Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday September 20

Fresh thread.


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MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits is on the J-O-B today. Thanks for the heads up on the new thread!

I am currently drinking the most wonderful cup of coffee. The cup has pictures of 2 beautiful eagle parents and 3 precious eaglets!! Love it!

Currently in Bluefield it is 49°. Cold, cold. Tonight there is a patchy frost warning with lows in the upper 30s. This cooling down period is when I freeze the most, more so than when winter hits. Body has to adjust I guess!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Steven and Eagle Watchers and other webcams too. Thank you Steven for the new thread.

Is Lun Lun cam working?

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne just remember to NOT block the way to your computer with plants lol

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning on this fine Fall Day!

Thanks, Steve for the new Thread!

MITS said...

SUZANNE Bring the plants in ,but arrange them another time, GET YOUR COMPUTER HOOKED UIP!!

MITS said...

Tai's antics last night were not unusual. From last March thru June, he regularly stayed up the trees, long after Mei went in, but the keepers were confident they had licked that problem. HA! I think Tai will adjust beautifully to his new surroundings when they move in next month, its Mei and Tian that will have the adjusting. They have been here 6 yrs come December.

paula eagleholic said...

I can eat chocolate chip cookies any time of the day!

glo said...

Sharon Anything in that kind of cup is wonderfull!!!

Doreen Yes I have made scones. Its been a while though. I was raised in New England. I drink my trea with milk and sugar and yes my "pinky "finger stciks out..LOL Just how it is I guess. Iget the strangest looks still in a restaurant when I order Hot tea, and tell them I want cream LOL. Then there ae the waitresses always tryin to pour a Little hot coffee into my tea to warm it up! LOL

OK Suzanne 15 min. each night before you sit down to relax...and that computer will be up and running. Tonights 15 min. Get a telephone take it to the room, and see if the phone jack is live!!! We'll ALL be waiting for that info tomorrow!!! DO NOT make me get out the wet noodle!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From the Atlanta Panda Cam site:

We are experiencing some technical difficulty, panda cam will be up shortly. Please try back later. ~webmaster

MITS said...

Tai Shan is...where else...up the tree!!

floralgirl said...

Well, sorry Doreen but I don't seem to go a day without eating chocolate. Morining Paula I will hold out til 10 am before I indulge in at least 1 chocolate fix! Getting ready to finish mowing(started yesterday)hopefully not too many more mowing days this year. Still seem to have at least 2 female hummers here. Gonna be a chilly night, don't think we will get frost here-but low 40's.

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Eagle-eyed Sharon for the report on the Lun Lun cam.

glo said...

Mits OH NO not the tree again. That li'l guy was really breathing hard last night when he got down. i fel badly for both of them, and I missed it when it was all going on. I think it is the change but He will adjust and settle down.

Good Morning to anyone else I haven't said good morning to yet. I will be on for a hwile, but then off to a friends to help with some computer related stuff. she has found the on and off button so we are off to a Good start there. I will try to get her to come to the bLOG..It was the Eagles that sparked her interest in getting dsl, except she really wants to know if there is a Wild Horses cam. Gonna go cook some breakfast. I am hungry now too!

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, Doreen!

They are calling for a frost warning for Thursday night, last I heard. I eat 2 chocolate chip cookies every day (If I have them), when I get home from work, and before I go out to throw the ball for the doggies...

floralgirl said...

Mits did you watch Dog, the bounty hunter at 10 last nite? Really ticked me off. The violent piece of garbage he apprehended was running circles around all other law enforcement, he did us all a favor getting him off the streets. Hope this will work out ok for him, doesn't look good.

Just Vicky said...

Good morning, good morning, the best to you ALLs this morning!!! Kellogs theme song, anyone remember that one???

floralgirl said...

Alright- sorry doreen at my house there are always frozen homemade chocolate chip cookies in the freezer!MMMMMM!!!

movin said...

Good morning, Everybody...

Just checking in to tell you everything is AOK in this little part of the world. And I want to wish you a beautiful day.


glo said...

Vicky Good morning. I won more wax..gonna have a carful by Spring LOL

glo said...

and of course now that song is running through my head

glo said...

Changing my Tune Ooooh EEE OOOH AAH AAAh Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang

floralgirl said...

Oh so sorry, doreen- I am your friend and in support of our friendship I will now eat 2 choc. chip cookies so you will not feel so guilty about your choc. consumption.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, you just need a cable hookup for Comcast, no phone.

Tai is up in the tree still.

I am going through major Buta Buta withdrawal. Hopefully soon!

glo said...

LOL Now dana helped us change our thoughts about "the Spider" I don't like spiders either but since we have to play Let's pretend I am trying to see this spider through the eyes of out "little ones from the nest" Not sure tis gonna help much with the spiders coming in to get warm any day now though!!! Hopefully Not too many of those Yuck I'm with ya on that one!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am the all powerful OZ again, Lun Lun and Buta Buta's cam is up!!

floralgirl said...

well, I am totally freaked out by spiders in the house, but I never kill them outside cause they eat bad bugs in the garden. Truly going out to mow now, got to find a sweatshirt. BBL

glo said...

OK Suzanne plan 2. Since I thought the issue was a dead phone line "maybe'. Is the cable there? Where are you in the project anyway LOL?

.Sharon Can I ask how much you pay for Comcast per month. it is just now being advertised in my area, although I haven't had too many problems with my dsl. Just know Oct marks a year with this contract, and maybe price per month I am paying.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Way too much, Glo. It is about 44.95 per month plus $3 modem rental fee. I am seriously considering going to Frontier. Much, much cheaper just not sure about the quality.

Buta Buta is by herself!

glo said...

Suzanne I had remembered you saying something about the hook up being live...and not knowing..I thought you meant phone jack as mine is dsl...I didn't know it was comcast...cable...OK so now we are both straightened out /or confused ((((hugs))))

glo said...

Sharon. yep don't think thats gonna be an option here, even if they raise my dsl it won't be near that much. Thanks for the info. Off to pull up lun Lun and bambino

paula eagleholic said...

I kill all spiders in the house. NO questions asked!

glo said...

Lun Lun's baby is really growing go there now

MITS said...

Geez, went away for a little while...30 posts to read..BUTA is in full view. Going to read posts. BBIALW!

floralgirl said...

Oh, you guys are driving me crazy with all your DSL talk. All I have is this crappy slow dial up. Only way to get it here is thru cable, and we have satellite everything, radio and TV. Too expensive to switch to cable TV and Can't get it thru the phone here. Told us year ago phone co. would offer it here, but I can't find anyone here who offers it. BOO HOO now I really am leaving. Bad day to mow, wind is blowing, gonna drive my allergies crazy- but it must be done so I will go get it over with!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun is back! That cub is so precious.

Just Vicky said...

GLo BUg, got a very big trunk in my 98 cadillac!

MITS said...

Yes...FLORALGIRLI did watch the show. Wish the Mexican government would be more concerned about sending their illegal alien criminals to our side of the border.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Didn't have a clue I was going to hit #50. Surprise 1/2 can of wax.

MITS said...

Yes, VICKY I remember that jingle.

MITS said...

HI! JIM Have a great day in sunny California.

Just Vicky said...

Well, Happy Trails to you, until we meet again! Have to do some work today sometime, since I am at work! DUH imagine that!

Mauley said...

I, too have the most wonderful mug of coffee in my Eagle Momster hand. I love my bag, and I cherish my cup. Thank you thank you thank you. I can't wait to shop some more. Is there a place I can leave a message on how I love my eagle stuff. You guys have a blessed day. Where is MeMa Jo, and how is Nilla. Does Bird Girl have a big birthday bash planned for tomorrow. Love you guys, donna grantoeight PS (I kept the 6week old one last night. He grunted all night. I laid my hand in the bassinet next to my bed, just to make sure he was still breathing. I don't think I even did that with my own. When it isn't yours I think you are more careful. )

Just Vicky said...

Sharon, are we suppose to buy that nonsense about you "didn't have a clue you were going to get the WAX??

wvgal_dana said...

Floralgirl you can get cable for your computer without switching your tv.

Yes confused here I thought with dsl that is through the phone line; thought you needed phone hooked up???

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, you need a phone line for DSL

Mauley said...

Mama Cat, my children always called me Mauley Catus, they still refer to me as the Mauley Catus, affectionatly, and I love your name. I know how hard it is to raise tiny kittens like that. You are a wonderful care giver and a good steward of God's creations. He will truly bless you and reward you in Heaven for that. God bless you today as you serve Him by taking care of His "small things that have no words". donna

MITS said...

GLO, ix nay on the ider-a!! Its gross, gives me the hee-bee-geebies!!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon does you cable for internet offer a lower speed that is same as dsl, if so that would cost you less. Ours offers the higher speed at one cost, then the dsl speed but it is still cable at a lower price.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

For cable internet, you don't need a phone hookup, just a cable hookup. DSL is different and with a phone line!

Swear I didn't know I was getting #50. :)

glo said...

Mauley Thanks for the positive comments on your neat stuff from "Our Cafe Press shop" It always makes me feel happy to see those comments. I have worked long and hard. With the intro of the new High Quality photos...$2 to $3 of each item there now goes to NCTC

There is a place at the Shop for you to click on an item you like, and then it says.
Tell a friend about this product .You don't have to purchase Anything to recommend an item to someone else. I would love it if any and all of you would be recommending items you find in the shop to others.

I contacted Steve yesterday on where to send the first check which came from Cafe Press yesterday for $50 That is our First months sale proceeeds (JULY) Not a LOT but it is a start.

If you haven't been there lately you have LOTS to see.

glo said...

Mits are you telling me to squash my spider!!!

Now Big Boy and Ms In between and Spunky all have made a friend of Spidey1111 Dana said so So how can I do that!!!

Honestly if you guys want me to take it off I can though...and I will

certainly got lots of things to choose from LOL...

glo said...

Spider I don't see any spiders....I feed bugs to the birds....ya ya spiders aren't bugs...I did pay attention to something in school. Never did quite understand why Our Eagle Family didn't eat that spider...but then I guess lots of the cams seem to have them.

Maybe they didn't eat spidey cause he isn't a bug...but he's all gone at least fromt he bLOG.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Funny joke, Doreen. Thanks very much.

Glo, I personally don't care if you leave spidey there.

glo said...

Good thing I decided to not leave "Spidey" on the calendar !!! LOL

Mauley said...

Suzanne, thanks for the nice compliment. I WANT TO BE LIKE MAMA CAT. I have a big problem, though. I can't give any away. I did give 4 away one time. I took them to vet, prepaid for first shots, office vist, and neuter for one and spay for three. I investigated on all of them later, only to find that one kitten had also been declawed (God forbid) and the family decided they didn'want her after their baby was born and they took her to a shelter that Does Not euthanise. I was killed. I let them have a piece of my mind, and that is why I am so half-witted, now I suppose. I pray she got a good home. I called the shelter (which is 3 hours away from where I live, and they told me she went to a good home.) I don;t know about people sometimes. Love donna

glo said...

You are ALL welcome. No problem "sniff sniff".

Cute joke Doreen

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

OH Glo, I am disappointed. I wanted Spidey on the calendar! :)

Mauley said...

Doreen, loved the joke. I needed a good laugh this am. donna

Mauley said...

Mama Cat, the mug is out of this world beautiful, and I love it because it has Eagle Momster on it, and I am so proud to be one.
it is big, too. Holds all the coffee I can handle in the am, being a few doors down from loo.

MITS said...


MITS said...

Buta, alone again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is center stage!

MITS said...

Yes, DOREEN I think it is..doesn't seem to sway the hips as much as Mei.

glo said...

LOL See how you guys wonder I have gray hair and wrinkles.


Spidey is in the shop!!! On a cute little button with Nillas jeep Actually i featured it int he First Newsletter. its cheap, too!!! And $2 of it goes to NCTC. Look under buttons and or Designer Area when you get to the shop.

Mema kat you can go to

email me at

and I will send you a direct link.

Many others in here can also get you directly to the shop.

glo said...

Sharon I could redesign a cover for you. Just put big old "Spidey" right there on the front. From your early BLOG I know you and Spidey do go back a long way!!!

Its Ok cause our 3 well all 5 didn't mind sharing the nest with him either. Curious to see if he is still there next year!!

MITS said...

Awwww! Tian wants out of the den and he is voicing his opinion.

glo said...

OK Got to get ready to go help a friend with computer for a while BBL. "Behave yourselves" Don't pick on any new people who come in here, EVEN if you don't like their avatars LOL

MITS said...

What's an avatar?????

MITS said...

DOREEN for such a manly man TIAN has a high-pitched bark. LOL!

MITS said...


MITS said...

MT nests everywhere.

glo said...

LOL Google it Love are too funny sometimes.

OK don't Google it...LOL...Its the little picture like your Panda we have by our names. Out of here for a while.

Mits your items should be on route, checked on that yesterday too!!!

MITS said...

Purple and pink spakles, please.

MITS said...

Yes, GLO should arrive today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Glo, me and Spidey do go way back. Scared the peewater out of me at first cause I didn't have a clue what it was.

wvgal_dana said...

Alright I rechecked the blog and don't see an answer.
I have cable internet; my cable offers 2 speeds (1) a speed that is simpler to dsl speed but it is still cable at a certain cost (2) a higher speed that is at a much more higher cost.

Sharon does Comcast offer more than one speed?

MITS said...

DOREEN just everday life in D.C. The zoo is right smack-dab in the middle of the city. We don't start to duck til we hear the F-16's overhead.

Mema Jo said...

Good almost lunchtime, Eagle Buddies.
I am as late today as I was early yesterday.The blog is such entertaining reading - better then any newspaper. From spiders to kittens!

MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Doreen you'll hear fire truck to police car sirens in the zoo cam background. Don't worry all is ok. As Mits said the zoo is if you can just think of a circle being a big city then right in the middle of the circle put the zoo.

MITS said...

Really good close-up of BUTA!

MITS said...

Mei is looky for her hubby.

MITS said...

LUN is back.

MITS said...

DOREEN, When I moved to this area almost 24 years ago, I knew I was moving to ground zero, just didn't realize it would come true, but, that's life and I never dwell on it. I am firm in my resolve, not to let the enemy keep me from my life.

MITS said...

Same here, DOREEN,I love the Autumn, but hate the shorter days.

paula eagleholic said...

Pretty Kingfisher in the CT nest

MITS said...

Yes, PAULA that one is a beauty. He flew off for a second, and you could see the shadow of an egret flying by.

MITS said...

Almost looks like a blue-jay, doesn't he, PAULA

MITS said...

I think alot of people are trying to capture a picture of him cam keeps stopping.

MITS said...

Tai has come down from the tree to play.

MITS said...

Tai is now sitting in the middle of the yards' pool.

Mema Jo said...

I love to watch Tai playing with Mei. You're right Doreen - he is a good momma's boy!

Mema Jo said...

Just had to move the dang camera & spoil all our fun!

MITS said...

DOREEN a question!! I always seem to have problems with the AOL addresses on my list, a couple of times I have sent you things, and it comes back permanent failure?? Any clues??

Bird Girl said...

{gasp}... still... alive... just... a few... more... slides... {gasp}... to make... water.. need water... {gasp}... must... keep... going... almost... done...

yes, folks I'm still kickin' not feeling as beat as yesterday but still worn out. work left to do, gotta do it because tomorrow Jody & Dave & I are rehearsing with the full presentation (guess I'd better get my act together, huh?) then we have a presentation in the evening at the library... friday will be tying up loose ends, packing Jody's car, freaking out, and hopefully a good night's sleep!

check in later on if i can...

Bird Girl

p.s. Doreen, don't worry about the brain cramp. They're a daily happening for me!!! -- BG

MITS said...

Thanks, DOREEN It doesn't happen all the time, but, it is only with my AOL addresses.

MITS said...

Is anyone having problems with the blog not wanting to go thru sometimes???

MITS said...

LOL!! DOREEN I think GLO'S spider messed up my computer.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet at NU nest!!!!

glo said...

Mits Go to Tools

then Internet Options

look in middle says

Temporary Internet files,

middle choice there is

Delete Files.

Click that

It will help your computer to run better.

I don't click the Delete Cookies in the spot because I am too lazy and forgetfull to want to re enter all my password stuff again on some of the sites.

Hope that helps.

I am going to have luch and walk the dogs. Cool crisp day here, and cold and rainy tomorrow so off to the Marina for me for a while...

Mema Jo said...

Did you notice when you first signed on today, the message that reads:
Switched to the beta?
Sign in with your Google Account

Have no clue why that is being asked.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you, Sharon
Love my NU eaglet

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I think I just had a bout of double vision!! LOL Need to clean my specs.
Could have sworn with the shadow of the eaglet that both were there....
Sure has a lot of downy feathers to lose before the long migration...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Snuck right in on that!!

Mema Jo said...

You didn't sneak -
I saw you coming

NU MT NEST right now

Mema Jo said...

I will be gone for a couple of hours
BBL see ya!

MITS said...

I noticed that message last night, JO

MITS said...

Hey, Queen of the Wax, what are you up to???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Trying to work, but progressing miserably with it!!

MITS said...

GLO its fine now, just that temporary blog thing. You had mentioned this a.m. about your friend with the interest in wild horses, during the day sometimes at the Denbury Farm site, that DOREEN gave to us, you can see Wild Horses. I watch the badgers and the fox being fed every day at 4:00p.m. EST.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I've had Frontier for two years, and (knock on wood) it's been very satisfactory. Hello to all.

MITS said...

Eagle at NU!!

MITS said...

Tai wants to go to the new yard and Mei went over and chased him away from the door. HELLO, SANDRA!

MITS said...

This a different young eagle at NU, does not have the V of white feathers down its back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info on Frontier, Sandra!

MITS said...

Just was completely blocked out from blog, tried everything, just blank. Don't even know if this will go through.

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet at NU - yakking away at something. Wonder if Adult will bring in a fish today?

Mema Jo said...

Mits Do I see Mei sitting by the log & Tai in the willow????
Oh Boy!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Heading out to the Homecoming Parade! Got to watch that BEAVER BAND in everything they do!! BBL!

MITS said...

YELLOWWWW!! Am I in???

MITS said...

Hmmm!! Guess so. Doreen said to say, GOOD NIGHT!

MITS said...

Maybe, I should keep posting so I don't get shut out again.

MITS said...

What a sweet pic of Lun, with babes' little head sticking out by the armpit.

MITS said...

Are the chicks 2 weeks old today???

MITS said...

Eagle still at NU.

MITS said...

Mei is inside and Tai is still up the tree. Back to his bad habits.

MITS said...

BW report for today, they have not seen any osprey in awhile. They have posted some cool wallpaper of the babys.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet still at NU, can't see if he's talking to anyone, all I can see his backside!

paula eagleholic said...

He is walking around now...

paula eagleholic said...

He is walking around now...

MITS said...

Baby is moving around, Lun should be waking up soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Get the idea! He's walking around now...

(Blog acting weird!)

paula eagleholic said...

Awww, isn't that a cute pic of LUNLUN and cub...she really looks asleep

paula eagleholic said...

She just woke up, think it's feeding time...

glo said...

Geesh amazing journey and now mine says what Mema Jo mentioned this morning, something about Google etc. LOL. OK whatever, at least I think I'm here. ya know after Mema Jo was seeing double I wasn't going to say anything about that google thing she mentioned but there it is LOL.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet and Lun Lun both flaked out now,.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, he is probably mantling...

MITS said...

PAULA is he walking around now? LOL!!!

MITS said...

I think it is that stupid Google msg. messing us up.

MITS said...

I think Tai is on his way in...

paula eagleholic said...

Need some cam adjustment in Aussieland...can only see the chicks in the bottom right hand of pic is poopy looking rocks.

paula eagleholic said...

My stupid google message is gone now...

paula eagleholic said...

Lun Lun really snooozing, guess it wasn't feeding time, just a little licky, licky, then back to snoozing...

paula eagleholic said...

Must be one helluva fish in NU nest, eagle looks like a mantling statue.

paula eagleholic said...

Now, eaglet talking and Lun Lun sitting up, my how quickly things change around here!

paula eagleholic said...

I cannot keep up with this! Now, Lun Lun laying down and eaglet, ok, he's still chatting away...

paula eagleholic said...

Aussie chicks still snoozin...have not seen a parent on the nest...

paula eagleholic said...

wax, wax, wax!!!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Want wax

paula eagleholic said...


MITS said...

Tai is right outside the door, wants to play in the outer cage, or, he is eating something he does not want to share with his Mom.

Mema Jo said...

I got in... Have been busy with bookwork all afternoon. Now it is time to get some food..........I've worked up an appetite....

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest in CT and BW

Mema Jo said...

You can shine the gords with it!

MITS said...

I didn't see a fish come in at NU, but , he is squawking alot

paula eagleholic said...

Whatcha having for dinner, Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like a good idea, Jo. Keep those birdhouses waterproof!

Mema Jo said...

Would you believe that hubby & I are getting Burger King carry out??? LOL
Retirement gets better all the time...

Mema Jo said...

Is that Tai squeezing in the door???
So bad!!

paula eagleholic said...

No fish for the NU eaglet that I can see...appears to be resting smack dab middle of the nest...have to head home...TTUL!

MITS said...

Yea!, Paula,! more wax for you. Feeding time at Atlanta And D.C., eaglet still in nest at NU.

paula eagleholic said...

You go Jo!

MITS said...

That eagle looks huffy about something.

MITS said...

Got my package from Cafe Press this afternoon A lovely eagle bib with Maggies' name in pink on it. A onesie outfit with eagles for Maggie and 2 delightful magnets, the ones with Tai Shan, Baby blue bear in CT and eagles on it. Good job, GLO.

MITS said...

Wish I could see what it is that eagle has been eating.

glo said...

Thanks Mits I am so glad you are Happy with the items.

MITS said...

This blog has been for the birds today!!!

Just Vicky said...

So, Paula is waxing gourds, Jo is having Burger King carryout, Mits is enjoying her shopping spree on CafePress, Glo is giving happy Mits is happy, does that about sum things up here so far this evening??? Just stopping by, got a busy evening, so hold up the nest everyone, and GLo, win more WAX

MITS said...

Thanks, NORMA been doing the card thing with friends kids for years. Yes, That's a good idea, a pic with Maggie in her new eagle bib.

MITS said...

I think a lot of us were experiencing trouble with the blog today, NORMA

Mema Jo said...

You many have already checked out the LunLun/Cub update-but here it is:
Wednesday, September 20
Lun Lun has started to eat significantly more in the last day. Later today, we will begin giving her access to an adjacent den and putting food in that den as well as in the den she is currently using. After she becomes used to going into the adjacent den, we plan to close her into the adjacent den for a few minutes so that we can perform a quick health check on the cub and clean out the den she has been using since the birth. That will probably happen sometime in the next week.
Dr. Rebecca Snyder
Curator of Giant Panda Research and Management

Mema Jo said...

Mei and Tai are sleeping. Of course you know where without looking for the
Little Ledge Lodger

Mema Jo said...

Brisbane ledge has lots of adult feathers.... Don't know if they are from the prey that was eaten or if F&F are losing some of their own.

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening Friends

Jo we had Wendy's for dinner

I said if husband retired I too retired..

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you put too much great stuff in there to buy...I refuse to go back to work to get all those beautiful things from the store you made that I want lol

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana Eating whatever whenever is the freedom I like with retirement. Just glad hubby & I agree so much.
Are you going to try to come over to the OpenHouse?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back.

Lun Lun turned over and I don't if she realizes yet that the cub is behind her.

Mema Jo said...

GLO & Vicky
When you get that car loaded up with all the wax to come to Shepherdstown, just when in the Spring will this be happening? Just thinking ahead....

Mema Jo said...

Dana email to you

glo said...

Mema Jo Thanks for the update on Lun Lun and little one. Ya know when they close her off while she is in the other room eating, she won't go back in there for a while afterwards. See .There I go thinking about food again bet you think I weigh in at about 300 lbs LOL. Not quite but I could eventually with this kind of thought process!!!

glo said...

Well of course I am only driving the 4 hours to Vicki's, she is taking over from there. I want to come once the eggs have hatched and there is activity around the nest. I hope that is what Vicky is thinking too LOL. MTBR

wvgal_dana said...

ok Jo I will check email...... Sharon is the cub still in back of her???

Mema Jo said...

Hope we hear from Belle this evening.
Since BirdGirl has already had a surprise celebration for an early birthday, I hope she wakes up tomorrow on her special day feeling very special.
NormaByrd Don't knock your knee on the coffee table as you go dancing around and around the livingroom!!!

Mema Jo said...

Dana, Sharon is at the homecoming affair witnessing the BEAVER band.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Which cub?
Tai or LunLun's cub?

Mema Jo said...

You know the small items that people place on their car antennas? Mainly to help them remember where they parked. I would want to know immediately if anyone anywhere ever found an eagle's head !!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My son, Mr. Arachnophobia, who 2 weeks ago came in here shaking because there was a spider in his room, has just come home with ugliest looking spider I have ever seen, to keep as a pet. It is a garden spider and harmless, but he was petrified 2 weeks ago! Go figure. It was on the hydraulic lift of the band truck. What am I going to do with that kid?

glo said...

LOL Oh No Oh Yuck!!! What are you going to do with that spider would be my question!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Lun Lun Sharon posted that she turned over and cub was behind her and I wanted to know if it still is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The band marched 1.6 miles in the parade and I walked on the side walk beside them. I am definitely their groupie!! Love it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said...

Sharon tell him to take it to the Science dept at school and put it in a small aquarium

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I would prefer it live in the garden where it belongs. He won't keep it long. I have a feeling that nightmares will ensue and it will be over.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yea, spider's name is Pedro.

wvgal_dana said...

Man that is alot of "white cotton balls" near Frieda

Mema Jo said...

Sometimes in LunLun's nest bed, I can't tell if it is straw or that little cub I see. Like right now, by LunLun's paw.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...