Tuesday, January 12, 2010


New thread.  All preparation for tomorrow is set.


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Mema Jo said...


Judie said...


hedgie said...

Rest of the envelopes are stuffed and labeled! To the P.O. tomorrow!!!!

hedgie said...

Closing down for the night. Prayers for all the many needs, as always.
See you in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

I was cam surfing. Lily still sleeping & other cams had the deer feeding. So
back the hall I go....

Judie what are you doing up?

Night Lynn - here's to your feeling better in the morning.

Costume Lady said...

Tuesday shows are over, pretty good Amemrican Idol and The Good Wife. Had to tape the 2 NCIS shows.
Love it when we have an evening of nonsense (the avatars), lets me go to bed with a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart:)


Mema Jo said...

Closing down until tomorrow when I hope our cam is up/running !

Good Night All
Prayers for healing, wellness, happiness and all good things for family and friends and all who are in need.

(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

Just posted the KALIS FAMILY photos once again on SMILES blog.
Helen sent me a larger print!
Such a beautiful family, so glad we have an enlarged photo to look at now!

Lolly said...

Wonderful pictures of Mit's family. Thank you Mits and Wanda for sharing. Three beautiful children and very good looking parents.

I am heading to the shower.

Nite all....it has been fun. Just think of what we have to look forward to tomorrow. I do believe we need the cam BAD!!

Sweet dreams.....! And smiles! And a giggle or two!☺

Lolly said...

Have returned to my old avatar until we get wild again!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!
I just got in from school. Got a lot of homework done--just one more report to do! Can finish it up tomorrow.
Looks like I've been missing a LOT of fun! Must go back and read and get caught up.
Prayers for Dana and Nilla! Also for Lynn's allergy problems. Lynn, I take Claritin, but must take 2 for it to even begin to work! Not what it's cracked up to be. Really don't dare take any antihistamine that makes you drowsy, because too many of my other meds do, too! I would be a TOTAL zombie, and unsafe driving a car!
Great to hear that Suzan is home now! Prayers for her speedy improvement, and total recovery!
No school for me until Thurs. night now--must finish taking down and packing up Christmas decorations! Can't believe they're still not done!
Well, better go watch some TV to unwind. Prayers being said for everyone. Prayers that the cam replacement goes extremely well tomorrow!
We're supposed to get a bit of rain here late tonight and tomorrow, and it's feeling very damp out right now. Car was all full of dew after school. We'll see...MTBR.
Turning on the night light, setting the eye scanner, and making sure the porch light works. Sleep tight, everyone, and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Good night! Love you guys!
P.S.~~Lots and lots of prayers said for those affected by the earthquake. Also for Andrew and his shipmates!...G'night! :o]

magpie said...

There's an Eagle in the nest at BWE, nice and early to be seeing that.

Good Morning Eagle People...

magpie said...

Great Big Photos on Wanda's Smiles.... nice way to start the day, seeing that happy family ☺

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning!! It is an exciting day! Reckon we will get a live feed today or just the still cam? I will take what I can get. Anything is better than nothing, but man-o-man, live feed would just be fabulous!!!!

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...

DANA!---Sending you LOVE & GET WELL WISHES!---PRAY----that you are feeling better soon!!---take care--


normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!!---You must get well soon!!---You are our NURSE/DR--what will we do?---We NEED your healing wisdom!---pray you are feeling better today!!!

normabyrd said...

SISSY!---Have you checked on LILY this am?

normabyrd said...

FINNY---Still a WHITE OUT there!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, Norma, been watching her all morning. I can see her breath, reckon it is cold in that den!!! But she is sleeping soundly.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That darn ad makes it hard to watch though! Interferes with work so much!!

normabyrd said...

When I was watching her yesterday----she seemed so restless---but didn't take long---she was SLEEPING away!!---Love to watch her!!

floralgirl said...

Hello ladies:)
watch the bear cam thru the link I posted yesterday, it's in the earlier comments, no time to repost it. There are no ads on that site. It's the bear.org site, much better.
Gotta run, have a good morning everybody!

floralgirl said...

Look at my 6:16 pm post yesterday

Mits said...

good Wednesday a.m., everyone....have a good one

Mits said...

yes Megan that is the best one, just sent it to Sissy.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' AGAIN!--Whoa!---The LILLY SITE---seems to be a mess this am!!

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I tried it!---will try again later!!---TOO MANY FOLKS WANTING ON THE SAME SITE!!

normabyrd said...

I need to get moving---have study group this am---maybe w/out afternoon!!---Think I am getting used to this weather!!---ho!--Have several deer---CARDINALS too!--One can see them across the field!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Thanks for the link!! So far, so good! She is justa sleepin'!!!!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MEGAN & MITS!!----The SUN is SHINING!!---Temp is balmy 25° in WILD & WONDERFUL WV--moving up this week!!---GOOD DAY TO FIX--'LIVE FEED'!---

normabyrd said...

PRAYERS & MORE PRAYERS!---I have never been to HATITI---But have been to JAMAICA----GOD BLESS--

Costume Lady said...

I have been watching Lilly this mornings and she has been grunting a lot, if that means anything.
Also, got a message from SUZ concerning the CONOWINGO trip:


Good morning, Wanda.

I'm going to pass on the trip Saturday. Going home yesterday I had an 18-wheeler try to run me into a guard rail, but I resisted. However, anytime a 4-wheeler goes against an 18-wheeler, the 4-wheeler is gonna lose. The right side of my car is not what it used to be, and I have to see about getting it fixed. Poor baby, she looks terrible! Guy swiped me on the right side, and I chased him down while on the phone with the MD state police for almost 50 miles. I was extremely happy when I drove past them on I-70 west, and they picked up our trail and pulled him over. Anyway, filed a claim with the guy's insurance company last night, and was supposed to get a call from them, but of course did not. So today I have to try and chase them down, and find a place that can repair my car...with TOYOTA parts! New ones, not used. Depending on how long it takes to track the insurance down, and make arrangements for the car repair, I may be driving a loaner Saturday, and don't like to drive them any distance without being familiar with the car. Course I better get familiar with it soon, I'll probably have to drive it to work Monday. Ugh.

But thanks for thinking of me! And please tell Margy, Jo, Lynn and whoever else is going I'm sorry I have to miss the trip. Maybe next one.

Love ya, Suz

normabyrd said...

Will always remember---TAI'S BIRTH!
That LARGE PANDA--& such a tiny --
tiny---BABY PANDA!!!----It was an awesome sight!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, I still got the ads on that site!!! POOH!!

normabyrd said...

SOMEONE---Please tell SUZANNE---I'm so sorry---have been there--& I still get scared!!---Give my LOVE to 'GYPSY' & her HOUSE MATES!--I MISS SUZ SO VERY MUCH!---She is a JEWEL!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

So a friend of mine here in Bedford just sent me a text - "she's awake". I said, funny, I was just thinking about you. She sent one back that said "I meant the bear"! I think she is hooked!

Mits said...

poor Suzanne, that is terrible:(

Mits said...

eagle BWE

ceil said...

I am glad they caught the truck driver. Poor Suzanne. Glad she is okay. Had a semi try to come into our trunk yesterday Speed limit was 50 and we were doing 55 not fast enough for him.

ceil said...

Sorry good morning all and have a great day

Mits said...

good morning Ceil, yeah some of the truckers should be pulled over more often.

Mits said...

thanks, Wanda for posting the picture on your blog:)

Costume Lady said...

Helen and Ceil...did you check out the NEW FAMILY PHOTO? On SMILES...beautiful!

Mits said...

BWE poofed, such a nice clear picture on that cam....I take my eagle fix any way I can get it:):):)

Mits said...

yes Wanda just did see it.....thanks a bunch (((hugs)))

Costume Lady said...

Helen, Ben really does look just like Kevin...MINI ME:)

Mits said...

lol, yes, will have to call him that.

Mits said...

and Molly looks like Aunt Ceil, when she was younger....

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Gang!
Well, I'm up early today. Awakened by rain on the roof! Supposed to be just light rain, but there's apparently a cell of heavier rain hanging over my house at the moment. Hope it slows down enough so that I can go out and put the sprinklers on 'rain delay' soon!
Eagerly awaiting the work on the cam today!
Well, gotta go get some breakfast, including coffee. My stomach's growling at me! BRB... :o]

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Mits, that picture is great! What a gorgeous family!

Ms Bookworm said...

Oh, before I forget--Wanda, those are the BEST pictures of the Kalis family! Thanks!

Mits said...

thanks for the kind words:) We love them sooo much.

ceil said...

Wanda thanks. Picture is great
Love the picture of you and Gene also. See you all later.

Mits said...

yes that is a wonderful picture of you and Gene:)

Mits said...

I think Lily has a siver garland around her neck;)

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for the 10 year ago compliments! It was a beautiful day for us. I dreamed of renewing our wedding vows on a Cruise Ship and just a few months before our planned vow renewal, I WON a Cruise to the Carribean Islands (all expenses paid!) Angel on my shoulder!:)

Costume Lady said...

I just noticed the device around her neck...I guess it is a tracking collar...looks uncomfortable.

Mits said...

you should buy a lottery ticket, Wanda:)

ceil said...

That was great to win a trip like that.
Okay that is Jo and Ed as your avatar. Nice couple also

Mits said...

eagle back at BWE.

Costume Lady said...

OH, forgot to mention...thought we ought to see JO'S HUNK on here also;)

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Make it a good day. Just waiting an dhoping here :-) well and a trip to the dam this afternoon. Oh yes dog food hmmmm guess a trip to the grocery this morning.

Mits said...

yes, it is a tracking device around her neck

Mits said...

another good-looking couple

ceil said...

that is a beautiful eagle at Blackwater

Mits said...

poof BWE

Mits said...

back again at BWE

Mits said...

eagle cam is up at NBG, both eagles are there now!!!!!!!!

glo said...

Fly With an Eagle

Mits said...

they have all the recent slide-shows right underneath the cam...including muskrat for yesterday's lunch

Mits said...

left click on NBG site, you feel like you are sitting on the branch with them:)

Mits said...

nctc cam is up and running

Mits said...


Mits said...

cam up further in the tree.

Mits said...

guess you are all bear watching:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Glo, that was so cool!!!!! Really a bird's eye view!!!

Mits said...

now all we need is an eagle to show up

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...


glo said...

Cam is up

paula eagleholic said...

OUr cam is up!!!

Love it!

It's back to its original position!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Well, that is a different view. So far away!! :((

glo said...

Glad you enjoyed the eagle video Yep it is very very cool And so is having this cam back.

Mema Jo said...

Takes my breath away!
WHoo HOo

paula eagleholic said...

Is that a hunk of bark right below the cam?

Boy, they did it early!

glo said...

I like having the cam further up the tree. Gonna be great :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Sissy, this is where the cam was in 2006

Mits said...

yep, "06" view

paula eagleholic said...

You can really see the whole nest again

Mits said...

yes and it is not crooked

glo said...

Just want to see our pair and then we will know all is well. They have settled down and ready for our new season with our new cam.

paula eagleholic said...

A Big Thank You to Steve and the NCTC crew! And probably Nu, too!

paula eagleholic said...

NBG looks great too!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

THANKS NCTC FOR OUR CAM!! WE ARE GRATEFUL!! Like Sharon said, we will be able to see them fly in on the live feed! Didn't think about it that way! I am so grateful to have it up and running!!!

Mits said...

1 eagle on branch and one in nest at NBG

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

YAY, we have a cam!

paula eagleholic said...

Here is the new address to put directly into your WMP for NBG


Mema Jo said...

Wanda you have a way with photographs.
Kevin and Annie's family pictures are great brings on a very warm smile when you see them all together.

Your avatar caught me off guard as I always sign in and read from the bottom up! I know I always keep the Sycamore Palace avatar and it took me a moment to figure out how I was seeing me and hubby. lol

Mits said...

she gotcha, Jo;)

Mits said...

eagle still at BWE

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BWE

Mema Jo said...

Eagles eagles everywhere!
Oops! Good Morning All!
Thank you NCTC/USFW for getting our cam up/running. You all had a very successful morning - you can take the rest of the day off

NBG looks really good.. Their cam is very sophisticated and the zoom is awesome. BWE nest is busy this morning.

Come on Liberty and Belle and get your picture taken!
I wonder where Spidey is????? I hope he is gone.

Mema Jo said...

Any update on Lily? She'll have to take 2nd place on my viewing list now that Eagles are here in full force.

I still need to read some more of your early morning comments.

Mits said...


Costume Lady said...


hedgie said...

Good morning Eagle dudettes and dudes. SO COOL to have our cam up and running....will take some getitng used to the re-new view.....hope that Jim and Red see that it is no longer crooked! Thanks to Steve, John, Nu and everyone else at NCTC involved!
Glo---wonderful flight vidoe! How neat that the cameras turn to get various aspects of his flight!

hedgie said...

Poor Suz----just SO thankful that she wasn't hurt!!
Hey, Andy...didn't expect to see you so early! Guess you are lovin' the rain!
Nice to see the Kalis pic enlarged! Thanks, Mits and Wanda!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, I'm back!
Glo, thanks for the 'Fly with an Eagle' link! Wow, what a rush! So good to see Scotland, too.
Had some breakfast and coffee, and feeling much more awake.
Love the picture of Jo and Ed!
Whew, glad to hear that Suzanne and Ceil are OK! Glad they caught the culprit, Suzanne--hope you can get your poor car fixed soon!
Have been watching coverage of the earthquake damage in Haiti. Lots of prayers for that situation! Sharon, have you heard from Andrew yet? Guess the phone lines are really tied up with folks trying to reach loved ones. News here said there are fire/rescue teams from SoCal gearing up to go there and help out. From the looks of things, it's going to take a while to clean things up there--God bless them!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Lynn!
Hope today finds you feeling better!
YES! I LOVE the rain! It's absolutely my FAVORITE kind of weather! Everyone who knows me says I should live in Seattle! Can't argue with that--it's BEAUTIFUL (and rainy) there!

Ms Bookworm said...

Boy, it sure is good to see our nest again! Thanks, NCTC! Ever so much appreciated! All your hard work has not gone unnoticed!

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6/12/24 1

 She doesexist! LOL. What a nice surprise to see Bella on the lop morning when I awoke. And got a few minutes of her in the nest m Boys he l...