Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Mission Accomplished. 
New thread.


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Lolly said...

Prayers going out to Crunch and family. Thanks for posting the article. It was nice to put a face to his granddaughter.

Have a young second cousin that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. She started treatment last month. She has already been in the hospital three times this last month. First her port became infected, then she had a urinary tract infection, and now she is back in with fever and flu like symptoms. She has also been getting very ill from the treatments. Her name is Natalie Stephens, she has three young children. Lives in San Antonio.

How blessed we are when we realize what some have to go through.

Mema Jo said...

That always happens to me when I come back after a TV show.......

Criminal Minds was very interesting.
Did you watch it Judie..

Lolly said...

Whoa! Did the split and did not even realize.

magpie said...

Good Night Sissy and Shirley...

Lolly, so sad, young, your second cousin, prayers for Natalie and all the family...

and I hope Jack's back is not bothering him too much, Lolly.

Lolly said...

He seems to be doing okay, Margy. Thanks! Just typical soreness and back pain from strenuous work. (raking)

He leaves in the morning for Houston. He will probably get stiff in his truck driving down.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

I don't usually peek at the nest this late at night...had to see what it looked like at night with the new'll be hard to see those eggs unless we have live feed!

Lolly said...

I would really appreciate prayers for Natalie. She is a very brave, postitive person. Have been camping with her several times in Colorado and I remember her hiking in terribly inappropriate shoes....and she NEVER complained. Had a beautiful smile on her face. She and hubby ,Brian, have a great marriage.

Lolly said...

We will be able to see into the egg cup, though!

Lolly said...

Hidey could not have hid from us with that view!

Mema Jo said...

Sounds like the Conowingo trip is going to be GREAT!

Watching the Pix PA Woods chat - they were kicking chatters off right and left when they used CAPS.... I wouldn't make it on there - When I get excited I use caps!

Lolly said...

You know, I can not help but feel sorry for Lily. I always thought bear dens were well closed in. Seems like there would be more warmth with a closed den.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Megan for the link to Kerri
Her little gal is adorable

Lolly, I will include Natalie in my prayers with all those suffering from cancer and especially pray she will be a survivor.

Lolly said...

Just rub in in, Jo!!! lol

While you are looking at eagles (with a wonderfu group), I will be going to Joseph's basketball game and then baby sitting with him and Jacob that evening. I will take my laptop to be sure to get a report.

Lolly said...

Thanks Jo!

Costume Lady said...

Jo, are you bringing your daughters with you Saturday, we do have room and would enjoy their company?:)

Costume Lady said...

Looking for a decision from MEGAN AND PAULA. We can pick Megan up at the end of her driveway! And Paula, wherever she suggests.

hedgie said...

If you aren't on Facebook, check out my addition to Lynns' Lair!

Lolly said...

That picture is really neat, Lynn.

Have been reading about the black bears. Really getting an education. I still think my first inclination on meeting a bear would be to run.

magpie said...

Cute picture, Lynn

Funny I checked our nest too and it sure looks different!
That tree branch looks like a big leg !

magpie said...

Regarding the "contest" for who gets the best picture, does that include the best people picture?

I definitely need to pick up a new memory card before Saturday !!

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - Jenny has to work and Kristen had previous plans with grandkids.
Just Me ! Hubby said No :<(

magpie said...

Soon it will be time for me to pick up some Oatmeal Creme Pies...

for egg-laying time first, then another batch for egg-hatching time !

NatureNut said...

We chilled and watched TV tonight.
Eyes are watering & can't see, so won't stay on here long.
Want to give Bob/Crunch condolences for GD Kerri. Lolly, prayers for Natalie.
I hate seeing severity of that disease in younger ladies & wonder if it's because they are not getting tested yet?!

magpie said...

has anyone talked to Lorieaglicious?
How about Michael, Jo..and by the way, how is Robert doing ?

Mema Jo said...

No No Lolly! All the books say you
must DROP & PLAY DEAD and stay on the opposite side of the bear as to the wind currents giving him your scent.

ROFLMBO when I read those directions
in the manual left in the cabin of the state park.

Run Baby Run !

NatureNut said...

Saw the new cam at work & it looks like you're going to do a nose dive into the nest!!
NOT criticizing, just an observation! ☺

Mema Jo said...

No one else available, Margy.
Robert is doing well - Surgeon is very pleased with his healing. Liver is ok.

magpie said...

The Night Bandit has struck and bedtime is rolling around FAST.
Might have to get the answsers in the wee hours of the morning before work.
Noticed BWE Eagle was in the nest way before sunrise this morning, but none there right now.

Best Wishes for a Sweet Sleeping Night for everyone, prayers for all our needs, of which there are many...

God Bless Us, Every One

xo ☺ ♥

Mema Jo said...

Night Margy
Sleep Well

Mema Jo said...

Your frog is soooooooooo hungry, Lynn
Couldn't get away from him

That pic - is it from one of the slides?

Costume Lady said...

Night Margy:)
I think I am turning in too. Long day with GG...she tires me out:)


hedgie said...

Lolly, adding Natalie to my list for prayers. Seems strange that it is affecting so many younger women. Sure isn't fair.

Completely forgot to enlist your prayers for a little person. 8 mo. old son of friends of Christie and Shannon sustained 3rd degree burns of his little hands two weeks ago. They were visiting godparents and before hi daddy could grab him, the new walker went straight to glass screen on a gas stove and put his hands on the glass. THey rushed him to ER and he was sent straight to Children's. Had surgical debridement, and is has been going through awful dressing changes, exercises to prevent contractions, and application of Rx burn cream, and splints so that he can't disturb healing. May have to have grafting. Breaks your heart, doesn't it?

Lolly said...

Margy, the contest is for an eagle picture. Want to see pictures of eagle watchers, too.

hedgie said...

Yes, Jo, it is from a slide!!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Hedgie it sure does. I worry about little ones where Wood Stoves are used for heating. I know they can say HOT - but accidents can happen so quickly.

Mema Jo said...

Lynn and Lolly you all are having a lot of fun with the slides from days gone by. Hubby did most of my dad's for me.

Lolly said...

Oh, wow. Poor baby with the burns. A very good friend of mine had her grandson visiting. (8 months old) He did the same thing Christmas Eve,but his daddy knocked him away fast. They took him to emergency room, but luckily his burns were not too bad. They could not keep bandages on him. After Christmas he had an appointment with his regular pediatrician. He said he was very lucky as he has healed beautifully.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have all kinds of deer out here staring through the window at me. Beautiful.

hedgie said...

Guess I was surprised about the gas stove-----mine is freestanding, has grating and not glass, and the metal is warm, but touchable. Can't imagine having something that hot without something around it when little ones are present. Your little friend was very lucky, Lolly.

hedgie said...

Well, gang, I am heading for my bath and book and bed. Sure hope our pair blesses us with a nest visit tomorrow. Need tosee them in it to know what OUR view of the birds' eye will be!!

Prayers for so many....please give comfort to all who need you, Lord.

Good night.

Lolly said...

Good night, Lynn. Sweet dreams! Hope you are feeling much better tomorrow.

Lolly said...

I think I am headed to bed as well. Think I would like to join Lily in sleeping so soundly and for so long.

Here's hoping Belle and Lib pay an early morning visit!

Nite all! Sweet dreams and God bless.

movin said...


GOOd NigHT, aLL.




Mema Jo said...

Good Night All

Prayers for everyone's needs to be heard

((hugs)) ♥ ♥ ♥

magpie said...

Woof! What happened? Having pleasant feather dreams one minute, and hustling out the door to work the next

Best wishes for a good day today, to all

Back much later on tonight.

xo ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning! Getting ready to head off to work. Watching the news about the earthquake in Haiti. So tragic.

Made my breakfast of left-over birthday cake from Sunday's party. Looking forward to Saturday. Looks like the weather will be fine.

normabyrd said...


glo said...

Good morning everyone. Come on Lib and Belle its time for a visit. Had an eagle come out of a tree as I was photographing it; that headed right towards me or so it seemed through the eye of the camera. I ducked and yet hoped I didn't blur the picture. It is now my screensaver LOL. Closest thing to being eye to eye with an eagle that I have ever expereinced. Will post on Glo's Glimpses later today. Its very unique for sure. Sort of one of those all nose and eye portraits none of us really like but well anyway and a nice shot of one of the talons too :-)

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!!---WHOA!---Weren't you the lucky one!---I would have probably just fainted! ho!---THAT MUST HAVE BEEN SO EXCITING??

floralgirl said...

Morning all:)
I can't wait to see that pic, Glo. That must've been really cool!

glo said...

Haiti is so very sad. My heart aches to watch or listen. I hate that theres big trouble here and nothing I can do to help well except donate to the Red cross or whomever. At least US already has needed supplies food and water arriving. Remember last year there was an earthquake somewhere and the silly place wouldn't even let us in to help their people. I love the Mr Rogers quote "Remember the helpers" That I think it was Sissy mentioned yesterday. I need to focus there right now.

Yes Norma Very exciting for sure yet kind of startling too. Folks heard me go wow and quickly duck. Then I hoped as I drove all the way home that when I looked at it more closely I had not ruined the picture with my movement. Its OK. Its not beautiful actually just unique. Not the pose you want of an eagle but one I will never capture again for sure. :-)

glo said...

LOL Megan As I sit and look at it as I work on my computer. It still makes me chuckle at the whole situation and "My eagle photo".

normabyrd said...

Not that I am looking forward to meeting a BEAR on the trail!!---The NATURE shows that I have seen say:---Start walking backward & keep facing the BEAR---NEVER turn your back to the BEAR!!---ho!

floralgirl said...

No nest visit so far that I've seen... did walk away for a while though.

Costume Lady said...

GOOD MORNING...STEVE HAS GIVEN US A NEW THREAD...COME ON OVER*****************************************************************

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...