Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday Pic


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magpie said...


Missed you this morning, we got some good viewing before Belle got STUCK IN THE NEST !

I haven't been a Momster long enough to know the CAM could do that ! I just couldn't figure out why Liberty was not returning to the nest to keep her company !


Mema Jo said...

Hi T-Bird - I am getting ready to quiet down now! Need some rest!

Nite Mits!

I'll draw up the adoption papers, Margy.

Good Night all my friends
Peace to you and yours
Lots of prayers for many in need being said......... ((hugs))

magpie said...

We Split ! How about that !

Costume Lady said...

Thelma, if Buddy your constant companion? I remember he followed me everwhere I went in the Motor Home. Of course, he knew that I was the one with the hot dogs. LOL

Mema Jo said...




magpie said...

Good Night MEMA - -
I will look forward to calling you MOM !

Costume Lady said...

Good Night, Jo. Sleep well. Hope it doesn't rain on your picnic...have a great day. Hugs to Jennifer.

hedgie said...

Things are good here, Thelma, but wet! Good rain today.

MITS said...

Wanda, was on my boyfriends, little honda many years ago:)....Thelma we go to all the Ravens home games....have only been to one Ravens -Redskins.....

T-Bird said...

nite Mema Jo-missed you all too this morning Magpie

MITS said...

yeah Wanda, for had the scent of ode de Hot Dog on you

hedgie said...

You must have just seen lights, right Helen? Still very dark in Finney land!

magpie said...

Okay - Mits, got Finland nests up...sure looks like change of seasons at the Land Nest...I think they are getting frost there.

Racoons at Pix PA - their upgraded cam is awesome! So magical and precise !

T-Bird said...

I almost lost it at the split too. LOL Yes Buddy is my co-pilot but he is very sociable and I share him cause he knows where his bread is buttered. LOL

Costume Lady said...

I wonder how RED'S grilled shrimp turned out. I guess I will have to ask him again how he prepares them. We alway do ours in a skillet or boil. Never had them grilled...sound good.
Yes, Margy, it was good to have him on so much today. He seems like a fun guy. Too bad he couldn't make it to the Open House. Maybe he was afraid he wouldn't have enough CHEESECAKE to go around. LOL

MITS said...

yes, Lynn still very dark, and the closer winter gets, the less light we see.

magpie said...

HEDGIE: the other night just before I left for work, as morning was breaking, I saw the big Sea Eagle at the Water nest...things were still dark, it was gone on the next refresh just as I was trying to get the picture. Loved the pics that MITS got on Snapfish with the boat....there seems to be increasing boat activity there these days....


magpie said...

Don't hold me to the racoon thing..but they will be back....
Overnight we had deer and racoon in peaceful co-existence, it was nice!

Well, I guess it is time for me to make the bed....took a Panda Nap then came straight out to the computer by way of the coffee pot ...

Back in a little bit.

Costume Lady said...

Helen, my brother used to have a motor cycle and took me to school a few times on it. I was the envy of my friends. I didn't like it very well. He spun out on it into some gravel and that was IT for him. He has driven a truck or car ever since.

MITS said...

ouch....Wanda, that had to hurt hurt.

magpie said...

Whoops, while I'm thinking about it:

ISS will be out early Saturday morning starting between 5:38 and 5:40 (Berkeley County time) NNW at 62-degrees.
Afraid the clouds will intervene, also out the mornings of 14 and 15 -
But next week, 18, 19 and 20 - we will have some evening views! I'll post the times closer to the days - miss that old bird...


MITS said...

I was looking at the ISS schedule the other day, Margy, times are different here, but will be glad to see it coming back at night soon.....speaking of night.....Good Night Everyone...Prayers for all.....Mason, hope you like your new surroundings and WAKE UP:)

T-Bird said...

I'm going to call it a night again. TGIF-later

hedgie said...

You're right...they will enter their long days' night before too long! Do the fiords ice up like the Alaskan waters do? We'll just take what we can get while we can and be happy with it!
I get a big kick out of the raccoons and deer here...they "fight" inasmuch as the deer strike out with their hooves to make the coons get out of the feeder!
I used to have my own bike...but was never terribly comfortable with it...don't think I ever had it over 35 or off of a back road. I'm a better rider than a biker!

hedgie said...

Lolly, hope you are tucked in safe and dry! They say Ike will affect Dallas area, too--sure just rain and wind, but hope it's not bad for you. So glad you didn't head out for the coast.

hedgie said...

Night, Thelma! Sweet dreams.

hedgie said...

Dawning now in Finland. It will be beautiful in a few minutes!

Costume Lady said...

Good Night, Thelma and Helen... we had some good chatter tonight. Rest well.

Costume Lady said...

I guess I need to turn in too. I have typed so much that my fingers are getting numb.


hedgie said...

G'nite, Wanda. Tubby time here...peace and prayers for all.

deb said...

Talkative group today, will have to find out what happened! I am just getting home from dinner with friends, probably missed most everyone.

deb said...

Night everyone, sorry I missed you all.

Today 2 migrating osprey dropped in and helped themselves to a good fish dinner! We couldn't believe that they were brave enough to come into the tower and grab a fish. They joined right in and sat on the snag with the remaining osprey we have that come in for the occasional meal. A few of our birds use the fish we put out to supplement their fishing.

Avista, our migrating bird with the tracker is just outside Kansas City today.

magpie said...

Great reports, DEB - so Ospreys that don't know each other get along okay?

Kansas City! What it the destination eventually do you think?

Don't be fooled when you look at the NCTC is frozen, but looping through itself..

magpie said...

We have Hooded Crows at the Finland Water nest...

unless we lose them on the refresh...

MITS got the Sea Eagles on pics earlier today !

deb said...

Osprey don't seem to be possessive of their food like eagles. They just chirp away when they don't have a fish and another one does. No mantling or anything. They got along just fine, being young they knew a good meal deal when they saw it! We looked to see the band number to see who was there and no bands much to our surprise.

I see the jackdaws!

magpie said...

DEB - There is a funny little thing on the Puleston site entitled "Skyrockets in Flight" about when Osprey need to take a poop in flight - you have probably seen this...they drop their feet down like in a standing position, do their business, then bring the feet back up into a streamline position..

deb said...

I will have to watch it, the most fun thing to watch is after they get wet, they shake while they are flying. I was so surprised the first time I saw them do it. I still laugh every time I see them shake and fly!

deb said...

I am caught up on today's comments.

Paula, prayers for you and your mom! Glad she is getting better and that you can be with her to encourage and comfort her.

Megan, hope you are feeling better soon.

Glad Tom's mom is home and no back surgery for Tom.

Seems like I am forgetting something, so if I missed you, I apologize.

deb said...

I am going to call it a night and head to bed.

Night, anyone who is still up!

Lolly said...

Hi All! We have been gone all day. We went to Denton to play grandparents at both Jacob's and Joseph's schools. Also, we took dinner up there. It was a busy day!

Of course we have been watching the news all day as well. Hard to believe Galveston is being hit so hard. We just walked on that sea wall a few weeks ago.

We are expecting 2 to 4 inches of rain and wind at 35, with gusts a little stronger. We were going to the TCU football game, but have decided to not go.

Got an email from my niece in Houston two hours ago and her electricity was blinking off and on.

I am tired. Going to bed. Talk with you tomorrow and let you know about the weather.

magpie said...

Good Night Lolly -
My brother moved from Houston last hear, he was there for Hurricane Rita and didn't like it ONE BUT -
Prayers that all goes well for you and your family -
Take a Hike, Ike !

Good Night DEB.....

magpie said...

Make that, he didn't like it One BIT ! xo

magpie said...

If anyone is up: the Sea Eagles are at the Finney Water Nest now..


magpie said...

I'm watching a bird that resembles a Carolina Wren at Finney Land Nest

T-Bird said...

Good morning-looks like we are still loopy momsters and dadsters. Hope we don't have the loop all weekend.

T-Bird said...

I guess Liberty, Belle and Spidey have to go on without us. :)

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning, wonderful eagle friends. Where is everyone?

MITS said...


MITS said...

Sissy, I always read posts and e-mails before I log-on, takes me awhile to get here:)

MITS said...

it is going to be hot hot hot here for the next couple of days.

Mema Jo said...

Sissy - I hope the hurricane didn't take everyone away from EagleLand!
Hi T-Bird! I bet Buddy got you up!
So great to read Lolly's comments from last evening. I'm glad Margy stayed up and chatted with Deb for awhile.

SUNSHINE for the morning light!
How about that. Picnic will be a success today!


MITS said...

it will be a great day, rain or shine for you, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Mits! You sneaked right in there.
I am so slow making comments that lots could happen before I even publish.

You're right that it is going to be HOT & HUMID today.

T-Bird said...

Jo when do you leave?

T-Bird said...

it's suppose to be really hot here today too Helen

MITS said...

guess this is summers' last Tuesday and the rest of the week will be back down in the 70's

Mema Jo said...

Picnic is very local.. Probably be there at noon until 3 or 4. It is a covered pavilion and shade trees all around. I just hope there is a good breeze.

Off to the showers! Will pop in again or will return after picnic.

T-Bird said...

later Mema Jo

magpie said...


I was up pretty late watching the Sea Eagles, looking at hurricane things on the Internet, and watching a sweet little bird like a wren in the Finney Land Nest...

But it sure is good to "SEE" everyone.

Getting a haircut this morning, hope I turn out as "bootiful" as Sissy!

Great Day Wishes to Everyone in all our Eagle Corners !

And Big Prayers for all our many many needs...


magpie said...

Eagles on the Platform at BWO wishing is the same things, no doubt !

MITS said...

that one eagle looks hot...

T-Bird said...

what eagle looks hot???

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!----I just finished reading yesterday's blog!----CHATTER---CHATTER!---ho!--Now everyone except--- MARGY & T-BIRD---are just going to bed!----

MY WISH LIST:---MASON will wake up----PAULA'S Mother's health improves----MEGAN will feel better & IKE will miss LOLLY & her family-----TOM finds a helper for his MOTHER!-----GOOD WISHES EVERYONE!!!----------PRAYERS & GOOD THOUGHTS FOR ALL!!!!!----GOD BLESS!-------LIFE IS GOOD!!

ps--wish for a new thread too!!!!
are you listening STEVEN??

MITS said...

the eagles at BWO, Thelma

MITS said...


T-Bird said...

Oh okay-I am confessing-I only do NCTC and Pandas. :)

MITS said...

I am being blocked from the Nationa Zoo website:(

T-Bird said...

I'll see you fine folk later-got to do something-chores I guess-still got all kinds of stuff to find a place for-Just For Today there is progress

normabyrd said...

MORNIN'--T-BIRD---SISSY---HELEN ---JO & MARGY!!!-----WOW!!!---Most of you kids just went to sleep!!----JO---Looks like a GRAND DAY for a PICNIC!!!---ho!!---ENJOY!!

MITS said... to watch them at BWO...they will be hanging out there til they start their nestorations......

T-Bird said...

I sure hope you all have a fine day!!!

deb said...

Good morning, it is a soggy one here, but it looks like the rain has passed on by. We are finally getting the moisture we needed here in Vermillion.

magpie said...

You too THELMA ! If wishing makes it so, then We Are Set !


TTFN - Off to get clipped and buzzed...


MITS said...

Hey Deb, good to see ya....we miss you, but know you are having a wonderful time with the beautiful osprey

normabyrd said...

HELEN---HELEN!!---Where do you have "TAI" hidden??-----ho!----I can see you & TAI strolling along the beach!!!------or was that CHRISSY who was coming across the POND to steal him!!---ho!!

MITS said...

lol...Norma, no furry friends allowed on the beach til after the 30th of September:).

Costume Lady said...

It is going to be a hot, busy day. Hope it is a good one for all.

MITS said...

and yes, Chrissy was going to come over and confiscate him.

MITS said...

Hello, Wanda:):):)

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' DEB!---We are sending that rain stuff your way!!!----I so enjoy reading about the OSPREYS!!----I think they are SUPER BIRDS!!---They tickle me when they try to give you the "eagle eye"----to show how tough they are!!---ho!

MITS said...

boy, the osprey have a special place in my heart, Norma.....

normabyrd said...

HELEN---I thought that was why you were being BLOCKED from the NZOO!!!
You had taken him to the beach with you!!----ho!

MITS said...

:):):), I would be arrested and thrown in the slammer if I did that....don't know what the problem is...checked and there is no connectivity problems on my end.

MITS said...

But I'm also having problems getting into my comcast mail....I know they are changing it yet least this time they have warned us....

MITS said...

eagles have left the nest at BWO.

deb said...

Thanks, Helen. I read up on all the events every night, but miss being on during the action. Today I find out where to see the golden eagles, I think they are arriving already. A man from Sioux Falls is bringing me a map to show where they are. Can't be late, so off I go again.

normabyrd said...

DEB---That would be EXCITING to see a GOLDEN EAGLE in the wild!!-----I can't even imagine that!!------Have you seen them before?---

normabyrd said...

DANA---Checked the DONKEYS for you!!!---I SEE 8----(count them)!

MITS said...


MITS said...

hoodie at Finland nest...

MITS said...

sloth bear demo going on now at the 1a

MITS said...

hoodies looking around, wonder if the sea eagles are nearby?

movin said...


i HOPE you are all having a great weekend so far...

It's overcast in So Cal again this morning. Let's see if it burns off today...never did yesterday.



movin said...

Did you read the update(s) on Atlanta's Panda cub??

He's really growing now.



movin said...

OMG. Belle is still in the nest, and she looks just as beautiful as yesterday.



MITS said...

We recently had a mystery bird appear on the Osprey Cam platform.

One of our refuge birding experts identified it as an Eastern Meadowlark

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all.

Trying to get some stuff done before heading back down the road.

Mom is doing OK this morning. She had her first feeding yesterday and she did well with it.

Will try to pop back in later.

MITS said...

give her a big hug from us, Paula:)

movin said...

I'm sorry to hear your Mom is sick, Paula. Glad to hear she is recovering.

Of course, she is in our prayers.



hedgie said...

Jim, she's just a figment of the cam's imagination!!! Still on loop-de-loop, as Jo calls it!!

hedgie said...

Or guess I should say, she's a past memory on the cam's hard drive!!

Lolly said...

Oh, wow! An Eagle in our nest! I have been missing the visits recently, so when I saw the cam I thought I was seeing a picture. Then I thought, NO! that is the cam. LOL

We are wet here this morning. Raining and breezy with sustained winds expected shortly at 30 to 35 mph. Gusts will be higher. My neice in Houston is without electricity and she said it is starting to get too warm. I was telling her what downtown Houston looks like and told her she won't be going to work Monday! She works in the second tallest building.

My sisters home, just west of Houston, still has electricity. They are not there but talked with neighbors. Her freezer is still on. Yea! They hope to start home tomorrow. They can not reach their son and his family.

Feeling sorry for Galveston. Many lovely houses ruined and gone.

Lolly said...

Just recieved this from my neice, Danna. Her electricity is back on. It has been off and on all morning.......

After my last e-mail, we ate breakfast and before I could get some juice, the electricity went out again (about 8:45). It just now came back on! (As soon as I hung up with you, Aunt Lolly). Winds and rain have slowed...we are going to walk outside and see what it looks like...we can see a tree branch and a fence knocked over across the street. (There are no power lines in my neighborhood.) Juan said I have some sort of trellis by my garage in the backyard. We'll let you know!


hedgie said...

Good to hear that everyone is okay, Lolly.....hope the one they can't reach is, too. They are saying "it's not over" so hope that Danna stays in and safe! They are finding even "confidential" papers that have blown out of those tall highrise office bldgs. downtown on the streets. Her office may be totalled.

movin said...

I know the cam is doing a loop ... somehow... Hedgie.

I was trying to do a little humor.



Red said...

Good afternoon everyone. I was going to mow today but I need gas for my mower and all the starions are empty. Lots of people paniced yesterday and as prices soared they bought all the gas. Dummys!!! Now all the gas pumps are dry. Another record year of profits for the big companys.

Red said...

Sorry but I needed to vent a bit.

Red said...

Wanda, The grilled shrimp I had yesterday was at a local cafe. I do grill them myself sometimes and put about 10 large precooked peeled and devained shrimp on a skewer and baste with melted butter and sprinkle with Lowery's Seasoned Salt. I usually do 2 skewers for each person and I use a charcoal grill and grill them about 3 minutes and turn them over for another 3. They are great.

ceil said...

Afternoon. No problem Red. We all have to vent once in awhile. My husband things I vent to much. LOL

Costume Lady said...

Red, the blog is a good place to vent. You just have to be careful what you say. I learned that the hard way. LOL Actually, I wasn't venting, just kidding.
Your grilled shrimp sound yummy. I was wondering if you peeled them before you put them on. Now I know. You must be a good cook and like to cook. You and my hubby would make good friends...he loves to cook. Mostly BIT pots of things.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

LOLLY, prayers for your family's safety and all in the path of the storm.
Have you been told that our cam is FROZEN AND LOOPING? It has been that way since yesterday morning.

hedgie said...

Sorry, Jim...didn't remember that you'd been on after the lopp-de-loop discussion yesterday!!! So thought you didn't know!! LOL.
Red, do you peel your shrimp before you grill??

hedgie said...

Whoops, Red...saw that Wanda wondered,too, but then saw that you had said peeled!!! I'm not with it today! Too humid...fogs the brain!

hedgie said...

The way they are talking about the gas prices being over $5 in the Carolinas sure smacks of price-gouging to me! We all know that the stations there have not been affected yet....government says they will really be tough about it...but....we still have to pay if we need it, wherever we are, however much it costs!

ceil said...

Hi Wanda and Hedgie, Agree sounds like gouging to me. Since Monday gas prices have gone up 20 to 40 cents a gallon in our area. We run into each other every now and then on the blog.

ceil said...

Wanda I was wondering what a bit pot was. My husband does not cook. He will fix his breakfast because we get up at different times.

hedgie said...

Hey, Ceil!! How's everything w/ you? Working on those N.E. pics yet?

hedgie said...

Having a hard time swallowing/understanding the fact that after issuing mandatory evacuation orders, and providing all sorts of transportation, the gov't. now has over 1000 rescuers (in harms way) and equipment out to rescue those who are now in trouble because they didn't evacuate! I'm venting!

ceil said...

Everything is fine. Have not gotten to them yet. Been working in office and at home since I got back. I really need a new computer. I think that God is keeping this thing running.

hedgie said...

How old is your 'puter, Ceil? They say that a computer is obselete after about 3 yrs! LOL. Like who can afford to replace that often? I got a new one back in Feb., and couldn't believe how much faster my satellite internet was on it!! But my old one was about 7 yrs. old, so....guess I was due!

magpie said...

As Long as HE lets you on the Blog, CEIL, we will be very patient waiting on your pictures!
I think HE is the one that keeps adding just a teeny bit more memory for me here and there, in MORE WAYS THAN ONE !

Good to "See" you..

magpie said...

I was all excited to use my 10-cents per gallon benefit at Martins...well, too bad I didn't need the gas a few days ago before prices went up..


magpie said...

I got my hair-cut - now I need a new rest of the body to go with it...Anyone ever feel that way ?

ceil said...

Lynn my computer is 5 years old. Margy as long as I can blog, get my e-mails, see the eagles, Osprey and pandas. I am happy. I have to get ready for Mass. Have a good day. It is very warm here. Prayers for the rescuers that they stay safe.

ceil said...

Margy do you feel like Sharon. All fuzzy and her teeth showing.

magpie said...

Sure feel bad for those folks in Texas and other Southern areas getting the effects of Ike -

LOLLY - hope you continue to get encouraging reports from your family.

We know this much, IT IS WHAT IT IS... And there is no way to stop it..

God Bless the Fire/Rescue folks and all those involved in what's going on...

Off to get ready for a lot of prayers on my list, as usual.

xoxo TTFN xoxo

magpie said...

Do I have my sisters mixed up again, here I thought it was SISSY with that SASSY new look...I'll learn one of these years.

Yeah - I look about like that!


magpie said...

HEDGIE: I agree with you - the things you mentioned are what I enjoy and use the most, do very little other "hi-Tech" things.

But I do have over 1000 incoming and outgoing emails (already "in" and "out" )to plow through and save and delete....takes so long - I hate to get rid of some things !

Now, really, TTFN Love you, Eagle Buds near and far.


hedgie said...

You gals be careful on the roads! Lots of nuts out there. Sure your angels will be on your shoulders, especially on your ways to Mass!

Lolly said...

No, I did not know the CAM was frozen. Well, shucks! LOL

All continues to be okay here. We are enjoying the rain and it is getting where we have lots of wind, but nothing serious. The rain is GREAT!

Been baking for a church auction tomorrow. Made a Pecan Praline Cheesecake It is YUMMY!

I can not understand those who do not evacuate when they are told to do so. Lack of brains....then they put others in danger! Grrrr!!

We have about 800 evacuees in our area. They are the smart ones!

We now have reservations for the beach Sept 22. I am determined! LOL

magpie said...

Charles Town, here I come !

Thanks for the nice send-off Hedgie, you have a way with words !

Prayers for all the victims...

Mema Jo said...

FAMILY Picnic! Food was sooooo good!

I haven't read your latest comments but I'm hoping all is well with everyone.

Got my angel and we are headed to
Mass (We'll take the back road)

I'll be back on later....Take care

Costume Lady said...


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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...