Saturday, July 22, 2006

Saturday Night 22 July

Just got back to a thread.


glo said...

LOL Well now ain' that a hoot and we were heading for an alltime blogger record for sure!!! I was about to call Guinness and see if Bloggresd could qualify for such a thing.

Thanks for the heads up on the new thread.

glo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
movin said...

Glo, Explorer couldn't find it.


glo said...

Jim Thanks lets try it this way...Blogger cuts it off.. If this works I'll delete the other post.

glo said...

I hope no one minds me reposting above...Not many around at all since I posted this on the old thread. I actually moved it to a site much easier to get into.

This is how I spent the morning actually since there was no cam. It was fun and I hope you enjoy it.

Be sure your url ends in html

Anonymous said...

Thank You Steven, for the new thread, hope everything is fine with you this weekend??

Anonymous said...

GLO, Can you send these addresses to me via e-mail

glo said...

Sure mits you've got mail

paula eagleholic said...

Evening everyone...I see a nest full of lines! Ha Ha!

Jo, I still can't get into my yahoo email, call me if you need anything in relation to tomorrow.

Hi, Mits, Sunny, Glo, Floralgirl, Jim, and anyone else I forgot!

Anonymous said...


paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Steven for the new blog... guess we won't break even 900 now.. I;m sure we would have had the cam been up, probably 1000+ for sure.

Anonymous said...


glo said...

Thanks mits Was hoping it made sense to many of you. Some of it you had to have been here to understand, but most of it stands alone. I hope everyone going tomorrow gets to see it before they leave, and someone tell Vicki from commode town about it too. She can look when she gets home.

Anonymous said...

I'm in awe of you it was just to cute and funny. Can't wait til everyone else sees it, they will love it. :):):)

paula eagleholic said...

Hi Ya Mits . How was the sunset at the beach tonight. It was pretty up here, the front rolled thru without much rain, really, and it is cooling off and not as humid.

Should be a good day for a tree visit tomorrow.

paula eagleholic said...

Yahoo must be having a worse computer day than I had, half my home page is unavailable. I'm surprised the group email is still working!

glo said...

mitsI hope so, it gave me something else to do instead of sitting around wishing I could watch a cam of "our" eagle family.

I got the idea as I was getting ready to go to sleep last night. Jotted down a couple of things so I wouldn't forget, and had myself a fun time this morning!!!

glo said...

Paula I have sbc Yahoo and I haven't had any problems today. maybe do you need to reboot? Or perhaps its the weather in your area. Just remember last time you had trouble I couldn't get onto anything Yahoo myself.

Anonymous said...

We have had severe thunderstorm watches most of the day, but no storms. Sun set behind some humongeous thunder head clouds,beautiful. Humidity has really dropped, nice cool breeze off the ocean tonight. Hoping the hot streak is gone for all. Have you looked at Glo's little creation today, it is really funny.

Anonymous said...

It sure is nice to have a new thread, hope by Monday the 30 second cam comes back. Wonder how many visits to the nest we missed?

paula eagleholic said...

Just got kicked off here too...

Glo, I was saying, I tried it at work and at home, 2 different types of connections...must be a regional thing. Still can't get to my email.

paula eagleholic said...

Going to go look at Todd's pics for my eagle hit...

Anonymous said...

PAULA You are having a bad day!!

Mema Jo said...

I'm back - went to 2 b-day parties. I am all caked out!
GLO Sent you an email but will repeat it here on the blog Do Another One! I loved it - made my day & Mits you're right -Wait till the Redhead sees it. She will, well you know, all those initials I can't keep straight. The Roll on the floor one!!

I need to go over to the other old thread & see if I missed anything from anyone. I really wanted to be
#1000! But Thanks Steve - this one is faster!

Anonymous said...

LOL! JO That would be ROFLMAO.....:):):)

movin said...

Hey, Glo, that's a great site you built....

I went back to the previous thread and got the whole url (same as the 2nd one here) and then had no troubles opening it.

Computer troubles....... I could tell reams of tales. But since I got this Dell with the Windows XP about a year and a half ago, I've had very, very few. And XP usually either fixes itself or tells you what you need to do to fix the thing, which is way different from earlier versions of Windows.

No personal, first-hand experience, but I hear APPLE is very user friendly and easy to keep running.

Now all I have to fret about is the lack of DSL in this pocket in the city and problems with the phone lines. I hope AT&T will build a station closer to me or Adelphia will catch on to the fact that DSL is down to $12.95/mo., and they're still charging $43-44/mo.


Maybe that'll get through to them.

Puter is working fine, brain is simmering in the wet heat...

But thank God we have a new thread, which only takes seconds to load.

More babbling later....


paula eagleholic said...

That's ok, tomorrow will be better!

Anonymous said...

Those wacky osprey parents out in Seattle among everything else that they have, have now brought in a blue feather duster. I think they are telling the kids, clean up and get out!!!

paula eagleholic said...

I think blue is a favorite osprey color, Mits!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that amazing that they would have a favorite color, like the osprey in Conn. with the blue beanie baby.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Since your email isn't up: You, me, Norma, daughter Lisa,Floralgirl,Nilla will be at NCTC by the fence on the road at 5:00pm unless Nilla can convince the guard to let us in for a little while. Floralgirl mentioned some eateries on the other thread.. We'll find somewhere if we decide to eat out. I have not seen any messages or heard from Vicky-IL. She may have had a change of heart but we won't know her intentions until we somehow hear from her. Tomorrow please call me around noon or so & let me know when you're leaving Emmitsburg. My travel time is 20-30 minutes.

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone - I've been lurking and trying to get work done while the cams are down... thanks for the new thread Steve! I'm hoping to join y'all that are gonna go to the tree tomorrow afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

Got it Jo. I will probably leave here around 3:30 because my travel time is about 1 hr 15 min. I'll call you around noon or so to confirm!

Anonymous said...

You all get a Good Nights'rest for the big visit tomorrow. Have a peaceful night, talk to you all tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My, my, my - you all have been very talkative today. Just got back in after a full day out of this house. It was good. Glad there is a new thread but couldn't we go back to the other one to try to break 1000? JUST KIDDING!

Hope the eaglets put on a great show for you guys tomorrow. Does anybody have a camera like Todd's? Too bad if you don't. Everybody could pitch in, buy one, take lots of pictures, download said pictures and return the camera and get your money back. Hey, just an idea!! AND NO, I HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE!

Going to bed soon. Got to work all day tomorrow. I have missed everybody today.

I did the egg picture that I think Geula sent out. I loved it. Pretty challenging for a little while.


paula eagleholic said...

OK, all, packing it in for tonight. Talk to you tomorrow!


Mema Jo said...

Hey There Sharon
Missed you being around today but glad you got out of the house! LOL

Go to GLO's second comment on the thread & bring up her newest creation.
It will uplift your spirits to say the least!

Mema Jo said...

Belle wv You have mail.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, your new site is absolutely wonderful. I ROFLMAO! Thank you for doing that and sharing it with us. You are so talented and such an asset to our journey here!


belle_wv said...

Glo - got a kick out of your new page! Very talented, you are!

Jo - Thanks for the mail - you have a reply :)

Anyone have any fish or turtle scented perfumes or air freshners?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, are you going to make us some air fresheners or scented perfumes that smell like fish and turtles?

belle_wv said...

Well I was trying to think of ways to increase our chances of getting a sight of the eagle family. I figured they must like the smell of fish and turtles... with my luck all I'd attract are stray cats and hmmm whatever else might eat/like turtles?? LOL

belle_wv said...

I will bring my laptop computer along, so we can report any sightings as soon as possible. I think there might be some wireless internet connections available somewhere in town - being a university town... The Lost Dog maybe? Floralgirl do you know?

belle_wv said...

Good night all - sweet dreams!!!

glo said...

Good Night everyone. I am excited to read tomorrow evening what all happens at the tree. I hope everyone has a wonderful time. Would sure love to know if or where Vicki is...hope all is going fine for her.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight All

Sweet Eagle Dreams

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night everybody!! LOL and sweet eagle dreams to you, too.

floralgirl said...

Darn-I was so sure I would be the 1,000 post,but this thread is so much faster.Good morning-off to catch a few precious hours of sleep before Sunday market.Hope to see all at the tree tomorrow.Belle WV not sure about the Lost Dog-been there but never had a computer with me.

Bird Girl said...

hi everyone... I see you have all been busy! I'm with Jim -- if a post gets over a certain number of comments, for the sake of people with slower connections, we should move to another post with fewer comments until a new post is added (which can only be done by Steve, and whomever he gives the ID & password to).

paula I have gone through that Tripod-type nightmare myself. In fact, two computers ago something caused my system to crash completely, had to get a whole new system. Luckily I didn't lose too much stuff (I had backed up the most important stuff already). I'm planning on investing in an external hard drive, so that I can have a 100% copy of my files, just in case.

Something to keep in mind: whenever any type of program is installed on a computer, the program also puts files in the registry keys. Typically, when you choose "Uninstall" either from the program menu or through the Control Panel (Add/Remove Programs), it takes care of most of these; however, some of the more pervasive programs like Tripod DO NOT, and you can still have problems. If you don't know how to find out if all of the registry keys for that program, and it's associated programs, have been deleted, let me know. There is a website where you can get EXPLICIT instructions on how to navigate through your system files, find the keys, and delete them.

One thing to remember, too: before installing any program from the internet, be sure to create a "System Restore Point". You can always revert back to that point, if you need to, and it will be like the install never happened. Let me know if you need help with that, or just go to the Windows Help & Support site and search for how to do that.

Bird Girl said...

I had typed up a long blog with a story about the near-disaster I had with my birds on Friday, but Cyberspace farted and it's gone.


Big freakin' wind gust. Aviaries go BOOM. One bird killed (appeared to be instant), two quail loose in yard. Hubby out of town, no one around to help. Lifted up big aviary, freed trapped doves in aviary under it, got loose quail, put all in boxes. Tossed that aviary out of way, got other birds from big one and put in boxes. Took birds to Jody's, setup new cage for them. Went back this am with nests, water bottles, etc., finished putting up shade cloth & such. Birds seem okay, no injuries and no other fatalities. My back was not destroyed but muscles sore & stiff and sciatica aggravated.


Will not be around tomorrow, plans with Mom and then Hubby returns.

glo said...

Good Sunday morning to all of you He ywhere is the red head is she out filling up the gas tank or somethng?

I personally think you need to go here this morning if you haven't been there
and especially if you are on your way to the tree today.

It's like reading the headlines LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody. Working this morning. Nothing to report on the nest -- ARRGGGHHH!!

Make a good day!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All!!! How does the weather look for the tree visit? Thr red-head (Nilla aka Louise) probably ran off with the Verizon-DSL guy and got married. Not to worry she will return. Can't be a Thelma without a Louise. Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

Good A.M Sharon, Don't work to hard. Goin to grab a cup of java and go look for dolphins.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Mits. I want to sit on the balcony, drinking java and watching for dolphins!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NEU has an eaglet in the nest. Looks pretty wet, too!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Feeling pretty alone this morning.

Anonymous said...

SHARON Remember you are never truly alone. Plenty of java, no dolphins, I saw some yesterday a.m.

Anonymous said...

The National Zoo cams seem to be on the blink. Woo is me, if I can't see Tai-Shan today.

glo said...

Hey does anyone here know how to play canastas?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, for rules, go to

No, I have never played canasta, but my aunt used to love to.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You are right Mits, I am never truly alone. Big Brother is always there! LOL.

Anonymous said...

Right, I forgot about him. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Canasta, aren't they those little clickers that you click in you hands doing the Mexican hat dance, no wait, those are castanets, sorry, my bad!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

That was good, Mits!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is still an eaglet in the nest at Northeast Utilities. He is flaked out resting!

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to my favorite eagle buddies! Weather is a little overcast & breezy - but a good day to do something special...Yes, we may get some rain.
I haven't heard anything from Vicky-IL. She could still be in IL or she could be down in Shepherdstown at the market. I hope we hear from her from one site or the other. With the weather and percentage of chance to see an eagle along with the price of gas, she may have had a change of heart.We'll see.
Perk it up this morning, Buddies or I'll create a puzzle noone will be able to do! LOL

Mema Jo said...

I'm back. I just wanted to be number 70. Now I quickly need to see if someone beat me to it....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nobody beat you to it but had I known, I would have tried! :)

Mema Jo said...

That's my girl! Always did like a good challange...

Anonymous said...

Please keep blogging or she will make a puzzle. JO Why don't you just try to unscamble the 30-second cam.

Mema Jo said...

I wish I could unscramble that cam!

I'm going over and SHAKE THAT TREE

Mema Jo said...

Now Sharon did you beat me to number 75?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No I did not. Maybe 80?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Has the last BW osprey fledged yet. I see one is there now. What are they? Osprelets?

Mema Jo said...

OK! you beat me to Number 75 but I know you're kidding about the BW eagle nest!!! LOL

But I did go over quickly just to be sure it was this season's final pic.
You got me.

No more number games from me..Have to get some things done before... you know what!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure do wish I was going to be at the tree with you guys today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is it 80?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Jo, you were #75! But I was #80. Hope you all see a whole lot this evening. Has anyone heard from Ms. Commode?

Anonymous said...

I can see it now, you will be shaking the tree and the RED-HEAD wil be shaking her BOOTY. Where is that RED-HEAD?????????????

Anonymous said...

Off to the beach....LATER!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I will hold off on the beach, radar shows some new cells popping up not far off the beach. Don't want to DMLB (DRAG MY LAZY BUTT) down there , only to turn around and come back.

Mema Jo said...

Sharon Please read your mail..Tell me if you were thinking about saying it..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mema Jo, you've got mail!!

glo said...

Canasta I know how to play it LOL starting early on blizzard entertainment .

Oh I could probably play castinets too, my family is pretty musical!!!

Poor turtle Don't shake the tree...I think he's a little stressed today over threats made against his relative remains...

man where is that redhead

glo said...

I hope everyone is behaving themselves I have to go mow the front yard, got rained out yesterday before I got it finished. back in a while.

Mema Jo said...

I guess you know by now that I was number 85 I used an email to divert your attention. LOL

I think you're going to be all alone for awhile, Sharon. Mits went to the beach and Nilla can't connect!
Not sure where GLO is right now..
So get your work done & get outside.
The bald headed cardinal will peek in on you shortly....

glo said...

OK am I 90

glo said...

Ha ha off to mow I don't want to be 100 anyway!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

A daddy cardinal was feeding a baby out here this morning. It was so cute. Probably the baby of the ugly mother and can't stand to be fed by her! Ok, that was mean.

Mema Jo said...

I really wasn't 85....BooHoo

Anonymous said...

Ok, I sent out an APB for the RED HEAD and SHARON Don't answer your is the Cardinal Police.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Yes, Jo, you were 85!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

But I was 95.

No doubt, the cardinal police will probably be here shortly.

Anonymous said...

Hugo looking strong!!!!!

Anonymous said...

1 eaglet in NE Nest!!!!

Anonymous said...

Osprey still does not look like he has fledged in BW.

Anonymous said...

Did I make it to 100????

Anonymous said...

Can I do the Dance of Joy????

Anonymous said...

Celebrate Good Times C'Mon!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No Mits, but you can dance with castanets.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There's a party going on right, a celebration to last throughout the ear. So bring your good times and laughter, cause we going to celebrate your party with you.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

right here I mean!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Not sure what is going on over at BW, but looks like a big discussion, maybe little one has fledged.

Mema Jo said...

NILLA is probably up in one of those hot air balloons flying over the nest tree - checking things out!!

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

She is almost at her destination.
I got so excited hearing from her. I did give her all you WestVirginia phone numbers as she gets closer. Probably will get onto Sharpsburg pike. Told her to call again once she got at that point.

Go Vicky Go

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

JO, You might want to report that on the NEW THREAD!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...