Saturday, July 15, 2006

Saturday 2


Just Vicky said...

New Thread Again! What Service! Thank you Steven

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Steven, I think i am going to ride over to NCTC later tonight after going to dinner,maybe it will have cooled off alittle. Spunky still is in the nest and eating again.Hmmm the fugus is gone i see... well im heading out will report later on what i see over at NCTC.. Hopefully the kids soaring like before..

Just Vicky said...

We're all alone eggie!

Just Vicky said...

Ok Nilla, get us an update!

floralgirl said...

Lucky you-Nilla! Hope you see eagles in the air!!Jim you are right -it is very hot and EXTREMELY HUMID here today and will be for the next several days.Been outside most of the day-sure slows me down-feel like I am moving about as fast as a slug.

Just Vicky said...

Makes two of us moving slow!

wvgal_dana said...

two in nest 6:05pm now

wvgal_dana said...

eagle-eyed sharon you have mail
Sorry I got so excited when I came in to look at monitor and the eaglets were in the nest. You all was already watching them lol.
Got only a few pics then pc froze up.
Mema Jo neat email ty.
Has anyone tried the "Osprey cam with sound"?

Anonymous said...

EAGLE EYED SHARON---I had to buy groceries----missed the eaglet reunion----please email me:'t think we would get to see the twice in 1 day----they are too crafty for me----LOVE 'EM--

wvgal_dana said...

Parents are really showing up today this morning cause mema jo said she got a pic. Then this evening this is really great.
Hope someone emails me the fraps at

mema jo send me the pic of the parent this morning please also ty

wvgal_dana said...

Norma I haven't seen Mountaineer in here for awhile have you?

Anonymous said...


wvgal_dana said...

They are really showing off today. I think Sharon left.
I can't frap.

wvgal_dana said...

I've got one in the nest don't see two. 5:30 position 6:59pm

Anonymous said...

WVA VICKY---I haven't seen him either---don't know where he is---

wvgal_dana said...

He is at launch pad looking around and off the eaglet goes 7:01pm

wvgal_dana said...

Empty nest now 7:01pm

Anonymous said...

How do you get your screen on your comment page---I have to go back & forth----How do you all do that--
MT nest now----

wvgal_dana said...

Norma are you talking about "live feed" or "still pics"?

Anonymous said...

FLORALGIRL---How were flower sales today---when I come to Shepherdstown----w/come by---

EAGLE EYED SHARON---you folks need to get that lemonade made---next wk it's w/be over 90 deg.

Anonymous said...

WVAGAL VICKY---I'll try either one----which do you all use---

movin said...


That clip is a stupendous hit [especially when the Liberty and the two eaglets struck the nest!]

After watching it and seeing even Spunky forced to fly off the end of the nest, I think the one which has been in there all this time was Mr. Inbetween...this time.

The best view of the Big Gal I've seen in weeks, and she was facing the camera too.

You really can see Liberty do something that resembled a back flip in mid air...

The short clip is really filled with action, then all but one were gone again.......

Thanks for the look, Sharon.


wvgal_dana said...

Jim can you send the clip to me please

Just Vicky said...

Norma, has anyone answered your question about having the screen and blog at the same time? My real player can be put on top of this page of course clicking on the blog makes it go behind but I just click down in the bottom bar and it will pop up again on top

Just Vicky said...

I also have the still cam page open in another instance of it, not this one. I leave this blog site up on its own and then the real player on its own of course

wvgal_dana said...

Norma using Real Player "live feed". You use the - at top of Real Player to put it on bottom tool bar. Now your on comment page. Click on Real Player on bottom tool bar (left click) to bring it up. Then click on "view"
go all the way to bottom where it says "ON Top While Playing" that keeps it on top when you need to you can just click the - and put it on bottom tool bar.

wvgal_dana said...

Norma are you on the comment page?

Mema Jo said...

FloralGirl The new flowers are so beautiful - picked fresh this morning, I bet!

wvgal_dana said...

Hi mema jo where you been at?

wvgal_dana said...


Anonymous said...


I DID IT---ho---ho---I DID IT!!!

Now I am "turning cartwheels"---


glo said...

Hi everyone. It's been a long kinda tough day for me. I have gone now from feast of family and activity to famine. It will be Nov til I see my son, and Dec before I see my daughter's family and grandbaby. I really hate it when its time for them to go. Oh well I am really very tired, and will begin to catch up on some rest now I guess. Did a little grocery shopping for me and the pooches todya. it is 98 where I live and heading right back up there again tomorrow. Humidity is also horrendous . I guess it sounds like it is coming east next week. Do your outside work now if you can NOT next week. My yard will just wait now for heat and humidity to take abreak. I am so glad to read about and thanks to Shaorn see so much action at the nest today wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

GLO---I had my grand kids here last wk-end---w/not see them until holidays----I get "blue" when they leave, but I am always so very tired----takes me a couple of days to recop---but it's still a "good" feeling----remembering---

Just Vicky said...
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Just Vicky said...

See You can do it!

Just Vicky said...

Yippie for Norma! Celebration time!

movin said...

Glo and everyone back East,
Make sure you drink plenty of the wet stuff now...we've got heat with high humidity in CA right now too, but it's only in the mid 80's. I'm drinking plenty of the cool stuff ... mostly non-alcoholic, of course (hahaha).


wvgal_dana said...

Contragulations NORMA!! I knew you good do it with the Real Player. That a girl lol

Anonymous said...

VICKY FROM COMMODE TOWN IL----I misread you this a.m.---thought your age was 30---then you mentioned your grand kids----but I bet my cookie sheets are still older---Hasn't it been a great day w/eaglets---friends--


wvgal_dana said...

Now Norma if you need to refresh the comment page. Leave Real Player up. Put cursor on some place white space and right click on there should be "refresh".
That easy. You GO GIRL !

glo said...

Good remembering and YET wishing that my family lived close enough to visit each other for a couple of hours every couple of week sor something instead of a few days every six months.

I do have lots of wonderfu pictures. I guess I should start downloading choosing some to print out etc.

Right now I think I have more pictures of Spunky on my computer than I do Elia LOL

Anonymous said...

JIM---The temp here is 82---humidity unbearable---to get warmer tomorrow----We West Virginians keep "cool" with "moonshine"----KIDDING--KIDDING-----lemonade, ask Eagle Eyed Sharon---

Just Vicky said...

Oh goodness no, won't be 30, the date is the 30th of July only! I'll turn 58 (can't believe I admitted that!)

Mema Jo said...

I have been away from the computer all afternoon. With visitors around the noon hour - I didn't expect them again but am so glad all of you were on hand when they returned. I did email some pics from the morning visit. I will place them on the Loop later -
GLO I know your feelings about wishing you were closer to see family more often - It makes me feel blessed that all mine are still local - or at least an hour away. Memories will get you through it all until next time - but "touch" is better!

wvgal_dana said...

Parent in nest and atleast two eaglets the are in a rumble one just left 8:35pm

Mema Jo said...

Did I miss any of you in sending out this email of a.m. pics? If I did, holler at me. Hope we hear from NILLA soon to find out if she saw anyone flying around or branching out on the sycamore tree...
Vicky IL is that your chocolate age??

Mema Jo said...

YIPEEEEE There are 2 in the nest..

Just Vicky said...

I didn't do the chocolate age thing! Sorry, but I think I've done one before, it does work!

Just Vicky said...

fight fight!

Mema Jo said...

Just know that NILLA is down there under the nest............

Just Vicky said...

Is that Spunky looking for food??

Mema Jo said...
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wvgal_dana said...

8:41 big rumble between the two eaglets wings everywhere.
Now one is at 12 o'clock position the other that has something to eat at 6 o'clock position.
One at 12 o'clock is watching something out there just flew off.

Mema Jo said...

8:42 pm
One out of nest - One still in nest & eating

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I got back in just in time to see the new action. Frapping going on today!! Parent and all three eaglets - again!! YEAH!

Mema Jo said...

8:44 pm MT NEST

Who knows for how long ?? LOL

wvgal_dana said...

8:45pm nest empty now
Hope Nilla was down there watching.

wvgal_dana said...

eagle-eyed sharon could you email me what you frapped earlier this evening please.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Did more frapping and got lots of stills when they were all in the nest. That was so cool. LOVE THESE BABIES!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:51 p.m. Eaglet back in the nest. This is just too good.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Vicky, you've got mail!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:52 p.m. Back out again!

wvgal_dana said...

This has been a busy evening for them checking in. Must be weary from flying around. Maybe deciding to stick around the tree and rest on the limbs.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I truly didn't think we would ever have another day like today. This has been absolutely wonderful. Fungus amongus is gone. Spidey and Eagle Spirits are taking over again. Love it. What a miracle that the live feed has stayed up this long. I think this is probably a record. I hope this don't jinx it though! :)

Anonymous said...

SHARON please send me the reunion clip w/parents----I missed it-----

This has been a GOOD DAY----


glo said...

OK Well While I was uploading pictures to Elia's BLOG

You were all busy with lots more nest activity. It's been a great day at the nest I can tell. Maybe tomorrow I can specnd some time enjoying the cameras and the eagles. Thanks to those who have sent pictures, FRAPS or who will post to Filmloop. Never too many pictures!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Yep Sharon it sure has been a good day for eagle/eaglet watching.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, you've got mail. I had just sent it a minute ago!

wvgal_dana said...

It's late for me need to take dogs out.
Been a great day spent with you eagle momsters and dadsters.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sharon--


Mema Jo said...

We haven't had such a great day like this for quite a while. I am so thankful to be have seen the eagle family - they certainly are learning the ways of the world.
All eaglet momsters and dadsters can have sweet eagle dreams tonight!
Who knows what the dawn's early light will bring..........I haven't said that in so long...

Just Vicky said...

Have we heard from Nilla??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla is probably passed out under the sycamore tree after seeing all the action this evening. Or maybe she has been drinking the moonshine somebody was talking about earlier. She is a West Virginia, right? :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am going to have to go through all the fraps and pics I saved today because I know there are a skillion. With fraps it is easy to save still pics quick because all you have to do is hit F10 over and over and that is exactly what I did - over and over and over!

Mema Jo said...

You're welcome, Janet M.
Waiting to hear something from NILLA - she said that after dinner she was going to view the sycamore tree. Keep an eye out for flashlights shinning up the tree..

Anonymous said...

THANKS SHARON----Just the best---I figure Spunky blew in to town & said "LOOK GUYS, THIS "TOWN" AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE 3 OF US"----Over the side he went----(Spunky ain't too tough)!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, eaglet_momsters and dadsters - going to bed now. Good night. Nilla must still be passed out under the sycamore tree!

Glo, we will love you through your sadness, you know. I know it has to be hard. I have spent today trying to avoid some of my family. I need to be more grateful!! Gets hard sometimes though, you know?

Just Vicky said...

Nilla must be frozen in her tracks!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, was certainly exciting to hear there were more visits this evening, glad some more people got to see really is feast or famine!

Just checking in, going out of town till Monday eve...hope the blog is as long with wonderful notations of eaglet sightings, and it takes me an hour to get thru it.

Have a great Sunday and Monday all.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang... Well to say that my trip was just the ordinary would be a lie!!!!! WOW in and out they flew, i thought heading for the river but then back again!!! Friends it was so xciting i could not leave til the last ray of sunlight left.. Oh my if i would have had a strong flash light i would have tryed to shine it up there so ya'll could have seen it. I took my son's jeep and the top was off and all i had to do was set there and watch the action in the sky..

paula eagleholic said...

thanks for the pics...and the chocolate age was right on the money!

NillaWafer said...

Heck i didnt even go out for dinner , i had packed afew snack crackers n drinks and off i went.. I think i might do it again tomarrow evening after

NillaWafer said...

Right now i am watching Animal Planet story about 2 red pandas ( so cute) The female is called Minnie... Awww they just found her body she was killed by a panther.. The other female named Sweetie hopefully she will be ok... Whats the reports on all the other animal live cams tonight?? Havent checked any since coming back?

NillaWafer said...

Oh my just had a red panda birth on Animal Planet 2 red panda's babies.. I want Gee Wizzz did everyone go to bed already??

Just Vicky said...

Oh Nilla, I just knew you struck it lucky! I just knew you were having the time of your life!

Just Vicky said...

What I wouldn't give to have been there!

Just Vicky said...

I'm still here,guess everyone else went to bed!

Just Vicky said...

I was holding out waiting to hear from you!

NillaWafer said...

Vicky i think if it would have gotten any more xciting i would have needed to use your As many times as i have seen the kids over there for real tonight they just seem to be in a naughty mood...

NillaWafer said...

Jo in bed now??? LOL i bet NOT.. She is lurking near by .. And Sharon you know she might go to bed but she will be up and checking.. Has anyone heard from Ms G over in Isreal? I am still so excited lol my kids think im nuts when i came home and was telling them about what i saw..

glo said...

nilla Actually I decided to take a shower while I was waiting to hear from you. I figured if in fact you did go, you were having quite a show. What a wonderful experience for you. I can only imagine. Awesome...truly awesome!!!

Just Vicky said...

Well that's my next dream to reach, actually watching what you did tonight Nilla!

Just Vicky said...

Well goodnight to whom ever may still be up! Let's pray for another eventful day tomorrow!

glo said...

Goodnight all

NillaWafer said...

I just had to go and log onto Yahoo Momsters and look at all the pictures.. Dont know if i should be cryin or smilin after looking at the kids being so small and then blooming into the majestic eagles they have become.. Ok im smilin and feeling really good inside that they have done so good starting out in life.. but i think it was all the love and prayers we gave them.. and they know

floralgirl said...

Well,what a lot of eagleaction Saturday.Nilla-lucky you-glad you got to see so much activity at the nest.I need to go back over to the tree-maybe after market.Mema Jo-you are right my pic is a bouquet from my Sat. market.Those peonies were so out of season-I had to update with a summer bouquet.Normasales were good today-just very hot at market.I like the Shepherdstown market best,great people,nice location.Just finished making bouquets for Market and I am headed to bed for a few hours sleep.zzz..Hope we hear from Geula soon-I do worry about her-the news from her part of the world is not good.

movin said...

Well, good night and good morning come Sunday,

I checked a couple of other sites today...Santa Cruz Island (1st naturally hatched eaglet in 50 yrs.) looked barren, so I e-mailed the PhD in charge and learned the young Mr Eaglet had fledged yesterday. Good to see him progress.

The Kent, WA, eaglet has looked ready for days, but I believe he was still in the nest this evening.

Thanks to the kind ladies, who sent the pics and videos today. Loved them.


Anonymous said...

hey everyone....

Bird Girl said...

This will be a LONG POST:

about Hugo: mom is preening him, helping him remove the sheath from the feathers growing in -- not pecking him! and I think I mentioned before, the sounds he makes are begging and contact calls... as evidenced by his silence when he was alone in the nest (the microphone is RIGHTNEXT to the next at the 10 o'clock position)

janet: unfortunately, with immature hawks, it can be extremely difficult to tell one from another without actually catching the animal and making an up-close inspection. however, in consulting my "bird bible" and favorite reference The Sibley Guide to Birds, it states that

"juvenile [Broad-winged] differs from Red-shouldered by unbarred secondaries, mostly unmarked coverts, relatively unmarked center of breast, short legs"

go to, and click on "Bird Identification" in the menu on the right side... this will bring up a drawing of a basic songbird, just below the drawing click on the Wings link and it will show you what the names of all the feathers are...

GEULA if you're out there, I hope you are safe... maybe it's time for you to take an extended vacation to another country... say, America??!??!

everyone: meeting the folks for lunch tomorrow, and hoping to get in to see my regular doctor on Monday, so not sure when I'll check in again....

somebody PLEASE frap the blackwater ospreys if fledging happens!

have a nice weekend all, talk to you soon...

belle_wv said...

Good Morning all in eagleland. Not activity at the moment - still cam isn't behaving too well, looks like there's a plastic film stretched across the screen LOL.

I am so jealous of all of you who saw so much activity yesterday - on cam or in person.

Jealous and thankful that there's always someone there to catch the big moments!

Can someone send me all the goodies - I got one batch from Jo with the noon time activity yesterday, but would LOVE to have the rest -

I'm still out of town, so won't be able to check in too much today. I hope everyone is safe, well and happy.

Anonymous said...

6:35 am and someone is in the nest?
Good Morning everyone.

floralgirl said...

Good morning-the cam pic is a little funky but there is an eagle in the nest at 6:36 am-appears to be eating something.Can't watch any longer ,gotta get ready to leave for market .

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:53 a.m. There are 2 eaglets in the nest but the camera is messing up pretty bad and it is hard to tell what they are doing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:54 a.m. One just flew off.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:59 MT nest, I think. Hard to see really good. Hopefully camera will dry out or warm up or whatever it needs to do to straighten up.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:30 a.m. One in the nest. So beautiful. I frapped him coming in at 12 o'clock position. Beautiful! Landing was a little rough though.

Anonymous said...

8:31 really sharp live cam picture of 1 in the nest sitting at the 12 o'closk position looking off and "chatting" with someone. No food around that I can see. The white stuff that was in the nest is gone but that might have been yesterday, I was out.

Now he's lying down just "chillin".

Off to get ready for church.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning Sandy.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:39 a.m. Getting a little R&R at the 12-1 o'clock position.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:41 a.m. Up and moving now. Looks like he/she is talking to somebody. Now at the tree trunk!

wvgal_dana said...

Wow wake up to an eaglet in the neat didn't see him fly in like eagle-eyed sharon did lol.
Oops "live feed" messed up then came back an one in nest. Is that the same one I thought it fly out??
Oh sorry Good Morning Everyone.
Can't wait to hear Nilla's report.

wvgal_dana said...

Went back and read Nilla's trip to the tree. Weeeeee what a sight she seen; all that action we seen. Nilla felt the actual "LIVE FEED" which I'm sure moved her heart. Thanks Nilla for sharing. My eyelids gave in last night.
No Norma wasn't from too much moonshine lol.
Thanks so so much Sharon for the frap; was so good.
Mema Jo don't remember if I had but they you for the pic send.
Prayers are with Geula; sure which someone on here would write they heard from her. No one's gotten any emails from her?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am not sure but I think we still have one at the tree trunk, you remember, Spunky's hiding place! :)

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING ALL---Just like ole times seeing an eaglet in nest when you check in---NILLA--glad you are back w/such exciting stories-----It must of been AWESOME!!! (Must know---did you take some sticks w/you?)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nothing from Geula since Thursday.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The eaglet is hidden in Spunky's hiding place WVAVicky----Hi Cindi---The eaglets were entertaining us all day yesterday---SUCH little imps---Liberty or Belle breezed in & out----

I have news on now---we MUST all pray for Geula's safety---American students haven't gotten out---Sherman was right: WAR IS HELL!

NillaWafer said...
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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...