Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Cool Site

Click here for some great eagle photos.


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MITS said...

FLORALGIRL. My son and I were just talking about the game tonight and he thinks the TERPS need to fear The Mountaineers. They are ranked #5 in the country. Anyhow, if the TERPS do happen to win, I'm sure the students will go out and set fire to things on the campus like they usually do.

glo said...

OK So this is the Plant I am looking for Tried to upload it yesterday but Blogger wouldn't let me...I think its cause Vicky and Floralgirl wear out the edit your profile Img section LOL...

Well its a beautiufl day...Got the gas for the mower...guess I don't have any more excuses!!! TTYL

wvgal_dana said...

Husband will be looking for WVU to win by 2 touchdowns he said that is what they are favored to win by.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma Thank you found the MSNBC video about China's panda's lol I loved some of their play items.

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo The plant Glo has the pic my her name in here. Is that what your on in the pot looks like? You do know I am sure to click on pic then in her blog click to make larger so you can see it better....I am sure those instructions you already ooopppps sorry. hee hee

wvgal_dana said...

Ahhh I think some panda Mom we all know is so tired she just fell asleep sitting up after washing Buta Buta (cub)...bless her ...

MITS said...

Eagle at BW

MITS said...

Frieda on babies.

MITS said...

Pandas inside eating bamboo.

MITS said...

Eagle at BW, looking around, wonder if some one else is going to stop by for a visit.

MITS said...

Where is everyone, there is an eagle at BW!!

MITS said...

Don't make me do the "MITS SHOW".

MITS said...

You will regret it.

MITS said...

Am I going to race to 300 by myself?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, how cool is that! Leave for a couple of hours, come back and there is still an eagle at BW!

MITS said...

I think not.

MITS said...

PAULA He just came back about 15 mins. ago.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Mits, I'll race ya!

1,2,3 GO!

MITS said...

I think it is still raining up in Cambridge.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

HA! Beat ya!

MITS said...

Got the old page cannot be displayed message.

MITS said...

Congrats PAULA

paula eagleholic said...

Had my Shades on earlier...sun was out for a little while at least!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, No! Sorry you couldn't race, Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Freida looks like a "puffer" bird the way she is sitting on those chicks...eagle still at BW

MITS said...

NORMA. being from the State of Maryland, we would like to see them win, but, I think they have as much of a chance as a snowball in hell.

paula eagleholic said...

I think the Mountaineers whooped their butts last year....

MITS said...

PAULA I tried my best.

MITS said...

My sister just e-mailed me and she is completely locked out of the blog.

paula eagleholic said...

Bird Girl
Love the Hammy pic!

paula eagleholic said...

Tell her that's because she's a lurker!

paula eagleholic said...

MT nest at NU, still looks like it is raining

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, are you napping?

MITS said...

You can just barely see a little fuzzy under Frieda.

MITS said...

That's what she just said, can't get on, so, no more lurking for her. She's shy, sometimes. Not as boisterous as her baby sister.

MITS said...

PAULA Your in charge, hold down the blog. I'm going out. CU LATER!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm heading home, Norma, you are in charge!

Anonymous said...

OK Who IS in charge here? I would like to speak to the manager!!!

Mema Jo said...

No Napping! Just ate dinner.
Norma I heard you were in charge!
Great selection for the position!

Mema Jo said...

Dana & Glo
That's the flower I have!
Guaranteed to bring the HUMMERS !

Mema Jo said...

BW eagle still posing!
Thanks, Mits for all the pics of the eagles today at BW.

Just Vicky said...

Anyone home here??

Just Vicky said...

OK, SO you'alls left the house as in "Elvis!"

Just Vicky said...

Norma, seminar was ok, but didn't get much sleep 2 nights, as I shared a room with my co-worker and she snored up a storm!!

Just Vicky said...

I take it they all left you in charge of the blog page!

Just Vicky said...

I'll never tell Norma!!

Just Vicky said...

Well you may be right Norma, but I wouldn't want to be in a smokey room either! Besides, the credit union was too cheap to let us have separate rooms!

Just Vicky said...

Oh, goodness no, I work at a credit union, my husband works for the church along with the daycare it runs! I keep all the books and pay the employees for the daycare, BUT YOU WILL NEVER FIND ME WORKING THERE!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

hi Vicky & Norma. I've been over in my email sending some of the family the pics from the reunion. Took longer then I thought it would.
NORMA You're doing a GREAT
job being in charge. Sorry about the water problem. Hope it came back on for you.
Vicky I always enjoyed the business trips to seminars at the corporate office area - More times then enough it was more work then play. I liked the ones that were a couple of days - too many were fly in-meetings-fly out! They were stressful.

Just Vicky said...

I was able to drive to this seminar this year. Depends where they have them, 2007 we will probably have to fly, like to Vegas perhaps!

Just Vicky said...

I always liked her comments about Fred Astair and Ginger Rogers, Ginger did everything Fred did, only she did it backwards AND in high heels!

Mema Jo said...

Not much going on with the other cams. Eagles all gone for the day as it darkens. Just wonder where our kids are! Guess Liberty & Belle are still around town. Would be nice for a site report from NCTC....

Mema Jo said...

Ya Beat me!

Congrats NORMABYRD #350

Which prize are you claiming ?

belle_wv said...

Lun Lun is off the 'nest' and butta butta is there to see :) soooo tiny and wigglin wish I could hear it

Mema Jo said...

NormaByrd It's ok for you to go and relax and enjoy the game. I'm here now.

Hi Belle! Are you watching any games tonight? Hope your day went well. Tomorrow is you know what-FRIDAY
Do you have a game tomorrow night?

Mema Jo said...

LunLun was too quick for me! Missed ButaButa........ Maybe if I keep watching, she'll put him/her down for a minute.

Mema Jo said...

LunLunis so gentle. I get a little peek of the little pink body once in a while in her arms.

Mema Jo said...

I had not called her yet today - busy with dental care. I keep looking for a comment from her letting us know she is getting a little more comfortable. I'll call around 9:00 if she hasn't been on here.

Back to LunLun for awhile.

Just Vicky said...

Norma, I can not get into Lun Lun's cam at all when I am home, but I can at work! Makes me so mad!!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry - I was trying to answer you after I refreshed to see what was said last & got kicked out of the blog.
LunLun is back resting now. I can't get the media player to work yet with my Atlanta Zoo Panda Cam. I just pull it up by normal URL. Norma sending to you in email so that you can just click on it or copy/paste it. Then you can bookmark it.

Just Vicky said...

Someone send it to me please?!! The LunLun cam URL

glo said...

Done mowing haven't eaten yet. Norma Check mail in about 5 i will send you a link to lun Lun AND I did send you mail this morning, did you get it?

glo said...

Ok its on its way NormaAnd I'm gonna go fix something to eat.

.Thanks Jo At least now i know that I KNOW what i'm looking for.

Mema Jo said...

Got kicked out again.... Therefore; if you don't see me for awhile you know I have been ousted! Be assured I am trying to get back in!

Just Vicky said...

Nice Pic there Glo!

glo said...

Thanks Vicky Sorry you can't get in to Lun Lun at home. have no idea why that is...we are both sbc global.

Mema Jo said...

GLO I did send Norma & Vicky the link to LunLun......

LunLun is doing the rolly-polly now.

Just Vicky said...


Just Vicky said...

Well, it just gets on my nerves that it won't pop up the cam!

Mema Jo said...

I called Nilla's cell & left message. Will call home phone later if no return call. Hope she is still getting much needed rest.

BirdGirls You probably won't see this but I want you to know that HAMMY is really perky looking.Is he the one who gets on the loose every once in awhile?

I have never gone back into Hugo's site since his death. I still miss that little guy around this time in the evening when I used to watch him.

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is off the nest - May be feeding time soon.

Can you get this cam up, Vicky?

Mema Jo said...

Frieda is back already. Can't see if there is food or not. WIll keep watching..........

Mema Jo said...

I can't find Tai or Mei - too dimly lit in the den. I can see some bamboo & the ball he plays with...

LunLun still relaxing ...........

Frieda just standing with chicks at her breast.

Just Vicky said...

Yeppers, I can get Freida!

Just Vicky said...

I see a fuzz ball!

Just Vicky said...

Are you getting to see little squeakie panda at all today???

Mema Jo said...

I will be back in a little while. I want very much to go get some Butter-Bickle ice cream! Right Now!


Mema Jo said...

yes, you can go for #400 in my absence

Mema Jo said...

I think Glo & Norma are eating dinner

Vicky I got you to 395 - now you go all the way !

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.
Looks like I got some reading to do!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.
Looks like I got some reading to do!

paula eagleholic said...

What, no race for wax?

paula eagleholic said...

I'm trying to make candles, here.

belle_wv said...

Hi Paula - Mema where're you going to get icecream that you'll be back very soon?

belle_wv said...

Congrats Paula - you can add the candles to the fund raiser website LOL

paula eagleholic said...

I'll share with you, Vicky :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Belle, how you doing?

Mema Jo said...

I just slid down the hill to High's. I'm back!
Paula You're stuttering!!

Hi Belle !

belle_wv said...

wb Mema Jo :) Is that icecream yummy? How're you doing Paula? I'm very tired here - tomorrow is Friday and I feel like I've worked hard all week

paula eagleholic said...

Is that High's still open? Is it right by you?

Not stuttering, just repeating myself! (&^*(& blog when I first got on.

Who is winning?

wvgal_dana said...

WVU 38 Md 10

paula eagleholic said...

Eeewwww! Ugly score!

WV 38
MD 10

gettin our butts whoooped again!

Mema Jo said...

I have made myself a:
Banana Butter Brickle Butterscotch
Yummie! Yummie!

paula eagleholic said...

I am good! Was trying to find out if my phone was switched back to Verizon yet. It has not been, but my new Verizon DSL is supposedly set up to work. Now, tell me how that can happen when the phone isn't w/ VeriZon yet? Already got the kit, but can't hook it up yet!

wvgal_dana said...

Reading back a little ways on blog. Jo I haven't gone back in there either. Can't do it !

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe tomorrow!

paula eagleholic said...

Those fuzzies sure are sprawled out under Freida!

paula eagleholic said...

Hey, did anyone find the management? Anon wanted to speak to them!

Manager! Manager! Come out, come out whereever you are!

floralgirl said...

OKAY- Really I was just joking when I said fear the turtle- we all know MD never wins when they play WVU! I have been locked out of the blog for hours now-could not get in at all- haven't read comments, have we heard from Nilla?

paula eagleholic said...

Dana and Jo,
Me neither. Couldn't do it.

Just Vicky said...

Paula, you sharing Sparkle Wax??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am back. Getting ready to start my OT now.

My sister is doing okay. She had a pretty bad choking spell while I was there and they were supposed to come in with a breathing treatment.

Starting to work now.

paula eagleholic said...

No, Floral, I don't think so.

Just Vicky said...

Why Not?

paula eagleholic said...

Any kind you want, Vicky!

Glad you had better news on your sister.

Just Vicky said...

Ok, sparkle wax with cherry flavoring!

wvgal_dana said...

Sharon it seems you are always working. I do hope you get time off. Do you work 7 days a week?

I hope your sister will feel alittle better after that breathing treatment.

paula eagleholic said...

You gonna make some wax lips for Halloween?

wvgal_dana said...

Trying to think of why Vicky can't get in to see Lun Lun and baby???????

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky you can get it Lun Lun cam at work??? Does it come up the picture with the red around it or in windows media player?

paula eagleholic said...

Chicks look like they are a snoozin....

Mema Jo said...

I had to remember what I couldn't get into, Dana You had me worried there until I remembered Windows Media for LunLun... Guess I'm off the hook on that one!

I did call & leave message for Nilla on her cell phone. I meant to call around 9pm but got busy with icecream. Maybe she will come on for a comment. I kept getting kicked out of here - so she may be having the same problem.

FLORALGIRL Want to ask you what type of Christmas wreaths you make. Ones for inside or Outside display? I saw my hummer today.Flowers were drooping-he didn't stay long. Be better with more sunshine.

The Manager was here - did a very good job of it! Had to go eat her dinner & watch football. She'll be hooping it up for WVU!

floralgirl said...

Jo- the wreaths I make are evergreen, best outside. I use white pine, cedars, holly, spruces, all different greens. Also use pinecones and bittersweet.

wvgal_dana said...

Did I miss something? We have a manager?

Mema Jo said...

FloralGirl Well, please let me know when they are ready in Dec. I would like some. I'll be in touch.

NormaByrd Is locked out of the Blog - says the game is boring - Still trying to get back in!

Sharon Glad your back with us. I know the hosp.visit was possibly upsetting. How's Andrew? Behaving? Game tomorrow? LOLove

Connention reset - Try Again
Guess you might get this twice.....

wvgal_dana said...

WVU 38 MD 16

wvgal_dana said...

Jo did you tell Norma to try through the Momster site link???

glo said...

SharonSounds like she is still struggling quite a lot. Is she still in CCU. Did they get that heart rate down any? I am off to brush my dogs for a while. They think they are being neglected and actually they are a little bit right. Blog at ya later.

Just Vicky said...

Yes, at work it comes up with the red and all the bells and whistles! Not at home though!

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Dana, we have tons of managers!

BBL, going to watch ER.

paula eagleholic said...

I'm back...

Man, it's a friggin repeat,...thought the new season started tonight!

paula eagleholic said...

Freida is off the chicks...wonder it it's eatin time?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My sisters heart rhythm is still not back to normal. She got moved into a regular room today.

Boy, Frieda's nest is starting to look a little whitewashed! YUCK!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I was going to ask if it was the season premiere. I think this was the last show of the season last year.

paula eagleholic said...

Vicky, you might try upgrading to the latest version. Also check your internet options to see if it is the default player.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, the college kid called tonight! Things are going good, classes going well, meeting some people...looking for a part time job on campus..and already out of money! Although, he didn't ask for any...but I will send him some from his last check from work as soon as he can give me the account number!

Just Vicky said...

Paula, I have done all of that and more! Still no go, and I know media player works because I play Elvis on it!

Just Vicky said...

At least Frieda shares her babies!

Just Vicky said...

Well this won't be much of a race if I'm talking to myself!

floralgirl said...

OKAY, hope this posts, Jo, I will let you know about wreaths, I start making them the week before Thanksgiving. Give up on this blog tonite- keeps locking me out-I QUIT. Nite all.

Just Vicky said...

Everyone "lurking" waiting for the kill???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Just Vicky, what kind of problem are you having?

Just Vicky said...

Which problem are we talking about?

Mema Jo said...


Thank you for the email message!

Just Vicky said...

That was a VERY LOADED question Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, the media player one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Vicky, ROFLMAO. Should have been a little more specific!

Just Vicky said...

Ok, now that we have it narrowed down to the media player, it just plain won't open up the LunLun cam! I have the newest updated version, and it plays Elvis great, but won't to LunLun!

paula eagleholic said...

Eatin time!

Just Vicky said...

Those babies are SOOO Cute!

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky you have mail

paula eagleholic said...

You got sparkly wax w/ cherry flavoring.

Mema Jo said...

I did email Norma to try coming in from the link on Momsters' site.

Glad you heard from the college guy, Paula. Has it been awhile since you talked with him? Does your house seems lonely when you come home from work ... oh I know - the dogs are there waiting for you .. what would we do if we didn't have those loyal friends in our home?

wvgal_dana said...

Paula that is good advice to Vicky. I thought my media player was up-to-date. When I went to put in the panda cam it wanted me to update the media player. Good Advice !

paula eagleholic said...

Why does the Frodocam never Not refresh on the pic you didn't get!

Just Vicky said...

Great, wonderful, I GOT WAX!! Now I can make lips!

Just Vicky said...

Dana, you got mail!

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I don't have the book for "dummies" to look up your question.. I'm the dummy.

Just Vicky said...

Media player came up with a network problem, please check that I am connected to the internet! DUH, what do you think gals, "AM I CONNECTED??"

Mema Jo said...

Ok! I have the updated version of Media Player in my programs. When I open it, FILE URL By just putting the Panda Cam URL in - it can't find it. NOW! When I go into options with about 10 tabs I could open... That is where I am not certain what should be checked in order to bring up the cam... Any suggestions like Which Tab & what I am looking for.........

Just Vicky said...

Wow, Dana got a new pic!

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry I needed to change my pic. I was getting lonely for my cardinals...they are always around; spring, summer, fall and winter.

Mema Jo said...


Great! Cardinals have returned.

Get out the Sunflower seeds !!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, Talked to him on Monday, too. House is quiet! Kinda weird knowing that I am definitely by myself, that he won't be home later...And yes, thank goodness for those loyal pets that great you every night at the door like they haven't seen you in a week!

Just Vicky said...

You mean I am not the only one with this problem??? I'm not the only "odd" ball!

paula eagleholic said...

So if raw fish is sushi, what is raw bird? Bushi?

wvgal_dana said...

Sorry for the laugh lmbo Vicky but YES YOU ARE CONNECTED LOL

paula eagleholic said...


Mema Jo said...

Lights have been dimmed for LunLun.

Yep! Frieda's pebbles are turning color but not going to be as horrible a sight as Harrisburg Ledge!

MITS said...

Good Lord, you eagle moms have been busy. So, who is in charge? Going to look at LUN and FRIEDA. BRB!

Just Vicky said...

Thank you Dana! so it is verified by Dana, I am connected! That's as good as verified by Visa!

wvgal_dana said...

I am wondering Jo if we should have you #'er and list the tabs

wvgal_dana said...

I have to tell you all that can't get it. I couldn't either and don't exactly remember what I did. If was the computer specialist that helped me SHARON

Mema Jo said...

I came up with PUSHI also.

Mema Jo said...


Just Vicky said...

I am waiting to hear back from our resident expert, Sharon OR ANYONE ELSE WITH AN IDEARER!!!!

Mema Jo said...





She got her water cut off!! LOL

One more silly word out of me & I'm am out of here........

Just Vicky said...

We sure did lose Norma, think she's watching football????

wvgal_dana said...

Jo I had to put it on my desktop then later into my favorities for media Lun Lun

Just Vicky said...

Any word today from Nilla???

Mema Jo said...


She burst right in here..Said
Who's in Charge... and right back
out she went... gone to the cams....
Didn't even take time to say Hello...
Just gone to the cams.....

Just Vicky said...

We don't go to the dogs, we go to cams!

MITS said...

Vicky, you look connected to me.

Mema Jo said...

Vicky Don't think Norma is watching the game - She said it became boring........ She knows WVU is the winner........
She hasn't answered my email....

Dana Did you hear anything anytime today from Nilla? I have not contacted her successfully.

Just Vicky said...

Or in my case, to the cam, single cam !

MITS said...

Raw birds..yucky.

Just Vicky said...

Thanks Mits, I've been verified again! This is very comforting to know!

MITS said...

MARIE thank you, I will give Maggie a big hug and kiss from everyone next time I see her.

Mema Jo said...

My media player is on my desktop - it just isn't connected correctly. I need my grandson - he always solves my pc problems. I have to do another clean up of Internet Explorer and Firefox systems tonight. Going back & foth & back & forth to these cams doesn't help make a smooth running system....

I will conquer the Media Player..sooner or later.

MITS said...

ROFLMAO, JO I'm trying to do e-mails and post on blog. I don't know which end is up!

paula eagleholic said...

I can't help you out, except check the tools, options, make sure it is the default for everything....My dialup is too slow to try to give you any further help on that...

Just Vicky said...

Bet that little Maggie is a cute snuggle bug, right Grandma?

Just Vicky said...


MITS said...


paula eagleholic said...


Just Vicky said...

You may get it before I ever do Mema Jo! Let me know what it takes!

Just Vicky said...

Paula, I got the wax!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have you tried putting this address in the address bar on your internet explorer. That brings the media player right up for me.

MITS said...

Congrats, VICKY on your wax for your lips. Maggie is indeed my "SPECIAL ANGEL"

Just Vicky said...

1/2 a can earlier, whole can this time!

paula eagleholic said...

I would get rid of Firefox...

MITS said...

Is that slicky boy on the falcon nest???

Just Vicky said...

Did not work Sharon!

Just Vicky said...

I'll ask GLo if I can put my "Lips" on sale at her shop!

MITS said...

You all talking about all this here internet stuff, and, I can only say it is all GREEK to me. Whats is the best way to learn all this stuff that you all know about.

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...