Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thursday 28 September

New Thread.


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you Steven for the New Thread have a good day !! :)

wvgal_dana said...

I give my wax to Vicky and Glo since they are a little short now. From getting Vicky out of blogger jail.
That's my story and I'm sticking like "sticky wax" to it.

MITS said...

GOOD MORNING ALL! THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD, STEVENGoing to read the other posts. BBL! Eagle at BW, I'm sure you all know that.

glo said...

Good morning all. Send warm profitable thoughts my way LOL. Hope you all have a Great day!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning Eagle Land

Thanks Steve for the new threads!

paula eagleholic said...

eagle at BW !!

wvgal_dana said...

I just had to look back and find out about Tai's tail. No one could remember it being as long as Girlie Girls tail but as we see in pic it sure was lol.

There is also hope for weaning Tai too. We'll see if he stops around the 18 months or not. As Sharon says: "more to be revealed there".

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out of here for a little while. Got to go train a "newbie". BBL!

Mauley said...

Good Morning EagleMomsters and friends, I got to see the eagle at BW and it was thrilling. I am also hooked on ButaButa. I wouldn't take anything for my canvas bag and my Eagle Momster 2006 coffee mug. I not only drink coffee from it, I also drink the instant sugarfree cocoa from it. I am planning on ordering another one for home use. I think of all of you when I use my cup. I am going to get the calendar, too. Dear Friends, if you don't have the mug get two or three. It is amazing. I miss our little Eagle family so much. Have a blessed one. Love donna

wvgal_dana said...

Good Morning All Bloggers and Lurkers on this NEW THREAD....

Sharon I hope this gal works out.

Earlier at CT nest my seagull was back. Laying there resting like it owned the nest..

Beautiful eagle at BW for a long time. Full belly.

MITS said...

The pandas are in their new yard, exploring. So far, no sound on those cams. Hope that changes.

MITS said...

Good morning to everyone who has come on recently.

MITS said...

While you are enjoying the eagle at BW, don't forget to read Lisa's post from 9/26, fascinating stuff and pics of eagles.

MITS said...

SHARON Good luck with the "newbie", hope this one is a keeper.

MITS said...

DOREEN YOU MUST READ LISA'S UPDATE OF 9/26 ON THE BW SITE!! Answers all the questions you just asked. Blackwater Refuge in Cambridge, Maryland is a prime east coast site for migratory birds of all kinds. The osprey have gone, but the eagles just hang out in their nest because it is so close to the river. They will not stay there, they have their own nests at BW.

MITS said...

I think that eagle is releasing his crop, don't you SUZANNE? BTW, you have mail.

wvgal_dana said...

Buta Buta all alone

MITS said...

SEAGULL is back at CT!

MITS said...

DOREEN I am head over heels in love with those pandas. My heart aches for Chrissy, and knowing she can't see them. Hope her puter problams end soon. Give my best love and prayers to Chrissy and Lou, please.

MITS said...

The BW update should be right at the top of the page of where the eagle cam is...

MITS said...

WOW!!! I have not seen Buta in a few days, they change so fast.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh NO the National Zoo camera person has gone to Atlanta eeekkk

wvgal_dana said...

Lun Lun's keepers have put some bamboo in right where she and Buta Buta are.

MITS said...

Its back on...DANA

MITS said...

Eagle gone at BW!

MITS said...

Yes, Norma, Lisa is just wonderful. She always takes the time to put up such great info, and takes the time to respond to e-mails.

MITS said...

He'll be back, I bet, SUZANNE.

MITS said...


MITS said...

I'm giving my wax from yesterdays' blog and todays' blog to the lucky ladies from the great State of Illnois.

wvgal_dana said...

Doreen is it that Chrissy doesn't have internet or is her computer broken?

MITS said...

NORMA You can't get into the Atlanta Zoo site, at all??

MITS said...

DANA I believe Chrissy has a broken computer.

MITS said...

Seagull has just left the nest at CT.

Mema Jo said...

Very quickly I will say,
Good morning everyone!
I have an 11:00 appointment & just finished reading all your comments.
Good to see all of you here! BBL

wvgal_dana said...

Seagull back in CT nest

wvgal_dana said...

Very interesting Norma ty

MITS said...

So, NORMA, they eat the heads before they come to the nest?????

MITS said...

TAI is still up the tree and Mei is roaming around.

MITS said...

NORMABYRD why don't you drop them a line, maybe they can solve your problem!!

MITS said...


MITS said...


wvgal_dana said...

Norma you have mail dana

MITS said...

NORMABYRD when you go to the Atlanta cam and it says it is connecting, have you tried left-clicking on the black screen, that seems to bring it up for me.

wvgal_dana said...

Has Norma left the building??

MITS said...

That Eagles' Watcher Guide from BW is a MUST read for eagle-lovers, sooooo much info and great pictures. Just got finished reading it, SUZANNE maybe I was blocking you. Sorry!

MITS said...

SUZANNE they must all be heading to BW!!! tee-hee...

MITS said...

SUZANNE they must all be heading to BW!!! tee-hee...

MITS said...

<>%&*(*^$%^&BLOG!!!!!!! GOT ME STUTTERING!!!!!

MITS said...

Well, I hope in the new season, we get a different type of BLOG, one that does not require technical skills and is more user-friendly.

MITS said...

Sounds like you are almost there, Norma.

MITS said...

Beautiful picture of Buta, nursing.

Anonymous said...

Ok Norma now save that download site to desktop or in your favorities and you should have Lun Lun and Buta Buta hee hee glad its working dana

I have to go bbl

wvgal_dana said...

What this jerk blog I am not anonymous I put my name dang it

MITS said...

I agree DANA, it was trying to have me put in another name, that I don't use. What the he-- is wrong with this thing. We can build a space station, but we can't get a stupid blog to work.

Mauley said...

Blog is a booger today. BBL donna

MITS said...


Mauley said...

I can't believe it let me in. I was just trying to see if it would let me. Hay Ya, eaglemomster. You out there mema Jo. Sister Sharon? How is Nilla. Will she let us know? love donna

Mauley said...

The blog has suddenly decided to cooperate. Come on now, who scared it back into cooperation? donna

Mauley said...

Mits, it was you. You scared it back to being nice again. Confess. donna

MITS said...

Mei and Tai are being lazy pandas today. He should be coming down soon for a bit to eat, been up that tree for about 4 hours, after he came over from the new yard.

MITS said...

DONNA, Ijust smacked it silly a couple of times. tee-hee.

MITS said...

More wax for the Illnois crew.

MITS said...

I think Tai is making his move to come on down.

MITS said...

Don't mess with Mits, BLOG!!!!

MITS said...

Knew Tai would come down around 2 looking for something to eat and drink.

MITS said...

Didn't last long, he drank from the little pool and right back up a tree. Mei is looking for him, she just might want to nurse.

MITS said...

He is back down and went to find Mei for a snack.

MITS said...

She's trying to give Tai a bath and he wants to eat and play.

MITS said...

Going out for awhile...CU LATER!

MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, when I left this morning there were 14 comments, now 122. I have to work now but will read the blogs in a little bit.

glo said...

Hi LuLu WElcome ot the BLOG. Stick around and get to know us...might take a hwile on a Bad Blog day for people to see your post, but .we love that you are here

Norma Just save the email. Do you know how to make a new folder in your inbox for maeesages you want to save. I have a folder called web has my lionk to Lun Lun and the National zoo, in there. let me know if you need help with a New folder in your email area.

OK it was tea break and potty time for me...back to the garage Sale..going well enough for Thurs. and we didn't get rained on....kind of chilly htough Br-r-r-r-r!!!!

MITS said...

Back from the beach, a little too breezy for me, although still warm and sunny, I hear that will change overnight. NORMABYRD, didn't I tell you to download the updated windows media weeks ago, Shame on you for not doing it sooner, but you are reaping the good benefits now.SHARON told me how to keep mine on the favorites list, but, I don't remember and I don't have it on my favorites down here at the beach.

MITS said...

LU-LU, know you have gone for the day, but it was a treat to hear from you. God bless and feel better soon!!!

MITS said...

Kingfisher is back at CT.

MITS said...

Have only gotten on to NU once today and it was MT.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They had better open that door and let that little turd in. Get him while the getting is good!

MITS said...

Kingfisher just flew away from the CT nest.

MITS said...

new thread is up

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...