I am wondering what the head count is on our dinner choices. Rumsey Menu or Buffet...I wasn't quite sure what the buffet was all about or how to choose from it. I didn't know they had a buffet. I guess it is just for Private Dining.
Since I'm not coming guess I should stay out of the voting even though Jo sent me the email. But those crab cakes sure sound nice. lol I did send Paula my photo and hope she sticks me in a bloody Mary.
Good morning everyone. You are making me hungry. Heck what I see on the menu is good times and lots of friendly memories. Sounds good to me. Indulge yourselves.
Good Morning Everyone! I'm the first one here & checked some cams. All nests MT--Finland & here.
Yesterday while driving on our Beltway I DID see a bald eagle flying over!!! Was shocked---saw that white tail in the sun. Looked like it was heading SW, towards Potomac River.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS!---BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!--you are our #1 EAGLE MOM today & everyday!!!---NPR predicts the HILLS OF WV will be ALIVE WITH COLOR this fall!!----Right amount of rain will add a blaze of color to our GLORIOUS MOUNTAINS!!----SUNNY am --- with a cool temp of 55°!---Take a deep breath & you can smell 'school' in the air!!!---MT Hummer feeder---(those little beauties are a gift from GOD)----MORNIN' PIC from MARGY---EAGLE IN OUR NEST!!-- here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA----"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY----PLUS 3 SOARING EAGLETS"!!!----GET WELL WISHES!! --- MASON---PAULA'S MOTHER---TOM'S MOM---FLORAL GIRL---DEB & ALL OTHER EAGLE BUDDIES!!-----Kind words & SMILES everyone--- dance---love & hug your cats & dogs!---WE LIVE IN A WONDERFUL WORLD!!----WE ARE TRULY BLESS!!-----(now if i could have just--one little taste of SALMON!)----ho!----Thanks JO!---WE LOVE YOU!!
MORNIN' STEVEN---MEGAN---DANA---SHARON---SISSY---RED EAGLE---GLO--& NATURENUT!!---WOW! NATURENUT---seeing a EAGLE while driving---So EXCITING!!--how did you keep from going off the road!!----
DR appt. yesterday in Winchester----It's almost a whole day affair when DR is behind!----(life is good in the country!)---- ho!---need to read yesterday's blog!!----
Good Tuesday Morning to all - almost a full house! There's a chill in the air! Lunch is on for today with "old work gang" NO they are not old- work is old to me
Thanks for the Eagle pics from this morning Megan & Margie!
I'm still getting emails for the Dinner choices - there could be 30 of us. Making another call to Clarion today - so far Buffet isn't the choice of the majority.
Hi Red - I didn't forget! lol The new email about the dinner is automatically sent to every Momster member. We'll get you in the Bloody Mary. Now I'm hitting Lolly up for a cheesecake!
Tuesday, September 16 At 10 o’clock this morning, interested panda aficionados will be able to once again partake in PandaCam broadcasts!
Lun Lun and cub go about their daily life together, completely oblivious to the schedules, task assignments, meetings and discussions, or the number of team members involved in their care. And, in spite of the cameras, lights, noise and periodic checks by staff, the cub and Lun Lun thrive.
The cub is taking on the plump panda features that make this species irresistible to so many. His once lanky arms and legs are filling out and his earlier uncoordinated movements are becoming more purposeful and controlled.
At this morning’s check, the cub weighed 444.4 grams. Debbie Forde Curatorial Assistant
Ha Ha well I am neither for or again the menu or the buffet. I am for you all feasting on the friendship. I think whatever you eat will be awesome in the company of friends. And well I will be feasting at home with Dex who is of course an awesome friend.
i SEE you found the Pandacam on the mother and baby this morning.
The baby was upside down and getting a bath when I tuned in.
He's gaining pretty quick now and should break a pound (453.6 g) within 24 hrs.
The Lock Garten youngsters are still holding in the south of England, and everyone is wondering if they think they have arrived in Africa. Probably their instincts are better than our speculations, so just wait and see...
Good Morning everyone;I am back from canada and just checking my E-Mail here at school and wanted to drop in and say hi.I will have a computer at home later this month.Oh yes i just love my time off,in other words retirement is great.I will talk to you later.
Good Morning Jim and newly retired Dave....when you get that computer we want to hear or see pic of Canada.
GloGood Morning boy a lot of people dropping in this morning. You have been to the nest and dinner at Rumsey. So you know what fun it is. Your comment sounds so festive. It makes me wish it was this Saturday. You will be missed by many. I know what you mean by Dex being great company. ( :
Hi Jim and Dave!! Can't wait to see new pics. Nothing real exciting here at Park today except squirrel wanted to come in back door I had left opened! Shooed him out--& we have cute little chipmunk under the feeders & one Ms. Hummingbird sitting on top of her food tube.
GOOD MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!!---You have made our day!!---I am delighted you are enjoying your retirement!!---I felt certain you would want to go back to work as soon as you returned---ho!---(in my dreams)!!---Now you can scream----LIIFFFFEEE is GOOD!!! --ENJOY!
I wouldn't believe it---if I hadn't seen it!!----A little HUMMER flew right up to my window--where I am typing--& made hereself known!!----Must go fill the feeder!!---I AM A HAPPY CAMPER!!---ho!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!
Mini- News Flash....The small wren-like bird seen in the Finney Big nest is a Northern Wheatear. Found in Eurasia,Greenland,barely enter No. Am., & in the thrush family.
NORMA, my hummers do that also, just before they leave for the Winter, as if to say GOODBYE. Then when they come back in the Spring, they come to the window again as if to say, HELLO. Precious little jewels, they are!
Hi all. Catching up on comments. Oh Red, you won't look half as good in a Bloody Mary as you would in person!! But we'll feed you crab cakes anyway! Glo, what do you want us to get you?? Loretta, maybe that was George you saw, or whoever the vamp was who caused Martha's demise...remember the stories about them during the construction of the new Woodrow Wilson Bridge?
Chrissy said that she used to watch a cam that was along the Potomac w/ a view of tall bldgs. but she couldn't remember where or find the link...does this ring a bell w/ anyone? It was before I joined you....
Mom is doing good today, she is actually breathing on her own...with some extra O2 and pressure support from the vent...they want her to exercise those diaphragm muscles that have been inactive...so they may put her back on the vent if she needs it...if she doesn't, that's even better. So today has been so far so good.
I was also able to talk to her and let her know she is getting better and help her understand why she's in ICU - it's hard for her to remember because of the sedative.
Norma, hope your apptmt. in Winc. went well. Dave...welcome "home'!!! We've missed you, but know that you were really enjoying the first days of freedom....were you soaring w/ any eagles? Anne Marie...you will be one of OUR presents!
GOOD -- GOOD MORNIN' PAULA!!---How is your MOM?----keeping you all in my prayers & thoughts!!----It is nice that you live close enough to drive back & forth---but you take care & stay healthy!!---(get sleep kid)---MUCH LOVE!!!
Paula, glad to hear things are improving w/Mom!! We have a lady working here who's Mom has been in & out of hosp. & rehab & she's been running to Ohio & back.
Yes, Loretta...so busy that I was shocked they ever built there in the first place! Well, anyway, we can imagine that it was George you saw!!! Nothing to prove any different!!
I could use this tip around here, but I don't have the real estate in the back.
If you have feeders, you are likely having problems with a dominant, territorial male (or his male offspring) driving the others away from the feeder.
Hummingbirds can detect a minute change in the percentage of sugar in the nectar...of course the dominant male will grab the one with the higher percentage. So, if you have two feeders, put nectar with a little higher sugar content in one, and place it out of sight of the other one, perhaps in the back yard.
Yupper, he will grab the one with more sugar, and he will spend most of his time defending that one. In the meantime the other H. birds will show up at the one in your favorite viewing area, and they will be happy with the lower sugar content ... as long as it doesn't drop below about 1 part sugar to 4 parts water.
[I make mine about 1 to 3 ... more water in the hot months, less than that in winter ... at least some H.B.'s stay year around here.
A woman I knew at my old job used a 50/50 concentration and had a lot of birds. I don't know how healthy that is, and I never make it that concentrated.]
Separating them should work most of the time if you keep the two feeders out of sight of each other. The territorial male can't be two places at once.
I definitely think I should go home now!!Working on heavy, sharp, metal sign blanks & went in cabinet to get cloth work gloves & mousetrap bit by baby finger!!!!If it should be reported, Mgr. would have to take me to faraway clinic & get a drug test!!!! He said since I can bend it, it's probably OK.I may be the only one left here, but if I find somebody in other bldg., I'm gone!!! See ya......
Jim, that is an interesting theory on the hummer feeders. I will give it a try next season. Ours will be leaving in about a week and not be back til mid-April. DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL PAULA YOUR PHOTO...it doesn't have to be recent, even a baby photo will do. Although, I would hesitate to put a baby's photo in a BEER BOTTLE! LOL
I may be able to splain. A lot of businesses have a policy that if you have any type of accident, they do a drug test to make sure that is not what caused it.
So glad many of you got to see that sweet sweet baby boy....he is getting darker in markings. So precious....hard to believe such a large beautiful animal could have such a tiny baby and care for it so gently.
Dana, I don't know if Chrissy was talking about eagles or ospreys She was just sure that it was on the Potomac! Littley Lun is so cute! Can't get enough of him...it is too bad they don't have sound! Yes, Wanda, like Loretta 'splained...the hospitals/clinics try to do it automatically when it's work-related...but WV workers' comp does not require it, and most unions have managed to protect their employees from having to submit; of course, WV w/c doesn't take into account "fault"--they just always stick it to the employer regardless!
Hummers are territoral and the first one to find a feeder (male or female) will claim it and try to chase all other off. Two feeders will just be two battlegrounds.
Lynn, I mentioned that my Grandaughter was hoping to get a job in Ashburn, Va. at an Inova something or another....well, it is called NOVA Spa. She got the job, I think. She is supposed to report there for orientation next Monday. Did you find out anything more about Maridel?
Oh my goodness, Red. Now I am so confused. How many feeders do you have and how do you explain all those that come to your feeder at one time? I have very seldom seen more than one at a time here.
That photo of mine was taken during migration and they tolerate each other better then. During the summer it is rare to get more than one on at a time.
Wanda...guess that's why I didn't know about an Inova facility in Ashburn!! Congrats to her on her job. No...she's not listening too well. She called her doc...they were to schedule an MRI of her brain...she called the MRI place on Fr. and they hadn't gotten the order, and drs. office was closed. I told her again to go the ER, but since I haven't heard anything more, I guess she diodn't...or else they kept her. Don't know whether Bill 'puters or not...I will give her til morning and then call her again. We need to keep praying, Wanda, because I fear that it's serious.
oh yeah, hummers are battling here right now, I can hear them out the window. if they are breathing, they are fighting. I was just watching six of them out on my deck. Some are really fat now, they are everywhere you go in they yard, I guess that's cause there are feeders and flowers everywhere. Current feeder count here is 5.
The Dr. was pleased w/ Mom's progress today - she breathed on her own for 6 1/2 hours. Came home tonight and walked the dogs - was really nice - a bit of normalcy, if you will. Will go to work tomorrow for 1/2 day and head down to see Mom in the afternoon.
I am spoiled, cause we have them everywhere, but I do have a ridiculous amount of flowers for them, and lots of feeders...We plant blooming vines at our entry and they go almost up to the roof of the house during the summer. One is covered with bright red flowers, and they are in it constantly. Hey Paula:)
Thanks for the heads up Loretta I need to read some of the news because they may be going 24/7 like they did with Buta Buta. LUN LUN is lying soooooooo still...I hope it's up for real!
Can anyone other then me think that they see Lun Lun's breathing? She is so still.. I am staring at her and will probably jump when and if she actually moves.
My Atl. panda cam is really dark...is that normal for night time now that the preggers' watch is over? How can they see the cub? Do they keep a live watcher on duty all night still? Margy, thanks for keeping Maridel on your prayer list, too!
Dr. House was a bit more curmudgeonly than previous season, wasn't he??? Paula, get yourself a good nights rest, ok? Prayers continue for your mom. Megan...how are you feeling?
Been checking/doing emails. Only 710 to go!!!! I'm so glad some of you have a Panda cam. I haven't gone totally bonkers yet (like my 'puter!!)
Paula, glad you got to spend some time home & Mom is progressing!!! Prayers for all, Mason, Lynn's friend & all others in need. Gonna go out to find the mooooon, Margy!
What, I'm being sent to bed?? lol...had to wait til ten so I know teenager is in bed.. off to pry comoputer out of her hands..nite all:) take care, Paula.
I have been on & off of here most of the evening. Phone calls and family visits -
Paula - it is good to have you here with us this evening. I am sure you are exhausted and I pray you have a very restful sleep! Good progress by your mom! Ventilators and sedation: Whenever that is the case just keep talking to her - she'll hear more then you think and it will calm and encourage her immensely. Sometimes even telling a person what day or what time of day it is helps. Just be sure she does her breathing exercises & pumps up those lungs!
Jo - Definitely been talking to her a lot - and repeating things too. Tell her day and date. She was actually trying to ask us questions last night. I think I figured out what she wanted to know and told her today. She seemed a lot calmer today.
I am happy you are being so strong, Paula. It is very hard to see the one you love suffering. Must easier on the one doing the suffering, believe me. The ventilator isn't so bad but it feels so good when it is removed and they feed you ice!
You're doing great gal! Us oldies sure do appreciate our children being there for us! Bless ya, Paula.
The nursing staff at Holy Cross is wonderful. They don't mind answering questions...I certainly have learned a lot in the past week. I know they are taking good care of her...it certainly helps.
Good night, Margy and Paula. I'm calling it a day, too, so good night, Jo, and anyone else still lurking. Prayers for all. Hope you can see Mr. Moon through your bedroom windows!
Was out looking for the moon! It was in backyard! ESE dwnlding camera & just now checked Lun who rolls really well w/out using front legs!!!Haven't seen squirt yet--gonna be hard to shut down, but tomorrow is another day, Scarlet!
Red, that trick with the Hummingbird feeders was from a H.B. site, and it sounds right to me, but I haven't tried it myself ... yet. Did you try the part about making the solution in one feeder stronger than the other?
Also, the site made it sound like the only bickering is between the dominant male and the others. But I bet you are right, probably the young males and maybe some adults from other territories would be battling for the other feeder.
My sister had two feeders at her place, but they were both in the front of the house. The birds there are Anna's Hummingbirds, and I don't know if they're more aggressive than other breeds, but they are way louder than most.
The big male would sit in a tree in the front yard and very noisily drive off whatever ventured to a feeder from dawn to dark! And they are literally so noisy that you can hear them 2-3 blocks away.
Plus there were younger ones flying about 200 mph through the covered patio area chasing each other.
Anyway, it was really way too much hassle, and they stopped feeding them altogether ... except they still have a few plants that H.B.'s like.
Well, Jim, your Anna's Hummers may have different tastes and temperament from our Ruby Throats. I don't think the idea of giving them a ratio of sugar and water at a 50-50 strength is very healthy for them. Your friend my be comitting Bird Abuse! (malnourishing them) DON'T FORGET TO SEND PAULA YOU PHOTO. Good Night Jim.
Jim, if you will look at the photos of our last gathering in June of this year, you will see some photos of ladies who wanted to come but couldn't. So we (Paula) stuck their photos in a beer bottle and pretended they were with us. We will put your photo wherever you would like. Red wants his in a Bloody Mary. YOU DO KNOW WE ARE A LITTLE CRAZY, but we have fun!
Wasn't on the blog much this evening. I was getting ready to take my bath and was headed to the bathroom with an armload of clothes, when a SNAKE flew out in front of me. I dropped the clothes and backed AWAY and called out to Gene. I watched the snake until he got there with his knife, and when he pulled out the stand that the snake went under, it was gone. We have looked this whole house over. Under every little nook and cranny...can't find it anywhere. Now do you think I am going to sleep, knowing there is a SNAKE on the loose? Maybe I'll watch some auctions on EBAY til I get really sleepy.
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE... Margy, the nest looks very strange this morning...as if it were surrounded with snow and I have no idea what that white mass is at 6 o'clock.
1 – 200 of 227 Newer› Newest»Thanks, Steve:)
Thanks Megan for the heads up...
Thank you Steven for the new thread. Were always greatful...have a good day.
Good morning everyone.
Need to check on emails
Ooopppps Good Morning Sharon ( :
heading for emails
Good morning again!! Thanks Steve.
I am wondering what the head count is on our dinner choices. Rumsey Menu or Buffet...I wasn't quite sure what the buffet was all about or how to choose from it. I didn't know they had a buffet. I guess it is just for Private Dining.
Hello Sharon:)
I chose the menu, Wanda.
Since I'm not coming guess I should stay out of the voting even though Jo sent me the email. But those crab cakes sure sound nice. lol
I did send Paula my photo and hope she sticks me in a bloody Mary.
Good morning everyone. You are making me hungry. Heck what I see on the menu is good times and lots of friendly memories. Sounds good to me. Indulge yourselves.
Hello Red- I hear the crab cakes are delicious. Sorry you can't make it..
Hi Glo- we will miss you..
Good Morning Everyone! I'm the first one here & checked some cams. All nests MT--Finland & here.
Yesterday while driving on our Beltway I DID see a bald eagle flying over!!! Was shocked---saw that white tail in the sun. Looked like it was heading SW, towards Potomac River.
GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!!---CONGRATS!---BEAUTIFUL MEGAN!--you are our #1 EAGLE MOM today & everyday!!!---NPR predicts the HILLS OF WV will be ALIVE WITH COLOR this fall!!----Right amount of rain will add a blaze of color to our GLORIOUS MOUNTAINS!!----SUNNY am --- with a cool temp of 55°!---Take a deep breath & you can smell 'school' in the air!!!---MT Hummer feeder---(those little beauties are a gift from GOD)----MORNIN' PIC from MARGY---EAGLE IN OUR NEST!!-- here in WONDERFUL WILD WEST VIRGINIA----"HOME OF BELLE & LIBERTY----PLUS 3 SOARING EAGLETS"!!!----GET WELL WISHES!! --- MASON---PAULA'S MOTHER---TOM'S MOM---FLORAL GIRL---DEB & ALL OTHER EAGLE BUDDIES!!-----Kind words & SMILES everyone--- dance---love & hug your cats & dogs!---WE LIVE IN A WONDERFUL WORLD!!----WE ARE TRULY BLESS!!-----(now if i could have just--one little taste of SALMON!)----ho!----Thanks JO!---WE LOVE YOU!!
MORNIN' STEVEN---MEGAN---DANA---SHARON---SISSY---RED EAGLE---GLO--& NATURENUT!!---WOW! NATURENUT---seeing a EAGLE while driving---So EXCITING!!--how did you keep from going off the road!!----
DR appt. yesterday in Winchester----It's almost a whole day affair when DR is behind!----(life is good in the country!)---- ho!---need to read yesterday's blog!!----
cool a.m. at the beach with some clouds.
MORNIN' HELEN!---It's COOL here too!----WOW!----SO many early-birds this am----!!!---MEGAN -- WANDA ---SISSY!!---
wish we live close enought to enjoy breakfast together!!----ho!!
DANA---about 20 DONKEYS this am---One is lying down?---hope he is just resting?---
Well I did check email. Set down on bed and out I went. Nice cool day to fall back to sleep.
Welcoming in Sissy and Wanda again.
Good Morning Red, Glo, Loretta, Norma,and Mits.
Norma black donkey is up and a whitish one is laying down now. So the black on he/she is ok ( :
Red in a bloody mary huh....you'll be really "red" then lol
Glo yes the menu does sound good..but I'll go with what the most choose of course.
Good Tuesday Morning to all - almost a full house! There's a chill in the air! Lunch is on for today with "old work gang" NO they are not old-
work is old to me
Thanks for the Eagle pics from this morning Megan & Margie!
I'm still getting emails for the Dinner choices - there could be 30 of us. Making another call to Clarion today - so far Buffet isn't the choice of the majority.
Good Morning Jo ( :
Look at Finney on the water beautiful up close of sea eagle
Hi Red - I didn't forget! lol
The new email about the dinner is automatically sent to every Momster member. We'll get you in the
Bloody Mary. Now I'm hitting Lolly up for a cheesecake!
Little Lun on atlanta cam
Well now I know why some of you didn't get a written response from Atlanta - you got the
Neat O....Thanks Sharon and Sissy...got them up ( : Boy does this make the day even better.!!
NUUUUUUTS! Can't get cams on these 'puters :>((
You can RIGHT click your mouse on the cam picture and then select FULL SCREEN but I still can't see the cub.
Select Zoom them full screen.
RED cub is up near her neck by Lun Lun's right paw
Tuesday, September 16
At 10 o’clock this morning, interested panda aficionados will be able to once again partake in PandaCam broadcasts!
Lun Lun and cub go about their daily life together, completely oblivious to the schedules, task assignments, meetings and discussions, or the number of team members involved in their care. And, in spite of the cameras, lights, noise and periodic checks by staff, the cub and Lun Lun thrive.
The cub is taking on the plump panda features that make this species irresistible to so many. His once lanky arms and legs are filling out and his earlier uncoordinated movements are becoming more purposeful and controlled.
At this morning’s check, the cub weighed 444.4 grams.
Debbie Forde
Curatorial Assistant
OK. Thanks Dana. Found it.
Ha Ha well I am neither for or again the menu or the buffet. I am for you all feasting on the friendship. I think whatever you eat will be awesome in the company of friends. And well I will be feasting at home with Dex who is of course an awesome friend.
AHHHHHHH!---Isn't LUN LUN such a good MAMA!----she is so LOVING & TENDER when she touches RHETT--LITTLE LUN--OR LITTLE LUNEY!!!----
i SEE you found the Pandacam on the mother and baby this morning.
The baby was upside down and getting a bath when I tuned in.
He's gaining pretty quick now and should break a pound (453.6 g) within 24 hrs.
The Lock Garten youngsters are still holding in the south of England, and everyone is wondering if they think they have arrived in Africa. Probably their instincts are better than our speculations, so just wait and see...
That made my morning complete - Pics of am nest visit and live cam on our littlest cub!
Running some errands after lunch date
Good Morning everyone;I am back
from canada and just checking my
E-Mail here at school and wanted
to drop in and say hi.I will have
a computer at home later this
month.Oh yes i just love my time
off,in other words retirement is
great.I will talk to you later.
Indiana Nesting Eagles----Dave
hey Dave....good to hear from you...
I see an eagle on the BWO nest...
Good Morning Jim and newly retired Dave....when you get that computer we want to hear or see pic of Canada.
GloGood Morning boy a lot of people dropping in this morning. You have been to the nest and dinner at Rumsey. So you know what fun it is. Your comment sounds so festive. It makes me wish it was this Saturday. You will be missed by many. I know what you mean by Dex being great company. ( :
66° and cloudy in So Cal this morning. But they are prognosticating a sunny 87° later in the afternoon.
They have been missing the mark on the high ... higher and lower ... lately, but it should warm up nicely in the P.M.
Hi Jim and Dave!! Can't wait to see new pics.
Nothing real exciting here at Park today except squirrel wanted to come in back door I had left opened! Shooed him out--& we have cute little chipmunk under the feeders & one Ms. Hummingbird sitting on top of her food tube.
GOOD MORNIN' INDIANA DAVE!!!---You have made our day!!---I am delighted you are enjoying your retirement!!---I felt certain you would want to go back to work as soon as you returned---ho!---(in my dreams)!!---Now you can scream----LIIFFFFEEE is GOOD!!! --ENJOY!
HEY JO!---I see 5 & 1/2 BURROWING OWL!!!
NO ZZ---this am at SD!----SUN LIN gets a lot of coverage!---We know which PANDA is the most CAPRICIOUS!! ho!---According to the PANDA DIRECTOR!!
I wouldn't believe it---if I hadn't seen it!!----A little HUMMER flew right up to my window--where I am typing--& made hereself known!!----Must go fill the feeder!!---I AM A HAPPY CAMPER!!---ho!---LIFE IS GOOD!!!
good Morning all, I am so excited I have butterflies. I am going to be worn out before open house just from excitment. I feel like a kid at Christmas.
Can see cub panda nice right now. Camera operator is zooming in on it.
Mini- News Flash....The small wren-like bird seen in the Finney Big nest is a Northern Wheatear. Found in Eurasia,Greenland,barely enter No. Am., & in the thrush family.
Back to work.......
NORMA, my hummers do that also, just before they leave for the Winter, as if to say GOODBYE. Then when they come back in the Spring, they come to the window again as if to say, HELLO. Precious little jewels, they are!
Hi all. Catching up on comments. Oh Red, you won't look half as good in a Bloody Mary as you would in person!! But we'll feed you crab cakes anyway!
Glo, what do you want us to get you??
Loretta, maybe that was George you saw, or whoever the vamp was who caused Martha's demise...remember the stories about them during the construction of the new Woodrow Wilson Bridge?
Chrissy said that she used to watch a cam that was along the Potomac w/ a view of tall bldgs. but she couldn't remember where or find the link...does this ring a bell w/ anyone? It was before I joined you....
Afternoon, all!
Eagle at BWO
HOw great to see the Atlanta cam back on...haven;t spotted baby yet! Lun is keeping him undercover!
WANDA---This is my first real try with hummers!!---I have 2 feeders up!!-----They are such a joy to watch!!!
OMG...there he is, cuddled in her left arm up against her neck!!
Lynn, maybe that was George I saw!
Didn't hear of anybody nesting there this year.It's too busy an area anyway.
Red, thanks for zoom hint! I learn something new everyday!!
Red - I can do the Bloody Mary thingy....
Mom is doing good today, she is actually breathing on her own...with some extra O2 and pressure support from the vent...they want her to exercise those diaphragm muscles that have been inactive...so they may put her back on the vent if she needs it...if she doesn't, that's even better. So today has been so far so good.
I was also able to talk to her and let her know she is getting better and help her understand why she's in ICU - it's hard for her to remember because of the sedative.
That eagle at BWO is gorgeous
Norma, hope your apptmt. in Winc. went well.
Dave...welcome "home'!!! We've missed you, but know that you were really enjoying the first days of freedom....were you soaring w/ any eagles?
Anne Marie...you will be one of OUR presents!
GOOD -- GOOD MORNIN' PAULA!!---How is your MOM?----keeping you all in my prayers & thoughts!!----It is nice that you live close enough to drive back & forth---but you take care & stay healthy!!---(get sleep kid)---MUCH LOVE!!!
Nice to hear that Atlanta has Mama and LunBoy on the cam!
Sissy, are you in panda heaven today or what????
HEDGIE---It was just a check up----But always feel better on the way home!!---
food time---
Paula, glad to hear things are improving w/Mom!! We have a lady working here who's Mom has been in & out of hosp. & rehab & she's been running to Ohio & back.
Thoughts & prayers
WOW SISSY!!---Check out the 'LITTLE PRINCE'---all cuddled up & lying on his grate!!---HE IS STILL #1----Little IMP!!
Paula, encouraging news. One good thing about the sedation...she really won't remember much of the ICU experience.
Must be a hot one in Atlanta....Lun is really breathing hard! What a lazy girl.
Yes, Loretta...so busy that I was shocked they ever built there in the first place! Well, anyway, we can imagine that it was George you saw!!! Nothing to prove any different!!
Lynn, It could have been George---you know they NEVER wear their name tags!!
I can't wait to get home (I think I just felt ill)& see Babylanta!!!!
Is that something in our nest???? Brown blob @ 5 o'clock. A juvie???
Lun just left baby....look at him!!!! So cute!
"This hay sure doesn't feel like mama's fur!!"
Oh poor Loretta...sick in the middle of the afternoon. Nurse says she must go home!!
Is that sweet or what?
Norma's little Pinky.
Boylun alone at the moment
Mama returned and picked him up just as I posted
Missed it....nothing there now! Shucks. We miss our juvies! Did you snap a pic??
Guess just some new stuff in the nest, or sun/shade. Oh Well!
From Hedgie Glo, what do you want us to get you??
LOL A cup of hot tea with some chocolate chip cookies. Now there is my idea of feasting with friends.
I am thinking our juvies are long gone! Little Luney is looking more and more like a little panda and less and less like a nekked mole rat!
No, guess there was nothing in our nest.Saved pic & enlarged. I must be seeing things--def. have to go home!
Okay, Glo...tea and cookies for you...cheap date!
Dave...are you still on? Are you coming east for the open house???
Ha Ha Hedgie and Naturenut this is sounding serious. I think you need to head straight home right away.
Two eagles at BWO now. Beautiful pair.
I was reading some comments about Hummingbirds...
I could use this tip around here, but I don't have the real estate in the back.
If you have feeders, you are likely having problems with a dominant, territorial male (or his male offspring) driving the others away from the feeder.
Hummingbirds can detect a minute change in the percentage of sugar in the nectar...of course the dominant male will grab the one with the higher percentage. So, if you have two feeders, put nectar with a little higher sugar content in one, and place it out of sight of the other one, perhaps in the back yard.
Yupper, he will grab the one with more sugar, and he will spend most of his time defending that one. In the meantime the other H. birds will show up at the one in your favorite viewing area, and they will be happy with the lower sugar content ... as long as it doesn't drop below about 1 part sugar to 4 parts water.
[I make mine about 1 to 3 ... more water in the hot months, less than that in winter ... at least some H.B.'s stay year around here.
A woman I knew at my old job used a 50/50 concentration and had a lot of birds. I don't know how healthy that is, and I never make it that concentrated.]
Separating them should work most of the time if you keep the two feeders out of sight of each other. The territorial male can't be two places at once.
Have you noticed how Panda mothers hold the new baby near their face and breathe on them as they sleep to keep them warm?
That's what Lun Lun is doing at the moment.
Panda bathing her baby.
Jim did you email me a picture of yourself yet?
Red - I did get yours...nice pic!
ZZ is trying her hand at eating the bamboo, as her Mom is walking off her lunch.
I definitely think I should go home now!!Working on heavy, sharp, metal sign blanks & went in cabinet to get cloth work gloves & mousetrap bit by baby finger!!!!If it should be reported, Mgr. would have to take me to faraway clinic & get a drug test!!!! He said since I can bend it, it's probably OK.I may be the only one left here, but if I find somebody in other bldg., I'm gone!!!
See ya......
Jim, that is an interesting theory on the hummer feeders. I will give it a try next season. Ours will be leaving in about a week and not be back til mid-April.
DON'T FORGET TO EMAIL PAULA YOUR PHOTO...it doesn't have to be recent, even a baby photo will do. Although, I would hesitate to put a baby's photo in a BEER BOTTLE! LOL
LORETTA...a drug test? Splain.
I may be able to splain. A lot of businesses have a policy that if you have any type of accident, they do a drug test to make sure that is not what caused it.
Paula, did you get my email? :)
I see since I last commented we have joined us; Anne, Lynn and Paula.
Paula so good to hear your Mom is doing better....still keeping in prayers with you and your family.
Lynn do you remember Chrissy saying what kind of bird or animal she watched on that cam?
Loretta WOW nice spotting...could be either. They say the pair nested still in that area.
Oh My Goodness - May the heavens be blessed...... Just signed back in.
That baby panda cub of Lun Lun's is all alone & I can see the markings on its little body!
Like Dana Said........
I hit the jackpot too Mema Jo and Dana-lovely Panda marking becoming apparent
Is anyone else seeing this? Good evening/afternoon all.
He was wiggling a lot but now he has
I bet it was noisey for awhile.
That was great!
I was thinking about the volume thing too Mema Jo
He wasn't noisey
He was being noisy
I wish they had sound!
I am working and watching!
Yes it was a treat
Glad you got to see it too Sharon
yes, Atlanta does not have audio on its cam.....really would add to the enjoyment...wrote them about it 2 years ago.....as usual no response
Hello MITS-you saw it all too
nope Thelma...missed it this time but saw it earlier:)
So glad many of you got to see that sweet sweet baby boy....he is getting darker in markings. So precious....hard to believe such a large beautiful animal could have such a tiny baby and care for it so gently.
Hey T-Bird - Sharon
Glad you saw him - I was not reading comments to see who was on! Great!
Mits - this little one is pudgy!
takes after his Momma:), Jo
I am not sure but I think T-bird insinuated to me a while ago that Little Luney was named after me! :)
SHARON, thanks for 'splaining to me the drug test thingy. I have been out of the public work force for so long, I don't know much about anything!
Does it seems to any of you that this little guys tail is shorter??? I thought Tai's tail was longer.
Saw LunLun for a little while, but on the last 5 min. refresh at 5:05 pic black, but says Ready. Guess that's All Folks!
Good Afternoooon...everyone!
Sounds Like Panda Time today!
Going to have to check the cam to see what I can see.
NATURENUT! Hope you are home now and ready to enjoy things from your home computer....mousetrap! Woof!
THANKS for the identification of the little Finney Land nest bird!
MitsAny thoughts about my question on the above comment about cubs tail?
Fabulous Eagle Pose at BWO Platform...
Dana, I don't know if Chrissy was talking about eagles or ospreys She was just sure that it was on the Potomac!
Littley Lun is so cute! Can't get enough of him...it is too bad they don't have sound!
Yes, Wanda, like Loretta 'splained...the hospitals/clinics try to do it automatically when it's work-related...but WV workers' comp does not require it, and most unions have managed to protect their employees from having to submit; of course, WV w/c doesn't take into account "fault"--they just always stick it to the employer regardless!
Most interesting concept on the hummers, Jim. I, too, will try that next spring!
Hummers are territoral and the first one to find a feeder (male or female) will claim it and try to chase all other off. Two feeders will just be two battlegrounds.
Lynn, I mentioned that my Grandaughter was hoping to get a job in Ashburn, Va. at an Inova something or another....well, it is called NOVA Spa. She got the job, I think. She is supposed to report there for orientation next Monday.
Did you find out anything more about Maridel?
Oh my goodness, Red. Now I am so confused. How many feeders do you have and how do you explain all those that come to your feeder at one time? I have very seldom seen more than one at a time here.
That photo of mine was taken during migration and they tolerate each other better then. During the summer it is rare to get more than one on at a time.
I have two feeders. One in front of the house and one in the rear. Both have fights all day long.
Wanda...guess that's why I didn't know about an Inova facility in Ashburn!! Congrats to her on her job.
No...she's not listening too well. She called her doc...they were to schedule an MRI of her brain...she called the MRI place on Fr. and they hadn't gotten the order, and drs. office was closed. I told her again to go the ER, but since I haven't heard anything more, I guess she diodn't...or else they kept her. Don't know whether Bill 'puters or not...I will give her til morning and then call her again. We need to keep praying, Wanda, because I fear that it's serious.
oh yeah, hummers are battling here right now, I can hear them out the window. if they are breathing, they are fighting. I was just watching six of them out on my deck. Some are really fat now, they are everywhere you go in they yard, I guess that's cause there are feeders and flowers everywhere. Current feeder count here is 5.
It's been an hour since any posts...guess that means NO EAGLES, HUH?
HEDGIE: Got you and Wanda's friend Maridel on my list...of prayers....which keeps growing...
But we have racoons on Pix PA
Back from dinner & now my Panda cam is working again!!! Is it for real or a replay?? (squeak, squeak)
Time for me to call it a day. See Y'all tomorrow.
Loretta the Atlanta Panda cam goes off at 5pm our time.
Red nite tc
No matter how many feeders I have put up. There is always fighting and chasing away of hummers.
I would love to see the hummers battling it out, too. I generally have one at a time...maybe two.
The Dr. was pleased w/ Mom's progress today - she breathed on her own for 6 1/2 hours. Came home tonight and walked the dogs - was really nice - a bit of normalcy, if you will. Will go to work tomorrow for 1/2 day and head down to see Mom in the afternoon.
So, Lib & Belle were in the nest his morning? That's wonderful. Thanks to everyone who sent out pics.
I am spoiled, cause we have them everywhere, but I do have a ridiculous amount of flowers for them, and lots of feeders...We plant blooming vines at our entry and they go almost up to the roof of the house during the summer. One is covered with bright red flowers, and they are in it constantly.
Hey Paula:)
Good to See you Paula, and to get the progressively better reports on your Mother....
Hope the Mooon is out up your way, Paula...
I can look out my kitchen window and see the big rascal !
I want to thank everyone for their positive thoughts and prayers for my Mom and my family
3 "o's" in Mooon 'cause it so big !
Paula so nice to hear the good report on your Mom. ( :
You walking the dogs and being home. I can relate...a little normal in your case at this time is good.
Megan you are envied lol
That moon is pretty..and I have 4 moonflowers tonite..they smell wonderful.
Glad to hear your Mom is doing a little better, Paula.
Thanks for the heads up Loretta
I need to read some of the news because they may be going 24/7 like they did with Buta Buta. LUN LUN is
lying soooooooo still...I hope it's up for real!
You're Welcome Paula !
Us Momsters and Dadsters gotta stick together...and that extends to all kin...
BTW - It's time for us to start getting our birthday cards in the mail for Mema's grandson: SGT PATRICK THOMPSON !
Can anyone other then me think that they see Lun Lun's breathing?
She is so still.. I am staring at her and will probably jump when and if she actually moves.
Lun Lun moved!
Magpie - I'll have to take another look at the moon..was covered with some clouds when I was walking the dogs.
That panda rolls around a lot...
Cool, Atlanta is On...saw it go off earlier...
My Atl. panda cam is really dark...is that normal for night time now that the preggers' watch is over? How can they see the cub? Do they keep a live watcher on duty all night still?
Margy, thanks for keeping Maridel on your prayer list, too!
Dr. House was a bit more curmudgeonly than previous season, wasn't he???
Paula, get yourself a good nights rest, ok? Prayers continue for your mom.
Megan...how are you feeling?
Hello Hedgie, Been better, been worse.. two days into meds for sinus infection.
Glad you got some meds, Megan.
Margie, the moon is pretty!
I will be headed to bed shortly, Hedgie - early for me, but I'm beat.
tc Paula don't want you down sick gal.
Megan glad meds are working ..get better soon
Nite all for now
Well it looks like Atlanta is all back to normal, and running the cam 24/7 for the time being.
Been checking/doing emails. Only 710 to go!!!!
I'm so glad some of you have a Panda cam. I haven't gone totally bonkers yet (like my 'puter!!)
Paula, glad you got to spend some time home & Mom is progressing!!!
Prayers for all, Mason, Lynn's friend & all others in need.
Gonna go out to find the mooooon,
yes, Loretta, another gorgeous moon tonight....GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE.....PAULA, CONTINUED PRAYERS FOR MOM'S RECOVERY
Glad you are improving, Megan, even if it's a slow-go!
Night, Paula and and Helen. Sleep tight! Megan, you better turn in, too.
What, I'm being sent to bed?? lol...had to wait til ten so I know teenager is in bed.. off to pry comoputer out of her hands..nite all:) take care, Paula.
So glad to see they are showing Little Luney again!
It is time for me to hit the hay before I go a Lot Luney!
Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feather and fur!
I have been on & off of here most of the evening. Phone calls and family visits -
Paula - it is good to have you here with us this evening. I am sure you are exhausted and I pray you have a very restful sleep! Good progress by your mom! Ventilators and sedation: Whenever that is the case just keep talking to her - she'll hear more then you think and it will calm and encourage her immensely. Sometimes even telling a person what day or what time of day it is helps. Just be sure she does her breathing exercises & pumps up those lungs!
Yes, Megan...eaglet-momster nurse here sending you off to dreamland! Rest is one of the best treatments for infection!
Night, Sharon!
Jo - Definitely been talking to her a lot - and repeating things too. Tell her day and date. She was actually trying to ask us questions last night. I think I figured out what she wanted to know and told her today. She seemed a lot calmer today.
I am happy you are being so strong, Paula. It is very hard to see the one you love suffering. Must easier on the one doing the suffering, believe me. The ventilator isn't so bad but it feels so good when it is removed and they feed you ice!
You're doing great gal! Us oldies sure do appreciate our children being there for us! Bless ya, Paula.
MEMA: Please adopt me!
This Blog really paints a beautiful portrait of all you folks...
How nice, sweet it is.
Wonder if Loretta is out howling at that Moooooooooon !
'Night all soon, long day tomorrow..
xoxo Take Care, and Prayers...
The nursing staff at Holy Cross is wonderful. They don't mind answering questions...I certainly have learned a lot in the past week. I know they are taking good care of her...it certainly helps.
Thanks for all your support and encouragement.
Gonna hit it now, see ya'll tomorrow.
Good night friends!
I can't last much longer....
Loretta, Wanda, Lynn
You gals in bed yet?????
Good night, Margy and Paula. I'm calling it a day, too, so good night, Jo, and anyone else still lurking. Prayers for all. Hope you can see Mr. Moon through your bedroom windows!
Was out looking for the moon! It was in backyard! ESE
dwnlding camera & just now checked Lun who rolls really well w/out using front legs!!!Haven't seen squirt yet--gonna be hard to shut down, but tomorrow is another day, Scarlet!
Prayers and Panda fur dreams to all ;>))
Good Night
Peace to you & yours
Restful sleep & pleasant dreams
Prayers and positive thoughts for
all those in need....... ((Hugs))
Hi, how's everyone this evening?
Red, that trick with the Hummingbird feeders was from a H.B. site, and it sounds right to me, but I haven't tried it myself ... yet. Did you try the part about making the solution in one feeder stronger than the other?
Also, the site made it sound like the only bickering is between the dominant male and the others. But I bet you are right, probably the young males and maybe some adults from other territories would be battling for the other feeder.
My sister had two feeders at her place, but they were both in the front of the house. The birds there are Anna's Hummingbirds, and I don't know if they're more aggressive than other breeds, but they are way louder than most.
The big male would sit in a tree in the front yard and very noisily drive off whatever ventured to a feeder from dawn to dark! And they are literally so noisy that you can hear them 2-3 blocks away.
Plus there were younger ones flying about 200 mph through the covered patio area chasing each other.
Anyway, it was really way too much hassle, and they stopped feeding them altogether ... except they still have a few plants that H.B.'s like.
Paula, I'm really glad your Mom is getting better. Tell her we are thinking of her and praying for her, will you?
I know nothing of photos in the email, and I don't believe I have one available at the moment.
I did have a couple of fairly recent pics on the computer, but the Windows crash around the 1st of May took those out.
Why, what's the happening?
Well, Jim, your Anna's Hummers may have different tastes and temperament from our Ruby Throats. I don't think the idea of giving them a ratio of sugar and water at a 50-50 strength is very healthy for them. Your friend my be comitting Bird Abuse! (malnourishing them)
Good Night Jim.
Jim, if you will look at the photos of our last gathering in June of this year, you will see some photos of ladies who wanted to come but couldn't. So we (Paula) stuck their photos in a beer bottle and pretended they were with us. We will put your photo wherever you would like.
Red wants his in a Bloody Mary.
Wasn't on the blog much this evening. I was getting ready to take my bath and was headed to the bathroom with an armload of clothes, when a SNAKE flew out in front of me. I dropped the clothes and backed AWAY and called out to Gene. I watched the snake until he got there with his knife, and when he pulled out the stand that the snake went under, it was gone. We have looked this whole house over. Under every little nook and cranny...can't find it anywhere. Now do you think I am going to sleep, knowing there is a SNAKE on the loose? Maybe I'll watch some auctions on EBAY til I get really sleepy.
Ew..poor Wanda..hope you found that critter.........
Looks like one of the new Monarchs on your avatar...?
I'm not on here... it is my sleepwalking double...
p. S. wANDA, did you see what kind of snake 'flew out in front of you'??
Most likely it's non-poisonous and eats house mouses and does a world of good.
You have my permission to go to sleep.
Good Moony Morning to Everyone..if you didn't see it last night, you might see it this morning!
What in the world is that big white rectangular thing at the bottom of our cam pic?
Looks pretty, and foggy in OUR NEST this morning...waiting on the eagles ...
Margy, the nest looks very strange this morning...as if it were surrounded with snow and I have no idea what that white mass is at 6 o'clock.
Hi Wanda! Good descripion of our nest...yes, strange item there at 6 o'clock...
Did you get any sleep?
I slept very well, thank you very much. Only after taking a sedative!
Yep, it's foggy here this morning, I couldn't figure out the white blob either...
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