Friday, November 21, 2008


TGIF thread.


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Mits said...

yeah but in a sick sorta way....I don't like this story line...why can't they just keep Jim as Jim

hedgie said...

Been having all kinds of internet problems this evening.....stuff I don't understand at all! Guess I'm going to have to call for some tech support!
Poor GeeGee....I think that the test just makes you feel so funny that it sets off your SIL hsd it last summer, and he said it was very weird. I hope she rests well tonight.
Margy is certainly a ray of sunshine to us all.
Thanks for new cam site, Paulleo....I'll wait til tomorrow to check it out, so that I don't lose the blog AGAIN!!!

hedgie said...

I agree, Mits...too strange.
When will you be heading for PA, Paulleo? Do you ski yourself?? I never learned...too much of a klutz!!

Mits said...

used to be one of my favs:(

Mema Jo said...

My 2 teen aged sons eons ago took me skiing...I fell flat on my butt & had to stay there until they hit the slope and came back to help me figure out how to get up - my skies went off & never came back on (sorry for that) I did like sitting in the lounge watching the ski slopes!

Mema Jo said...

Lots of deer at RDHC's

The raccoons have to rely on the deer to knock the apples out of the feeder for them......

Mits said...

a long time ago we went to SS when Kevin was young with some friends...I was going to try to ski for the first time, chickened out....went roller skating instead, fell and broke my arm

hedgie said...

Jo, I have enough trouble staying on my feet...don't need any slippery slopes!!

Mits said...

sure are chowing done on the apples

Mits said...

deer on snowman cam now

Mits said...

108 people are online watching the deer at RDHC

Mema Jo said...

Looks like a whole herd of them..

Mits said...


Mema Jo said...

Did any of you log in to the RDHC's
Wildlife Cam?

Mema Jo said...

Puppies having a free for all

You bite me
I bite you back......... lol

hedgie said...

Helen, I love roller skating, but haven't done it in ages....and would be too afraid to now with the osteoporosis. We even have a relatively new rink here...oh well, can only remember the old days.
No, Jo, I'll try that cam tomorrow, too. Don't want to lose y'all!!

wvgal_dana said...

Evening Everyone

Caught up on blog....lots happening.

Oh Wanda I put GeeGee in prayers. Hope she is soon feeling better and out of the hospital. Prayers for you and family and GeeGee.

Jo I'm guessing yes but does the puppy cam have sound?

magpie said...

Howdy Hey! I just opened up the new deer cam, they are sharing it with a chubby racoon now..

I'm going to send a quick email to Wanda, then I will be baaaaack !

xo ♥

JO Thanks for posting my interim report about the hospital. I did drive by the house to pick up the last name, and then saw ISS fly over when I parked at the hospital...xo ☺

Mits said...

raccon is back...deer don't know what to do??

Mits said...

it was too cloudy here for ISS tonight, Margy

Mits said...

guess they will share.

wvgal_dana said...

Never mind Jo I have figured it out. Got sound on puppy cam.

Mits said...

deer and raccoon getting cozy:)

Mema Jo said...

Yes, Dana the Puppy cam has sound - I had mentioned about one of them finding his Bark! lol

Mema Jo said...

It's funny that we now have for our evening viewing:
3 deer cams with raccoons....

Mits said...

always something to watch, Jo:)

magpie said...

Well, there goes my email to Wanda.

MITS it went over here at about 6:40 - came up from the West, was not the brightest I have seen, got about a little overhead and went out like a light bulb. I see from the chart that it will be around in the evenings for the next few days...


Mits said...

and you know it is pitch dark out there.

Mema Jo said...

It is 25° here in the valley
There is enough wind to make it
feel much much colder.

Mema Jo said...

I can still hear the wind at our

magpie said...

Now, at the hospital: GeeGee was not so terribly comfortable when I first got there...but not too long after, she said she was ready to sleep, snuggled into the covers on her side, and I think, found peaceful rest. And, I learned, probably for the second time, that the name GeeGee is from: What Else: Great Grandmother....

Nurse Helena is from Sharpsburg, and when she was a youngster, has been to Megan's pumpkin patch...said it is walking distance - from the elementary school. Does this sound right? Also, she suggested a great sea food place in Frederick off 340: Chef Lyns (sp) - - with good crab legs.

Nurse James, perfect name, came in for the evening shift...

God Bless this wonderful woman, may he bring peaceful sleep and healing, swiftly, to GeeGee and all in need....

xo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Pool was nice again today. It was neat being in the pool and looking out the nice big windows. Seeing the snow coming down like a blizzard. Felt so good..

magpie said...

Oh Funny: Racoon in the apples now all by his lonesome ! ☺

magpie said...

Now, I am just a little bit Starving! so time for Grace, and chow! But I will be lurking. Listening to WV public radio, great stuff, good ole' country music, old stuff, John Prine, and who knows who else! Live is Good !
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♥

magpie said...

I got sound at our Nest...for now..had to refresh to get it, but I was out in that stuff so I'm not so sure I want to listen to it....

hedgie said...

Don't usually watch Numbers...but this one looks good. BBL!

wvgal_dana said...

Watching Numbers also Lynn..

Costume Lady said...

igMargy, you are an angel for visiting GeeGee and your report that she was resting comfortably will help me rest better tonight.
Have been awake since 2:30am and am ready to pickI left off. GOOD NIGHT TO EVERYONE AND THANKS FOR THE PRAYERS.

Mema Jo said...

Watching Numbers also........


Mema Jo said...

Nite Wanda - Prayers for both you & GeeGee..........

magpie said...

Good Night Sweet Wanda...We're all together here for all our Eagle ♀'s and ♂'s - and their families...Strength in numbers..

I can't resist: Love from "igMargy." LOL

I feel very blessed to be close enough to be able to make a visit...

xoxo ♥ ♥

magpie said...

...aaagh, The Eagles (on the radio) singing " I believe in Second Chances...." ooooh, shivers, and all that.....♥

paulleo said...

Hedgie..I`ve had an annual ski pass for at least 6 years and have only skied once. We get the passes early to get the discounts and by the time ski season gets there I`m still not in good enough shape to get on the slopes. Maybe this is the right time now???

Helen...They still had the skating rink up until last winter but I`m not sure about this year yet. The new owner has spent Millions of dollars in upgrades lately so I don`t know what all we`ll find when we get back up.

I`m absolutely thrilled about the changes that I have seen in the pictures at at he bottom of the "Mountain Cams"!!!

Maybe we can plan a party up there some time.

magpie said...

I join the chicken skiers group...
I always liked roller skating...not sure how I would do with that now....kerplunk !
Good to see you Paulleo !

Mema Jo said...

I am calling it a day.

Good Night to everyone of you!
Peace to you & yours
So many prayers for all your needs
being said........

(((hugs))) ♥♥♥

hedgie said...

Still waiting to hear from Bill for latest on his mom...but going to go put another log on the fire and take my bath. Will check back in later, if anyone is still on. For those turning in, g'night and sleep tight. Prayers for all.

Mits said...

Paul, do remember they had a great breakfast buffet;)

movin said...



Have a great weekend.



paulleo said...

Before I say Good Night I`d like to say Prayers for all the good folks on the blog and all your family and frends especially the ones with the special needs.


paulleo said...

Helen...You have a good memory!

We`ve been going up there for over 40 years and they still have the daily breakfast buffet. It`s one of our favorites. And they STILL have unlimited bacon!

If Red is on...their Grits are as good as anywhere!

Good Nite again. Love to all.

magpie said...

Spike buck at the RDHC cam - nice one..

magpie said...

Night Night Paulleo - I do and always like grits! I have to American Flag pins made out of grits that my sister in Massachusetts found somewhere for me.... xox

Peace and Prayers to all,
Comfort, and Strength for the Next Day coming up xox ♥

magpie said...

Oh Phooey - I do and always WILL like Grits, and make that TWO American Flag pins....

☺ ☺

Heading to the pillow soon...
Taking two large handfuls of prayers with me...and you guys are in them ! xo ♥

wvgal_dana said...

Heading for the pillows tc prayers for all those that need them.

Mits said...

oh, yes, the bacon, Paul, my friends husband would fill his plate sky high with the bacon

hedgie said...

Paul, it sounds like a really neat place! Let's have a party!!
Margy, I bet those grits pins are kind of messy, aren't they??? LOL!☺ ♥ ☺ Good night to both of you, as well as Jim and Dana.

hedgie said...

Before I shut down for the night, I just want to say thanks for all of you great friends and for your kindness, thoughtfulness, prayers and love for each other. The day I joined you has turned out to be one of my greatest blessings, and I love each of you! Peace.

NatureNut said...

Just getting on in time to say "Nighty Night" to all. I'm in trouble already w/AM alarm clock! Go to Park then, but maybe I'll see eagles. I hope, I hope!!☺ ☺ ☺

Trip to 7 Springs sounds great.I never skied either, but area is lovely. I don't even walk as good as I thought I did! Wore short heels to wedding Sat. & we had to go forever from parking garage to Naval Academy Chapel. My feet didn't hurt, but my hips did!& then we had to show ID & I didn't bring any! Guard said he'd let me in since I was Gma of bride!
Hope to work on pics this weekend.
God Bless all ♥♥♥

magpie said...

Hi Any Early Birds on Here..

Loretta? Are you up and moving around? Pull on your Cuddle Duds!
The Naval Academy Chapel! Isn't it beautiful? My nephew was married there two years very beautiful...but they move those ceremonies along lickety-split...lots of weddings the day we were there...

Have a good day at work! Happy Wildlifing!

xo I'm going out to check on the moon and stars, and listen for some Tundra Swans! xo ♥

magpie said...

Wow that was a cold trip outside!
Skies are clear, Moon and Orion out, Big Dipper, Böötes, Saturn, and everything else looks pretty too. Did not hear any Swans.

magpie said...

There is an Eagle in the Nest at Maine...

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle just flew in at Maine

wvgal_dana said...

Hi and Good Morning Margy ( :

magpie said...

Doing nestorations mostly I think and I just heard a second one calling...

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle calling and flew up on branch. Now 2 eagles at Maine.

magpie said...

How nice that is...I think the second one just brought food in,to Maine..

Hi Dana !

magpie said...

Wherever that new Deer cam is, it is getting daylight so I guess it is Eastern Seaboard somewhere...

wvgal_dana said...

A good wiggle into the nest cup. One just flew up on branch. Other laying in nest cup now up.

magpie said...

Guess it wasn't food....
off goes the first one..

wvgal_dana said...

Blog very slow at publishing comments.

magpie said...

Yes it did look like it was wiggling into the nest cup...

They seem very watchful this morning...

wvgal_dana said...

New deer cam I think is Seven Springs, PA

wvgal_dana said...

Went to bed with eyes blinking shut..woke up with eyes blinking shut. Hope my noggen doesn't hit the keyboard.

magpie said...

Okay , Dana, that would make sense, that is probably East of here...

Blog has been slow refreshing for me for the last day...
everything else moving pretty quickly.

Going to watch for our Eagles for a little while....then toing to catch a few more z's
spectacular sunrise coming up...☼

magpie said...

Murraysville PA PIX CAM on the other hand is far West of here...

Empty nest now at Maine, for now...

magpie said...

Squirrels getting the leftovers at RHDC -

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...


magpie said...

Oh I see we have some action at NCTC !

magpie said...

I just refreshed to get the sound! Oh, Happy Morning...
xo ♥ ☺

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh the pic and the sound are wonderful. I just now crawled out of bed as I wanted to be sure to see our pair this morning. Just one so far and seems to be eating.

magpie said...


carolinabeachmom said...

This experience is just awesome. Can't say enough thanks to Steve and all those at NCTC!

magpie said...

Thanks for the Alert, Candy...I was off working on an email.
Have the sound on at Maine too, so when I hear an eagle bleat, I am not going to be sure which one it is coming from.... ♥

Costume Lady said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Hey and a good morning to you Magpie. This is truly wonderful. You didn't have to work last night, I take it?

magpie said...

That sound, of nestorations and talons in the nest, is too much!

magpie said...

Spidey nest is going to disappear soon too...daylight.....

carolinabeachmom said...

And off it went. Hopefully, both will be back next time.

carolinabeachmom said...

I really wish that wind would blow Spidey's webs away. They are anoying.

magpie said...

Okay, so Bloggie is awake too!
Wonderful sight, glad you saw this Wanda...good start for the day.
Candy, you too!
And DANA - did you see the Feathery Wonder >

Even the sound of wings flapping on a take-off is "okay" - they will be back ! xo

Costume Lady said...

Never in my life, did I think I would be so thrilled to see a bird in a nest! LOL

magpie said...

Very chubby deer at RHDC -
Did you all notice at the top of the cam:

Never Forget 911

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA, so glad you could see the eagle. I am sitting here in my pj but having iced tea and am soooooo excited. That was a first for me with sound and live. Wow wowowowowowowow

magpie said...

BWO is not operational this morning, yet...
stuck on yesterday...

Yes, Wanda - - I totally agree with that emotion !

☺ ♥ ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Hey - and the sound is staying on for a change, yesterday it was very broken up.

The RHDC site was posted yesterday evening....

Color is up in Maine and I hear, maybe a hawk? From one of these two nests...

carolinabeachmom said...

WANDA I was sorry to hear that your mother, Gee Gee, wasn't feeling well again. She is in the right place tho to get feeling 'fit as a fiddle'again.
I will keep you and GG in my prayers as well as all the others that I have since read are having terrible times.
That was really nice of Margy to go and visit her at the hospital last night. I hope you finally got a good nights rest, and when you visit today, Gee Gee will be feeling much better.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks for your well wishes, girls.
I slept like a baby last night, all ready to face whatever this day may bring :)

Costume Lady said...

ICED TEA? Oh, Candy, that makes me shiver just thinking about that. It is 25° here and I am leaving to turn the furnace up and get some HOT COFFEE.

magpie said...

There is a new bird sound on one of these two...I can almost figure out what it is....but am stalled out on it. Think I did hear a Red-tailed hawk though.

magpie said...

Glad you slept well, Wanda.. good for the soul, mind and body...
Prayers for positive things today. I sent you an email...I'm gonna hit the sack again for a litle bit.

Candy - I was off last night...
didn't sleep very well, typical shift work kind of sleeping.

DANA Where did you go?
Out filling the feeders?

Take Care, Catch you all in a little bit...xox zzz ♥

glo said...

Good morning all. I am so enjoying our live feed with sound as I get ready to go to work.

magpie said...

Okay Glo! You too ....did you see our Lone Eagle this morning? Two were at Maine briefly.

Good Day to You, at work and all. Loretta is working also..
and maybe some others...
Hugs and scratches for Dex.

glo said...

Hugs an dprayers coming your way this morning Wanda for you and Gee Gee. Its been a good start to what I pray will be a very good day.

glo said...

Thanks Magpie. yes I did see our eagle forlike 3 secs and then the take off . But I did see it :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Sleep well Margy. My husband worked shiffs at Dare Central 911 and I know how that goes.
Good morning GLO. you just missed a short visit. Thank goodness it was Saturday and I decided that I was getting up this morning to enjoy what you all were enjoying the last couple of days.

magpie said...

Okey-Dokey Glo - sometimes just that is enough to charge up the spirit!

Away I go .... xo

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh glad you saw it GLO. Isn't the live cam and sound GREAT?

carolinabeachmom said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like it is breakfast time at that nest.

carolinabeachmom said...

It also looks like it is starting to snowflake in Main when I blow up the pic.

magpie said...

Sea Eagle at Finneys!

glo said...

Well off for coffee and dog treats and then off to work. Enjoy your day :)

magpie said...

Oh $%#@&&!! Just left !

Daggone it..

But I see Maine!

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh BTW we had a small snow storm here on the Outer Banks yesterday. It really came down for awhil, but didn't stick for too long. The ground must be too warm yet. We hardly see snow here. When the kids in our class heard we were headed outside to see it snowing, they were yelling and squeeling like little pigs. Some had never seen snow. I think almost the whole lower grades were outside in their coats, hats and scarfs running around with smiles on their faces and some had tongues out trying to have it land there.

magpie said...

He was HUGE !

Okay now, really -I am going to the pillows. I see everything is in Great Hands here !


carolinabeachmom said...

That eagle in Maine is sure having a good breakfast. I guess the mate is going to miss a feast, because the lone eagle is really tearing whatever it is apart and making mince meat out of it.

carolinabeachmom said...

You had better get yourself some sleep Margy. Have a peaceful rest, thinking of soaring in the sky with our eagle friends.

magpie said...

..and the Snow is so Christmasy -
Great story about the school kids, Candy ! ♥ ♥

magpie said...

You can see on Finney's nest where the Bird Had Been Standing...

in the snow....

magpie said...

* Yes Mom *

This time for sure....


carolinabeachmom said...

Enjoy your coffee and dog treats, GLO and then have a good day at work.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hear an eagle! I wonder if it is one of ours?

wvgal_dana said...

Back finally and yes I did miss the visit at our nest. There will be another time.

Had to reboot things on blog just too slow.

Morning again Margy (who is probably sleeping)

Morning Candy enjoy watching cams today.

Morning Wanda glad you got some good rest. Praying for GeeGee and you and family.

Other prayer needs for people too.

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Glo and Dexter enjoy your coffee and I'm sure Dexter will enjoy his treats.

carolinabeachmom said...

I hope that MARGY finally made it to bed. She needs her wits about her when she goes in to work.

carolinabeachmom said...

Welcome back DANA. I have been watching an eagle in the Maine nest have breakfast in the snow.

I hear the eagle again. If must be from our nest.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Candy I have Maine up too. They have been in and out of there this morning. The eagle you just heard was Maine.

carolinabeachmom said...

I sure wish it would come down and rest in our nest for awhile. It is really talking alot.

carolinabeachmom said...

Oh crumb, the eagle is calling in Maine? Rats, I was hoping is was ours. I guess breakfast must be over for now.

wvgal_dana said...

They are usually very vocal at Maine. Even when not in nest. Flew off.....the snow is beautiful.

wvgal_dana said...

Well this gal got up too early. The sand man is calling me again.
I going to hit refresh on myself and make for the bed later enjoy the cams ( :

carolinabeachmom said...

Isn't the snow to peaceful. When I lived up north, I used to love to see it come down around my woods. Everything was so peaceful and quiet. I didn't like the driving in it tho.

carolinabeachmom said...

Have a good rest DANA.

carolinabeachmom said...

A gaggle of turkeys at the Pa. site, and sooo close to Thanksgiving too. They had better be more careful! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

It almost seems like a Native American brave or a Pilgrim should be coming through the woods to get one for their first Thanksgiving. :)

NatureNut said...

Good Chilly Morning to Everyone. Jug Bay is frozen here. It is a shallow outcropping of the Pax River. Lots of black ducks were in the channel, tho.
See our birds were in, but I was getting ready for work & missed them again :>(. Haven't seen any here today, but can now see the nest from the road as enough leaves have fallen.

deb said...

Good morning, I got to see a sea eagle for about 5 seconds, it has been a long time! Snow is coming down in Maine. The snow is done here, we just got a dusting, maybe an inch. It is enough to make it pretty.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---WOW!---Just read yesterdays blog!-----I will never catch up! ho!---
WHOA! DEB---I see your friend from SD "TOM DASCHLE" has been nominated for CABINET post---SEC. HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES!---apply for a job & you could just drop by & see LIBERTY & BELLE often!!----ho!

deb said...

Dogs are fed, now I need to go out and feed the birds.

deb said...

Morning, Norma. Rumors were he would get some cabinet position for a couple of weeks, I hope he does a good job.

deb said...

Off to feed the birds, BRB.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'---HEDGIE---NATURENUT---MAGPIE---DANA---CANDY---WANDA---GLO & DEB!----SUN is shining on this COLD CLEAR morning!!---temp--25° here in WONDERFUL WILD WV!!---"HOME OF LIBERTY & BELLE---PARENTS OF THE 3 SOARING MOUNTAINEERS"!!!---on this 22nd day of November,-a date I'll always remember!!--Our world changed---45 years ago!!!-----PRESIDENT KENNEDY WAS ASSASSINATED!!!

normabyrd said...

BW CAM is down---They are working on it!!!

normabyrd said...

MAGPIE -- You are truly a wonderful CARING person!!----Your parents would be so proud!!---

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Norma....from one side of the hills of WV to the other side ( :

deb said...

Norma, it is snowing in Oregon!

wvgal_dana said...

Morning Deb it is snowing in Maine too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning all of my eagle buddies. Been trying to get cleaned up a little bit. T-Bird is working on getting all of my stuff packed up so I can go home today. I slept pretty good last night which was a blessing. Hurting a little now but going to rest for a few minutes before heading out. I am so grateful for all the powerful prayers. Thanks everybody.

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon so glad you got some rest. Hope your pain eases. Remember to just take it easy. YOU would be giving that advice to others. Continue to keep you in prayer. Also keeping Sissy and Bill in prayers too. Hi Thelma you have done a great job helping Sharon and being there.

wvgal_dana said...

Prayers for safe journey home Sharon and Thelma.

Mits said...


Mits said...

MARGY new deer cam is in Kentucky

normabyrd said...

2nd GOOD MORING EAGLE BUDDIES!-----Computer wasn't obeying my commands!!----Turned it off & I am back----RARING2GO!!---Teasing DEB about a job with DASCHLE!!!---Just thought it would be nice to have you living close to LIBERTY & BELLE!!!---ho!

magpie said...

Hen Party in Pix PA -

Good Morning to Everyone...I was snoozin' a bit... going to head over to the hospital and see what's going on with Wanda and GeeGee, will report back in a little bit.

Halelujah Hawaii Sharon, you and Thelma, have a good journey to your roost....

Norma - thanks for your kind words. "It's the Company I Keep." And I thank my parents for putting me on the Planet!

TTFN - xox Love to all ♥ ♥!

normabyrd said...

This is one of the few am that we have not had snow flurries, etc.--Deer season starts MON. --- no school---& I won't go walking in the nearby woods either!--ho!---

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON---sounds like good news!!!---you are feeling better!!----Will keep my thoughts & prayers coming you way----

normabyrd said...

DEB!---As I was reading your description of the wedding clothes---I kept thinking--blue--blue!!----You will look COOL---with your coloring!!!

Mits said...

feeding time at hummer nest;)

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all of you
Thelma watch out for the potholes as you are transporting valuable cargo!

I've been cam surfing - the puppy cam has captured my heart.

Mits said...

puppy tacking a dump...more than I want to see:)

Mits said...

they are cleaning the area up now.

Mits said...

there is always one trouble maker in a bunch...

Mema Jo said...

Well I missed that!

Red said...

Good morning y'all. I'm doing laundry while Ms. Red is out with SIL going to craft shows. How did I get into this. I must be a nice guy. lol

Mema Jo said...

If you watch for a short time you
can even pick him out of the bunch!

Mits said...

ewwiiee at BWO

Mema Jo said...

That was a puppy comment, Red!

Yes, you are an extra nice guy!
Hubby put a load of our laundry in washer before he left for Dunkin' Donut coffee break! lol

Mits said...

that funny they all run around jumping and biting, and someone walks into the room and they act like little angels

Mits said...

I like when hubby folds my laundry...he is so much better at it than I am

normabyrd said...

Prayers for GG---PAULA'S family---& all other folks who are in need of healing prayers!----GOD BLESS!!

Red said...

Those puppys were on NBC today show this morning. Did you know they are all leaving next week and each on will have a web cam with it.

Mits said...

I did not know that, Red.....puppy fighting now:(

Red said...

They like playing tug of war with a toy.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning Sharon, Helen, Jo Norma and Red. I take it we haven't had another visit to our nest today yet. I keep checking in and out while I catch up on the wash and drying and getting ready to watch UNC play football. Norma, your Mountaineeeeerrrrrrrsssss will be on today too.

Mama Moose and calf are resting on the Moosecam.
I see that BWO is in operation again.

Mits said...

trying to knock the cam over..

carolinabeachmom said...

Thelma, drive carefully and give Sharon a smoooooooth trip home today, please.

Sharon, keep upon laying low, be patient, and don't take it too fast.

normabyrd said...

Did you FOLKS read JIM'S PAGE---in re:---PANDA'S ON THE BLOG!!---so many comments---sound like our own-----Thanks JIM!---for pointing it out to us!!---Little "ZZ" is a darling!!---WE KNEW THAT! ho!---DIDN'T know about TAI was having 'tummy' problems!!---bless his little heart!!----mentioned the ATLANTA "CC" BOY CUB!!---One person referred to him as 'FUZZY BUTT'----A must read!!!

deb said...

The one puppy just wants to sleep!

Mits said...

feeding time for puppies:)

normabyrd said...

RED!!---We have known you are a "NICE GUY" for a long time!! ho!

Mits said...

that made them, quiet...maybe sleep now

normabyrd said...

HEY PUPPY WATCHERS!!----If you don't read 'MARLEY AND ME'!---You must see the movie--coming out on Christmas Day!----We have always had dogs!!---The pups are a riot!!----Our BEAGLE had 7 little pups!!
Kids wanted to keep them all!!---All one has to do is look in those EYES!!---ho!

Red said...

Thanks Norma! You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time and thats sufficient. lol

Mema Jo said...

Yes It's a bedfull of puppies.
I watched it last night... Puppy Person this morning has on same slacks, same shirts and same socks!
Do you think it is a rerun?

Mits said...

finally quiet puppies.

wvgal_dana said...

Puppys can do that can't they Norma. Just suck you right cute...

normabyrd said...

DEB!---I have seen your 'ADORABLE' dogs on your site!!!---What are they?----They just look so mischievous!! ho!

Mits said...

Think it was a man this a.m., Jo, last night was a woman

wvgal_dana said...

This was a guy with a tattoo on arm. That brought the puppy food into room.

normabyrd said...

JO!---Could be a new one & he didn't have time to change his slacks last night!! ho!---Too busy chasing PUPS!!

Mits said...


Saturday, November 22
I was away for the first half of this week, so it has been several days since I have seen the cub. What a difference a week makes! He has gotten so big and he has a little more contour – less pudge, and more muscle mass. Don’t get me wrong, he is still quite a butterball, but he just seems a bit more formed to me. He slept most of the night, so unfortunately, I did not get to see if his crawling skills have improved any since last I last saw him, but I have heard that they have. He seems to have developed better visual perception as well. The cub's eyes have been fully opened for a couple of weeks now and as Debbie mentioned in the November 17th update, it is obvious that the cub is now reacting to visual stimuli instead of only sounds.

Ah! And what we have all been waiting for... the cub now weighs 4.076 kg, which is almost 9 pounds!

Heather Baker Roberts
Carnivore Keeper I

carolinabeachmom said...

Could someone give me the site for the Puppy Cam. I tried to look back through the blog, but got overwhelmed with all you bloggers messages. HELP and THANK YOU!

Mits said...


carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks HELEN. I haven't been on email since early this am.

normabyrd said...

what do I like best-- other than puppies?????????



Mits said...


Mostly cloudy. A slight chance of snow showers this morning. Highs in the upper 20s. Northwest winds 15 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent. Wind chill values as low as 3 below.
» ZIP Code Detail
Mostly cloudy in the evening...then becoming partly cloudy. Lows around 13. West winds 10 to 20 mph. Wind chill values as low as 5 below.
Mostly sunny. Highs in the lower 30s. West winds 10 to 20 mph with gusts up to 30 mph. Wind chill values as low as 6 below in the morning.
» ZIP Code Detail

Mits said...

can hear eagle at Maine

Mits said...

ewwie back at BWO

Mits said...

big boy Tai, sitting on tree stump eating a snack...and we are splitting

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