Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wednesday July 12

Wednesday Thread. Checking on the live cam.

Update 1:28 pm: Live cam is up.


Just Vicky said...

Oh my, new thread!

Mema Jo said...

Just about to leave the house but just had to check things out before I left. NOW no more puzzles
Hope you see some action while I'm gone. LOL

Just Vicky said...

We'll be "eagle-eyeing!"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am on it. Hopefully the live feed will come back up so I can frap a little bit today!

Thanks Steven for the new thread and the info!

Steve Chase said...

Talked to Todd a few minutes ago. Said he watched two of the youngsters dog-fighting eeach other yesterday in the skies over NCTC. Must have been quite a sight.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steven, I trust Todd got pictures of that dog-fighting! Has anybody seen all three of them lately?

paula eagleholic said...

Wouldn't a video of that be cool!

Thanks for the info Steve!

belle_wv said...

Wow Steven, thanks for sharing! I bet that was breath-taking! Did he happen to have his camera to get any pics of that to share? (I know, give me and inch and I ask for a mile...)

paula eagleholic said...

You know that we expect pictures when we hear about this sort of stuff.....(no pressure at all here, huh!?)

Just Vicky said...

Yes Todd, we are counting on your pictures! As excellent as we know they WILL be!

paula eagleholic said...

Noon report - MT nest!

Bet these guys are cooling off down at the is like a sauna out there of the most humid days yet!

wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steve for new thread.
Great we at least got the still pic, maybe they will get "live feed" going. They know how crazy we are to see that "live feed" lol.
Wow! Our eaglets dog-fighting. Todd if you didn't get pics. Then come on here and describe what it was like,
Hi everyone glad we got page back.
Was on Hugo's site for over an hour and Mom nor Dad is with the little guy. Believe me he isn't sneezing or coughing; quite has can be. Hope they soon get back to little (growing) Hugo.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steven, have you heard anything about the live feed yet?

wvgal_dana said...

"Still pic" isn't refreshing a very good picture. How about everyone else's?

wvgal_dana said...

What is the beige thing laying near the tree? an apple?

Just Vicky said...

Something strange looking, I see it too!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Vicky web-cam is acting weird. I think there may be rain in area, looks wet.

wvgal_dana said...

it's just by the M in PM

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky from oakwood il so glad someone else is seeing it. I thought I was going "stare crazy" lol

Anonymous said...

It looks like a piece of the sycamore trunk peeling off, which I think is normal. What do you all think?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That beige thing looks like a leaf to me, maybe a dead one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


wvgal_dana said...

Thank you all at NCTC for "live feed" !!!!!!
Well whatever it is it is not living. Same color a beige on tree limb there with the white on it too.
Come fly on in our sweet eaglets and Liberty and Belle....we're home just waiting to see you appear.

Just Vicky said...

Oh my just dropped off into paradise! Live Cam again!

wvgal_dana said...

I still can't help thinking of how Todd would describe that dog-fight.
I hope both are ok. Can you believe it?

Just Vicky said...

Must have been the "boys" playing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I surely do wish we would get some visitors!

Just Vicky said...

The Puget Sound has 2 eaglets getting eager to try those wings!

Just Vicky said...

Keep watching all you "eagle eyes!" this Momster has to leave for an hour!

Anonymous said...

The CT osprey chick has been praticing flapping those wings alot this p.m. Did something just fly by to the north of the nest??

Steve Chase said...

The term "dog-fight" is mine. They were basically playing. Nobody got hurt.

Sycamore trees tend to lose some bark this time of year.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Steven, that's what it looked like to me, some peeling bark. I have a crape mrytle that does the same thing.

paula eagleholic said...

I thought maybe it was one of Mema Jo's upside down turtle shells!

Anonymous said...

my live cam is gone :(

paula eagleholic said...

Live cam back down again

Mema Jo said...

Back again. Live feed will not come up - did everyone lose theirs? I really thought there would be a visitor or 2 or 3 -maybe even 5- in my absence. Guess I didn't bring anyone good luck!
Great to hear that Todd has been keeping an eye on things- Would love to have seen them playing around..Your right in saying a video would have been needed to capture it.

Mauley said...

please Todd, more pictures and we love hearing about what you see.
God Bless You. donna

paula eagleholic said...


MT nest at 3pm


wvgal_dana said...

Thanks Steven for the information about dog-fighting lol.
Glad our kids are having fun playing with each other.

paula eagleholic said...

Double Sigh....

MT nest at 4:38 pm


Just Vicky said...

Sigh, sigh, no action whatsoever!

Mema Jo said...

Yesterday it was 7:18pm when 2 returned... Keep the faith!

Just Vicky said...

Thanks Jo for the encouragement!

paula eagleholic said...

I'm trying, Jo, really I am!

Just Vicky said...

And, if that's 7:00 eastern time I'm out of luck again -- be in church at that hour. So you Momsters take good notes!

Anonymous said...

Hi People---out of town--house guests, 5 grand-kids & 2 dogs--GREAT FUN, but didn't get to check in w/you all---
All those pics are GREAT!---Jim, have always heard CA did everything different--but painting your eagles RED, WHITE & BLUE---that's too COOL---& you have all that bold print---
CAROL---MUST STOP WIND TURBINES--we, the MOUNTAIN STATE---I saw them in Tucker---(expected to see E.T.) W/join that cause--
BIRDGIRL & GLO---Hope you two are all WELL---it's a BUMMER to be ill in summer---Any meds left over w/bring BIG BUCKS on the street corner---(another feeder)---
SHARON--we used to go to Cedar Lakes--great show---No wonder you are so perky--you are just a CHILD---I have 2 older than you---
Will finish reading all blogs---but have noted---NO SPUNKY--that's hard to handle--
Daughter (Shepherdstown) brought finger puppets to the "little ones"-----GUESS what she bought me---AN EAGLE----COOL--COOL--think she bought it at the bookstore there------MY SPUNKY---I know this is long, but have missed you folks-----

Anonymous said...

HI--have TV news on---predicting BAD THUNDERSTORMS in area---now in Clark Co. VA----

glo said...

Hi all. Looks like it has stayed relatively quiet around here. Well still a couple more hours of daylight. I sure hope someone checks in this evening...all 3 or even 5 would be nice though!!! LOL Well I can wish big.

Mema Jo said...

Norma You may not get through all the comments for the past days, so thanks once again for the brochure of the Eagle Train. I liked your return address label of the eagle! Will let you know if I take the train.
Vicky-IL Hope all the prayers you're going to offer up will get those eaglets back for a visit to their messy nest!
Raining here in the valley-30 min from Shepherdstown-but nest looks dry. I am sure FloralGirl will give us an update on the watering of all her flowers.

Anonymous said...

GLO---Your ELIA IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!---and I note she has an EAGLE---Her name is pretty---My oldest gr.daugh.'s name is ELLIS---how do you pronounce Elia?-----

wvgal_dana said...

6:29pm empty nest
The only eagle I see is vicky il. her eagle flying lol.
OK going to watch the "still pic" hopefully will see our eaglets.

glo said...

Norma We pronounce Elia L E ah hope that makes sense. She was given that name by the nuns who found her at the orphanage. They are keeping her first name but will be changing her middle name which is now Carolina to Faith.

Still no action in the nest. Hope the storms won't be too bad going thorugh the area.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Where is Spunky?
Where is Spunky

Mema Jo said...

Want a good laugh while we wait???
Ever since the comment about "what is that beige item in the nest right above the PM sign --All day long I have been looking at the Live Eagle Cam & thinking that those Momsters are nutty because I just can't see anything beige!!! Soooooooooo, I am on the home page of the blog & low & behold right above the PM is a beige item DUH !

Anonymous said...


belle_wv said...

WE're having a short soaker here... nest looks dry. Is the cam refreshing? Has anyone seen any eagle/eaglet activity today? I'm fearing the 'real' empty nest is about to hit if it hasn't already

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Well, I think ole' Spidey and the ring of eagle spirits around the nest are going to be sighted before anyone sees any eaglets. They have probably all found their favorite branch for the night. We can always hope for a full house for breakfast!

Honest, MITS No meds! Maybe just brain dead... LOL

Going over to see my grandson for his 11th birthday. I'll check in when I return in an hour or so.

Mema Jo said...

Janet M No, I can't see it BUT I haven't been doing too well at seeing things today that others see - Maybe another Momster should look! LOL

Anonymous said...

Janetm, are these x-rated pictures?:):):):) They are coming across on my computer as little blocks. JO, you have mail.

Just Vicky said...

Same here, blocks!

Mema Jo said...

MITS: Thanks! Loved the flowers & have bookmarked the site. I sure wish we would have had a camera that would have gotten 'up-close' photos of our guys. The one sure reminds me of Spunky. I like the 'dog fight' one up in the sky!

Anonymous said...

JANETM, What a wonderful site you have. I would love to get another dog, but at this stage of my life, back and forth to the beach and a possible move to Arizona in a few years, I just could not do it. I LOVE LABS. You are so lucky to be surrounded by them.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I had full intentions of spending a leisurely evening around the house, watching the cam, not doing anything as I got up at 4:15 this morning. DOGS - gotta love 'em. Anyway, my son was mowing my sister's grass, stepped in a hole and hyperextended his knee. So from 4 to 8:30 p.m. I was at the ER with him. Just a lovely evening. He is okay and has to see the orthopedist tomorrow. Nothing broke.

For the record, this a.m. there was a parent and 1 eaglet in the nest. I took a couple of pictures. They were both in and out pretty quick.

Going to bed now. Been a very long day! Good night, my friends of fine feathers!

Anonymous said...

JO,They are actually courting in that picture.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, Glo, Mits -- you've got mail!

Just Vicky said...

Why do they have mail and not the rest of us????

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Send my your address Vicky from Oakwood and I would be more than happy to send you mail too! Too tired tonight to go through putting the pictures on the film loop but will do tomorrow. I have the 3 pictures from this morning!

Just Vicky said...


Anonymous said...

Sharon, Sorry to hear about your son, hope he gets better soon. You have mail too.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I wonder if next year they could treat the camera with a spider repellant of some kind. Maybe grease it up a little bit around the edges or something. But, on the other hand, some nights spidey is the only thing happening!

Mema Jo said...

Vicky Connell YOU HAVE MAIL !!

Just Vicky said...

That was quick! You're #1

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, those pictures were wonderful. I would love to be able to see our babies up close like that. Thanks! Love the roses too, especially the peach (sonja) rose. My absolute favorite!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night for real this time!!

Just Vicky said...

Yes, God Bless Spidey! He hasn't left us!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

janetm - you've got mail!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

Sweet Eagle Dreams, Sharon Off you go!
Hospital visits take a lot out of you - especially the waiting to be seen. I am thankful you son is going to be ok.Guess you know who will be mowing the grass! I was wondering where you had disappeared this afternoon & sorry to hear the reason. Take care - maybe those eaglets will be there for you tomorrow morning for breakfast. LOL

Just Vicky said...

Prayers for your son Sharon!

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone else having trouble getting the cam to come up? Can't even check in on ol' Spidey!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Paula Oh, no! Now what do we do? Mine will not come up.
My blogger also is very slow...

floralgirl said...

Hi all- checking in for the first time today,spent the whole day at an amusement park(Six Flags),not my favorite kind of place,concrete,crowds.overpriced food..on the other hand,no work,lots of water rides and swimming pools,and one exhausted and very happy daughter now tucked into bed,not a bad day after all.Sorry to hear not much action in the nest,but I guess that is to be expected and means our eagles are thriving out in the world. I can see that it did rain here,haven't checked to see how much cause it was dark when I got home. Jo-I looked at the website for that eagle train Noma was talking about-it looks great! I am already trying to convince my husband he has to take me!!hey Mits-welcome back!

paula eagleholic said...

JanetM -
Finally got a chance to check out your website. Your dogs are gorgeous! I can't believe she had 12 pups! My Golden had 6 pups, and they were a lot of work, but a heck of a lot of fun. We kep them in the kitchen too. (Still haven't replaced the floor where they chewed it!)
Nothing like dogs and puppies to love!

paula eagleholic said...

FloralGirl -
Yes the parks are exhausting, yet fun. Looks like you picked a good day for a water park!

paula eagleholic said...

Must be "down cam" nite. Can't check on the Blackwater Osprey's either. They should be fledging in the next week or so.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like everyone has gone to see ya tomorrow!

movin said...

It must be 1 a.m. back East, so I will say good morning, Everyone....

Did anyone see the little wingers today?? I tried before I left for work and at first break at work this morning, and could not get on to the site...said it might be under repair, or something.

The cream colored items are definitely bark...the Eucalyptus in California are shedding their bark too, there are bark chunks all over everything in the vicinity of one of them.

Some of the other strange items, which kind of look man made are more puzzling. I was wondering if the eaglets might be practicing fishing and mistaking a floating a piece of cardboard... for a fish and bringing it back to the nest. Do you think that's possible??

Well, everyone else has said good night, so I think I will too.

Better viewing tomorrow.


glo said...

Good morning all. Hmmm no cam. Maybe its sleepin in. Nah I guess no one is gonna buy that one. At some point today one or both will work for us at least for some point in time. Lets hope some of our little buddies fly by to say hello during that time.

Sharon I notice you haven't shcked in yet, but then I'm on the early side this morning. Slept so much the last 2 days I guess I'm slept out, and am actually a little hungry this morning. I do hope your son had a restful enough night's sleep. My guess is thogh that whatever has happened even if not broken is going to be pretty painful for a while.

Hoping whne I check back in we will allb e talking about the activity inthe nest!!!

glo said...

Sharon The word in my previous post is supposed to be checked in not anything like shocked in. LOL You really aren't all that shocking Do hope when you get here that it has been a good night.

wvgal_dana said...

7:47 empty nest but I'm on this comment page now so I can't be sure.
How they get the "live feed" fixed today and it stays up.
Good morning all. Sharon I hope your son's knee will be ok sorry to hear.
I will check my mail too....since you said you seen someone in nest yesterday wow...
Got to go out later this am for couple of hours. Maybe they will have things straight by then. I will be checking in on comments for sure.

glo said...

Hey everyone. Just one of the many great features of the Filmloop is you can save to your own computer any picture in the loop

once you join the loop. No one has to send anyone anything really. Just go on the loop, yes you have to join just like here, but you can then do many things. One is Save any and all pictures to your own hard drive

The whole idea is to share all our pictures up to date and very easily!!!

movin said...


Have still cam (refreshes) do not have video this morning.

I meant to comment last night on the "dog fighting." Saw TV thing on eagles, and that kind of "learn-play" activity is very important, both for the learning of the fine points of flight, and for learning to defend their territory etc.

Also, Bald eagles will attack Osprey, force them to drop their fish and adroitly pick the falling fish out of the air.

Anyway, it's great play, and they learn to flip and roll and use their talons in mid air.


wvgal_dana said...

New thread is up
Movin if you have a pic of the white thing in nest you all was talking about please send to me thank you

movin said...

Another observation, after looking at the empty nest again:

The "strange objects," which looked man made earlier, look a little more like pieces of bark, which have been laid upon by eaglets and perhaps rained upon, now.


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...