Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday 21 September

Cool morning thread.


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paula eagleholic said...

Night Glo, Hi Vicky.

paula eagleholic said...

Talk to ya'll tomorrow, stayed up way too late last night, butt is dragging and lots to do tomorrow.

Have a good night!

Hi Jim &

Morning Suzanne!

ps aussie chicks still snoozin!

floralgirl said...

Whoops, had to walk away, hubby finally got home from work.long day for him:( I don't watch too much TV,turned it off at 10, but back on to watch the Daily Show. Makes me laugh, laughter is the best medicine!!

floralgirl said...

Night Paula, remember, tomorrow's FRIDAY!!!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight ladies! Hello to those lurking!!

Just Vicky said...

But, then again

Just Vicky said...

getting close to 1/2 can of wax time

Just Vicky said...

Yep, Glo,

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...


floralgirl said...

You're not gonna get very good gas mileage on your trip here, that wax is gonna weigh your vehicle down!

Anonymous said...

It has come to our attention that many of our famous wax figures have disapeared from our museum. Drips of wax leading away from the statues locations seem to indicate they were melted down, back into liquid wax. We will be on the lookout for individuals possessing large quantities of wax with no receipts for such quantities.

floralgirl said...

Well, I am out of here as everyone seems to have disapeared. No offense madame. BirdGirl hope you had a great birthday. Loved your latest bird pics. Good nite all.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am figuring everybody has gone to bed now. Been back home for a little while but had to cut Mopsy's hair! What a job!

Pedro got to go live outside tonight! Yeah!! Andrew said he didn't want to keep it and let it just die so he let him loose! I figure he just couldn't stand another night with a spider in his room! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and furs!

Hello, Jim and BirdGirl!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just realized that it is well past 10:00 and Lun Lun is still in color!

MITS said...

Hello and Good Night! Had a wonderful visit with Maggie. Got home and saw last 5 mins of Grey's Anatomy, watched ER and just got finished reading blogs and doing e-mails. DANA Mei seemed to be alot more aware of where Tai was at all times, she didn't take food are water breaks for along time. I thought she would starve herslef to death. Lun is fine, that baby lets her know when it is not comfortable. Every panda Mom is different.

MITS said...

Yep, light is still on. You all must have shook them up with your e-mails.

MITS said...

Don't forget to read the new Sept. 21st update on Tai and why he was up that tree soo long on Tuesday night.

Mema Jo said...

Around 7pm something wierd happen in LunLun's area. The lights actually dimmed and the stupid flashlights started... They kept spoting ButaButa.LunLun even went to the other side of the nest bed as though to get the lights off of her.
Later something disturbed her outside those windows on the left of her nest bed. That's when she almost tramped on ButaButa - but picked her up quickly. I had been checking the lights and like you say - there still on....... Maybe our emails did shake someone up..I doubt it.

Mema Jo said...

The pic Glo sent of ButaButa resting on LunLun's arm... that lasted for a very long time..LunLun napped & ButaButa squirmed.........

MITS said...

Lun is sitting up with the baby.

Just Vicky said...

Oh, so now you're going to try and pin a rap on the WAX toters from Illinois??

MITS said...

I'm surprised they still have the lights on, unless, they are concerned about something.

MITS said...

LUN is lying down again, wish I could see Buta move.

Just Vicky said...

So what you all thinking bout LunLun tonight?? I've missed seeing her sitting up.

Mema Jo said...

I really think ButaButa is ok. LunLun would hopefully have maternal instincts if something were wrong. The lights?? Don't know..

Goodnight Mits, Sharon, Vicky
See you in the late am

Good Morning Suzanne

MITS said...

I think Buta is ok too. Good night JO AND VICKY

Bird Girl said...

Sorry you guys have to deal with the cold weather... last night's low was 70 degrees here... if there weren't so much concrete and asphalt here, it would be cooler at night, even in the hottest part of the year... on average, we don't get much below 40 at night in the dead of winter, but that doesn't mean we NEVER do. of course, you guys don't have to deal with 125 degrees, either!

Jody & Dave both liked the presentation, I still have to do some animations and little "polishing" things (making sure the photos all have the same borders, for example) but other than that, it's a done deal. i just hope it makes a good impression on the AAZK, who are giving away the money!!

I got to release a mockingbird this morning, I always enjoy letting them go back where they belong. He didn't go far, but they usually don't at first -- except for raptors and waterfowl, we do "soft releases", which basically means that we leave the door to the cage/aviary open and wean them off "free meals". Except for doves/pigeons, grackles and quail, they all leave the area to find their own "place in the world"...

Today, we got in a Canada goose, an old female, who apparently had broken her left leg some time ago. The break had healed, although with a large calcification, and she has a serious limp. Dave took her home with him, where she will have grass, shade, a wading pool and food while she rebuilds the strength in her injured leg. She started to settle in quickly, actually, which was nice to see. I hope she gets to go back to the wild. If not, we may try to train her as an education bird...

Well, I'm absolutely wiped out. Ended up getting about 2 hours' sleep last night. More work to do tomorrow, then Saturday all day at the zoo fundraiser, and then Sunday a bird breeder's expo with Dave. Ugh.

Next week, I ain't doin' nuthin'!!!!!!!

Thanks to all of you for your kind and heartfelt birthday wishes! I had a great birthday this year, that's for sure! :-)

Hubby got me the new aviary, and a few books that look really interesting! He's very thoughtful, pays attention to my likes/dislikes, and is very clever. I'm the luckiest girl in the world, I tell ya!

Take care all, I'll check in as soon as I can...

Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

Hey There Hi There

Saw eagle at BW
Just had to check on LunLun & Buta Buta is now in her arms.
Tai off to exploring.

Hope you had a cool ride into work today - haven't read all your comments yet - just had to welcome you to the TGIF get your computer hooked up this weekend greeting this am.

Mema Jo said...

How to catch a parakeet?? Call the pet store for advice - like Rick's or stop by the zoo. He seems to have adjusted to the wild pretty darn good but I don't think he has any idea what it means to migrate to warmer weather!

2 eagles at BWDon't know if they know each other or not.

I went into Photobucket and created an album yesterday - need to read more - but will get any info to you.

Mema Jo said...

Was wondering when you would spot me being here. I dislike 'refresing' each time before comment just to see what someone said or who is there. Takes so much time.
Tai & Mei ready to get out-of-doors. Ray Charles dancing at the window...

Mema Jo said...

Photobucket is a free service where you can set up albums (I think it is free-that's what I need to read before promoting our using it for personal albums- Space saver on Momsters)
Just another link to get to it - wouldn't limit what we can put in.
And everyone could create a sub album of their very own.

Mema Jo said...

Need to fill up my coffee mug BRB

Mema Jo said...

Door has opened for Tai & Mei to venture outside........
LunLun sitting up nursing but can't see Buta Buta...........
2 eagles still visiting BW........


Mema Jo said...

Both eagles at NU are eating
Beautiful, beautiful sight

Mei & Tae playing around right by the opened door.......Now we're getting a panoramic view of the zoo.........

Mema Jo said...

Food fight between adult & eaglet at NU Adult got some....

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne - where did you go?
Sharon - it is after 8am - where are you?

No school today in Frederick Cnty - Fair Day

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle and eaglet in NU nest.

Mema Jo said...

Go to the NU site

Mema Jo said...

Good morning, Sharon
Everything looks great this morning!

Adult at NU was trying to steal the food....hen he started eating any scrapes the eaglet flung his way.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am here Mema Jo. Been working this morning. How is everybody in Eagle Land?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hope the storm is not too bad on Doreen this morning!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is by herself!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I saw Buta Buta do a poop shoot down Lun Lun's chest last night. Too bad I didn't have the fraps going! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagles and pandas. All is right with the world!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Buta Buta is beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

DC pandas starting in the chutes...Yeah! Tai made it outside - he is free!
Eagles at NU
MT Nest at BW
Buta Buta all alone...

All is Good !

Mema Jo said...

Congrats Sharon #300

Good start this morning

Mema Jo said...

Those DC chutes are quite a maze....Tai & Mei going thru together -looks as though trainer has treats for them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...