Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tuesday May 30

A hot one today. Live video feed should be up shortly.

more later.

UPDATE 1:13 PM: Live feed is back up


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Steve for the info. LIVE FEED IS UP!!! YEAH RAH!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

The live feed froze up for just a minute and when I got it back we were down to 2 visible eaglets. More will be revealed on the third one, I guess.

Mema Jo said...

1:30pm Jo-MD Thank you very much!!
Once again I need to leave - this time for about 3 hrs. Keep me posted with your comments. Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

All five are in the nest right now. It looks as though 2 of them are feeding (one is hiding at the base of the trunk). Spunky is just sitting on the edge with his mouth open. I would say it is really hot right now. I know it is here!

Steve Chase said...

It's 88F with a 65F dewpoint--not as bad as it gets, but pretty darn hot and humid!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Oh yeah. Could you break out a high powered water hose and spray them off a little bit? Just an idea! LOL!

paula eagleholic said...

Is it me or is the live cam down?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is gone again!

Bird Girl said...

I am a wild bird rehabilitator in Phoenix, AZ, having state and federal permits to rescue, rehabilitate and release songbirds and raptors as well as Brown pelicans. I understand everyone's desires to save every chick that hatches, and to watch them grow (obviously, or I wouldn't be watching this cam!!). However, the fact of the matter is, misting the nest or otherwise providing water, food, etc. would only assuage our own parental instincts to care for these babies we have been watching. It isn't necessary, and in fact it would be wrong for us to interefere in that way. These creatures have been around a long, long time; they can deal with a hot day without any "help" from us. Most of our "help" has only hurt them anyway.

The saddest part of my job is losing any wild bird to the results of human interference. But I also know that not all babies make it in the wild. That's how it has worked for millennia, and how it should be.

paula eagleholic said...

Bird Girl - What you hear from us is desire and the utmost hope that all 3 eaglets survive...I think our innermost motherly instincts and wishes would be to help them in any way, if it were probable....but I believe everyone here has the utmost respect for this nest and knows that what mother nature intends will be, and like it or not, we are subject to and respect what she offers.

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone still saving still shots?

Anonymous said...

from West Virginia Gal (my blogger not working so I came in this way)
I have had the worse luck today getting to see the eaglets. From what I read on the bolg doesn't seem any of the 3 have taken flight yet. Came in this morning down, left came back live feed down again but I see it was up for awhile. Just like me to catch the inbetween of down again. Poor Steve has to work work work on this feed. Though a hassle we sure "thank you Steve and crew". I would also like to add; in here have just been our thoughts. There is not a one of us that would be climbing that tree to mist or intervene lol; we just share our thoughts, cares and hopes. We know what reality in life is but there is always HOPE...

paula eagleholic said...

WV Gal - I don't think any of the eaglets have taken a "real" flight either, as I do not believe they would return to the nest for awhile after their flight....the eaglets at Blackwater, when they fledged, they were gone from the nest for a period of time after they fledged, and now only return for a short period, either to eat or sleep.

Anonymous said...

from West Virginia Gal.....Thanks Paula....I know we all will be happy when the live feed gets up again. So funny I have it all wrote down but my password don't work today lol oh well thank again Paula

Just Vicky said...

Does anyone remember the concern we had when we found out both parents had "left" the eggs for well over an hour? We weren't sure we would even have babies and now look what we have! 3 beautiful eagles!! Wow, I am deeply appreciative to all who have made this possible! THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

To Bird Girl, I really wasn't serious about misting the eaglets. I too have the utmost respect for Mother Nature. I am sorry it was taken the wrong way. I totally agree with what Paula said.

Mema Jo said...

7:08pm Jo-MD I have been watching for about 2 hours & I saw InBetween come out from under the cam. I can't make out if it is Spunky & BigBoy on the farside of the nest or just one of them with its wing stretched. What do you see?

Mema Jo said...

Jo-MD I have seen all 3.

movin said...

Is the live feed really up? In California it doesn't open...

I tried it at work (T-1) and home where I have a modem hookup...no luck.


Mema Jo said...

11:32pm Jo-MD Jim, the live feed is down. It was up for a short time this am - but we lost it again. NCTC is working on it.

Anonymous said...


Mema Jo said...

5:47am Wed Jo-MD Just checking in: live cam still down-I can see 3 in the nest- looks like rain showers came through earlier.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:31 A.M. Wednesday - It looks like God took care of the water hose for us. Great to see they are all 3 there and safe. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No I didn't see that. Daggonnit!! Wish the live feed was up so I could keep it on my screen all the time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They look so much smaller being wet. Lots of white specks on them too. I bet they wish momma still sheltered them from the rain. I bet they are cooled off for now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It appears as if breakfast has arrived. All five are in the nest. They sure do fill it up these days!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Suzanne, it is unbelievable how different the falcons look! My, what a difference a couple of days can make.

Anonymous said...

Wednesday 5/31

Do my eyes deceive me? I KNOW I saw one of our eaglets take wing, disappear for two long minutes, and then reappear in the nest - it's harder to tell what's happening on the 30-second stills, but I think we have a fledgling!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I know that I saw a shot where there were only two eaglets and then the next shot was the third eaglet with his wings spread out like he had just arrived back.

phyrfly said...

It there any fear that the eaglets will get too hot?

phyrfly said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't believe how much smaller Spunky looks than InBetween and Big Boy/Gal. He looks sooo small. I guess it doesn't help that they are wet and their feathers are kind of flattened out.

Mema Jo said...

10:08am Jo-MD We really need the live feed in order to know exactly what we are seeing. I hate second guessing. I hope Steve makes a comment soon - maybe after watching the cam tapes & lets us know about any flights we think we have witnessed.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Jo, I don't like this second-guessing either. When I saw the one gone and the back with wings spread, he could have just been coming away from the tree trunk flapping his wings. I will absolutely believe it when I see them actually take off on the live feed.

glo said...

LOL Well you are taking great notes for me, right down to the comments about senses of humor or lacxk there of.. Sometimes stress brings on humor it does for me. I remember very early on Mom sitting on those eggs for hours if not over a day on end in the pouring rain and I said "Someone bring that eaglew a fish"!!!!. And of course I have a whole lot more respect for birdbrains now than i did before. The eagles are brilliant. I thank the good lord for yesterdays rain. His eye is on the sparrow and obviously the eagles too. have a good day all. Still working on my computer so am just sending quick post from work. Keep tabs on that fledgling if we have one (sounds like we do) and will probably encourage siblings to do the same!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Is one MIA again? Might just be hiding but don't see any signs at the trunk.

Anonymous said...

OK it's for real, I saw him take off! We have a fledgling!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Was it BigBoy/Gal or InBetween? I can't without all three of them there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Go FLY but please come back to us to let us know you are okay!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

He is back!!!

Anonymous said...

From West Virginia Gal I called down told them about live feed not working they reset it. So it is UP ! There has NOT been a fledging as of yet. So we'll keep our eyes peeled for each other in here.

glo said...

Cool One out and flying. Gosh Happy tears. So glad he's back too. Thanks for all your notes.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Anonymous said...

Are you sure there's been no flying? I know it's harder to tell on the 30-second stills, but I'm so certain of what I saw - twice!!

Anonymous said...

I mean, I'm usually very "eagle-eyed"

Anonymous said...

from West Virginia Gal Steve isn't there Brad and John talked and said there has been not fledging as of yet. The one must have been out of our site or on a branch. But no flying....per the NCTC....

Anonymous said...

They have the one set up on Cable at the Center so they can all the time keep track of what is and has taken place. So all's I can do is believe what they see since theirs has been up all the time and they can replay things. I'm just going to keep watching and hope and pray the live feed stays up so we can know for sure. WVA GAl

Anonymous said...

From West Virginia Gal....spoke again to Brad at NCTC and said see as of right now where is the 3rd eaglet? He said a different John from down there said that on Saturday John himself seen an eaglet flying with the parents. That certain John is away right now so just guessing I also think there was a fledging now. We need to drive there to watch the skys; to see them fledging then forsure we'll know lol. WVA Gal

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I watched Ms. InBetween go to the trunk of the tree and then out of sight. I think the nest is big enough there for them to be hidden. That is not to say we haven't had a fledge but I also think at the times we can't see her, she could be hiding there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can see her butt coming away from the tree sometimes so she is still there now.

Anonymous said...

From West Virginia Gal ok their is the 3rd one came into view from behind that tree trunk. Were you there all the time hiding from us??? Or did you just come back from a fly in the sky???? If only he/she could tell us. lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

From the way her wings stretched out when she came into view, it looked like maybe she had been perching there the whole time. She sure does look like she is wanting to fly though. Now she is back behind the tree again.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed gone again! Suzanne, I was thinking the same thing a while ago. Watch what you pray for because you just might get it!!

Just Vicky said...

Cam is gone again!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Please help us!! We are begging!! We need the live cam really bad!

NillaWafer said...

Just logged in and cam is down again!! Last night around 8 or so i was watching the 30 second cam and i swear Big Boy took off and wasnt long he appeared on the edge of the nest. The storm last night was terrible, looks like we might be in for more storms today also. If it isnt raining when i get off work at 5 pm im going to ride over again and see what i can, hopefully if luck is with me all 3 perching or even flying..lol Hope this live cam get fixed real soon we parents are missing something we have been waiting for since the birth of the kids.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up!! Thanks Brad!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

We have missed you Nilla! Welcome back to blogland!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

WV Gal, it must have worked!!

NillaWafer said...

Ok its alittle after 2 pm and all i can see is looks like "Spunky" in the nest ? anyone else seeing that also??? Thanks Sharon, dont worry i been keeping an eye on them..lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

They are at the trunk.

NillaWafer said...

Yeah i see them now BUT i dont see Big Boy at all? I am so Happy Happy live cam is back!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Me too, Nilla. That way I can keep it up on my screen al the time and not have to flip back and forth to the still shots. Glo turned me on to Fraps so if I would happen to see a flight, I can record a 30-second shot of it!!

Mema Jo said...

2:36pm Jo-MD It would be wonderful if NCTC could follow through with their idea of placing another cam in an adjacent tree - then we could see it all. It's hot, but not as bad as yesterday & there is a slight breeze. For all they have been through these last 11 weeks - they're turning out to be a couple of 'tough ole birds'! Love 'em!

glo said...

Tough old birds...are we talking about what we have put the camera operators through LOL, or those wonderful eagle parents or the young they have raised. Have a good afternoon. back to work for me.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

If I were on the technical end of this thing, I would probably tell all of us to get a life!! LOL. I don't think they realized they were creating monsters! Jo, I would love it if they would put that another camera in a tree across the way a little bit. I know Steve mentioned it at one time but haven't heard anything else about it.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looks like Ms. Inbetween won the battle for late lunch/supper. Or maybe it is Big Boy. I don't know. I keep waiting for one of them to hit up on the branch again (the one in the center top of the screen).

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I hope the 2 eaglets eating now save something for Spunky to eat. They jumped on the food both times it was brought in and Spunky is not getting to eat. He needs to get more bullyish and take it from them.

NillaWafer said...

That would be great to have another camera to see more or cut off that darn limb..lol How about some sound also? Oh and dont forget they need to SPIDER proof it also..LMAO We have sound with the Falcons in Harrisburg and boy oh boy when Mom or Dad brings food in you know it from the sqawking..lol Right now all 3 seem to be resting, and just looking around over the side of the nest. Looks like finally they are getting alittle shade now. 3:15 and momma just flew in but no food was brought in, "Spunky" seems to be picking on left over scrap's in the nest. When she landed they all came a running, thinkin she had food..lol Sharon im sure she didnt bring anything in? If she did they swollowed it whole..LMAO

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

It looked like they were both eating for a little while. Mom and/or Dad came in twice with food.

Mema Jo said...

4:52pm Jo - MD
It's mine! All mine! This is too cool watching the catch brought in by the adult. I don't know if it is even dead yet? I love the protective wing move. I wish we could see what it is-too late it is being ripped apart. Do you think that it is Spunky? or Inbetween?

NillaWafer said...

Ok im heading out for now going to daughters for spaghetti dinner, then riding over to NCTC. Will report later what i see. Nilla

Mema Jo said...

5:22pm Jo-MD My live feed went down. Eagle Cam still running.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:30 p.m. Live feed is gone - again. Nilla, make sure you report back to us about what you see. I am anxious to hear. Sure do wish the live feed would stay up!

NillaWafer said...

Immm back from the NCTC and was worth the trip!!! I stopped at the gate and Tim was so nice although i could not go completely into it, he was kind enough to point to where the nest was. The tree was plainly visible, but leaves were in the way. But the nest was visable, luckally i had my binoculars with me..lol So then i drove down the road to near the sharp turn (Tim warned me i could not park on that property) lol So i stopped along the road and with binoculars the leaves were not as bad and i DID see 2 of the kids perching i guess. Oh im so excited, now coming back the live cam is down grrrrrr. Oh the tree sit alone in the field, if your driving down the road look to the right shortly before the big bend in the road. Well that sure made my whole day.. Nilla

Anonymous said...

I took a couple of pictures of the nest last Friday night, and I'm just now looking at them on the computer screen. It's not a great picture because of the leaves, but I can see at least 2 eaglets perching!!!!! I didn't think they would be in the picture!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla and Sunny - I am very envious of you for getting to see the nest. It would probably take me about 8 hours to get there. Don't think I could make the trip but would love to.

Bird Girl said...

All -- I hope everyone understands that I am just as wrapped up in these babies as you are! I certainly meant no offence ;-)

I can't tell you how many times I have had to stop myself from "proactively rescuing" birds who really don't need me butting in... It's so difficult to see Nature at work sometimes, especially when one is powerless to help.

As far as human interference goes, my rescue group has a Harris hawk chick right now (that's him in my photo), he's so adorable and we all want to hug him and pet him and carry him around all the time, but we know we can't do that. He needs to be wild so he can return to his home, and it pains us every time we have to feed him or clean his kennel that we can't play with "the baby"... repeat this 1000 times a day for every other bird we have in rehab right now and you get the idea LOL!

BTW, I have NEVER been able to get the live feed to work, and have no clue as to why. I sure would like to see it! Any ideas???

Bird Girl

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...