Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday 30 July

Sunday thread. Enjoy.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all my Eagle Buddies My family gathering yesterday was so enjoyable. Going to do it agan Tuesday with the ones that didn't make it yesterday. Suzanne I'm going to Greencastle to Tony's Tues around 6pm.
Who knows - I could bump into you there.

I haven't read any comments from this morning that may be on the other thread- so I best do that & see who is here.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Mema Jo!! You did beat me but maybe I will be #200 on this one too! We missed you. I needed you last night to keep Nilla in line. She was on the AppArt site stirring things up a little. It was pretty funny. You might want to go there and check things out.

Thanks Steven for the new thread. We do enjoy this and appreciate the freedom we have here!!

glo said...

OK well Good Morning all once again LOL

I have copied and pasted the post I made about half hour ago over to here.

Bird Girl Yesterday the humidity was 80% and the high temp was 100. Today is forecast to be the same, and tomorrow a little "warmer" It's hotter than h....! Anyway. Several days in the mid 90's is common in August usually, with occasionally breaking the 100 degree mark. Humidity around here in the summer is opressive again the worst is in August. WE think its dry when it is down around 40% Almost never see that though once the summer hits. AS you know my daughter and son in law live south of Tucson, and I was there waiting on the monsoons to arrive the 4 days I spent. it rained the afternoon of the day I left. Anyway, I don't think I broke a sweat the whole time I was there as the humidity seems to be so much lower. For them they were feeling "sultry" when it got up to 40%. On the other hand they were here early july when it was only upper 80's low 90'2 ,and pretty uncomfortable. They were ready to go back to dry AZ. Although from talking with my daughter yesterday it was in the 70's with rain. She thought it was kind of cool. LOL.

So yes we are pretty miserably hot and humid again this year, and August isn't even here. Lots of heat stress related stuff happening now, it's all over the news, especially where the young and the elderly are concerned.

Welcome dltuk Glad to have you join us. I hope you find this a pleasant place to be. I certainly always have. If you want to see "our babies" and know a little more about their story to this point..which is pretty much the end of what we will Know about them, then go
here. Kind of give you some idea of where we have come from and where we are now. Cutest little things I have ever seen "birdwise" in my life.

Going to my neigbor's garage for a small project before it gets too hot. Hope everyone is off to a great start today!!

Good morning Spunky, Ms. In Between, and Big Boy I think its about time to head west a little bit. make a stop in Oakwood and then head straight west to the Mississippi. I will have fish and turtle waiting for you!!!

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES-----We should all sing---HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VICKY-IL----It's her "30th"----We love you & wish you a HAPPY--HAPPY DAY!-----

I bet our "other buddies" are soaring around the sycamore tree singing to you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

MEMA JO------What did I miss last night???? Do you know?

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning, Eagle Land

After reading the comments about the Appart site, I am so glad for the this place! Comments about the birds, only,,, please! . We all would have abandoned this site long ago if we were censored like that! C'mon folks, live a bit!
(OMG the stuff we have talked about, they would have confiscated our computers!)

Took the evening off last night, went out and had a couple of wine spritzers and went dancing!

I'll have to find that cam, sounds neat!

Stay cool!

How ya doing!

Keep it up! :)

I love family gatherings!

When ya coming back?! Happy Birthday!

Was reading the commentary on the LI Osprey site, they call "poop Shoots" "shooting a rocket".

Welcome! Where are you in England? My best friend is from England, she's been here about 20 years.

Have a great day, everyone! Going to take the doggies out for a swim today, some place nice and cool!

paula eagleholic said...

Going to keep the poll up a little longer, still getting new members to the group.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, you need to go to the AppArt osprey site. It got pretty exciting there.

dltuk - I am from Bluefield, West Virginia, about about 5 hours southeast from our eagle nest! So glad you have joined us. Now we are anxiously awaiting Liberty and Belle (our eagle parents) to come back in November to revamp the nest and start this process all over. Hopefully most of us will stay on here until then. This has been a truly wonderful experience for all of us.

Anonymous said...

EAGLE-EYED SHARON----I was out yesterday----so---how do I find the funny remarks our NILLA made??

paula eagleholic said...

I did find that cam yesterday!

Morning, Sharon!

Gotta get off here soon, awaiting a call from work!

paula eagleholic said...

2 in the nest at Blackwater. Oh, and I read on the LI Osprey site, that I think they saw all 4 chicks in the nest this week.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, go to this site.

paula eagleholic said...

There is a link on the Momsters site...under Washington State Osprey.

It is:

paula eagleholic said...

I can't remember! But I should be talking to her later today, I'll find out and let you know. Her parents are still there.

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Ya'll, Hey i see my new friends from UK made it here WELCOMEEEEEEEEEE..Man dont know waht happened last night at Osprey site(actually i do some tryed to control a redhead and YOU Just cant do that) Well there is peace in the valley so far.. I did go over but didnt make any comments at the Osprey site. DLT you are going to find that this is the best blog, as i said many of ushave met and there are pictures of us in albums over at the yahoo momster site Paula created.. Horse's you have horses i use to work in Equine Medicine & Surgery. Tell CAB to come visit this also. Well off to check on the critters this morning, By the way Mits DLT is a avid panda watcher, told her you live near the zoo and she said she wants to visit, or they invited me over to UK..LOL Nilla in the UK can you imagine? I learnt new words from them yesterday with totally different meanings to ours.. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I have been hearing squawking outside my house for days now and just went out to see what it was. Two red-tailed hawks. I don't really want them around here because I am afraid they will start plucking my little birds away from the bird food. They were beautiful though!!

NillaWafer said...

DLT Doesnt the UK have lots of old castles?? Hmmmmm see i have this fantasy about acastle,, but lalalala More revealed

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Janet, the poll is on the eaglet_momsters yahoo site.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER! Don't forget to submit something to Glo for the final tribute to BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky. I will have to think on it to get it right but I know I will have something to say about our babies!!
Send email to:

NillaWafer said...

Who Moi??? Neva and friends here will tell ya i am innocent. Well i hope you get to look at the album picture's and see "OUR"kids as they hatched and grew up.. I am sure you and Mits will get along famously as she as well as others here just love Tai Shan. What time is over there ? It is 10:50 am here.. By the way i live as i said in Martinsburg West Virginia which is located in a tri state area close to Washington DC and Baltimore Md.. With Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland and WV within minutes of each other. Oh Vickyyyy HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY OUR DEAR VIVKY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...From all the gang AND MANY MOREEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

THANKS-----SHARON, the hawks w/keep the woodpeckers away---found the site----PAULA--Thanks for the website info---BELLE---you w/enjoy Green Bank---GREAT place---Byrd made that possible---MEMA JO---enjoy family day---I wish I had mine close----FLORALGIRL---Bet you sell all of your flowers----who could resist?---Beautiful----WELCOME DLTUK---Happy you are joining us---We are GREAT!!! (KIDDING)----but we are a FABLOUS momster group---GLO---slow down--relax--you are semi-RETIRED-------GEULA----BE SAFE----and NILLA----You got "SPUNK"----You GO girl---

Anonymous said...

MITS----Try not to enjoy the BEACH too much today----I know it's hard----LIFE IS TUFF!!! (my eyes are a little "green" ENJOY)


Anonymous said...

Can't stay long, they are waiting for me at the beach, I'm always the last one down and I tell them I'm in the "loo", but they say, "That's BS, you were talking to the "Eagle Moms". They know me too well.LOL!!! Anyhow, DLTUK, welcome again, I'm Mits aka Thelma, aka Helen. I live about 5 miles from the National Zoo in Washington D.C., where our little panda cub, Tai Shan, just celebrated his 1st bitrhday. Speaking of Birthdays. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VICKY FROM ILLNOIS, MANY MORE, I HOPE!! So, I spend my summers, down at a resort town, called OCEAN CITY, MARYLAND right on the Atlantic Ocean.And did you know I'm going to be a grandmother for the 1st time come Sept, 1st? Just a little running joke here. Can't wait to meet your buddie CAB? Don't let NILLA scare you, we have her trained. LOL Got to go will check in later.

Mema Jo said...

Norma I think certain parties on another site tried to clip Nilla's wings. We iknow that just wouldn't fly! I need to go to that site before I jump to any conclusions!
GLO I'll be sending you my farewell to eaglets reply within a day or two.
WELCOME DLTUK! So glad you found us - we are a very lighthearted & friendly group that has bonded due to our Eagle Family.
I hope you will enjoy our company.
Sharon I just know you'll stick with #200. That's a good solid number! Band camps a comin'. We're going to miss you that week.You just might find a lap top somewhere - check out the kids' baggage.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VICKY-IL Happy we were able to do a pre-celebration with you!
Paula Happy to hear you went dancing!! I'm sure you had a ball. You are a very 'fun' person..Suggestion for Momsters' site Album for everyone to post a photo of theirself.
NILLA I'm gonna come after you!! LOL

Mema Jo said...
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glo said...

Jo Great..You will be number 6 then counting myself who has let me know they will send something. 2 already have The Tribute will be as special as we make it together. No way we will ever make it as special as our fine featherd raptor kinds of friends have already made it for us!!!

Someone this morning asked about photos I hadn't thought of that, but said yes 1 ...but I will probably resize it, as photos slow down the load time especially for those on dial up and well yes, I do have music on there already which will also slow it down. As before just load the page, go make a cool drink, and come back and see the Tribute if you are on a slow connection.

If you have sent a Tribute already and want to add a photo just send it to me, I'll put it on there for you.

Now here's the confusing part I have no idea what photo anyone might think of. Is this of one 2 or 3 of our little eagle buddies. The whole family. OR a photo of yourself as Jo has suggested for the Momster album. I really don't care actually...any 1 or NOT 1 is fine.

JO I think a photo album on the momster group site with pictures of who we are etc is a wonderful idea...of course you all have been looking at me for months now anyway LOL.

Hey could I put up a picture of my dogs instead. I really want you to see my dogs. Nah...I know how to help you see my dogs, stay tuned LOL

I want to go to the ocesn!!!!

OK Everyone enjoy your day.

Sharon Thanks for the reminder about the Tribute, I am excited to see how it is already coming together so neatly with just the 2 I have already received. 3 very loved young eagles out there soaring today!!!

NillaWafer said...
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Mema Jo said...

Proof Reader from H---!
Where are you? I don't know where GLO wants to go...She said
I want to go to the ocesn!!!!

Just couldn't pass that up!!!

FloralGirl I hope you don't bring any flowers home - sell them all! One of these cooler Sundays I'm coming down!

BIRD GIRL I loved your tribute to Hugo on your NestWatchers site. Thank you!

NillaWafer said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Proofreader here! I am keeping a log of all these misspelled words. Will be sending the corrections to each one individually!! LMAO!!

NillaWafer said...
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NillaWafer said...

Now Jo would i miss behave without provocation?? Nope i figure people like those over there who try and control on here cant control at home and they come here to flex there ego' Will add a picture but need to do that from home.

NillaWafer said...

Glo Bug did i send that to you?? I checked mail and saw i sent it to me..LMAO Geesh redhead moment i think Big Time

Mema Jo said...

No photo from me for the tribute page Music will be great.

On the MOMSTER site album ...
I don't mind seeing dogs, cats, horses, flowers or even a bald cardinal as long as it relates to my Eagle Buddies.

NillaWafer said...

Jo next time i get into a jam on here I will tell them if they pick on me my Mema Jo will beat them NOT!!! DLT i see you are joinin in good.. If you look at the momsters you can see we have had afew visits to the nest and the dates are on the albums..Dont forget to join Momster's group with us.. Off to visit critter cams around the world.. BBL

glo said...

OK 2 things

Please don't put your Tribute on hear

"Man I am ducking now its the "red head.

I want people to be able to read all of the Tributes together with the pictures and what is happening in the background.

having said that We have all grown to love our ditsy redhead and she definitely has lots in common with Frank Sinatra Her entry will go in as posted on here, although I haven't gotten it yet Nilla just checked. unless of course she chooses to surprise us, and writes something else that ends up on the Tribute Page

Please send them to me in the email!!!

We will open the finished package together when we have it done!!!
Hope that makes sense to all of you, what I am trying to say here.

Jo Man now I have 2 proof readers from h...

I am semi retired ....don't pick on me, and yes I hate to take time to proofread, it reminds me so very much of work!!!!!

I have a long way to go to the ocean but the mississippi, well now that's very very close

NillaWafer said...

OK OK just as i thought i sent it to me...LMAO and not you sending right now and will delete this here so no one knows what i am going to be saying and your right might add something else..

glo said...

Nilla No haven't received it from you yet, but glad you got some email even if it was from you LOL!!

I love your Tribute it is beautiful It will be a special addition of who you are, and how much you love our eagles and this group who has bonded together becasue of the feathers

I do though want to encourage those who are writing something, to please send them to me, and lets open them together , all in one spot!!!


glo said...

Nilla You are such a keeper!!!

NillaWafer said...

Bonded together because of feathers Hmm i thought it was Jo poop OK i think you have mail and yes i changed afew let me know

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Got it Glo. I am so glad you all are here. I felt so lonely this morning. We have to keep this up and not drift away just because we can't see the babies! Love you gals and guys!

NillaWafer said...

Geeez Sharon what am i chopped liver.. Huh?? As i walk away head hangin down tears in eyes Oh Whaaaooo is me.. Man i need You git it Glo ?

glo said...

Nilla Got it!!!
all is well in Tribute Country, couple of really nice ones in today.

Thank You Thank You Thank You

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Nilla, I was speaking over early this morning when I was the only one here. You are not chopped liver cause I don't like liver and I love you!! :):)

NillaWafer said...

Thank Glo Bug for saying I am a keeper and with that I will add few words: I have been online for many years as said before I have been a admin a moderator and taught many people the Ins and Outs of this medium. People on here sometimes just take this way to seriously and try and control or dont relize there are real emotions on the other side of the screen. We have bonded here as you say as family never sharing aharsh word between us, and the is AMAZING in its self. My Motto has always been this: I AM ME AND IF YOU DONT LIKE THEN LEAVE ME THE H*** ALONE DONT TRY AND HAND ME ANY BS.. Cause i will just hand you a shovel to dig your way out the ditch...Ok enough said thats unless something else comes to Redheads Rule!!! LOL

NillaWafer said...

(((((((((GROUP HUGSSS))))))) Luv ya 2 Instigator

NillaWafer said...

Glo you twek it around Ok make it look real purrrttty.. CANT WAIT TO SEE THE END RESULT..

NillaWafer said...

Now i am going to just chill out and do some hoppin around checking critter cams.. BBL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just checked in the CT osprey site. Baby Smurf is right in front of the camera and you can really see the details of his feathers. He is so beautiful!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

DLTUK - I have a few videos saved of some of the happenings. When I get them all worked up, maybe you would want 1 or 2 of them. I will just need your email address.

I have many AKA around here - Instigator, Frapper, eagle eyes, proofreader from h--l, and I would venture to say some others that can't be printed on here! :)

Email me at:

NillaWafer said...

DLTUK Thank we are very proud of Liberty & Belle for doing such agreta job raising this family.. We had a contest on Momsters and names the parents and of course the kids Big Boy hatched 1st Inbetween 2nd and of course "OUR" Spunky who againist all odds survived and is now 1 beautiful EAGLE. We are wild and crazy bunch when together at the nest, so much laughter and joy from this adventure we have shared also many tears, and hours of worry for the safety of them.. Looking forward to next year when Liberty & Belle gives us a new family to love and care for.. Hope your having a wonderful day in the UK once again thanks for joining our family.. Hugs, Nilla Oh and we have ordered coffee mugs and mouse pads with pictures of the eagles Glo has made maybe she can give you the info if your interested..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Papa, Mama and Baby Smurf are all in the CT nest. That is cool.

Mema Jo said...


Don't know how to say Thank You for making 'Jo & Poop Shoot' famous!

Sounds like USA is on your side.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No thanks needed, Jo. It was my great pleasure!!

NillaWafer said...

Jo meet DLTUK i met her over at the Osprey site and invited her and her friend CAB to join us.. She has the greatest sense of humor and a way with words just like Hope your enjoying your day with family Jo, poor me is at work til 6pm then family time.Sorta worried gave son a credit card hours ago an havent seen him since, better call and put out a APB on him or ill be

NillaWafer said...

Jo remember i was with you over at NCTC when you witnessed your 1st poop shoot in person, Thank God i was there with tissues to dry your tears..LMAO Luv Ya

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, was it tears to dry or was she perhaps too close to the poop shoot? LMAO!

NillaWafer said...

LOL no tears we were looking thru the scope Steven had provided us and she is watching and got this funny look on her face saying Oh My A Poop Shoot just for Ya had to be there to see the look on her face.. Priceless and akodak moment

NillaWafer said...

Sharon you watching the tiger cubs at National zoo?? They are front of camera playing and mom is pacing.. Tai is out side

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,

finally here had a little trouble but finally made it, ready and willing to perform at your request.

Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi All,
With a little diffaculty and a following wind I think I'm here, what a blooming palarva, god help me folks, here at your behest to perform when your ready.

NillaWafer said...

Welcome Cab i see you made it.. I hope you enjoy this blog as we are a friendly family. Hope you also check out the Momsters and see the photos of our eagles and some of us who have visited the NCTC eagle nest. Relizing the big time difference we have, just post when you can someone will answer ASP. DLT Tai is out side eating bamboo and the tiger cubs where in front of the camera playing, but mom went outside and they tryed to follow her. Everyone here in USA is either surfin or have family over so might be slow for awhile. I went and checked Osprey but didnt post.. By the looks of it most post are rather boring and I am NOT going to spice it up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I find it hard to surf, blog and work all at the same time, but somehow I manage!! :) Welcome CAB, glad you found us!! Perform all you want!

NillaWafer said...

Sharon didnt relize your at work also.. Me too only very slow today and so here i am. I been just hoppin around trying to stay out of Guess everyone else is enjoying family and we know Mits is at the ocean dippin her toes... I had the Ocean City cam up at the Inlet and was watching for her holding the sign to say hello..

Chrissy Beahan said...

Nilla Sharon

Thanks girls for your welcom, our lunch time is well over now and just about to go for dinner, I just might perform in the kitchen but have rsther a large picture window and dont want to frighten the neighbors and put them off the evening meals

NillaWafer said...

Surfin the net DLT lol ocean is about 4 hours from me, but watch the boardwalk at Ocean City and Inlet live cams to check out the men with no shirts Our Mits has a condo at the beach so she is there and i am

carolinabeachmom said...

Hi there everyone. I just want to thank all you gals for all the fun I have had watching the eagles hatch from 3 eggs to 3 eaglets to 3 fledgings and all the comments you have posted. I originally just thanked Steve for having the site for us to view, but under a different name. I am a Kindergarten Assistant (going on my 23rd year), so I didn't get on often enough to keep up with all your jibber jabber, but did greatly enjoy all the stuff I did get to read. I did leave the web cam on in our classroom, so our children could experience the excitement of the hatching and growing for the three babies, and they just loved every minute of it.

I got on here sometimes when I got home to read all that was going on, but I am still on dial up, so don't have the speed to really enjoy. Hopefully we will be getting the faster speed soon; so I can really enjoy them in November. I was soooo glad to hear that some of you got to visit the nest. That must have been GREAT!! I have an Osprey nest right acrossed from my house that I watch every year, but only view it from below. AND I don't stand by the nest, as I have seen them poop shoot, too like the eagles. :)

Thanks again to all of you for some fun and informative reading. I will still be checking in on you, and then in three weeks will be back at school. Keep blogging.

NillaWafer said... DLT N CAB this is the live Ocean City cam down at the beach on the Altantic Ocean side, big vacation destination

glo said...

CABUK Welcome..glad you found us. I am about to take my "semi retired nap".

I would invite you and DLTUK once agin to check out the website as it exists to this point anyway
WE are making a Tribute Page as our cam season is officially over, but that site won't be released til next week. But here it the site that shows you kind of where we started, has links to all three fledging Actually Ms In between's link is the day before when she found herself with a little more lift from getting under a nice gust of wind than she had planned on. And of course Spunky...our little Miracle eaglet

You will need to copy and paste the link or email me

and I will send you a direct link to click on.

then there is the eagle momsters group. All kinds of neat pictures in there of our eagles/eaglets/ and some of the neat people you will meet on here. it is always nice to put a face to a name/personality.

ditsy definitely fits her picture LOL ducking again LOL.

On that note siesta

Later folks..Have a great afternoon.

It's great to see some new folks comin by. We'll catch you right up to where we've been, and encourage you to stick around and welcome in the new season, and welcome back our "Liberty" and "Belle".

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Carolina Beach Mom, thanks so much for your comments. There has not been too much that happened with our 3 eaglets that haven't been discussed on this blog!! It has really been a great journey and I, for one, have absolutely loved the opportunity to report blow-by-blow happenings in the nest. I would love to know just how many people have been watching and reading but not blogging. I am sure there are many!!

glo said...

and another welcome to Carolina Beach Mom

Get that faster speed by November...we're working ona better cam set up and you won't want to miss it!!!

NillaWafer said...

Welcome Carolina Beach Mom thats awsome your class has been with us on this great adventure in Nature. In case you didnt know it there is another blog site on yahoo set up and has many pictures taken by members here and put on the blog. Take alook and enjoy at Yahoo Momsters. Have a wonderful day and thanks for posting. Keep watching as "OUR" Liberty & Belle will be giving us more eaglets next year to love.

NillaWafer said...

<~~~ gets out fire hose to spray DLT down after watching the shirtless men..LMAO

Chrissy Beahan said...

Mits has a condo at the beach does she, WHATS a beach, I have a garden a patio and about 6 hours from the nearest shoreline, no wonder I feel dehydrated all the time, the last time I felt sand between my toes was on my honeymoon, and my god that was in the last centuary, re the pandas, Mai is fast asleep in her den and little thug Tai seems to be playing on the scales again,, he is such a HAM that baby bear, but we love him.

NillaWafer said...

I want to mention to DLT & CAB & MOM this is the first year for NCTC to have this eagle cam and has been a learning process, but at time very frustrating when its down and HAPPY HAPPY when it UP.. So next year hopefully with sound also.. DLT do ya need to be sprayed yet???lol

NillaWafer said...

Lol honeymoon Huh No sand but if you were kinky enough well wouldnt need sand You know what they say "ADAPT AND IMPROVISE" Ooops did i say that? BAD Nilla..

NillaWafer said...

Everyone knows i just got DSL at home and will be bloggin faster than Oh and takin pictures of course.. Have Good Nap Glo Bug.. Is our birthday girl out celebrating??

NillaWafer said...

Oh my cant really get into another fantasy right now.. The one about me a pole and wearin agarter dancing neekid was enough...LOL But will say it involves No clothes a man and a lalalalala yeah yeah got your mind racin now Huh??lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Somebody break out the firehose for Nilla, quick!

Chrissy Beahan said...

I am very adapable and I always improvise, is there anything else??
And sand, well it gets in places where it shouldn't, so I still prefer the patio,, by the way Nilla could you be a sweetie ans give D and I the URL for MOMSTERS please, would love to see all there, well I'm off for a BIT so will be back later when cool and refreshed, dont let your imagination run into overdrive will you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! C

NillaWafer said...

Look at it this way you viewed one of the best vacation destinations around here from your home in UK..In fact planning on going down couple days in few wks, going to meet Mits (aka Thelma) and drink G & T's on her deck or go eat delishious steamed crabs and drink beer by the ocean..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

cab and dlt - Here is the eaglet momsters site!! Welcome!

NillaWafer said...

Dont forget Glo has a wonderful site she has put together also and posted the Url in her blog message above.. Enjoy by the way i am the one with redhair and big

NillaWafer said...

Oh we know those feelings Huh girls .. Watching and rooting for Spunky ..The Harrisburg Falcons Oh my when they got out of nest on the ledge Sharon and i had a fit of worry.. Then our beloved Hugo, you will see Floralgirl her picture beside her name is a tribute to him and Birdgirl had aweb page for him..So the ups and downs of Mother Nature is not always sad nor happy but a learning experiance we have shared here.. By the way most of us here are some what mature in age.. I am 30 with 29 years of

NillaWafer said...

I am rollin here laughing Well it could involve a slip n slide a water hose and some lalala yup..Oh but your sounds

NillaWafer said...

<~~ going to behave giving out way to much info.. Jo said she was coming after me

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

DLT, it is ALL GOOD!! I am great. Sitting here working, surfing, blogging. Makes my work day longer but that is alright too. Enjoy what I am doing!

NILLA, it was hard seeing those falcons getting so close to the edge. I am sure they knew what they were doing but we didn't. Of course, we felt the same way when BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and Spunky starting venturing out close to the edge too. Heart attacks on a daily basis.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Smurf is such a beautiful osprey.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info, Sunny. I am sure they were our babies.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Yup but look at it this way Sharon next year we are seasoned veterans of nest None the less i am sure we will worry once again and be scared out of wits for the animals..Tai is out in the water playing and mom was also but wants back in time for a fruitcicle? Oh they changed camera views on Tiger Cub Cam

NillaWafer said...

Oh D i have the BBC channel at home and watch it yesss Sunnyyyyyy wow thats awsome girlfriend sure wish you could have been with us the other Sunday.. Knowing that they are flying might drive over after work or get son to drive me over speaking of son mine has never returned with credit card yet Yikes now i ma worried..Now getting back to living close by Ms D you havent no you would be a peepin D would ya in windows to git a glimpse?? Naaaa

NillaWafer said...

Is it getting late over there Ms D? Aittle after 3:30 in the afternoon here in Wild & Wonderful West Virginia.. hope you dont mind me callin ya Ms D i usually pick nicknames for friends .. Like Glo is Glo Bug (like alightening bug) Me i answer to anything Nilla.. Louise.. Darlin.. Honeybunch.. on n

NillaWafer said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Chrissy Beahan said...

Hi Sweet Ladies

Soryy this is a short one tonight for me, but dinner is ready and I'm starveing to death, so will go and eat, Hope D hasn't been to rough on you, she's lovely isnt she, and her thing with Colin Firth is a legend over here, well I will say night night, and speak to you very soon, take care and BEHAVE !!!!!!!!

NillaWafer said...

Oh Ms D i bet your country side and community is lovely..Where i live is deep in American History with the Civil War and Rebels,,lol maybe thats where i get mine.. No kiddin this area has battlefields and Harpers Ferry, but i love the charm of your country also..
That Prince William is acutie pie to bad i am to old or he would be tied up Opsss

NillaWafer said...

Niters CAB so glad you joined us have a nice dinner ..

Mema Jo said...

I checked out the Osprey site & yes, today you made a very simple comment. I am really proud of you! But now you're getting naughty again right here at home. Don't know what I'll ever do about you, Friend! LOL

Welcome again to you DLT and another greeting to you CAB. You know what they say that Birds of a Feather MUST flock together!
I am a night owl so when you arise at daylight in the UK I just might be there to say Good Morning.
Carolina Beach Mom Good to hear from you! Keep tunned in for the upcoming season.

floralgirl said...

Well,I'm back from market and let me tell you in case you didn't already know-IT IS HOT OUTSIDEI am now hiding out in the AC trying to recover.welcome to Cabuk and dltuk, glad to have you here.

NillaWafer said...

Niter Ms D enjoy whats left of your evening and dont go Jo my friend w/b and yes i have been amazingly good today but it is Sunday and as i fluff my wings and str8tin halo i have missed you did you have nice time with family? Nice to see them but good to see them leave

NillaWafer said...

Welcome home Floral and yes hot but a customer was telling me that tomarrow is going to be worse and Tuesday in the triple digits ..Oh i am off tuesday but need to take Sugaaah Booogahh for his bath and shave over at groomers.. Wow we have had 3 new bloggers today and i am happy i invited the ladies from UK over.. Then the teacher Carolina how nice she was..

floralgirl said...

Yea Nilla,they are saying it will be near 100 and with the humidity it will feel like 110!!I can see I'll be doing all my gardeing in the early hours of the day before it becomes unbearable.I love summer,but this heat is too much for me.Must be getting old.I thought about ridindg back over to Shepherstown this evening to see if I could catch a glimpse of the eagles,but it's so hot and I'm really tired.Having "family dinner" tonite-best part of that is Idon't have to cook!!

NillaWafer said...

Sounds good to me, yeah i was thinkng of riding over also later after it cools off alittle, since Sunny said she saw them today while riding bikes with hubby.. If ya change your mind look for the Oh dont suppose that guard would be there.. grinin Naaa its closed prolley.

floralgirl said...

Well, the gate is usually open cause people are coming in and out.Lots going on there,people stay in the lodges,etc,and I wonder if that guard has the Sunday shift again.

glo said...

dlt you have mail, when you wake up. LOL

My nap was great. Of course then right away I went to the site for the NCTC eagles..Opened up for me fine. Had me worried LOL. Anyway it does take a while to open what with the pictures, First two are todd's and bigger so take a hwile to open, and the music a while to load.

It's "Tea time in the Momster Mug now..How cool is that!! Actually it's hot tea...I drink it all summer long too.

NillaWafer said...

Is anyone else watching the panda cam?? They have mom outside and Tai inside and awhile ago a keeper was in with Tai.. Hope he is ok

NillaWafer said...

Ok they are back together now Wooo thought something was wrong.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Glo yeah the time difference between here and UK wont be difficult.. They both have great personalities and a gift of gab Oh and hour i can close and go home. Son finally came back..I am working tomarrow from 9 am til 12pm short day.. then off til Friday i think because i am here entire wknd working..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am off for a while. BBL!

NillaWafer said...

Oh my Mits your missin it Poor mom Tai has been up on her back trying to see out the window of the door and playing rough.. She just barked at him saying hey give me a break im trying to eat bamboo They are right in front of the big veiwing windows wrestling. Did you see no longer need tickets to see them now ? He is literally standing on her back.. What a devil.. moms finally laying down on her rock and he is out of site. Oh over by the door he is..Poor mom is exhausted..Looks like he wants to nurse and she isnt budgin to roll over. Well this is your friendly reporter Nilla signing over n out from Wild & Wonderful West Virginia

wvgal_dana said...

Good Evening 6:01pm EST Eagleland...didn't read all the post...eyes wore out too fast lol..hope everyone is fit and staying cool.
Took time out and had Saturday as movie phones no nothing just enjoyed family time.
Checked all my sites out all looks empty nest when I was in Washington State....all fledged ..but that is probably old news here.

wvgal_dana said...

Did anyone see "Walk The Line" at the movies and then go rent it????
I want to know what you thought of the difference in the movie theater version and the rental??

Anonymous said...

Hi All! Family left several hours ago. Have been trying to catch up on e-mails and watch Tai Shan. Boy, he was a little bugger today, Mom was trying to get back outside after the 5:00p.m. curfew, just to get away from him. At one time, she slapped him silly across the head with her big paw, sent him flying. Good thing he is a tough little guy. DLTUK AND CABUK Yes, I know thery are trying to keep Tai longer than the 2 yrs. I hope so, this is our 1st successful birth at the zoo. Ling Ling and Shing Shing had 5 cubs, but they all died within the first few days..I will be in and out tonight, so I'll check back later. I bet STEVEN didn't think we could fill up a new thread today.:):):)

wvgal_dana said...

Mitsname in "blue".....I bet Steven didn't think so either.
I would like to get back to a certain topic Todd Nilla, Jo, anyone that was there did you get how old he is or if he is married?

Mema Jo said...

WVA Vicky I remember the comment made that he couldn't stay to take any pictures - had to go get the kids.

Mema Jo said...

Do we need to have DLT & CAB get their email address to Paula in order for them to join Momsters group-or do they just sign up as a New User ?? I had thought Paula said it was easier to sign up with being sent our welcome letter. ???

NillaWafer said...

Dont know Jo , Well i was just lookin around what i have stored on here and went into Glo's wonderful site, so here i set just a cryin tears running down my cheeks looking at the pictures of "OUR" Babies.. Silly huh i swear it breaks my heart to let them go..I know Ole Toughie here but not where they are concerned..Oh my i need a tissue brb

wvgal_dana said...

Mema Jo did he actually say kids but did he say "his kids"?

NillaWafer said...

I dont think i saw a wedding ring on his finger.. But then again i only touched his arm out the window.. Jo need to asked Paula about that with the UK Gals..I think Glo might already have their e-mails asked her..

wvgal_dana said...

Nilla did he have gray or grayish hair?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody. I am back!! Did you miss me? Have to start work at 5 a.m. but still have to work about 15 minutes tonight. I was a little bit of a slacker today!! :):)

NillaWafer said...

No Vicky dont think so looked to be around 30ish to 40ish if that.. and he was wearin a hat also i think..

glo said...

I was sent an invitation to join the eaglet_momsters..and I think that does make it easier. i think we need to encourage the new gals from the UK to I guess put a request on here that they want an invite. Paula did say she is holding up the poll results because new people are still joining. I don't know really if she is sending them an invite and where the addresses are coming from, or if they are going in as new member requests. Hopefully Paula will come on here tonight and tell our new gals fromt eh UK the easiest way to join.

Nilla I love to visit that sight. Then if you follow certain pictures you can watch those fledge moments too. That's what we have now are the memories we have captured one way or another.

Of course speaking of Invitations LOL I did officially invite them on here this very morning ( 7:09 a.m.) thread time, to head west, and I will be setting out the fish and turtles.

I will be sure to take pictures Dreamin!!!!

glo said...

LOL Are we back on the Todd thing again. Why didn't you take a picture!!!!

Because you didn't want to share him with the rest of were all having problems of your own dealing with his presence from the way it sounded and still sounds!!!! Too Funny LOL

glo said...

Tribute number 5 just came in.. It is turning into quite a special page.

NIlla you better go buy some more Kleenex for next weekend!!!

NillaWafer said...

Vicky-WV Can i asked you why you are so interested in Todd Harless?

NillaWafer said...

He is just a very nice man who has gave us alot of joy with his beautiful pictures of the Eagle Family we all love.

Mema Jo said...

Do you all realize or am I the last to know: Our Geula posted an album on Momsters about Ducks & Geese but also included her own picture. She also has her dog with her.

It is so great to see her!

glo said...

I got to get over to the momster Groups BBL

NillaWafer said...

Jo After i talked to you on the phone, daughter called and i need to go in earlier to finish doing the banking deposits and go to the bank.. Told her Hmmm do i see a raise in my future??lol Not just got 1 little while ago.
Awfully quiet in here hope Paula didnt fall in with her dogs swimmin.. Wonder where everyone is just you and me

NillaWafer said...

Very nice pictures Ms G put on the site.. Does she raise ducks? They sure look healthy are they a food source?? Her house looks really nice i was picturing a mud hut or sorry Ms G ..Keep safe you know your in the prayers of this eagle family, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Glo you have an album there but its empty.. you surprising us with something?

Mema Jo said...

Maybe Paula had so much fun out dancing last night that she went again tonight. MTBR right Sharon?

Sharon your 15 min of work is up. I know you didn't go to bed yet.

Nilla I still can't find the cams on FONZ - so I still go in on Animal Planet. Momma is sleeping. Son't know where Tai is sleeping.

The osprey pics link on your email sent out by Momsters via wvgalVicky are awesome. Thanks Vicky.

NillaWafer said...

Geeezzz Jo put fonz in google it the page comes up 1st has a big panda then second page has small pictures of the animals just click on the panda. Jo you have mail

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I finished my work and then I typed my tribute to our babies. That was hard to do. It is so hard to put into words how I feel about them and the impact they made in my life. Since it is a tribute to them, I just wrote about them.

Now, right here, I can tell you about the impact you all have had on my life. I feel such a part of this thing. I feel like I have made true friends that I hope will last a long time. You all are so special to me and I love you all!!

paula eagleholic said...

Someone has been busy today on the blog!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Paula we have been busy on the blog today and the best part is WE CAN be busy on here without fear of reprisal!

glo said...

It's Not empty anymore. I must have been creating it when you followed me to the group LOL. Go see I did create an album after I looked at Geula's pictures!!

paula eagleholic said...

You got it, Sharon! One of the reasons I love this place!

No, Jo, No dancing tonight...cooked out on the grill.. shrimp on the barby, BBQ chicken, corn, fresh picked green beans...yum yum, and all the kids and Grandson over for dinner.. was a very nice evening!

Mema Jo said...

GLO Here I go to Momsters.

Follow me Paula & Nilla

Come on Sharon let's see what Glo did for us!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo and Geula - your pictures are great. What kind of dog do you have Geula and what is its name? You need to specify the important stuff!! :)

Glo-Elia is so gorgeous and what a miracle you all have experienced!! Your dogs are beautiful too. I have to tell you that your picture is nothing like I pictured!! You look mighty young to be able to retire!! All the pictures were beautiful.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Glo will take a gander.. Paula and i have been such a good girl today.. 3 new bloggers came left blogs..2 of which i invited from the Osprey Funny ladies your gona love them. Jo still no answer to my question.. snicker Geee sounds great Paula all i had was some baked ham n corn Oh and a piece of homemade egg custard pie

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, did the son ever bring the credit card back?

NillaWafer said...

Ok Glo did you notice we look an awful lot alike??? We do but i am pleasinly plump and have She is so adorable reminds me of my 2 step-grandaughters the dark hair and beautiful skin (They are El Salvadorian) Rosa or Rosita as they say and Fatima..Pronouced Fat-Tim-A She is anything but fat only eats chicken nuggets n

Mema Jo said...

Nilla Whose home made the custard pie? Yummmieeee! I love custard pie. Coconut or Egg? Which was it? You better get busy making those apple pies you promised all those guys!

Paula Would you start an album for MEMBERS. Would love to see all those that blog - I also suggested it could be with their dogs,cats,horses,flowers,birds,family - I just would love to get a glimsp of everyone. I know our NCTC trips has some of us pictured - Everyone I am sure would like to meet their Eagle Buddies.

Anonymous said...

Hi y'all. Going to call it a night. Hope you all had a nice weekend. My was great, loved having my son and his wife here. She looks wonderful with less than 5 weeks to go before baby is here. Can't believe it. Super blogging today. Glo, loved your pictures. Geula, love your ducks. Glad you are safe. Praying for peace. Speaking of peace, have a peaceful night. Talk to you all tomorrow.

NillaWafer said...

Yes finally and i was surprised he only took 20.00 from checking and bought breakfast at Ryans where his girlfriend works and i suppose gas.. Awww he is good son but i spoil him and Dawn ( daughter says mom you got to stop babyin

glo said...

LOL Well maybe it ain't me!!! AND I am only semi retired Got lots more work to do actually but not at the job I left last week

Although I am going back tomorrow on my own time schedule to help them out with a major project, but I offered. Will only involve a couple of days this week, and probably 4 or 5 days in the middle of the month if all goes well.

It's probably just the happiness that little one has brought into my life Yes she is such a miracle!!!!WE are blessed. I just literally pray that when she is old enough to understand , we can somehow let her know How very wanted and special she is to the whole family

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I would venture to say that in Elia's heart, she already knows how very wanted and special she is to the whole family. She will be living it in her life every day!!

Mema Jo said...

GLO I love your album. You are a very attractive grammy! Elia is beautiful.. I sure wish she lived closer to her you. Grammy has a lot of mentoring she could do to help you be just as grand a person as she is.

OH YEAH! Almost forgot to tell you all that I was driving down the highway singing my lungs out when 'Fly like an Eagle' came on the radio! I didn't care if all those cars & trucks I was passing thought I was a looney or not - I was flying like an eagle...... into the future!

NillaWafer said...

This server is currently experiencing a problem. An engineer has been notified and will investigate.

What in the haites is this notice?? Oh i am being censored

NillaWafer said...

Now if i am here well Glo she is adorable and you look Marvelllous dear.. we resemble each other dont ya think only i am pleasinly plump and Jo egg custard Pie homemade to.. yum yum

Mema Jo said...

NILLA I think that when 2 of us hit the publish button at the same time - one of us for sure is going to get that message. That is when I usually publish my comment twice.

Although, your right, you just may be getting censored! LOL

NillaWafer said...

Jo i bet you have that video saved in your computor dont

Mema Jo said...

I think I will be signing off for the evening. Have to rise & shine a little earlier then usual tomorrow morning.

Good night all,

Sweet Eagle Dreams...

Fly into the future................

glo said...

Goodnight Mits Glad your weekend was fun. Even more special times jsut ahead for you

Nilla all I know to say is Hmmm! I'll go look at your picture again. I do have two puppies but their names are dexter and daphne...That's all I'll say about that.

OK everyone stop chuckling and get back to writing them thar tributes.

Speaking of which we now have 7 in, over half way to what I was at least hoping for. I am actually hoping many of you are thinking about it and not exactly sure what you want to say. Well you can't get it wrong. say what you want to that's on your heart as we bid these three wonderful "featherd eagle Buddies" a very Fond farewell.

Almost bedtime...I have to get up and go to work..well actually I don't have to but I am going in for a short while whenever I get ready LOL

Mema Jo said...

Whoops - shouldn't have read the last comment

I LOVE IT (always loved the song to
begin with)

Goodnight again....

Mema Jo said...

Had to read GLO's comment to NILLA -


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. Have to get up in 5 hours and 30 minutes. Oh my, should have went earlier.

I was looking through my pics of the babies. Do you all remember when the fish were bigger than they were?

Sweet eagle dreams everybody.

NillaWafer said...

Ok i am going to say Niters also as i am going in to work early myself .. Been agreat day but Glo your grandaughter reminds me so much of mine Rosita (Rosa) looked just like her when small..Fatima (pronounced FAT TI MA) They both are from El Salvador Rosa was born here but FATIMA there and she came to us on Thanksgiving Day.. Ok Nighty Nite ,, watchin news and going to bed

NillaWafer said...

Sharon yes and dont go there i looked at the pictures of them tonight n cryed..

NillaWafer said...

Sllep with the Angels my friends and may your bed be lined with eagle feathers soft as clouds

paula eagleholic said...

DLT and Cab
If you want to joing the eaglet_momsters group, you can either email me at or there is a link to the group from the NCTC blog on the opening page, it is on the right, and says Yahoo Eaglet Group.

Night all!

glo said...

Good night all

Nilla We're gonna have to talk grandbabies some time. Rosa and Fatima, what pretty names. Wonder if lots of the gals names end in "a" like that. I had never heard of Elia before our little one. I will always hear that name in my heart now forever!!!

glo said...

Guess i'll wake up in the morning to find out who 200 is.

nah its gonna be Jo
But watch out, Sharon probably has her alrm clock set for like 10 minutes from now

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning to all in Eagle land!! It is 5:08 a.m. Eagle time. I am working now. Hopefully, I can be #200 Glo! That is what I am striving for anyway! I am trying to achieve very tough goals these days.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Suzanne. I was wondering where you were!! Been an interesting weekend! Be sure you read about Glo's tribute page and how she wants us to submit our own personal tribute to the babies!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


LOL Nope no one here is abandoned!!! I have been very busy though. You all will be getting an email from me I hope That's the plan anyway.

I have a pretty neat surprise for you But it won't be ready til next weekend AND THEN ONLY if I get a minimum of 12 to respond.

I need you to email me don't just write it on here email me a

Farewell tribute to any or all of our Young Eagles

It can be 3 seperate Tributes or one for all 3...however you want to do it will be fine.

Please keep it to a Pleasant readable length but I'm not going to set a limit.

You will be helping me to Finish the Creation of a Farewell Page to our 3 Young eagles for 2006

I will be placing your name "real or what you use on here", I guess anonymous is OK too LOL so clarify in you email how you want your entry to the Web Page signed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, we had 2 new people from the UK on here yesterday. It is pretty cool. Nilla met them on the AppArt Osprey site and they came over to check us out. They fit right in with us!! Hope they show back up today!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, have you been to the NCTC site. It says the cam is now disabled and has a wonderful picture of Liberty on it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NUMBER 200. Jo, I made it, I hope!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, I did. Go Sharon, Go Sharon!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

CABUK is the other new person from the UK. It is an awesome picture of Liberty, isn't it. Miss those babies really bad. I am having a hard time letting it sink in that we will never see them again, at least not like that!

NillaWafer said...

Good Morning Out in Eageland..Its 7:30 am just got up and eyes are half open.. I see sharon was 200 congrats and on that Morning Suz.. Watching the weather and suppose to be terribly hot today.. sigh Jo saw on the news a 12 year old boy was riding his bike on Old Middletown Pike and hit a car and killed near you. Shame he is from Middletown. I am excited as the Dishnet work now carries the local news station in Hagerstown,MD ..Yippppe been waitng on that!!! Well going to make a cup of vanilla coffee and hit the shower..C ya'll in alittle while from the comp at work.. Oh good morning to our new buds from the UK DLT & CAB.. New pictures on momster posted by Glo and Ms G and her fat Later

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Watching Mei and Tai. Mei is draped across a tree limb and that little turd is all over her! He is such a little boy!

NillaWafer said...

Quik animal report this morning Tai is wrapped over a big tree limb out side resting..Ohhh Jo the Elephant gave me a BIGGGG poop shoot.. Ewwwww The Cheetas 2 of them were laying in the litter box looking around then saw something and ran.. beautiful. More To Be Revealed as Sharon always says..Shower time

NillaWafer said...

See Sharon i said my eyes are half open could not tell Tai from his

NillaWafer said...

Havent made it to the shower yet had to check on Tai and he is romping with mom at the tree limb.. Only saw 1 tiger cub.. Already 78 here and today with heat index will feel like 110 the news just said.. Jo STAY INSIDE!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just saw the cheetah cubs for the first time. Why do they lay in the litter box?

Saw elephants outside. Are they trained to grab the tail of the one in front of them or is that just a natural thing?

floralgirl said...

Good morning everyone, I'm in from the garden for an AC & drink break,it really is going to be unbearable the next several days.Trying to get a lot of my work done early,so I can hide from the sun during the hottest part of the day.Stay cool,have a great day!

glo said...

Good Morning all. Just wanted to let you know in case you missed it, I think it was Paula who also pointed out that the picture on our now "disbled" cam, is also here on the BLOG near the end of April. There is another picture onthat day too. My guess is we have got nice close ups of both Liberty and Belle.
Thanks for working on those Tributes to their young uns

Off to coffee and treats for me.

NillaWafer said...

Imm backkk Oh yeah a nice shower always is great in the morning but still having a hard time opening my Not use to early mornng rises.Thank God my hair is short no mess no fuss.. and getting dressed in the summer time is breeze.. no socks just Cheetas do lay in the box dont see them alot but i looked the other night at night and they were laying close by and all you could see was the glow of their eyes.. Well almost 8:45 better head off to work i only live less than aminute from the store but have alot of deposits to get ready and head to the bank, Dont open til 10 am... c ya then Floral you be careful in thi extreme heat!! guess you did not go over to NCTC last night to hot.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Baby Smurf was gone for a little while but I see he is back!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

MEMA JO - I just saw the coolest thing. The hawks are back beside my house. I went out to see them and he turned around and looked at me, did a poop shoot, and flew off. I thought I have to tell Jo about this!!

NillaWafer said...

Back and everything is finished computor reports, deposits and banking..Dont open til 10am so have few minutes for surfin.. So im off to check out critter cams.. Wow Sharon how excitng and to think with the news i had an elephant poop shoot this morning Jo will really be BBL

movin said...

Good morning, Everyone...
Well, I've had my week's vacation, which I enjoyed in spite of the heat and humidity. Now it's back to work for this boy.

At least the weather has changed somewhat for the better...still humid, but So Cal.

Looks like the Black Water baby of the family might finally be leaving the nest for longer periods. And in Brisbane, Australia, the female Peregrine was seen yesterday in the green stuff, growing where her former nest was, looking like she is ready to start a new one.

Have a great day,

NillaWafer said... This is another Osprey live cam i found with 2 in the nest and the picture is really clear

NillaWafer said...

Osprey nest located at PSNH’s hydroelectric station at Ayers Island in New Hampton. Beautiful view of nest and the water surrounding it so calm.

NillaWafer said... This site has 2 setting in the nest

NillaWafer said...

Suz heck i am all over the net I just google live cams and off i go...

NillaWafer said...

Blackwater is nice but doesnt move as fast as live cams and i get yancy waiting for

NillaWafer said...

Heck Suz i even found a camera on Loch Ness in Scotland and you can hunt for

NillaWafer said...

Oh gee wiz the Osprey cam is the NU silly me but its so clear and 2 in the nest... Mom n Tai are outside at the rock formation and he was bothering her.. Like she is saying "Ok Son its just to darn hot let me alone" No Cheetas in site or Tiger Cubs.. Elephants gone.. No Giraffa's.. Off i go againn

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES Just saw Mei and Tai come out of the grotto to sheek shadier spots. Mei just took a dump over the side of the rocks and it almost hit Tai in the head who was right BEHIND her. Get it BEHIND her. :):) Stay cool today everyone.

Anonymous said...

Mei Xiang is drapped over the log again, and he is all over her like white on rice......

Anonymous said...

NILLA I love that osprey cam in NH, it is peaceful, and last night at sundown, it was a kodak moment....

NillaWafer said...

Morning Thelma yeah just looked and Mom is draped over the limb and Tai is under her playing.. Waiting for 11am says they have an elephant training session on cam to watch.. Was watching the San Diego zoo live cams .. elephants wondring around outside. I know the NU cam is so clear.. I hope everyone is listening to the heat advisory and staying In Especially Jo..I am here til 12 wouldnt be any use to crank up air in car as i live a minute away, so ill hurry

Anonymous said...

Hey LOUISE The pandas are up at the fence, no doubt, looking for a frosty treat.. Around 8:00a.m. the elephants get their bath and it is fun to watch, they love it. It is on the inside cam.

NillaWafer said...

Such a lovely picture but 1 in nest at NU.. Thelma whats on your agenda today? Did you check out the new pics on Momster Glo and Ms G added?

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 482   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...