Saturday, September 16, 2006

Saturday 16 Sept

Boy did it rain last night thread.


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Just Vicky said...

Missing people, missing parents, runaway camera!

Just Vicky said...

OOOpppppsss parent back!

Just Vicky said...

Now what are they doing with LunLun's cam, spotlight??

Mema Jo said...

Can't believe someone is shinning a flashlight at LunLun........

belle_wv said...

Watching someone shine a light in on LunLun - maybe getting video of her with the babe

Hi everyone!

belle_wv said...

the little fluff balls are getting fed

Mema Jo said...

Belle Hi There! Maybe they lost Buta Buta........ The night lights just went on around 10pm. Saw some good shots of cub today.

Have you been a busy lady today?

belle_wv said...

LunLun doesn't seem to concerned by the light - she could turn her back if she was, I guess

floralgirl said...

Hello, cam crazy people!!

MITS said...

Those chicks are looking good, ops, sorry eyasses.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Told ya that F&F were out killing birds!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have seen them with a flashlight on Lun Lun before. She doesn't seem affected at all by it!

Just Vicky said...

Well Sharon, we don't like to think about the "violent" things our falcons may be up to!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, we just watch them ripping the birds to shreds after they are dead. Maybe they are just finding already dead birds and feeding them to the precious little eyasses! :):):)

Just Vicky said...

Your second conclusion sounds better, however, your first thought is more accurate!

MITS said...

Maybe, they just head over to the bird muss, no fuss.

MITS said...

Just think of the poor turtles and sucks when you are at the bottom of the food chain.

belle_wv said...

Hello flower crazy gal :)

Yep Jo - busy - but some of it was fun anyway - went shopping :) Then went to see the band perform in a competition, which was of course fun :) Work - not so fun, but oh well, it must be done. Hope you've had a good day - getting flowers to put out sounds good to me! I saw some gorgeous ones at lowe's - almost got some, but just couldn't quite 'do it'...

Sharon, glad your sister is home - did you say you're working OT? I hope not!

Nilla - miss you! Hope you're feelilng a little better!

BirdGirl - don't work yourself into a flare! Do the 'must' things and then the others can get done as time/energy permit.

Dana - glad you had fun at the wedding and the reception was where you could move around more easily.

Glo - good to get the outside work done while the weather is so nice - sad to think of the coming of winter, but nice to enjoy the good weather while it is still with us :)

Vicky - I bet your grandson was thrilled to know you saw his great accomplishment! Hope you got pictures, too!

Paula and Norma are lurking?

Suzanne you're supposed to have that computer hooked up by now!

Just Vicky said...

There you go, Mits is right, probably "fast-food fly up window!"

belle_wv said...

Mits - you left the beach? Oh how sad - but I guess if you have football tickets, that's hard to pass up - I can't imagine what those cost! I wanted to take the family to a Steeler's game - but looked for tickets and passes to the parking lot were nearly 100 bucks! That wasn't for admission to the game! Those tickets are way over 100 bucks - into the thousand range per ticket! So sad.

MITS said...

So, BELLE What am I chooped liver?????

MITS said...

ROFLMAO...Spell checker from hell, look how I spelled chopped, must be getting tired

Just Vicky said...

Right, Mits is NOT chopped liver! She's fresh ground round!

floralgirl said...

Apparently Norma is AWOL. Mits are you gonna go to the RSkins game? Boy, I hope they don't lose, but no one is picking them to win. OH, Norma- how bout them Cowboys?

glo said...

Hi Belle Good to see you. Yep we're just sitting here enjoying the food chain "Wild kIngdom Style... I definitely like the fast Food Or No muss no Fuss Idea better. So I think I'll just stick with that idea!!!

MITS said...

I'm not sure, how much the tickets are I don't ask and my husband does not tell, guess I could look, when the tickets come in..We have been season ticket holders for 11 seasons. I erally don't enjoy football like I did years ago. Too many egos in the NFL. I do enjoy the day out though.

MITS said...

FLORALGIRL The Redskins play Dallas at Dallas tomorrow at 4:00p.m. We go to the Ravens games, my son goes to the Redskins games. We are a divided family, but , we still love each other.

Mema Jo said...

You did it again!

Are you at market tomorrow?

MITS said...

Look out more food must be incoming for the eyasses.

MITS said...

I just love the way FLORALGIRL just dances in and picks up her wax.

Just Vicky said...

Sparkle wax at that!

belle_wv said...

Oh season ticket holders - that is a good thing - you get the tickets for a REASONABLE price, but if you don't go to every game, you can sell them to others for a huge mark up, because, as my husband explained to me, most all stadiums have all seats sold as season tickets, and those who have them one year get the first dibs at them the next year, so once a season ticket holder, they get passed from generation to generation and it is about impossible to get 'in' on owning the season tickets - because most folks go to one or two games and sell the rest for WAY more than what they cost - all legal...

No of course you aren't choppped liver - but the comment to you was gonna be LONG so I made it the 'next' one :) Guess I should've put it in the long one so you didn't feel left out even for a second - you're definitely not :)

belle_wv said...

I think those plants are going to grow even faster now that they're getting fertilized so much...

floralgirl said...

Damn, I'm smooth!

belle_wv said...

She's a Smoooooooooth Opppperatorr, smmmmmmmooooooooooth opperatorrrrrrrr

belle_wv said...

fuzzball eyasses? are alone again, natrually,,, guess mom and dad are on the hunt for more ABC food - yep right on cue - parent walking in from the left of cam but now out of view again...

belle_wv said...

Lun Lun sure has learned the 'sleep when baby sleeps' advice given to new moms! She looks so peaceful and content.

belle_wv said...

Oops I jinxed LunLun - she's up again - had an itch, now looks like she's thinking about getting a bite to eat - watch for a glimpse oh nope just turning around and rearranging babe to nurse again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Belle, I am working OT. Supposed to be off today but it didn't happen. I hope they find help soon because they are working us to death.

Lun Lun is setting up now, looks like bathing Buta Buta! She is so precious with that cub!

Just Vicky said...

Is there a job available Sharon???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I am still waiting on the long post to Mits. Are you waiting too, Mits?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am sure. Do you do medical transcription?

MITS said...

If we can't go to a game we usually give the tickets to family or friends. We were on the Redskins waiting list for 17 yrs, before we got season tickets for our son. It seems like when they moved to their new stadium, people did not like it, or, Dan Snyder, and gave up their tickets, I don't really pay to much attention to these things.

Just Vicky said...

Well, always wanted to get into that or attorney office, but no I am not currently qualified, does it take much to get trained?

MITS said...

I'm feeling better SHARON, I just thought BELLE had forgotten me...VICKY Grade A Prime round steak ground!!!

belle_wv said...

Sharon :-P I did do my long post to Mits - it was the one right after my little notes to everyone else (the one about the cost of football tickets!)

I almost took the courses to be a medical transcriptionist - I wanted to work from home, and that was the only thing I could think of at the time that would let me do that - but now I'm teaching and on my kids schedule at least - so that's pretty good. I do like the idea of working from home though. I can type pretty quickly from my own thoughts, but not sure how I'd do from a recording... never tried it. I do hope they find you some help. Did the girl you trained pan out? You mentioned that either she was very nervous or not likely to 'make it' because she couldn't find the keys

Just Vicky said...

Oh Mits, absolutely, premium Grade A+

floralgirl said...

Sorry, Jo didn't see your question. Yes, tomorrow will be my last market until Thanksgiving weekend.

Just Vicky said...

I did do transcribing from the old way Dictaphone (SP?) I loved doing that!

belle_wv said...

Mits you're fillet mignon - never chopped anything ;) giggle

Just Vicky said...

Now Belle, I didn't call her anything chopped, just ground!

floralgirl said...

Well, I hate to leave mid party. but gotta get some sleep so I can get up in the morning. Good nite

belle_wv said...

There ya go Vicky - you could take the courses - and work from home, too. Maybe we could get Suzanne into it too - talk about a change in HER life - from a 3 hr commute every afternoon plus the ungawwwdly drive in before dawn every day to rolling out of bed and putting on a robe to 'punch in'... takes some courses in medical terminology and such that could be challenging, doesn't it? That's what the community college was listing as requirements when I looked into it 7 or 8 years ago - probably requires even more now

Just Vicky said...

One down, goodnight FLoralgirl!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

YEAH, RAH!! I got my OT done. Now I am off until 8 a.m. tomorrow. :) :(

Just Vicky said...

Well you never know, this old fat & sassy woman may learn some new tricks!

belle_wv said...

Sweet dreams floralgirl... I hope you have lots of happy customers to snap up the last of your precious posies tomorrow!

MITS said...

Had to go get a snack...talking about prime, filets and chopped and ground made me hungry.

Just Vicky said...

Mits, you seem to do a lot of "snacking!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I taught Transcription for a couple of terms at National College of Business and Technology last year. I loved doing that. I absolutely love my job but it certainly is not for everyone. It gets really hard to stay on task and get everything done when I am sitting here birthing babies, watching eggs hatch, eaglets fledge, and stuff such as that! I am grateful to be working from home. Takes me a good 2 seconds to go from bed to work! Can't imagine driving hours to work everyday!

Dictaphone is still around but I don't use it. We use the Lanier system to get the voice and the typing is through a system called Meditech. Pretty easy system to use but I run out of space to type in when I have all the cams up on my screen! :) I hope the people I work for never get turned on to this blog for sure! I would probably get fired!

MITS said...

Don't go there, VICKY, your starting to sound like my husband. LOL!

belle_wv said...

Hope you found something yummy Mits :) I have some dark chocolate M&M's here if you want. Going to put them on my daughter's birthday cake - she turned 15 today! Yikes!!! I don't see how that's possible! We're going to have her birthday celebration tomorrow since she was a the band competition most of the day today she wants steak on the grill and asparagus with Hollandaise sauce and salad (no spinich leaves!) and a 'mom-made' cake :) Her brother insists she has to have something green, so he's going to make her some green jell-o

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, honey, you can snack all you want! I give my full permission!

Just Vicky said...

We'll never tell Sharon! You trust these buddies!

Just Vicky said...

But working from home sure sounds great to me! How does the pay scale go?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Andrew went to a race in Christiansburg, VA tonight at the Shelor's Motor Mile. My brother-in-law won VIP tickets to it. They were getting to go in the pits, getting served dinner, the whole 9 yards. Not Nascar but I am sure it was exciting nevertheless!

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon, talk about getting 'busted' - but hey - if you're getting the production done every day that they require, they shouldn't complain at how you keep relaxed and prevent RSI things like carpal tunnel - moving those cam windows around and getting up to roll around like LunLun

belle_wv said...

Ohy and we can't forget using the theraputic wax for hand dips and eagle sculpting :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I get paid per minute of dictation I type. Depends on the doctor dictating whether it is good money or great money! I personally prefer great money!

Just Vicky said...

Don't forget the cherry flavored wax lips!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

BELLE, great justifying my BS. Thank you so very much.

MITS said...

Thank you SHARON...BELLE I love a woman who knows exactly what she wants, Happy 15th to your daughter.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I want some of those wax lips. Haven't had those in a long time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You all do realize that I haven't won wax in days. Glad to be back. I will take wax lips and those little waxy bottles that are shaped like pop bottles!

Just Vicky said...

WELL, we certainly have all the WAX it takes to make anything we could possibly want!

MITS said...

Well that sounds like alot of fun for ANDREW

belle_wv said...

I'll extend your birthday wishes to her, thanks Mits :) She is definitely a gal that knows what she wants - nothing like her Libra mother and father! LOL

Congrats on that wax Sharon :)

MITS said...

I love wax lips.

MITS said...

Very early and very long day tomorrow. Good night all. Best part of tomorrow is I get to see MAGGIE.

Just Vicky said...

SO, I will have a good marketable product to sell at Floralgirl's shop!

Just Vicky said...

Goodnight Filet, I mean Mits!

belle_wv said...

Oh I loved those things when I was a kid - the wax bottles - I'd forgotten all about them. The wax lips were OK but the ones with the juice in them were fun - didn't they come in like a strip of 5 or 6 or something like that? With different colored liquid in each? I wonder if they still make those...

belle_wv said...

Have fun MITS - hope the game doesn't drag on too long so you can get to spend LOTS of time with Maggie!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well this old one has to get her feet elevated! Doc seems to think I have FleaBiteUS, AKA phlebitis (SP?)

Just Vicky said...

HE also said, "You're falling apart!" Already knew that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think they do still make those but not sure where you would find them.

Just Vicky said...

Belle, I think they still make the wax pop bottles with flavoring inside!

belle_wv said...

FleaBiteUs? now how'd YOU get that? Sharon is the one who went to the flea market today!!!! Not fair...maybe it is all the wax Sharon's saved up - she probably dipped her whole self into a vat of it before she left - fleas couldn't hold on and bite in...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. Andrew called and will be home shortly. The race he went to is Nascar sanctioned and like one step below Busch races. Dale Earnhardt's other son, Kerry (I think) races in those. He had a good time, he said.

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

At the flea market today, all I bought was a hot dog. Nothing else jumped on me!

Just Vicky said...

No, not the real flea bites, the medical term!

belle_wv said...

Maybe I'll find some of those wax bottle candies for the open house :) maybe some shaped like fish and turtles?

glo said...

Well it is defiitely rolling around bedtime here and I am an hour earlier than most of you are LOL. I will blog at you tomorrow. rst Well.

Good night.

belle_wv said...

ewww on second thought - I'll stick with pop bottle shapes - leave the whole idea of eating turtles and raw fish to the birds :)

Just Vicky said...

I'm with you Glo!

belle_wv said...

Glad your Andrew had a good time and is on his way home :) Very thoughtful of him to call. G'night to you and Glo and Vicky and anyone else lurking - I'm gonna snoozle the night away, too I hope.... even sleep in tomorrow maybe - mmmmm sounds like a delicious idea. Sweet eagle and panda and osprey and falcon and tiger and and and dreams to all

Just Vicky said...

Sure hope our AWOL Normabyrd checks in tomorrow!

Mema Jo said...

Maybe tomorrow the mystery will be resolved when normabryd bids us a Good Morning World !!!

Time to hit the hay!
Sweet Dreams all my Eagle Buddies!

LOLove Jo

**I hope Jim is feeling better with that cold he has......... Hope to hear from him.

belle_wv said...

P.S. Suzanne you better stay awake long enough Sunday morning to get that computer hooked up! LOL

P.P.S. Jim - good night from the east coast and I hope you're feeling better!

P.P.S. DLT and CAB - hope you're having a lovely Sunday morning!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

One of Frieda's babies went over too far, now she is on top of it and it looks like she is squishing it. I hope I am seeing things!

Mema Jo said...

You think they're ok. That one up front is sure eyeing you!

Mema Jo said...

Hopfully right now, their bellies are full & they are sleeping. I think they're ok.

Good Night

movin said...

Ahhh...Hahahahaha..hehehehehe!! Everybody has gone to bed, so no matter what I do, I will be the first to comment come Sunday morning!!!!

Have a beautiful, beautiful day, All.

I am feeling better, the cold is trailing off. Thank you all who wished me well.

Hope Nilla is OK...going to read more of the blogs.

Eagle buddy,

Bird Girl said...

this is a really long post... I have so much going on this week I can hardly see straight, and I won't be able to be here until after the 24th, so tonight I'll prattle on until you're all in dire need of a break from me!!! LOL

mits chicks=eyasses; they're interchangeable ;-)

just vicky you mean PHLEBITIS, an inflammation of a vein?

SOAPBOX ALERT!! Scroll down if you don't want to read my rantings ;-) Sorry, I have to put on my "wild bird behaviourist & educator, corrector of misconceptions, and dispeller of myths" hat: It really isn't accurate to categorize raptors' hunting (and subsequent "ripping apart" of prey) as "violent", it's just nature, survival of the species... violence, by definition, is action which is unjust, with bad intent, overly aggressive. Hunting is, biologically speaking, expensive, and few wild animals waste their energy -- they do what it takes to do what they're programmed by Nature to do... now, the caveat to this is, yes, there are animals that intentionally act violently (primates, predominantly) for no real reason other than to be, well, violent. Unfortunately, in my field, I have to deal with people who really have no idea about the hows and whys of Nature, who have little to no compassion and/or conscience, and who are as prejudiced against animals as they are against humans... Here endeth the soapbox. Thank you for bearing with me!

Jim glad you're starting to feel better. and, haha, I am the first to post on Sunday! LOL

sharon I hope being at home will help your sister improve. Sometimes, just being in your own home, in your own bed, is the one thing a person needs to get better!

My Week As Of Now: Okay, today was a not-too-bad fibro day, although I woke up early because the power went out in the neighborhood and suddenly there was no noise (fan in bedroom, AC unit outside the bedroom window, etc.), so I got up and attacked the front yard (mentioned that earlier today). Showered to get the fifteen layers of dirt and dead plants off me, then watched a movie with Hubby. Worked on PowerPoint thing. Did one load of laundry, jeans; had to, or I would have gone out without pants -- no thank you! Went to late lunch/early dinner with our good friends Ricky & Donna -- they both were attendants at our wedding. After we got home, I set about fixing the sliding screen door while Hubby watched baseball game (Yankees). Washed the sliding glass doors inside & out; WAAAYYY too many layers of dog slobber on them! Figured out how to get the screen door off, took off the old screen and spline, washed the frame, spent an hour getting the new screen & spline on (would have been easier had Hubby not already been asleep, he could have held the frame down for me, but damned if that screen was going to beat me!!!!) then cleaned all the track wheels, & put silicone lubricant on them. I bought one of those metal grilles you screw onto your screen door to keep your pets from tearing the screening, but the one I got was too small (duh). So I have to take it back and get the right size before I can say that the project is finished. Oh well, I'm a heck of a lot closer now than I was before! Then I cleaned & polished my copper birdbath bowl (well, as much as I could anyway), cleaned the stovetop & front and the dishwasher front, then decided that I was done working for the day. I don't know why I was wound up, but hey -- I'll take what I can get! Plus, with me not working, and Hubby being the sole provider (and he does work very hard) I try to do as much as I can around the house so he doesn't have to...

*Sunday, out running errands with Mom then finishing Screen Door project, as well as finish the fine-tuning of the presentation script for the two people who will be speaking.

*Monday, have to go to Dave's to give him his script and a few other things I have for him, plus see all his really neat birds of course! Deal with my dumba$$ bank. Deal with my dumba$$ health insurance. Finish PowerPoint presentation.

*Tuesday, hopefully, I'll be able to rehearse again with Jody & Dave, take her a really great branch I found (from a eucalyptus tree) and the two gift baskets I put together of raffle items for the fundraiser, and put together the other two she has at her house.

*Wednesday I will put finishing touches on PowerPoint presentation. Or go to Jody's if I didn't on Tuesday.

*Thursday, go to my favorite rock shop to get some things Mom needs, then presentation to a kennel club with Jody & Dave at the library. Open presents!

*Friday, freak out about the fundraiser, help Jody NOT freak out about the fundraiser, help Jody get stuff ready and loaded into her car, keep her from freaking out again, freak out myself, NAP NAP NAP NAP NAP!

*Saturday, setup at fundraiser begins at 2, event opens at 530, presentation at 730, event closes at 830, break down until probably 9 or so, GO HOME AND CRASH.

*Sunday, go to a bird breeder's show with Dave at the Civic Center. Or maybe just lapse into a coma for a week.

Oh yeah, somewhere in there I have to pick up WEEK-OLD BABY DESERT TORTOISES from Don, a fellow bird person and the guy who runs the twice-yearly bird expo (where we get great donations, and Don always lets us have the best table location because he loves me!) to babysit while he's on vacation.

If I missed anything, well that's just TDB (if you need a translation, I'll elaborate, just let me know)!!!!

This must be what retirement is like -- busier now that you're NOT working than when you WERE!!!

The Fuzzies Early this morning (around 1 am AZ time), Freida was sitting next to her fuzzballs, and I just could not believe my eyes when I saw HOW BIG THEY ARE ALREADY! Now, I've seen raptor babies "up close and personal", as it were, and have seen how quickly they grow up, but DANG! Seems like they've tripled in size overnight!!! I guess that means F&F are really good providers :-) The babies are so big now, Freida can't even sit on them anymore! The babies just pile on top of each other and she stands next to them, as close as possible. If it were to rain, she would cover them as well as she could, of course, but there's no way they'll fit under her anymore! HAHA!

SOOOOOO... I will bid you all good night/good morning, know that I will be thinking about you all and wishing everyone well and/or speedy recoveries while I'm running around like my butt's on fire this coming week. Be sure to take pictures of The Fuzzies for me! Especially if any of them toddle off or stand up or flap or something adorable like that ;-)

Your faithful "feathered" friend,

Bird Girl

p.s. Please feel free to email me at if you want to share anything exciting with The Fuzzies or Lun Lun's Bun Bun, or whatever! I WILL be checking email because, well, I just can't help myself ;-) -- BG

Anonymous said...

good grief that was long!



floralgirl said...

OMG- I thinkk I caught Jim's cold. Woke up with splitting headache, sore throat, runny nose, etc. Wish I could crawl back into bed. No such luck, off to work. Hope everyone has a good day, supposed to be nice here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is an eagle at BW!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MT nest at NU. Looks like Mei and Tai are outside already this morning. Just saw Lun Lun's cub for a second this morning. From watching last night, you can see its dark ears starting, dark eyes starting and a dark stripe coming across its back. Not quite the nekkid mole rate it was! :)

Good morning everybody in eagle land.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle gone at BW.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All alone, I feel so all alone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun was away from the cub for a second just now. You can really see its hair coming in now, the outlines of the black and white! Oh, I just love it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet at the NU nest!

glo said...

Good morning all. just read Birdgirl's bookLOL Wonder if her hubby gets to say much around there "Kidding" I love it when you take time to write to us, and especially because You did take time to READ us as well I count you Count!!! I can go for that anyday. The unbelievable par tis it was all written after she did all that, and Before she was planning to do all that.

Well off to coffee and dog treats. Thanks for the cute picture of venturing out SharonWhen it comes to maturing at any rate..birds have it all over, Bears and Humans

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle back at BW!

MITS said...

good morning all, new thread is up

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...