Monday, September 08, 2008


Monday thread.


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floralgirl said...

midnite shift huh..yikes- take care Magpie:)

magpie said...

Thanks Flower Lady, I mean Floralgirl..I was looking forward to sleeping at night the rest of the week. "It is What It Is."

floralgirl said...

Well, ain't that the truth. Ooh- I found Hyrox cookies at the Food Lion-yummy..

MITS said...

yes, I have some of those cookies too.....nice big glass of milk.yum!

magpie said...

I have some left too, think I will just chocolate myself through the shift tonight, will be thinking of you guys!

NatureNut said...

Hi all, I fought my way out of the woods thru all the spider webs!!!!
No, wasn't that bad. Hiked for about 2 hours--went a different way back on a trail that ends up pretty close to the eagle's nest!!!Got off the path to go down to the wide stream area & was way passed the nest! Went thru brushy plants & finally saw the BACK of the nest!! If they come back next year, I'll know where to sneak. SSHH--that trail was closed before so no disturbance.
Nothing exciting in the woods but huge mushroom, flock of crows overhead, toad, small frog, but I did hear snorting and huffing!!!!Not a bear---some deer saw me & turned tail.

hedgie said...

Hey, Paula, thinking of you and your mom at this difficult time. Prayers are with you.
I got my Hydrox, too, but haven't gotten the chocolate urge yet to open them! Saving them for one of those "gotta have" moments!

hedgie said...

Oh, Loretta, I love to hear the deer snort and stomp! They do it here all the if I'm the intruder in my woods!! LOL.

floralgirl said...

Well, for me every moment is a gotta have moment when it comes to chocolate.. nite all:)

NatureNut said...

Read some of comments and want to tell Paula we'll be thinking of you and your family. Difficult situation, hope it turns out for the best.

NatureNut said...

Oh gosh---the addictive word---CHOCOLATE!!!

I'd love to hug that little tiny Atlanta Baby, too. Maybe we could get kangaroo pouches & take turns! In that story Jo gave us about the B'day party, one lady did actually fly down there!!

magpie said...


I just finally treated myself to all your new photos. Spectacular, as usual. Love the White Rock Dove and the stories you posted a few days ago about it..


hedgie said...

Good night, Megan. Thanks for e-mail about the benefit concert.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I love butterflies.....
The pictures you have displayed are exquisite. Simply beautiful....

Sorry I missed being with everyone this evening --- I had about 10 emails full of pictures from Germany.
Christine's aunt captured the true Germany - the buildings & homes are awesome.

Paula - your Mom and all your family are in my prayers. Take care and stay strong.

Mema Jo said...

Calling it a day

Good Night Everyone
Peaceful dreams & restful Sleep
Prayers for all our needs being said

Mason - come on around that bend in the road that is leading you home

NatureNut said...

Well gang, time to shut down poor old 'puter...
Have a good quiet night Margy.
So glad everyone liked the pictures---my favorite thing to do!

Pleasant feather dreams ;>))

Mema Jo said...

Mason needs prayers & positive thoughts - Candles Are Lighting His
Pathway Home

hedgie said...

Good night, Jo. Sure would love to see those Germany pics! Still waiting to see the 1000+ that my cousin took in Scotland on her ancestral trek in July!
Oh..wanted to ask, ages of Patrick and Ryan, please...??
See you tomorrow, dear friend!

hedgie said...

Jo, should have added that our other ancestral home is Germany(maternal grandma's side--her great-great grandfather; Scotland on maternal grandpa's side--he was 1st generation American; his bro and sisters were born in Canada, and his parents came over from Sc.)

Mema Jo said...

Glad you asked:

Patrick has a b-day on 9/25 27 yrs
Sgt Patrick Thompson
HHC 16th SB
COB Q-West Iraq
APO AE 09351

Ryan turned 24 in March

hedgie said...

Lolly, they are now showing Corpus as the target, not YOU!!!!!

hedgie said...

Thanks, Jo!!! Birthday card shopping on m schedule!

hedgie said...

Margie, sure you'll check in again before you leave for the graveyard shift! Have a quiet night, okay?
And rest well tomorrow. Sounds like it will be cloudy and a bit rainy. Good day to sleep.
Peace to all and prayers being sent. Good night.

magpie said...

Good Night All, Out the Door..
Take Care,
Rest Well


MITS said...


Costume Lady said...

Paula, I have been where you are right now, and it is such a very hard thing to do. Your Mom knows you love her and are doing what is best for her right now. Prayers for your Mom and you.


IrisF said...

Finally caught up with just today...mercy we talk alot!

Prayer for you and your Family Pauls, may the Lord watch out for you all! Stay strong for your Mother!

Prayers for all who need them tonight and God's Blessings

Wake up Mason!

movin said...



T-Bird said...

I didn't have any luck seeing Belle or Liberty this morning. Hope you all have better luck. I did have a deer for Buddy to get excited about.
Later you fine eagle folk.

floralgirl said...

Heavy rain and thunderstorms passing thru hhere and at the nest right now.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...