Saturday, March 01, 2008


New thread for the weekend.

Here's the latest Beakspeak rankings:

Thanks for your support.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 327 of 327
deb said...

Of course as soon as I type it moves! Trying a new postition??

MITS said...

that nest would be perfect if the tree trunk was not there.

deb said...

I know, who is their decorator??

MITS said...

eagle likes to play peek-a-boo

KarenInCali said...

Hi, mits and deb :)

deb said...

The dreaded ? is back, I hope Candy finds her way here, she was on the last page. I like it when the heron cam freezes a heron in flight.

MITS said...

Hey, Karen, how ya doing???

deb said...

Hi, Karen. Hummer off the nest.

MITS said...

I know I saw one and was ready to snap a pic, but 20 seconds were up and missed it

carolinabeachmom said...

Heron is sitting pretty as you please on it's nest looking our over the horizon.

Two eagles on nest at PH. One on egg is calling out to other. I guess it must not be time for the change. It just sat back down after rolling the eggs again. Did someone say there were two eggs this year there>

MITS said...

I don't remember Candy, can't keep up with all the eggs

deb said...

I don't know if there are two or not. I am trying to remember when the first was laid.

KarenInCali said...

I'm ok but hubby is sick with the flu so a quiet wknd here. Baked chocolate chip cookies and they were yummy. Not the dough from a school fundraiser. My granddaughter (she's 3) likes watching the eagle at SC. She wants to pet it LOL!

deb said...

Did you see the heron cam with 5 in the air? I have to check to see if I got it saved in time.

MITS said...

we need Paula our eagle expert of the Santa Cruz nests to let us know.....

KarenInCali said...

Where is PH? Have to get up on all these initials LOL!

MITS said...

good for you Karen, start that eagle loving at a young age....

deb said...

Sorry to hear your hubby is sick, Karen, it is nasty stuff this year.

I got the heron pic, 7 heron in the air. I will get it up.

MITS said...

PH has been renamed from SC Santa Cruz last year...PH is Pelican Harbor this year....

deb said...

Eagle in NBG nest.

PH is the Santa Cruz nest, they are changing the name to Pelican Harbor in anticipation of more nests on Santa Cruz.

KarenInCali said...

Oh ok. That is the nest I am currently watching. I read there are 2 eggs there.

KarenInCali said...

You can't see the eggs from the way the cam is positioned but I saw #10 rolling the eggs and I caught a glimpse of one.

deb said...

Here is the Heron picture:
Seven Heron in flight

Lolly said...

Hi All! Too many eggs to keep track! :) I have written down 2 eggs at PH, but do not remember where I got that info.

Lolly said...

Hi All! Too many eggs to keep track! :) I have written down 2 eggs at PH, but do not remember where I got that info.

deb said...

Eagle left NBG and eagle is up at Lake Washington. BWE is awake.

Do you have those abbreviations, Karen?

Here come all the Heron!

MITS said...

eagle awake at BLACKWATER

deb said...

Hi, Lolly.

MITS said...

they need a traffic light at sundown,,,hello Lolly

KarenInCali said...

Never saw so many fly together like that. We have a lagoon not far from our house that has a few. We used to get 2 flamingos every year but the last 2 yrs they have not come. We think they may have come up from the San Diego Zoo or from Sea World. Miss seeing them.

Lolly said...

I am really having problems putting up messages.?????

deb said...

I can't begin to count them all. I will wait awhile and snap a picture to get a count.

KarenInCali said...

NBG is Norfolk and BWE I think is Blackwater?

deb said...

We were really having trouble earlier, Lolly. It is a little better now, but we are all tired of the word verification, otherwise known as WV.

MITS said...

Lolly we are all having problems with the word verification, it is really slowing the posting down

MITS said...

correct, Karen, just ask us if you need to know any of them

deb said...

You have them right, Karen. I had to ask all the time when I first came on.

KarenInCali said...

I don't understand how WV can stop spam posters anyway. Can't they just do the WV thing, also?

Lolly said...

Good to know it's not me, but sorry everyone is having problems. Can not believe the number of herons in the trees! Wow!

KarenInCali said...

Thanks :) There are so many cams to watch it gets confusing sometimes LOL but I am having a blast!

MITS said...

there are also some big black birds at the heron colony, you can see them on cam 1

Anne-Marie said...

two eagles at washington.

deb said...

Every time I think they can't squeeze anymore birds in the tree, it refreshes with more. Both eagles in Lake Washington. I think a meal was delivered.

Lolly said...

I think spam posters to do not want to go to the trouble every time to type a group of letters.

MITS said...

eagle still at Lake Washing ton

Anne-Marie said...

nestorations at washington

MITS said...

the spammes usually send out their junk automatically, they would have to manually post like we do with the letters

deb said...

Hi, Anne. Did you get the yard work done?

MITS said...

both eagles at LW

KarenInCali said...

Ok, I get it now.

Lolly said...

Have eggs been seen in the heron nests?

deb said...

Do you think that means most of the birds on the Heron cam are black birds?? Some of them are smaller. I hope not, I liked it when we thought they were all herons.

MITS said...

I know, but there are alot of black birds too.......haven't seen any eggs yet,Lolly

Anne-Marie said...

this is interesting. I am not posting.

deb said...

I can't tell if LW eagles are still there, it is too dark. I was watching the herons, so if they left I missed it.

Anne-Marie said...

I finally did. Wow that was weird. I Karen,Deb , Mits and Lolly... Karen where do you live? I live in Sacramento. I come down you way often.

Anne-Marie said...

I love the sound on the PH sight. The birds and the sound of the wind and ocean. I can almost smell it.

KarenInCali said...

Evening, Heidi :) I am in Oceanside...just north of San Diego. Have been up your way a couple times. My nephew graduated from Chico State and I flew up to his graduation a couple yrs. ago.

Anne-Marie said...

One thing about the snow Deb. there isnt lawns to mow and trimming to do.

Anne-Marie said...

I was raised in Riverside so we escaped to your area for the beach.

KarenInCali said...

Just snow to shovel LOL! Think I'd rather mow and trim LOL!

KarenInCali said...

There are nice beaches in Oceanside.

Anne-Marie said...

Well Karen the gang knows I am the biggest California Sissy in the state. I dont do cold.!

Lolly said...

I mowed today and watered the dafadils. So glad I do not have snow. :) It is pretty though!

deb said...

Funny you should say that. My aunt (Denver) asked me if I was out raking today since it was nice. I laughed and told her we don't rake snow here!!

Anne-Marie said...

I have company. Must go. Hugs..

KarenInCali said...

You will have to fight me for that title LOL! I HATE cold! If it's under 65 degrees it might as well be 20 degrees cause it feels the same to me LOL! I was born in Vermont but not raised there!

KarenInCali said...

Night, Heidi :)

Anne-Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

Is our cam down?

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Karen

bye Hedi

KarenInCali said...

Evening, Paula...yes, it is :(

MITS said...

yes Paula it is:(:(:(

deb said...

Hi, Paula, BWE is awake again. She is restless again tonight.
#$@#$@, I got another question mark!

deb said...

By the time I got that posted, BWE is back to sleep.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy Deb and Mits!

Went to another Mount Basketball game tonight. They won. Hopefully that means they will get homecourt advantage for the playoff game on Thursday! Have to see what happens to another team...

At least it's not our cam, it's a FWS problem...some consolation at least....but if it goes down next weekend....

And this blog definitely cheated this time...

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly - are you in sunny CA too?

paula eagleholic said...

I see Lisa updated on the FWS server info -

And the blog has been crummy all eve. Can't believe all that you've been able to post!

%^#$%%# BLOG!!!!!

And I'm only drinking iced tea!!

Glad the cam isn't up with this crap...

3rd time maybe?

deb said...

Maybe we can try no WV next week when Steven is back. BWE up again.

paula eagleholic said...

This lady here, JudyB, who posts on the Maine forum and IWS forum that I know of keeps a list of all the significant dates and happenings at all the eagle nests. You may want to bookmark it for future reference.

Judy B's Website

MITS said...

hubby just let me know about the Mount game, Paula.....yea!

deb said...

Thanks, Paula, that is nice to have. It will come in handy.

MITS said...

wow, great site, Paula:)

MITS said...

BW eagle awake

paula eagleholic said...

She might be just a little behind in her posting yet. I notice she didn't have the second Two Harbors egg on there. But it's a great site. She also has pics of the eaglets at various weeks.

Jill said...

I agree, let's ask Steve to take away the WV and see what happens. Might be that the spammer(s) have given up on us.

BUT remember don't click on links that you don't recognize. Even if the link says EAGLE, scroll you mouse over it and look at the bottom left of your screen, there should be the actual address down there. IE:If you put your mouse on the Judy B link posted ealier and look at the bottom you will see (or something similar) So you can see it is probably a legitimate site.

deb said...

I think this is the longest BWE has been asleep all night. I am going to call it a night on the blog. I want to look at my pictures from today. I saw a small black and white bird that I think was a woodpecker. I need to compare it to my book to see.

MITS said...

I am more than ready for it to be gone, especially when it cheats....

paula eagleholic said...

YES!! the other team lost! I get to watch the playoff game at the Mount this Thursday night!!

MITS said...

right behind you Deb, GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE

MITS said...

I think hubby might be out of town, or he would probably come up, Paula. Bet son will go

Lolly said...

Paula..I am in Sunny Texas. Sorry about the delay, left for a while.

paula eagleholic said...

That's OK Lolly!

Jill said...

Lolly is Sunny a town in TX or just the weather?

Lolly said...

Just the weather! :)

Lolly said...

Quiet at BW.

Jill said...

Is it me or is there some kind of dead animal, rodent possible, in the BW nest? At about the 2 oclock position

wvgal_dana said...

Jill that doesn't work when I tried it for me..nothing appears when I put cursor on the blue Judy link.

IrisF said...

grrrrrr.... Jill that may be part of an earlier meal. It was once at about the 10 o'clock position.

Do you know what time BW comes back on in the morning? It closes for the night at 10:59pm

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Iris for some reason 3am hits my mine. That probably isn't right but it keeps rattling around in my brain.

I just love it when it says "put these letters in there" and there is NOT ANY LETTERS lol

5th try here 3 with letters 1 with no letters 1 with these nsejrqzi and I typed them right checked them now more letters qfxnc put them in right now more letters grrrr

paula eagleholic said...

Dana - apparently the blog has been doing that all evening...making you repeat 3-4 times...real PIA

BWE comes back on at 3am

finally got a word after 3 tries...lets see if it will accept it

IrisF said...

I don't know - I can see my last post on the Blog, but it has not come through to my email. This blog is really strange lately!

Now, no image to copy, what on earth is going on tonight?

paula eagleholic said...

At least it doesn't make you retype your message...

wvgal_dana said...

OMGoodness it posted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 set of letters
1 set of NO letters
1 set of letters again trying diejq>>not saying what those letters mean
1 set of letters again yxjxfb

IrisF said...

Thanks, I will not be up at 3a.m. for sure, is nice to know when it comes back on. Thanks Dana and Paula.

Let's see what fun is in store now that I am ready to post!!!

wvgal_dana said...

There is definately no spammers that would sit and type all this mess
try # 1

IrisF said...

Maybe it is time for me to say goodnight before I get to riled up!!!

Our Grandson Joel (21) is coming for a visit tomorrow and will stay until Wednesday. We will have a blast!

Prayers for all who need them tonight!!! Including Lady BW.

See you all tomorrow!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula we are looking for "chicks hee hee the kind that are born from eagles" lol So we continue to fight for the freedom of the Bald Eagle even on a blog. That makes you sometimes re-type word verficiation more than once.....dang thing lol

Jill said...

Dana, when you put your cursor on the blue link are you looking down at the left corner? What browser? I should show you somewhere on your screen a "preview" of the link. Could be yours is in a different place

qwoos? swooq? wooqs?

Jill said...

3 am? Well one of us might be awake. Or not. Spent the day outside in the cold wind. You would think I would be tired.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I hear something calling me. It is my bed. So I will leave you wonderful friends and eagles/eggs/chicks/and eaglets. Until tomorrow. Good night and peace and prayers for those that need them.

For all AOYP=Angels On Your Pillows

Jill said...

I am trying to get my cousin to join the blog. She is watching owls somewhere and the BWE. How long will it take to get her in here? Donna, if you see this, email Jamie and tell her to get on over her.

(I have a feeling she will start lurking soon and if I keep teasing her she will start talking)

wvgal_dana said...

Before I go Jill my friend using Paula's shortcut on here time 9:53pm. Lady when I place my cursor on it without clicking. It does not show up anything anywhere anyhow for any reason ( :

I just never when we didn't have this word verficiation. Didn't click on anyone I didn't know.

paula eagleholic said...

Hittin the Hay...see ya in the AM!!

movin said...

Welllll, I leave for a couple of hours, and everything goes to .......

Couldn't open this site at all through Beakspeak. Had to use last years shortcut to the blog. Tried to open the cam from within the blog, no deal.

Not too much to see or report this time of night. I thought VA would be laying an egg today from their act, but there's nothing happening or reported there.

Hope you're having fun.


wvgal_dana said...

Following Paula out the door >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nite turning out lights>>>>>dimmer>>>>>>>>>dimmer>>>>>>>>>>>>>dark

Jill said...

HUMM Dana, it should show somewhere. But you are correct in not opening things from people you don't know. I think that is the best way to handle them

movin said...


Get rested up for a big eagle happening day tomorrow.

Enjoy, enjoy.


Bird Girl said...

ok what is going on? when i try to get the cam up, i get "Service Unavailable" -- even just trying to get the main USFWS site!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

No Sunday Thread yet....Good Morning Friends...ok I'm watching BWE for a while. Eagle has been looking around.

wvgal_dana said...

Our nest (fws sites) still down

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at BWE just got off nest 2 eggs showing sent to Lisa.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at NBG maybe Mom is sitting on a limb near nest.

BC is sitting on egg/eggs

wvgal_dana said...

Big Big fat turkeys on deer cam

Eagle still sitting on limb near nest at NBG

BWE turning 2 eggs

BC hasn't gotten up yet to see egg/eggs

Hear crows at Maine

Tesoro just see dark eaglets in nest

wvgal_dana said...

Hope someone lets me know when there is a Sunday thread. ( :

wvgal_dana said...

woooooo turkeys coming through LCD screen.....trampling all over my keyboard.....NORMA

MITS said...


«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 327 of 327   Newer› Newest»

5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...