Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Tuesday July 11

We're up.

Fresh "video is live" thread.


Bird Girl said...


Bird Girl said...

woohoo! first one on the new thread!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Go, bird girl. The picture looks like it is self-destructing! Don't like the looks of that!

Bird Girl said...

sharon, try holding down CTRL while clicking on the Refresh icon...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bird girl, I was talking about on the live feed! It appears better now though!

Bird Girl said...

yeah so far so good..

Bird Girl said...

have you seen Hugo today? he's looking pretty good... getting bigger every day. still makes his baby noises, they're so cute! he preens his feathers and tidies the nest just like the parents, it's so adorable to watch!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, it may have taken both of us leaving for awhile - I was right out the door behind you!

Geula said...

Hi! Have we had any nest activity today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Geula, haven't seen anybody yet but we have only been up an hour!


glo said...

Hi everyone, well I have only been up 10 minutes and am on my way back to bed. Caught a bug somewhere. This is really bad timing to be sick, but my company has left for 3 days to visit friends and relatives around the state. By Fri when they return hopefully I will be back in ship shape. Actually tomorrow morning so I can go to work would be a good idea. Now i think I'll put the live cam on my screen and watchfor a while til I go back to sleep. sorry for the not much checkin in...betwen company and now flu its been several different kinds of days is my life.

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, SHARON Computer has not been working at the beach, but things are looking up, I have 7 days of blogs to read, but just trying to get thru e-mails right now. Hope everyone is well. Missed all of you. TTUL!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

ok Sharon How did you know MITS was back before she even made a comment? I mean, I guess we don't call you Eagle-eyed in vain.
GLO: Sure hope you have a speedy recovery. It's no fun being flat on your back for any reason - just ask BirdGirl, better know as Loopy...

Mema Jo said...

Never mind answering me, Sharon. MITS checked her email first...

belle_wv said...

I am so sad - I have to log out for awhile - the video is slowing my computer down too much to work effectively - soooo sad. Keep blogging and let me know what I am sure I will miss as soon as I'm gone

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I knew you would ask that question!! I am eagle-eyed!! Just don't see any today. I hope they have not left the area yet!

Steve, has anybody around there see them lately?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well there was a bird in the nest, just not the right kind!

Anonymous said...

What is going on in there? I see a little bird in the nest at about 3 o'clock. Up to the right near the top is some critter moving -- it seems to be a bird, dark with a white underside, just sitting there. Little bird seems to have left. Now our family must have been home during the 'break' because the twigs are moved and the mystery object s gone...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That is such sad news about the youngest falcon in PA. I don't even want to know if they would ever find one of our eaglets dead. Makes my heart too heavy!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, BigBoy, Ms. InBetween, and Spunky - you have to know that we are sitting here waiting on you to grace us with your presence!!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi all! NCTC did it THANK YOU ALL!
Now if someone has a "still pic" of that object in nest would you please send it to me. So I know what you all are talking about.
I thank you for doing that. Did love Jim's comment about Gortons fish carton lol.
3:42pm vacancy sign is out for eaglets and eagles to arrive.
Sharon you sure are eagle-eyed
Good to hear from you Mits I've been thinking about you at that special Ocean spot.

wvgal_dana said...

Sure is alot of little pieces what looks like small bones left in nest. One of the kids didn't do their vacuum cleaning. lol

Here I'm trying to call them into nest:
jabber jabber com'a com'a home gibber gibber fly in fly in

Best I can do lol

wvgal_dana said...

lol got a little bird I wanted an eaglet or eagle lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

I do see a turtle shell smack dab in the middle of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

No live feed here either. But at least the cam is working

wvgal_dana said...

I made a call secretary is going to tell John and them that it just went down "live feed". So hopefully before they leave to go home they can get it back up. Those are my finger crossed >>>>> xxxxx xxxxx <<<<<< not hugs and kisses lol.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LIVE FEED IS BACK!! Now, we just need the eaglets to come on.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal, there is nothing wrong with a good hug now and then!! Thanks for the call. It worked!

paula eagleholic said...

Did both fledge? I checked them out earlier in the day, saw one eaglet in the nest...Momma brought in a fish, and the other one followed her back in...

paula eagleholic said...

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, I was just getting ready to sing the same thing! I feel like I am coming down with a bad case of bird flew!

Anonymous said...

OK, got thru todays and yesterdays blogs so far. Guess I missed the lesson on pictures from Bird Girl. Sorry Glo and Bird Girl are under the weather. I'm keeping you in my prayers for a swift recovery. I missed much of Tai Shans' Birthday because of the computer problems here. The computer thing is great unless it isn't working. I sent Jo and Sharon an e-mail about the death of the youngest falcon up in PA, haven't been on their blog-site yet. Nature can be wonderful or so sad. Been reading your comments about the wind-turbines, there is a Senator up in Masschusetts who thinks they are a good idea, but, doesn't want them off the coast of his compound in Cape Cod....I don't want them off the coast of Ocean City either, Mr Kennedy. SHARON How do I keep the live-feed up all the time again??? Can't remember now that I here on a different computer. I'll try to catch up on the other blogs after dinner.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, click on View, then go to the bottom and click on "on top while playing".

paula eagleholic said...

All together now....

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

paula eagleholic said...

How is the beach? Did you stop by Blackwater?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Where is Spunky? Where is Spunky?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have to go out for the evening. Be back around 9 p.m. And boy do I hate to leave. Take good notes, good pictures. As sure as God make little quacking ducks, they will come after I leave.

Anonymous said...

PAULA I didn't get a chance to stop by Blackwater, I left around 3 last Wed and had to go thru many really bad storms over on the Eastern shore, took me about 45 mins longer to get here. The beach is great, although we have had a really stiff wind out of the SSW the last couple of days, but the dolphins are here along with the pelicans. SHARON , Thank You!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I love watching the pelicans!

paula eagleholic said...

Appears the live feed is down again

Anonymous said...

I love the pelicans too, PAULA. They are so graceful when they fly and so fast when they dive into the ocean.

Anonymous said...

Yep, live feed is gone....

Mema Jo said...

This is the sad news from the Harrisburg falcon site which MITS sent to Sharon & me:Four of the five peregrine falcon juveniles are getting advanced flight and hunting lessons. One was found dead along a nearby railway. The silver banded male, the smallest at the time of banding, fell victim to an apparent electrocution.
I did sign up to receive an email next year when the eggs were laid so we'll know when to start watching them.

Mema Jo said...

This is the sad news from the Harrisburg falcon site which MITS sent to Sharon & me:Four of the five peregrine falcon juveniles are getting advanced flight and hunting lessons. One was found dead along a nearby railway. The silver banded male, the smallest at the time of banding, fell victim to an apparent electrocution.
I did sign up to receive an email next year when the eggs were laid so we'll know when to start watching them.

Anonymous said...

I been trying to read the falcon forums, JO , but its still to sad. He was the cutest one and fought so hard to survive. I know these things happen, but its still sad

paula eagleholic said...

6pm nest report

MT nest
Guess this is one of those days!

paula eagleholic said...

I read the logs too...it is really sad...He really was like our Spunky!

Anonymous said...

Yep, alot of people referred to him as "LITTLE PEANUT" It is just hard to believe...

NillaWafer said...

Hi Gang, I am so sadden by the death of the runt falcon we called peanut. He worked so hard to live strong and fledge. I see the live cam is down again. Someone please tell me where is that main log in blog page at to attach a picture?? I have looked and looked when i sign in all it asked me for is yahoo name n password. What am i missing here??

Mema Jo said...

NILLA I had a problem also until I realized I had to join the blog & create an account (freeby). Truthfully, I'm not the one to ask..'cause don't know if I could do it again. You did get the email I sent from BirdGirl's instructions-right? Well, I'm anxious to see the 'chic'..

Would someone please help NILLA??

Mema Jo said...

Norma Received the brochure today in the mail for the Eagle Train. Thanx! I'll let you know if & when I would take the ride.. I love your return address label with the head of the eagle on it!!I bought stamps today but there were none with the American Eagle...

Hate to say it - but here goes...
We're going to be lucky if at least we can see
Spidey tonight. At least we'll know the eagle cam is working..

Now that was strong language-maybe the kids heard me & will fly in!

floralgirl said...

Glad you said it Mema Jo-I didn't want to.We may be to the point where the eagles spend more of their time by the river than the nest.Maybe one of the guys from NCTC will be able to tell us if the birds have been spotted by the nest at all today.

paula eagleholic said...

Has anyone seen the spidey on the Blackwater Osprey cam. I looked last night, and his web was woven in a circle right around the lens.

wvgal_dana said...

Is the "live feed" working for you all. I keep getting a black picture???

glo said...

How to get a pretty picture by your name

First Tell glo how beautiful her grandbaby is sitting next to this eagle!!

Then click on your name in blue right on this Blog is fine. It should take you to your dahboard. There is a place there that says

Edit your profile

Click on that. New page has lots of little questions many do not even answer but look for the one that says Photograph. It wants a url for a photograph.

That means you have to have the photo you want online some where. I use Photobucket. Go there JOIN it's free. Make an album. Use Browse to upload the photo of you choice.

Once you have uploaded it, it will give you the url address of your photo. Copy and past it into the place on Blogger that asks for you Photo url. Don't forget to hit Save Profile at the bottom to keep your changes. Next time you sign a thread on any BLOG your fun little picture should be right there. Hope this helps.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Jo for the info, i keep looking around to find it. I found this while wondering around beakspeak... Go to Santa Catalina Island site...Down to West End Nest and click on it... Click the photo/video button...Pictures and video's of chicks ..the very last picture is one of all 3 Eagles who share the nest and raise young.. Its amazing video.. Hope you enjoy

paula eagleholic said...

There is also instructions on the momster site, under the files section.

paula eagleholic said...

WV Gal,
Live feed went down around 5:45

paula eagleholic said...

Time to head home, maybe some eaglets will visit while I'm gone.

Mema Jo said...

GLO Sorry you missed the instant compliment on your picture right after you published it for the first time -so here goes!

Elia is beautiful

Mema Jo said...

Is this down or is it down?

Mema Jo said...

I guess it isn't down.... DUH.......
I kept getting a message that the blogger was down for maintenance & will be back up at 5:30 PDT...I posted a message on the Momster's site about the eaglets in the nest. It was good to see them, but I wanted to be able to share with others..

NillaWafer said...

There was 1 of the kids in the nest on still cam at 7:20pm but its gone now. But could not tell which one it was, as it was setting almost on the launch pad. As for posting apicture i found where i need to go and i know how but cant figure out, there isnt a small window like to go to your files and load it?? Guess im having a really bad redhead moment..lol

glo said...

LOL Thanks Jo Actually don't tell anyone but they probably don'y have to do part one in order to get a pretty picture, But hey it certainly can't hurt. Decided to get up for a couple of hours and figure out something to eat. "yummy dry cereal" so I can sleep tonight. Man I don't get sick like that very oftern and what absolutely crummy timing it was1!!!

Just Vicky said...

Did I read it right, 2 were in the nest today??

Mema Jo said...

Two eaglets were in the nest for awhile around 7:15... One took off & guess who hung out for a short time -
You Got It Right! SPUNKY
I think I got 2 pics during that time.

Just Vicky said...

I guess some of us are real "die hards" in that we keep lurking waiting for a "fix!"

Mema Jo said...

Vicky IL Your eagle is soaring....LOVE IT !

glo said...

Hi Jo Would you add todays pictures tot he Loop, or you can send them to me if you like. It's been several days since we could even add any. I missed them in the nest. Then again I missed lots today! Thanks

Just Vicky said...

Thanks! I hope someone can share the pics they may have gotten today????

Just Vicky said...

Poor Glo! Get Well! Your granddaughter is totally adorable!

wvgal_dana said...

Vicky II your flying eagle is pretty.
Well they were re-doing the blog page so couldn't get in to blog. Others had same problem.
Live feed is down. So happy "still pic" is working.
Read comments glad we have visitors.
if anyone has the still pic of the white thing that was in nest the other day please email it to me ty.

Just Vicky said...

I've been working on my friend's ministry web site and this was one of the eagles I used on it! If anyone wants it I'll share!

Just Vicky said...

Thanks Jo for the pictures! I have an obcession with these eaglets!

Mema Jo said...

I did send out 2 pics from this evening's visit of 2 eaglets. Hope everyone got them. & could open them. I don't have some of our bloggers on my email list... Guess I could post them on Momsters... There you go....

wvgal_dana said...

Thank you mema jo I caught them and loved the pics since I didn't get to see anyone in nest tonight.

8:57pm getting dark no one in nest, but hoping someone comes in to sleep.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I knew I would miss them!! Daggone it. Thanks so much Mema Jo for the pics. It just warmed my heart. I was afraid they might be gone by now. I would like to see all three in the nest one more time. It has been a while since that has happened. Going to bed now. Have to start working at 5 a.m.


In adding the picture, you have to create blog in order to get where you need to go. Took me a long time to figure that out! Of course, mine is still a generic blog but it got my picture in!

paula eagleholic said...

Vicky from Oakwood - Love the flying eagle!

Glo - she is just precious!

Jo - thanks for the pics!

NCTC - Thanks for getting the cam working!

So glad we got to see a couple of our babies!

Just Vicky said...

Is "Spidey" with us tonight??

Just Vicky said...

Actually gals, I was amazed that my picture animated here! Learn something new every day!

Anonymous said...

Vicky from Oakwood, LOVE the flying eagle. Mema Jo, thanks for the pics. Glo, hang in there, this too shall pass. I'm just learning how to use the html tags and you all are onto pictures. I can't get onto the momster site on this computer, just haven't had time to figure it out yet, Was happy to see the eagles in the nest tonight. BABY ELIA is as beautiful as her name..

NillaWafer said...

http://www2.ucsc.edu/scpbrg/falconcamera2.htm this is a falcon cam it is over now but this is a lovely video of the season, with beautiful gitar music(notice how i spelled gitar..lol) I am adding this also should take you to a great page...http://www.pitt.edu/~dziadosz/

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I had to change my picture so this is a test to see if it worked. Really going to bed now! Good night, my friends of fine feathers!

paula eagleholic said...

Just go to the NCTC eagle cam daily page and click the link, or here it is too.


Anonymous said...

Just got finished reading Sunday blogs. Tai Shan's birthday fruitcicle was 3 feet tall and weighed 300lbs. The slide show on his web-page is awesome. I can't believe my sister and I have been watching him since DAY 1!!! I will probably go back to see him after LABOR DAY, when the crowds calm down and the weather gets a little cooler. Just saying his name makes me smile :):):).

Mema Jo said...

Sharon That is one beautiful American Bald Eagle... Love it.

Anonymous said...

PAULA , I should correct myself, I can get on the link, it is not allowing me to sign-in. I did not use a YAHOO id when I got on my computer in Bethesda and somehow got on with my comcast e-mail. I'm just happy my computer is working. I'll try to follow GLO'S directions of how to get a picture. Just can't focus on doing it tonight.

floralgirl said...

So glad someone caught a glimpse of 2 of our eagles in the nest tonight.Thanks for the news Mema JoI knew there would be some eagle eyes watching at all times.I missed them cause I was mowing the grass.Sigh..Glo -Elia is very beautiful!what a cute picture-I see a future eagle momster!!Vicky from Oakwood il-your pic is really cool-a moving pic!wow!

glo said...

Mits You will need to join Blogger to get your picture up there and even try to follow my directions. . Because number one is click on your Blue name. Because your name isn't blue I can tell you don't have a profile to edit yet.

You can do this

Where it says No Blogger acct, sign up here...that is the place to start. Good luck.

Off to bed now. Will check in tomorrow at some point.

Good Night all.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, GLO, will try that tomorrow. Good Night all, have a restful night.

Mema Jo said...

GLO I just downloaded an update for the Loop. It has some very nice features and I'm sure I didn't see all of them. When you click on a photo-small icons appear on the pic instead of going to the menu under the pic. You'll appreciate the update. I did load the 2 pics from today.
Hope your dried cereal calmed your stomach.. LOL

movin said...

Good evening, All,
Believe it or not, when I first opened the blog page, there was a larggggeee looking thread file of some far out Rock music!! Don't know if it was Steve's or what...

I read the end of yesterday's blog, and when I closed it to open this thread, the weird one was gone.

Well, I haven't read all 94 comments yet, but it looks like you didn't see too much eagle today, and none are in the nest tonight.... Also my live feed isn't working, although the still cam is refreshing.

I'm so positive tonight, I can't stand it. Guess I'd better read some more comments.

Love everybody's new pictorial edition.


Mema Jo said...

JIM Check your email messages.

movin said...

Wow!! Look at those beautiful pics! And animation too!

I'll have to ask how you do that some day.

Have a good tomorrow, and I hope there will be more sightings.


Bird Girl said...

Sorry, everyone, for not indicating that you had to have a Blogger account to add the picture. I thought that everyone already did; if you choose "Other" when you post comments here, your name will not show up in blue underlined text, whether or not you have a blogger account. I just figured not everyone logs in every time. I don't, as you can see on various posts where my name is and is not blue underlined text...

mits email me at azbirdgirl@yahoo.com and I'll forward the how-to (with pictures!) to you..

oakwood vicky: the animation of the eagle makes it look like it's about to come in for a landing, instead of flying... when nearing whatever thing they're going to perch on, most birds flap their wings strongly in the opposite direction to slow down. just something I thought of when I looked at the pic...

all: let's not confuse "The Loop" with "Loopy" -- I don't have the technology hardwired into myself to run videos for you guys! LOL!

"Loopy" aka Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:14 a.m. MT nest but I am so grateful we have the cam up so we can know that. Will report any changes as they happen. Make a good day everybody!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:40 a.m. Sticks in the nest are becoming clearer as the morning passes. Still MT nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:43 a.m. MT nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:57 a.m. Parent and eaglet in nest. Parent now gone and eaglet just sitting there, not eating anything yet.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:59 a.m. MT nest again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was a really quick in and out so the parent must not have brought food! But, boy, was it beautiful to see after days and days of not seeing anything!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Can't get on the NCTC website now. It says service unavailable, either overloaded or under maintenance.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Camera is stuck at 7:19:22 a.m.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Looking forward to pictures today...Mits is gonna sign up and post us something "perty", and of course we will have cameras and eaglets yep I feel it in my bones!!!

I however will soon be off to work. I do hope you get some good news in here today about cameras and eaglets.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NCTC web site is down again. Maybe they are fixing the problem.

paula eagleholic said...

9:35 am
Yea, I can't get into the cam either.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Here is one for ya! LIVE FEED IS UP!

paula eagleholic said...

Well how about that! It surely is!

MT nest!

glo said...

Well you two must be a Special case or something LOL becuase I can't get either the still cam or the live feed and I rebooted.

glo said...

OK Well I didn't get intot he live feed my traditional way, but I DID get into it. Now to just see an eaglet!!! I have to work an hour later today so i get to go in an hour later too, have a few minutes to watch this way Yeah!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, Mits, did you just bring up real player out of your program files? If you do that, click on file, then eagle cam and it should come up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:56 a.m. MT nest!

glo said...

LOL Yep That's how I got ti to play!!. THanks. OK Now you should wath closely because I am going to go walk my dogs and something exciting usually happens when I go to walk the dogs

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am on it Glo. Are you feeling better?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed just went out again!

paula eagleholic said...

Everything is down now :(

glo said...

Well that wasn't very excititng at all!!! Sure hope it comes back up for you guys today. Geeesh we really are getting less and less even opportunity to see these liitel guys.

I feel some better. have to go in to work today. Got crackers , soda tea, you know that kinds of stuff with me uummmm uuummm. Have a good day. Will check in later.

Mema Jo said...

Exciting day - puzzles galore to do -
I hope all cams get fixed very very soon. I am out of here for 3 hrs - Keep talking & Keep the faith!

Anonymous said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Watching Tai Shan this morning. He is way up in a tree, looks like he having a wonderful time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, everything is down now! Must be a major malfunction somewhere.

Just Vicky said...

Wow, didn't think I'd ever get here again! Said the service was not available!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well the web page is back up but the camera is still on 7-something this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you save the NCTC Eagle Cam Daily to your favorites, you don't have to go through the NCTC web site. Just a suggestion!

Anonymous said...

Tai Shan is just a sheer joy to watch. Would like to have a dollar for every hour I have watched him over the past year. Sharon, you are up early, they usually give the elephants their daily bath inside around 8 o'clock and they should be doing their training session right now at 11 o'clock a.m. Don't forget to look in on the tiger cubs.

Anonymous said...

Sharon, I have it on my favorites, just keep getting service unavailable. Going to check again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I browsed around yesterday and saw the cheetahs, the wonderfully beautiful naked mole rat, couldn't see much else. I will for sure look in on the elephants and tiger cubs!

Anonymous said...

30 second cam was working, now got lines thru it, but time was right....

Just Vicky said...

Yep, its stuck on 7:19

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, I was talking about the blog page. That way you don't have to go through the NCTC web site to get here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Time is right on the still pics again!

Anonymous said...

Those cheetahs are beautiful. The kiwi-chick will be 5 months old tomorrow (access him thru the flamingoe page), but he is nocturnal, usually starts coming out around 6:00 p.m.

paula eagleholic said...

Cam appears to be working now!


Just Vicky said...

"It's back!

Anonymous said...

The blog page is totally shutting me out, even though I signed-up with a new name and it says welcome to me, I can't access anything on the left side of the page???

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like that dark thing that was in the nest is still there, a little north of center, sort of triangle shaped...

paula eagleholic said...

Actually sort of rectangle shaped,.,

paula eagleholic said...

It won't let you edit your profile?

Mema Jo said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...