Thursday, July 06, 2006

July 6 Part 2

Here's a link to Todd Harless' latest photos.


Bird Girl said...

just amazing, Todd, really...

Anonymous said...

breath taking.....

I will never cease to be amazed at this opportunity we have had to watch our eagle family hatch and grow up.

Anonymous said...

Bird Girl,

How old do you suppose Hugo is?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the new thread Steven. Todd, when are you going back out to get some more. More is always better although I don't know if you can top the ones you have already taken!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Sharon for the heads-up! I kept thinking MT-NEST but of course it is still MT-NEST per the Eagle Cam.
Guess I wouldn't be at the nest if I were an eaglet & could fly! Unless I got really hungry, of course....

wvgal_dana said...

Glad to hear from you Bir Girl sorry this kind of weather affects you. Thank you for the report on Hugo.
You say after 5 weeks Liberty and Belle will move on. Is that within the area until migration and the same with the eaglets? Are you talking about before migration they will just start traveling for miles from NCTC Parents doing their thing and the eaglets doing their's??

wvgal_dana said...

The 12th will be 4 weeks that Spunky fledged. So maybe we have 1 more week to see him. Bigboy and MsInBetween fledged a week before him so this would be their 5th week.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to email Steve Chase & Wunderley for an estimated time of departure...BooHoo..I will let you know of any reply....

wvgal_dana said...

Sniffle sniffle ok mema jo

wvgal_dana said...

Where are the 1st pictures that Todd took? How do you get to them?
Anyone know?

Geula said...

Hmmmmm. I'm not ready for the impending departure......really I'm not!::SIGH::

Oh, Hi ALL! What's the nest news t'day?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hi, Geula. I ain't even close to ready but I think they are trying to wean us gradually! I have only seen 1 eaglet in the nest earlier this morning. No feeding.

Geula said...

In one of the forums that I once went to there was the Midnight I guess I'm the Midday Queen...almost exactly on 12:00pm I was!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:59 p.m. 2 eaglets in the nest and no live feed! ARRGGHH.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Looks like Spunky and Ms. InBetween to me!

wvgal_dana said...

There's Spunky at 12 o'clock position 3:03pm

Geula said...

At least we've got the Yahoo group and the blogs to keep us going until the eagles come back in Febuary/March. It's going to be a LONG summer and winter...

wvgal_dana said...

That looks like Spunky and Big Boy call for "live feed" to be reset has gone out. Keep finger crossed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hate this. We had live feed on an empty nest all day and just after we lose it, here they come!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Vicky!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:25 p.m. Two eaglets still in the nest.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:27 p.m. and now there is 1.

wvgal_dana said...

Doesn't look like it's been reset though so my call hasn't done anything yet. grrrrrr

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:32 p.m. A little Eaglet R&R happening in the nest right now.

wvgal_dana said...

New Thread it up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

LIVE FEED IS BACK UP!! Thanks everybody involved!

wvgal_dana said...


Bird Girl said...

sandy: I would say Hugo is about 6 weeks old, perhaps. White storks fledge at 8-9 weeks, and return to the nest off and on until fully self-sufficient. Hugo is preening a lot, and is getting flight feathers, so I imagine it won't be very long before we see him "fly-hopping" in the nest.

White storks are migratory, leaving in August. When they return in the spring, they may or may not mate with the same stork -- they are more attached to the nest site itself, rather than the other stork.

Our Hugo will be a large bird -- about 3 feet tall with a 6 foot wingspan. He will not be "mature" (if you know what I mean) until after his fourth year. Until then, he will migrate with the rest, learn how to be a good stork, and ultimately will find a mate and have offspring of his own.

Once he has left the nest, Hugo will not be as vocal as he is now. White storks are virtually silent after fledging, except for the greeting/mating displays. I hope you have been able to witness this greeting display between Hugo's adoptive parents.

I hope that helps!

Bird Girl

One quarter of the world's population of white storks are from Poland. A single migration flock can consist of ten thousand or more individuals.

Mauley said...

Todd, how could we ever thank you. Your pictures are absolutely
a gift for all of us. God has really blessed you and through you we are truly blessed. Thank you so much. gran to eight aka Mauley

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...