Friday, July 07, 2006

Friday 7 July

Saw two in the nest at 8:30, but didn't have a chance to pull a photo. Fresh Thread.


Anonymous said...

thanks Steve! 12:10....eaglet in the nest. No clue which one.HA

Anonymous said...

Hi Eagle People----I see an eaglet in the nest----the first I have seen for a while-----I have been out of town---what glorious sites------TODD'S pictures----and now an EAGLET----what a welcome home---missed you guys--BIG TIME----WELCOME MOUNTAINEER---I am a true "mountain mama"----

Anonymous said...

I agree Suzanne. Happy to see whomever graces us with a visit.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Hello everybody, been lurking but not posting for a little while. I frapped the last visit!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Norma.......I get the feeling you live just up the street from me...*smile*

Mountaineer aka Shirley's BETTER

Anonymous said...

JANETM, CAROL & MOUNTAINEER---I live near you folks----I live in Romney---where the POTOMAC EAGLE TRAIN is located-----where exactly do you all live----didn't know any EAGLE MOMSTERS lived in the area----other than CINDI, she lives in Highview-----it's GREAT----I have seen eagles up River Road & the Trough-----(on the train)

Anonymous said...

MOUNTAINEER------I thought maybe---but not sure----nice surprise---I should have guessed-----WELCOME!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for getting the live feed back up!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Am I by myself again? Boohoo!

Anonymous said...

~~~~sorry, went to visit the pandas and got caught up watching them wrestle. Too funny!

MT nest 2:19 pm.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, I'm here but eating lunch at work!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon I was gone - but now I am back - but I am going again in a little while.

I would like to know where do you board the Eagle Train. Cumberland?
Frostburg? or other?

Mema Jo said...

Carol - was it you that wanted a pic of the eagles' nesting tree? If so, email me your email address--
The one I have was taken in the early spring - no leaves on tree.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

2:34 p.m. MT nest.

Tai Shan is nursing. He is so sweet.

Mema Jo said...

Looks as though Momma gets a nap as Tai Shan nurses. He really is loveable...

glo said...

LOL I worked so hard on the info in this post that I had to go back and copy and paste it to this new thread. Hope no one minds, but to those who experienced the Hornsby Pair,,,it is important information.

WEnt shopping, got that mold to make a stepping stone of my grandbaby's feet, came back to see what you all thought of the info...and saw no one had posted since I left WHAT, where is everyone LOL

On a new thread is where I found you. Will be turning live feed back on myself now, and it may or may not shut down blogging for me...we'll see. Hope everyone is having a good afternoon. I am going to cut an dpaste the post that followed this also in just a minute. Thenits off to see if Live feed will work for me for a while!!!

The Hornsby Eagles actually were an infertile pair for whatever reason, and many up there were heartbroken over when the eggs didn't hatch and the mournful sounds of the parents will almost tear at your heart if you listen. I stilll can't listen to any of their tributes to these eagles without crying.

When that nest failed they quickly moved the cam to where you see them now which is Vancouver Island British Columbia. They have no shots of the eggs before they hatched, but they were aware of a second nest to watch. I know the link at birdspeak says Hornsby and it was for quite a while but it is NOT the Hornsby Pair.

Lots of them however are pretty close to each other over the sorrow of one pair and now the joy of this second pair who will hopefully continue to fledge and maybe even return to let them know they are fine.

I know it is confusing, and it could be one in the same group of people BUT when they talk Hornsby they are pretty much very sad for the eagles and themselves in what happened with that pair this year. I hope that makes sense.
They also as many have mentioned before have some fairly mean spirited posters who have made some of the viewing of even the new pair not near as fun and exciting as ours. AND

Like us they have a few viewers who are wonderful people and I'm sure will stay bonded by feathers as time passes too. I made a tribute to the Hornsby Eagles on one of my Blogs back on Mothers Day.

It actually told a human drama my own family had experienced in a profoundly eagle kind of way.

here is the link:

be sure it ends in lord.html

It sort of tells the story of what eagles you are watching and why, without sifting through thousands of posts on that sight.

Friday, July 07, 2006 9:27:14 AM

glo said...

This will take you to the website and whole story. Bring your kleenex

It is however one of the most poignant and beautiful websites I have ever been too

Geula said...

hi! I know allabout the Hornby eagles.....I was there when they eggs finally fell apart. I mean that I saw it on the webcam....It was very sad, but I left the forum because some of the people there were getting on my nerves. There were too many trolls...
So I came back here and the rest is history!

Geula said...

I showed my friend the panda and she oooooohed and aaaaaaahed!
with a little awwwwww thrown in!

glo said...

Hi geula Yes those who watched the hornsby nest do know, but because the webcam says Hornsby on it Some think the pair they are watching now is the Hornsby Eagles. Was just rying to clarify that for those who think they are currently wantching Hornsby when they go to that cam. Out of respect for that Beautiful pair of eagles just wanted folks here to know they are now watching Vancouver Island No matter what Birdspeaks cam says...and yes i so agree with you I can hardly believe some of what goes on up there while others are trying to enjoy the eagles.

Hope you are having a good day in Isreal!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:52 p.m. Parent in nest. Food is definitely not a fish. It was brown or gray. Looks to be plucking feathers or fur off of it! Keep waiting for an eaglet to arrive.

Anonymous said...

It's 3:54 Eagle Standard Time and it looks like Belle in the nest! She's busy -- not sure if she is eating something or just straightening up the mess left by the kids...

Anonymous said...

OK, it looks like a bird -- when she was dragging it around, I think I saw little bird feet and a beak.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Belle is still getting to eat all by herself! They must be anywhere around there!

Anonymous said...

"Well, kids, if you don't like what I brought for dinner, I'll just eat it all myself!!!!!"

glo said...

new thread is up

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

This has just been beautiful watching her sit in this nest, just looking around. After she ate of course!

Geula said...

there was something else that got me miffed about the Hornby Eagles forum....okay, we were very sad over the infertile eggs.....but folks were going on about how the eagles were mourning their loss. Instinct rules birds and most mammals. Once the eggs crumbled, they stayed in the nest to clean it up from the debri (sp). It's like cats and dogs covering up there excement, so that other "predators" won't know that they were there. The Hornby eagles are old and the chances of viable eggs were slim to begin with.

oooops FIGHT!
Parent left when (no room for 3!) 2 eaglets arrived.

They were beautiful and dedicated eagles, but I can't see tacking on human emotions to them. I can't believe that the parent that stepped on the egg felt remorse or saddness. They were always very vocal and their cries and calls (IMHO) after the eggs fell apart were part of that. Wailing their sorrow doesn't sound like something I believe in...

I missed them, but I moved on...(back to Sheperdstown), where I should have stayed in the first place. A small homey group of people who don't flame or blame!


Geula said...

Okay Eaglet Lovers everywhere......Good Night. And may tomorrow bring many hours of eagle enjoyment!

Anonymous said...

JO---my email is: Potomac Eagle info---

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...