Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday PM Visitor


Just Vicky said...

Wow, I made it! First one on this thread!

glo said...

just curious if anyone else is having trouble with live feed, mine keeps freezing. Maybe time for a reboot

paula eagleholic said...

Beautiful Belle!

Steve Chase said...

Live feed is ok with me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This has just been beautiful watching her sit in this nest, just looking around. After she ate of course!

Live feed is okay here too!

paula eagleholic said...

Or Liberty?

Hey Sharon, I think we need headbands on the adults.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That was a quick switch! I'm thinking Ms Inbetween at the top and BigBoy near the launch pad...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

4:18 p.m. Now that was some action in the nest. Thought one was going to kill the other! Parent, of course, out of there! 2 eaglets in the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am with ya, Paula! Totally agree, their head bands could be stars on one and stripes on the other!

glo said...

Well of course I rebooted so I missed any action lol...

glo said...

My guess is Ms in Between and Spunky. Which might explain the ruckus I missed. Big boy and Spunky seem to get along fair with each other. Ms In between is a winner wherever!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Glo about the two in the nest. The adult had to be Liberty because of the smallness compared to the "babes." The "face-off" was a little scary though but I guess that is to be expected when they still are not capable of real hunting.

Happy Weekend to all,

paula eagleholic said...

I think it is Big Boy and Spunky

paula eagleholic said...

He is the darkest of them all, and side by side, he still is.

paula eagleholic said...

Squawking at something!

glo said...

Well whoever it is I think number three definitely has an audience watching closely from the nest !!!

paula eagleholic said...

Gone at 4:44, Spunky laying down at noon in the nest

glo said...

Yes my second guess would have been Big Boy and Ms In Between

glo said...

I think Ms In Between now rests in the nest

glo said...

I see lots of brown on that bird and not much if any white

wvgal_dana said...

Hi Eaglewatchers I see Mountaineer shared. Sounds like some of you live close to each other nice.
Caught up on all the great note taking thank you all.
Paula that picture is beautiful by your comment. Awesome!

Bird Girl said...

hello everybody! one resting juvenile in the nest at the 12 o'clock position... leaves rustling... definitely not down

glo said...

Whoever it is is quite content at the moment

wvgal_dana said...
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Bird Girl said...

some of you were talking about blackbirds, and how they like to steal things for their nests.

This is quite true! Raven & crow nests frequently contain silverware, jewelry, hardware, tinsel, etc. They seem to like shiny things. They are also quite intelligent and playful.

Blackbirds comprise a large number of birds, in actuality. Ravens, crows, grackles, magpies, larks, starlings and, of course, red-winged blackbirds are all loosely related.

Ravens, crows, magpies and starlings are excellent mimics. My rescue group has a raven named Lenore (of course), she says a few things like "Oreo", "Mom" and mumbles. She also does a roadrunner call which she learned from a parrot! In Lenore's aviary, we have a lot of "busy boxes" (the kind you put in baby's crib) and dog toys fastened to the sides and suspened from the top, as well as just on the ground.

My friend Dave has a European starling named Fidget, and Fidget is very chatty! He knows several phrases and sounds, including "kitty kitty", "meow", "my name is Fidget", "I'm a darling talking starling" and "I am a Sturnus vulgaris". He whistles a couple of tunes, as well.

Guela, you're in Israel, right? Have you ever witnessed the eagle migrations? I can only imagine what it must be like to see thousands of eagles soaring on the thermals as they make their way from point A to B....

I'll check in later, have tons to do around the house...

Same juvenile in the nest at this time, seems relaxed...

Bird Girl said...

eagles are on every continent except for Antarctica. most do migrate in spring and fall; our eagles will migrate. some places have eagles all year, but they are different populations of birds, not the same birds. usually. :-)

migration is something that is necessary to the survival of a species, as temperatures and food supplies change. that's one reason why humans have led captive-bred Whooping Cranes on migrations with ultralights -- it's necessary for the birds, physically and mentally.

wvgal_dana said...

wvagal_Vicky said...
Hi Bird Girl are you feeling any better?
Can you tell me I read where some Eagles migrate and other do not.
Will our Eagles and eaglets migrate? If so were do you think they will migrate to?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Doing a lot of talking to somebody!

wvgal_dana said...

5:10pm for those that have dial-up the eaglet in the nest is moving all around nest. Putting wings out then in and looking all about. Also he/she did some calling to whomever out there. Now just sitting at the 9 o'clock position looing all around.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:15 p.m. Outtahere!

wvgal_dana said...

5:15 and off eaglet flew from the 9 o'clock position. Empty nest.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, WV Gal.

Outta here now, gotta go mow the lawn.

wvgal_dana said...

Bird Girl Do you think our Eagles and eaglets will migrate to the south towards or to Florida?

Mema Jo said...

How did you do that, Paula?I had printed out the instructions on How to Add a Picture like GLO, BIRDGIRL & some others did.
Headbands like you described, Sharon would be tooooooo cool!
I just returned, but I really think I saw a poop shoot at the 11:00 position that nobody mentioned - or am I dreaming...?

Anonymous said...

Migration is to warmer climates in winter, and cooler climates in summer. In the Northern hemisphere, that means South for winter and North for summer. Our eagles could end up in Florida, it's difficult for me to say since I don't know anything about Liberty and Belle other than this nesting season...

And yes, I am feeling a bit better. No clouds today and not humid, but windy. Thank you all for asking!

wvgal_dana said...

This is something that was in the Martinsburg Journal on July 4th 2006: When Pennsylvania begain a campaign in 1983 the state's bald eagle population was 3 pairs of the birds and 12 eaglets. Now there are more than 100 bald eagle nest in Pennsylvania. A picture in the paper show two bald eagles with an eaglet in the nest at Raystown Lake near Huntingdon, Pa.(that is where my grandparents and aunt used to live before they passed on).
Florida now has about 1,133 breeding pairs.
Minnesota, Wisconsin and Washington each have more than 500 breeding pairs.
Alaska has about 100,000 bald eagles. They love the salmon dead or alive to eat. (Even in snow and cold their feathers keep them warm even in Alaska.)
West Virginia has 14 breeding pairs of bald eagles according to the Fish and Wildlife Service.
Just thought I would share that information with you.

Anonymous said...

does anyone here have hermit crabs?

I have ten, was just wondering if there were any other fans in our group...

Anonymous said...

Vicky,thanks for the info! I get a lot of my information from Arizona Game & Fish, and US Fish & Wildlife. As a wild bird rehabber, it's important for me to at least know where I can FIND information, and I'm good at researching and compiling if I could just get a job doing that... LOL

Anonymous said...

mema jo you have mail!

Anonymous said...

What on earth do they have? At least they are sharing it...

wvgal_dana said...

Was visiting Panda cub came back in 5:53pm and 2 in nest 1 left and 1 was mantling. 5:55pm 1 in nest another just flew in the one that stayed in nest has something to eat. 2nd eaglet moving towards other with food thinking of "a steal here". Wings spread out wide mantling. So hard to tell who is who? The one mantling is almost middle of nest the other is at the 5 o'clock position but very very close to one that has the food. 5:58pm there it goes the rumble is on did he get someI think so a bite I think.
I'll print this then add more if can.

wvgal_dana said...

6:01pm the sneek attack is on again moves just alittle bit closer. Stays there. Other one is eating food it brought in. Nope it's not going to get anymore of that ones food it finished it and just picking at nest now.
6:03pm Other one moves to launch pad. Thinking about all that food you ate and didn't share with me. I'm leaving off it flew 6:04pm.
One left in nest that had brought its own food in and finished it.

wvgal_dana said...

mema jo don't see no turtle shell so it wasn't turtle.
6:07pm out of here from launch pad.

wvgal_dana said...

Leaving for awhile someone take notes please I will check them out when I come back. That made me think I haven't fixed dinner I'll try some mantling at the table lol.

Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...
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Mema Jo said...

Incidentally: Liberty and Belle have promised that before they fly to a warmer climate they are flying all over WV & then headed for ME then to IL then to AZ and then out to see Jim & others in CA. A little bird told me all of that! LOL

**I have deleted this twice trying to correct a sp. error.. I finally got it right.... DUH!

Bird Girl said...

don't worry about typos, mema jo... we all get the gist of what is trying to be said!

everyone: I have made up a Word document detailing how to add a photo to your Blogger profile (like glo, Paula and I have). I included screen shots in the step-by-step instructions to make it easier.

Email me if you would like me to send it to you!

Mema Jo said...


I think they know that everyone is out for the evenning... Live feed is still going strong. It is really erie looking at the nest at dusk.. No spidey yet.

Mema Jo said...

Well! I went to put my live feed up & IT IS DOWN I'll try later - before everyone comes home.....LOL

Anonymous said...

HI CAROL----I know how beautiful Pendleton Co. is-----I ret. this year---but was case coordin. for Family Law Judge & traveled w/him--about 10 yrs.---Pen. Co. was my favorite co.----the scenery is breath-taking---enjoyed spring--- flowers, trout streams, etc.----I bet you do have eagles----and you folks are so very friendly----where do you work?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I hallucinating again or is somebody in the nest?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now it appears I was hallucinating. Don't see anybody now.

Anonymous said...

JO---The Potomac Eagle train is located in Romney----It's so COOL-----you always see eagles (very, very few times you don't)---email your address---w/send brochure---on line ( vary--runs 5/06 thru 9/06--SAT. 3 1/2 hr. trp.depart 11:00---SUN., 3 1/2 trp. depart 1:00---other days, special days---Oct. runs most every day---diff. time sched. beautiful trip----PROMISE YOU WILL ENJOY--

paula eagleholic said...

Those shadows really play tricks on you sometimes...swore I saw one in the nest last night, had to look 2 or 3 times before I realized it was an MT nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Have you rode the Eagle Train? I checked it out after Mountaineer said something about it looks really neat.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Bird Girl, I sent you an email for the instructions. I can't find the html button or edit button or any other button on my blog page!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo and Sharon,
I had a heck of a time getting that pic to show up, maybe Bird Girl has some easier instruction! Took me about an hour!

paula eagleholic said...

Did you use to live in Trenton area?

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, Spidey is right in the middle of the Osprey cam at Blackwater, just like last night! If you haven't seen one on a cam at night, you should take a look...I hate spiders, but it looks pretty neat.

Anonymous said...

PAULA--Yes I have ridden the train about 4 or 5 times----It's great---1st time I rode, I thought, oh yeah, I bet we see an eagle----well---We looked out the window & 2 eagles in the trees & the next thing you knew---they flew along beside the train for a while---as if they were trained to perform---I got chill bumps, wanted to stand up & salute----the ride is up through the TROUGH---to see them, you either float the river or ride the Potomac Eagle Train---TOO COOL TO EXPLAIN----the area is beautiful---but when the EAGLES fly along----that's WAY COOL---

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds like I'll have to put that on my list of places to visit!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well my friends of fine feathers, I am going to bed now. Up and out early tomorrow but will check in before I leave. Don't know if I can live that long without seeing them. Will be back Sunday evening! Jo, you have my number if anything happens! Please use it!

Good night all!

Anonymous said...

PAULA---eagle got so carried away, I forgot to give you this-----

paula eagleholic said...

Have a good weekend Sharon! We will try to keep good notes for you!

Norma, I did check out the site earlier--

movin said...

Bird Girl...

Once enlarged, I can see that the little pic you've added by your display name is a beautiful grouse, but I would like to know what kind of grouse it is, please.


I tuned in for a minute at work just before 5 p.m. Eagle Time, and two eaglets were side-by-side with their backs to us, apparently eating ... the one on the left was Mr. Spunky, and the one on the right was much larger looking ....

About then the pic didn't refresh, and by the time it did, the bird on the left now was mantling the food and the other one was standing off kind of perched sideways at the launch pad ... BUT I couldn't tell in the time I had if the mantling bird was Mr. Spunky or not.

Did anyone else see that episode, and could you clarify the situation if you did?


paula eagleholic said...

My son is going to be going to college at Rider University. We went up for a visit in April, and I thought that was a very nice area. What is your opinion of the Lawrenceville area, if you don't mind?

Mema Jo said...

JIM The comments at the beginning of this blog page do describe the feeding right before 5:00 that you were watching. The time on the comments isn't Eagleland time - they show 3 hrs. earlier then the real time here. I wasn't on at the time but it sounds pretty exciting.

Yes, Sharon I've got your number! Enjoy your time away & don't worry - kids will be just fine!

paula eagleholic said...

Well goodnite all, hope tomorrow brings us some eaglets!

floralgirl said...

Morning all- MT nest at 6:24. Interesting that WV only has 14 breeding pairs of bald eagles, so glad one pair has decided to nest in Shepherdstown.The Wash. Post had an article about the VA eagle population-485 pairs and 705 chicks along the lower Chesapeake bay and its tidal tributaries .VA's eagle population has been rising since 1977- but they say the growth rate is starting to decline as development destroys the bird's habitat.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:45 a.m. Looks like an MT nest this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Testing, testing!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you Bird Girl! It worked!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I am just wondering what the brown thing is by the tree trunk.

glo said...

Good morning all. Today is the day!!!! YES and I am almost ready LOL

Have a great time Sharon wherever you're going, we will miss you, although chances are I won't be on here much myself, I will still miss that no one will be FRAP ing just in case.....LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I sure do wish somebody would make an appearance before I leave! If not, everybody have a wonderful weekend. Glo, enjoy that baby some more! Jo, call me if anything exciting happens. Goodbye all!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning out there in Eagleland.
Live Feed is down
I will feel better about the live Eagle Cam functioning when I see some activity in the nest. Those still pics just don't look like anything is moving...

Mema Jo said...

Hi There, Linndda! Welcome from Canada. See that you like Pandas. Here's the DC Zoo cam on TaiShan who will be a year old tomorrow & his mom.Of course, you may have already been to the site:
Most of us keep up to date on the British Columbia eagles:BigSis & LilBro.
Here is another site for cams:
Hope you enjoy this site!

belle_wv said...

Good noon everyone!

Wish we had some activity. I miss the live cam. Welcome Linndda! Wish we had something more exciting going on for your first day blogging, but it is great to have you :)
Anyone seen any eagle activity?

Mema Jo said...

12:02 1 in the nest... May have been there a few minutes. At least I now know the Live Eagle Cam is working..

glo said...

Welcome linda...I'm back from grocery AGAIN LOL And I bought some DVD R to make some copies of some special stuff for my kids about You know who So i will be setting this computer up to record for a whiel and going offline. Will check back in later on today at some point for sure...Hope to see our little guys...maybe lunch time.

Mema Jo said...

wvgal Vicky Do you think I should call Sharon HaHa

Mema Jo said...

12:10 Still resting in the center of nest & looking around as if to say "Where's Lunch"

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks JanetM for your info on NJ, do appreciate it.

Welcome Linndda!

Sharon, Like your pic!

Looks like Ms Inbetween or Spunkster in the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for being here with me, Paula Going to be hard with just the live eagle cam to give any play by play of nest activity.

paula eagleholic said...

I would have been on here earlier, but had to take the dog to the vet for emergency surgery....had a twisted stomach, but all is ok and recovering well...I should be able to bring him home tomorrow or Monday.

Mema Jo said...

12:16 Someone must be out there - Spunky standing up & being alert.
12:18 Lying down again in center of nest
12:25 Still no visitors..

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I am thankful to hear the surgery went well. My granddaughter's English Bulldog needs surgery - aat a very high price! But what are you going to do?

paula eagleholic said...

Still resting in the nest, but now pointing toward the cam

Mema Jo said...

12:30 Slipped away to the Loo thinking that visitors would come while I wasn't watching - no luck!
Now I am going to make a quick lunch - maybe that will bring them in.
Just Spunky still in the middle of the nest! One of her wing or tail feathers is sticking upward - hope she doesn't lose it! I'd have to really climb up there to get that keepsake! HaHa

Anonymous said...

It looks like Spunky to me---am I right Jo-----She is so cute---looks like she had a "Big Nite"---don't think she's ready to sleep on a limb-----my grand-kids comin'--from FL---"4"--I hope our eaglets check in----want to show & tell---WELCOME LINNDA---We LOVE to share the eagles---
PAULA--great pic---how did you do that---

paula eagleholic said...

Up in the middle of the nest now, looking around

email birdgirl,
she has a set of instructions....
Sharon was able to get a pic up via her instructions.

paula eagleholic said...

Doing some preeening now....

paula eagleholic said...

Now moved toward the launch pad, still just looking around...maybe for lunch to be delivered..

paula eagleholic said...


MT nest

Mema Jo said...

12:37 Spunky up & alert.
12:44 Moving over to right side of nest still looking for food to be brought in...
12:46 Spunky took off from nest.Maybe he is following mom or dad..

paula eagleholic said...

At least the Blackwater Osprey's are getting some lunch!

paula eagleholic said...

Scary how us Eaglet Momsters tend to think alike, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

You know what they say about Great Minds They alway think alike!!

Mema Jo said...

1:28 Just when I had thoughs of a nap - in flew InBetween (?) It really could be Spunky again..

Mema Jo said...

1:30 Adult eagle came in while cam was refreshing - don't know what was brought but InBetween (?) mantling and looks like BigBoy is there on the sidelines. He's now trying to see what is under all those mantling wings.
1:33 Cam Refreshed...BigBoy gone..
Looks like food (fish) in front of InBetween--She's looking after BigBoy-not yet eating.

Mema Jo said...

1:35 Still not eating - just looking all around - Maybe she wants to fight for her food oooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr
maybe it's not a fish but a duck???lying at her feet.

movin said...

WOW!! Nest was empty just before 1:30 ET, then Liberty flew in with a large fish, Mr Inbetween came in and started mantling immediately.

Mr. Spunky arrived and Liberty took off...wonder if Liberty is giving lessons on where the vittles come from today.


movin said...

Yeah, that is strange...just looking around...I think that one is Mr. he is eating finally.

I really bet the reason Mr. Inbetween left nest and food is that he is getting hunting training from Liberty today.

What do you think?


Mema Jo said...

JIM I was baffled as to why the fish was not being eaten. Could only hope that Inbetween has been skilled in getting food. Yes, the camera refreshed, but I do think it is now Spunky who earlier had been waiting for food. Looks as though eating is happening. Here's a funny thing-once you said this & it has happened to me on quite a few occasions: I am looking at the tailend thinking it is the headsup end. I thought Spunky was about to fly out of the nest. HAHA

Mema Jo said...

1:59pm Spunky still in nest eating..

movin said...

Hahahaha...believe me, Mema Jo, I've mistaken one end of the bird for the other many, many times as well.

I think the way Liberty and Mr. Inbetween were acting while in the nest, then Mr. IBtwn following him out of the nest, then Spunky's eyes following them off into the distance... I think it all indicates that Liberty is schooling Mr. Inbetween in the techniques of fishing on the Potomac and bringing it back to the nest today....

I guess Spunky will start the training soon, the Big Gal is probably well advanced under the eye of Belle, so our worries of when they will learn to feed themselves of a few days ago will be ancient history.


Mema Jo said...

I hope that next year the cam will be up & running whenever Liberty and Belle return so we can witness them repairing the nest. It is really a wreck from all this year's activities.

Mema Jo said...

2:06pm Another eaglet hits the nest!
I think Spunky got scared away from his food - sitting up at 12:00 position. It could be BigBoy - no white feathers showing...but he is at the food under the cam...
2:08 Could be a confrontation coming on.. Nope! Spunky stopped short on the edge of the nest at 3:00 poisition.Both are looking out towards the left of the nest - could there be anotherone lerking over there on the branch?

movin said...

After Spunky had a good feed near the camera tree, another larger bird arrived, Spunky mantled for a while, but by next refresh he had moved to 12 o'clock and the other eaglet...maybe the Big cleaning up the remains of lunch on the nest.


Mema Jo said...

12:11pm 1 eaglet in nest
I think it was Spunky that flew out.Still cannot get a good view of the eaglet left in the nest...
Just got a good view - Pure black..I really think it is BigBoy

Mema Jo said...

BigBoy trying to move some of the large sticks in the nest. He is one large eaglet.......Seems to be finishing off the food...

movin said...

Yes, I thought the dark coloring was Big Gal's too, but now I get a closer look at the whole bird, it is Mr. up scraps, he can't be too hungry now, but he needs to get more aggressive protecting his food like Mr. Inbetween. Maybe in time he'll get it...he is mantling some now, which he didn't used to do.


Mema Jo said...

2:23pm BigBoy looking down under nest at 12:00 position - like: Who's down there?? Not eating any longer..Well he wasn't but now his head in under the cam where the food was...

Mema Jo said...

I must leave for an hour -

2:34pm 1 eaglet still in nest.

movin said...

I think the light has been making the eaglet remaining look darker, but when you get a good look from the side, it is Mr. Spunky....

Do you know if the Potomac is to the south of the nest? They all seem to indicate a lot of the action is in that direction, but I got the definite impression that the river is north of Shepherdstown!?!?.

It's easy to tell West is to the right of the nest, east is to the left (at least in the morning...sorry for that one).


paula eagleholic said...

The Potomac is east of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

3:15 pm, still laying down looking out at noon

movin said...

Thanks, Paula,
As soon as I read your remarks, I realized I was on the "West Coast direction determining" mode; so the nest is actually oriented 180 deg. from what I usually visualize it.


paula eagleholic said...

You're Welcome, Jim.

Still chillin' in the nest...feet stickin' out too!

paula eagleholic said...

Looked back at the cam at 4pm, now an MT nest

paula eagleholic said...

Be back later, going to see the dog.

movin said...

In case you didn't note it yourself, Steven has provided us with a new thread....


3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...