Saturday, July 01, 2006

July 1 Saturday

New Thread.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Nilla, Happy Birthday to YOU and many, many, many more!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:44 a.m. MT nest!

Geula said...


belle_wv said...

Happy Birthday Nilla!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Happy Birthday, Nilla.

Todd, looking forward to some more glorious pics.

MT nest, hope the eagles are out flying high!

glo said...

Happy Birthday Nilla
Happy and Safe 4th weekend celebrations to all of you

I just now added new video to the blogspot. If you are ont he eagle people mail list I made on Spunky's fledge day, I have sent you and email with the link. For those who have not added their emails to the list, here is the link, but be careful that Blogger doesn't cut off the end.

It ends in land.html If it isn't there type it in or email me for a direct link.

Also if you want to be added to my email list for Website or blogspot updates.

I will possible do some updating of website this weekend as well. Just not sure yet.

I'll be dropping in throughout the day. I have to get my home babyproofed for a "Special little visitor" next weekend.

Anonymous said...

NILLA, Have a wonderful birthday!!!!!! I'm still at home, can't seem to shake this bug, that I have.... You all have a safe and Happy 4th Weekend.

glo said...

Gosh Mits I'm sorry to hear that you are still feeling under the weather. I hope you have seen the Dr. and aren't assuming its just a might need a little help to shake this thing.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, great to hear from you! Hope everything gets better real soon. Is the "bird flew"?

belle_wv said...

I think we better get out the Lysol spray around here... poor Vicky and Mits and Mits's husband... and Bird Gal was not feeling well a bit ago, and Hugo, too. I hope everyone is 100% and ready to have a wonderful 4th celebration. Of course our Eagle family will be the star of the show for me. I AM going to get to Shepherdstown to look for them in the sky very soon! Just has to happen.

belle_wv said...

LOL Sharon, there's that Bird Flew again--- I guess we'll all soon be having a long-lasting case of that.

Anonymous said...

Steven and Todd, will you e-mail me privately please? It concerns Todd's photos, the t-shirt idea, and the requested photo montage. I have a contact (who is a group member!) who can 'enable' all of this. Reach me at

Just Vicky said...


Anonymous said...

Somebody is home at 11:02... Is it Spunky?

Mema Jo said...

NILLA (Janet) Hope your day is very special & that you have a great year ahead! LOL (you do have mail but no turtle shell yet!)

Mema Jo said...

11:12am 1 eaglet resting in the nest!
I think it has been there for some time....

belle_wv said...

Somebody's 'home'! Resting in the shade :)

Mema Jo said...

It does look like Spunky...Nest looks so small now that I have seen the photos of how large our teenie-boppers have grown..

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like the Spunkster to me!

glo said...

LOL All gone. I got a couple of quick shots of what looked like Spunky in the nest when I came in to check. I will be starting a July FilmLoop as soon as I have half dozen or so pictures. If you catch a good one while I am not in here, would you send it to me. June
's loop is over 90 long now. I have an idea we won't have that kind of opportunity for july to get as many with eaglets, parents etc in the nest. I sort of hope they prove me wrong, as they need to branch out , but they also need to check in so we can see there progress! LOL

Mema Jo said...

11:36am Spunky up now & on side of nest at 3:00 position - looking outward like expecting some FOOD!
Now down at 5:00 position..He's right under the cam - Wish he would look up at it....Over at the launch pad position & (camera refreshed) He's gone at 11:41am MT NEST

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Shucks, I just missed the little Spunkster. Hello everybody, I am back for a little while!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, just wanted you to know that I did a drag and drop onto the film loop and it worked. Just did 1 to try it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you've got mail!!

glo said...

Thanks for letting me know that Sharon. I thought I had it set up so anyone who joins the loop can just ad their own photos, make commetns etc. I wish I could jsut run to everyones house and get them all in the Loop...we would have quite an assortment of photos and comments. Might have to start new loops weekly instead of moonthly. If people will learn this year , next year maybe that is exactly what we could do. Would that ever be neat!!!

wvgal_dana said...

11:58 now was watching "Spunky" I think it is funny how he looks at the cam thinking,"I know you all are watching me..I'm your Spunky".lol
I am so sorry Mitts and hubby are sick and Bird Girl. Where they at the party I was at??? Still don't know if that was why all got sick.
thinking I have been visiting Hugo maybe picked up something from mold in nest and I spread it to everyone. WEAR MASK NEXT TIME I GO SEE HUGO I like that little boy.
Yes ours have been active again. I was wondering with different places puting off fireworks. What our Eaglets will think of that. Hope it doesn't scare them.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Mema Jo said...

Oh my goodness - didn't give those firework's displays a thought until you said something. The big one will be near them - right over at the battlefield - But maybe the symphony music will calm them after the booms!

glo said...

OK New Filmloop for July is up and running. Right now the featured eaglet seems to be "Spunky".

Here is the link

wvgal_dana said...

I am sure the previous eaglets of Liberty and Belle made it through it sucessfully. Just imagine Bigboy,MsInBetween and Spunky probably having the best seat in the house. Talking to each like, "Hay look at that one", I can hear Spunky, "Wow I think they are putting them off just for us three. MsInBetween likes the music, "says that one song they performing I think is for Mom & Dad." About that time Bigboy flys in with of course some "food".

Mema Jo said...

Thank you JanetM & wvgalVicky for making me feel at ease about the fireworks with your comments...LOL

glo said...

OK so now see what you did!!! For the next 4 nights I will have to worry about my dogs and those young eagles as we celebrate with Fireworks

Well maybe it won't bother them at all. geesh I surely hope not. If it scares them and they fly too far away then ...well hopefully that isn't going to happen.

Could someone call NCTC and ask them to please request ONLY THE PRETTY, BUT NOT too NOISY ONES THIS YEAR...and No Boomers Thanks so much. I'm sure someone will get right on that one. Remind them Spunky fledged on Flag Day...he is definitely very patriotic!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Glo It will probably be Spunky who likes the ones that "boom" since he fledged on Flag Day. lol

wvgal_dana said...

12:52 two in nest

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:52 p.m. I saw a parent there (think it was Liberty), now 2 eaglets - one is mantling!

Mema Jo said...

12:53pm Man! 2 in the nest - didn't see them come in - reding newspaper DUH! One mantling - must be food - other one at 6:00 position...

Mema Jo said...

Look at the span of those wings mantling - WOW! If he doesn't soon start to eat & stop mantling - Spunky(?) might just get some....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

12:57 and still mantling. Ain't taking no chances of giving up that food!

Mema Jo said...

We need the LIVE FEED, Baby!

Anonymous said...

The one with the food seems to be Ms Inbetween... It looked like a big fish in the glimpse I got... And brother (Spunky?) is definitely eyeing the treat... 1:01 Eagle Standard Time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does anybody remember the last time all 3 were in the nest?

Mema Jo said...

Barb: I was about ready to say it was BigBoy mantling... Won't know for certain until the wings go down... Here we go again - Guessing Game in Progress... It's half the fun!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now both of them are mantling! That is cool!

wvgal_dana said...

Wing span in mantling almost makes it look like 3 in nest but not. Oh where oh where is out "live feed", I need it to help my recove-eerrry...

Mema Jo said...

What happened as I was blogging--Did Spunky get some as he is mantling now...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think it is BigBoy closest to teh trunk and Ms. InBetween is at 12 o'clock.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

On second thought I think it is Spunky at the 12 o'clock position.

wvgal_dana said...

Well I'll just mantle some more since you looked my way again !!

paula eagleholic said...

It's mine, all Mine!!!

wvgal_dana said...

I think that is Spunky at 12 o'clock

Mema Jo said...


paula eagleholic said...

Yes, I can mantle and eat it at the same time!

paula eagleholic said...

Think we just missed a great food fight

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Was that just a successful steal and one left? Now I see 2 again! Who knows. We need the live feed really bad!

paula eagleholic said...

One gone and then back again

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:13 p.m. Now back to 1.

wvgal_dana said...

microsoft restarted me dog gone it!! Now I see 2 in nest don't think same two that was there before, one is different

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Back to 2. Busy nest this afternoon!

Mema Jo said...

I am fearful of blogging & leaving the cam - I sure can't give a blow by blow play of what went on in the past 4 mins. I could not keep up with all the movements without the live feed...
I think over that period of time we have had all 3 at one time or another in the nest........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I shrink the blogger screen and have it up in the corner. That way I can do both.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:18 p.m. and now back to 1.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

1:19 and then there were none!

Mema Jo said...

1:19pm Now back to NONE

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We got it happening, Jo!!

paula eagleholic said...

That was quick! I think whomever ended up with the food, took off with it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just thought about something. Next year when the new eaglets are getting ready to fledge, I need to hook up a microphone and say the play-by-play. Then you could really hear what a nervous, excited idiot sounds like!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Have to go out for a while. I have a wake/funeral and a family reunion to go to. Sounds messed up, don't it.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I was thinking the same thing about the food went out of the nest with MsInbetween or whomever it was that mantled for such a long time. When she/he left - Spunky didn't have any food in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good idea, Sharon. We can put it on CD and it would sell a million.
The Sounds Of An Eagle Idiot

glo said...

OK I was updating the webpage while all the excitement was going on in here. I surely do hope someone caught some of those pictures for our new filmloop for July.

If you want to take a peak at the website it has only changed slightly at the beginning, plus I did add the words to the music you hear playing in the background for those of you who have not heard that song.

Here is the link's.html

Besure it ends in grammy's.html The old watch out for blogger cutting off the end of the address. LOL

I'm hungry lunch tome for me!!

Remember it is also linked to the Eagle Momsters Yahoo group under links.

wvgal_dana said...

See you later Sharon my computer restarted itself again .

wvgal_dana said...

Ok if I shrink the blogger page then how do I get back to veiw the still??? It all shrinks?

Mema Jo said...

GLO you have mail.. LOL

Mema Jo said...

wvaGalVicky - I can't shrink mine either - I just lose it...We'll wait for Sharon to return, I guess....

paula eagleholic said...

If you shrink both windows, you can keep them up at the same time, at least on my computer

paula eagleholic said...

Or should I say "resize", use your mouse to resize each window

Mema Jo said...

Now, Paula, that makes sense! Thanks.
GLO - I just tried to load 8 photos from 7/1/06 - Some already on the loop would be the sameas what I added. Can you check to see if 8 new ones went on - My message before doing so said the 4 new photos had been added. Can you edit them. Thanx.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, one of your turtle shells got moved, looks like it is at 5 o'clock now, was at 3 o'clock...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for noticing that, Paula. With all that commotion, I wish they would have pushed it over the edge! HaHa.
Maybe next time..

wvgal_dana said...

Paula I can't if I leave one to go to other it takes the one page away and replaces it with the other.

wvgal_dana said...

Two of the eaglets will have fledged 4 weeks ago around the 6th and Spunky on the 12th will have fledged 4 weeks ago. Our time with them is growing shorter.

Mema Jo said...

2:25pm 2 in the nest...

Mema Jo said...

1 is mantling - but I don't know what was found..........

paula eagleholic said...

Looked up, 2 in the nest at 2:24pm

Mema Jo said...

Wings flapping... both seem to be going after the same thing & I can't see anything there to go after...All over the nest..both together & then at opposite sides... Crazy

paula eagleholic said...

One went for a steal, one at noon looks like Big Boy

Mema Jo said...

Glad you're here Paula.. It's hard to keep up with their movements..Nice to have second set of eyes........

paula eagleholic said...

Yup, I saw that too, wings everywhere!

paula eagleholic said...

Could be Big Boy and Spunky

paula eagleholic said...

Hard to tell one is right under trunk

glo said...

Well I think Spunky is watcihng someone else eat again :-( Time for a steal Spunk!!!

Mema Jo said...

Whichever one it is at 12noon position is certainly eyeing the one under the cam........

paula eagleholic said...

Big Boy watching, Spunky or Ms Inbetween eating

paula eagleholic said...

Who's on first! LOL

wvgal_dana said...

2:35 on in nest

paula eagleholic said...

That's Ok JanetM, another set of eyes is great with all this action, maybe one of us will catch it!

wvgal_dana said...

wrong 2 in nest and now I also read comments lol was just coming in again and sited them,

Mema Jo said...

Be as still as a mouse... I thought the cam froze... HOLD ON
2:35:37 ,,,,,,====,,,, It is frozen!!

Show might be over, folkes........

glo said...

OH Oh I think camera is stuck on 2:35:37 :-(

glo said...

Oh darn!!! OK Hit the phones Someone Please Please Please Please!1 it's not the 4th yet. man its gonna be a long weekend with no camera at all.

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Was wondering why they weren't Moving (duh!)

Could be worse picture to be stuck a B--- screen or an empty nest....

At least people can see the eaglets!

wvgal_dana said...

I'm trying to see if fireworks set-up man at Antietam Battlefield will setup a display when it goes off says;FIT LIVE FEED NCTC Of course just kidding.
I am sure you all miss it I do.

Mema Jo said...


Maybe Steve will peek in on us & know what we are up against........
Oh, No!

Mema Jo said...

OK, Janet M you're nominated since you are going to the Antietam Battlefield.......... Go early & get someone to fix that cam -! I really wish you could but I know they are out enjoying their holiday weekend ...

wvgal_dana said...

Now I got to get the fireworks man to add still pic also.
NO NO This can't be happening. I missed seeing so so much of the pictures and talking with everyone about what we were seeing. I don't want to talk and make 100 comments ABOUT NO STILL PIC AND NO LIVE FEED.
There is NO MED to control this!!!

wvgal_dana said...

Janet M. just be descret---take a "bull horn" with you and announce "LIVE FEED AND STILL PIC DOWN ON WEBSITE FOR NCTC". lol

paula eagleholic said...

Time for a road trip!

wvgal_dana said...

Ok I am calling NCTC I know I know no one is there. You see I have hope the phone will ring on that end and the live feed or still will automatically reset itself. Like BINGO like PRESTO...

Mema Jo said...

wvaGal Vicky-- You sure are thinking up some great solutions... You got me laughing.. I like the display idea the best.. wouldn't that make everyone sit up & take notice of our eagles.....
But Janet M. do try that bullhorn approach.
Vicky-you're right about the 100 blogs complaining about no pictures - I guess it's time to just go out & celebrate July 4th..

glo said...

OK so we don't want Steve to have to read through hundreds of comments. Lets jsut kind of take turns saying

,Steve Help!!!

Like maybe every 10 minutes or so.

The good news maybe is

Todd is going to take pictures on monday all day. Boy that still seems far away thouigh this afternoon.

wvgal_dana said...

How true How true Jo. After all it tis "AMERICAN'S BIRTHDAY".well the 4th is truly but celebrations are at different times and days.
Take care till we comment again in here.
Watch handling those sparklers; too many in a hand when you lite them can cause a bad hand burn. I know my husband did it one year lighting them for the grandchildren.

glo said...

Ok Well my guess is, it's going to get spotty in here now. I do wish you all a Happy and safe 4th. I will check back every hour or two during the daytime this weekend, AND there is the Momster Yahoo group. So there is Contact in there for everyone as well as here.

Catch you later.

I hope you will go to read the words fo the song that plays on the fits so well what our eagles are doing so beautifully whether or not we can watch them anymore this weekend.'s.html

add the html eneing for sure...

I also added a couple of yesterday pictures by Todd.

floralgirl said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!Of course the camera would freeze up on a day when no one is around to fix it.Just checking in,sounds like there was a lot of activity in the nest for a while, we have such limited time left to catch a glimpse of them in the nest,this can't be happening! I need an eagle fix!! I'm going back to work-can't keep staring at frozen cam pic.

Mema Jo said...

To my eagle friend, GLO I find so much inspiration in the Eagles' Wings song....... We sing it so often at our church services. I always think of my 2 grandsons involved in this war and also of a young nephew's funeral at which we sang this song. Tears always fill my eyes and when I first looked at your site - I was overcomed with joy. This will be the happy thought & memories I can now have while listening to this beautiful song. I can't thank you enough for having the words in print for everyone to sing. Bless You, Friend.

Anonymous said...

PPPPPSSSSSTTTTT!!!!! Just spraying some LYSOL, before I come on.... FYI, you might want to check out the eaglets out in CANADA, they have moved the boom and there is a better shot of the eaglets in branches on the tree, flapping their wings. Getting ready to fledge soon???? I get out of bed every now and then to check on things. TTUL!

Mema Jo said...

MITS - I feel so badly for you feeling so bad... Tell hubby to be careful what he brings home from the office. Hopefully you will be up & about very soon & feel your own perky self! Been thinking about you.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks, Mitts. I just looked in the B.C. eaglets-there were so many complaints when the cam was first moved. I think those complaints will stop since it will be a great view when they fledge. Both of the eaglets were visible, side by side.. The one is a little runt compared to his sister.... But I bet he makes it just fine - just like our Spunky did..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I am really bumming here. I am really glad that picture is not stuck on an empty nest though.

Glo, I saved about 25 pictures today so I will pick out the best ones and add them to the film loop (if they have not already been added).

Everybody have a wonderful Independence Day weekend. Of course, I will be back on here!

Anonymous said...

I hear you talking about the BC Eagles, how do you find them?? Some how I've missed it ??
Thanks Cindi

glo said...

Cindy go here

Thanks Sharon for adding some pictures That could be it for several days. I am bummed too!

Steve Chase said...

Just checked and saw the lock up. Based on passed problems, I think the issue is in Denver...Maybe they are working on something and it might come back up later...Unfortunately it's beyond my control.

happy 4rth

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just added a few pics to the film loop that I took today. I had to add the 2:35:37 one of course.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info, Steven! We appreciate it. Happy 4th to you too!

glo said...

Oh Good Sharon...that one will surely grow on all of us as the weekend passes. LOL. But if its the last one we get for whatever reason it will be good to have.

Thanks for stopping by Steve it tells us you were thinking of us or was it the eagles LOL

I'll have to go check out the film loop again LOL. Maybe make a few comments etc.

Mema Jo said...

Just stopped by the house after church service - May as well go out to dinner I'll check back in to see the LOOP when I get home.

Thanks, Steve, for visiting us.Sorry you can't help us out. We'll survive if for no other reason then to see all of Todd's pics on Tuesday or so. Have a good 4th!

Anonymous said...

Thank Glo for the info on the BC Eagles....

movin said...

OH..MY..GOOOOO..SH!! Which one of you locked up the camera this time!!?? [Hahahahaha]

I don't read too fast, so I just skimmed the blog's high points...

Nilla.. Happy Birthday!

Glo.. You're gonna be a wonderful grandma.
Also, I really think the film loop thing sounds great, and I want to take a look soon.

Mits.. Hope you get over your cold, or whatever, very soon.

Steve.. I hope your mother is a lot better now.
Hope you're right about the cam coming back up soon.
Thanks much to Todd and you for those beautiful, powerful, awesome shots of our maturing eaglets.

Everyone.. I wish you the best 4th of July you've ever had....


belle_wv said...

I saw two of our eaglets, at least. Saw one in the nest at about 3:05 and shortly after another flew off, either from the far side of the nest or a branch hidden from view. Before leaving, I also saw one eaglet flying in the distance. What a treat! I surely didn't find the spot the other watchers have talked about, but I was guided to a spot by a gentle, kind spirit. Else I'd have wandered the area and never gotten to see the tree/nest.

belle_wv said...

Awww - I can't believe the camera froze... now I won't be able to find out which eaglets I might've seen from comparing to the pictures....

glo said...

LOL Jim I told my daughter many times while I was visiting that my job is to spoil her, and I'm under instructions to do that every oppportunity i get. That's pretty much what I did while I was there. Wishing you a Happy 4th as well.

belle-wv Well even if you don't know which ones you saw, you saw a whole lot more of them than any of us have for several hours now. Maybe you could venture an educated guess. No one can call you on it. Just use your eagle eye and tell us who you think you saw doing whatever. WE are needing a fix here pretty bad

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, tell it sister - we need our eagle fix really bad and I bet we don't get another one until Wednesday. That is a depressing thought! I figure NCTC is closed Monday and Tuesday! ARRRGGGHHHH!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle, I envy you. One day I will get to do that, just don't know exactly when! I am glad you got to see them live and in person!

belle_wv said...

Well Glo, I can certainly understand needing a fix of eaglet info. I'm thinking the one that flew off was Ms. Inbetween - just a huge presence suddenly before my binocular vision as I was paying attention to the shadowy sillouette of the other eaglet in the nest, perhaps it was spunky watching me watch him? No way to know for sure, but it was inspiring for sure!

belle_wv said...


C'mon up and we'll have a look see! It really was wonderful - worth the trip for you, I'm sure. I wish I'd been able to go with the guided tour to get the really close up/in person view!

Mema Jo said...

Belle - were the gates to NCTC opened or did you park along side the road a little pass the entrance before the sharp curve?

Almost time for the eaglets to view the 4th of July fireworks for the first time - I would love to have their bird's-eyed view of it all. I love fireworks. Headed over to my son's backyard where I can see the local ones. Will check in when I return.

belle_wv said...

Parked before the sharp curve - gates were closed tight... My husband says the inside of the NCTC is wonderful and it was opened up for part of the peace talks that were held in Shepherdstown a few years back... I definitely want to get to one of the presentations.

I was reading back through the logs... I hadn't thought about the fireworks either... I am sure Belle and Liberty will explain the 'goings on' to the young ones. Oh and as I drove in - passed a homestead called 'BelleVue' very fitting, since Belle flies over I'm sure on a daily basis. Would be nice if I was allowed in since it is named after me, too :)

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU, JIM , HOPING TO GET DOWN THE THE OCEAN TOMORROW, HAVE A HAPPY 4TH! BELLE , What a treat good for you, you must be thrilled. Have a restful night everyone. PPPPSSSSHHHHTTT , Sorry, almost forgot to spray the LYSOL! TTUY!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night everybody in Eagle blogland. Sleep tight. May the spirits of eagles encircle your bed and keep you safe!

belle_wv said...

Good night all! Sweet dreams. Safe travels to you Mits, hope you're feeling up to the travel tomorrow and the traffic is light and weather bright :)

Anonymous said...

I threw up a quick .Mac website with a dozen photos or so. I'll try to update Monday night maybe.


Mema Jo said...

Oh, Todd! I am going right to it! Thanks, I needed that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Todd, bless you for that! Absolutely breathtaking photos!

Thanks Jo for the call. Absolutely made my day!

Good night all!

Mema Jo said...

Todd Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the heads-up about your website. Man oh Man! Made my day complete! After not having the live feed or the Eagle cam, seeing these excellent photos just brough closure to the day. Now I can sleep tonight!
Todd I will offer to come on over Monday and carry your tripod!
I am only 20 min away..Thanks again!
Sent email through the Eaglet Momster group hoping all will go to your site soon.

glo said...

Todd I sent you a card from your site. I had written quite a lot more than what the card ended up saying as it kep making me shorten my message. I guess I am long winded. Anyway the photos are gorgeos. Thanks again

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks you for the beautiful pictures of "our eaglets".
Absolutely gorgeous.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - there is a message on Eaglet_Momsters - Can we place Todd's web site on our Link page or should you talk with Todd first?

floralgirl said...

THANK YOU TODD!!Your pictures are beautiful,thank you so much for sharing them with all of us.Looking forward to seeing more pics. Jo- those tripods can be heavy,I'll be glad to help carry if Todd takes you up on your offer! haha

Mema Jo said...

Sounds great FLoralgirl - I'm sure there would be a camera case with all the lens that would need two strong arms. Anyway - you were the first to offer your assistance to Todd - & I can just tag along.... LOL

floralgirl said...

That plan sounds good to me-if only... Off to bed-early morning as I'm off to the Market first thing.Hope everyone is having a good weekend even without our eaglecam.Todd's pics are definitely helping to ease the pain.

Just Vicky said...

Your pictures are extra special! What camera set up do you use? I am so in awe of your shots!

movin said...

I also took a look at Todd's site and found it really "the Right Stuff."

The photos fill in the gaps where the young ones are out of the nest taking their flight lessons ... great photos, you really lose yourself in them imagining the eaglets' world.


Anonymous said...

1:36 am Phoenix time. Sunday July 2nd.

Mits, hope you feel better soon!

Todd, LOVE your photos, maybe you should publish them in a postcard format or something like that?

Everyone: we can raise money ourselves to support the NCTC cam. Put all your change in jars, when you empty your pockets, purses, etc. It adds up fast! When the jar is full, take it to a coin counting machine and get cash. Send the cash to Steve for NCTC Cam Fundraising Program. Sound good?

Sorry haven't been on, been exhausted. Did not get to work on Project Friday because had to go out to get a raven [a baby; animal attack but no broken bones, should be fine and expect to be releasable] and had some moving around of birds to do (putting them in bigger aviaries, etc.).

My friend Dave, who was in the hospital the last few days, is feeling much better now. The doctors put in four stents and Dave says he "feels sharper" than he has in a long time. They sent him home on Saturday.

Hope to be online again soon, lots going on around home/Jody's.

NillaWafer said...

Thank You All for the wonderful birthday wishes!!! I had a very nice birthday, kids took me to new Red Lobster in Winchester Yum Yum!!! I got a new computor chair, nice leather one for my big Well here at work having inventory this morning and 13 hour day.. But will be checking in from time to time.. Jo i will forgive ya for NO turtle shell Have a safe and wonderful holiday wknd!!!! Hugs 2 All, Nilla

NillaWafer said...

Still cam is showing 1 in the nest but i think its frozen.. Jo look at the size of that turtle shell right by the limb .. thats the one i Go git it girl freind..LMAO

wvgal_dana said...

Todd Harless what a "gift" you have and then the unselfishness to share with others. With a frozen still and no live feed. You have brought sunlight into my darken day.I am thankful and blessed my your awesome pictures. You captured our eaglets of 2006 in a way we could have never seen. The one of the parent maybe; Liberty not sure. Helps me know the joy of the upcoming return of Liberty and Belle.
THANK YOU TODD..with a big wish your lens will capture more for you to enter on your page.
One day our "once little fuzz balls" when adults will mate and nest someplace for people to enjoy watching them as PARENTS and their baby eaglets.
I've recently learn't that West Virginia does not have a capture (for sick or injured) animals or birds. That truly saddened me. Oh they can come pick it up but then it gets the end of life "the long sleep". So SAD...
Todd again my gratitude to you for a touch of Gods work.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Sunny here is the website I am on right now.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...