Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Tuesday 12 September

Fresh thread.


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MITS said...

Night, JO

MITS said...

Oh no, does this mean we are back to the "ALL MITS...ALL THE TIME SHOW.

glo said...
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glo said...

Good Night everyone. Good morning Suzanne

Check for newsletter in your mailbox on Wed. morning hopefully LOL.

Suzanne HINT: It has another great link in it. One more to add to the list of things to go see, when you get that computer room up and running.

MITS said...

Good Night GLO

MITS said...


MITS said...

GLO if you had only stayed a little longer, you would have had yourself a half of can of wax. Oh heck, you can have it.

MITS said...

Good night. Talk to you all tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I am checking in after everybody has probably gone to bed. Been at the ER with sister this evening. They put her in CCU with congestive heart failure. Fun time at the OK Corral this evening.

Going to bed now. Sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

MITS said...

Prayers for your sister and your family, Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, MITS!!!

Bird Girl said...

sharon best wishes for your family...

paula the third eyelid is called the nictitating membrane. all birds have them, as well as some fish (sharks) and a few mammals (cats, dogs, etc.)... the top and bottom lids open and close like ours do, but the third lid actually closes horizontally (looks different when you're not actually next to the bird). in sharks, the third eyelid is opaque, in most birds it is translucent. humans have the remnants of a third eyelid (vestigial nictitating membrane), it's that little pink blob in the inner corners of your eyes...

probably way more than you ever needed to know about eyelids!

at 918 pm Arizona time, Frieda is on the chicks dozing...

Doing a presentation to the local Audubon chapter meeting with Jody tomorrow evening... next week, another to a kennel club (I don't know why) meeting, then on the 23rd THE BIG DAY -- the fundraiser!!! Jody, Dave & I rehearsed the script yesterday, trimmed what we didn't need and now I have what I need to finish the Power Point presentation. I love Power Point, I have to say! It's just that it can be a bit tedious... animation has to be done individually on each item, choosing the type, speed, length, and sequence, plus I'm using a lot of our own photos and Dave's drawings, so I'm also having to do a lot of Photoshop work. I love it, though, I really do!

Doreen Took a four hour nap today. Not a good day for me, fibro-wise, but not the worst. Going to bed earlier than usual tonight, still wiped out. Maybe I should have Nilla send me some of her percocet?!?!? LOL Take care of yourself!

No action with the chicks at the moment, so no pics to take :-( I'll check in sometime tomorrow, everyone!

Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Suzanne. Haven't heard anything yet this morning but plan on calling in a little bit. Thanks for your concern.

Gonna do some work now but I will be checking in.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is an eaglet in the NU nest!

glo said...

Good Morning All.
Sharon Sorry to hear aobut you sister. I wondered last night when it was getting later your way and you still hadn't shown up. Prayers for her, Please let us know.
Bird GirL> You certainly stay busy with the Critter kingdom. Good Luck with all your upcoming presentations.

Good Morning Nilla Whenever you see this, want you to know i thought about you all day yesterda, and first thing this morning too. Wishing a very good day. Take it easy and behave yourself today now!!

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning Suzanne

Some people don't like to be wished Happy Birthday on their birthday's. When I worked out I ran into that sometimes. I thought you wouldn't mine. Yet I held off on the 21st but could not hole off any longer....Your telephone machine has a message don't know if it got it all yesterday. I was hoping you was already in bed. hee hee I'm a sneaker not a stinker lol

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon oh dear friend, I am so so sorry to hear your sister is in CCU and what her problem is. I've gone in an lite a candle for her and you. I pray the doctors minds and hands will be directed by God to do special work for your sister(((((((((((((hugs to you & prayers for you too))))))))))))))))

Keep us up-to-date

wvgal_dana said...

LOL Suzanne I bet you can't find it in there either lmbo....

Missed both eagles in NU and BW but that is ok. Needed to do something but back to site now.

I hear you have a police move you on. You eagle watcher. Did he believe you about seein an eagle???

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I'll go and look at pics you added to album Suzanne bb in a bit; dange knew I shouldn't have used the dictionary under the shredding machine. bit bite i think bit back in a while lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Suzanne and Sharon that Adult Eagle seems to want to stay there at BW. Now watch since I said that it will leave.

Good luck Suzanne I hope you find out who that lady is about the kittens.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, she said the other day they were found abandoned in a wall at a construction site, I believe.

floralgirl said...

Morning Suzanne, Sharon, dana- Hope your sister will be okay, Sharon. Hope we hear from Nilla today, if she is sleeping now that is the best thing for her, lots of rest. Suzanne, Mama Kat said they found the abandoned kittens and are raising them, she said she lives somewhere in VA.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There were just 2 black birds in the NU nest. I saw them look up, take off and I knew an adult eagle was on its way. There she flew in!! Only appeared to have a small piece of food though. I have never seen those black birds come in there with an adult there. No eaglet has arrived as of yet. There is a white spot on this one's back. May just be a loose feather though. Adult is looking all around. Just saw something fly by the nest but think it was a black bird hauling butt!

floralgirl said...

Eagle at BW flew:(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This eagle is throwing her head back and squawking at something. White spot was a feather that just blew off. What a beautiful bird! Eaglet just flew in and adult flew off. Don't think there is any food there though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet just flew off in NU.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mei is doing her Stevie Wonder dance at the door. Lun Lun is curled up in a ball sheltering her cub. Imagine that.

paula eagleholic said...

She had 5 kitties.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry to hear about your sister. My prayers for her and your family.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! Missed the eagles this a.m. Just saw Tai climb down from a tree, Mei is eating. Went to peek on tiger cubs, but computer got funky and stopped on me. Going back up to Delaware again today. Sun is shining right now and I think winds are going to be out of the south today, so, should be a little warmer. Prayers for NILLA AND SHARONS' SISTER IN THE HOSPITAL Have a good day everyone!

movin said...

Have a great "humpday."

Took half the morning trying to get into this blog through Beakspeak...finally gave up and used an old link I saved directly to blog page.


MITS said...

Glad you got in JIM, really test the paitients of a saint sometimes.

MITS said...

People are lurking, and I don't want it!!!

MITS said...

Ok, if you are just going to give it away...

MITS said...

I'll take it and give it to the Illinois ladies, for their trip back east.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I won't do it, beg all you want, got to jump in the shower.

MITS said...

Well, if you insist.."ALL MITS...ALL THE TIME." is on the air....not, really got to go. CUL!!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm sure that wax will help them slide on back home after their trip east...

Osprey in CT, MT nests in NU and BW

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT gone.

Mauley said...

Sharon, I am praying for your sister and for our Nilla today. Be assured that I will continue to do so. I will take your sister and Nilla with me to the alter at prayer meeting this evening and lift them up to God in the name of His Dear Son for healing. I have been so busy, but I read about the loss of the precious cat. Suzanne please tell your sister that I know how she feels. I lost my old cats one at a time over a period of a year and a half, the oldest was 18. They were litter mates. Tell her that her furbaby will meet her at the Rainbow Bridge and they will go to Heaven together. I have so many waiting at the Rainbow Bridge that we will be a troop. I think some of my furbabies may have crossed over when my Mother went to Heaven. That's okay with me, too. If any of the Eagle Momsters want to know about the legend of the Rainbow Bridge, please look it up on internet. Beautiful story. Also there is a candlelight vigil on Monday nights for pet loss grief support. Mama Kat, I call my husband cat daddy. He, too, doesn't admit to being overly fond of cats, but he boo hoos when we lose one. (Not too often do we lose a pet, Take good care of them) Mema Jo, have a blessed day. catch up late Mauley Donna

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank God that Lun Lun has such a round bottom. It would make it harder to roll all over the floor if she had a flat one! And rolling she does. Wonder what her passenger thinks when she rolls around like that! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

By the way, I love the ALL MITS, ALL THE TIME SHOW. Very enjoyable stuff! :):):)

glo said...

Well Back from Neighbors. No Painting or jury Duty stuff to hang aorund or deal with today. Our Local Court system can be a zoo at times...But not the kind of Zoo we would all enjoy. I see Nilla Hasn't stopped by yet. Hope she is feeling pretty well this morning.

Sharon What is the word on your sister? I quickly scanned the BLOG since my last time in here, but didn't see anything. Saw where you were getting ready to call ICU back a couple of hours. Anxious to hear report.

Mauly Just put my sons "very old beautiful dog at Rainbow Bridge a little over a month ago now. her name is Lady (bug) if you want to look her up at the Residency index.

Hope you all found your Courier eagle in your Mailbox this morning Mind did end up in my Junk/Spam folder again...geeesh But I did find it.

MITS said...

MARLEY/DONNA You are such a kind gentle soul. The Rainbow Bridge story is one of great comfort. GOT TO GO OUT, SHUTTING THE MITS SHOW DOWN FOR NOW, TALK TO YOU ALL LATER.

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, my sister is doing some better this morning although she is still in congestive heart failure and atrial fibrillation. They are going to keep her in CCU at least until tomorrow and then move her to a regular room. She says her breathing is some better. Please continue to pray for her. The power of prayer is astronomical!

floralgirl said...

Glo- thanks for the newsletter. Very interesting. Alright Dana, now I can't get that song out of my head... Love the items at Cafepress! Big thanks to Todd for use of his wonderful pictures. Is Paula working on an adult t-shirt with one of Todd's pics on it? Inquiring minds want to know.

floralgirl said...

Mama Kat- are you still here?? Suzanne wants more info about your kitties and where you are located.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to the hospital to see my sister. Will be back after while. I hope everybody has a blessed day.

Remember, do random acts of kindness. The rewards are great.

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey in CT, up close and personal!

MT nest at BW, Blackbird at NU

paula eagleholic said...

I sent out an email from the eaglet_momsters group. I sent it as a special notice, so I thought you would have received it. Here is a copy of it:

**Special Announcement**

Dear Eaglet Momsters Members,
It had been a long time coming, and I apologize for the delay, as I
know many of you have been anxious to purchase items made from the
beautiful photos taken by Todd Harless.

I will have those items ready for your purchase during the first
week of October. Items available will be T-shirts, Sweatshirts, Mugs,
Travel Mugs, Calendars and Tote-bags.

I will have a website available so you can make your purchases
online, using secure encrypted payment methods. As soon as the items
are ready, I will send out an email with the website address.


Thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy the items I have
designed for you!

Paula Compton
eaglet_momsters owner

floralgirl said...

Thank you Paula!! Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

New thread up!!!

Blessed day to all.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, ANON :)

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...