Friday, July 28, 2006

Friday July 28

New Thread.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everybody!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steven for the new thread!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

NORMA, By the time I went to look at Papa Smurf cam it was dark, so could not answer your question about what was in the nest. In th light of day, still don't know. Anytime at the beach is a good time.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, STEVEN for new thread---SHARON, I just posted on other thread-----please read---

Anonymous said...

Are you watching more than one Osprey cam in CT----this one is so good----you can see their "big eyes"-----I know anytime at the beach is GOOD---I guess I remember rainy days w/children at the beach----they weren't HAPPY CAMPERS----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, I have had a single woodpecker pecking at the overhang on my house before. Didn't know he was trying to find a mate, thought he was just trying to peck holes in my house!! Maybe they make some kind of repellant that you could spray on your house. Don't really know an answer for that but I just might google it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just placed my order for my stuff from Glo's Unique Creations 4U. Now I will be anxiously awaiting the arrival. Of course, I will let you know with pride when they arrive.

Anonymous said...

THANKS SHARON-----Haven't had that problem in 30 yrs----when we were blding house---some pecked on one board (trim)----Bill removed it & all has been well----Now---I see holes on deck side---REALLY POURING RAIN HERE-----

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Norma, go to this website. It may just help you!

Anonymous said...

NORMA Only one in Conn. that I am aware of, the chicks eyes are a beautiful brown and Moms are steely blue. Great cam.

Mauley said...

Thanks Steven. We appreciate anything you do. God Bless You today.

Mauley said...

we have 1/4 cedar siding on our brick home, and we had to put some pie pans (those disposable think ones - aluminum I guess) where the wood peckers were working. reflection scared them away. they can do major damage. my hubby is cooperative extension agent for UK college of agriculture. this is Humane way to control those little
varmits. God Bless today. donn

Mauley said...

Thanks Steven. We appreciate anything you do. God Bless You today.

movin said...

Morning again,

Took a look at the Blackwater Ospreys, and the youngest chick is still there and looking healthy...

Now the mother and one of the other fledglings may be doing demo flights to try and give the last one the idea.

She disappears between 'refreshes' and reappears just as fast.


movin said...

Thanks, Suzanne,

I think it was two mornings ago that it fledged, and it hasn't made a move to fly again...

The mother is trying to get it to move on with the program, I believe.


Anonymous said...

EAGLE-EYED SHARON----Thank you so very much----I'm going to order the "streamer tape" first-----Hope it w/scare them away-----my house has a high-pitched roof----but w/need help---They have an electronic thing---it plays a recording of the woodpecker and then this hawk---I listened to it-----WOW---may scare a few other birds, small kids, neighbors, etc.---I like the Cornell site----Thanks MAULEY--I appreciate your offer---might call/if the streamer tape thing doesn't work----I bet this would frighten Spunky too---everytime I type her name---I SMILE---

Anonymous said...

Wonder how the eaglets are doing?

Anonymous said...

SUZANNE: I live in Romney, WV---about 1 1/2 hrs. W of Shepherdstown-----some wind----

SHARON---You need this electronic thing (I'm mechanically impaired) to take to camp----PLAY LOUD in middle of night---That would get those teenagers moving---ATTACK FROM OLE EAGLE-EYE----COOL--

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WHERE IS SPUNKY? (BOO-HOO) WHERE IS SPUNKY? (SNIFFLE-SNIFFLE) I am sure our little troopers are soaring the skies, fighting over food, taking it easy in the shaded nest and just loving life!!

Anonymous said...

MITS----GREAT MINDS think alike---I wonder too----

Anonymous said...

SHARON----Do you think SPUNKY thinks she can winter in NCTC---typical teenager----hasn't quite figured out what she wants to MAJOR in----sometime LIFE IS CRUEL----KIDDING---SMILE!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The band director has a bull horn and a large dinner bell he rings and plays to wake them up in the mornings. Also, if one of them goes back to the cabin to take a nap on one of their short 15 minute breaks, they do "pick a note". The whole band tiptoes quietly into the cabin and picks one note on their instrument (Andrew normally takes cymbals) and they all blast at one time. It is so funny because it scares the bigeezes out of whoever is sleeping.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Spunky is so strong spirited that the sky is the limit for her!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON----That's CRUEL----But I like it----

Anonymous said...

Andrew's band leader also likes the phrase, BOOYAH!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

New update on TAI-SHAN The little poker weighs in at 61.5 lbs.

Anonymous said...

I think that might be Dad in the CT. osprey nest with the fledgeling.

Anonymous said...

JO, Its Friday, are you wearing your RED?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. BBL!!

paula eagleholic said...


If you haven't looked at the cam lately, it has been updated with an eagle picture, and the cam has been, I guess that is it folks. We will see them next year

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture. Who is that handsome eagle?

Anonymous said...

PAULA---I saw that----maybe we could send NCTC a pic of the eaglets----THAT'S FINAL I GUESS---

glo said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve, we'll be needing naother one before the weekend is over LOL Just trying to give him a little heads up here. Doesn't appear like we are going anywhere. We'll be here waiting for the New Thread is Up that says There back and buildingcam is up LOL

I get excited just typin git.

Spunky and family wherever you are I hope your day is absolutely aweson!!!

I am back from the grocery store, my dogs cop an attitude if they don't get to eat!!! man do they everh ave me wrapped around their little paws. Its going to be mid 90's here with heat idexes about 105 this afternoon, so headed out first thing this morning. Time for a dog walk and some lunch. Then hey maybe an afternoon nap!

Anonymous said...

MITS----educate me---CT osprey nest----how can you tell sex of adults-----I thought Mom had the speckled spots on chest?----I hadn't watched this site---but it a great cam---

Never did get a glimpse of panda---this a.m.

paula eagleholic said...


That picture is own Liberty or Belle! The photos were taken by NCTC alum and FWS retiree Jim Clark back in 2004. They are also posted on the last day of the April blog!

paula eagleholic said...

Lunchtime in CT - think I will do the same.

Norma, yes you are right, females have the "necklace".

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon my fine feathered friends..Thanks for the new blog Steven, but like Glo said will need another 1 for the wknd.. as i am working the wknd and The wind is really blowing here and rain, but hasnt cooled off any. Yucky day just payed afew bills over the phone, electric company is asking for a raise is saw on the news. So watcha all doin this hot steamy friday afternoon?? Thelma you behavin? Time to check Critter Cams.. BBL

Anonymous said...

NORMA Momma has blue eyes, baby has brown eyes and Dads'eyes are really dark. At least, that is how I can tell them apart. Could you get on the panda cam? Tai has been up the tree most of the day. Should be coming down soon to pester Mom.

Anonymous said...

Yep, LOUISE I'm being good for a change.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, STEVEN PLEASE DO NOT FORGET US OVER THE WEEKEND. We still find things to talk about....

Anonymous said...

I hate that word DISABLED

NillaWafer said...

Thelma i was looking at Tai up the tree and mom sleeping so soundly and thinking also the lil devil will be pestering her No tiger cubs on cam.. Oh 1 fledging at the Barbee Mill Osprey..Must be just getting day light up in Alaska but bears are out on the rocks..I know disabled , could have put down for But what awsome picture of Liberty or Belle they put on.. fierce looking, like ya ya I am the Meanest Baddest Of

Just Vicky said...

Guess that is in plain enough english "Disabled"!

NillaWafer said...

Well jumpin in shower and heading out for my usual trip to Cracker Barrel for the Friday fish fry.. YUM YUM.. Then shopping and work.. Bon Ton has sneakers on sale i have been waiting C Ya L8r

Anonymous said...

MITS---Yes, I was on the Animal Planet ca,----I watched the trees forever----didn't see Mom either---
I didn't recognize the Eagle pic----We can remember he is SPUNKY'S parent-----& w/SMILE----Thanks for Osprey info---LATER

Anonymous said...

MITS---Word is better than being (DISABLED)----I know it's time for a break---I have been understanding the beautiful redhead's initials-----LIFE IS GOOD!

Anonymous said...

NORMA Animal planet for some reason only has 1 cam now. The National Zoo still has 2 panda cams. So you have a chance to see wat both are up to, and if you are real lucky, sometimes, you see Tian Tian the Dad.

Anonymous said...

Out for awile, BBL.

Just Vicky said...

Wow, seems almost everyone has other things to do, places to go, people to see, then there's the lonely "few"! How things have changed with no eaglets to watch.

paula eagleholic said...

I am really surprised at the number of blue heron in this area. I was used to seeing them at the beach all the time, and thought maybe they were only a salt water bird....but I have seen them many times around Baker Park in Frederick, and I saw one flying around Boonsboro on my way home from the nest one evening. I love the Blue heron. They are really long and elegant and graceful.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, 4 in the nest at BW

glo said...

OK Well it's afternoon and after nap Wasn't in the hammock though Mits Too hot outside. Other than that though it has been a Life of Riley afternoon. Think i'll head over to the Grizzly site and see if my computer will let me watch it this time LOL. I'll be checkin back in again soon. Sure wish I could go to the beach!!!

Anonymous said...

CAROL You seem to have a very nice drive, bet it is spectacular in the fall.

movin said...

Good P.M., Eagle Lovers,

Except for the finality of "Disabled" in red, the situation is no worse than it was, and that beautiful picture of "Liberty" definitely looks better than a screen of multicolored lines spelling "malfunction."

Maybe next year Steve and the crew will have that automated, interactive system (with great sounds, of course), which allows the viewer to manipulate the cams to see what he or she wants to view in the whole general nesting area....

That's what I've been trying to send them by telepathic suggestion for some time now...probably work better if I actually believed in them.

If you read the line below the picture carefully, you might get a laugh...whoever wrote it made a grammatical "boo-boo."

I got a confirmation from that site with the goods you are selling for the eagles' future that my order had been shipped, before too many days, I should be cooly sipping some of the good stuff from my "Eagle Buddies" mug.

Think I'll do some work around here while it's too hot to go out into "the noonday sun." ...Or not, maybe I'll do some vacation stuff. Talk to you later.


glo said...

Jim Glad you have confiramtion of shipment. Shipping days does nOT count the weekend, and I think they say like 5 to 7 business days. So late next week probably for you. If its hot keep drinking those fluids, don't wait for the mug

I ordered items a week ago today that are now in Kansas City, been there 2 days LOL. I am hoping to see them tomorrow but more than likely might get to wait til Monday. I figure 1 day after Vicki IL says she has hers, I figure I will gt mine LOL.

It has been and will continue to be fun making some various memories from our Eagle Family. We may not have the photograph qulity of a Photographer, but we do have the "eagle eye view provided by our 30 sec cam and Mother Nature. Not sure I will ever see 3 eaglets actually grow survive and fledge again. I still love everything I saw!!!!

Anonymous said...

Grizzly cam is awesome, STEVEN Bear is eating his nice fresh fish.

Mema Jo said...

Hi There all you eagle Buddies! I have been out and about and then some today. I have read the comments and realize like Vicky-IL did that without the eagles to view - attendance has dropped a little. I am certain all us regulars will keep in touch.. MITS 40 lashes with a wet noodle for Jo due to her wearing navy today! So sorry - went to my calendar & wrote the word RED on all the Fridays! That should do it.
GLO I bought a cushioned envelope today & hope to use some bubble wrap so it won't crumble in the mail. Will try to send tomorrow.
My NY gals are in town - so I am waiting for a phone call to go visit them for awhile this evening. BBIT

glo said...

I just got my recent order. I love my tile coaster That is not a sales pitch, just saying gosh it turned out awfully cute. I will probably change the picture this weekend to something different so that over time I can get a set of them for myself here. So many wonderful pictures to choose from so little money LOL. Its that can't make a decision thing creeping up on me again.

Jo thanks so much, I am looking forward to "The envelope please" Hopefully it will have a return address on it. I will owe you dessert when I come to Shepherdstown Notice I did not say steak LOL.

Gonna be fun days in the mail at my house again!!!

NillaWafer said...

Wondering in the door.. Been out and about but on live cams all I am at work til 11pm. Well those grizzly bears are something to watch.. most are so fat and full they are just laying on the rocks with legs spread. Thelma i am sure you loved the cartoons, especially the 1 with the guy in the tee shirt and her in the long Jo have anice visit with the NY girls.. Just wondering what our kids are doing.. Miss them

Just Vicky said...

I am the proud owner of 2 mousepads and a magnet! I'M SO HAPPY!!!

glo said...

Vicki Glad your items have arrived. I know you were watching for them!!! I am glad you are happy.

glo said...

Oh where Oh where have my Eagle Buddies gone?
Oh where oh where can they be?

What was once so thrilling has now settled down, and I suspect they're all out on the town!!!

OK well if you are, Hope you are having a good time.

Spunky and Family...hope your day was Absolutely safe in the rain and storms...enjoy the more gentle breezes and

Soar in Splendor
"Our "Little" Ones"

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well I am back from my day out! It has been good not sitting here all day. Been a very productive day. I got me a new cell phone to replace my broken one. Love it!

I think I am going to bed soon as I have to work 8-4 tomorrow. Good night all my friends of fine feathers!!

PS: Haven't been able to make myself pull up the site yet. As Scarlet says I will think about it tomorrow!

NillaWafer said...

Hey Glo Bug.. Your new nickname from Had a girlfriend on aol long time ago her name was Gloria we called her Glo Bug to. Well i am here but remember its friday night and some out to dinner and shopping i guess. I have just been surfin alot..I did tell you i got my mug n mouse pad right? Love them both mouse pad is nice and thick.Well more surfin to do C Ya L8r

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, I did it. I looked at the disabled page!! Okay, now we know it really is over for the season but man what a season this has been!! I am so grateful to NCTC for this most awesome opportunity to have witnessed such miracles. I was talking to my sister-in-law today about how much of a miracle these three fledglings have been and she said it was because of the love and spirit we have shown them and they can feel that spirit. Blew my mind because many of us have felt the same way.

NillaWafer said...

Your so right Sharon especially when they knew we were over They knew my Man i was just watching the live cam on Ocean City Boardwalk and its Packed with people, very crowded..

glo said...

yes Nilla They have seen your jeep before and this time a whole group fo you showed up

Instead of splitting, they gave you a wonderful show

I can still just imagine your memories from that day, as I remember what I saw on the computer, but not up close like all of you!!!

Glad you like your stuff OK too. I know its NOT perfect.. go figure this is a learning process for me too. But you do have something right there now to enjoy and remind you of all we have shared with that Eagle Family of 2006. I still say Once in a lifetime experience!!!

Sharon Well the picture is Majestic...I personally think its Belle, and yes nicer to look at than that cam screen with the color lines etc etc.

There is next year and so so much more...and you hands on memories are on the way to you too. Well ya know maybe haven't left yet, BUT they will, soon!!! LOL. Glad your day was good. Enjoy your new cell phone, Get some good rest.

NillaWafer said...

On the Ocean City live cam I am watchin for Thelma.. i suppose she will be the blonde streaks in her hair.. Puppies draggin behind Way its crowded she better lift them up and carry them..LMAO Thelma ifn ur down there make a sign and hold it up saying Hi...

NillaWafer said...

Glo Bug just save those pennies and remember next season your comin to.. Right?

glo said...

Yes Nilla I am very much planning to come next spring Imagine I own't even have to request time off from work. I am actually only semi retired, but That job is a done deal!!! Have already done a little emailing back and forth with Vicki from Il about the trip etc. I will have a little more than 4hours to get to her house. We both live in IL BUT I am on the western edge, like 5 minutes from the Mississippi, and she is on the eastern edge like 30 min from Indiana LOL. Looking very very forward to it!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello all, been out to dinner with family. You ditzy redhead, I usually don't go down to the boardwalk til after Labor Day.And during the off-season I will pick up something to eat and watch the sun go down and the fishing boats come in thru the inlet But, maybe when it is less crowded, I will get a sign to say Hello.

NillaWafer said...

Thats great, coming with her will make the trip alot better not as lonely.. Well i have things to get finished here and close, see ya in the funny papers.Just had athought everyone thinking most arent bloggin any more can we call it empty blog syndrom??? lol

NillaWafer said...

Thelmaaaaaaaaa welcome home ..Well daughter told me earlier i think we are planning on coming down wknd after next for the wknd, more to be revealed later ok.. Niterss

Anonymous said...

JO . Glad you put those marks on your calender. Got my red tee-shirt on, can't believe I remembered..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Some of us are not going anywhere!! I was just going back through some of the early blogs. What happened to all those people. Glo was the first blogger. I thought that was pretty cool. But the other ones in the early days just disappeared. Do you think perhaps we ran them off? Hope not.

Good night everybody. Sweet eagle dreams!

glo said...

No empty Blog syndrom Still dealing with the empty nest right ont he heals of Bird Flew

They'll be back after there weekend, and some will be in and out always..Sure they will...Won't you!!!

glo said...

Man do I need a secretary or some sleep Good Night all. I'll be by tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

NILLA The best time to come down, if you want it a little less congested is after the "WHITE MARLIN OPEN" which starts on August 7th thru 11th. After the 13th it should start to get a little less hectic.

Anonymous said...

I hope we didn't run anyone off. I have enjoyed meeting so many new people. I'm going to sign off for tonight. As always, have a peaceful night. I've been thinking about Geula, we really have not heard from her in a few days. CU!!

Geula said...

Good Morning! awwww, ya worried about me.....thanks!
I'm fine....quiet where I live, just sometimes, at night, we here some BOOMS. but they are pretty far away.

I see that our camera season is over, here.
well, i'll settle for the pandas!
No more eagles or storks or osprey for me...I get too attached!


Anonymous said...

Geula, happy to hear your OK.
I guess we'll have to wait until next Eagle season. Way back near the begining of our Blog we talked about the NCTC open house, who ever finds out just when that is please post..I REALY want to go this year.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good morning everyone.

Good morning Geula. Rally good to hear that you are still safe. We have been concerned!!

Cindi, NCTC Open House is October 21 from 10-4.

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES Geula, I mention your name last night and here you are, glad you are safe. Kids still sleeping, they had a late night last night, meeting some co-workers at SEACRETS, a local bar here in OC. HEAT ALERT Please stay well hydrated today. Its even hot hear.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sunny, thanks for poping in...come back soon.

paula eagleholic said...

Good Morning Eagle Land!

It's gonna be a hot one here today. I imagine that Big Boy, Ms Inbetween and Spunkster are either cooling their heels in the nest, or more likely, down by the river where it is nice and cool!

I also think that is Belle on the cam site.

Think I'll watch some osprey today!


Anonymous said...

GM! PAULA There were just 3 at BW. Baby smurf is hanging out, don't know how these osprey take this heat, building their nest in the blazing sun

Anonymous said...

No one home at NU!

glo said...

Good morning all. Nice to see that people are stopping by as the Eagles are here in spirit and the Eagle Buddies are all stopping by on a fairly regular basis. So nice to see someone has been by when you come in to see what's happening. sunny glad you stopped and said Hi ..always good to hear that the bLOG goes on and on and on...we shall escort in next season together as we all reminisce prooofreader from h---- how do you spell that one LOL.

Hope everyone is planning a great but Cool day. Will be stopping back in again later. Have a couple of different kinds of projects to work on today housework well not really but I'll squeeeze some in here somewhere.

paula eagleholic said...

Papa Smurf Osprey up and about now. I don't know how they take it either, Mits!

paula eagleholic said...

Both parents in CT nest now, someone brought breakfast, little one is eating

paula eagleholic said...

Mom and Dad both rearranging sticks

Anonymous said...

PAULA What a nice looking family they are....

paula eagleholic said...

1 Adult and 2 Chicks at BW, they've just been hanging out

Anonymous said...

Boy, somthing is close by, they are screeching ay it, bet it is Mr. Eagle.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Fancy meeting you here too Paula! :)

paula eagleholic said...

Did you see Mom with that stick full of seaweed!

Anonymous said...

Must be getting alot of hits in CT, keeps stopping on me, but it is so easy to get it back.

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, Sharon!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just thinking we are going to crash their blog. They don't do it like we do!!

paula eagleholic said...

No, they don't Sharon, kinda feel like an intruder!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did see where Nilla turned them on the Grizzly Bear cam last night!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

There is an eaglet in the NU nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Mema Jo said...

Good morning Eagle Buddies. So thankful to hear from Geula! Hi Geula!
It is a hot one here today. I have family coming for dinner this evening.I do really miss our eagles, but I am happy that we still have the blog. I especially like to be able to go back over the past months & relive our exciting moments. I go to the Grizzly cam - good thing bears don't eat gulls! Checked out BirdGirls site - good tribute to Hugo.
Everyone stay as cool as possible today. Check in later.

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say HI and GOODBYE. Going to the beach. 88 degrees already and no wind, hoping for some clouds, will check in later. Be careful out there today...

glo said...

Very hot here where I am too, mid 90's today and 100 tomorrow. heat indexes are brutal. Staying in except for quick doggie walks LOL. I am enjoying our eagles my own way, as i pretty much do everyday at some time or another. Will chaeck back in with ya'all later. keep er cool!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, good to hear from you. I was feeling like I had been abandoned!!

Mema Jo said...

Just watching the pandas for a few minutes. I enjoy the Animal Planet rather then the zoo camera. I haven't been able lately to get either cam 1 or 2 on the zoo network. Tai can show so much affection to his momma- then other times I know she would be rather left alone - He is all over her.

Guess the blog is slowing down, but us regulars are still here! Just finished playing make believe with all the farm animals & their barn with Samantha - 4 yr old great-granddaughter.

NillaWafer said...

Good Afternoon Ya'll Just checking in and reading blogs.. Yup Hotter than Rooster In A Hen House so be careful in this heat.. As for me i am at work 1-11pm long day have air conditioning down on 68 nice and kool in Anyways been checking critter cams and here is my Tia was nursing right at the cam. then she got up and he followed wanting more.. Tiger cubs were playing in front of cam.. they really have gotten big..Bears eating fish and playing in creek.. Osprey in Washington St. 2 have fledged and are doing really good with landing back in nest..Oh Thelma watching the Ocean City live boardwalk cam and Wooohooo all those guys with no shirts and nice Jo especially you stay in and have a time with your childern .. Hugsss to ALL BBL

NillaWafer said...

Oh Thelma last night late i turned on Cheetah cam and it was dark but all i could see was teh glow of their eyes shinning as they layed around the litter

paula eagleholic said...

Hope everyone is having a great Saturday...been watching the Osprey's today...Long Island, Blackwater, Washington State, Connecticut...all have had activity today...great for a feather fix!

floralgirl said...

Alright-could someone please turn off the heat outside?!Back from market and I am worn out from the heat,Looks like it is going to be really hot the next several days.Too hot to drink G&T's ,have to stick to Gatotrade and water.Glad to hear from Geula,hope she stays safe-seems the world's gone mad.Glad everyone has found other cams to keep them busy,I might have to check out the OC cam-lots of guys with no shirts and nice chests, Nilla?Sounds interesting...if hubby sees that ,with all the bikini chicks,he might finally get hooked on a cam.On second thought,I better stick to animal cams.BAck to work,must make bouquets for tomorrow's market-check back later

NillaWafer said...

Paula i just saw the last chick fledge from Washington State awsome.. 2 are back in the nest now

NillaWafer said...

LOL Floral i checked weather for OC ITS 89 But feels alot hotter.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, cool Nilla, Which OC cam are you watching, only about 10 of em!?

floralgirl said...

89 at the beach is better than 92 here! I would just stay at the ocean's edge all day with my toes in the surf.The heat here slows me down so much..see I'm supposed to be working right now but I can't get my lazy butt out of this chair.

glo said...

LOL Nope no one here is abandoned!!! I have been very busy though. You all will be getting an email from me I hope That's the plan anyway.

I have a pretty neat surprise for you But it won't be ready til next weekend
AND THEN ONLY if I get a minimum of 12 to respond.

I need you to email me don't just write it on here email me a

Farewell tribute to any or all of our Young Eagles

It can be 3 seperate Tributes or one for all 3...however you want to do it will be fine.

Please keep it to a Pleasant readable length but I'm not going to set a limit.

You will be helping me to Finish the Creation of a Farewell Page to our 3 Young eagles for 2006

I will be placing your name "real or what you use on here", I guess anonymous is OK too LOL so clarify in you email how you want your entry to the Web Page signed.

NillaWafer said... This cam is right on the boardwalk and refreshes every 15 seconds

paula eagleholic said...

Yea, I checked out that one too. And there is one on the inlet, thought I could catch a glimps of Mits, but looks a little small, she'll have to let us know when she is headed for the inlet. The inlet one is at:

It is a streaming video cam

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Paula, Nilla is changing things for them. She is blogging on the AppArt site like here. She is going to change their ways of doing things!!

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe they needed someone to stir things up... that would be our Nilla!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

She is doing a wonderful job, that is for sure! :)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hate to tell everybody this, but everybody is talking about what a hot day it is!! It is 70° here with a breeze and cloudy. Almost feels chilly coming in my window!

glo said...

Just wanted to add from my post a couple of hours ago

Saturday, July 29, 2006 11:30:57 AM
That if you did not get an email from me, That does nOT at all mean you are not invited to participate.
Please read that post time slot is on this entry

If you are reading this, we would all love to read your contribution to the farewell page.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going out for a while. Check back later. I miss everybody!!

NillaWafer said...

Sharon i see you..LMAO Yup those 2 UK ladies are fun great sense of humors.. I saw the last fledge today was awsome..Dont believe her i am behaving honest..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA, YEAH - RIGHT!! We believe you -- NOT!!

glo said...

SIGH man oh Man is it ever quiet in hear. I am watching the news "Pretty exciting LOL" Anyway in IL we are under a triple digit heat advisary until Tues. night at 7 pm. So I guess that is part of the reason I am spending my weekend inside, and much of the time at the computer. Just about time to polish up my canasta skills i guess. Waiting on entries for Our Tribute Page. Surely hoping its because you are all busy and having a good time, NOT because you don't want to make a tribute page. I know Nilla will probably write a poem. Mits is gonna love the page but that's all I'll say about that one for now. If you see this and it starts to get buried or something, please help encourage the Tribute Just write briefly what's on your heart and send it to me.


Suppertime for me, and then off to find a game of canasta. Paula I did see that you know how to play. My guess is though that you are among the other busy this weekend. Will catch you during a blizzard sometime!!! So polish up your skills too, in your spare time LOL

NillaWafer said...

Glo Bug i am just surfin and i did get your e-mail and will send something as i think i had wrote something here in the blogs about letting go.. Will look for it in other blog soon and send e-mail to you.. Yes very quiet in here but each is having family come in or out and about..Dont worry they will come back here to I invited 2 nice ladies from UK over to the site hope they come but in bed now as it is night there..Well off i go surfin around more L8r

glo said...

Nilla Thanks for letting me know there is someone out there somewhere. Lord only knows where you are at this minute thoughCyberspaceis a big place. I went by the Grizzly cam at zoom in and around time. It was pretty awesome but in a way a little more Wild Kingdom than I really wanted to see for a few seconds. But the bear is a happy full camper tonight lOL. i tell myself

If it had been a little cub whom you had watched birthed, you would be happy to see it was getting something to eat..Helped some, but well, i am going to play canasta instead LOL.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Well, I am back now. Glad to see you ladies on here. Glo, I have to think on what I and going to write and since I worked today, I figure I need not think about it while I am typing a history and physical as a person's history of present illness probably doesn't need something about eaglets in it!! :):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hey, Hey Paula! When are the polls on the merchandise going to close and when do you reckon that stuff will be offered?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just watching the grizzlies and it looks like one has been in a fight. Has a couple of holes in his side. I really didn't need to see that!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sunny, please let us know if you go there tomorrow!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is anybody out there? I miss you!! Going to bed pretty soon. Hope everybody has a good night. Don't give up on us!!

Sweet eagle dreams!

glo said...

Sharon No I don't think we need to mix a few medical terms in with this ...I'm sure you will be doing something nice for our feathered friends and waiting for More to be revealed

I kind of had a similar ooohhh experience at the Grizzly site too I think they are gorgeous, I love all of wild natur..but that is a little more up close to a Bear than I think I want to experience ona regular basis. Don't know exactly how to say it except for Yuck!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Just got run off the osprey site. I am back home now (here)!!

NillaWafer said...

Sharon did you see we had a imposter nilla over on the Osprey site and this is what i told them because they sorta had a chitty attitude:Name: Nilla-WVEagleMom (7/29/2006 6:30:51 PM)
Comments: By the way i am impressed you made a nilla name BUT only 1 Nilla and thats me a redhead with attitude when needed.. smiles DID I DO GOOD OR WHAT..LOL

Anonymous said...

GOODNIGHT EVERYONE Its been a great day. The beach was so nice we stayed down til after 5:00p.m. The water was just cool enough to make you feel refreshed and puffy clouds everynow and then to shade you. Went out for pizza and everyone has settled in for the night. There is another OC cam on its right down by 2nd street, where the gentleman does the religious sand scuptures . Check it out. Sounds like all the osprey are doing good and if I can watch an eagle tear about a turtle, watching a bear eat a fish, no problem. Have a peaceful night!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, you are quite the die hard.

NillaWafer said...

Name: Nilla-WVEagleMom (7/29/2006 6:43:24 PM)
Comments: Ooops we shouldnt get to yacky in here upsets the other nilla.. LIGARA which means "Like I Give A Rats A** As you can tell the other nilla has PMO big

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NILLA, THAT WAS ME ON THE OSPREY SITE. Thank God we don't nasty like that on here!

Anonymous said...


glo said...

I think its time for a chorus of "Ain't Misbehaven" LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Dan is a lot p----d o--! I have to report to you all that Nilla is misbehaving again! Go check out the AppArt Osprey site. She is not being a good girl at all!!

Anonymous said...

NILLA No, that wasn't me you ditzy red-head. I've only posted once are twice over there, and used my real name.

NillaWafer said...

Jumpin back n forth hoping the fledgling that is missing comes back soon Sharon

NillaWafer said...

Hey i have been watching the Ospreys since 1 pm EST and i aint going no wheres..Dan can bite my big butt, or anyone else , they are jealous cause i can blog so

Anonymous said...

Sharon, if she keeps this up the s--- is going to hit the fan and feathers will be flying. Isn't she supposed to be working til 11:00p.m., I think she has started to party already.

NillaWafer said...

Well now i am confused about who on the Osprey blog and called me Louise.. Hmmmm

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The ditzy redhead is on the warpath and this is going to blow AppArt!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Na Thelma they have not made a comment since.. FLEXING

NillaWafer said...

you Sharon good Lord.. Now i need to call ya Tricky Instigator

NillaWafer said...

Actually Dan was very nice it was the imposter nilla that got my knickers in a big twist!!

Anonymous said...

SHARON She doesn't listen very well does she. LOL! Well, good luck, she's all yours, I'm going to bed. Just shut the door if she keeps going back and forth.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I figured Dan and nilla was one in the same!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now Sam is on her butt!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


NillaWafer said...

Sam yeah and you saw what i told that old geezer didnt ya Geesh these people need to take the board out their ass's and relax alittle bit

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All three osprey are back in the nest. I am so glad about that. Was really worried about the missing one!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Amen, sister - NILLA, tell it like it is. Oh my God, I am so glad we haven't had this analness around here!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Going to bed now. I hate to leave Nilla over there alone though. Somebody look out for her!! LOL.

Nighty night!!

Good night BigBoy, Ms. InBetween and my little Spunkster. Hope life is still great for you all!! Miss you terribly!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good night Nilla. I just saw your signoff over there. That was too good!!

NillaWafer said...

I see you over there Frapper.. Well i said good night but with my own twist did ya like it?? KMA Guess what that means..LOL

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know exactly what you meant and I hope they do too. So rude!!

NillaWafer said...

Well i went back n checked not 1 blog posted since i left so let the lil twits to them selves..Just be glad the girl from UK was not there it would have been alot worse..i think they have attitude also..

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, go back to the osprey cam and read what Karen B. wrote. Very well said.

NillaWafer said...

Well i am heading home but 1 comment on the Osprey blog was very nice.. Like she said some people think they can decide what can and can not be said in a blog i say Pppppiiifff to them bloggin is about friendlyness and what you see.. So with that Ill say Niters Check in when i get

NillaWafer said...

I did and she right 100% Sharon

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

As my final thought for the night, I am so grateful to all the NCTC Eagle Cam Daily bloggers who have joined together, become friends and acquaintances who do not try to rule about what can be or can not be said here. If our conversations would have been limited, I probably wouldn't have hung around. We have such a good time on here and thank you all for that.

Really going to bed now. GOOD NIGHT AND SWEET EAGLET DREAMS!!

floralgirl said...

Wow- So I went over and looked at some of the comments on the AppArt site-some people really need to lighten up.I think Nilla can hold her own over there,too many rules for me.the great thing about this site is we have become sort of a small community with lots of jokes and personal info. between us.That site doesn't seem to be like that .Bird news only?? How boring...Night all-early morning for me tomorrow.

belle_wv said...

Hi everyone! Whew - I'm exhausted catching up on all the blogs, but so nice to read and be able to catch up. I've missed everyone - y'all were too busy to miss l'il (ok not so l'il) ole (yes old) me {grin} Nilla, you are keepin things fired up. Good for you - give them all a little blood rush, keep their arteries from cloggin shut while they live in their prim and proper prudish world! We love ya and wanna hear whatever you have to say (as long as it is nice stuff about US, at least)...

Now that I'm caught up, I have to be out of town again all day tomorrow. Heading to Green Bank, WV. Sharon is that anywhere near you? Or anyone else? I am having CRS on who lives where.

NillaWafer said...

Oh my went to Wal-Mart after work tell ya never again those ding bats only had 3 cashiers open and lines back thru the store and just got in then had to finish the DSL thing, but Jo they still have not called me. I felt like just letting the cart set, but Suggahh needed his food.. Speaking of which he is here seeing on the desk trying to catch the curser.. Well Ya'll is in bed and i am heading that way work today again at 10am so will c u then. Havent checked Osprey site and better not my knickers are finally easin out of the twist.. Nightersss

Bird Girl said...

Sharon, you can try using a silhouette of a raptor, made from holographic mylar, to keep the woodpecker away from your house. Sometimes works, sometimes not. You'll have to Google for a place to buy them, can't think of any off the top of my head...

Interestingly enough, I did the aluminum pie plate thing to chase pigeons away from the tops of my aviaries (which were on my covered back porch), where they liked to nest. And poop. And poop some more. After about a week, I found that the pigeons were sitting right next to pie plates as if they weren't even there. I took them down.

GLO, how humid is it where you are? Are triple-digits uncommon?

Bedtime for me talk to y'all later...


floralgirl said...

Morning all- hope everyone is still sleeping,too early to have to be awake on a Sunday! Hi dlt-welcome,fasten your seatbelt,the ride may get bumpy here,as we are a lively,friendly group who talk about eagles any almost ANY other topic that comes to mind.Hi Bird Girl-hope you are feeling better. Hope everyone stays cool today,going to be a hot one at market,hope some customers come out,so I'm not standing out in the heat for nothing.Have a good day ,everyone-check back later. PEACE

Anonymous said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDDIES Hope you all caught the Nilla aka Louise & Sharon (the instigator) show last night I believe our darlin Sharon was taking on different personalities last night. I couldn't keep up. DLTUK A VERY WARM WELCOME TO YOU!!We are kinda relaxed bunch here, as long as we don't take on contriversial topics, where no one wins and everyone gets mad. Try us, you like us.:):):)

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

dltuk Welcome. Glad you made it here. We have a wonderful group here that does not censoring, no arguing, no telling anybody to stop (so far, hope it don't get ugly now). I have learned so much on here about not only eagles but all sorts of wildlife. That is what keeps it fun. We haven't had a camera for 1 1/2 weeks but we are still here! I love it and think it is really great. Come here anytime. We would love for you to hang out with us!!

floralgirl said...

dltuk- same here-talk to you some time.Well, van is loaded with flowers and I'm off to market,hope those nasty thunderstorms out there this morning stay away.Nothing kills a market faster than rain-need business early before it gets too hot and everyone goes back to their AC.Wish me luck-have a great day!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Mits, yeah, that was my split personalities coming out! LOL. Got pretty exciting and I just loved Nilla standing up to them.

Good morning BigBoy, Ms. InBetween, and Spunkster. We love you!! Oh yeah, you too Liberty and Belle!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Good luck, FloralGirl. Hope all goes well with you today.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

NU nest has an eaglet this morning. Yeah!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I'm so lonesome, I could cry!

Just Vicky said...

Good morning Eagle Land! Just wanted to drop in and let you know I'm still around! Very hot here in IL with twice as much humidity to go a long with it!


Have a great day everyone!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I like being #200. I hope I make it!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I did! Thank you, thank you!

Yes, I am bored.

glo said...

Bird Girl Yesterday the humidity was 80% and the high temp was 100. Tady is forecast to be the same, and tomorrow a little "warmer" It's hotter than h....! Anyway. Several days in the mid 90's is common in August usually, with occasionally breaking the 100 degree mark. Humidity around here in the summer is opressive again the worst is in August. WE think its dry when it is down around 40% Almost never see that though once the summer hits. AS you know my daughter and son in law live south of Tucson, and I was there waiting on the monsoons to arrive the 4 days I spent. it rained the afternoon of the day I left. Anyway, I don't think I broke a sweat the whole time I was there as the humidity seems to be so much lower. For them they were feeling "sultry" when it got up to 40%. On the other hand they were here early july when it was only upper 80's low 90'2 ,and pretty uncomfortable. They were ready to go back to dry AZ. Although from talking with my daughter yesterday it was in the 70's with rain. She thought it was kind of cool. LOL.

So yes we are pretty miserably hot and humid again this year, and August isn't even here. Lots of heat stress related stuff happening now, it's all over the news, especially where the young and the elderly are concerned.

Welcome dltuk Glad to have you join us. I hope you find this a pleasant place to be. I certainly always have. If you want to see "our babies" and know a little more about their story to this point..which is pretty much the end of what we will Know about them, then go
here. Kind of give you some idea of where we have come from and where we are now. Cutest little things I have ever seen "birdwise" in my life.

Going to my neigbor's garage for a small project before it gets too hot. Hope everyone is off to a great start today!!

Good morning Spunky, Ms. In Between, and Big Boy I think its about time to head west a little bit. make a stop in Oakwood and then head straight west to the Mississippi. I will have fish and turtle waiting for you!!!

Mema Jo said...


I WAS #1 on the new thread



Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If you are new to this site, to get to another thread, click on NCTC Eagle Cam Daily at the top of this page, when new page comes up, hit F5 to refresh and then come into the new thread. Just don't want to lose any new people. The more, the merrier!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...