Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Tuesday 18 July

Another hot one out there.

So where are we?

We have been talking here about the end of the season activities that we are seeing right now. While the nest is still gettin g an occasional visit, I'm sure folks have noticed that most of the time the eagles are out and about. Within the next few weeks, the young eagles will move on, leaving the adults to stay.

Soon the live feed will be shut off due to the end of our contract with our partners in Wheeling. We will work again in the late fall to bring the live feed back on.

The actual nest cam we will leave on for now.

I'm also happy to continue to keep the blog rolling through the hext nesting season if folks prefer.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steve for the info. I think we all would love to keep the blog up. When exactly is the contract up? Heavy heart when asking that question!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From previous thread:

At my bird feeder, I have a female BALD cardinal. Down to her neck, there is nothing - no feathers whatsoever, just skin! Bird Girl- what makes that happen? Really bright orange beak, female red but nothing on the head! Looks pitiful.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hadn't either Suzanne. Looks pretty ugly for sure!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:18 a.m. MT nest!

glo said...

Hi all Sigh and smile reality. We have succesfully cheeered on a beautiful eagle family, and they are spreading their wings to fly fartehr and fartehr which is exactly what they were created to do. I am glad though that folks are wanting to keep the bLOG on. There is something called bloglines whenre you can tell if someone has added a new thread to a bLOG you want to follow. That would be a way for everyone to know when Steve has posted something new. It's not hard, and you choose the feeds you want. I am one of 2 subscribers right now to NCTC so I know others acn and probably need to get on...you just didn't know it YET


Go read about it.

Have a great day.

Thanks Steve for any and all that you have done and are willing to do.

movin said...

Kind of mixed feelings here too, but the eaglets haven't been spending as much time at the nest, it's true....

Is it known where the young move on to? ...Locally, Florida, a Caribbean island for the winter?

I vote for the blog.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Glo. I am in the process of bloglines now!

glo said...

Good for you Sharon. It's NOT hard at all. Encourage it through the day on here so people see it. it will keep us all in touch and everyone will know right away any news and the big news when Liberty and Belle are back and nesting too LOL. aww! I can hardly wait. I have so loved all of this right here with these people and these eagles. There is NO other eagle spot like this one right here!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:53 a.m. MT nest!

Anonymous said...

Hi eagle-eyed sharon,
this is Bonnie from Va. How is everyone ? Its been awhile. In regards to your cardnial it sounds like she is molting. Birds do that in the summer months where they lose there feathers and are replaced by new ones. Thats all I know. God bless all the little Eaglets!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bonnie, it just looks funny as it is only on her head. The rest of her feathers looked fine.

We are all jamming right along, with the exception of back injuries and a few illnesses here and there. A little craziness too sometimes, but I won't mention any names. LOL.

Still waiting for activity in the nest this morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning all you eagle lovers
Thanks for all the information, Steve.
GLO I will be going over to
like you suggested to subscribe. I vote to
KEEP THE BLOG We also need to remember we do have Eaglet_Momsters site. The eagle family has been a fantastic experience for me & I sure don't want to stop now! I am expecting my granddaughter with my 3 great grandkids this morning. I will be back. Lots of Love

Mema Jo said...

GLO Congratulations on your decision to get out of the work force. I just know you have lots more exciting things to do in your future!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, Mema Jo, after searching through Glo's blog, I am trying to figure out what you are talking about with Glo getting out of the work force. Have I missed something? Glo, are you making the big leap to happiness? Hope so!!

Anonymous said...

PPPSSSTTT!!! Is it ok to come in, has Steven gone? I think my ban has been lifted, I can get on thru my shortcut. No,MEMA JO,. That's not me using the delete comment, just thought maybe someone wanted to say something to me and decided against it. Where is my partner in crime this a.m.NILLA, Are you here?? Lots of Blogging since last night, will go over it more carefully later. Read Steven's comments and feel sad:(:(, but am so looking forward to next year and seeing more of Belle & Liberty and being on for the whole process, didn't find out about them until right after hatch. Have alot more to say but afraid someone will get the hook. STAY COOL XOXO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla said last nigth she wouldn't be on until 5 this evening.

That is me deleting comments. If I post it and find a typo, I delete and do it again. I am the guilty party! If you will notice, most of the time the next blog below the deleted comment is me!

Live feed looks like our channel gets scrambled sometimes.

Mauley said...

Thank you Steve, and may God Richly Bless You for the blog. I, as well, vote for the blog. What a spiritual experience for all of us watching those eaglets and bonding with them and their precious parents. Isn't God's plan perfect. Let us all continue to be good steward's of all creatures, and as my children prayed the prayers of their youth . . . . " Gentle Father hear and bless thy beasts and singing birds, and guard with tenderness, small things that have no words. "

Mauley said...

Thank you Steve, and may God Richly Bless You for the blog. I, as well, vote for the blog. What a spiritual experience for all of us watching those eaglets and bonding with them and their precious parents. Isn't God's plan perfect. Let us all continue to be good steward's of all creatures, and as my children prayed the prayers of their youth . . . . " Gentle Father hear and bless thy beasts and singing birds, and guard with tenderness, small things that have no words. "

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I made a typo on my previous blog but I won't delete it this time!

Anonymous said...

MAULEY That was a beautiful prayer. Loved it. SHARON, I always preview than adjust before I write unless things get exciting then I throw caution to the wind, How is ANDREWS'LEG doing?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me being a transcriptionist, I probably should proofread better. I can see other's mistakes faster than my own.

LIVE FEED IS GONE AGAIN. I hope it is not for good this time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, Andrew's leg is doing much better. Thanks for asking.

glo said...

LOL Sharon Well yes I did quit this job I told you back a while I really do NOT enjoy at all. Willeventually return to my profession of chocie on a part time basis!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

YOU GO - GLO! It will be all good from here!!

Anonymous said...

Boy, I got to tell you, those eagles in BC are lousy nest makers, one stiff breeze and that thing is history. Conn osprey still by him/herself, don't know where parents are?? Wish BW osprey cam was live-streaming, lots of action there. Tai is sleeping in his cubby hole and Mei is eating bamboo, smart pandas staying inside, going to check on the tiger cubs.

Anonymous said...

Mei is sleeping now. Tiger Mom just sat down by the cubs and is stroking them with her tail. Off to more sites. Remember I surf , so, you don't have to....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Keep surfing Mits. I am waiting on the reports!

Anonymous said...

…And so the end of another chapter in the ever-amazing journey of life. Thank you so much to all responsible for broadcasting this true gift! Watching the symbol of our country and their children for the past several months is something I will never forget! While I am sad that we have finally come to the end, the lives of ‘our’ babies have just begun. How exciting!! I will never see again see a bird in the sky that I won’t think of how they are doing, and in my mind hoping that is one of our darlings. And just think, this gift will begin again in the fall – and I can’t wait to be part of this exciting cycle again. How cool is that!!! While I will continue to ‘tune in’ for awhile, it is time for them to move on with their lives, knowing that we all are praying for their safety, strength and success. I believe we have done all we can do, this time. Hope to see you all in the fall.

Anonymous said...

SUZAANE, When I checked a little while ago looked like some mantling going on..

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the mispell, SUZANNE didn't preview that time.

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Mits name in blue Sharon,
Suzanne, movn, mema jo, bonnie from Va. mauley and all other eagle/eaglets and other site watchers.
Steven than you for the up-date as I am and sure other are or will be. Sorry to see the one feed go. Happy Happy your going to keep the nest feed up awhile yet thank you.
Mauley that was a beautiful prayer. So many people neglect animals out there. People think your crazy when as I did help a Robin one year. They have no voice as people do. Wished Berkeley County had better protection laws. Since all the building people are upset with cats spraying and doing their business in there yards. Alot of people are allergic to cat sparys.
If I find the prayer that my vet gave me. I had put it away so I would not loose it. When I had to make the choice to put my dog to sleep I will type it in here.
God cares and has a SPECIAL for all His creatures large and small.

Anonymous said...

Hi, VICKYI think I have read that prayer, also, hve you read the Rainbow Bridge Story, about how your pets are waiting for you on the other side. If my dog Buddy is not there when I get there, I'm leaving.

Anonymous said...

Maybe she is trying to be an umbrella in this heat. Why do ospey have their nest out in the open to all the weather elements??

Anonymous said...

Ok, someone has a button out there, I was just writing a blog and when I mention the "C" word, I was cut off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - what is the "c" word?

Anonymous said...

The word of the day is: CENSOR. Am I still on????

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE, Fascinating reading on the Conn. Audubon page about ospreys. Just as I was getting ready to e-mail them, I checked the cam and there was a shadow over head and a parent came into the nest, think it might have been Dad, looked kinda small, but he came MT handed, Mom must have gone shopping.

wvgal_dana said...

Mits Yes. my vet that knew and treated my daughters BullMastiff who passed April 19,2006 but lived out of state for years. Then on May 1, 2006 while I was in the vets office having to put our 14 yr old cat to sleep. The vet told me the whole story and that special place that when the animals good loving person passes their animal comes to meet them. Mits it has to be true look at all the animals on the ark and few people. I know God cares and loves his creatures.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits - you are still on. The "c" word did not get you kicked out!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I guess the "soon" that Steven was talking about with the live feed meant really soon - like today? Hope not but might have!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Steven.......PLEASE keep the blog going. And if donations will help INSURE that the regular NCTC eagle cam will continue in operation, and yes, the LIVE fee from Wheeling too, please post some info as to WHO and WHERE donations may be sent....color me IN...

Bird Girl said...

***Continuation of 600-comment thread***

Jim, great idea! Let's see if everyone finds his/her way here...


g2g for a while folks, see ya later...

movin said...

Yeah, Bird Girl

This thread loads so much faster it's like another medium...

I also have to do some chores, etc. I hope your back is healing...healed...now.

I love the quail chick...we used to have numerous coveys of California quail in the area I grew up in just south of Del Mar. Back then it was essentially coastal brushland with some farmland (you should see it now). They are beautiful little birds, and I don't believe I have ever seen one of their chicks before.

Let's see if anyone else uses this thread.


Mema Jo said...

FRIDAY 3:31pm
Hi There! Just knew I would find you two. Looks as if all others are die-hards. Once they have to refresh - they'll know what you two meant. Took me forever to read to get to the end.
JIM I had left you a message last evening but you were in the process of signing out. I mentioned that we found out that the contract for the live feed had expired... The live eagle cam has been down since WED evening - I think. So-it's looks as though it is puzzle time! I will go over to the other thread & see what is going on.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...