Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday 15 September

Friday Thread. Couldn't resist putting this pic in again...


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MITS said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits and thanks. Thank you, Steven, for the new thread.

MITS said...

My My My, it is such a treat to see those eagles at BW.

MITS said...

Need Coffee, BRB.

glo said...

Good Morning all. I don't have any idea what picture if any is going to post this morning or how it will look. Worked on something last night but I can't remember if I saved the final project, or we get something different.

Pulled up Blackwater Cam. There they are again. Didn't have time to watch them yesterday but Mits took pretty good care of me , so I shall snap this and send it off to her while I have a chance.

Talked with someone at NCTC yesterday and they were saying that this is the time the eagles scope out their nests for next season. Do they still feel safe? Is it in good enough shape and needs slight repair, food source etc. I think that is why we see the eagles in the blackwater cam so much...they are hanging in that area now. I think Liberty and Belle are doing the same. In fact I know the "Male" has been spotted on the nest a few times recently which is Great News for us.

Thanks for stopping by the store Suzanne Yes I am having a wonderful time creating things with Todd's picturesSo much easier to work with than the small still cam,.

but then again the still is our only access to the wee ones in the nest.

Upgrading to the Premium Shop has given all of us inumerable chocies and as you can see I am making good use of the time I have that shop open.

When you get your computer hooked up, the link takes you to an awesome presentation by him with many scenes related to the article and few pictures that were on the page.

Sharon Sure hoping the day goes better for your sister. I guess it is more positive if they moved her out of CCU.

Everyone enjoy your day. Going walking after coffee while the sun is shining Jo The sun should be out there for you today!!! LOL.

Recopied from old thread.

glo said...

Good morning Mits and anyone else who may have come in or is lurking while I redid that post after returning for Coffee and Dog treats.


Go here :

oooppsss that is one long url LOL.

I will email to some of you and you can send it around...Its wonderful If you are a dog lover anyway

MITS said...

BTW, everyone, GLO was kind enough to put MAGGIES' NAME on a bib that I ordered from her shop this past week. Also, ordered the magnet with the eagles, Tai and blue baby teddy from the CT site on it.

MITS said...

Glad we got everything cleared up about the eyasses.

MITS said...

GLO I'm a dog-lover.

MITS said...

The eagles have left at BW, they were squarking at something, and, then they left

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well that little turd even knew how to steer that skateboard. He did much better than I ever could! :)

glo said...

Mits You should have mail on the way. Most of you probably do!!!!

It was fun to go in and personalize that little Bib.

Anxious to hear how Grammie likes it when it arrives!!!

Norma I sent you email early yesterday...Please check your mail. Am I in the Junk file LOL..... It's important I need an answer here pretty soon!!! If anyone hears from Norma Please tell her to look for me LOL everywhere... THANKS

glo said...

Sharon Isn't it a riot. My neighbors had it waiting for me when I went over there this morning!!!! I thought...ooohhh got to share this one LOL

glo said...

Is that one of the young eaglets at bW now

glo said...

Look at the length of the feathers ont hat bird...not sure if its an eaglet or not, can't see the head, but if it is I ber .Ours have long beautiful feathers now too!!!! I so wish we could see them!!!

glo said...

Norma You have another email from me with an important question in it from yesterday morning

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am watching BW to see if it is an eaglet or turkey vulture.

MITS said...

I've been seeing an MT nest at BW

MITS said...

I do believe that looks like a upside-down turtle shell in the BW nest.

MITS said...

Osprey up in CT

MITS said...

AWESOME PICTURES. at the BW site eating there yesterday.

MITS said...

Tai is still down in the hole. SHARON that must have been so funny watching that little butt trying to escape.

MITS said...

The doors are open and know Tai doesn't want to go out.

Anonymous said...

For those of you trying to see Lun Lun, I was able to view earlier today, but now am only getting the black screen. Believe this is because the sight is overloaded or they have the camera shut down for some reason. Keep checking back as this has happened several times since the cub was born. EVERYONE WANTS TO SEE THE NEW BABE!

Have a wonderful day!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It was sooo good. He is such a smart little boy and took the perfect opportunity to climb on her back and try to get out the hole. I really wish my Fraps would have worked right because that would have been a priceless video!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Knock on wood (KNOCK KNOCK), I haven't had any problems with Lun Lun's cam as of yet this morning.

MITS said...

That would have been priceless, SHARON

MITS said...

Lun is getting way more sleep, than, Mei Xiang ever did with TAI.

glo said...

Ok Got myself stuck playing at the computer again. Dexter and I am out of here now. My picture should be lots better now, started all over. LOL

glo said...

Norma you still have new email, and some old from yesterday unless I need to resend it LOL....Gonna subject the next one as Football

paula eagleholic said...

Cats do take time to adjust to new patient, and lock that cat door!

glo said...

Aw Doreen Bless your heart, and your new little kitties, especially the skiddish one. From the sounds of things if anyone can win him over, You can!!!

glo said...

Norma very good thing you answered my email. I was getting ready to jump up and down and get out my wet noodle!!!

MITS said...

DOREEN Congrats on your new babies. Rufus will come around when he knows what a wonderful home he has moved into.

MITS said...

Lazy Lun is bathing her cubby.

MITS said...

CONGRATS, DOREEN, You have just won a half can of WAX Whatcha goin do with it???

paula eagleholic said...

Glad to hear the weather has perked up over there too, finally a decent day here so far...

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma, OKAY, WVU destroyed those Terps-have no clue what the awful final score was, too boring a game to watch. Good morning Mits and Doreen. Took off my wellies to come in out of the garden for a drink. It's wet out there!, but... THE SUN IS SHINING!!! Still have at least 3 hummers here! Well this blog won't let me in completely I have to be ANON...but I'm sure you can figure out who this is!!

MITS said...

Those eagles that Steven put on the FRIDAY thread, look like they are dancing.

MITS said...

Hello..FLORALGIRL How are you? Weather here is still cloudy and misty.

glo said...

Norma NO actually its a magnet, and YES you can buy one under Magnets!!! LOL. I may use it for some other things but for now its my picture here, and a magnet!!! Daphne and I are just back from our walk. Dexter and i are on the way to the Marina. Daphne Doesn't seem to like my diriving and doesn't want to go for a ride, so she walks in the neighborhood lately.(shrugs sholders).

Dex on the other hand LOves to GO FOR A RIDE!!!


floralgirl said...

Well, the sun is out and trying to keep the clouds from blocking it's view. I am soaked from all the wet that is out there, time to clean up the gardens and get ready for next season.SIGH... Always a little depressing in the garden this time of year. All my babies are fading, time to pull them up and till the beds.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Buta Buta gets to ride the Roly Poly ride a lot at his little amusement park!

Mema Jo said...

Good Very Late Morning All you busy buddies! I have read this part of today's comments - need to go back a page & catch up. Also have about 20 emails from Friends & Family I want to read.
GLO The sunshine came yesterday late afternoon just as you promised! Thank you!

All of you sound so perky - Must be Friday!

MITS said...

Good Morning MEMA JO That's right it is Red Friday!

MITS said...

Its a wonder BUTA-BUTA doesn't get sea-sick.

MITS said...

LOL! SUZANNE I thought maybe you were going over the edge a little bit there.

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Lun is sitting up cleaning Buta, but can't see him/her.

Mema Jo said...

The Frodo Cam Forum has lots of our questions & comments on it now. MD-USA is very well represented! Interesting reading.

paula eagleholic said...

Seems like they put up all the comments and emails they get!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Yes, the forum is very lengthly. I get an email from them telling me my question has been answered on the forum. That is probably a full time job for someone.
correction to my earlier comment which should read

Frodo Forum is well represented by Eagle Momsters/Bloggers from the USA

Mema Jo said...

NormaByrd Thank you for the beautifully written email reply you sent to me! Way to go Girl! Hope you see this compliment when you return from lunch.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Steve for once again placing that photo on our home page. I so remember BigBoy having feathered leggins when he would Jump, Jump, Jump in the nest

Bird Girl said...

copied from yesterday's thread...

Eyass more specifically used in reference to a falcon or hawk chick taken from the nest to be trained in falconry, but "eyass" and "chick" can be used interchangeably....

mema jo Hammy is indeed the little bugger that got out the other day... poor thing, he seems to have been mentally scarred by the whole thing, when I put him in a bucket to clean up his house, he stood up and made himself really big and screamed like all get out... I did go to Hugo's page the other day, it's got some message on it in German, which I don't know... When you want to save a URL for easy use later, particularly if it's one you will use often, you just click "Favorites", then "Add to favorites", type a new title if you like (such as Freida, or Eagles, etc.), then to save it onto your Links toolbar/sidebar, click the "Links" folder; otherwise, you can just click "OK" I happen to have dozens of folders in my favorites, into which I sort the different websites (I have TONS for birds and for webcams, for instance), so I don't have to scroll through the entire list...

sharon I sure hope they figure out how to correct your sister's arrhytmia... are they talking about putting in a pacemaker? I sure hope she gets better soon, being in the hospital just plain sucks... I know...

paula You're a fan of ER? Me too! It starts again on 9/21, as does CSI. I like Law & Order, L&O:Criminal Intent, and SVU; also CSI:NY, Criminal Minds, Ghost Whisperer, Smallville, Supernatural, House, Crossing Jordan, Bones, Standoff, The Simpsons... how about you?

jim sorry you have a cold -- it's the pits! FLUIDS FLUIDS FLUIDS!!! Orange juice or apple juice are okay, but Gatorade is better (less sugar), at least for short-term. And if you're blowing your nose a lot, get a washcloth damp with hot water, put over your nose and mouth for a few seconds, then splash with cold water, then apply Vaseline... it will help keep the skin from being so irritated and from cracking :-) Bag Balm works well, too, if you don't mind the smell (doesn't bother me)... feel better!

everyone I'll be putting some new pics in my album tonight, if you care to look :-) Good luck, get well, be happy, sleep tight, whatever you happen to need!!!

At 9:47 pm AZ time, Freida is off the chicks, but they're aren't active, probably because food hasn't arrived yet...

glo said...

OK So .How come the Frap from Sharon has sound ? Is that from the medi player link. That thing tends to take my computer down quickly but if there is sound there I will have to go by and listen, well and .watch at least while I'm eating lunch!

Thanks for the video Sharon..he/she has a cute pudgy little tummy for sure!!!

glo said...

Bird Girl Meant to say yesterday when I first saw it that I love your little hamster picture...very very cute. I will look forward to seeing your new photos. You do Beautiful Work.

Bird Girl said...

glo by "work" you mean my 'art' stuff? or the photo editing? either way, THANK YOU!!!

have to go to Home Depot now, replace the screen on the sliding patio door.. it has a large, dog-shaped hole in it!!! LOL


Mema Jo said...

Sharon You're the bestest Frapper! ButaButa is something else-really growing! I am so thankful we have been in on this cub from square one!

Of course, I really do love Tai !!!

paula eagleholic said...

Bird Girl,
My favorite shows are ER, 24, Nip/Tuck, and House. Those are the ones I try not to miss...

glo said...

Bird Girl Well I meant your art things, BUT yes Your photos on here are always wonderful too!!! So yes you do EXCELLENT with both!

glo said...

SO Jo did your video from Sharon have birds and then oh background kinds of clinking LOL

You should lie and say YES on here even if it didn't,LOL and then Send a private email with a "shrink" referral

MITS said...

For some reason mine had sound also, but it sounded like the National Zoo sounds.

MITS said...

DOREEN I'm sure you will put that wax to good use. How is CHRISSY?

glo said...

Mits Thank You Thank You , OK so we were nOT hearing things...we just have to figure out if Sharon actually Frapped that one from jail or something.

MITS said...

Tai is getting to be such a big boy, he is in the den and eating his treats.

Mema Jo said...

So you want me to lie!
You all know I don't wear my hearing aids at home - so I guess I missed the sound that was on the fraps Sharon sent..... LOL

Sent the Skateboarding English Bulldog video to my grandaughter hoping that she would buy a skateboard for Chloe!
That guy sure was having fun!

I'll repeat Mits' message earlier:Deadly E. coli outbreak traced to bagged spinach, sickens
dozens_ Stick to the iceburg lettuce!

Mema Jo said...

I will be back in a few hours.

I sure hope Nilla has called the DR to report her side effects - She may only need an adjustment in medication..That has to be a horrible feeling....
Prayers are with you Nilla. LoLove

MITS said...

Wish I still had that picture of the frog in the salad bag.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I do have the picture of the frog. Will look for it and send it back to you.

MITS said...

Why, thank you, SHARON

MITS said...


MITS said...


MITS said...

Don't think I spelled humongous correctly.

paula eagleholic said...

2 Osprey in CT

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, Mits, the fishing is good up there!

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Need more wax for the Eagle Candles!

paula eagleholic said...

What frog in the salad bag?

MITS said...

I think something is dive-bombing them, just by the reaction of them.

paula eagleholic said...

Both Osprey in CT have fish!

MITS said...

Congrats, PAULA on #100.

paula eagleholic said...

Hey Mits,
Those Baltimore cookies, are they chocolate and chocolate frosting?

MITS said...

Couple of weeks ago got a pic of one of those pre-made salad bags, and somehow tadpoles were hatched in it, and there was a baby frog.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

So much for "fresh" salad!

MITS said...

No, PAULA its not a chocolate cookie, its like a cake cookie with thick chocolate fudge on the top. Put Baltimore Berger Cookies in your search engine and you should get the story on them.

MITS said...

Oh yeah, babe, you can order them on-line. They are a little pricey, I'm sure, but, they are a little slice of heaven too, if you like fudgy chocolate. HMMM! I still have a few left...LUNCHTIME!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, you've got mail!

MITS said...

Thank you, SHARON!!! You are amazing!

MITS said...


MITS said...

DOREEN, COMPUTER PROBLEMS ARE THE PITS!! Please give her my best, tell her to toss it into the ocean, and I'll pick it up over here, and throw it in my dumpster.

MITS said...

WOOOO! Lots of tearing and ripping going on up in CT, making me woozy.

MITS said...

Nothing yet, DOREEN

MITS said...

MAMA KAT Your right ALL babies are precious.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Amen, Mits on precious babies!!

MITS said...

Just looked in on Frieda, and the poopy on the leaves seem to glow in the dark.

wvgal_dana said...

Haven't read comments yet just checked on Tai and Mei. Tai is at the Milk Wagon.

Going to read comment bb

MITS said...

This is great Doreen You and MaMa Kat have a lot in common.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doreen, you've got mail!

paula eagleholic said...

Just got to watch the BUTA-BUTA video. Sharon are you sure those aren't the birdies on your roof I hear? Sounds like chirping and then the water running!

Mema Jo said...

Doreen I have forward the precious email jokes you sent to me & maybe you can get some of our addresses from it. I probably missed a few - but maybe others will also forward & include you so you get most of them.

Name in Blue in Comments:
name or comment
Name in Bold Black in Comments:
name or comment
Name in italics in Comments:
name or comment

You can also use a combination

Blogger will tell you & not publish if you don't do it correctly.

Mema Jo said...

Well That isn't how I typed those instructions!!!!!


Enter your comment, name, whatever inbetween the HTML tags.

I hope this comes thru as typed..or
I will give up & holler for SHARON

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, it is the sounds from the National Zoo as I had Mei and Tai up at the same time. Funny though and misleading to you guys, sorry about that!

Mema Jo said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, I sent her the instructions in the email cause if you put them on here, they actually do it and doesn't show how!! ROFLMAO!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did you all see the pic Steven put up on this thread. It looks like those eagles are having a cackling good time!

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Sharon &

Congrats! Doreen

MITS said...

PAULA you have mail!

MITS said...

JOLLY GOOD SHOW...DOREEN!!!. Lets all celebrate with a cuppa!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

More Mail!

MITS said...

The eagles with the leggings remind me of Jack LaLanne in tights. SHARON since you are a young pup you will not know who Jack LaLanne is...

MITS said...

New info on panda viewing...

MITS said...


MITS said...

The pandas will be getting used to their new home from, wait, I forgot, got to go back and read it again...sorry...TEE-HEE!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the email, Mits!

OMG that was way to funny!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, what you gonna do w/ your wax?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I do remember Jack Lalanne. The panda viewing there will not be from 8-10.

MITS said...

Ok, they will not be on display from 8 til 10 in the a.m. They will be adjusting to the new FUJI habitat. If, they happen to go inside during the day, that part is closed also. I'm assuming they will still be on the cams.

MITS said...

Actually, PAULA Going in just a little while to get eyebrows and upper lip done...not into the Adolf Hitler look.

MITS said...

DOREEN Lets have a mugga then!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MITS, you can take your own wax with you and they won't charge as much!!! :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey still in CT....

MITS said...

Given all or most of my wax away, PAULA Talk to your all later.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just looking at Frieda and the 2 little eyasses, God keeps washing off their whitewash! I am so glad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Lun Lun looks plumb smooshed up against that wall.

Anonymous said...

nu eaglet just flew away

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am out of here everybody. Ball game tonight!! Bluefield vs. Grundy! Go BEAVERS!!!!!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Look at lun lun cub now!!!!

paula eagleholic said...

If you blinked you missed it, she only left it for 15 sec I would say....

paula eagleholic said...

Osprey still in CT

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like cub may be nursing...

paula eagleholic said...

Freida looking a little wet...MT nests in BW and NU...and this is your cam reported signing off for now...headed home...

Mema Jo said...

Talked with NILLA 6:30 pm

Nilla sends her hello & love. She is still uncomfortable in the groin & leg area. Dr told her he probably hit some nerves in the procedure. She may come in later to talk awhile. When she takes her medication, she is in the sleep mode. We all know that her rest is very important. She did sound good & voice was strong! She is healing!
Told her we all were concerned & sent our love - even getting love across the pond!

Mema Jo said...

LunLun & Cub Update Friday
Lun Lun left her cub for a few minutes today to eat a piece of sugarcane.Her cub vocalized while she was investigating the bamboo, which caused her to return to the cub immediately instead of continuing to eat. Sharon got this on Fraps & Nilla happened to be watching the event. Now if the sounds most of you heard could only have been the squeeks from LunLun's cub - that would have been awesome!

Mema Jo said...


Any lurkers out there in Eagleland?
Come on in - & join the fun!

I'm so lonely I could die........

Mema Jo said...


'panda cub suckling'

This is soooooooooooooo cool!
So close up!

wvgal_dana said...

Video of cub suckling. Little one is really going at it. Mom just licking it the hold time. lol

wvgal_dana said...

Glad we heard from Nilla..I am glad you called Jo. I was waiting and hoping you would. Yes she does need her rest.

floralgirl said...

This blog is still wacky!! Anyone else having problems? It is starting to p*ss me off!! When I was outside around 5 pm I looked up in the sky and saw what I believe to be 3 immature eagles. They soared in with an ugly turkey vulture so it was easy to tell they were not one. Of course I did not have my binoculars and by the time I got them they were much higher in the sky and headed away from my yard. But I am certain they were eagles.. exciting ..

floralgirl said...

Hey Jo- Thanks for calling Nilla, glad she is doing okay.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana. Hope you have had a good day so far. I haven't done too much of anything! Just acting like I am retired! Been slow so far this evening in here.

Have you any concern of Frieda's 3 chicks? I always see 2 very 'heads-up' chicks but hardly see the 3rd. Noticed some comments yesterday concerning Frieda flattening one of them - think Mits saw it. Just wondering.

wvgal_dana said...

Wow Foralgirl how exciting....must have been one of those times that you will keep in your memory for a long time.

wvgal_dana said...

Yes I seen it yesterday too Jo but she got up and all 3 were ok.

Anonymous said...

I've been worried too, but just saw 3 eyasses.

floralgirl said...

Yea, didn't believe it myself at first, but there was no other birds they could have been. Checked all my books, looked at Paula's pics again and am convinced they were eagles.

MITS said...

Good Evening everyone! Just been watching Frieda and she is feeding the 2 chicks, but I don't see the third at this time, really concerned about that one.

wvgal_dana said...

Oh I forgot Bird Girl said she added new pics brb going to look

MITS said...

FLORALGIRL Well aren't you the lucky duck to see 3 immature eagles. Do you think they were you know who????

floralgirl said...

Well, I wouldn't be so bold to suggest that, but we can hope... If you are watching the Freida cam-LUCKY-it won't let me in!!

MITS said...

Frieda is back, cam only refreshing half way.

glo said...

Glad glad we have Nilla news Thanks Mema jo...Your comment about the Sound most of us heard on the video from Sharon made me chuckle too LOL.. silly girl...I have a cute story about hearing aides but I can't tell it till spring...So just remind me in the spring LOL. There is a fat chance any of us will rmember to ask about that story ...LOL Vicky If you read this remind me I wanted to tell a story about Hearing aides when I come to Shepherdstown!!! MTBR

Floralgirl.# eagles anda vulture... I would say you had some Very special visitors today

MITS said...

FLORALGIRL How rude that they will not let you in, I'm dashing off a letter to their Prime Minister right now!!!

floralgirl said...

Thank you ,I'm putting you in charge of all blog diplomacy.

MITS said...

Ah that may be a mistake, I didn't tell you what I was going to say to him...Just kidding if there are any Aussies lurking out there. I love Australians.

MITS said...

I was driving out of a parking lot about 5 today and looked across the highway, into a shopping center parking lot, and, what do I see, but, an osprey nest, with real live ospreys flying in and out of it. It was on the top of a light pole. There was too much traffic to really sit there and watch it, so, I'm not sure how it got there.

floralgirl said...

Cool. When we go to Ocean City, Nj we see osprey nests everywhere. The last time we spent a week there(2yrs. ago) when we were on the beach and in the ocean the ospreys would fly from the bayside of the island out over the ocean and fish right in front of us-then fly back over our heads with their fish.It was so cool-we saw them all week long.

MITS said...

Also, drove down to Assateague Island late this afternoon. Saw 1 horse, many deer, including the little guys and many sea birds. Walked up to the ocean side and they seem to have quite a bit of erosion from the storm 2 weeks ago.

MITS said...

Just watched the Lun and cub suckling cute is that?

MITS said...

Its funny since I have been watching these cams, I have grown more interested in different birds. I've always loved birds, but I'm much more aware of them now.

MITS said...

Well, biker weekend is in full swing now...lot of noise tonight.

MITS said...

I already had my wax job today.

floralgirl said...

Hi Norma!!

floralgirl said...

Damn- I alredy showered and shaved..

MITS said...

FLORALGIRLSave it for a rainy day.

MITS said...

Frieda is standing up and you can see some white fuzz.

Mema Jo said...

Mits Glad you made a day trip down to Assateague. I'm not certain when the ponies run.... Only 1 horse-disappointing. This weekend or next weekend is it special events at OC - Like when they have SunFest?

FloralGirlI bet I know who you saw!

Glo Ask Paula to place on the Spring Calendar on Momsters your reminder about "Hearing Aid Joke". Don't want to miss it...
Hi Sandra If Sharon were here, we would have your name in BLUE.
Dana I need to go back a page & read what Suzanne wrote about a possible get together suggestion for us locals.

Mema Jo said...

Hello NormaByrd You have had a good eating day! Wonder if the Beavers are scoring?

wvgal_dana said...

I looked hard and finally seen the 3rd head all 3 are there...

wvgal_dana said...

I have a wedding to go to tomorrow 3pm. I wish they had stuck to their first idea instead of changing at the last. Everything was suppose to be at the community center indoors. Now it is just the short wedding. Then back to her mothers house for the reception and music....great uneven ground to walk on for the reception.....grrrrr ok somehow this to will work.
I don't know how but I'll use my usual WWS = wait watch see...

MITS said...

JOSuzanne wrote about the Heritage Festival..Harpers Ferry next week end , it was on the eagle moms' site when she could not get in today are yesterday, you just responded to it a little while ago, at least, that when my e-mail came in about it.

MITS said...

Biker weekend is going on now. Next week it is the SUNFEST. The ponies run the last Wednesday of July every year and that is at Chincateague.

MITS said...

Just took a pic of all 3 eyasses.

floralgirl said...

Made it into Frodo can.Thanks Mits! Thought I only saw 2 chicks but isn't the third one squeezed in between the others? Yep- they are all there.

paula eagleholic said...

That is so cool you got to see our eaglets!

All 3 chicks up and accounted for!

paula eagleholic said...

Talking about The Aussie Chicks!

Mema Jo said...

Dana Rent a scooter! Attend that wedding in style!

paula eagleholic said...

Aaawwww those little aussie chicks are all snuggled together again...

Mema Jo said...

Big Decision To Be Made Here
Heritage Festival - Harpers Ferry WV
SunFest - OC

wvgal_dana said...

Can't ride a scooter only on even sidewalk or asphalt..can't ride lawn mowers anymore....bouncing throws spine out ... it will all work out ...I just know that what is to be will be...

MITS said...

NORMA I've seen it advertised, but have never been to it myself.

wvgal_dana said...

Jo it's all good....see it's like this if I was running around alot. I would never have found the eagle site. Never had gotten to see a Panda cub this tiny.
Never would have met crazy people (JUST KIDDING) good friends like you all...
Like I say when can't figure it out...don't dread on it just WWS..

Mema Jo said...

I saw all 3 eyasses! I hope they all make it ok. Seem to be getting fed quite often - Frodo does feed them a good bit of the time.

floralgirl said...

Yea, Dana and at least you don't have to mow the grass!

wvgal_dana said...

Jo give me a second I am sending you an email

Mema Jo said...

Mits Thanks so much for the Pic of the eyasses! That is a much better view then what I just had seen.
Cute little critters!
I can't remember that the Harrisburg falcons were soooo white.

glo said...

LOL I am only "semi-Retires" which I am Totally enjoying by the way. I am not sure if I am accomplishing a lot, or pretty much not much of anything; but I do like the lack of a Clock schedule..well with a human boss behind it. I do have 2 dogs who pretty much have their own little time schedule.

wvgal_dana said...

Glo you had made too much merchandise to choose from lol

paula eagleholic said...

Those dogs definitely won't let you forget their schedule!

wvgal_dana said...

Lun Lun has left baby in open look

Mema Jo said...


Soooooooooo Small

Mema Jo said...


So Big & Gentle..........

floralgirl said...

Nite, Norma

Mema Jo said...

I'll return around 11:00 after the news to close down. BBL

floralgirl said...

Later, Jo- watching the Wire-BBL have to give it my full attention.

wvgal_dana said...

Now wasn't that just tiny. Since Lun Lun came back she can't seem to get settled in a comfortable way. Maybe this time she found a compfy spot. Maybe why she left was to get a drink ??

MITS said...

Darn, missed the baby panda. NORMA I think the cam will still be up. Pretty sure that was info if you are visiting the zoo. Just google Giant Panda National Zoo and that should guide you to the panda cams (they have 2 on that site) and alot of other neat cams Cheetahs, elephants, tigers etc. Plus you can read the updates on all the animals. I like it much better than animal planet.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...