ( :

wvgal_dana said...

OH I forgot that is an answer to a PRAYER we have all been praying for Judie. GOD WE GIVE YOU THE GLORY FOR JUDIE'S DOCTORS APPOINTMENT AND THE APPROACH THEY ARE TAKING WITH HER. Amen.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Great Video...there sure was a lot of pecking going on. Liberty is quite tolerant of all this attention ☺

Dana, I saw three slate-colored juncoes this morning, first sighting for me this year....don't know what you saw but maybe....them

I stopped putting up feeders when the neighborhood squirrel invaded the ceiling above my apartment four years ago, but I think I will dig out the thistle seed feeder and entertain a few smaller birds

I would rather have lots of feeders but can't risk the squirrel again

magpie said...


you might have to give up grapefruits while on that sure there are instructions about all that...

my family in Annandale, on Blue Ridge Avenue off Braddock Rd, had two bucks in their yard last week

magpie said...

maybe one of them is one that was in your yard, Judie

My flowering tobacco has spent its last bloom
my baby daffodils are sprouting
the small mum plants I bought in August, NOW have a few blooms
and I have seen dandelions this past week

magpie said...

I can get you a bird book....
might take a week or two...have bought excellent bird and wildfower books off great prices!

Also Shirley : I have a wealth of past issues of Birds & Blooms, will send you some select ones

magpie said...

I like your cell phone strategy

time for me to do some family emails and start striking at some things I didn't get to last night

When I grow up I definitely want to be retired !

Best wishes for a good day, everyone

The tobacco and daffodil plants, are Megan Flowers, by the way...

wvgal_dana said...

Oh Lynn-Hedgie I just read where you were approved!!! ( : ( :
So happy for you and her. She will have such a loving momma. I know you have to wait but when you get her. You will forget the wait as soon as you see and hold her. Answers to another set of prayers--Amen.

wvgal_dana said...

Loretta dress where you can take one thing off. Maybe can tie around waist if not carrying backpack. Have FUN!!!!With your friends and her daughter (if she is going along)

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning everyone! Looks like a beautiful day in the making with less wind, too! Predictions of upper 60s in the next couple of days....Indian Summer!

Judie, LOVE the phone strategy!

Margy, your flowers are confused! We still have dandelions, and I found some wild violets in bloom in the field yesterday. AND, we still have some Orange Sulphur Butterflies around! Too funny when you think a leaf is floating by and you see it's really a butterfly! My book says they are often seen into November.

Found this article via Facebook and wanted to post for you all who are not on there....very interesting, although a little sad
Oldest Bald Eagle in Wild Found

magpie said...

Very interesting article, Lynne...
thanks for the link

I have seen some butterflies around here also! You are right, think they are leaves, but not


wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Margy and Lynn-Hedgie.

Oh Margy your flowers are confused---its too cold at night for them. Are you covering them at nightime?

Hedgie that would be good if she used you vet. Maybe then they would let you pick her up from the vet.

Think you are going to have to put the LINK--on here again so everyone can see "your" puppy!!! (:

No Margy not Junco's I know them.

I haven't had a chance to check my bird book the bird might be in there.

wvgal_dana said...

Andy so happy the vet gave them a cortisone injection. That usually takes care of skin problems. Yes even my daughter had to watch what she fed her Bull Mistiff. No corn products. She used a special mix with RICE.

wvgal_dana said...

WOW another Praise Andy " My friend's husband, who was in the 18-wheeler accident, got to go home from the hospital yesterday! He will start physical therapy next Monday, and go to it 3 days a week. Thank GOD again!" AMEN!!

Lynne2 said...

From Burdr on FB,
The Eagle among the Swarm
a beautiful video!

Dana, hope your bird comes back so you can figure out what he was!

I'm off to get some things done, BBL

hedgie said...

Dern blogger cop ate my post. Heading out---will catch you all later.

wvgal_dana said...

Lynne2 thanks for posting the link. That was beautiful...wouldn't believe an eagle would set through all of that would you. Thanks for sharing ( :

wvgal_dana said...

I was checking back I remember Lynn-Hedgie showing pictures of the two dogs. I can't find it now???? Does anyone know where I seen it at???

wvgal_dana said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wvgal_dana said...

my delete didn't work

wvgal_dana said...



wvgal_dana said...


I've had my days all mixed up. I thought I was going to be celebrating my husband ED's other birthday one day late. Due to I was so tired from putting up curtains yesterday. Getting up and down on the stool ladder made my left leg swell so badly. I SEE TODAY IS THE 10TH. I have Ed's Birthday cake laying on the table put it out last night so I wouldn't leave it here. Yes Ed was born in Johnstown, Pa. Sept. 30, 1941 but when we met he said, "I have two birthdays; (1) the day I was born (2) Nov. 10th MARINE CORP BIRTHDAY which Ed and I always celebrated and today will not be any different...I will go to Ed's grave with his cake.....IN HONOR OF ONCE A MARINE ALWAYS A MARINE--SEMPER FI

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 235 YEARS FOR U.S. MARINES (this was played at Ed's graveside service)

wvgal_dana said...

Jim today you celebrate 235 years of the U.S. Marines with other Marines. Once you celebrated with Ed through cards. I want to thank you on this blog for being an Eagle Dadster. Supporting our National Symbol "The American Bald Eagle". Thank you and any Marine that has served our country. Once a Marine always a Marine.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY--SEMPER FI

Lolly said...

Good morning. Sun shiney and 65, going to be a good day. Hope I can get motivated and accomplish a few things.

Lynne, you added some interesting news to the blog this morning. Loved the video, but questioned if it was trick photography. It was amazing to watch.

Wanda, loved your video. Belle had a problem this morning. Maybe got up off of the wrong side of the bed? Poor Lib and then he had major problems with that stick. Also, loved your party pics at GG's.

Talking about reaction to meds. Joseph had a reaction to a med the other night. Before bed he got very aggitated. Then during the night he had nightmares that continued for quite a while. Ended up sleeping with his parents. Laurel said his teeth were chattering and he was shaking.

Lolly said...

Judie, I liked your suggestion for a name for Lynn's puppy. LOL Also, like your method of handling cell phones in class. Too funny!

Jack is smoking today! :) That is okay 'cause he is smoking brats, brisket, and a chicken. YUM! A lot of instant, but good meals.

Lolly said...

Something interesting. When we left home the end of Sept. I put a suet cake out and filled our feeder. The suet cake is mostly still there and the feeder still half full. I mentioned it to my neighbor who also feeds the birds. She said they have stopped coming. She is not getting birds either. Isn't that strange? I did see a red bellied woodpecker the other day, but not at the suet. They are usually there all the time. Hmmmm?????

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Bright and sunny out there.. I want to go out in a little while. With the birds migrating, daughter had a large flock of Blue Birds at her feeder the other day.

Judie - good method of handling cell phones in class. I am sure everyone turns their's off as they enter.

Great news about your Algebra, Andy.

I doubt if Belle got up on the wrong side of the limb - that pecking at Lib is just her nature. lol

Going to go look at videos. Wanda, you and Gene did great with your made hats for GG..

magpie said...

OH check BWO:
white SUV there...
gee, maybe it is Wanda and Gene, or ME !

Good Morning more Eagle People

Lolly - I am getting a few things accomplished here...☺

magpie said...

And Special Remembrances and thoughts of appreciation, on this the 235th Anniversary of the founding of the United States Marine Corps

thank you Dana for the reminder♥

And God Bless Our Veterans, but today, especially the Marines

magpie said...

whoops SUV at BWO has now departed

Lolly said...

Good morning JO! I have been over on fb and now if I am going to be like Margy and accomplish anything, I better get with it!

Have a great day all! (((hugs)))

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone!
Thank you SO much for the awesome video of Belle and Lib! It's good to see such serious nestorations going on. Boy, that stick that Lib brought in did give him some trouble. That was quite a piece of lumber!
Thanks for the article about the oldest bald eagle. Very interesting, although sad that the bird is no longer with us. The video of the eagle with the swarm of birds flying around it was amazing. Thanks for that one, too!
Thanks for the reminder about Ed's "Other Birthday"!
I'm sure you are celebrating your "Other Birthday", too. Thank you for your service to our country, and mighty glad to have you here as a Dadster! SEMPER FI!

Judie said...

Lolly, I wonder if a predator has taken up residence around the feeder area? Happens here on occasion. Tell Jack he can smoke at our place anytime. I can smell the yummy from here. Sorry Joseph had such a bad reaction. Hope he's better now.

Dana, maybe a Towhee? Looks like a black robin.

Buck and doe returned. Guess they really like our menu of azaleas. Next time they visit I'll ask if they've been to Blue Ridge Ave.

Margy, thank you so much for the pics. Great memories.

Okay, have to get serious for tonight. BBL

Ms Bookworm said...

So sorry to hear of Joseph's rough night! Hope & pray there are no repeats of that. Sounds pretty intense!
I like Judie's cell phone method, too. Bet it's often good for a few laughs.
You made me laugh when you said that Jack is smoking today! Reminded me of one of my refrigerator magnets: "NO SMOKING PLEASE. If we catch you, we'll assume you're on fire and take appropriate action."
Guess what! I suddenly have way fewer birds at the feeders, too! I haven't seen our Cooper's Hawks recently, so I am also wondering what's up. MTBR....

Ms Bookworm said...

Good morning, sleepyhead! I slept in late this morning, too. Can't explain how awesome I think it is that Bambi and his family are visiting you!
Well, I need to get this show on the road. Must go get a copy of Jay's birth certificate from the County Clerk's office. I'm on a mission! Will check back in later. Have a GREAT day, everyone! :o]

wvgal_dana said...

Lolly what kind of medicine, the name of it did Joseph take?

wvgal_dana said...

Wanda was on here don't think she and Gene had enough time to make it down there.

Maybe Lisa or the park/guard person checking things out. OR that guy by the name of "BOB QUINN"?????

magpie said...

nap time here, I'm going to be in trouble tomorrow when I return to work, no napping there !

I have been checking BWO often this morning have failed to see any Eagles there yet when I've been looking

Hedgie...where are you this morning ??

Good luck, Andrea on your birth certificate project

And I hope that all the itching and scratching and aches and pains
and ailments amongst us, take a hike, Pronto !

Have an afternoon plan with James's other grandmother and James too, so will catch you fine folks later on


magpie said...

did as you asked, put a picture of the nest this year,from still cam view
on Magpie's Roost, so you can compare this year and last year's views


Mema Jo said...

Going for some lunch.

wvgal_dana said...

Margy if the one you have is last years yes that is what I was asking put one of this years there too. Just thought be nice for those viewing easy to compare.

Hedgie might be out looking for doggie things.


Hair cut for me bbl

hedgie said...

Hello, I'm back. Now I need a nap! Y-A-W-N!!!
Gotta catch up again....

Went to courthouse to find out what they're going to do about a cat shooting incident. Bound her over to Grand Jury---felony case because a weapon was involved. Of course, GJ doesn't convene again until Feb. Whoo knows when (if) it will go to trial.

Vacuum cleaner STILL isn't fixed. They are still waiting for part from Hoover. Did get a loaner, tho'.

hedgie said...

Just heard a heartwarming radio transmission from Jefferson Co. (where nest is). Dispatcher was welcoming back a police officer who just returned home from a military tour of duty! Just wonderful!

Yep---Happy Birthday, Marine Corps!

Wanda....won't be going to pick up my puppy. They deliver!
I think I have come up with a name for her.....but think I'll keep it to myself until she makes her debut!

Dana, I sent the pic via email.

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

hedgie said...

Sad but awesome story about the old eagle. :(

movin said...


oooRAH, oooRAH!

IT IS THE 235th B-Day

OF THE U.S.M.C. !!


May the Corps have another 235 B-Days.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Judie said...

Well, the time is almost here to depart my safe and warm haven to venture out into the world of cops.

Hope everyone has a nice evening. I'll check in when I return.

Lolly said...

LOL Just checking in. Ran some errands and now going to bake.

Lynn, growing up had a Siamese we named Fu Man Choo. Fu for short. One month after we married Jack and I got a Siamese kitty, named him "Ah So Ten Dollar Kitty Named Lei Tai Bo." Called him Ah So. Ah So live for 17 years. Third Siamese we got was a registered Siamese. (Only one we could find) Decided to shock the the kitty registering world and named the kitty, Lolly's Chocolate Candy Kisses, called her Kissie. She was a chocolate point. Third Siamese kitty was daughter of Kissy, she too was registered and named Kissy's Misty Morning. Misty for short. We had two dogs, both Keeshonds. First was Rikki, a female, named for Rikki Tiki Tavi. Second, another female was Kip, for Rudyard Kipling. Naming animals is fun. So, we will be waiting for the adoption announcement!

Lolly said...

Bye, Judie! Have fun!

I am off to back fruit cake cookies, or Holiday Lizzies as some call them. Figure they will be perfect for the holidays if I make them now. Yum!


hedgie said...

Lots of good names there, Lolly.

My mama Shar Pei was Shanghai Cheque---a play on Chiang Kai-shek.
Her first puppy I named Number One Son (he was hydrocephalic and only lived 10 days). 2nd was a female named Shang Tu---Shang meaning warrior, and Tu a play on Two since we called Shanghai "Shang"; 2nd male was Key Luke---for the actor!

Lynne2 said...

My first cat's name was Spot. Because, uh, she was spotted.

Mema Jo said...

I did do a nap because it is Alexis Night! Love that little one and I never know what we are going to get into. Last time it was mainly table time (drawing/writing) She always
brings joy with her being here.

Can't wait to hear her name Lynn.

Enjoy this evening's class, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

I just don't know where those 7 little cubs hide when you see none on the 6 different cams!
It's the same way with Lun Lun hiding little cub in her arms!
At least there is a great shot of the mother and baby elephant at SD zoo

hedgie said...

Sun is setting......and now wind dies down. Typical. Gee, wonder how the neighbors would like me blowing and mowing in the dark??!!
Hopefully tomorrow will be calm.

movin said...

Eagle at BWO... are those trees in the background frosted, or what is that look?

Some heavy lumber and green stuff in the BWE nest since yesterday.

One good Channel Isle report posted, one to go.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim BWE nest looks great.
I see the eagle on the BWO platform.

Congratulations to your part in celebrating tHE U.S.M.C.on it's 235th Birthday.
November 10th, 1775-2010. Thank You

hedgie said...

Lynne, the video was marvelous. Hard to believe that the eagle sat still through all that frenzy of activity.

hedgie said...

Jim, suspect that whatever you saw on the trees was just a sunset glow. Temps in 50's/60's, so not ice of any kind!

hedgie said...

BTW----Semper Fi, Jim!

NatureNut said...

Just got in--guess I didn't miss the birds. Maybe a no show tonight :>(

Costume Lady said...

Jim, thank you for your service to our great country, today for Marines birthday and tomorrow for Veteran's Day.

Lynne's video of the Eagle in the Swarm was beautiful, but it surely must have been computer generated...regardless, still beautiful!

Many geese flying over Gosling Marsh right now...very fitting!

Lynne2 said...

Semper Fi! OOO RAH!

Today is also a sad anniversary as well, the 35th of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald on Lake Superior. I found this ( JMHO ) very well done and haunting video that honors the men who died, done to Gordon Lightfoot's song...
The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Lynne2 said...

Wanda, I have no idea if it was computer generated. Was going to look up the film maker and try to find some info. But is sure is beautiful!

NatureNut said...

Jim, Happy Marine Birthday and Veterans Day tomorrow !!!

Mema Jo said...

Headed out - Alexis evening

Our couple could be running late...

Turn you cams on.... Yep-Spidey is already there.


Costume Lady said...

The photographer of the Eagle in the Swarm video received many accolades for his work, computer generated or not...well deserved!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, Alexis reminds me of Denise as a child...very precocious and entertaing. Karla was very reserved.

hedgie said...

Powerful video, and a reminder that hurricanes don't only effect the ocean coasts.

hedgie said...

Cute panda costumed mascot from NZ on the news advertising that their holiday zoolight festival will be free this year!

paula eagleholic said...

Before I forget...I too noticed a lack of activity at my feeders...seems to happen the most when birds are activity has picked up now...

hedgie said...

I don't do feeders anymore, but have noticed that not too many birds are around right now here, either.

wvgal_dana said...

Well my feeder has been very activy in the mornings. Before I get up they must be at it. Cause as soon as I open the curtain. Lots fly then they start coming back in to feeder.

stronghunter said...

Judie, I love the cell phone story. My high school kids would be astonished; I am sure they think anything goes in college classes.

I love it when they tell me that they don't intend to take notes, that they will just record lectures. I always ask if they really want to listen to the whole lecture again. (Not that yours wouldn't be wonderful, Judie.)
But there is the necessity of being able to recognize the main points of the lecture and focusing on them.

stronghunter said...

Oh, sorry--Good evening, everyone.

Lolly said...

Hello! Feel so smart, got those cookies baked. (Not backed!) My holiday baking has begun!

Laurel called. She had a horrible, terrible, no good, very bad day. You know the kind, teachers. Won't go into all of it, but one fact that was upsetting is they received news that a parent had her child wired to record them. LOL

Lynne2 said...

the birds are HERE. It's like a riot squad at my feeders all day long. They are smaller feeders, 3 of them, but they can wipe them out in just under 2 day. One crazy nuthatcher hangs upside down on the window feeder and pecks incessantly at the bottom of it if it's empty.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lolly! poor Laurel....

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I want you to know that I will not be taking notes on your posts this evening. LOL!

hedgie said...

Well, duh, isn't clandestine taping illegal??????? Hope the school called the law. Did you remind Laurel that ♫ ♪"Mama said there'd be days like this....♪ ♫

stronghunter said...

I truly hope you won't take notes, Lynn.

Lolly said...

So, Lynne, you are hogging all the birdies! Shame! Actually, after I posted that, I saw a wren on the patio and a cardinal on the feeder.

stronghunter said...

I kind of think a student was recording me yesterday. I need to ask an administrator about it.

Lynne2 said...

I think I am wearing a wire.

No,'s just a gray hair.

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! Yes, they have the lawyer on the case. It also breaks all privacy laws that are associated with students.

The thing is the mom is a teacher at another school. She is friends with a counselor at the high school. She is the one who passed this info on to Laurel's school. So, they do not know if it is the truth or is the friend in on this to just stress the teachers. Laurel says that no one has said anything to be ashamed of, they are just tired of this mom causing lots of problems.

Lynne2 said...

that really sucks Lolly. as if anyone, especially teachers, need more stress.

Lolly said...

Ah, Lynne, Steve has you wired! Checking up on you! You are too young to have a grey hair!

stronghunter said...

On recording someone--I know that when I was going through my divorce, it was not illegal to record a phone conversation in Virginia without telling the other person. My lawyer told me that. However, the recording could not be used in court.

Costume Lady said...

Gene and I were out front working in the yard and flower garden and the birds were carrying on and chirping very loudly. Went out back and sure enough, feeders were empty. Have had them fuss at us about empty feeders out back before, but never had them follow us to the front of the house, nor have they ever been that LOUD!
When feeders were filled again, they quieted down and had a feeding frenzy:) Love those little critters!

Lynne2 said...

LOL! I have lots of gray hairs. I am often surprised at how many when I see myself in a bathroom mirror other than my own! You know, I have never colored my hair or permed or straitened it in all my almost 49 years!

Lolly said...

Think I am going to go warm dinner. Do believe I have some pasta left over from Monday night.

Lynne2 said...

hmmmm...I sure hope this crazy bird feeder activity is not a sign of bad things to come this winter.....

Lolly said...

Our son, Michael, is 41 and he has a ton of grey hair. Laurel is soon to be 38 and she has some, though you really do not see hers. I do not have a lot. I used to think I had a lot, then I looked around at all my friends. LOL Both my sister and myself do not have a lot of grey. I do put highlites in my hair, but I have never colored it either. I am chicken!

Costume Lady said...

So, Lynne, you have naturally curly hair? GG started perming my hair when I was probably in the 6th grade. Still perm once a year. Haven't had a perm for nearly two years now. Don't have time...seems that the days I don't go to GG's are so few that I don't want to spend my time sitting in a beauty parlor:(

stronghunter said...

I'm so sorry Laurel is having to go through this kind of thing, Lolly. Teaching just gets tougher every year. Hard to imagine why a parent would want to put a child in the middle of something like that.

Interesting--I had not thought about the privacy rights of the other students.

I did not say anything to be ashamed of, either. However, the student doing the recording was recording her own bad behavior. She was in in-school suspension today. It was pleasant without her.

Just had to deal with a couple of silly boys who decided to see how many pencils they could sharpen before I put a stop to it. I told them to cut it out before they overheated the motor on my poor little electric sharpener.

They like to pull the kind of stunts I can laugh at.

Lolly said...

I used to perm my hair as it is straight as a board. However, it has been many years now since I had one. And, I have now developed a wave on both sides in front. ( Thank you, Momma!)

Lynne2 said...

yeah Wanda, the curls are my own, thanks to my grandfather on my mother's side mostly! It's actually much curly now than it was when I was a kid and young adult! I love my curls, but boy are they unruly! You should see what my hair looks like some mornings!

Mema Jo said...


New Thread Awaits You

Lolly said...

Good story on the news of a doggie being reunited with his owner. I like that kind of news. Really gotta go heat dinner.


Lynne2 said...

my hair used to be a much prettier reddish with parents both have very dark hair (although dad started out as a blond as a child) but that color has faded out now. My aforementioned grandfather had strawberry blonde hair.

I'm too chicken to color mine too Lolly!

Lolly said...


NEW THREAD!!!! I'm coming!

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo.

Heading over to the NEW THREAD.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...