Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday 25 September

New week, new thread.


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wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the New Thread.
Also ty Norma for calling us over.

You got wax

That is a seagull in CT nest

paula eagleholic said...

Morning...Eagle at BW

MITS said...

Thanks for new thread, STEVEN

wvgal_dana said...

I bet she does too was a happy one for Floralgirl on Sunday.

MITS said...

Heading out to the ocean, have a good day everyone, I'll try to post later.

MITS said...

Tai and Mei are having fun in their new yard!!!

glo said...

Thanks Norma and Steve

Freida fed the chicks last night about 10 pm your time.

Breakfast time and then time will tell what happens next

MITS said...

LOL!! SUZ, I see lots of flying things when I get over to the eastern shore, just not sure what they are???

glo said...

Have a Great trp Mits...check in when you get there.

glo said...

Suzannesent you a couple of cute movies over the weekend.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is turning into quite a Butaball!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eagle still at BW.

Just Vicky said...

Howdy everyone in eagleland

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne what are we looking for at that site??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Howdy Vicky!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning All BW eagle was beautiful! Great morning to be driving to OC, Mits! Your week should be great. Need to read this thread's comments.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mema Jo!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

BW eagle jone, jone!!

That is how Andrew used to say gone, gone! I miss those days.

wvgal_dana said...

Sure is Suzanne lol when the site comes up kept coming up a kids site.
I kept copy and pasting finally bingo there are printed pics of differnt birds from the underside. Just what your suppose to get lol

wvgal_dana said...

Mits this is late but "have a nice ride to OC" let us know if you see anything.

Morning Jo

wvgal_dana said...

Well I found Mei and Tai they are wrestling inside a cage like area

glo said...

I think they just took buta has changed to outside location

glo said...

Fapped Mam geting up and walking away...took a couple snaps of baby...will send later.

glo said...

Well actaully its nOT Mam its Mom lol

glo said...


glo said...

yep we'll take a hlf can...nevr can tell when you are gonna need it for bond money...who am I running aorund with anyways!!!!LOL

Mema Jo said...

Just maybe we will find out today if Buta Buta is a GIRL ! I hope it isexamine time with the cam as it is now.

glo said...

Geeesh if that IS whats going on I hope they hurry up...feels like it takes forever when you wait I hope its a girl too

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne Nilla had told us she had an appointment today. I sure hope we hear from her later today.

glo said...

Actually had to bail Vicky out sat night, wax reserves down a little LOL and you just can't ever tell once they get addicted and start messing with blog cop!!!

glo said...

aaawww Lun Lun is probably getting really upset...Give her a TREAT!!!

glo said...

Mits isn't even here to tell us how long this is going to take!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yeah, they have the cam on Yang Yang. I bet Lun Lun is fit to be tied!!!!

glo said...

My heart is pounding for her!!!!

glo said...

They better not be all in there cuddling an dposing for pictures. Sex it weigh it, give it a quick once over and give it back!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We definitely need Mits' expertise right now. Yang Yang is just flaked out without a care in the world while his wifey-poo is having a heart attack!

glo said...

GGGeeessshhh Life is not fair...typical male behavior , no Clue LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with you on that Glo. Cruel to Lun Lun if they keep it away to long. I still say Buta Buta is a girl but more will definitely be revealed!

glo said...

suzanne Yes as long as she behaves herself...LOL she was tempted again last night, but backed off and went to bed instead.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is back with Buta Buta!! I am so glad! She will never get that human scent washed off that baby!

glo said...

LOL And then of course they could already be back together and

there they are Buta Buta is getting a bath

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That would be a good reason to keep Tai here for 7 or 8 more years, to breed with Buta Buta (that is if she is a girl).

glo said...

Well little one welcome to the world where "humans have intervened" in a good way in your life...because You are here!!!

But it does come with a few rough spots every now and then.. Also popsicles and lots of yummies etc etc..

glo said...

Yes Sharon Had exactly the SAME thought!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Glad that is over !

glo said...

Me too ALL the Mamas are stressed. Time for a orund of chocolate LOL

wvgal_dana said...

The National Zoo is working on keeping Tai here. From what I understand it is a good possibility.

Mema Jo said...

Hope that an update is published soon so that we even know our assumption that an examine was going on is correct.

I had thought about Tai & ButaButa!
Would that be a full circle for us?!

glo said...

Looks like they did put fresh bedding int here too as planned. That is all good!!!

glo said...

I don't think Anyone gets to see Buta bita for a while now..

Mema Jo said...

DC Cam 2:
Two ledge lodgers

Eaglet at NU

wvgal_dana said...

I guess this washing is called the "power wash" for little Buta Buta. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like they added a lot more straw to her little nesting box too.

wvgal_dana said...

Eagle at NU

wvgal_dana said...

Flew up in tree maybe it will come back down

Mema Jo said...

Will probably return !


wvgal_dana said...

Oh fudgesicles

Mema Jo said...

Ledge Lodgers Leaving

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think they put too much straw in her bed. She can't move around like she did.

They just opened the door fir Mei and Tai but Tai does not want any part of going out!

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa could get hidden in that amount of straw when LunLun lays her down.

Mema Jo said...

Hey! A hand just reached out & knocked Mei on the head!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun just walked into that other room but sure didn't leave Buta Buta laying that time. She took the cub with her!

glo said...

Watch your mail..please send it to whomever I might have missed, over a minute so not sure we should send it to dail up...Nevr know about that one!!!

glo said...

Yep she is traumatized some...hopefully settles right back down soon for both their sakes. Need Mits to tell us she will be fine in a few minutes, hours days, nOT weeks...OK.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo great video of the before and after! :)

glo said...


glo said...


glo said...

OK cut me short but it works LOL

glo said...

OK Thats all the excitement and computer screen I can take for a while. I'll BLOG at Ya later

wvgal_dana said...

Poor Lun Lun taking her cub has really affected her. I guess it would be like someone kidnapping our baby...hope she soon recovers.

Mema Jo said...

Good shot of Tai up in the Willow Tree.

Thanks for the video, Glo.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Your concern over the 'refreshing' comments: I know you blog on AppArt - you don't need to refresh on that one, do you?

glo said...

What is AppArt And someitme back someone had put info on here about how to get to the end quicker or some such. Don't know where it was, can't remember how to do it.

Tried page Up page Down Cont Alt and Shift and all of the above. Maybe it was end. I'll try that as soon as I get this published LOL

glo said...

OK I think I've go tit its End to go to bottom and home to go to top... Inquiring minds want to knw and older minds would like to remember LOL

glo said...

But you have to have cursor outside the comment box for this to work !!!

glo said...

Thanks Suzanne...sitting here playing with it for a minute...repitition LOL

glo said...

Refresh and hit still have to refresh but it helps especially when the bLOG gets long LOL or its near WAX time and you have to go HOME to see the ocunt LOL

wvgal_dana said...

No not on AppArt but I haven't been there for awhile. Checked yesterday and it is done for the season.

wvgal_dana said...

I was in my D file arranging my wonderful video's that Sharon and Glo have sent.

Did they give Lun Lun a shot she really looks out of it?

wvgal_dana said...

Is that her we are seeing cause she is really "breathing fast" !!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne you there?

glo said...

LOL AND I also discovered what many of you probably already know LOL. You can also hit f5 and too, but not feel so much like refresh...let me guess that is what you already do LOL..

Yes Lun Lun looks a little different at the moment, must have her head at a funny angle or something. I dont thinkthey would give her a shot since she is nursing that baby. Just trying to settle down is my guess!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Suzanne you got mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just watching Lun Lun. She is breathing really fast and keeping her head covered. I am sure that was so traumatic for her! Bless her heart.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where da heck is her head?

wvgal_dana said...

I know Sharon I've never seen her in that position before. Poor Gal

glo said...

More stress more stress!!! More chocolate, more chocolate!!!

glo said...

Aww its under the straw

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Do we think that might be a bit much on the bedding? Her head was covered up with it. She will lose that cub in all that! I know, I am not the expert, they are! ;)

Mema Jo said...

Dana I was just comparing the AppArt site's blog to our blog. You know, we have live feed cam so I want 'real time' blogging where you can see your comment as soon as it is made PLUS see all the other comments before yours... Just dreaming a little.

Just got a 'connection reset' message - I may start to stutter

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching 2 majestic eagles on the BW site
But now they are gone

Mema Jo said...

Suzanne I heard you loud & clear. Guess you'll be headed home soon.

glo said...

So did anyone take a picture!!! I missed it!!! But I can see Lun Lun's head now so that is a good thing anyway!!! Still breathing pretty fast, or we are more aware of it now than before perhaps. Not to fear...the experts will know!!

wvgal_dana said...

ok I have to leave hope to be able to get back on computer later on today.
Have a good day friends

Just Vicky said...

So, how soon till we find out if baby panda is girl or boy??? Is baby back with mom???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, the cub has been back with mom but I don't know how long they are going to keep us in suspense to tell us that Buta Buta is a girl! :):)

Just Vicky said...

GREAT, just what we need, suspense!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Monday, September 25
It's a GIRL!
On behalf of Dr. Dwight Lawson, the Veterinary Staff and the Giant Panda Team, we are pleased to announce that a health check was performed on Lun Lun’s new cub today and the cub appears to be healthy and it is a girl!! The cub weighed in at 1.4 lbs and is a little over one foot long.

Mema Jo said...

WHOO HOO !!!!!

Watch Tai
Here she comes!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A little over a foot long? Are they kidding?

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Where did you get the Press release? I kept checking the LunLun/Cub updates.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

girly wax

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I had been checking the updates too and the last time I checked it was there.

Just Vicky said...

Its a girl!

glo said...

LOL yep Tai has a little one waiting to meet him...LOL More reason to keep them both right here!

Mema Jo said...

Got It! Thanks.

I am so excited about this!

Sharon Are we still going to call her Buta Buta ? LOL

Mema Jo said...

I sent the message out on the Momsters email so that everyone can celebrate our little Buta Buta GIRL !

Mema Jo said...


glo said...

OK Well Blogger is giving me fits. working on going to Opthamologist lOL...checking insurance info etc. Today or Wed is my guess. May not get back here til later today. Good luck with the bLOG

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I knew she was a girl when I named her Buta Buta!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Little Buta Buta has the twitches...
Either there's too much hay tickling her nose or Momma LunLun is breathing right down on her face. Looks as though she is sneezing or coughing.LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, it is called "hay fever". :):):)

Mema Jo said...

Anxious for Mits to get your email, Sharon. Hope Nilla comes on soon!!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at NU if anyone is interested.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at NU if anyone is interested.

paula eagleholic said...

Sorry, he's gone now...

Mema Jo said...

Paula You did it again!
You stuttered!

Did you get the email about ButaButa?
Great news!

I missed the NU Eaglet.. Hope he returns....

Mema Jo said...

Paula Just read your response to email about BUTA BUTA... You may be sooooooooo right!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That would be the most awesome thing - Tai and Buta Buta!!

Mema Jo said...

Since Tai & ButaButa were both born in the good ole' USA - any offspring you would think would be pure AMERICAN..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would think so too, Mema Jo!

floralgirl said...

HELLO- this blog is acting up again. Yes, Skins FINALLY won a game even if it was against one of the worst teams, a win is a win! Hubby was definitely happy til this morning when he realized it was MOnday and back to work time:( Next few games will be tough we'll see if they can win again... Lazy weekend for all here- all of us are feeling a little run down. At least the sun is shining! Gotta go give the dog a bath, little white dog is looking awful gray!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Something in BW nest...

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

I am surprised it only posted twice, had to hit the darn button like 10 times!

glo said...

Not sure if this will post or not, but here goes:

Looks like lun Lun is rearranging the "experts" arrangement of the hay/straw...whatever.

Mema Jo said...

I took a very short nap.. Was just so overcome with joy of BUTA BUTA It did me in. Feel better now.
Paula I missed whatever was at BW but I can imagine what you saw.

Hi FloralGirl Talk with you when you get that doggie cleaned.

glo said...

Well just got back from getting my hair cut, about a month later than it needed it LOL. No word from Insurance people yet, not sure I don't need a referral for Opthomologist. Will be Wed before Iprobably can even make appt. Who know. Gonna fix me some tea and a granola bar. I have 4 cams looking at me...cause I need to see some critters today. Cute little cotton balls, and a sleepy Panda mommy to a sweet baby girl is all i see so far. BRB

glo said...

put this in here a minute ago but didn't publish so might come through 2 times now. freida feeding the chicks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Normabyrd, I am soooo far from always being right. Just a lucky guess! She just looked like a little girl to me. Can't wait for Mits to get to OC and find this out!

glo said...

Pretty cute of lun Lun and daughter LOL right now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Squalling kids on Mei and Tai's cam.

floralgirl said...

oooh- checking my email, Blackwater's open house is October 7. Great time to visit if anyone was thinking of it..they will have experts there, you follow them around the refuge in your vehicle, they point out eagles, herons and other birds there. Went a couple of years ago, was the first time I saw a bald eagle in the wild. And Oh yea, you know me- IT'S FREE!!

Mema Jo said...

ButaButa getting a good look at HER momma.

glo said...

I don't have room for oNE more cam...LOL and I have discovered at least right now, I can't have more than one live cam open and try to FRAP or it gives me double blurred of both on top of each other. Have to quickly stop one to film the other. Tried to film Tai and Mei at the ame time as running lun lun in background...wouldn't do it right.

Will be anxious Sharon when you get it to see what hapeens when you try.

Mema Jo said...

Want to get a bus trip to BW on Oct 7?

glo said...

Oh sounds really nice floralgirlsuch a beautiful time of year in your part of the country. Take pictures for us if you go.

floralgirl said...

Boy, I would LOVE to go back there. Know I can't convince hubby or daughter cause my sister in law and nephews are coming that weekend( my daughter's favorite cousins) but... no one would miss me there will so many people here!! It's a ride, but well worth it.

glo said...

Isn't it nice to say she now and know we're right. I look now and i don't just see a Baby Panda...I see a sweet baby Girl Panda with her Mama...and its cool!!! As when i get to see that funny devilish little guy with his MaMa , would probably watch them more if I didn't think they were taking him away. Its not at all like setting an eagle free...and that hard enough. Don't do well at all with that stuff can you tell.

glo said...

Put everyone in the car...its great for the kids and go there, or meet there. Would that work?

Mema Jo said...

There is a very short video of ButaButa's exam on the cnn site.

glo said...

Thanks .Mema Jo I 'll have to go check that out when I decided to surf away from the cams for a while and get back to working. garage Sale Thurs , Fri and Sat, Seminar all day tomorrow, time is catching me, and its hard to keep an "eye" on things right now.

floralgirl said...

Nope, afraid I would be on my own this time. Big family gathering here that weekend, only I am nature obsessed( hubby and daughter would go, but will want to be here with family) It's a big deal for daughter when her cousins visit- one is same age as her, they only see each other once a month or less, they live in VA.

glo said...

Freida's cam is in color now. And of course working half screen half the time

glo said...

Yes cousins are fun to have around, and you don't have to share with them on a regular basis, makes it better than a sibling lots of times when you are a kid!!

glo said...

Ok tea is gone. back to work. Blog at ya all later on. Deal or No Deal tonight though LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


floralgirl said...

OH yea, and they have so much in common, one was born 4 months after her, and they were inseparable as babies. They live 5 hours away, so it's a big trip for them .Come up to see Grandmother ,Aunts, uncles and cousins. BBL, headed to the bus stop.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Snuck right in on that one!

glo said...

Yep I knew that. CYA later

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is handsome and Buta Buta is beautiful!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS WHERE ARE YOU? Important news happening here. Now, really, who is more important -- family or Buta Buta? :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone see the pic of the girly girl cub of Lun Lun's. OMG it is soooooooooo cute!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is trying to wiggle out of her Mommy's arm!

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet at NU

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3 musketeers getting fed again. Third time so far today.

paula eagleholic said...

Nu eaglet laying down...

paula eagleholic said...

So cute the way Lun Lun cuddles that cub in her arms..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Now if I remember correctly some of the fans on here were calling her like rugrat, or was it naked mole rat, etc...BUT there was one who swore of Buta Buta's Beauty from day 1. As Beautiful Buta's First Fan...not to be confused with Number 1 of course.

Anonymous said...

Well definitely is a Fan Club in here for sure..

glo said...

Exam picture of But Buta is so cute. Thats a pretty big nose. Guess she grows into it as she outgrows her tail. Awfully sweet little face.

glo said...

ooops not but Buta...Buta Buta Man these small words Geesh, Time to feed walk and feed dogs. Just got done mowing. I kept thinking Close your eye, don't get any grasse tc into it. Paranoid now!!! Lol

Just Vicky said...

You got right GLo!

Just Vicky said...

About growing into the nose and our of her tail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I, eagle-eyed Sharon, am ButaButa's #1 fan. Just because I thought she looked like a nekkid mole rat when she was born did not mean I didn't think she was a beautiful-to-be panda!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can you believe that Lun Lun left that baby laying on her back? She is trying so hard to roll over. Glo, are you getting this? There she went! Go, Buta Buta!! I figured Lun Lun wouldn't chance leaving her again today.

glo said...

Well I see now that she is alone, but no i didn't frap that. If we get a cute close up I will though, if I'm sitting here which may or may not happen. Dogs just ate, we will go for a walk here very soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta is still by herself. She looks so little lying on that floor. It is so hard to believe she is over a foot long!

glo said...

Guess this is a good sign that Lun lun has settled down fromt his morning.. Not sure how far she has gone though and if she too has an "Eagle Eye Out"!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I would say she did have an eagle-eye out! She is back with Buta though and all is well.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sorry I didn't put my name on this before, just wasn't thinking!

glo said...

So if lun lun decides to take buta buta with her to the other room, then we lose camera view til she decides to bring her back right? Now that isn't too good. rather have her settle down and just leave her. Maybe Buta buta has passed Mom's exam, and she is oK that her baby is Just Fine...She probably thinks those .Wonderful humans removed her to give them a clean bed Whcih of course she had to remake after the "Expert touch"...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Eaglet still at NU!!

Anonymous said...

I am Buta Buta's First and Biggest fan!!

glo said...

Guess that eaglet is enjoying some rest in the sun. Couldn't be any food, no mantling or pesty blackbirds.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Tai is in the cubby hole eating bamboo and playing with the red crate.

Hey, Tai, do we have a gal for you!! ;)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No he is resting just like our Spunky!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Be back around 9-ish.

Looks Tai is wanting to nurse but Mei is not really interested at this point. He is talking to her! How cute is that? She got up and went away from him and of course he is following her. She laid back for him to nurse and he just wants to bite her feet. Milkbar is open and he ain't interested, standing on his head now. Nursing has now begun. Okay, outahere now.

glo said...

LOL Cute picture Sharon Lun Lun would be very proud of you

glo said...

LOL Cute picture Sharon Lun Lun would be very proud of you

glo said...

blog is so on and off today. Don't have lots of patience for this tonight. may not be in here much. But I'll check back and see if I can read and post someting.

Cute picture Sharon... doesn't take you long!!!

glo said...

see I am nOT stuttering OR repeating myself Silly BLOG later...

floralgirl said...

Hey, Glo- watching Deal or No deal later? Oh, Sharon that picture is beautiful!! Darn weatherman just mentioned we turn the clocks back in 5 weeks.UGH! why did he have to do that? Sunset will be around 5 pm then.Baking some cookies.

glo said...

Buta Buta is alone again, Mom must be relaxing and getting hungry.

Floral girl yes I will be watching. Not sure of the time though. I'll turnt hat station on at 7 my time and then keep n ear out.

floralgirl said...

Show starts at 8 pm, Glo.

glo said...

Thanks floral girl I'll be watching!!!

Just Vicky said...

Hellooooooooooooooo in here!!! Is this MT space?

Just Vicky said...

There went mom again, Buta all alone!

Just Vicky said...

Little gal is just a squiggling! She likes photo shoots!

Just Vicky said...

well do I dare race myself to 1/2 can??

Just Vicky said...

Or will the blogger cop get mad?

Just Vicky said...

Bet someone is lurking waiting for the kill!

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...


glo said...

Hi Vicky Congrats on the wax... be careful!!! Gonna watch my show now LOL. Blog later maybe, awfully busy next few days. starting Right after this show LOL.

Anonymous said...

We're watching you!

Just Vicky said...

I'm silent great cyber cop!

paula eagleholic said...

LOL at Sharon's pic! Glad you liked it! :):)

Floralgirl, I am running low on chocolate chip cookies...can you send some this way?

Vicky, you go for that wax, girl!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...