Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day

Holiday Thread.


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Costume Lady said...


movin said...

Eagle at BWE.


movin said...

Morning, Steve, Wanda, Mits and everyone.

Happy Christmas.


movin said...

I think that's a juvenile on the nest at BWE now.


Bob Quinn said...

Merry Christmas Wanda, Jim, Mits, Steve and all!

movin said...

Have a great Christmas, everybody.
Got to get ready to trek to my sister's place for the day. [:=)}


paula eagleholic said...

Merry Christmas Steve!

Thanks for thinking about us today

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here is wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!! Love you all!

normabyrd said...

I'm so SORRY-- have some bad news--
My daughter, Lisa, boards her horse at the stable owned by the EPISCOPALIAN Minister's wife in Shepherdstown---She just told LISA that SANDY OSBORNE (member of the church) had a stroke yesterday & is in the JEFFERSON HOSPITAL!!---Has anyone else heard this???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, hadn't heard anything about this. Do you reckon it is our Sandra Osborne?

Just Vicky said...

Norma as soon as you find out please let us know! I'm thinking it's our Sandra!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle just left, Liberty remains.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And now Lib is gone. Nice Christmas evening visit!

normabyrd said...

SHARON & VICKY!!----I just assumed you would know I meant it's our SANDRA OSBORNE----LISA has met her a few times & that's why she let me know!!!---I was hoping some one might know how she is doing!!---Will certainly need our prayers!!!---So very sorry---

Mema Jo said...

I just signed on & I will make a phone call to try to see if I can talk with Tom or a family member.

Mema Jo said...

Update on Sandy
Talked with Tom - Sandy is at the Jefferson Memorial Hospital. Christmas eve morning Sandy had a stroke - Tom says it was a bad stroke - affecting her left side - however, she is able to speak. She has made some progress today compared to what she could do yesterday. Tomorrow is when she will be evaluated and I will call Tom tomorrow evening or Thursday after some results will be known

Just Vicky said...

Thank you so much Mema Jo for the update on Sandra! The Eaglet Momsters Prayer Chain is at work!

Costume Lady said...

So sorry to hear about our Sandra. I sent her an email last night, letting her know we missed hearing from her. Also sent her a pretty christmas card greeting. But I guess I didn't get it to her in time. Am feeling so bad that I didn't send it earlier.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My prayers are definitely with Sandra and her family. I know from personal experience that there is a special power in the prayers of Eaglet Momsters!

MITS said...

So sorry to hear about Sandra, the Christmas card that I sent to her came back, said I had the wrong address, can't believe the PO up there didn't know her and deliver it anyhow. I thought it was the same address as last year.

MITS said...

Hope everyone had a nice day...GOODNIGHT!

Mema Jo said...

Good Night All
Peace To You & Yours
Prayers being said for all needs

Costume Lady said...

Mits, Sandra's zip code may have changed. Some of the Post Offices are not delivering now if the zip code is wrong.


We had a wonderful day with our family at my Mom's house.


Mauley said...

Praying for Sandra through out the night. God Bless You, dear friend, in the name of our Lord. donna

Suzanne said...

Merry Christmas, World. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I know I did. Just glanced back when I saw get well wishes for Sandra. So very sorry to hear she had a stroke, thanks for letting us know, Norma!
Will be praying for Sandra!
Wanda, see you got your lights to twinkle on your tree. Very pretty!
Not bad out tonight, 27° in PA, 36° here in VA. Had some horrible wind over the weekend, but no wind today. It's almost nice out. Guess for this time of year, it IS nice out.
Steven, love the eagle ornaments, and love the pic of Liberty and Belle you have posted for yesterday. Nice to see them.
Will have to see what else I missed.
All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

movin said...


I'm just winding down from my drive home from No County area of San Diego. Had a great Christmas with the family and a friend.

I'm very sorry to read about Sandra, will pray for her recovery.


Suzanne said...

Good morning Jim, if you're still here. Kinda doubt it though. Was not watching, sorry I missed you, but hope you can get some sleep. Glad you got home safely.
Not sure this will post, having connection problems here at work.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Suzanne! Hope your Christmas day went well.

Suzanne said...

Deer arriving on PA cam!

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Sharon. Yes it did, thanks for asking. Had a wonderful 4 days off!

Suzanne said...

Oh, that's the deer that I think got hit by a car or something. He has bad legs on his right side, both front and back, poor thing. Darn cam is coming and going again, too!

Suzanne said...

Zebra, impala and wildbeestes on africam. Deer still in PA.

Costume Lady said...

Suz, I hope your 4 days off were all good ones. Now only 3 days til the weekend and another holiday. What more could you ask? Hope your Christmas day was a wonderful one.

Sharon, my thoughts were with you yesterday as I spent my day with my Mother. I can't imagine not having her around on Christmas. I know that day will come but I pray it won't be for a long time. We just don't know what life will hand us, but we have to pray that the Lord will give us strength to see it through. BLESS YOU.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Wanda. It was pretty rough but I worked and that helped a whole lot.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Wanda. Yupper, everybody should have a 3-day workweek! Thoroughly enjoyed my time off, thanks!

Suzanne said...

Oh 3 zebra closup! Cool.

Costume Lady said...

Yes, Suz, I got my tree to twinkle, but only through the help of Paula. She took a photo of my tree and sent it through her Photobucket and then sent me instructions as to how to post it. (Or something like that)

Suzanne said...

LOL, ok, Wanda. But it's very pretty!
Sure hope our kids show up today!

Suzanne said...

Beautiful pair of eagles at BWO!

Suzanne said...

One gone this refresh, one still there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Belle looks huge when she gets this close to the cam!

Suzanne said...


Suzanne said...

Looks like Belle is moving a stick, and Lib sure got out of her way. Well, darn, Belle just left.

Suzanne said...

2nd eagle just arrived back BWO. Was lots of squawking greetings!

Suzanne said...

Nice of them to stop by and say hi!

Costume Lady said...

Darn! I was reading my email and missed them.

Suzanne said...

Oh Wanda, I'm sorry you missed them! Maybe they'll stop in again.

Suzanne said...

Kinda funny to see the Maine nest with no snow. But it's nice for a change! Foggy in Tesoro. Can only barely see the top of the eagle's head.

normabyrd said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES!!---MOVIN'JIM---SUZANNE---SHARON & WANDA!!!-----It's a grey sky a.m.--but expecting another SUNNY day--temp 29° now in WV-----SENDING PRAYERS to our BEAUTIFUL SANDY!!!-----Hope everyone enjoyed CHRISTMAS with their families!!---The ROYAL FAMILY came calling early!----LIFE IS GOOD!!---ENJOY!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----When I was leaving on CHRISTMAS eve---I saw a FLOCK of 8 turkeys in PA---Beautiful sight!!---Such large turkeys!!---

normabyrd said...

AHHHH!!----The 'LITTLE PRINCE' is lying back & enjoying a BAMBOO breakfast!!----Wind is blowing---but he is holding on!!---LOVE WATCHING HIM!!!

Suzanne said...

Eagle still hanging out at BWO. Just looked, both Bai and ZZ are gone, den is MT. They've been there all morning. Tai is laying on his back eating bamboo. He's so cute when he does that!

Suzanne said...

Morning, Norma! You're early! Glad you got to finally see the turkeys that hang out in PA!! They are huge, aren't they? big ol' squirrels on cam now. Saw a deer this morning.

normabyrd said...

I see 3---4 SQUIRELLS in PA this a.m.!!----SUZANNE saw the DEER---Maybe we haven't missed the TURKEYS this a.m.---

glo said...

Good Day after Christmas morning. Guess I missed Lib and Belle already today. Not too much cam watching time happening for me right now.

Sorry to hear of Sandra's stroke. She is sucha kind person. I will add my prayers to all those already being offered up.

Take Care and all have a good day.

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' SUZANNE!!---I saw the SQUIRRELS this a.m.----even if I misspelled!!!---ho!----Hope you enjoyed your CHRISTMAS---& are looking forward to another 4 day holiday next week?---ho!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' GLO!---Hope you enjoyed your CHRISTMAS!!---Did you get to see your 'little' granddaughter?---
I agree---SANDY is such a beautiful person!!!---

Costume Lady said...

Those 4 day holidays can spoil you.

Suzanne said...

Morning, Glo! Hope you have a wonderful day! Lib and Belle got here about 7:14 this morning. Nice to see them.
LOL, Norma, I knew what you meant! Little squirrels are still there!

Suzanne said...

They sure can, Wanda. 4 days next week, then it's back to the 5 day grind! ugh

Suzanne said...

2 eagles at BWO. One on the left has been there for quite a while!

MITS said...

GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNNG EVERYONE Take it easy today if you can, can't believe Christmas has come and gone.....prayers for Sandra.....thanks, Wanda, maybe that is why the card was not delivered, I feel bad now, that I didn't investigate future and send it out again.

MITS said...

morning bath for the ellys at NZ

Costume Lady said...

Norma, did you get a chance to visit our nest while visiting your daughter?

GLO, I just got through sending an email to my grandson containing the account of the eagle pair and their fantastic greeting to each other after having been apart for a while (taken from your FOR THE LOVE OF EAGLES). My grandson is a second year student at Lord Fairfax college and is studying Environmental Science. He has had a love of birds since he was 2 years old. It must run in the family.

normabyrd said...

2 EAGLES AT BWO!!!----WOW!!---First I have seen this a.m.!!

Costume Lady said...

Yes, I feel bad too about not contacting Sandra sooner. I sent her an email late on Christmas Eve, telling her that we miss hearing from her. Should have sent it the day before. Maybe that will teach me not to proscrastinate.

MITS said...

I know Wanda, I hate that about myself...have to work on that in the NEW YEAR.

Suzanne said...

Good morning, Mits. Yes, was sorry to hear about Sandra! Sure hope she recovers quickly! I'm thinking about her mother and Bob, her husband. Who's taking care of them? Prayers for the whole family.
Mits, what's an elly???

normabyrd said...

WANDA----We had planned to go---but my daughter, LAURA & grandson, LUKE--were also visiting----We just didn't get there!!----But plan to go back later this week----FL grand-kids are visiting their Dad in Frederick----going back to see them----when we all get our act together---ho!---Everyone wants to see them!!---& they want to see every one---including their Berryville friends---ho!---(didn't mean to confuse you)---

MITS said...

I know Suzanne, they have been in my thoughts.......Elephants, I call them Elly's, for short.

Suzanne said...

Finally! Eagle at Tesoro poking head up!

Suzanne said...

Ah, gotcha!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' HELEN!!---How was your CHRISTMAS with MAGGIE & MOLLIE??--Bet that was something!!---ahhhh!!--Aren't GRAND KIDS GREAT?---They make the day so glorious!!!---

MITS said...

Yes, they do, Norma:)

normabyrd said...

SUZ--I think SANDRA'S husband's name is TOM!!---But remember she has been taking care of him & her mother----both weren't well a while back!!!

normabyrd said...

Did you all hear or read about the huge FEMALE TIGER that got loose at the SF ZOO & killed 1 person & injured 2 others before she was shot by the police!!---Last I heard the ZOO has no idea how she escaped!!----

MITS said...

Yes, Norma I read about that his morning, this same tiger had attacked a zookeeper about a year ago.

Suzanne said...

Ewwiies in BWO.

Sunny said...

Good MOrning everyone! I've been trying to post for days, but I can't remember my password. Finally had to set up a new account. I have a lot of catching up to do, but my prayers are with Sandra!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!


normabyrd said...

WANDA---That's wonderful that your GRANDSON is majoring in Environmental Science!!---Maybe he can keep us abreast of what's happening in our world!!!---Bet you are proud!!

Suzanne said...

)($$*& I see blogger is alive and well!

Norma, you're right, his name is Tom! And she was taking care of him and her mother, but who is now that she's in the hospital? Does anybody know if she has family near by?

Suzanne said...

Wow, hi Sunny! Good to see you. How's your mother?

Suzanne said...


Well, now only 1.

normabyrd said...

SUNNY!!----So GREAT to hear from you----WE HAVE MISSED YOU!!---I have had you & your MOTHER in my thoughts!!----Hope you all enjoyed a nice CHRISTMAS!!----That signing on, etc. is a BUMMER!!---I am always having trouble signing on!!---

Suzanne said...

Awww, there is a baby zebra looking at a baby wildbeeste on Africam.

Suzanne said...

Finally, uh oh, Squigs just fell over. Bai and ZZBear are in the hallway. Bai is bringing bamboo out from her den, Squiggles is right beside her.

Suzanne said...

Now Bai is laying, or leaning on her back eating bamboo. Squiggles is walking around her.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I think TOM is well now!!---SANDY is to be evaluated today----JO is going to check with him today & let us know what is happening!!-----I may be wrong--but I remember--SANDY telling us that every time her son was home--he was always "MESSING-UP" her computer---ho! & She couldn't get on to the blog!!---

Sunny said...

Suzanne and Norma - can't really talk about it yet, but my mom cleebrated Christmas in Heaven this year. She passed away on Dec. 6.

Suzanne said...

Bai has moved to a sitting position, and ZZBear keeps walking behind her. Now the little one is just laying down behind Bai. Too cute.

Suzanne said...

OH, she was kicking Bai in the back! She's too cute. Now she's sitting next to mom and holding her own piece of baby bamboo. No, off to explore, trying to climb on whatever that thing is behind Bai. Now she's gonna try the other side!

Suzanne said...

Oh Sunny, I am so sorry!!!

paula eagleholic said...


2 eagles at BWE!!

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE----(i must be loosing it)---I was waiting for you to come back---I was dying to tell you that your "PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES" was presented to the public---& she was on CNN---I KID YOU NOT!!---TOO BEAUTIFUL TO DESCRIBE!!----Little BEAUTY was on a tree limb---So BLACK & WHITE!!---AWESOME!! (forgive me for sounding like my teen-age granddaughter---in my description)---ho!!---I'll just say "she is cool"!!!!

normabyrd said...

SUNNY--My deepest SYMPATHY!!---My thoughts are with you!!---sending you my love----

normabyrd said...

MORNING' PAULA!----Was your "college man" home for the CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS??

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning
Sunny, I pray that our thoughts & prayers have given you the strength that you need to have peace in your heart. That was a beautiful way to tell us about your mom.

normabyrd said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sunny, my thoughts and prayers are with you!

Suzanne said...

Squiggles and Bai are both still in the hallway, and Squiggles has her own piece of bamboo. She is adorable!

Suzanne said...

Oh, Norma, I read where she was going to be presented to the public, but didn't catch it on CNN. My bad!

MITS said...

Sunny, I'm so sorry for your loss, my prayers are with you and your family

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' JO---Thanks for calling TOM yesterday----I just couldn't believe it to be true----I had just gotten home when LISE called me!!---PRAY THINGS GO WELL TODAY!

Suzanne said...

Think both eagles may be in the nest in Tesoro.

MITS said...

Where is Jefferson Memorial Hospital?

Suzanne said...

Uh oh, good morning, Jo. You slipped right past me!

floralgirl said...

Hello all- Just checking in - can't believe the awful news about Sandra, I had not been seeing her in town sincce I stopped by her house about the 1st week of Dec., I believe her son lives in DC, and her husband Tom has been getting around better. after his last surgery. Sunny, my deepest condolences to you on your Mom's passing. I know there's no words to make it better, but just know we're all thinking of you .

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Jo, Norma, Mits, Sharon, Suz and Sunny.

Sunny, so sorry to hear your Mom passed away. Sending lots of hugs your way.

Sandra - my prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Jo, thanks for calling Tom.

paula eagleholic said...

Mits - Jefferson Memorial


normabyrd said...

Little PRECIOUS SQUIGGLES has a big stick of bamboo & she is moving it all around!!---She is a strong gal!!!---Hope they let the little 'LOVE BUG' come outside & play!!---

floralgirl said...

Jefferson Memorial Hospital -300 South Preston St., Ranson, WV 25438

normabyrd said...

HELEN---It's in Shepherdstown!!---

MORNIN' MEGAN!!---Every house that had a beautiful wreath on the door-----I would say---"I bet MEGAN made that"!!!!----BEAUTIFUL WREATHS!!

normabyrd said...

Thanks MEGAN!!---I was certain it was in Shepherdstown!!

MITS said...

Thanks, Paula, Megan and Norma, will make sure this card gets to her

floralgirl said...

Thanks Norma, I definitely made many of the wreaths that are hanging in town, but I can't take credit for all the pretty ones:)Really I'd say the hosptal's in Charlestown, it's by the race track, but the mailing address is Ranson.

Robyn said...

Morning and hope all enjoyed Christmas with their families and friends.

Our hearts and prayers go out to Sandra and Sunny.

Dan informed me there is a raptor center here in Charlotte he can take Tori and I to, hopefully over the weekend or before we leave. The weather doesn't turn cold here during the day mid 50's to low 60's is the average.


glo said...

Sunny I am sorry to hear of the loss of your mom, you were being held up in prayer by so many of us Momsters. Your mom had some very special folks there welcoming her who are also very loved by many others on this BLOG. Right now we celebrate holidays a "breath apart" from our loved ones who have passed on" and in the comfort and love of those who remain here and continue to walk that journey of this life with us. "Hugs and prayers now for you".

Norma Actually Christmas day found me with friends in the morning and at work in the afternoon. I did however enjoy a wonderful time with a Surprise family celebration a couple of weeks ago, that is carrying me through the remainder of the Holiday Season.

I am anxious to get on with the New Year, and a the New Eagle Season kicking into full gear!!!

Suzanne said...

My goodness! Bai has all that bamboo, but on her way out of the hallway, she stopped and took ZZ's piece of bamboo with her! ZZ is still sitting in the hall, but now has a piece of Bai's bamboo. Turn about is fair play, I guess.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I should GOGGLE before I speak--ho!!----Just did that---RANSON-----Anything you want to know about the hospital is there!!----Hope you had a nice CHRISTMAS!!

paula eagleholic said...

Robyn - I have been to the Carolina Raptor Center online site before - sounds like a really neat place.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle back at BWE

floralgirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Bai has been pacing, but just grabbed baby in her mouth to let her nurse. ZZ doesn't appear to want to, she wants to walk back and play with her bamboo.

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - College kid arrived home last Wednesday - he is home for a month. Pulled 2 A's and 3 B's this semester. He'll be working full time till he goes back to school, so I won't get to see him too much = he also spends all his time with his Girlfriend! Thanks for asking!

Suzanne said...

Hi Paula, Hi Megan. Hi anybody else I missed.
Watching Squiggles and Bai, not reading! Bad me.
Have to go back and see what I missed.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Megan for the information - Tom referred to the hospital as the Charles Town area. Tom is physically ok - his knee transplants work exceptionally well - He has no problem with driving and/or walking. There are 2 sons. Their son & his wife from the DC area were over at the hosp when I called him and were staying until he got there. His plan was to be there early this am in order to see the DR and then go back later today in hopes of getting the evaluation report. I may not have any info until tomorrow - it depends what Tom is able to find out today. Their other son, Will - had been home the first part of DEC but has since returned to his home(I cannot remember right this minute the name of the country) Oh Yes! Sandra's mom is being well taken care of by the lady who had helped with her before.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---I always think---How wonderful it would have been to have had a computer when I was in school!!-----HEY!---That's why I always look FORWARD to a new year!!---EACH YEAR IS A GIFT!

normabyrd said...

The 'ATLANTA BEAUTY' is asleep on the upper level of the bunk beds--ho!----LUN LUN is 'attacking' a large pile of bamboo!!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks for the update, Jo! I am glad Tom is up and around! Wasn't sure. Glad he has family there too, and Sandra's mom is being taken care of. At least DC isn't that far for them to come and visit.
I'll get a card off to her this afternoon, so thanks Megan for the hospital address!

normabyrd said...

MORNIN' ROBYN---Glad you two are enjoying your CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!!
I bet there many things to see in CHARLOTTE!!

normabyrd said...

WHERE IS our "MAGISTRATE JILL"??---Surely the Court isn't busy during holidays!! ho!-----NILLA!!---where has she been??----JILL---surely you would not send your friend "NILLA to the 'BIG HOUSE'!!----We miss you JILL & NILLA---How about a hello!!!

normabyrd said...

PAULA---You must be PROUD!!

paula eagleholic said...

MOrning, Megan! How was your Christmas? Probably time for you start thinking about your spring flowers!

normabyrd said...

The PINK FLAMINGOS are really "flapping" around---2 or 3 are chasing each other---& their is a very young little gray flamingo standing in the middle----They aren't in the water---

paula eagleholic said...

Norma - I am! And very glad he so enjoys college.

Suzanne said...

Robyn, thanks for the URL for the raptor center. They have GPS units on 3 eagles!! How cool is that! Man, they just go all over, up to Maine and out to the mid-west! Had no idea they traveled so far other than at migration, and not all of them migrate.

Suzanne said...

I've lost my SD cam, has anybody else? Pic froze, and I messed up and refreshed. Now just the cam logo. Darn.

Suzanne said...

Moose cam is on. 5 of 'em.

normabyrd said...

2 SLOTH BEARS at the NZOO!!---I also see a "nervous" FISHING CAT flying back & forth!!---WOW!!---He is fast!!!

Suzanne said...

Ewwiiees back at BWO.

normabyrd said...

SUZANNE---I have a "dark" pic of BAI by herself!!---no mention of our favorite!!

Suzanne said...

Thanks, Norma. I just refreshed again, and have someone. You're right, very dark.

Robyn said...

Paula, Suzanne... Dan asked me why I looked sad and I explained about the group of Ladies and Gentlemen I have met and how each one of you touched our lives, Tori and I. He then mentioned the raptor center which I didn't know about. It is nice to see we share the same apprecation for wildlife and the environment and of course each other :)

floralgirl said...

OK, had to go next store and check on daughter, spent the night with her two cousins at my MIL's. I swear they didn't even lay down until around 4 am. They were playing video games and having a good ole time. So- hello, Paula, Norma, Jo, Suzanne, Mits, Robyn and Glo. Yep, Paula, seed catalogs are all in a pile... honestly though, seriously thinking about many things, including a better way to make a living. Housing trade is slow since last year, and not getting any better, hubby lost job of 11 yrs. 3 days before Thanksgiving:( due to slump, very crappy employers, and a bit of anger. Has been rough financially and emotionally, BUT we will figure this out, just yet another bump in the looong road of life. Both of us have some sort of viral thing, been sick for a week, trying to keep it from becoming a sinus infection, cause I can't go to the DR right now. Drinking OJ by the gallon...ugh....

Costume Lady said...

I have so much to say and so little time. My youngest grandson is with us till the weekend and he is impatiently waiting for his turn at the computer.

SUNNY, there are so many things I would like to say to you about your Mother's passing, but for now, I will just say The Lord will take the pain away from your heart, just as he took the pain away from your Mother. Our prayers are with you. Please join us again when you can. You are our only Kayaker. LOL

normabyrd said...

TESORO is showing an EAGLE HEAD peeking over the nest!!! --- These EAGLES are so COOL----They don't seem to worry about neatness or how the sticks are placed in the nest!!--THEY MARCH TO A DIFFERENT DRUMMER!!!---ho!

Costume Lady said...

About Sandra's family.
Gene & I went there right after our last visit to NCTC to drop off a couple of Eagle Talons. Sandra hadn't gotten home yet from galavanting around with some of you all. Tom answered the door and was getting around guite well and I enjoyed our short conversation. I think he is going to be quite able to handle things, as needed. With our prayers and the Lords help, they will come through this.

normabyrd said...

MEGAN----You & husband start on the chicken soup!!---Ask SUZANNE for more info!!!-----Have you in my thoughts--Beautiful Flower Girl!!------Don't you envy your daughter & cousins---Staying up & giggling all night---& still feel great!!-----THOSE ARE THE DAYS I MISS!!---ho!

paula eagleholic said...

Snowing in Oregon...

paula eagleholic said...

Megan - the housing slump is hitting all sectors....our flooring business has been slow and the furniture business has been difficult also.

paula eagleholic said...

I agree with Norma - chicken soup!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I have to tell you there is always work in the medical industry!

Costume Lady said...

As to the Jefferson Memorial Hospital; it is in Ranson,very near the circle: there are signs there directing you. The hospital itself, if on the border of Ranson and Charles Town.

Suzanne said...

Robyn, he sounds like a keeper!!

Megan, sorry to hear you're sick. Hope yours goes away a lot quicker than mine! I ended up taking Zicam, and that seemed to help. And Airborne here in the office.

Geesh, and Glo and Mits, hope you two are better!

floralgirl said...

Oh, I got it, chicken soup, orange juice, Mucinex, Benadryl,Tylenol, yum yum....

Suzanne said...

And yup, chicken soup! And vitamins. And lots of liquids.

normabyrd said...

JO---Your favorite OTTERS are swimming all around!!----I enjoy watching them when they come out to SUN & nap-----ADORABLE!!

floralgirl said...

Vitamins, echinecea pills, water,juice, Gatorade, chocolate, oh wait, that's not right. Saving my chocolate for when I can actually taste it...

normabyrd said...

MEGAN---You all have been working so hard!!-----MOTHER LONG---thinks REST is also a must for you kids!!----Ya hear now?--ho!

Costume Lady said...

MEGAN, you are an intelligent and hard-working girl. I am sure there are employers out there that would be lucky to have you if they just knew you were available.
I know having your own business is a most satisfying job, but, my goodness girl, you work your butt off. Our prayers are with you and your family for a more prosperous New Year.

floralgirl said...

Putting on my happy face and going next door- later everyone. Bye Suzanne!

Suzanne said...

See ya later, Megan. I hope you feel better soon!!

Mema Jo said...

Deer passing by the PA cam........

Mema Jo said...

They were fast!

Suzanne said...

Jo, how cool! That's their second cam, it is turned on by motion sensor, deer is still there, keep watching.
Well, maybe. It stopped coming on as I was typing this!

normabyrd said...

JO---How was your CHRISTMAS?---Or have you not recovered yet? ho!---When do your 'little ones' go to GERMANY!!----That will be quite a wonderful experience for them---But hard on GRANDMOTHER!!---ho!---

normabyrd said...

DARN---Missed them!!

Mema Jo said...

Jan 8 is departure date for Germany.
I have so enjoyed having them local -
Everything has been shipped from their Ft Drum NY home. I guess they kissed NY good bye. Bamberg is the assigned site for Patrick. Probably will mean deployment but they just don't know how soon. New baby is due May 28th.

Mema Jo said...

Norma - when are you going to see the FL kids who are now in Frederick with their dad?

normabyrd said...

WOW!---JO!---I had forgotten about the May baby!!---Do they know the sex of the baby?---That will be exciting!!!

Suzanne said...

This is for Bob Quinn. Hope he reads it.

I belong to the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and get their magazine, "Save the Bay" Bob is that your pic of an adult eagle soaring, and the little fox on the side of that pic? It's on page AR8 (Annual Report). They didn't give you picture credit. I swear, it looks like one of your eagle pics! And the fox too. They're discussing Blackwater in the article.

If you guys see Bob, ask him about the picture. Thanks.

normabyrd said...

JO---They flew up CHRISTMAS day & will be there for almost 2 weeks------We haven't worked that out with their Dad yet!!!----I am afraid they are going to freeze their little "butts" off---Kept telling their Mother that Dad had coats for them----I think they think a sweatshirt will be OK??---REALLY MISS THEM!!!

normabyrd said...

WOW!!---SUZANNE---SAFE JOURNEY HOME----LOVE TO ALL YOUR FURRY FRIENDS!!!----I almost forgot you leave a "wee" bit early!!----Hasn't it been great talking to everyone this morning!!

Suzanne said...

Oh, daddy's on the SD cam, Gao Gao.

normabyrd said...

GAO GAO is outside at the SD site!!----The picture is dark too!!

Suzanne said...

Yes it has, Norma. Enjoyed it! Missed Candy, though. Gonna have to watch for that girl tomorrow, she's so quick in and out.
Time for me to hit the road. All have a great eagle/panda day.
Eyes to the sky, see the raptors fly!

Costume Lady said...

See you in the morning Suz. Y
Yes, Norma, we have had a wonderful group chat this morning!

Robyn said...

Safe home Suzanne, hope the weather is good

paula eagleholic said...

Candy?? I missed her too!

paula eagleholic said...

OK, got ya now,Suz.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Costume Lady said...

I have been in touch with Our Very Own BirdGirl, Delphia, and she sent this email and said I could share it with all of you. It is very positive...........

hi Wanda!

I'm sorry I've been MIA from the group, you know how it gets sometimes. :)

Good news, and you can share it with the group: a judge has granted my request for an expedited hearing regarding my disability case, which means I don't have to wait 12-18 months. In fact, it has been scheduled for January 7th. The best part is, the judge who granted the request is the same judge who will be hearing my case! I'm very hopeful that his approval means he understands my situation and may be more compassionate -- and intelligent!!! LOL

Also, I've started taking Lyrica about a week ago. It's an anti-seizure medication which was recently approved by the FDA for treatment of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. You may have seen commercials for it on TV. I have problems with a lot of prescription medications, so I was a bit hesitant to try it, but I talked to some other people with fibro who are taking it and felt more comfortable trying it; so far, I haven't had any adverse reactions to it, although it will take some time before I know if it will help me or not. I think it's very positive that I'm able to tolerate it, and I want it to work, which I'm sure will help :)

The new rheumatologist I went to for the prescription for Lyrica, Dr. Sheetal Chhay, is absolutely wonderful -- LOVE HER!!! :) She actually LISTENED to what I had to say, understood where I was coming from and actually thought about my overall history and current state when planning what to do from here. She's quite young, probably 28-30, but seems to really know what she's talking about -- and she really seems to understand and have experience with fibromyalgia patients. I'm very happy with her, and I've told all of my fibro group about her :)

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! It was very quiet for my husband and I, our financial situation and my health have put a damper on the season for us but things are looking up, finally. I'm really hoping that 2008 will be better -- it almost HAS to be LOL

I miss everyone, and I can't wait to see if we get to watch eaglets this year! Oh -- and Peepers, the chick my Society finches had, has grown up to be a very cute, funny and healthy little guy! I keep forgetting to get his pictures loaded onto my computer and send 'em out to you guys LOL

Thanks for thinking of me :) I'll try to make an appearance on the blog soon!!

And of course,

As always, I am....

Your very own,

~~Bird Girl~~

MITS said...

why, yes there is an eagle in the nest.

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...


Robyn said...

YAY!! Thanks for the heads up on our nest. first time I have seen it occupied in I do not know how long. :)

Robyn said...

and *POOF* gone

normabyrd said...

SORRY SUZANNE MISSED HER!!----Will they ever get their stick placed properly????----COOL SIGHT!!

Mema Jo said...

Memphis Zoo is showing either Ya Ya or Le Le in person eating bamboo.
DC pandas napping!
As are the Atlanta GA pandas!
Gao Gao is on cam now. Sorta behind the tree hiding........

normabyrd said...

BLUEFIELD SHARON!!!----We couldn't do it without you!!---THANKS!!!

Mema Jo said...

That stick is quite large!
May take awhile to get it placed just right - and I bet Belle is the one to do it! lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are welcome, Normabyrd!

paula eagleholic said...

I see they moved that whopper of a stick!

Mema Jo said...

Past my lunch time! BBL
Probably going to Panda Nap also. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

moving the BIG STICK

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...