Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

Holiday Thread.


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MITS said...

I'm sure he is..

MITS said...

that quick Z rolled over and feel asleep

MITS said...

that's fell, not feel.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits got BIG WAX!!

MITS said...

Shoot, I was trying to steer Wanda towards it....she can have it for New Years...tee-hee.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Her and the captain could use it on the Eagle Express!

MITS said...

you betcha they can...can put it on the bottom of the glass holding the EAGLE TALONS and then they won't slip.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was thinking more about waxing the outside but that would certainly work too! :)

MITS said...

oh yeah, wax on the outside, that would work

MITS said...

fat racoon at PA

MITS said...

well there was he ran off the cam

paula eagleholic said...

I see the raccoon!

Steve Chase said...

Hi folks, I'm in CT., and Blogger is giving me trouble. New thread tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

CC1 cam has night vision...can see an eagle head in the nest...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Steve. I hope you are having a wonderful time in CT!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for trying, Steve! And thanks for thinking of us!

paula eagleholic said...

BBL - gotta walk puppy dogs!

MITS said...

Steven, my good man, thanks for trying, thought maybe you were in Bonnaire and unreachable:)

MITS said...

hubby home, going to fix dinner, we are having crab cakes, yummy.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Gray's and ER are both repeats :(

MITS said...

hey, Paula, did you see where Gloria Reuben is coming back to ER next week??

MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...

Is that next week :)

paula eagleholic said...

Good night, friends!

Good Morning, Suz, Wanda, Candy, Dana and whomever else makes it in early!

Mema Jo said...

It's 11:13 and I just hung up the phone after Tom called me with an update on Sandra. He is going into the hospital tomorrow around 9am as they are moving Sandra into the Physical Therapy wing - They have gotten her out of bed and want her to start dressing in regular clothes and using the wheel chair. The CT shows that the stroke was large on the right side of her brain which has affected her left arm & leg. The 3 hr window was missed for the new drug to be administered to prevent the damage to the brain - Tom had called an ambulance to transport Sandra. Tom will give us the room # tomorrow & he is also going to ask Sandra if she wants any visitors. I will let you know what she says. Their son Will who was here visiting the early part of December from Bangkok has called & talked with his mother a couple times today. Tom told him not to come home yet - to wait awhile. Dillion and his wife reside in DC and have been with Sandra at the hospital. Tom said it was his turn now to take care of Sandra as she has taken care of him all this past year during his knee replacements.
He said he was taking care of himself when I asked. I told him I would pass on all the information - and that our Prayers were going to help pull our friend through all of this!

Costume Lady said...

THANK YOU JO, FOR THE UPDATE ON SANDRA. That 3 hour window is so important...I am so sorry they didn't get to her in time. If the Lord sees fit, our prayers will make up for the lost hours.


Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Peace to You & Yours
Prayers being said for all our special needs

Good Friday Morning Early Birds

movin said...

Thanks for the info on Sandra, Mema Jo... I hope and pray that she will recover and learn to live normally again.

I am testing my Christmas gift from my sister and B-I-Law ... a wide screen 19" LCD Monitor, which I just finished setting up and changing many adjustments on. So far I'm in constant awe at how big and wide it is...and how fast it is in response time.



Suzanne said...

Good morning, world. Woah, talkative group, Steve must be on vacation. Much deserved, I'm sure!
Not bad out, but gonna get cold next week. 41° in PA, and 37° here in VA. Bit backwards I guess.
Will have to go see what I missed.
Wow, see the BW eagles have been busy with nestorations! And our little Precious is awake and playing with a small stick of bamboo. Holdidng it with front paws and chewing, and kicking it with her hind paws. Oh, sitting up now. Bai is sound asleep next to her, but they're not touching. Oops, back on the back. Never lets go of the bamboo though! She is adorable! And she's having a ball.
Also see where we have the fuzzy spots on our cam, so since we didn't get much rain yesterday, and they're in the same place, I'm pretty sure that is spidey. Ugh, guess they'll be there for the duration now. Darn. Can still see the nest, just fuzzy in spots...like the egg cup area is out of focus. But at least the web disappears during daylight.
Squigs is having a ball, sitting up, playing, flopping over on her back, and doing it all again. She still has the bamboo either in her paw or mouth. Oh, sitting up now holding bamboo in her mouth and pulling it with all 4's. oop, over we go, back again. She is adorable. Now she's kicking it with her hind feet. Bai hasn't moved, still sleeping. Back to sitting up, so this must be a fun game, she keeps doing it. Oh, Bai rolled over and walked out of the den, right over our Precious. Precious ducked her head, and back to oop, flopping over again. It's almost 1:30 there, that little girl better get some sleep. Oh, try a different tact, roll on side since Bai left. Oh, Bai just came back and has picked up our baby and is rocking her..or not, laying down trying to ger her to nurse. LOL, Precious still has the bamboo in her paws, and now she's sitting next to Bai's tummy, but playing with the bamboo. Uh oh, standing on head, that's one way to flip over! Now she's down by Bai's abdomen and kicking Bai with her hind feet. Still has the bamboo. Man, she's not gonna let go of that! Wiggling and kicking Bai and chewing on bamboo. She'll be ready for a panda nap soon.
Nuff of that. All have a great eagle/panda day. Starting out to be a good one!
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Suzanne said...

Precious has finally slowed down and I think may go to sleep. Much to Bai's relief, I'm sure. She's still by Bai's abdomen, holding bamboo, but settling down. Ok, or maybe not. Guess she decided she wasn't quite ready to sleep yet. She's now on Bai's hind legs, Bai is on her side. Looks like Precious is kinda sitting on her leg, wiggling her own little legs. By golly, still has a piece of bamboo in her right paw. She's relentless! Hope mom never tried to take a toy away from her. That little one gets hold of something she wants, and nobody is gonna make her let go! Hilarious! Oops, fell off the legs on side, now on back. Oh, we have found our hind feet ... but bamboo still in mouth. Now she's pulling it with her front paws, and kicking it again with her hind paws. Man, she's gonna kill that piece of bamboo, that's for sure.
Gotta open some more cams.

Suzanne said...

Big fat racoon in PA.

Suzanne said...

That little dickens is still awake, still has the bamboo, still sitting up and flopping over playing with it. Too funny. Think Bai has her hind legs all curled under her now, give the little wiggle worm more room! She's definately taking advantage of that!

Suzanne said...

Wow, and poof, panda nap! She just turns over and she's asleep. Touching Bai's butt, but sleeping finally! That was a pretty hard play session, she's tired.

Suzanne said...

Deer in PA. Precious is still asleep. Wore herself out. And darn, deer walked off cam. Maybe she'll be back.

Suzanne said...

Deer is back.

Suzanne said...

Oh here comes another one. Two on cam now.

Suzanne said...

Bai got up stuck her head out, came back and now they're both laying side by side on their tummy's. Adorable, one big saddle, one little saddle!

Suzanne said...

Bai woke up and left the den, and the little one woke up, and grabbed her bamboo, sat up, and is now playing with it. Sure sure loves playing with her new toy! Oh, this is a new piece! It's got a long feathery end to it, you can see it flying around as she tries to chew it. Oh funny!

Suzanne said...

This is really fun! Roll on back and attack bamboo with hind feet again. Oh, now on tummy, and she was on her side before I finished typing that, and back on her back just as quick. Uh oh, here comes mom! Picked her up, rocked her a sec, now trying to tuck Precious under her head and chin to probably try to get her to go back to sleep. Yeah, good luck with that! Now mom has her arm around Precious, so maybe she'll settle down.

Suzanne said...

Welll, Bai lost thah one. Our Precious has squiggled her way out from under mom and continues to play with bamboo and now mom's front feet and head. Or, use our hind feet and kick mom in the head. Sure Bai's gonna get a lot of sleep now! Oh, we're actually still for a few seconds. Maybe Precious was just geteting comfy. Or not. She's now rolled herself over in front of the door, and laying on her tummy. Will she sleep or will she explore????
Ok, looks like she's gonna go to sleep. Lucky for Mom!

Costume Lady said...

Sounds like ZZ really put a show on for you this morning.
She put on a show outside yesterday for all to see. She climbed up a tree and couldn't get down. Watching her try a dozen different ways was hilarious. She fell asleep in the tree, woke up later and tried to get down all over again. She wore herself out and fell asleep again. She finally got down, but I don't know if it was on her own or if she had to be rescued. She was up there for hours.

Suzanne said...

Eagle flying in at BWO, awesome pic!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda! I stayed late yesterday to watch her try to get down. Saw her climb up and cross that little branch bridge, but then she got stuck. She finally fell asleep, and that's when I left. Now I wonder how she did get down. She was hilarious this morning. She sure wants to hold onto whatever stick of bamboo she has! I pity Bai if she tries to take a toy away from her when she gets bigger! Mom is gonna have her little paws full!

2 eagles in BWO. Still waiting for ours.

Suzanne said...

Tai's hanging out by the door already. Don't see any parent, they may still be sleeping.

Costume Lady said...

It must be windy at BW; the eagles's feathers are really ruffled.

Suzanne said...

OMG, look at the Maine nest! Snowing like mad, and nest and tree are covered! I sure hope we don't get that this weekend. They are supposed to get snow farther west than I am, but I'm supposed to get rain. I hope.

Costume Lady said...

That's right, you were still here when she got stuck. I wanted to help her, but I guess that is part of learning.

Costume Lady said...

I seem to have lost my Maine cam. Can you help me?

Suzanne said...

Wanda, close it and here's the URL:


One line. Snowing harder now!

Suzanne said...

Look at the snow on that tree. It's been snowing for a while I think.

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Think that may be Lib. Well, darn, POOF! Flew in, stood in the nest a couple minutes and poof, gone. That was sure a quick visit!

Suzanne said...

Wanda, did you get to see him?

Costume Lady said...

Just like CANDY.....in and out! LOL

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Wanda, Juvie back in BWE!!!! How cool.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I did Suz. Just for 2seconds...I was looking at the Maine cam. It is so beautiful, but glad it is there and not here.

Suzanne said...

I'll have to send the pic to Lisa! He's still there, and an adult is still in BWO!

Suzanne said...

Doves in PA. Look at juvie now!

Costume Lady said...

Does the BWE nest look like it has finer sticks in it than ours or is it just the cam angle?

Suzanne said...

I think Lib wasn't there much more than 2 refreshes! Juvie looks so neat! He must be pretty close to mating age, 5. He's getting quite a bit of white on his head. I would guess 4, but what do I know.

Suzanne said...

I think they added a lot of finer sticks yesterday! Noticed the difference in the nest as soon as I brought it up this morning. They must have done a lot of work yesterday afternoon!

Suzanne said...

Looks like some pine's been added too. Juvie seems to like it!

Costume Lady said...

The eagle in the BWO nest looks like one of Steve's tree ornaments.

Suzanne said...

Oh look, juvie is gonna do nestorations. Hummm, wonder if he's the secret decorator? My my, won't the adults be surprised?

Suzanne said...

Oh, Wand, it sure does! Good observation!

Suzanne said...

Oh, he heard something. Popped that head right up. Wonder if one of the adults is returning?

Suzanne said...

Oops, meant to say Wanda on next to last post. My finger forgot to type the a! Sorry.

Suzanne said...

Juvie on launch pad, wonder if he's getting ready to go?
Bai and Squiggles are still sleeping, much to Bai's pleasure, I'm sure!

Suzanne said...

Nope, gonna move some more sticks.

Suzanne said...

Our little boy is outside this morning! Eating bamboo, so he's a happy camper! Mei is also outside eating.

Costume Lady said...

This will be my first time for watching the "Eagle Family Process" from begining to end and I am so excited. I feel like a kid waiting on Christmas to get here!
I'm not sure of the timing, but I'm afraid I'm going to miss a lot when we leave for our trip in March. :(

Suzanne said...


Costume Lady said...

Did you read Bob's comment about getting a new camera? He said he is going to try it out this weekend. Anxious to see results. How could his photos be any better?

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---SUZANNE & WANDA!!!---A COLD CLOUDY WINTER day here in WV--temp 28°---Thanks JO for the update on SANDY!!-----PRAYERS NEEDED FOR THE FAMILY!!----Looking forward to a FUN DAY with PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES!!--& hoping STEVEN returns this year!!----Hard to believe--2008!!!---Usually takes a few mos. to learn to write 2008 & not 2007!!!--ENJOY!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Grandson just got up....don't know how much longer I can hang on to this mouse before he takes over :)

Suzanne said...

Well, see the juvie is still there, and an adult is still on BWO.

normabyrd said...

The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is so far away from the cam---eating bamboo--that all you can see are a white round face with to black spots for eyes!!---ho!!---

Suzanne said...

Yes, saw Bob's comments about his new camera. Can't wait to see his pictures. I know he'll get a lot of eagle now.

Uh oh, Wanda, if he takes over, enjoyed watching with you this morning! Hope to talk to you before leaving today.

Morning, Norma! We're watching a juvie eagle in BWE!

Suzanne said...

Tai is flat on his back eating bamboo. He's so cute when he does that!
Norma, Precious Squiggles was a trip this morning! She was having a ball playing with bamboo again.
Looks like juvie may be ready to take off.

Suzanne said...

Looks like it might have stopped snowing in Maine.
Oh, juvie gone. He was there for quite a while.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE & WANDA---SORRY---I had a phone call---DAVIN is off school & only has the 2 younger children--so she gets lonesome---ho!---3 older ones are with their Dad!---

normabyrd said...

I think the BW EAGLES are spending more time at their nest than ours are---or does it just seem that way!!-----PRECIOUS is asleep!!---Hope she wakes up soon!!--ho!---like NOW!!

Suzanne said...

Wildbeests, zebras and impalas all hanging out on Africam. Cool.
Our littlest angel is sound asleep. Oh, he just zoomed in on Africam. How cool. Wish we could take pics!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---How beautiful is that ME NEST??---True Christmas look!!---Wonder if DAVE can see it---He says he checks it every day!!---But wasn't he going camping??

normabyrd said...


Suzanne said...

It is pretty, isn't it?
Africam animals all have babies with them, how cool is that! Impalas, Zebras, and Wildbeestes. One wildbeeste just came charging at his mother, and she almost tripped over him. Knocked him down, sniffed him, and went on grazing. He stayed down for a sec and as mom strolled away, he ran after her, so guess he's ok. It's fun to watch the little ones playing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I would love to have a big dumping of snow in Bluefield but we don't have it anywhere in our forecast!

normabyrd said...

I can see the TOP EAGLE'S head at TESORO nest!!----We can almost start a countdown----1/9/08!!!

normabyrd said...

I don't think any snow is predicted for WV----SHARON!!---Is ANDREW home this week?----GIVE him my love!!---You must be so PROUD!!

MITS said...

GOOD LAST FRIDAY OF THE YEAR EVERYONE Suzanne, Steve posted on blog last night, he is in CT and was having trouble changing to a new thread, said he would try today.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE!!---That wildebeest wasn't playing---He was just getting even with his MOM for something?---ho!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, Andrew is home all the time because he commutes.

normabyrd said...

WHOA KIDS!----We are nearing the BIG 700!!!

MITS said...

Elephants are getting their baths, and the clouded leopard has a huge bone to eat...going to check lions and tigers now at NZ

MITS said...

Norma, look at the flamingos

normabyrd said...

SHARON----I had forgotten that!!---But he is out of school though---isn't he? Doesn't he help with the band at another school too???

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Mits! Thanks, haven't read back yet, will later this afternoon. We haven't seen posting numbers this high in a LONG time!
Mits, Lib stopped by for about 2 refreshes this morning. He decided you weren't here, and Norma wasn't here, so he left too! Very quick Candy in and out visit!
And our Precious was playing very hard this morning, wore herself out. She's hilarious!

normabyrd said...

THANKS HELEN!!----I think the FLAMINGOS are in a sauna!!!!

The CLOUDED LEOPARD'S tail is so long---it's almost scary!!---Looks exactly like a SNAKE!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Sharon! Did you see Lib's quick in and out this morning?

normabyrd said...

Think that's an EAGLE at BWO---on the side!!

MITS said...

I think our record in somewhere in the 800's

MITS said...

Did you see Lisa's new pics on the BWE page, two different juvies have been visiting?

carolinabeachmom said...

GOOD MORNING SUZANNE, WANDA, NORMA, DANA AND SHARON It is I the lost streaker zipping in and out; not. I am off and son has gone back to Winchester, soooooo the computer is all MINE!

carolinabeachmom said...


MITS said...

I was just going to say, Candy, What am I chopped liver?......Suzanne, you are the big weiner of 700 lbs of WAX!!!! If I counted back correctly.

carolinabeachmom said...

I missed the juvie in BW while catching up on the blog. See that the eagle is still sitting on the BWO nest, and our nest only had a quick visit.

carolinabeachmom said...

Sorry MITS. I have gotten out of "sink" being off and on this for short times.

Suzanne said...

wow, good morning, Candy! Love your snowman! Are you gonna be here over 30 seconds this morning? or should I type faster???

carolinabeachmom said...

I looked in on Paula's video of the feeding in Cape Coral this morning. Good job PAULA! And then there is the Maine nest, all covered in the white stuff, and our nest hasn't even started yet. Those people in Florida sure must have it lucky in their eagle watching. I wonder how many times they have babies down there in a year?

MITS said...

LOL!!!! Suzanne, she is like the energizer bunny, you got to be fast to catch her.

carolinabeachmom said...

Ok ok I deserve tge ribbing, but at school, I don't have too much time. I do miss all the fun when I am working.

carolinabeachmom said...

My husband is even working today, so the day is mine! :) Was going to take down my North Pole village, but I have time for that. Once Josh goes back, I like to get the Christmas stuff down and get ready for a new year.

Suzanne said...

LOL, you're right, Mits!

We know you don't have much time, Candy. You can post hello and then good bye in 10 seconds or less! You are certainly fleet!

Just kidding, glad to finally be able to talk to you!

carolinabeachmom said...

And would you believe that my husband is slower than molasses, and always late? Drives me crazy.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING---LITTLE SOUTHERN BELLE!!----We have missed you!!---I didn't realize you had to work this week!!---Don't they know that you have pandas to watch & EAGLES building nests, etc.---JUST TELL THEM YOU KNOW PEOPLE IN HIGH PLACES-----"BELLE & LIBERTY"--Well they are in high places!!--ho!!---STAY COOL!!---NORMA--

Suzanne said...

Mits, I saw Lisa's pics of the juvie, but didn't even notice it may have been 2 different birds! The one that was there this morning is the same one as on her bottom right picture of what she has posted on the web. He had more white like that. He hung out, did a few nestorations, then left. He was there for about 40 minutes!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I am not working this week and have off until the 3rd of Jan. My husband is working today, so I have the house to myself!!!!!!! I am still in my PJ's drinking coffed and mucnhing on a few Christmas cookies!:) Have you seen your divers lately?

normabyrd said...

CANDY----He sounds like a KEEPER to me!!!-----Doesn't he also bake cookies?----ho!!

normabyrd said...

CANDY---I got a GLIMPSE yesterday!!----The first time since their cam got fixed!!---But SUZ missed them!!----You must get a look at PRECIOUS!!---She was so ADORABLE yesterday---Should have sold tickets!! ho!

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I have Precious, "/squigs" up and have been watching mom and baby right along today. Waiting to see some of the antics that I have been reading about on here.

carolinabeachmom said...

Matter of fact. Squigs is moving around right now. She might want to get an early start to the day.

I see the Moose are feeding on the moose cam. Earlier, it still had yesterday
s date on there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Right now Squigs is crawling all over Bai trying to get her us and going, I think. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Cape Coral is feeding her babies again now.AND Squigs keeps on trying to get Bai up. LOL

Suzanne said...

LOL, thanks for the heads up about Squigs being up, Candy! Last I looked they were sleeping. And the heads up for the moose too.
Precious is just too funny! She's climbing all over mom, and it looks like she's also biting mom's arm. Or make that butt now, but still climbing. Oh, there she goes, up and over, headin gout the door to explore. Maybe.

Suzanne said...

Guess not out the door, too much fun climbing this mountain of fur!
Tai is RUNNING all around his estate!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Mom's up!

Suzanne said...

Tai still running. Too funny, he runs going left, a sec or two later, he's running back to the right. Running, not walking.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA The divers

normabyrd said...


normabyrd said...


MITS said...

Suz, he gets goofy like that sometimes.......I missed the divers

carolinabeachmom said...

AUZANNE Bai is sitting up, but that doesn't stop Precious from climbing the mountain of fur. :) You gotta love it.

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA, the divers were even waving at you. It looked like they were waiting for you to wave back. :)

normabyrd said...

Just watching MOTHER & DAUGHTER sitting up in SD---Back to tell you all---WHOA!!---2 DIVERS WAVING----This about the same time they were here yesterday---Didn't stay long!!----

Suzanne said...

OMG, Precious is climbing on Bai's head!!! Bai is sitting up, quite a climb up there.

carolinabeachmom said...

There goes Precious again. "come on Mom, it is almost 7 oclock and time for fun!"

Suzanne said...

Well, darn, missed the divers again!

normabyrd said...

You saw them the same time I did CANDY!!!----Did you wave???---Even though I am watching for them---It always SURPRISES me when I see them!! ho!

MITS said...

LOOKS LIKE ZZ is going to be a climber like her older sister Su-Lin

carolinabeachmom said...

NORMA I wouldn't flirt with YOUR divers like that. I just smiled and sent them on their way. :)

Suzanne said...

Mits, I've never seen him run like that. Sure looked like he was having a good time, though. My cats do that, they chase something only they can see... I call it their crazy hour!
Bai thought she'd lay down again, and Precious thinks not! Too funny.

Suzanne said...

Mits, she's sure getting a very good start on her climbing abilities! Now she's just gotta learn how to come down. Did you see her get down yesterday?

MITS said...

No, Suzanne, don't know how she got down, but she is too funny.....clouded leopard still chewing on bone, fishing cat is sleeping, otters are rolling in the dirt.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well now little Precious has left the scene. Oh, I guess she didn't get too far away; just came back.

normabyrd said...


MITS said...

It is 10:00 a.m., do you know where your Paula is????:):):)

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6/9/24 hawket info

 He was winger sizing and got a little bit too much air and then depression, I guess into the ground and his rescued and taken in here is th...