Friday, January 15, 2010


Afternoon thread.  Still waiting for a visible on the cam visit.  As said in last post the eagles were around the tree last night.


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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both back!

normabyrd said...

I have been watching LILY!!---SNOOZING AWAY!!----I was trying to breath with her! ho!---SO SLOOOW!

Well--also found some 'REALLY NUTTY' BEAR sites!

hedgie said...

And they are both back! This is getting serious!!! But doesn't look like much change in the housekeeping yet.

T-Bird said...

Good morning fine friends.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning T-Bird! I'll be in touch later - Eagle Express is on the road headed towards Sharpsburg where Megan is waiting. Then it will be ME.

Enjoy the show of the eagles in our nest!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

and both poof!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sure do wish I was headed your way today!

floralgirl said...

Colts, Colts, Colts....

T-Bird said...

You eagle momsters and dadsters have a great day today. Wish I could be there!

Mits said...

good morning all, 2 eagles at NBG, nice clear pic

normabyrd said...

HEY HEDGIE!!---I just took the COLTS---Because I KNOW WHICH IS THE BETTER TEAM---(not the colts)--

DALLAS will play the VIKINGS!!
BEEN A DALLAS FAN SINCE ROGER STAUBACH played!!---Ask LOLLY---that was many moons ago!!

(my TWO favorite teams)---DEB would be proud---she was a VIKING FAN!!---but wasn't overly fond of 'BRETT FAVRE'---(i love him)--such a cool player!!

Mits said...

Sharon have a good trip, hope you brother is feeling better, is he still in the hospital?

Mits said...

Thelma are you going to Bluefield?

normabyrd said...

WHOA!---T-BIRD & BLUEFIELD SHARON!!----We must find a place to visit in WILD & WONDERFUL WEST VIRGINIA!!-----

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


Mits said...

morning, Norma.

Mits said...

both eagles doing lots of nestorations at NBG

normabyrd said...

i am blank this am! (as always_---but where is 'NBG'----

T-Bird said...

Yes MITS I'll be heading to Bluefield too. Have to see the younguns.

normabyrd said...

HEY T-BIRD!---(state employee)---MON. A HOLIDAY?

Mits said...

Norfolk Botanical Gardens.

Mits said...

eagles gone from NBG...

Mits said...


normabyrd said...

SHARON & T-BIRD---What do you all do with the DOGS?---Take them with you?----I know about that--LISE always brings her crew!---They are AWESOME & I LOVE 'EM!!---(but what a mess they leave)---ho!

Mits said...

eagles back at nest...

normabyrd said...

LYNN2---That reminds me---wanted to tell you---One of the dogs we had--- would jump out of the tub while getting a bath---& go flying through the house!!--BUT WE LOVED HIM!!---YODA--black lab!

Mits said...

eagle at Blackwater...

hedgie said...

Yep, they are back!
Hi, Mits, Norma, Thelma, Sharon! Hope everyone has a good day. Shar, glad you heard from Andrew! and glad that both of your gals are homeward-bound for the weekend!

Ravens, Ravens, Ravens.....!!!

normabyrd said...

MARGY is a lovely person!---She is so caring!!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Chrissy -
Hope you are celebrating You

Mits said...

I have the pop up cams of BWE and nctc next to each other...big comparison in quality there...jmho;)

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE---What time do the RAVENS play?---WHOA!---They are GOOD!---haven't figured out what I will do on weekends when football season is over!!---ho!-----

hedgie said...

Time for Megan to board the bus!

hedgie said...

Norma, game is at 8:15 tonight on CBS.

normabyrd said...

MITS!---I saw the 2 EAGLES MATING at the BWE site earlier!!---THAT pic is a KEEPER!!

T-Bird said...

I don't know Normabyrd, I'm not a state employee. I sure wish we had it off.
I hope you fine folks make a great day!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks MITS!---I have checked the NORFORK site often!!---but not gone any further!!

grannyblt said...

Morning y'all there is a new thread

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We have new thread-COME ON OVER!!

normabyrd said...

T-BIRD----I was SURE you worked at DHHR??----(they say the mind goes first)----

normabyrd said...

HEDGIE!---Those 8:15 games go to midnight!!---

DALLAS & VIKING game is tomorrow at 1:00----

normabyrd said...

Don't you WISH you were on the bus?
--Hope they don't EAT all the COOKIES on the way down!---ho!

hedgie said...

Oops...forgot to repeat: HAPPY BIRTHDAY,CHRISSY!!!!

normabyrd said...


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6/14/24 crow woody

 We do have sound on the camera I was sitting here watching TV and all I started a crow and I knew I didn't have a crow in my house lol ...