Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday October 9

Fresh thread from Albuquerque.


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wvgal_dana said...

Ok I've been refreshing and refreshing and no one has come over. So I guess I will take # 1.
Thank you Steven for the NEW THREAD. Hope all is going well for you take care.

glo said...

Well I am busy keeping my eye on Maine's nest LOL and drinking tea. Thanks for the heads up Dana nad the new thread Steve

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I knew you wouldn't hold out long, Dana. Thanks for the new thread Steven. Hope things are going wel for you.

wvgal_dana said...

Mei and Tai are inside sleeping I think cam 1.
On the other cam is a I think "papa bear outside sleeping".

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon you or Paula can have the wax it's to messy for me lol

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle BW

wvgal_dana said...

Isn't that something; they have never heard a mother panda bleat at her cub when the cub is this young. Oh such a good Mommie.. :)

glo said...

Sure would be nice if we could hear her bleat at her young!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suppose to sound like a goats bleat??? Whatever that sounds like.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I had yesterdays post up all day and still am posting on that. Anyhow, I had remarked that Dr. Snyder obviously did not watch Mei with Tai when he was young. When you hear a panda honk, they are upset, Mei did that alot when Tai was young. Tai is starting to do these sounds in his little panda voice.

wvgal_dana said...

Good view of the falcon chicks NOT

wvgal_dana said...

Deal or No Deal comes on at 8pm EST

wvgal_dana said...

NFL Football comes on at 8pm EST Baltimore Ravens at Denver Broncos

Mema Jo said...

I had a very nice long post for you all and then the electricity went off for just a second - enough to lose everything I had to say.
Thanks Stve for the thread - hope you had a good day
New videos on the Brisbane site.
LunLun's update also said she would be leaving ButaButa alone frequently-guess we'll get some very good view of her. I just wish that when LunLun holds her to sleep - she wouldn't hold her 'head down'.
I got to see the eagle at BW..
Sharon please send me the ME site..I lost it when we thought the eagles were gone. I wish NU site was still up & running.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Saw your message - I'll try to stop by Wed.

FloralGirl Hope your feeling better today. Did you have to go to Dr?

I'm sure Suzanne enjoyed her day off.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Eagle at BW keeps looking around, probably will be taking flight soon.

MITS said...

Wish he would spend the night.

wvgal_dana said...

Maine Eagle site is

MITS said...

Eagle just left BW.

wvgal_dana said...

I think that Eagle is going to stay there until dark then fly the coop.

wvgal_dana said...

My time a BW was stuck. I refreshed and it's dark the spidey webs lol

wvgal_dana said...

They don't seem to spend the night in the nest do they Mits. I guess maybe because they are adults. Just a thought.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo how long does it take you to get to Paula's?

MITS said...

I guess because it really is not their nest, DANA and it is so in the open.

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne said they sit in the trees right next to the nest.

Some of you have mail please check your emails. Thank you.

glo said...

Calling it a day for the bLOG...just not up to the computer anymore today. My head hurts!!!!! I hate it when I get a headache. OK BLOG at ya tomorrow.

floralgirl said...

HELLO everybody!!

wvgal_dana said...

Bye Glo hope you get to feeling better.

Hello Floralgirl you feeling better?

wvgal_dana said...

Anyone hear about poor Farrah Fawcett. She is staying at Ryan O'Neils house while she goes through the caner treatment. Terrible. Hope all turns out well for her.

MITS said...

Hi, FLORALGIRL Hope you are feeling better. Good night GLO. Take your medication with caffeine, makes it work faster.

MITS said...

Going to go out and find FOOD!!! BBL! That is nice of Ms. Fawceetts' ex to take her in.

wvgal_dana said...

He said he "still loves her"

MITS said...

Awww, how sweet is that.

floralgirl said...

Whoops, sorry but you know as soon as the dog saw that I had showered and planted my butt in a comfortable chair he of course wanted to go outside. I feel better than I did last week, think I had a virus. But I still feel kind of lightheaded and dizzy occassionally, probably a damn sinus related problem again. Of course, what else is new, allergies always a reccuring problem with me. Sorry you asked??LOL . By the way, yesterday I saw one of my regular hummers, a female- she's gotten sooo fat, maybe she left today.

wvgal_dana said...

Hummer is stocking up for her trip south

Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta all alone

Tai & Mei are sound asleep

Chicks are walking around on the pebbles

Thanks, Mits for the eagle pics. He was really a beautiful one.

wvgal_dana said...

One of the chicks is up walking around

wvgal_dana said...

Ok see you all tomorrow tc

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Has everybody gone now?


paula eagleholic said...

I'm here, just got on.

Mema Jo said...

I'm here now - almost ready to close down. I've been watching LunLun & ButaButa sleeping.She is getting so big.Sharon She is cute enough to make you want to steal her!
Paula I'll come out Wed afternoon to see you.

paula eagleholic said...

I'll be there!

Mema Jo said...

OK - I'll try to make it around 1:30.

Someone needs to teach ButaButa not to sleep with her mouth opened.

Mema Jo said...

BirdGirl I did pass the ramp for Liverpool in my travels to NY. Thought about you.

paula eagleholic said...

Glad you are feeling better. Sorry you missed the trip! We had a great time!

Mema Jo said...

Paula you have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want

Mema Jo said...

Everyday, the Brisbane chicks get more dark feathers..

Mema Jo said...

You Got It

Congrats, Sharon

Just Vicky said...

Sure, take all the wax!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Mema Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky Where were you hiding!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky was hiding trying to sneak in on the wax. Maybe you can get 100 Vicky!

Just Vicky said...

I wasn't hiding!! I just got on here after being away all day! Had to return a granddaughter 200 miles away! She got homesick on me!

Just Vicky said...

Sharon, you're thinking evil of me!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, guys and dolls, I am going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers.

Just Vicky said...

Oh see how you are? Leave the house when I come in!

Mema Jo said...

VIcky - That age is very tender - they want to act grown up but deep down they still are a mommie's girl. You can only do so much talking to try to change their mind... She did make it the whole weekend - right?

Just Vicky said...

Of course you are an hour ahead of my time!

Just Vicky said...

Yes she made it through the weekend! First night was really bad, cried her little heart out even with me beside her! It just crushes your heart to see her little heart broken!

Just Vicky said...

We did have a good time, lots of tea parties with cookies!

Just Vicky said...

Well I'm out of here for the night! Going to hit the hay soon myself!

Mema Jo said...

In another year it will probably be a different story - she won't want to go home.

Just Vicky said...

I hope so Mema Jo! They are so precious at 4.

Mema Jo said...

Guess I get to close down the blog for now.

Good Night
Sweet dreams

Good Morning Suzanne

Just Vicky said...

She said she would come back! Didn't press her for a date!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, I would never think evil of you! :):):) Good night all!

paula eagleholic said...

I think she won the 1/2 can fair and square!

paula eagleholic said...

Aww, Vicky. That is a tough age!

paula eagleholic said...

Have to get some chores done before to ya in the a.m.

Howdy Jim and Good morning, Suz :):)

MITS said...

Hi all!Just got back from dinner, went to a bar I feel at ease at, had dinner then talked to a waiter friend of mine and drove him home, he lives 2 blocks away. Don't worry, he is gay and just the nicest guy.

MITS said...

Lun and Buta are sleeping and Buta moved and Lun started to lick her... a great Kodak moment

MITS said...


movin said...

Good night, All, good morning, Tuesday in America...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7:10 a.m. I am watching a beautiful adult eagle in the Maine nest working on the nest. What a way to start the morning.

Good morning all in Eagle Land!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun just let Buta roll right off of her into the floor! Not a Kodak moment, that was scary! Baby looks okay though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All by myself this morning, I reckon!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle at BW! MT nest at ME. MT pond in Africa. Lun Lun and Buta Buta snuggling.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Sharon looks like everyone is sleeping in or still on holiday. Suzanne is probably busy 1st day back.

When I checked Mei and Tai were inside.
Eagle at BW
Maine MT
Chicks no see

Buta sure is growing

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is growing so fast and so absolutely beautiful. Hard to believe they go from a nekkid mole rat to this so fast!

wvgal_dana said...

It really is amazing Sharon. I'm so glad I've gotten to see this experience. We all know that sound would have made it even better. Well what can a gal do... :)

Mei and Tai are outside
Maine MT
BW eagle

wvgal_dana said...

Someone mentioned to me that maybe they will mate Tai to the girl in San Diego. That she is more the age of him. What do you think?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is hard to tell, Dana. It is still several years before they will be mature enough to mate.

glo said...

Good Morning all. Darn guess I missed the Eagle in Maine again! Gonna eat and go help my neighbor with a small project. Feeling much better this morning.
Did we figure out what year it is

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I think it is 2042.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, all. Another glorious autumn day!

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING TO EVERYONE So surprised not to see any postings fro Suz??? Just think in a few short weeks, we should start to see some more visits back to the different nest. Just tried BW and the screen was blank.

MITS said...

I love that gull at CT, he looks right in the cam as if to food?

MITS said...

He just flew up and is perched on the cam...ouch!

Mauley said...

Sharon, I loved the nekid mole rat thingy. Hi glo, Hi dana, Hi MemaJo, Hit mits, and Hi Paula. Has anyone heard from Nilla, are we going to have to get the FBI out after her. I bet to get away from this bunch of Momsters anyone would have to go so far under cover that the FBI couldn't find them. Nilla, you want us out looking for you? Better surface. Isn't steven good to us. Flora Girl, sinus infection bad this time of year, and a bad time for it too. So sorry you have it, but hang in there, and first frost you will be better, if you can stand it that long. I hate to see frost come. I hate winter for only one reason, and that is that it is so hard on "small things that have no words", human and animal. Winter is hard for them. They suffer. So sad. Love to all you friends, mauley donna

MITS said...

Hi, DOREEN Your correct, don't want any cross-breeding among the relatives going on here.

MITS said...

LOL!!! DONNA why are you hitting me, what did I do???

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! It is so nice to see all you regular Eagle Buddies! I have checked the cams - ButaButa at one time looked like she was sitting in her momma's arms all by herself. Have NOT seen any of the eagles yet - got in too late but I'll keep checking.

MITS said...

Morning, JO, DONNA is hitting me.:(:(:(

glo said...

Ok Got my neighbor taken care of, got the vacuuming done here and its tea and BLOG time for a few minutes anyway. had alittle catchin gup to do from everything I didn't do yesterday, including all those dishes yuck!! yep Theres lots even for one person if you don't do them for like a day and a half...I don't eat out, lots of mugs and spoons though LOL.

glo said...

Buta Buta and Tai...much better plan...keep them right hear on the East Coast where at least some of us can keep an eye on the "experts".

Mema Jo said...

I love it when ButaButa stretches her two hind legs out and then tucks them up under her. She doesn't seem to mind being left alone - which is going to happen more often now & for longer periods of time.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW!!!!

glo said...

yep its getting easier for someone to runin there and grab her now LOL

paula eagleholic said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As far as mating relatives, you have to remember that it is all relative here in WV, or at least that is what I have heard. Move them to the Bluefield zoo and it would be just fine! :):):)

Mits, there were bamboons on Africam a few minutes ago but they didn't keep the camera on them but just a little bit!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Doreen.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Doreen you got the #100 blasted wax again. Hee Hee

Mits you can punch back!
Mauley watch out for Mits. She might start punching back!
You two best keep each other straight

IMHO China has enough pandas to keep them happy. Especially now that they are producing twins. We only need a few pandas to do keep us happy. Wish they didn't cost so much to keep here in the USA

MITS said...

That's the bigger eagle too.

Mema Jo said...

The eagle at BW is beautiful!
Thanks, Paula for the headsup.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle still there! at BW!

glo said...

Geeesh I missed that bamboon alert for mits too. Which reminds me Mits do you have Fraps working for you yet. Now is the time to figure that out. You are gonna want to be proficient with it in a couple of months or sooner.

Mema Jo said...

DOREEN No speech is required & you can donate the wax to whomever you please..............

MITS said...

SHARON I'm glad you made that remark and not someone else. JO I try to play nice-nice. DOREEN I try very hard to not think of Tai leaving us.

paula eagleholic said...

Here is BW site, Doreen

glo said...

Ok Blogger is starting to really actup. Its either time for a new thread OR Stece is making one right now either way that's what usually gets us messed up for a while LOL. Tea is done and back to work for me for a while anyway, Hopefully this will post as i leave though.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle is still there, Doreen.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle is still there, Doreen.
Yes it is acting up.

Mema Jo said...

That is so funny about Lou and the bamboo. I hope her dental work is feeling better now.

MITS said...

GLO I gave up on the fraps thing. I'm waiting to see what the new cam will be like at NCTC, maybe it will have the ability to take a picture on site like BW.

MITS said...


Mema Jo said...

That is so funny about Lou and the bamboo. I hope her dental work is feeling better now.

Blog gave me the retry message !
In other words, I may start to stutter on here.

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you got a look, Doreen, he is gone now.

(try #3)

paula eagleholic said...

Hope you got a look, Doreen, he is gone now.

(try #3)

MITS said...

Maybe that is why poor Lou needs the dental work.

MITS said...

You know the blog if it starts to act up usually starts right after 11 in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

Well then it is right on que!

Paula & I are stuttering........

Why didn't you stutter, Mits. You is special!

Mema Jo said...

What's #3 ?

MITS said...

Trying again, see I'm not special!! DOREEN. I sent you some shots of the eagle at BW!

MITS said...

JO I think she means 3 trys. #3

paula eagleholic said...

Try #3 at posting the darn message!

$!(%#@$( blogger!

glo said...

OOOPS Newsletters will go out at 3 am LOL watch for them in your email tomorrow morn wherever you usually find yours. Still time to sign up today if you aren't on the list. Can Not add you to this newsletter after it is Press has that data Base not me, and they send it to the subscribers at that time 3 am...I do not get up at 3 am and send it LOL. Its a good one. Yes it is!!!LOL

MITS said...

Your are soooo welcome DOREEN! It won't be long now Ladies and Gents!!

Mema Jo said...

Mits Which panda is on the Fonz?
Mei or Tai.....

MITS said...

Cam #2 is roaming between the old and new yard. It may be Tian Tian sleeping in M & T's grotto.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Been working and emailing and you guys have been blogging. Yes, Mits, if anybody else had said that about WV, I would have been made, or maybe not! :):):)

glo said...

Oh Proofreader from H... You have a typo in your last post LOL I only know of one other typo she has ever made and I'm impressed that she was typing at all at that moment so I do have to rib here "ducking now" not to be confused with ducks at the warer hole or anything like that. LOl

Just finished the aquarium...anybody want any fish when I come to West virginia...they are all relative too. Ok Ducking again bYE!!!

glo said...

Oh Oh

glo said...


glo said...


glo said...

Ok I'm outta here now LOL Bye bye

paula eagleholic said...

Just take the wax and run Glo!

Seagull in CT

glo said...

LOL Paula

Well ya know those friends and neighbors I have coffee with every single morning that are just like family to me...He is West Virginian born and I kind of already know first hand at least what some of the people from West virginia are like! And NO you can't have him back!!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Doreen I just came in

Mema Jo said...

Little Buta Buta sleeping on her head again. She sure won't have any fear of hanging in the trees. There is a new video on their site - also an article about naming the little girl. As we already know China will have input.
Atlanta Zoo was just requesting that noone send in suggestions on names.

glo said...

Mema Jo tell them quick that she already has a name!!!

Sitting here having lunch seeing if anyone is still talking ot me LOL

Mema Jo said...

Do we have an angry little panda??
I first thought it was a yawn. But look at that little tongue.
Well, now it's alright with the world-She was able to FLIP !
I just love watching her.
And if I could find Tai on a cam - I would love watching him!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am so sorry, Glo. I can't believe I made a typo! I meant mad, not made!!!!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It is going to be hard to go from Buta Buta to Wing Wong or something! :)

MITS said...

I wrote to those idiots when she was born, and asked them why they were doing that name thing that CNN was running?? I really IMHO don't think they have a clue sometimes down there. Any one, even a novice panda watcher knows that China will supply the names and they let people vote. Now that said, I don't think China even has to have a contest on the names, they can out right name them on their own. Sorry CNN has really ticked me off with the panda thing.

glo said...

Well ,.Sharon. You do need to be more careful as your presence is a role model for all of when you are gone things kind of fall by the wayside a litte but someone usually reminds us you are coming back and we try to straighten right back up again. And then there's that list you threaten us with too Never submit that list to the newsletter LOL

MITS said...

You got that right, DOREEN! I really like the name Buta-Buta for her sounds Chinese to me!!

MITS said...

We could modify it to BUDDA_BUDDA, if they like!

Mema Jo said...

Be back in couple hours..

MITS said...

Right now they are the plans, NORMA MTBR.

MITS said...

Hi, LULU glad you stopped are my kind of lady...I would have done the same thing, wondering why they love that bamboo so much.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lulu, if you will email me so I will have your address, I will send you instructions on how to make the writing in the comments blue!!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LuLu, you have mail!!

MITS said...

I love this gal...LULU!!

MITS said...

Too late eagle is gone, but he/she was a beauty in that nest, perched so tall in that wonderful nest they have there.

Mauley said...

Mits, I am sorry, you know I can't type fast. I meant Hi Mits. You do forgive me. Right. donna

MITS said...

LULU you did it and so fast, it took me a loooong time to figure it out, even with SHARONS' HELP BOOYAH TO YOU!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Way to go, LULU!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


MITS said...

Yes, DONNA/MAULEY, I certainly do...just thought it was so funny, Hi to everyone and oh BTW, hit Mits:):):):)!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Uh, Oh, I see bamboo hanging over Buta's head!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, can Buta see yet?

MITS said...


MITS said...

Cool I just posted on my BD! 207

glo said...

207 I'm sorry . Mits would you translate that please...Not the number of the post...the Birthday Please!!!

And .I have NEVER heard of drinking tea without holding out your pinky Might not be a true Englishman...or would that be Englishperson in England too. I only know How I was taught!!! My Grandma would definitely teach me right!!!

MITS said...

Tai might be playing in the new yard, things look a little different. Grand Opening of the Fuji-Film Habitat next week. Can't wait to see it, but will wait for crowds to slow down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lou learns very fast, Doreen!! I am proud!

Mits, are you saying you were born in February 1907 or February 7th? :):):)

MITS said...

As if the cam is not dark enough, the cam operator just made the panda cam in DC darker. GGGGGRRRR!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I posted on Mattie's birthday - 213! She was a Friday the 13th baby. Took on a whole new meaning! :):):)

MITS said...

Yes, LULU I live about 5 miles from the zoo. It really is nice, right smack in the middle of "SIN CITY" aka as Washington DC!

MITS said...


glo said...

Mits Are you in the Twilight Zone or have you decided to leave us there. No wonder Donna had to Hit you this morning LOL

MITS said...


MITS said...

Yes, LULU you think I would be there everyday. Have not seen Tai in the flesh, ah, make that fur, since last January.

glo said...

Well sharon and I both asked you what 207 means Does it mean feb 7th

MITS said...

No hitting GLO, I'll get JO after you.:):):):)

glo said...

Yes I know you missed those posts cause you were either across the pond or at Sin City LOL

glo said...

I only use wet noodles and I do have them safely stashed away, sure didn't know I might need it for you though!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hadn't even realized we had a Friday the 13th this week. I have to go to Welch, McDowell County, WV for a ballgame. Not the most pleasant place to be!!! Year before last when we went down there, somebody was standing up on the road throwing rocks at our bus, making fun of our band, parents snarling at us when we walked by! Whole different world down there!

glo said...

I am leaving first thing that morning to go north to see Floiage, except that tomorrow and Thurs forecast is wet and rain turning to snow showers on Thurs. i think we'll see pretty leaves all over the gorund. Hmmm

MITS said...

LOL!! it just feels like 1907. Feb 7th, 1948. Ah it was a good year. If my sister, the lurker, would come on, I would have her tell you what she did with me when I was about a year old, Dropped me down the steps, she did, said it was an accident, still have the scar over my eye. She never did like me. ROFLMAO, she's gonna get me for this.

MITS said...

Going to sit on the beach for awhile TTUL!

glo said...

LOL Can't even say that typo its Foliage Much too beautiufl to not put on here correctly. I love the foliage.

OK Mits When is your Birthday? is it Feb 7?

glo said...

LOL OK There two answers One for her birthday and one for her behavior LOL.

MITS said...

I've calmed down now, DOREEN

glo said...

OK I'm out of here while I can still type anything right. BLOG at you all later tonight.

MITS said...

SHARON, HOW RUDE!!!!! You want me to come down there and SMACK them?

MITS said...

GLO I think fall foliage looks really pretty on a cloudy day. Just stands out more

MITS said...

OOOO! GLO you meany you.:):):):):):) LOL!

glo said...

Oh Mits I'm just teasing you ((((Mits))) I am actually watching TV...I don't do that often...didn't even watch "My Show" last night LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Eagle at BW, just got the most awsome pic!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

2 eagles, both were screaming! Both are still there!

paula eagleholic said...

They are screaming again!

paula eagleholic said...

And Againn!

paula eagleholic said...

Now I know where the term "Screaming Eagles" came from!

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 254   Newer› Newest»

3/10/25 PM CAM .12am to 12pm

  🥚 🥚 🥚  eggroll thru night COG 🥚🥚🥚  egg roll 111 cog   🥚 🥚 🥚 eggroll 447 COG Eggrolla c SED 🥚🥚🥚😁🦅❤️ SED