Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday July 24

Update and plans as we go forward, and there are two scenarios:

Scenario One-- we are working on the fix for the current still cam issues. The problem is a battery in the system that may need to be replaced. If we can do the fix easily without buying a replacement, the cam should be back up soon.

The cam would be then shut down on August 1 for maintenance and off season adjustments. Steve thinks the fledged eaglets will be off on their own around that date, so it's a good time to take a break. As you all have noticed, the cam has been down a bunch in the last month or two, indicating the need that we do some real work on it. Also, our contract for the live cam ended last week, thus the live cam is now down as well until next season.

Scenario Two: We can't easily fix the cam without ordering replacements parts, and this results in us shutting things down this week.

Regardless of which scenario plays out, the plan would be to keep the cam down until sometime in November when the adults begin working at the nest again.

We are intrigued by ideas to add audio, and we would like to pursue that and other ideas.

I want to thank our technical team for really doing all of the work and having the inspiration to get this project going--John, Jonathan, Mike, Brad, and Keith should all be saluted for what they accomplished--this was their baby. Our biological staff also had a big part--thanks Karen and Steve. Thanks to Randy Robinson for researching a live cam solution and making it happen, also thanks to our Production folks who helped.

Finally, thanks for your your continued enthusiasm and support of this project, it went beyond our wildest expectations. We do look forward to working with you as we continue this project into the future.

I didn't want to just see the cam shut down with little notice, so I wanted to get with you in advance to tell you all what's up. I hope we can get it back up for the next week. We'll keep you posted on progress.

Steve C.


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Just Vicky said...

nite Paula! Thanks again!

paula eagleholic said...

Gnite, Ya'll

belle_wv said...

How SCARY! I hope the catch the wacko! Glad he wasn't aiming your way... I haven't heard anything abut it - but I don't watch news as a general rule

paula eagleholic said...

You're welcome, Vickly-IL, it was a real pleasure meeting you! Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

My, my. I left around 4 p.m. and there have been about 131 comments made since then. You sure have been busy this evening. Did you miss me? I know of 2 that did. Hugs to them both!

I spent another exhilirating evening at the ER with Andrew. This time was for poison sumac, big ole ugly oozing blisters on his arms and chest. Little ones on his face - just lovely. Anyway, he did go there in pain but sure left there in pain after that big steroid shot they gave him in his butt. Hopefully now it will start to get better.

I am so tired. Started working at 5 a.m. this morning and haven't slowed down yet. Going to bed. This has been a pretty trying day for my head and my heart and it is time to put both to rest for a while. I will be blogging with you tomorrow.

This morning when I was watching Hugo and made a comment on here about "do storks nurse". Of course I was only joking but then I felt so bad knowing that the little feller was dying then. It was about 2 1/2 hours later that I heard he had died. Really glad I wasn't watching it then. I am so grateful that our eaglets made it through their process thus far safe. Probably wouldn't have hung around very long if it hadn't. This has been such a wonderful escape for me, exciting, happy times. Life hands enough crap out to get more from my escape route!

Anyway, I am through whining now. I am so grateful to be a part of this thing called Eagle Land!! What a helluva ride this has been and will continue to be!!

Just Vicky said...

I didn't hear the news on it until just a moment ago on the local news here but my friend called me this afternoon and warned me about it!

Just Vicky said...

where did we lose Nilla?? Oh Nilla, are you busy making all those pies you promised???

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

To fix typos -- He didn't go there in pain but left in pain. Also, I think you spell "exhilarating" this way.

Anonymous said...

Good Night, Eagle Friends, RIP, Little HUGO! I will miss my nightly visits to you as you were getting ready for your day and I was ending mine:(:(

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!! Ok, Mrs Webster, you have had a long trying day, get some rest. :):):)

Anonymous said...

What do you think the chances are we will get the 30-second feed back tomorrow? I know God is busy, but maybe if we pray to St. Dell or St AOL, maybe by magic the cam will start working on our computers. Ok, i'm talking silly, just would like to see them again

Just Vicky said...

I remember now, Nilla doesn't have her internet up yet, not until I believe the 27th?? Poor Nilla, I'm sure she is having major withdrawals by now at home! That should give her some time to get all those pies made she has promised all those NCTC staff!

Just Vicky said...

well this is the still excited and living on new memories Commode Vicky signing off! Have a good and restful night you'ns!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just looked at Jo's pictures and they are wonderful. I love when I can put a face with a name. What a good-looking group of eaglet_momsters!! Loved it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


glo said...

Me too, Good night all

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight all out there in Eagleland.
I can still see 3 soaring eaglets
everytime I close my eyes. Such a peaceful sight!

Sweet Eagle Dreams.

Geula said...

Good Morning Eagleland!

I wasn't here yesterday, so I teared up when I saw Steve's comments about the cam and the plans...

I said to myself: " What ARE you, some kind of a NUT, who cries because they might close the cam till November?" ::SIGH::

Well, I guess maybe I AM a bit of a nutter about it, but then again, I cry at commercials, so what can I expect. I'm a woman, so I cry when I'm happy, too!

I had a good laugh about the serial killer "thing"...I can't really picture us as serial killers! I mean, we'd have no TIME to plan or act, with all the cam and blog(s) viewing we do. Some of us are old(er), like me, and I'm in no shape to do anything as serious as murder. My brain is so mushy, I'd forget what I was going to do---halfway there!

Now's the time to pull out all the stoppers and let our sense of humor carry us along until Febuary, when the eagles return. And let's pray that they have a safe winter and that the "babies" fare well.

Hugo? maybe don't tell me about Hugo......I've got enough on my plate as it is!

Have a grand day, everybody and I'll try to check in later.

Bird Girl said...

Folks, check on Nest Watchers re: Hugo.

Bird Girl said...

I had a ton of problems when I was posting that last comment of mine... My entire system completely locked up, I had to do a hard restart to get it back. I HATE that!

Anyway, I was able to go through the picture archives at the stork-nest web page, and I'll be putting together a little article about Hugo on Nestwatchers.

I wasn't sure until I was able to get in this time if that comment had even posted!

Bird Girl

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, did you read the post Steven put on the main page of the blog. The camera may be out for the season. Really a bummer but it certainly has been a wonderful and successful season.

Geula, you are not alone. I know I cried and I bet you and I are not the only ones!!

Make a good day everybody. I know I am going to try!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Wishing you LL n "eaglorious day here. Just picture those three little "eggs" runed "eaglets" growing stronger , and enjoying their great big eagle eye view of the world. I hope tis a splendid day for Soaring all around. SOmedays its kind of hard to "get'er" started...but just picture Spunky and June 14, follow his/he rlead and go for it. Go for it, and have yourself a great day. Will check in over lunch if I can.

Suzanne I agree the text on the mugs sold the first 4 days or so needed bigger I went in and did that right away!!!! Didn't change the pictures too much just a tiny bit. I couldn't choose which 2 to take off to just have 1 big one, so all three are still on there. LOL I will be tweaking that some more over the next few days.

glo said...

Jo There's been 85 votes...unless of course someone has voted on many different items several time. I'm gonna see if you can vote for more than one, and then see how the poll is looking item wise. Can't see that til you make a yes Everyone go vote

We all know Todd is a Hunk now (and they are using his pictures)

Oh that's right They are using his pictures of the eaglets/eagles

Well we're gonna have to make do.

Go Vote

Just Vicky said...

Commode voted before she left town Saturday. I'm waiting for my mousepads and magnet to arrive any day now! Have a great day folks! Off to work, catch you'ns at work!

glo said...

Just to clarify Vicky The items yo are ordering that I have made with $2 of every item going to NCTC,Will not be the same as the items Paula is selling with Todd's picture ont them

They are still in the process of being voted on and created

I do hope you will like your items just fine.

floralgirl said...

Hello,everyone,beautiful morning here in eagle land .Okay,I voted,hope one of the pics you will use on something will be the one of the adult eagle with the fish in its talons.It is one of my favorite Todd pics.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

In the NU nest, there is an eaglet, for anybody who needs an eaglet fix!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, Eagle Friends! Hope everyone has a good day. For those of you who are interested. There are some wonderful pictures and audio of Hugo on the stork site. There is also an English forum, where you can read some of the comments people that followed him, like we have the eagles, have written. They are all very upset. GLO My husband said my mugs came yesterday. Have a good one...

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, who is that sitting on the edge of the nest? At the osprey cam out in Seattle, they srertch those wing out like that all the time. Isn't Lisa great!

wvgal_dana said...

Good morning eagleland..
I completed reading the blog for today (atleast at this time in).
Glad to hear the lil guy at Blackwater is ok. Happy Happy about that.
Hope I get back to feeling better (heart is so heavy). I cry everytime I think of my special buddy (of course alot of you do).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2 eaglets in the NU nest!!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne, looks like the parents and the little guy????????????

wvgal_dana said...

New thread is up!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vicky!!

Anonymous said...

WOOOOO, some serious mantling going on there!!!

Anonymous said...

WVA VICKY, I don't have a new thread up on my page yet.

Anonymous said...

Did they eat it that fast????????????

paula eagleholic said...

New Thread is up! No news on the cam yet.

Anonymous said...

I think there are 4 in the nest now!

paula eagleholic said...

Mits, you probably need to refresh your screen.

Anonymous said...

Finally my new thread has come thru....Meet you on the other thread Suzanne...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Paula!!!!

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Bird Girl said...

Ijust saw the little one at Blackwater sit up. If he's injured, I can't tell from the picture, but he is, at least, alive.

Remember that he was not getting much food for a while there, as well as being physically picked on my the siblings, so he may be quite a bit slower to fledge as a result. He may have some injury that is preventing him from leaving the nest, but it's hard to say. My guess is they will go up to check him before too long if he still doesn't show signs of leaving.

I wasn't able to upload photos on Blogger last night, so my Hugo Part I on Nest Watchers is still incomplete. I'll try to get to it later today, but I have a lot to do yet...

Bird Girl

Bird Girl said...

Steve How about multiple camera views? For example, have three cameras trained on the nest to form a "triangle" field of view? Then maybe a couple of the cams can be zoomed out to show the fledglings flying around the nest when the time comes? And, of course, SOUND!


Anonymous said...

I am ecstatic that all three of these chicks have fledged, and that we had the privilege of seeing them from hatching ...
This outcome is the most we could have hoped for.. fly free beautiful eagles..
A huge thank you for those that have made it possible for us to view the wonder of all this..
Katie from New Zealand

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1/7/25 PM matin🦅🦅fish 🐟

12:02:54 PM Scout. To the original nest with food and his talons.  It's a little fish. 12:03:17 He exits the nest with his fish.And to...