Sunday, July 02, 2006

Great Phots by Todd

Check out Todd's photo album, if you haven't already.


floralgirl said...

The pictures are really great.So maybe someone will fix the camera tomorrow??Yeah!! Sounds like Todd has many offers to accompany him tomorrow on his eagle watching trip-camera carrying,tripod lugging,even tick removal-can't believe he's not gonna take us up on these offers of help.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again! I'm still mulling over all the offers. Since I don't really have to carry gear very far, tick removal gets the nod so far:)
Unfortunately, the weather isn't looking too good for the morning. Keep your fingers crossed.

floralgirl said...

Okay,okay,so you don't need anyone to haul your gear-I tried to find a way to get closer to those eagles. Back to the drawing board...

movin said...

From the end of the former thread:

WVAGal & Glo,

I too was on Glo's film loop site, selected June's loop, and I was immediately able to see the pictures without downloading anything...I did take my computer's life into my hands and download FILM LOOP anyway (They're not registered or recognized by my system, so they're unknowns. That's why I said "into my own hands"), and got somewhat bigger pics and a control panel, etc.

My point is that it is based on MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER 8, now owned by ADOBE, and you will have to download that free software before you can view "the movin pictures."

I just this morning gave an old girl friend that link for another purpose, so here it is's very fast and straightforward (instructions), and it's free (with no spyware or adware or problems of operation):

Click here: Adobe - Adobe Flash Player

Good luck,

movin said...

Sorry, guess hyperlinks don't work in blogs, but here's the internet address for the site:


Mema Jo said...

Floralgirl & Todd If I bring the cotton balls and you, Floralgirl, bring the liquid soap? Does that sound like a plan? HaHa I am sure one eagle watcher with a super camera & lens is all that is needed - sunshine, of course, will be on order for you Todd.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Let's all pray for a beautiful day tomorrow. I wish I could come up for it, I would wave a big fan for Todd so he doesn't get too hot on this adventure, and it might keep some bugs off!

floralgirl said...

Liquid soap??I have liquid soap,and bug spray, and binoculars,and...Yeah- I know he doesn't really need our help spotting eagles...but...I can dream, can't I? Hoping for a beautiful sunny morning tomorrow, with lots of eagle activity!!!

glo said...

Todd and everyone else Go here. Todd's pictures are everybit as good as these...well if they will give him the time and place etc. Maybe a thought for next year. These eagles are out of Texas. They are selling htese books of pictures this year for like $35 a piece. Not sure if its a fundraiser or just because they know the birds and pictures are gorgeous. take a look.

You might have to work at getting the whole url in your address bar. I'll check it out as I post. if you want to see and can't get there email me

I will send you a link.

Geula said...

I guess I've got a real DUH question....How does Todd get those close to the nest? Like UP!

glo said...

Yep all the info is there in the url I gave you in previous post!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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wvgal_dana said...

Geula it's the lenses he is able to use to bring them in so close...more money than I can spend on that nice equipment. I am glad he has it and is catching the parent and eaglets for us.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, I am going to say he is up on top of a building or something. It is like he is just straight across from the nest and even when they are flying! Maybe he is hang gliding and geting them that way. Wouldn't that be cool, flying with the eagles? By the way, Geula, good to see you on here today! Is all well with you?

wvgal_dana said...

Glo I give up can't see pictures on the loop. Spent hours trying.
Then tried Jim's way Adobe Flash Player...still no pics from loop.

Mema Jo said...

Geula Here was Todd's comment about his equipment: Sunny asked about the lens. I'm shooting with a Nikkor 600/F4 lens on a Nikon D1x digital camera. Works out to be about a 900mm.
What that means to me is that he is right on top of things.... ZOOM!

Mema Jo said...

BC Canada eagletsJust watching & I saw Big Sis take off & now Lil Bro is doing his wing flapping. From the sounds of the wind- he could take off sooner then what he should.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm shooting from the ground. I'll try to get a couple perspective shots tomorrow for folks that only see the Eagle Cam. As super cool as it is, you really can't get a sense of scale from the web cam. The tree is huge, the nest is huge and the kids are huge! The call the adults make quite literally gives me shivers when I'm out there. You can't get that from the web. Did I mention that I really like my job?

Off topic, but related, if you haven't seen the movie "Winged Migration" you have to! Breath taking cinematography of flight.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info Todd. Okay, so I was wrong. Perspective shots would be great because it is really hard to fathom the size in my mind! I would venture to say you do love your job! You definitely have a talent for it, from the looks of the pictures! We really appreciate you!

Geula said...

WOW, this is great what you're doing Todd...(bad sentence fail me! and that doesn't happen often...

Geula said...

Well, I'll say good night and MAWOY all! May Angels Watch Over You

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

You know, I have been to a few live cams around and I don't think I have seen any other site where you can back 30 minutes on the Real Player to review. I don't know if we have that because we don't have sound or what, but I am so grateful because that is how I got to frap the fledges. I do hope we keep that next year!

glo said...

W. VA gal-Vicki I'm sorry you can't get the loop for your very own. You should however be able to view the moving pictures at the blogsite. We will be keeping some going there for you.

Todd and everyone else Did you see my earlier post to all of you. I hope you will take a moment to follow that link. Great great pictures, and wonderful ideas for "job description for Todd for next year!!! LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Does our tree sway like the BC tree?

Mema Jo said...

I didn't see our Sycamore do any swaying.Especially not like the BC one does. GLO just finished going thru the eaglets' picture history. Glad you found the site - was wonderful.Very interesting to see those turtle shells - but moreso, the 3 adults..
Todd The phrase of 'on top of things' is a compliment to you emphasizing that you know exactly what you were doing in getting those fabulous shots! Can't wait until you download the new ones to your site.

NillaWafer said...

Hey Gang, Am i reading correct is people going over to the NCTC tomarrow to meet with Todd and see the nest again??? If so count me in!!!! Jo call me and let me know for sure. Todd the album pic's of "OUR" Kids is fantastic to say the least.. Hope everyone is having a great holiday wknd.. Mits hope your feeling better we all have missed you!!

NillaWafer said...

Ops Jo thanks for the birthday cards you sweetie, Sharon lol thanks for the turtle pictures you sent me..

NillaWafer said...

Have you noticed they changed the camera angle in BC ? I dont like it to far away!!1

NillaWafer said...

Jo have DSL almost set up at home just need to run the cd and install it.. Huggles

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Not really going over to NCTC tomorrow - it's going to be Todd's day with the eagles. Hopefully he will have lots of sunshine & get some exceptional shots of our Eagle Family. I was just joking around - you know, I'll be there in Spirit at the ole' sycamore tree.

NillaWafer said...

Ok well remember i had said something about going over early in the AM and taking residence at the road Depends and right now looks like we are going to get a storm.. I really want to see them flying high in the sky 1 more time for real Jo.. Geeee i think Todd deserves a homemade pie also, maybe that would get me into the NCTC tomarrow saying im delivering pies to the great employee's of NCTC..LOL

Mema Jo said...

NILLA Whip up those pies and be on your way!!!

floralgirl said...

I keep thinking the same thing-I am running out of time to catch a glimpse of these eagles near the nest.Wish I would have gone when some of you met with Steven that day-but I had to work,hate to sit along the side of Shepherd grade rd,people drive so fast on it,and I'd never see 'em coming cause I'd be gazing at the sky.Waiting to see what tomorrow morning looks like.

NillaWafer said...

Ok Floragirl sounds good to me.. Jo i was watching the panda cam and lol Tai is nursing right now... what abig baby... so cute.. see ya in alittle while after i d/l an install DSL on home comp..

NillaWafer said...

Flora No i have been over several times and the traffic was hardly any and no speeding because its before the big bend in the road.. So nothing to fear.. you seen pictures of us setting along the road on momster's..

Just Vicky said...

Glo, I read your comment about reinstating the "Commode Races"! Actually, I think they should just to bring back memories and keep Oakwood IL on the map for it!

Sure hope Todd gets us more shots of these marvelous Eaglets and parents! Is there anymore research being done on getting us an album of Todd's work or our "eagle shirts?" I'd spend $35 for an ablum of "just our family!" (probably would spend even more but don't tell him!)

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...

Paula and/or Barbara.ME(our Eaglet Momsters' webmasters) have made comments that the Tshirts are in the making. I am anxious for that to happen... I would sure be proud to wear it! I would also be very interested in a photo album from Todd and a CD from film clips over this season that Steve Wunderley once mentioned.

floralgirl said...

Nilla-Okay, I guess you're right, you have to slow down for that big curve where the nest is,so that would be a good place to sit. Todd- can you tell us where the eagles are doing a lot of their fishing?Are they fishing in the pond that is by the nest-seems like there would be a lot of turtles in it-and are they also going to the Potomac for food?? Just curious, thought I might be able to go by the river and catch a glimpse of them also.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Barbara in Maine said yesterday:

Steven and Todd, will you e-mail me privately please? It concerns Todd's photos, the t-shirt idea, and the requested photo montage. I have a contact (who is a group member!) who can 'enable' all of this. Reach me at

So hopefully she has something going on!

Mema Jo said...

Every once in awhile, my grandkids say, "I'm bored" - I think I know what they mean! No Nest Action is Boring! I keep checking other cams - even resorted to the flamingos at the DC zoo (could only see a pink head pop up into view every 20 secs or so) Panda is sleeping - I don't know where all the other animals are hiding when you have 3 cams to visit & still don't see anything. I think they were running from cam view to another cam view just so I got empty cages and outside yards. How can an elephant hide... ? I am thankful that some of you every now and then make a comment... Can't wait to see pics from Todd soon.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know what you mean, Jo. I did a little of my program work this evening and that was very rewarding. I watched the pandas earlier today for a little while. He is sooo cute. I could let him move in with me -- not. My 4 dogs would have a ball. I watched the BC eaglets but can't see too good. I just want to see OUR BABIES!!! Tomorrow, tomorrow!

belle_wv said...

I'm up for whatever - definitely the offer of tick wrangler still goes, but understand perfectly that you probably want a solo adventure, Todd. Hard to get the pictures you want with others distracting and diverting your attention. Rains just passed through here, so I hope the air will be clear and the skies a bright freshly-washed blue. Of course lets hope the eaglets and parents are feeling photo-cooperative, as well.

glo said...

Well hopefully just a few more hours and the camera(s) will work again. It has been a long dry spell for our eaglets. There really is NO other eagle site like this one.

floralgirl said...

yeah Jo -I'm really missing viewing the cam.Hoping Todd will have some great pics for us. Belle--tick wrangler is a funny job description. Guess our helper services are not required. Back to the drawing board...

belle_wv said...

What do 'us locals' have going on Wednesday? If we'd be a distraction tomorrow, perhaps we could all get together Wednesday? I have to go to Morgantown all day Thursday. I, too, feel time is short for chances to see the family together... If not this week, perhaps a day next week?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sure do wish I was a local!! Going to bed now. See you in the morning light. Hopefully camera will be up and running pretty quick in the morning. I have not been wanting to ask this question, but when do you reckon the camera will go down for the season?

paula eagleholic said...

Some photos of the tree from the ground would be great,,,,adds a lot of perspective!

I couldn't stand it any longer and went to see the eaglets this afternoon.

paula eagleholic said...

Arrived about 4:30, and parked along the curve. Wasn't sure at first if there was anything in the nest, I thought I could see a head.

With binoculars, you can even see the cam.

The view from the road is looking at the nest from the 12 noon viewpoint.

Mema Jo said...
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paula eagleholic said...

Finally, after about 15 minutes, I saw a wing stretch out! I was so excited it was hard to keep the binocs still so I could see.

I decided I wouldn't leave until the eaglet left, or another one came.

Then about 15-20 minutes after the first wing movement, I saw another one. You could barely see the head peeking out of the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

I parked along the road on the fence side, at that little spot.

Mema Jo said...

Your excitment just rushed over me as you described what you saw. Thank you so much for the first hand report. Yahoo... They were probably waiting for dinner around 4:30..... That was great, Paula...

paula eagleholic said...

Then about 5:30, the eaglet got up and stood in the nest for a couple of was so awesome to see him in the nest....they are really big!

It was hard to tell thru the binocs, but it looked liked either Spunky or Big Boy, I could see the white tips on the shoulders.

Then he took off from the launch pad, and soared down from the tree and out of site....there are other trees and you can only see them for a moment after they take off.

Mema Jo said...

Paula, did you get in on the grounds of NCTC or do you mean you parked on the main road before the curve??

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Paula, I could feel it too! Okay, really going to bed now unless Jo calls with more exciting news!! Good night all!

paula eagleholic said...

Todd has a fantastic camera to be able to get the shots that he does.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, I parked on the curve.

paula eagleholic said...

Then I drove around Shepherdstown for awhile, and finally found a road down to the river...I was hoping to be able to see them at the river, but didn't see anything. I went down the road to Dam #4.

paula eagleholic said...

It was pretty windy when I first got there, the tree does not appear to sway at all, the leaves were blowing pretty good.

Then it clouded up for awhile, got really still, and then the breeze really picked up, looked like it was going to storm, but it didn't there.

Mema Jo said...

Paula Do you realize how excited you still feel! It took you 5 comments before you could get the whole story out! I kept thinking you were finished & then the best part of the story came when you saw the flight from the nest........ WOW ! I bet you were shakin' = did you go alone?How in the world were you able to drive home? Lucky, Lucky you!

paula eagleholic said...

I would love to have Todd's Job!

glo said...

Well good night all. I'll check in as I can tomorrow. Work day for me :-( Hope to see some pictures and get some great reports. Paula Thanks so much for your report, feels good knowing something about activities in and around the nest today.

paula eagleholic said...

It was so awesome...that's why I hung around Shepherdstown for awhile...hoping to see them again.

I drove thru one of the neighborhoods on the way to NCTC, there are some really nice houses back there....saw 2 deer and snapped a couple shots of them.

I didn't get any pics of the eaglets, my camera is not good enough to get a decent pic, but I did take a couple of the tree.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of friendly people, the people who live in the farm where tree is waved at me on there way out, people would wave as they went by, one car slowed down with windows open so the occupants could see the nest.

One elderly gentlemen stopped and asked how the littlest one was doing, I told him there were all doing really great!

Mema Jo said...

NILLA, Floralgirl,Belle,wv If you are out along the side of the road as Paula was, there is no way you would be an interference with the photography session... You Know? Go For It!

paula eagleholic said...

Well, goodnight all for now, gotta catch up on a few things since I've been out all day.

Hoping for a wonderful Monday with a refreshing cam and some pics from Todd!

Bird Girl said...

Todd, I can completely relate to your comment "I love my job!" Although it's not a paid position, I also love my job as a wild bird rehabilitator! I get to watch babies grow and fledge, injured birds heal and be released, and interact with some pretty special creatures which inhabit the desert southwest. In fact, last Friday, we rescued a fledgling raven who had been attacked by an animal. She probably was on her first fledge and couldn't get away fast enough, being too inexperienced. She has no broken bones and after her course of antibiotics, and some "wilding up", she'll be released back where she was found!


Bird Girl

p.s. who was it that said they also had/have mini-doxies?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

BirdGirl, that would be me with the mini-doxies. Love them!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

7/1/2006 - 2:35:37 - 2 eaglets in the nest. Oops, I forgot, here comes the noodle shoots! Good morning everybody. I hope we get back up and running today.

belle_wv said...

Noodles cleaned up from around you yet, Sharon? I bet the poochies enjoyed helping with that! Good morning... Gray and overcast here, not sure what it is like at the nest tree. Hope the weather is better there....

glo said...

WEll Sharon you have lucked out, I will need to find a computer programmer before spring to get on this noodle thing. I think i'll have him/her do something about microphone for "hysterical sounding people" which are waterproof while I'm at it. I could just need both ya know, and i'm planning ahead this time.

Sure wish it wasn't cloudy there. Could you guys all put some fans out and head them all out towards the ocean or something, maybe move that front along quickly.

Getting ready for strong storms here, and I am off to wrok, so will check in later as I can. have a good day everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am thinking (which is dangerous for me sometimes) that if the problem is in Denver, it will be after 11 before anything gets fixed. Is that right Steven? I am so ready to see the cam back up! I will take either, live or stills but would prefer both of course!

Geula said...

Good Morning, eaglet dearies! I caught up on posts (CUOP)...sounds like Paula had an awesome time on the road near the nest.

We have eagles in Israel too, but no cams...we've got tigers in the desert, but no cams, we've got deer in the forests, but no cams...::SIGH::

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning, Geula. Glad to know I am not by myself this morning!

Geula said...

I guess everybody is at work or getting pre-4th things done...

do you think anything is going to happen to the webcam today? like maybe somewone will fix it? Well, I can hope, can't I? LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Geula, Steven said they would be working today so hopefully we will get something up before long.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:49 a.m. Stills are back. MT nest!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...