Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tuesday May 23

It is an amazing day here weatherwise--truly a bluebird day in West Virginia. A deep blue sky, 53 degrees and a 35 degree dewpoint! Was in the 30s this am!

Our eagles are very active.

A few questions from Sunny:

"A couple of questions: Are the adults still beak-feeding the eaglets? And since the adults aren't on the nest very much any more, is one always in sight of the nest, or are they 'out and about' all day? Thanks for educating us!"

The eaglets tend to be helping themselves nowadays. About 9:15 this AM one of the adults brought in a fresh fish, and they all started in on it. The other adult even came in for a minute or two to get a few bites. Regarding the adults, there does always seem to be one within a few seconds of the nest. Often they are perched in the sycamore nest tree or in an adjacent tree.


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the information Steve. We are surely glad you are back!! Did you know the live feed is down again? Have a wonderful day!!

Anonymous said...

On the Harrisburg Falcom cam, mom is feeding the babies, however only four are eating and the one is laying all by itself (and I don't think it's moving)....Please has anyone see this little baby move lately?? It's been awful still all day!

Anonymous said...

Hey joni, Is it the one all the way back in the corner? I've seen it move slightly, but certainly not as perky as the others.

STEVE: Thanks so much for answering my questions!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Joni, I watched for a few minutes and could see no movement from the 1 laying in the corner. Is that the one you are talking about?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Joni, I have seen it trying to stir a little bit. More than before.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it's the little one that was to the right when they were eating. I could see her little chest going up and down when she was breathing, but she never even got up to attempt to eat. The one view has her laying along the wall all by herself. Why wouldn't mom attempt to force feed her?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Sunbathing time for our babies, it looks like.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Joni, I saw her getting up at feeding time but didn't go over to the food. I can't stand watching that. It makes my heart hurt.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the falcons: I've been doing a lot of reading lately, so I'm not sure where I got this. But I got the impression that an 'extra' (5th) egg/baby is somewhat of an insurance policy in case one of the older babies doesn't make it for some reason. Mother Nature at work again. The NCTC eaglets and the Blackwater eaglets have beat the odds so far.

Anonymous said...

Sharon - I know I saw that. Mom started to walk around the group to go toward the little one, but the other one grabbed it out of her hand. Mom never did go over and feed the little one....Now she's just sitting out on the perch and the little one just laid back down...It is very, very hard to watch.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like a wonderful suggestion Marie....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Live feed is back up!! Yeah!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

These babies are absolutely huge when they start flapping their wings. It is unbelieveable when comparing to the picture from March 30 how fast they have grown. They were just 3 little gray tiny babies then.

Anonymous said...

Oh no....one of the baby falcons moved out of their enclosure. Hope it doesn't start walking around and fall off the roof! Mommy Falcon - please help!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think they are having a flapping contest.

NillaWafer said...

I am watching the little Falcons in Harrisburg, i HOPE saome one please go out and get the small one who is out of the nest back in!!! before he falls!!! Pleaseeee

NillaWafer said...

"OUR" kids are all gathered at the end of the nest cleaning themselves. Yesterday i saw Big Boy what looked like fly completely across the nest..lol i know his feet never hit the nest, but they still look like they have alot of white feathers underneath yet. I have both cam's up in the corner our eagles and the falcons. God i hope the little one makes it back in the nest!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, on that falcon cam, my heart cannot take it. It is like they are all gathered behind that bar trying to get him back in. IF he would just turn around, he might could wonder back in there. I hope nobody else follows his lead. I can't stand that. Makes me too nervous. He keeps stomping his feet. When the parents come, will they nudge him back?

Anonymous said...

Darn, I'm leaving work now. Keep an eye on all of them for me! I want to know how that little falcon will get back where he belongs!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

And then there were 2 on this side.

NillaWafer said...

Boy Oh Boy sure is alot of noise in the falcon nest right now, and looks like another baby is thinking about going out of the nest to join the other one!! Your so right they sure are a really noisy bunch the banding tomarrow will be extremly bad..lol Maybe who ever goes out there tomarrow could clean the camera lens in the nest?? They are all up and moving about, so cute one of the bigger ones was giving the littlest something to eat. The mic is so clear everytime the baby out of the nest walks you can hear the sound, he/she has been playing with a feather. OK momma & poppa these babies are hungry!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Now an adult brought up food and three of them are across. Heart attack!! I am glad our babies haven't done this to us. Those little falconettes are just squawking!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Okay, now they have an empty nest and all five babies are being fed by an adult. I sure do wish the adult had took the food back to the nest to feed them. I pray they make it back okay. You can't see any of them. I need the live feed for the eagle cam back before I have a heart attack.

NillaWafer said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 3 is out and the others are trying someone pleaseeeeeee help!!! The mother is there,Thank God this is a wide ledge on the building. Cany see the birds out of the nest out of view of the camera!!! Geeeezz call the fire department get a net down there!!!! Littest one is in the nest trying to eat something.OMG the 4th is out now!!!! Only smallest is in the nest, and he is moving towards the ledge to come out!!! NOW THEY ARE ALL OUT Someone has to get up there and HELP!!! OR there wont be any to band tomarrow!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I am with you. Now they have different views going. One of the parents is standing inside the nest area and feeding two of them. Hopefully, they will be led back in there. The other 3 are still eating away from the nest. They are moving the cameras so somebody is keeping a close eye on them. Do they have a blog on their site?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:44 p.m. Okay, 2 falconettes are back in (I know that is not what they are called but I though it sounded good) and the other 3 are back ready to go in. I guess they know what they are doing but I sure didn't know what they were doing. Need the live feed back on our babies soon!! :)

NillaWafer said...

Oh Sharon my heart stopped more than once with these lil falcons today. I know what happened to our live feed of "our eagles"? I am at work and watching with sound up talking to myself or should i say babies. I had a group of customers back here watching also..lol Yeah someone is moving the camera so i guess we can relax now..LMAO

paula eagleholic said...

6:30 pm - Live cam is still down

NillaWafer said...

5/22/2006 :: Banding Event Set
The peregrine falcon nestlings will be banded on Wednesday, May 24th at 1 PM. The event will be live stream Web cast from the DEP Web site. Several babies are still out of the nest, but momma is watching them from her perch. I know the live web cam is down again hopefully we wont miss anything and they get it fixed real fast!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks for the info, Nilla. I bet that will be a very loud banding, too. Those babies are vocal when they want to be. I am so ready for our live feed to come back up. I am missing my little (or should I say BIG) eaglets.

Anonymous said...

Looks like only two eaglets this morning! Hope the other one is hidden near the trunk of the tree and not out of the nest!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Judith, I just saw the third one. Thank God. Hope they get the live feed up soon.

Anonymous said...

Fellow Falcon Watchers! When I was on the PA site last night, I discovered a message board. Check it out! On the left side of the home page, near the bottom. ONce you get into the message board, go to the posts for Harrisburg. THen check out the posts by Guido. He has several with mini videos! Awesome. You can see one of the eggs hatching, Dad dismantling a starling.........

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, do you know what is happening with our live feed? Just wondering.

Just Vicky said...

Yeah Steve, what's wrong??????? Live streaming cam has been down a long time! Just anxious -- miss it VERY MUCH!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

No, Ketter, there is still 3 in there. Big boy hides at the base of the tree and you can't see him all the time.

NillaWafer said...

Well the banding of the Falcons is over and was very interesting to say the least. The school childern had some wonderful questions about the birds. Now they are all back in the nest safe and sound, with Momma & Poppa looking watching them. Geezzz i hope "OUR " eagles are doing ok and the cam gets back up soon!! Steve please let us know whats going on soon!!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Nilla, I watched the falcon banding too. They are so vocal. They did not even want to be there! I am so ready to watch our babies flapping their wings again. I wish they would just let us know what is going on or something!

Anonymous said...

I confess, I watched the banding too. But my first loyalty is still for our eaglets!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Absolutely, I kept clicking on the eagle cam all during the banding to see if ours was back up. I would have dumped them in a heartbeat! :)

Anonymous said...


Great site with eagles and sound too. For when you are having withdrawals

NillaWafer said...

You can enjoy both cam's if you have Windows Media Player and the Real Player. I keep both down in the corner, just tryed the eagles cam and still not up yet. As for the Falcon's they are napping, guess from all the excitment..lol Just wish Steve would leave us a note as to whats going on with the camera.

NillaWafer said...

Thanks Anon i checked it out and the camera is so clear and very near the nest. The birds were napping also, looks like they might be a bit younger than "OUR" Eagles? Thanks again and Have A Great Day its sunny and beautiful out.

Anonymous said...

yes they are about 1 month old now. they are located Vancouver. Both have been stuffed full for lunch and sleeping it off. if you double left click you will get full screen. Also has forums and screenshots to keep you up to speed. many more eagleholics there too LOL

NillaWafer said...

"Eagleholic's" is that what we are??lol As myself and most of the other's here have been watching "OUR"Eagles since before they hatched, we get very worried and are some what protective of them, and with the cam down yes having stress..lol My favorites is full of different Eagle sites as well as the Harrisburg Falcon's. Another wonderful site is www.baldeagleinfo.com its not live or showing any nesting but has many great stories and pictures and facts about eagles. The story about the "EAGLE LADY" is truely amazing be sure to read it and see the pictures. As i am at work also, finally need to get something finished here, Thank God i cant get fired as i am my own boss..lol

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

3:47 p.m. Where the eaglets keep getting bigger and bigger, their nest keeps looking smaller and smaller. I love seeing our babies moving around, although right now seems to be rest time. Glad to have the live feed back.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I can't tell if it is Big Boy or Mr. Inbetween that just hopped from from one side to the other without touching the ground. I thought he was out of here!

NillaWafer said...

LQQK's like the live cam is down again its almost 5 pm. Come on Steve stop teasin us..lol

Mema Jo said...

11:54pm Jo-MD I am being a night stalker & watching the Eagle Cam. I can see Spunky & Inbetween sleeping in the nest. I finally made out Big Boy by seeing his feet - he was perched on the far side of the nest. He will be 10weeks old in a day or two & what concerns me the most is that both Blackwater eaglets' first flight was at night. Blackwater's staff seem to be certain of the exact night this took place - I guess they have the cam pictures to look at & determine it, the same as NCTC will have. Won't be long!!!!
The live video is still down. I hope they get it going tomorrow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thurs. 6:23 a.m. Live feed is still down. Grateful for the eagle cam though. All our babies are safe and sound in the nest this morning.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just wondering what was happening with the live feed. Maybe it will be back up at 11 a.m. as scheduled? I hope so.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

9:41 a.m. Thursday, Live feed is back up!! Yeah!! Rah!!

Mema Jo said...

9:46am Jo-MD Just got an email from my daughter (Eagleholics run in my family) concerning our DC gal:
Martha flew 90 miles back to DC and is now back with her mate. Hope the one who attacked her is gone now. They
say that they mate for life. Pretty cool huh. I asked her where she heard this-so I'll get back to you with that info. Steve said he was in DC yesterday & will shortly place a Blog comment.

Anonymous said...

Jo, I love it about Martha! Let us know more!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I love it about Martha too. Hope George takes good care of her!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Breakfast time at the okay corral. Can't tell what it is but I don't think it is fish. They are working on it now. Think it has feathers to pluck though.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks so much, Suzanne, for the info on Martha. I had tried to pull up the article on the Washington Post's website but only get that the domain is for sale. Is anybody else having that problem?

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...