Lynn, I do not know much about how the SS thing works, but I am earning my full salary and collecting full Social Security. I did not tell any lies. Maybe Bill should contact them and ask questions.
I applied online and a very nice man called me and explained things. It was simple. I wanted to know if I would do better collecting based on my own salary or on my ex-husband's. I do better on my own.
One good things is that Saints don't have any timeouts left....whew! A cliff-hanger of sorts, but looking hopeful......!!!! Can't believe Suisham missed that pooch shot.
Cool! snow eagle. I drove by the nest around 4:30 and there was one sitting up above the nest. Hello all:) can't talk now, almost dark, must get greens inside for tonite..bbl
WHOA! HEDGIE!---Your REDSKINS were really--really good today!!!!---We--COWBOY folks missed most of the first half of our game--due to the overtime of your game!!---
Just had to tell you your FAVORITE PLAYER 'VICK' got to play today! WHOA!
Missed nest visit...but don't want to see Spidey anyway. Have a good shift, Margy! Norma gal....sorry about your team being walked on!!! How many times did Vick get sacked? I hope a LOT!!! Dog food donations to shelters everytime it happens!
Hi all! Have not read back on the blog. Just wanted to touch base. Watching the COWBOYS and putting lights on the tree. Jack works on the strings getting all the bulbs to burn, then I put them on.
Got home at one this morning and in bed at one thirty. Went to church this morning and have been decorating since.
Many messages on the old thread. Lynn, I said I would catch you over here, and I thought I did, but many of us posted over there after the new thread started.
Think I posted this on the old thread--I have a two hour delay tomorrow, so not all that snow was wasted on the weekend. I get to sleep in a bit.
Wondered why nobody was commenting on the Skins and the eagles. Now I know. But I was not completely alone over there . . . so many messages I'm not sure I should bring them all over here.
The escapees last night were my dogs at 11:45pm....they usually don't leave the neighborhood, but this time they did...thank goodness not many cars out at midnight...they are road stupid.
Nice visits today! Great!
Just ordered a big item from Sears online...they called to make sure it was me and to verify order...glad I answered the phone!
Shirley - I too, have way too many ornaments for my tree! I used to bring home some pretty good size fresh ones when the kids were little, now I do a fake one, too.
My favortie ornament is "Frosty". It's a snowman on a glass ornament that is over 50 years old...used to be on my parents tree...Mom gave it to me a long time ago ♥
Paula, I have star on the top of our tree. It was on the top of our tree when I was growing long as I can remember. My brother got a little bird that Daddy had when growing up and Sharon, my sister, got some glass ornaments that we all remember. I think I lucked out getting the star. It is VERY fragile.
Every Christmas my sister, my sister in law, and I made ornaments for all the kids. When they married they could take their ornaments. Laurel took hers. Michael and Ashley returned the ones they did not want. (MUST have an elegant tree!) I collect Santas and now have all Santa ornaments on my tree. Well, all most all. Have pictures of children and grandchildren and other special ornaments.
Can't say that my tree is elegant. It is full of memories. Some of the ones the kids made when they were little aren't at all elegant and the pink Barbie one is, well, pink.
I have a lot of ornamnets the kids made, too. Plus, I would always buy an ornament when traveling. And then there are the ornaments that I bought just cause! I try to keep it to one new ornament a year, now.
Lolly, I had a beautiful spun glass angel for many years, but John broke it one year. He was so upset, cause he knew how much how I loved it (I love glass things and collect glass animals). I have looked and looked, but never could find another. I finally found a crocheted one to replace it.
I guess you would call my tree the Nostalgic Tree! With 5 children and then the grandchildren I have many many memories on the tree as well as sitting around the house. Hubby and I did switch to the artificial tree a few years ago - after the grandkids were grown. Now I have to have Megan's pine wreath in the house to smell like Christmas!
One year I bought some of those bubble lights, but they didn't last very long. Found some of the bigger ones that are like the ones from years ago. I enjoy them.
We always had a real tree, but then finally went to an artificial tree ater the kids were grown. Laurel has an artificial tree, but Michael insists on a real tree. Laurel's tree is beautiful, lots of lights, special ornaments collected since she was a baby, and topped with a Santa Hat since she could not find a star like mine. Her tree is very pretty. Michael and Ashley's real tree does not have enough lights and it has "unmeaningful' ornaments. Whoops! Excuse me...sounding off.
Can you all hear me pouting? TCU is going to play Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl. I wanted to play GA Tech in the Orange Bowl. Still do not know who Tech is going to play. Just announced they are playing Iowa. Big disappointment! We are both pouting.
My dinner was SO good that I wish I had a bigger stomach!!! Oh well, leftovers for tomorrow night!! Paula, don't think I've ever had a dog who could hear when it got a chance to get loose!!! So aggravating! Did you have to drive to find them, or do it on foot?? One time I had to traipse all over the countryside near Berkeley Springs in soft Minnetonka mocassin with a broken toe on snow! My oldest SharPei broke her collar and scooted out the vets' door when some guy left the door open for too long trying to drag in his reluctant Great Dane. One of the most terrifying times of my life. 55 mph traffic, blind hill. Thank the good Lord, after about 90 mins., my BIL was driving past and stopped....the minute she saw him, she came flying and we nabbed her.
I was very happy when I got an artificial tree. I nearly froze to death picking out the real tree each year. One year the tree dried so quickly we had to take it down the day after Christmas. I think it had been damaged and wasn't getting any water. It did not seem to have been cut properly. Dropped needles all over the floor.
Speaking of ornaments: I have a lighted Santa that my folks bought the year I was born. While taking an Ebay class a couple of years ago, instructor was flicking through pics on the site and I saw the same Santa. Rushed home and got on and bid on it and won! Only difference was that mine had a felt like surface to his coat. So now each of my girls will get one when I'm gone. Also have the first Creche mom and dad bought when they got married.
My goodness. It's beginning to read a lot like Christmas!
Never did get to the police presentation. Started out but the pain in my leg/foot was so severe I had to turn around and drive home. Not safe.
We don't put up a tree anymore for just the two of us. So much work for two not-so-healthy oldsters. However, we do have several very, very old ornaments that Frank's grandparents brought over from Hungary. Also, have many ornaments that are Washington themed and, of course, many that are feline themed.
Sorry about the Skins -- they did make a serious effort. However, GWU basketball beat Navy this afternoon at Verizon center. Wish I could have been there -- my students are really playing well so far. I will send an email to them in a few minutes.
Margy, have a quiet night at work.
Shirley, enjoy the morning delay.
Wish I had seen the eagles today but my timing seems to be off these days.
Well, I am tired so I think I will begin to settle in for the night.
Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Andy, please set the alarm for us.
I'll try to look through the window for the moon & mars when I crawl into bed.
Would be very scary to have your pet escape at the vet's. George once escaped from the vet's examining room, but didn't get outside. It was at the emergency vet's. This particular vet always took the animals to a separate room to do the exam. We had to wait and wonder what was going on.
George did not approve of being separated from us, so he took off to find us. We heard him coming with his bell jingling, and he ran right up to Susan and me. After that, the vet examined him in our presence. I think--I know--that the man is afraid of George. George is pretty big and he can get ugly if you poke him too much. Honestly, though, I would think that's something a vet should be able to handle.
My regular vet said that he had told the emergency vet that he should examine the pet with the owner present, regardless of how much trouble we owners are!
Good night, Judie. Rest well. Do not overdo. Take care of yourself. Make that graduate student grade your exams--or do them multiple choice on a Scantron, unless multiple choice is more work than something else. They can be a challenge to write. Maybe you have a multiple choice from a previous year?
My brother and his wife don't put up a tree anymore. It is a lot of work, and you can surely get into the spirit in many ways. That is what really matters--to be with people you care about and enjoy their love.
MM had a cat that got up in the ceiling of the vets and was up there for about a week. They set a trap but it would come down eat and go back up. She asked if she should try to get it down but at first they said no. Finally she went in the room called and the cat came down.
Glad you found them, Paula. I've been on many animal hunts. I found that some doggies do not like to run away unless they know you will chase them. They come home looking for you if they don't see you running behind them. Of course, they do not all act like that!
Paula glad you found your dogs. Judie rest as much as you can. Shirley you are amazing. Just listening to all you did to accomplish your degrees makes me exhausted. You go girl. Wishing everyone a good night.
Ceil, I was much younger then. I do not even entertain the thought that I could still do that. There was one night I fell asleep in class. Some of the people near me got concerned, but I was okay, just embarrassed, but I had been up all night with a sick child and the prof was showing a movie, and the room was dark, and that was all there was to that.
The year my mother died, I drove from Charlotte to Arlington composing a lesson for the night in my head. When I got there, I told the students that they had to help me write their exam, so we decided on some questions and I sent them home to write answers. Won't work for a huge class, but maybe you can be creative in a similar way.
LOL...cats....yesterday Bills' daughter called and said her cat was trapped inside a wall. Bill and our friend Frank went to her house and ended up knocking holes in the laundry room wall.....still no cat. He went up in the attic to get something for her, and the cat was in the attic. Apparently had gotten closed up in there two days before when her boyfriend was getting decorations out. Its' meowing made it just SOUND like he was behind a wall!!
Good Evening, Everyone! Well, I'm done with decorating for the day. The outside Christmas lights are burning brightly! No rain yet, either. Will have to watch the news tonight to see if or when that's supposed to show up. We were watching TV after dinner, and all of a sudden all the lights on the top 1-1/2 feet of the Christmas tree went out! Guess I get to mess with that tomorrow morning and figure out what's wrong. I think it must be a fuse--they're the type of lights that don't all go out when one goes kaput. I think there's a spot at the bottom in the back that has some lights out, too. Darn. The lights came already attached to the tree. We have an artificial one now, too. Had big Noble firs ever since I can remember, but lately, hate to think of cutting one down. Artificial one is tall and skinny, and fits in the corner better than a real one. We've had it for several years now. Maybe that's why the lights are giving us trouble.
Lynn, I'm glad that poor kitty was found OK! They sure can get themselves into crazy predicaments sometimes. Guess that's why they need 9 lives! Paula, I'm glad your dogs are back home, too! Bet you nearly froze while looking for them! Judie, Ceil is right--try to get as much rest as possible! Sorry you had to turn around and go back home today, but maybe it was for the best. Here's a big (((HUG)))! Shirley, sounds great that you get to sleep in a bit tomorrow! Bet it will feel REALLY good! Lolly, glad to hear that you made it home OK last night. Hope you solved the outdoor lights problem today. Megan, hope you got all your greens in OK. Your wreaths are really beautiful! Well, I'm kinda tired, so think I'll go unwind a bit, then hit the sack. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner's been enabled. Prayers being said for everyone. Take care, and sleep tight! God bless. G'night! :o]
Monday is creeping in on us for another week! Hope there is sunshine & higher temps in the forecast - but I guess it is winter! It was really cold out this evening. Time to call it quits
Good Night All Peace to you & yours Prayers for everyone's needs/wants & especially for good health! (((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope everyone had a restful & safe Sunday. The roads here were very good this morning, but the church parking lot and sidewalk were slippery. Don't know what happened to our SNOWMAN... must have a serious ailment...has never missed clearing the snow! GG didn't venture out onto the roads, thank goodness:)
Those poor old Deadskins~~~the cardiac kids. I went to store at start of 2nd half, & that still didn't help! Since about 1 PM have been observing a black vulture a few houses down & behind us. It was on their little stoop at one back basement door. Maybe it wanted to go in. At first I thought I saw a dog!It preened it's feathers for almost 2 hours. It spread it's wings for awhile as if drying them like an anhinga. It had several feathers missing or shredded on the right wing. Next we saw it on top the AC. Then it went to other end of house on top of shed.Before dark, found it perched in small tree in their yard.Never saw it move, but it must be able to fly a little. Since we have no big predators, can only imagine it had an encounter w/maybe a dog. Guess I'll send pics to my expert at Park! LOL Gotta dwnld. BBL~~gotta eat
Just talked to daughter tonight & they had snow flurries around Austin, not like the heavier stuff in Houston & Dallas. Since it was after 10 PM, had to call her for a med. opinion. I may have accidentally taken a 2nd BP pill~ DUH. Take them around dinner time & later take the cholesterol pill. Bottles are next to each other & not sure which I picked up. Pills are same shape, different size~wasn't looking. She said if I tip over, elevate feet. :>) Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay.
Well, the tree is decorated but the house is a mess. I am actually in a poor mood. For the last week I have been having hives on my face. Crazy, huh? Tonight it is along both sides of my face on my jaw line.????? I do not have time this week to go to the doctor. Aaaaawwwwwww!!!!!
Listened to the news. I was not happy as I did not think the BCS treated TCU right. Listened to the news and everyone is feeling that way. Sure wish they had let TCU prove that they can play with the big boys!
Ok, I am in a stinking mood. I am so sorry!!! Taking it out on all of you. just complaining and griping. I just need to go to bed!!! Tomorrow is another day!
I might be the last one on... well, Bird Girl jumps on late or should I say Early....
Nope, no tree here, just a little wooden one with little white lights that I actually keep out and turned on all year, have lots of nice figurines, table top things, lighted ceramic boxes, pictures and all that jazz.
Enjoy all your Festive Talk thought, lots of people have been working very hard these days.
27° here this morning, slighty warmer than yesterday. Trees, cards, presents, geez...don't have the time for any of those yet... I think I have Working Man Blues
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---MORNIN' & CONGRATS! MEGAN!!---Our #1 EAGLE MOM----today & every day! MORNIN' SISSY & WANDA!!!----It is a COLD 22° this morning!!!---I have a dental appt at 7:45 am--new dentist--regular one is still on vacation!!---(churning stomach)!! HEY LOLLY!---NPR---agrees with you---on the BOWL games!!---- GUESS WHO WV PLAYS IN GATOR BOWL?------BOBBY BOWDEN'S FLORIDA! WHOA!----It is ironic--BOWDEN was at WVU a few years back & left to go to FLORIDA!!---ho!---he is retiring after this game!!---CRAZY MATCH!-- LATER--
Dashed out to see ISS, just barely caught it, skies a little brighter and cloudier than suitable, but it was a good zippy flyover what I could see, and then came in to that very brief lone-eagle visit.
I'll just say good morning EVERYBODY! cause if I try to type names, I'll miss someone.I am so tired, I don't know what I'm doing, just tried to make my kid a sandwich twice.
Ahhh.... got it. Right now I am just the wreath making chick. No rest yet, that will happen in January. I have many orders to make for this weekend, which is a good thing:) I'm just worn out.
Well, Saturday was awful weather wise, soaking wet and just plain cold. But I actually had a lot of orders to be picked up that day, once they had all been taken, I got out of town. And yesterday was cold but bearable with the sun shining. I have had two very good weekends, and hope to have at least one more. The weather is always a challenge, part of working outside. Anyone know any locals who might want to sell me some magnolia branches?
That's sweet, Wanda:) I do have orders for the same people every year, Margy. Some just tell me, I'll have the usual. So I guess I am part of their Christmas tradition. Gotta get ready to head to the bus stop- gonna take a while for the van to warm up.
oh man megan my son has so so many magonila trees on his property. But he is far from local. Good morning everyone. Had a very very busy day this morning. Woke up to a beautiufl layer of fresh snow about an inch. No problem with that just beauty. Hope you are all having a good day.
Megan maybe if you are working outside you might hear some Tundra Swans heading South...has been warmer than usual in the North and they are getting a later start. I've been listening....
Hi Glo
Okay, my time limit is up here, got to skeedaddle on some things.
Hmmm blizzard watch 9 plus inches of snow and 40 mph winds for tues night and wed. Well I love snow if I don't have to drive in it. Think its storm food and put the scraper in the car and some ice melt kind of weather.
GOOD MORNING! Whew, just finished catching up on all the weekend blogs.
YEE HAA great song Megan! Love Haggard!
Lolly I sure hope you are feeling better this morning. Sorry about the bowl games situation, and I hope your hives go away.
Margy, I didn't hit the Mega Millions Friday but maybe tomorrow! Hopeful to see ISS, cloudy this morning, and not looking too good for Tue and Wed sightings either.
Jo, I bet you had a blast looking at the pictures from Germany!
Loretta, try to get the windshield fixed ASAP while hopefully they can still buff it out (brought to you courtesy of my husband, Steve!)
Congrats Shirley! I'm glad too that you are finally getting some birds at your feeder! I did my Project feeder watch Sat. and Sun. OH MY GOSH it was awful...yesterday I was standing by the window that has the feeders on it getting my tea ready and I heard this soft sort of "thump" and I looked out the window and saw a big clump of feathers wafting all over. Something got one of the mourning doves.
Love hearing about everyone's trees! I'd love to see pictures of them if you are so inclined to post them! I always get a live tree, and all of my decorations are gifts from someone or hand made. SO I have everything from a popsicle stick nativity to a waterford crystal bell! We decorated yesterday (will get tree next weekend)and I actually have a place for the first time in years to put my Nativity!! It was my mother's and it's older than me. I will try to get some pics later. It was such a beautiful winter wonderland weekend for "Christmasy" things!
After 15 years working in the veterinary business, I could write a book on animal misadventures! (including the escaped pregnant cat that gave birth in the wall of the treatment room) One thing I can tell your for sure is that the first rule is NEVER GET BITTEN BY A CAT. (I've been bitten twice, one landed me in the hospital on IV antibiotics and the other allowed me the complete and total joy of having the RABIES SHOTS) Cat bites are particularly dangerous. And cats can be VERY difficult to restrain. They are flexible, and muscular and contortionists. When I took my sweet darling meek little Mitzi to the vet a couple of weeks ago, all SIX pounds of her, it took THREE people to get a blood sample because she turned into the Tasmanian Devil.
Megan, you sure sound like you could use a break...but I am glad things are going well business-wise!
Glo, looks like you guys are in for some serious weather as I heard on the Weather Channel this morning. Please be safe!
Margy, yes, "the day that would live in infamy". Not just Pearl Harbor on that day but also the Phillipenes, Guam, Midway...where so many died or were captured following the attacks and occupation by the Japanese. A sad day of remembrance for sure.
Today Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming partly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. South winds around 5 mph. » ZIP Code Detail Tonight Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 20s. West winds around 5 mph. Tuesday Cloudy. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds around 5 mph...becoming east around 5 mph in the afternoon. » ZIP Code Detail Tuesday Night Sleet...snow and freezing rain in the evening... then freezing rain...rain and sleet after midnight. Lows around 30. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes. Sorry, Megan, I don't have any magnolias and don't know anyone who does...:( I am also sorry that you are so exhausted.......please try to rest as much as you can---we don't want you to get sick. Margy, love your new avatar----it looks like an embroidered sampler--anyone remember them? Glo, did you MAYBE get the magazine yet??
Mits, I noticed you did not end the nest forecast with Amen - I can't either, it's not sounding pretty at all, give us snow over that stuff. Hope things clear for your Zoo Detail Wed afternoon
Good Morning All! Wow it isn't even 10 am and for me that is early! Yep - I have somewhere to be this am. There is always a reason for what we do I suppose.
Great pic from this morning Wanda-Thank you. Sounds like everyone is getting all the decorations up and making it look so much like the season of Christmas.
1 – 200 of 430 Newer› Newest»Afternoon all.
Thanks Ceil for the call over.
Wow! Score update for Skins
30-20 Would be great to beat
the unbeaten Saints......
Thanks, Ceil and Steve.
Lynn, I do not know much about how the SS thing works, but I am earning my full salary and collecting full Social Security. I did not tell any lies. Maybe Bill should contact them and ask questions.
I applied online and a very nice man called me and explained things. It was simple. I wanted to know if I would do better collecting based on my own salary or on my ex-husband's. I do better on my own.
Hi New Thread People, thanks Steve, and Thanks Ceil
for the alert.
I have a very good friend at the Washington game, he is a Saints fan....
let me know how it turns out
I expect your friend is a little worried, now, Margy. Good for the Skins. Bad for the Saints.
Still holding my breath. There have been so many disappointments.
Oh dear. Still holding my breath.
One good things is that Saints don't have any timeouts left....whew! A cliff-hanger of sorts, but looking hopeful......!!!! Can't believe Suisham missed that pooch shot.
Take a short Breath SHIRLEY
Thanks Margy for the pics in the album
I can't believe THIS............argh!!!!
Tied up AGAIN!
OH NO - You shouldn't have breathe
They are going to cause me to have a heart attack.
Mits, is Kevin at the game?
This must be the twilight zone.
Going to overtime.
I think Shirley passed out !
Okay, it now-----his full retirement age is he will not be penalized come Feb. when he turns 66. He was born a year too late!!
This is turning into a joke...and it's not OUR fault.
did you get your Bird Girl mailing address list ?
nail-biter in Washington...
Guess it just wasn't meant to we sure played very good ball. Why couldn't we have done it all year?? 33-30, N.O. Darn it all. :(
sorry Hedgie...
and Washington fans...
guess my ONE friend is happy, but I would rather ALL you fans be happy
maybe our Eagles will show up and salve the hurts.....
BWO has a lone eagle
You have to give credit to the Skins for maintaining the game - like you said, Hedgie, Patrick wishes they would have done it all season long.
tell me you are all watching our
eagle in our nest
Cool! snow eagle. I drove by the nest around 4:30 and there was one sitting up above the nest.
Hello all:) can't talk now, almost dark, must get greens inside for tonite..bbl
Hi Megan -
Perfect picture taking .......
yep I see them...thanks Ceil for the call over...
Yes I see them....
glad someone is taking pictures, I am on a tear here getting ready for work
Hello Friends !
Lynn this was Kevin's first chance to go to a game this year.
forget all about the football losses
I hope they are not really digging a hole! They sure are busy tonight
night light on , and spider web in view...
How Wonderful! Megan got to see a real, live Eagle ☺ ♥
Sorry, Mits, wish Kevin could have seen his team win....
Have a good quiet evening at work, Margy. I'll put those pics in the album after we eat dinner.......
Okay - I got one from 4:59:59 - if it is not on there, I will put it up in the morning...
Hey - ISS Fans, around here, got a viewing in the morning...
xoxo Better find the fairy, think I only have to be there for 6 hours tonight, so won't fuss too much with my looks.
xox Good Evening to All, Safe Travel Prayers to any and all on the road.
God Bless Us, Every One
my avatar is a pic from my garden front, late blooming flower, before the snow, think it survived the snow too.
Moon and Mars , will be quite close and personal overnight, look for a nice orange object near the Moon...
WHOA! HEDGIE!---Your REDSKINS were really--really good today!!!!---We--COWBOY folks missed most of the first half of our game--due to the overtime of your game!!---
Just had to tell you your FAVORITE PLAYER 'VICK' got to play today! WHOA!
Missed nest visit...but don't want to see Spidey anyway.
Have a good shift, Margy!
Norma gal....sorry about your team being walked on!!! How many times did Vick get sacked? I hope a LOT!!! Dog food donations to shelters everytime it happens!
Dinner time here---pork, kraut and yam!!
The VICKING play after the DALLAS game---Love watching BRET FAVRE play--He is good!-----I hope I can stay awake--I am not a night person!--ho!
HEDGIE!---I don't know how long VICK played---just saw a clip of him playing & think he made a touchdown!---yuk! yuk!
Hi all! Have not read back on the blog. Just wanted to touch base. Watching the COWBOYS and putting lights on the tree. Jack works on the strings getting all the bulbs to burn, then I put them on.
Got home at one this morning and in bed at one thirty. Went to church this morning and have been decorating since.
Many messages on the old thread. Lynn, I said I would catch you over here, and I thought I did, but many of us posted over there after the new thread started.
Evening, all!
Went down early to Mom' everything done, except the leaves...can't blow em with snow on em!
So, I went and did some shopping!
Eating leftover pot roast! Yum!
both eales at Sidney nest...windy day there.
that's eagles...
doing some good nestorations
sights and sounds that is one fantastic site:)
Think I posted this on the old thread--I have a two hour delay tomorrow, so not all that snow was wasted on the weekend. I get to sleep in a bit.
Wondered why nobody was commenting on the Skins and the eagles. Now I know. But I was not completely alone over there . . . so many messages I'm not sure I should bring them all over here.
female is really working hard on the nest cup....
The escapees last night were my dogs at 11:45pm....they usually don't leave the neighborhood, but this time they did...thank goodness not many cars out at midnight...they are road stupid.
Nice visits today! Great!
Just ordered a big item from Sears online...they called to make sure it was me and to verify order...glad I answered the phone!
Shirley - I too, have way too many ornaments for my tree! I used to bring home some pretty good size fresh ones when the kids were little, now I do a fake one, too.
Norman and Judie...passed on to Jack your comments about GA Tech winning. Thanks!
Shirley, therte was something I was going to comment on to you and have forgotten what it was. Duh! In one side and out the other!
My favortie ornament is "Frosty". It's a snowman on a glass ornament that is over 50 years old...used to be on my parents tree...Mom gave it to me a long time ago ♥
Excuse me NORMA, not Norman. lol
Paula, I have star on the top of our tree. It was on the top of our tree when I was growing long as I can remember. My brother got a little bird that Daddy had when growing up and Sharon, my sister, got some glass ornaments that we all remember. I think I lucked out getting the star. It is VERY fragile.
Every Christmas my sister, my sister in law, and I made ornaments for all the kids. When they married they could take their ornaments. Laurel took hers. Michael and Ashley returned the ones they did not want. (MUST have an elegant tree!) I collect Santas and now have all Santa ornaments on my tree. Well, all most all. Have pictures of children and grandchildren and other special ornaments.
The egg ornament is a little Santa inside an eggshell. It must be 30 years old. I wonder if any of Rus's classmates still have theirs?
Can't say that my tree is elegant. It is full of memories. Some of the ones the kids made when they were little aren't at all elegant and the pink Barbie one is, well, pink.
Well, I think my tree is elegant, as it is the way I like it! Many, many lights and ornaments I love!
Margie, got the list.
Jo, didn't pass out. Went to other thread to check something and got lost there. Was doing a play by play over there.
I have a lot of ornamnets the kids made, too. Plus, I would always buy an ornament when traveling. And then there are the ornaments that I bought just cause! I try to keep it to one new ornament a year, now.
Lynn sent me the list. I've started on the cards. Will need to go to post office tomorrow for some more stamps.
Lolly, I had a beautiful spun glass angel for many years, but John broke it one year. He was so upset, cause he knew how much how I loved it (I love glass things and collect glass animals). I have looked and looked, but never could find another. I finally found a crocheted one to replace it.
I guess you would call my tree the
Nostalgic Tree! With 5 children and then the grandchildren I have many many memories on the tree as well as sitting around the house. Hubby and I did switch to the artificial tree a few years ago - after the grandkids were grown. Now I have to have Megan's pine wreath in the house to smell like Christmas!
The angel was my tree topper...
One year I bought some of those bubble lights, but they didn't last very long. Found some of the bigger ones that are like the ones from years ago. I enjoy them.
I remember the lights that had a metal or aluminum reflector. And yes I do remember that my Aunt had those large
bubble lights!
We always had a real tree, but then finally went to an artificial tree ater the kids were grown. Laurel has an artificial tree, but Michael insists on a real tree. Laurel's tree is beautiful, lots of lights, special ornaments collected since she was a baby, and topped with a Santa Hat since she could not find a star like mine. Her tree is very pretty. Michael and Ashley's real tree does not have enough lights and it has "unmeaningful' ornaments. Whoops! Excuse me...sounding off.
Might have some with reflectors even now. I get surprised when I pull everything out. I forget some things.
Perhaps they will mellow with age, Lolly. Some things take time.
Can you all hear me pouting? TCU is going to play Boise State in the Fiesta Bowl. I wanted to play GA Tech in the Orange Bowl. Still do not know who Tech is going to play. Just announced they are playing Iowa. Big disappointment! We are both pouting.
My dinner was SO good that I wish I had a bigger stomach!!! Oh well, leftovers for tomorrow night!!
Paula, don't think I've ever had a dog who could hear when it got a chance to get loose!!! So aggravating! Did you have to drive to find them, or do it on foot?? One time I had to traipse all over the countryside near Berkeley Springs in soft Minnetonka mocassin with a broken toe on snow! My oldest SharPei broke her collar and scooted out the vets' door when some guy left the door open for too long trying to drag in his reluctant Great Dane. One of the most terrifying times of my life. 55 mph traffic, blind hill. Thank the good Lord, after about 90 mins., my BIL was driving past and stopped....the minute she saw him, she came flying and we nabbed her.
I was very happy when I got an artificial tree. I nearly froze to death picking out the real tree each year. One year the tree dried so quickly we had to take it down the day after Christmas. I think it had been damaged and wasn't getting any water. It did not seem to have been cut properly. Dropped needles all over the floor.
Speaking of ornaments: I have a lighted Santa that my folks bought the year I was born. While taking an Ebay class a couple of years ago, instructor was flicking through pics on the site and I saw the same Santa. Rushed home and got on and bid on it and won! Only difference was that mine had a felt like surface to his coat. So now each of my girls will get one when I'm gone.
Also have the first Creche mom and dad bought when they got married.
Hi everyone,
My goodness. It's beginning to read a lot like Christmas!
Never did get to the police presentation. Started out but the pain in my leg/foot was so severe I had to turn around and drive home. Not safe.
We don't put up a tree anymore for just the two of us. So much work for two not-so-healthy oldsters. However, we do have several very, very old ornaments that Frank's grandparents brought over from Hungary. Also, have many ornaments that are Washington themed and, of course, many that are feline themed.
Sorry about the Skins -- they did make a serious effort. However, GWU basketball beat Navy this afternoon at Verizon center. Wish I could have been there -- my students are really playing well so far. I will send an email to them in a few minutes.
Margy, have a quiet night at work.
Shirley, enjoy the morning delay.
Wish I had seen the eagles today but my timing seems to be off these days.
Well, I am tired so I think I will begin to settle in for the night.
Turning my light off but leaving the night light on for others. Andy, please set the alarm for us.
I'll try to look through the window for the moon & mars when I crawl into bed.
Sleep well everyone.
Would be very scary to have your pet escape at the vet's. George once escaped from the vet's examining room, but didn't get outside. It was at the emergency vet's. This particular vet always took the animals to a separate room to do the exam. We had to wait and wonder what was going on.
George did not approve of being separated from us, so he took off to find us. We heard him coming with his bell jingling, and he ran right up to Susan and me. After that, the vet examined him in our presence. I think--I know--that the man is afraid of George. George is pretty big and he can get ugly if you poke him too much. Honestly, though, I would think that's something a vet should be able to handle.
My regular vet said that he had told the emergency vet that he should examine the pet with the owner present, regardless of how much trouble we owners are!
Good Night Judie - Pray you have a restful deep sleep!
Lynn - I had to drive around in the car to find them...after scraping off all that frozen snow!
I have Cold Case at 9:00 tonight and then that's it!
Have some last minute things to do before show starts!
Good night, Judie. Rest well. Do not overdo. Take care of yourself. Make that graduate student grade your exams--or do them multiple choice on a Scantron, unless multiple choice is more work than something else. They can be a challenge to write. Maybe you have a multiple choice from a previous year?
My brother and his wife don't put up a tree anymore. It is a lot of work, and you can surely get into the spirit in many ways. That is what really matters--to be with people you care about and enjoy their love.
Ok, my last post is lost in blogland.
Good. That made it pop out of the world of lost words.
Getting very sleepy. It's not even 9:00 yet. Golly.
MM had a cat that got up in the ceiling of the vets and was up there for about a week. They set a trap but it would come down eat and go back up. She asked if she should try to get it down but at first they said no. Finally she went in the room called and the cat came down.
Judie - sorry you had to turn around today...get some rest.
My tree has many old ornaments. Some from my mom. We have one that the kindergarten teacher gave to my son. It is over 40 years old.
Glad you found them, Paula. I've been on many animal hunts. I found that some doggies do not like to run away unless they know you will chase them. They come home looking for you if they don't see you running behind them. Of course, they do not all act like that!
Makes perfect sense, Ceil. I would think they would have had her go in right away. Poor thing was afraid.
Paula glad you found your dogs.
Judie rest as much as you can.
Shirley you are amazing. Just listening to all you did to accomplish your degrees makes me exhausted. You go girl.
Wishing everyone a good night.
Ceil, I was much younger then. I do not even entertain the thought that I could still do that. There was one night I fell asleep in class. Some of the people near me got concerned, but I was okay, just embarrassed, but I had been up all night with a sick child and the prof was showing a movie, and the room was dark, and that was all there was to that.
Well, I got the branches of the fake tree mostly fluffed out. I think that is about it for tonight. I need to go to sleep.
Judie, maybe you are finished with exams. I hope so. If not, take a shortcut, for heaven's sake.
The year my mother died, I drove from Charlotte to Arlington composing a lesson for the night in my head. When I got there, I told the students that they had to help me write their exam, so we decided on some questions and I sent them home to write answers. Won't work for a huge class, but maybe you can be creative in a similar way.
All of this talk about work has worn me plumb out. See you tomorrow. Rest well everybody. Don't spend too much time decorating or chasing dogs.
God bless.
LOL...cats....yesterday Bills' daughter called and said her cat was trapped inside a wall. Bill and our friend Frank went to her house and ended up knocking holes in the laundry room wall.....still no cat. He went up in the attic to get something for her, and the cat was in the attic. Apparently had gotten closed up in there two days before when her boyfriend was getting decorations out. Its' meowing made it just SOUND like he was behind a wall!!
Good Evening, Everyone!
Well, I'm done with decorating for the day. The outside Christmas lights are burning brightly! No rain yet, either. Will have to watch the news tonight to see if or when that's supposed to show up. We were watching TV after dinner, and all of a sudden all the lights on the top 1-1/2 feet of the Christmas tree went out! Guess I get to mess with that tomorrow morning and figure out what's wrong. I think it must be a fuse--they're the type of lights that don't all go out when one goes kaput. I think there's a spot at the bottom in the back that has some lights out, too. Darn. The lights came already attached to the tree. We have an artificial one now, too. Had big Noble firs ever since I can remember, but lately, hate to think of cutting one down. Artificial one is tall and skinny, and fits in the corner better than a real one. We've had it for several years now. Maybe that's why the lights are giving us trouble.
Been watching TV...hitting the hay soon.
Hugs to all ♥
Lynn, I'm glad that poor kitty was found OK! They sure can get themselves into crazy predicaments sometimes. Guess that's why they need 9 lives!
Paula, I'm glad your dogs are back home, too! Bet you nearly froze while looking for them!
Judie, Ceil is right--try to get as much rest as possible! Sorry you had to turn around and go back home today, but maybe it was for the best. Here's a big (((HUG)))!
Shirley, sounds great that you get to sleep in a bit tomorrow! Bet it will feel REALLY good!
Lolly, glad to hear that you made it home OK last night. Hope you solved the outdoor lights problem today.
Megan, hope you got all your greens in OK. Your wreaths are really beautiful!
Well, I'm kinda tired, so think I'll go unwind a bit, then hit the sack. The night light is on, the porch light is automatic, and the eye scanner's been enabled. Prayers being said for everyone. Take care, and sleep tight! God bless. G'night! :o]
Good night to all turning in and to those yet to chime in! This peep is heading for the tub. Rest well. See you in the morning light. Prayers for all.
Monday is creeping in on us for another week! Hope there is sunshine & higher temps in the forecast - but I guess it is winter! It was really cold out this evening. Time to call it quits
Good Night All
Peace to you & yours
Prayers for everyone's needs/wants & especially for good health!
(((hugs))) ♥ ♥ ♥
I hope everyone had a restful & safe Sunday. The roads here were very good this morning, but the church parking lot and sidewalk were slippery. Don't know what happened to our SNOWMAN... must have a serious ailment...has never missed clearing the snow!
GG didn't venture out onto the roads, thank goodness:)
Holy Cow! I was wondering why I was the last to post at 6 PM & nobody else did!
If you can stand it, I'll bring over my eewwiiee story !
Those poor old Deadskins~~~the cardiac kids. I went to store at start of 2nd half, & that still didn't help!
Since about 1 PM have been observing a black vulture a few houses down & behind us. It was on their little stoop at one back basement door. Maybe it wanted to go in. At first I thought I saw a dog!It preened it's feathers for almost 2 hours. It spread it's wings for awhile as if drying them like an anhinga. It had several feathers missing or shredded on the right wing. Next we saw it on top the AC. Then it went to other end of house on top of shed.Before dark, found it perched in small tree in their yard.Never saw it move, but it must be able to fly a little. Since we have no big predators, can only imagine it had an encounter w/maybe a dog.
Guess I'll send pics to my expert at Park! LOL Gotta dwnld. BBL~~gotta eat
Sunday, December 06, 2009 6:05:00 PM
Just talked to daughter tonight & they had snow flurries around Austin, not like the heavier stuff in Houston & Dallas. Since it was after 10 PM, had to call her for a med. opinion. I may have accidentally taken a 2nd BP pill~ DUH. Take them around dinner time & later take the cholesterol pill. Bottles are next to each other & not sure which I picked up. Pills are same shape, different size~wasn't looking. She said if I tip over, elevate feet. :>)
Pleasant Feather Dreams to all hitting the hay.
eNJOY the upcoming week...
Well, the tree is decorated but the house is a mess. I am actually in a poor mood. For the last week I have been having hives on my face. Crazy, huh? Tonight it is along both sides of my face on my jaw line.????? I do not have time this week to go to the doctor. Aaaaawwwwwww!!!!!
Listened to the news. I was not happy as I did not think the BCS treated TCU right. Listened to the news and everyone is feeling that way. Sure wish they had let TCU prove that they can play with the big boys!
Ok, I am in a stinking mood. I am so sorry!!! Taking it out on all of you. just complaining and griping. I just need to go to bed!!! Tomorrow is another day!
Night all. God bless!
I might be the last one on...
well, Bird Girl jumps on late or should I say Early....
Nope, no tree here, just a little wooden one with little white lights that I actually keep out and turned on all year, have lots of nice figurines, table top things, lighted ceramic boxes, pictures and all that jazz.
Enjoy all your Festive Talk thought, lots of people have been working very hard these days.
And I have a little one-room lighted box that I decorate with my miniature furniture things, and THAT has a Christmas tree ☺
Best wishes to all, prayers for wellness, comfort, and safety.
Time for a nice bath to end out the work week-end.
Skies look rather overcast, but I will get up early to check to see if I can see ISS
Yahoo, off for a couple of days, got some grandson time in store☺
God Bless Us, Every One
xo ☺ ♥
Lolly - glad to see you hopped on... hope things look brighter for you in the morning ♥
Great evening visit Eagle pictures that Jo posted !
And did you all see, Jo already has our January album ready !
27° here this morning, slighty warmer than yesterday.
Trees, cards, presents, geez...don't have the time for any of those yet... I think I have
Working Man Blues
Good morning Eagle buds!!
Eagle at BWO but our nest has been quiet this morning.
It is a balmy 26 degrees here in Bluefield this morning!!
Eagle, OUR NEST!!!
Beautiful, cold, eagle!
I think it is Belle, and you can't tell her head from the snow:)
Sissy, it is a freezing 23° here, BRRRR!
Off she went...too cold in that nest!
Gotta take Mattie to school. BBIALW!!
Breakfast at BWO!
MORNIN' SISSY & WANDA!!!----It is a COLD 22° this morning!!!---I have a dental appt at 7:45 am--new dentist--regular one is still on vacation!!---(churning stomach)!!
HEY LOLLY!---NPR---agrees with you---on the BOWL games!!----
GUESS WHO WV PLAYS IN GATOR BOWL?------BOBBY BOWDEN'S FLORIDA! WHOA!----It is ironic--BOWDEN was at WVU a few years back & left to go to
FLORIDA!!---ho!---he is retiring after this game!!---CRAZY MATCH!--
7:45 am dentist appointment? That sounds awful.
Good morning in Eagleland Megan, Sissy, Wanda, Norma (Norma remember to "pinch yourself"), and also good morning to those coming in.
Good Song ♪ ♫ Megan -
Love Merle Haggard !
Dashed out to see ISS, just barely caught it, skies a little brighter and cloudier than suitable, but it was a good zippy flyover what I could see, and then came in to that very brief lone-eagle visit.
Hope it's a good day, everyone. ☺
Megan at some time you must have given Ed a card of yours. I found it in his wallet...wonder how long he has been carrying it?
Good Morning, Morning People.
Good to see you...
Hello Dana:)
That was a couple of years ago when I gave Ed my card, he was asking me about wreaths I think.
How are you doing this morning Dana ?
I'll just say good morning EVERYBODY! cause if I try to type names, I'll miss someone.I am so tired, I don't know what I'm doing, just tried to make my kid a sandwich twice.
Get some rest, MEGAN!
Margy, were there many accidents yesterday? The roads seemed to be clear, for the most part.
I think you could be the piano-jamming chick, Megan...
Gosh, be careful!
I don't mind at at all being part of "Everyone"
Not to worry, just check in once in awhile for us, Megan ♥
Not too bad, Wanda, we got lucky.
piano-jamming chick?
on the Merle Haggard You-Tube - they never showed her face, just long bouncy hair and those piano-jamming fingers ☺
NORMA, I have a GREAT story to tell you about BOBBY BOWDEN. Remind me to tell it when you get back from the Dentist. 7:45am...better get going:)
don't mind me, I'm just weird
Ahhh.... got it.
Right now I am just the wreath making chick. No rest yet, that will happen in January. I have many orders to make for this weekend, which is a good thing:) I'm just worn out.
I would like one of your business cards, Megan
How was market this week-end ?
How sweet, Megan...Ed thought enough of you to keep your card:)
Well, Megan, you are sure creating joy with your creations...helping to make others' Holidays special
I give out so many of my cards and wonder how many of them just get thrown away:(
Well, Saturday was awful weather wise, soaking wet and just plain cold. But I actually had a lot of orders to be picked up that day, once they had all been taken, I got out of town. And yesterday was cold but bearable with the sun shining. I have had two very good weekends, and hope to have at least one more. The weather is always a challenge, part of working outside.
Anyone know any locals who might want to sell me some magnolia branches?
I don't Megan, but I hope someone does...not much to offer here from the apartment...glad business is going pretty well though...
Wanda, I would never throw one of your cards away and wish I had gotten one !
That's sweet, Wanda:)
I do have orders for the same people every year, Margy. Some just tell me, I'll have the usual. So I guess I am part of their Christmas tradition.
Gotta get ready to head to the bus stop- gonna take a while for the van to warm up.
Remembrances on Pearl Harbor Day...
some quiet time to reflect
Yes, you are surely part of a tradition, Megan...
Best wishes for an especially good day for you, see you later on
XO ♥
I have been to Pearl Harbor and looking down at the ARIZONA is chilling! Knowing the story behind the sinking of that ship makes you want to cry:(
oh man megan my son has so so many magonila trees on his property. But he is far from local. Good morning everyone. Had a very very busy day this morning. Woke up to a beautiufl layer of fresh snow about an inch. No problem with that just beauty. Hope you are all having a good day.
Well, darn, Glo, guess it would be a long drive to your Son's house.
Megan maybe if you are working outside you might hear some Tundra Swans heading South...has been warmer than usual in the North and they are getting a later start. I've been listening....
Hi Glo
Okay, my time limit is up here, got to skeedaddle on some things.
Hmmm blizzard watch 9 plus inches of snow and 40 mph winds for tues night and wed. Well I love snow if I don't have to drive in it. Think its storm food and put the scraper in the car and some ice melt kind of weather.
good morning skeedaddle. You do thast as well as anyone I know well except maybe Megan . Well off to coffee and dog treats
GOOD MORNING! Whew, just finished catching up on all the weekend blogs.
YEE HAA great song Megan! Love Haggard!
Lolly I sure hope you are feeling better this morning. Sorry about the bowl games situation, and I hope your hives go away.
Margy, I didn't hit the Mega Millions Friday but maybe tomorrow! Hopeful to see ISS, cloudy this morning, and not looking too good for Tue and Wed sightings either.
Jo, I bet you had a blast looking at the pictures from Germany!
Loretta, try to get the windshield fixed ASAP while hopefully they can still buff it out (brought to you courtesy of my husband, Steve!)
Congrats Shirley! I'm glad too that you are finally getting some birds at your feeder! I did my Project feeder watch Sat. and Sun. OH MY GOSH it was awful...yesterday I was standing by the window that has the feeders on it getting my tea ready and I heard this soft sort of "thump" and I looked out the window and saw a big clump of feathers wafting all over. Something got one of the mourning doves.
Love hearing about everyone's trees! I'd love to see pictures of them if you are so inclined to post them! I always get a live tree, and all of my decorations are gifts from someone or hand made. SO I have everything from a popsicle stick nativity to a waterford crystal bell! We decorated yesterday (will get tree next weekend)and I actually have a place for the first time in years to put my Nativity!! It was my mother's and it's older than me. I will try to get some pics later. It was such a beautiful winter wonderland weekend for "Christmasy" things!
After 15 years working in the veterinary business, I could write a book on animal misadventures! (including the escaped pregnant cat that gave birth in the wall of the treatment room) One thing I can tell your for sure is that the first rule is NEVER GET BITTEN BY A CAT. (I've been bitten twice, one landed me in the hospital on IV antibiotics and the other allowed me the complete and total joy of having the RABIES SHOTS) Cat bites are particularly dangerous. And cats can be VERY difficult to restrain. They are flexible, and muscular and contortionists. When I took my sweet darling meek little Mitzi to the vet a couple of weeks ago, all SIX pounds of her, it took THREE people to get a blood sample because she turned into the Tasmanian Devil.
Megan, you sure sound like you could use a break...but I am glad things are going well business-wise!
good Monday a.m. everyone, have a good one:)
2 osprey at Dunedin cam this a.m.
Glo, looks like you guys are in for some serious weather as I heard on the Weather Channel this morning. Please be safe!
Margy, yes, "the day that would live in infamy". Not just Pearl Harbor on that day but also the Phillipenes, Guam, Midway...where so many died or were captured following the attacks and occupation by the Japanese. A sad day of remembrance for sure.
weather for nest....
Mostly cloudy this morning...then becoming partly sunny. Highs in the lower 40s. South winds around 5 mph.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy. Lows in the upper 20s. West winds around 5 mph.
Cloudy. Highs in the upper 30s. Northwest winds around 5 mph...becoming east around 5 mph in the afternoon.
» ZIP Code Detail
Tuesday Night
Sleet...snow and freezing rain in the evening... then freezing rain...rain and sleet after midnight. Lows around 30. East winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of precipitation near 100 percent.
Good morning everybody!
snow and freezing rain in the evening... then freezing rain...rain and sleet after midnight. Oh joy
Hello Mits and Lynne:)
Later all, have a great day! I gotta get to the wreath machine.
hello Miss are you???
yeah Megan, yucky weather forecast, hoping it improves by Wednesday afternoon, I'm the designated cold weather person for the PM shift at zoo...
So, anything happening around here?
not a thing, Sharon....
Then, I am going to say that no news is good news! :)
Snow on the peaks and not a speck here. I hate it!
you can have some of my snow, Sharon, tired of it already:)
nice calm weather day up in Maine.
Good morning, eagle dudettes and dudes.
Sorry, Megan, I don't have any magnolias and don't know anyone who does...:( I am also sorry that you are so exhausted.......please try to rest as much as you can---we don't want you to get sick.
Margy, love your new avatar----it looks like an embroidered sampler--anyone remember them?
Glo, did you MAYBE get the magazine yet??
snow at Decorah eagle nest....MT right now
Sure was nice to see Lynne2 pop on here this morning...was starting to get antsy.
Hi Lynn, and other Morning Pals ☺
thanks Lynn, it is embroidered, have it framed at home here, but I did not create it
There are all kinds of magnolia trees at UVa, Megan, I'll meet you there and we can steal some! :)
Mits, I noticed you did not end the nest forecast with Amen -
I can't either, it's not sounding pretty at all, give us snow over that stuff.
Hope things clear for your Zoo Detail Wed afternoon
makes me glad to think we don't have eggs or babies in the nest yet
lol....was wondering if anyone would notice that, Margy, Sharon usually gets after me:)
Oh wow, I am slipping. I missed that! Thanks Margy for picking up on that! :)
well there sure a good reason for leaving it out ! xo
Good Morning All! Wow it isn't even 10 am and for me that is early!
Yep - I have somewhere to be this am.
There is always a reason for what we do I suppose.
Great pic from this morning Wanda-Thank
Sounds like everyone is getting all the decorations up and making it look so much like the season of Christmas.
showing the bird feeder on now....cardinals , bluejays chic-a-dees..
On my way, Sharon! Dress in green so you'll blend in with the magnolia leaves:)
finally, thought the day would never come
you can hear them purring
no beards, must be all hens or jakes
purring and putting..they are moving along probably won't be there long
oh I do see a little beard on the one that is left there, what a neat sound they make
you can still hear them rustling through the leaves
darn site has my computer freezing up....
split coming
split here...
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