Friday, November 21, 2008


TGIF thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Yes we did split

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Helen, I got it. They are cute, aren't they? Someone is vacuuming or something and has them all up and restless.

Go Heeeeeeeeelllllllllsssssss!!!!!!!:)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning/afternoon Eagle friends!!

Mits said...

we sure did;)

Mema Jo said...

I was commenting about the vacuum cleaner at the pups site. Some very inquisitive pups!

Mits said...

Hello, Sissy, how are you doing today????

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning Beverly & how are you today?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

How is everyone this morning!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I feel like I got run over by a car! ☺

Mits said...

Fine here, Sissy...did you get my e-mail this a.m.???

Mits said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome Sissy. Good to see you on blog today.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I don't think I did Mits, I will check again. Me and Mattie are really sore this morning but we are okay!! God is good to us!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Just checked my email and didn't have anything Mits.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Tom thinks the car is totaled. Said he thinks the frame is bent.

normabyrd said...


Mema Jo said...

lol Sissy you said it!

I am sure you will be stiff & sore for a week! Muscles that you didn't know you had will even ache.

Yes, God is good

carolinabeachmom said...

What happened Sissy?

deb said...

I missed something, too, a car accident??

Mema Jo said...

Lunch time here.. OUR nest is MT

It's safe to go an make sandwich.

Mema Jo said...

Now I can say "Going for a Puppy Nap"

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yeah, a guy hit me and Mattie in the rear yesterday evening while we were stopped behind a turning vehicle.

Mits said...

Sissy when Jo and I heard about it last night, we did not mention it, we were waiting for you to comment on it. Glad you and Mattie are OK....just talked to Sharon and she is on her way back home.

carolinabeachmom said...

OMG Sissy, what else can happen? You were both lucky. I hope you both got checked out in the emergency room, just because.

Mits said...

Jo, the otters are out and about

Mits said...

yes, Candy, they were both checked out and released

carolinabeachmom said...

I am so sorry to hear your latest. You must have had the Good Lord riding with you in your car.

carolinabeachmom said...

That is good to hear Mits. Thanks

carolinabeachmom said...

Is anyone else having trouble with the sound on our live cam? I think we need to send someone over there with an eagle cane and give it a good tap. :) Wind could be the culprit too.

Mits said...

yes, Candy, sound is can hit refresh, but sound only will last about 10 seconds

normabyrd said...

OH MY GOODNESS SISSY!!!---What can I say---expect I am so sorry and you are two lucky little gals!!-----I KNOW how SORE you two are---It won't be gone right of way!!----SENDING YOU & MATTIE LOTS OF LOVE & PRAYERS!!---

magpie said...

Howdy Good Afternoon Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s

Just getting back from a wonderful hot tea visit with Wanda AND GeeGee at GeeGee's house, now what does THAT tell you? She is home, and doing great.

I'll let Costume Lady bring you up to date, but things are good here in Martinsburg today.

Take Care, time for another nap!
Usher at Mass this afternoon, don't want to fall asleep collecting baskets and stuff...

Sissy and Mattie - sorry to hear of the mishap! Woof!

Prayers continue for all, for wellness, strength and peace.

xo ♥

Mits said...

Glad Gee-Gee is home:)

normabyrd said...

Hi CANDY!!----What time is your game?---Hope MICHIGAN LOSES!!!!!
We are tied!!!

Can't get over SISSY & MATTIE!!--

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA, we aren't doing so good. I think that when it went to half time it was NCState 10 and UNC 3 :( We lost last week's game too at the last seconds with an interception of a pass by our quarterback. Oh well, good luck to you and your Eeeeerrrrrsssss!

carolinabeachmom said...

So glad to hear that Gee Gee is home and doing better. Can't wait for Wanda to give us the update. My Dad went through the stress test years ago like she did and it wasn't a very pleasant experience. I wonder of Wanda will get her some crab legs for dinner tonight to cheer her up. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

IT must be getting near time when our two beloved love birds to come together for lunch at the nest! One can hope. That was so awesome to see it live with sound this morning.

carolinabeachmom said...

Poor little Luney is trying soooo hard to get someplace. He is quite the huggable little fuzz bundle. I had the kids at school watching Lun Lun and Luney interacting the other day and how gentle she was. They just loved watching.

Then when we were making turkeys out of paper plated and construction paper, I had the cam on the turkeys at the Pa. site. I had the site on three of our computers so they could all get a look. They were so excited, but not as excited as when it snowed. :)

normabyrd said...

CANDY!---We lost last time we played--in over time!!----WOW!!---WHITE just scored again!!---We are leading now!!-----21-7----!!!

Red said...

I have had the induced stress test several times. Sometimes it causes chest pains other times it's hardly noticable. I have had heart problems for several years and have one stent installed. I cannot walk the treadmill due to 55 years of smoking and usually get the stress test once a year. Have quit smoking but still cannot walk the treadmill long enough to stress my heart so they induce it each time now.

Mits said...


by SFShiba 2 hours ago

Hi all - We just wanted to give you a little bit of warning... we will be taking the pups to a vet for their check-up and first set of shots in about an hour. Afterwards we're going to likely let them experience some new sights, sounds and touches of the outdoors followed by some people socialization. We'll be back on air sometime this afternoon

normabyrd said...

COOL CANDY!!---Don't you know how to cut SNOW FLAKES???----I love teaching kids that age!!---They are so CUTE & SINCERE!

normabyrd said...

Don't worry CANDY---You all get even during BASKETBALL season!! ho!

normabyrd said...

RED----How long have you been off cigs?----That's a hard thing to do!!----I have forgotten when I quit!!----It wasn't by choice!

Red said...

I have been quit about 16 months now.

normabyrd said...

That's great!!----I can remember--when I was in school---they would give them out free on campus!!---I smoked then & didn't even enjoy it!!---I was trying to be cool!!---SO UNCOOL!!

Red said...

I used Chantix (new drug) to quit. Otherwise I would still be smoking as I had tried everything else.

normabyrd said...

WANDA!---So wonderful GG is home!--We ---CANDY & I--- were wondering if you folks would have crab legs tonight to cheer GG up!---She is a lovely person----

movin said...

Well, it's still morning in So Cal...



*** TO YOU ALL ***

i HOPE you are having a great Saturday so far.



normabyrd said...

RED -- My way was easy---(i'm being cute)---I became ill & it hurt to smoke!!----Still have a half a carton in a drawer upstairs!!!---

Mits said...

morning, Jim.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' MOVIN'JIM!!---I am a HAPPY CAMPER -- now---WVU is leading 28-14----Game isn't over yet!! ho!

Mits said...


movin said...

Good morning, Norma...Mits and Red too. :~D>

There is an eagle w/ good sized fish at BWO.



normabyrd said...

Did you read about SISSY & MATTIE ??---They were rear-ended last evening ---- they had stopped behind a turning car !!--They weren't hurt!! -- their car was totaled & they ARE VERY SORE!!--GOD WAS WITH THEM!!

Mits said...

BWO CAM still on 2:43p.m.

Mits said...

just changed after being stuck for 6 minutes

normabyrd said...

Thanks JIM!----First EAGLE today!!

Mits said...

definitely not refreshing properly

Mits said...

running 4 minutes behind..

Red said...

New Thread is up. COME ON OVER.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
normabyrd said...

need food!---

carolinabeachmom said...

Could someone give me the site for the Puppy Cam. I tried to look back through the blog, but got overwhelmed with all you bloggers messages. HELP and THANK YOU!

NatureNut said...

Helen, what a story!!!!They ARE cute, but everyone knows they are wild & have teeth!! DUH!!

Read back some and want to give my best wishes to Sissy (Panda gal) & Mattie & so glad to hear Gee Gee is home.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, more on the continuing saga from Bluefield. I am back in Bluefield. Mattie was at Sissy's. She walked down the steps to look out the street to see if I was home yet, slipped and fell on the ice and has gone back to the ER to have her foot x-rayed, she got it stuck between 2 steps. Thelma took her to the ER.

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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...