Sunday, May 28, 2006

Sunday May 28

Summer's here and the live cam is staying up. Hope everyone gets out and does something this holiday weekend.


Just Vicky said...

Who in the world can get out and do anything -- NOT WITH BABIES TO WATCH!!! Too devoted to these eaglets!

Mema Jo said...

2:12pm Sun Jo-MD
Hi There, Steve
Thanks for your suggestion & I will be picnicing around 3 today. Hope your Blog was from home & that you didn't need to go into the office today. Sharon says we are all official members of EAA (Eagle Addicts Anonymous). Weather is great & Ms Inbetween is having a field day with whatever it was for lunch (Been playing around with it for an hour or so).

Harbinger said...

I just came back after 2 hours spent putting a lasagna together and making 3 dozen eggs woth of deviled eggs, and I only see two babies in the nest. I'm looking closely at the trunk at the bottom of the picture but the only thing I can see moving seem to be shadows from the leaves. Has anyone seen anything?

Mema Jo said...

3:15pm Jo-MD I looked away for a split second & when I looked back I, too, only see BigBoy & Spunky! I have stared below the camera for about 5 minutes & can't even see one of Ms.Inbetween's feathers blowing. I thought she would be too large to hide completely down there. Strangest is that the other 2 were looking up to the right as though she may have flown up to the branch as Sharon saw her do earlier on the other side.I am leaving for the picnic now - under due stress! Harbinger: look for as long as you can & blog what you see. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

OK, am I hallucinating, or is that one of the babies on a branch below and to the left???

Harbinger said...

I just saw her wings flapping out from under the trunk. And she is back in view. It's three again!

NillaWafer said...

Just checking in and wow seems "OUR" kids have been very busy last few days. As for right now they are all in the nest. I cant take this any longer its a beautiful day and i only live afew miles from NCTC so im going to take adrive over and see if i can see them today.. smiles Hope everyone is having a great holiday stay safe.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:28 p.m. Okay, I see only 2 babies now. I just got back from picnicking. I just reviewed back over the past few minutes and see the third one. I am with you Vicky, it is hard to leave this now but I did for a little while. Nilla, make sure you let us know what you see. Hopefully you will be able to see them perching or something. Ms. InBetween is really working those wings right now! She is soooo big. Looks like she is eating lefovers too!

glo said...

Hi everyone. Would have left a message much earlier but today was wake up with one of those sick migraine days and thus just go back to bed after walking dogs etc. Felt pretty miserable until about an hour ago. Just had some ceral, making some tea, and ave the eagles up and running...well flapping and hopping anyway. Glad to see all 3 still here in some ways but wanting to prepare them a feast actually!! One just did a beautiful job of fanning he others as I typed. They are also looking pretty hot. Maybe the branches would be lots cooler!!!

Mema Jo said...

7;17PM Jo-MD I have returned from the picnic- Eagles on my mind all the time. O'Boy, full house just a minute ago with both adults flying in.You can sense when they are coming by the actions of the eaglets. Looks as though MsInbetween did it again & beat everyone else to the 'catch'. She won't share until she gets her fill. Looks as though BigBoy is ready to attack & for some reason, Spunky is content at the far side of the nest. These feedings have really changed from the adults mouth feeding to just landing on the nest & letting the 'catch' up for grabs.

glo said...

Yep I did see the feast I requested arrive LOL BUT no littlest one still hasn't gotten anything :-( This is getting to me now. I know the others are bigger and might be even hungrier I don't know. I just don't want littleone to weaken in this whole process. Maybe another flyin!!! Hmmm Someohow I don't think so, not tonight anyway.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I missed the feast. Had to go out again for a little while. Everybody that knows me and will listen has heard about our eaglets. They are probably getting sick of it but oh well. They will get over it. Hope everybody has a good Memorial Day!! :)

Mema Jo said...

7:49am Mon Jo-MD Good Memorial Day Morning to all. Starting the morning with all 3 in the nest. They are probably waiting for a meal. Beautiful weather - but noticed yesterday the heat was making them sit with open beaks. I wonder what is in store for us today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

8:43 a.m. Monday -- Babies still present and accounted for. Two of them are utilizing the shade already. Supposed to be a really hot day today. I have to be in and out today but I will be checking in. I hope whatever the meals are today have extra water in it, since that is the only way they get water and it is going to be hot.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...
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Anonymous said...

THe babies finally noticed the adult back there with the breakfast and they are munching away....

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Breakfast just arrived but only Ms. InBetween appears interested so far. The adult is eating by itself now.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like Ms Inbetween kept it all for herself...not too bad working today, at least I can watch the eaglets!

Mema Jo said...

12:51 Mon Jo-MD There are times as the other 2 are napping in the nest that I think BigBoy actually sleeps as he perches. Eagles do have eye-lids & he stays so very still. Another fact to make me think this is that when I view at late night (before midnight-even though I can't tell which one it is for sure) there always seems to be one perching. But I'm with you in thinking that his thoughts are as to whether he should go over to that limb or not. I keep coaching him to Go Ahead-You Can Do It! I also think he watches for one of his parents. Like GLO said one time, 'bird brains is a compliment!'

Mema Jo said...

1:44pm Jo-MD My live feed froze & I am getting the 'down' message when I try to restart it. The live eagle cam seems to still be giving me pictures & not repeating itself.
Anyone else having same problem?
I am going to 'cold boot' my pc & hope it corrects itself.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo-2:07pm - The live feed has been down for a little while now

Mema Jo said...

Jo-MD Thanks, Paula.

Anonymous said...

Oh, My! 2:37 PM EDT One of them lifted off! Possibly Middle. Went up to the right and out of camera range and came back down a minute or so later. There has been alot of flapping going on today.

Anonymous said...

I can't watch the live feed. :( having eaglet withdrawals!

Steve Chase said...

The live feed is down, and nobody is at NCTC to reset. Sorry.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thank you, Steve, for letting us know that. Hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Steve, I really hope you're having a great holiday. Heaven knows you deserve some rest and some fun. You are much like the pitcher in a baseball game--either the hero or the bad guy. You get all the thanks when the cams are up and running and all the grief when they're not. No matter what the case may be, you deserve an enormous amount credit for all the hard work you and your staff do for us every day. It's always a joy when things are running smoothly, and we know you work hard to keep it that way. You're the greatest--no matter what!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, ditto to what anonymous said. We really do appreciate this wonderful opportunity to watch these babies grow.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

5:30 p.m. It looks like it is suppertime at the OK Corral! Hope it has water in it for them. Got to be awfully hot up in that nest. Thank God they have leaves for shade now.

Mema Jo said...

5:51pm Jo-MD Well, Anonymous, said that soooo well concernnig you, Steve! It is so reassuring and comforting to know that you know what we know about the live feed! Thank you for letting us know you were checking on it.
I guess that I was 'cold booting' my pc at the very same minute that Anonymous saw a 'lift off'! Darn it all! But, I'll keep watching - I'll have my moment of 'heart failure' one of these days.

Mema Jo said...

7:50pm Jo-MD Are the shadows playing tricks on my eyes again OR does anyone see in the upper right near the edge - another bird? It may just be a black spot - but I think I see a yellow beak.

Bird Girl said...

I went through the archives to find the email address that had been created for viewers to send photos to, but I can't find it. Please post it again? I'm not 100% sure, but I think there was only one eaglet in the nest on 5-30-2006 at 2:15 am your time.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:22 a.m. Tuesday - I don't see but 2 babies in the nest. Can't see any sign of Ms. InBetween (I think) at the trunk or anywhere. I hope we didn't miss it!!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

6:36 a.m. It looks like they are all there!! I am so grateful!

Mema Jo said...

8:34am Tues Jo-MD Here is the email adddress, BirdGirl:
Karen and/or Steve will receive these.
When I checked in around 12:30am I could really only see the one image, but it is so difficult to be sure of what you are seeing. Hopefully they will take some daytime trips!

paula eagleholic said...

I thought I saw one by the tree trunk...they are already looking hot this morning, they have their wings spread already...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I was just looking at just the 2 of them. I hope it didn't fall off too. Makes me nervous.

Mema Jo said...

9:19am Jo-MD I see the two:I think it is BigBoy & Spunky. I sorta think I see some tail feathers under the cam to the left. I didn't see Inbetween take off. If food comes, I guess we will see who is really there.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Steve, oh Steve, we need our live feed back quick!! :)

paula eagleholic said...

I think it is Big Boy we can't see, he is the darkest and sleekest of them all...

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think you are right Paula. Nervewracking day!!!

paula eagleholic said...

After saying I saw one by the trunk, now I am not so sure, I have been looking for the last 30 mins, and have not seen any movement by the tree trunk....9:45am

paula eagleholic said...

And then I think I just saw him by the tree trunk again, just to the right of the time....hard to say....

Mema Jo said...

9:56am Jo-MD I really think that one is out of the nest- All 3 would be in the shade if they were all there. I can't see anything moving under the cam & I have been staring at it for quite a while. Just tried the live feed & it is still down.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think 1 is out too. Been watching for any movement at the trunk of the tree and have seen nothing. Oh Boy, today might be the day!!

paula eagleholic said...

He is still there by the trunk, just saw a wing stretched out

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
First time I've posted, but I've been watching all along since before the babies hatched.
The "missing" eaglet is down by the trunk, but mostly out of sight. I've seen him/her (not sure which one it is)pop into view and then back out of sight a couple of times in the last ten minutes.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Thanks Paula!! Maybe I can work for a few minutes now!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I think I see just a little bit of him at the trunk. LIVE FEED, WHERE ARE YOU?

Anonymous said...

Good Morning All - I've seen all three this morning but mostly we've got two! Someone has found their wings and is staying out of the nest a lot of the time (but I'll bet he/she is VERY close on a nearby limb). Wish we had a second camera pointing at the nest area from a little further away! Or Live Feed that stayed operational... (I rarely get it to work.) I've really enjoyed watching this site since they were egglets and will miss them when they go.... I've also enjoyed reading everyone's comments (even though I've only left a comment once or twice before) - I've learned so much! Many, many thanks to Steve and everyone involved in keeping us posted!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

11:00 a.m. There is all our babies!! Grateful to see them all.

glo said...

Well no live feed for you, no hard drive for me at home. Not sure if or when I can get it back up, probably not this week I'm afraid. Signing in quickly at owrk. Keep good notes for me. Thanks.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Glo, I am so sorry about your computer!! That would be horrible. We will do our best to keep you posted.

Mema Jo said...

11:14am Jo-MD I am reading all your comments since I have been out for an hour - don't know what I would do without this blog. When you see all three it's the feeling I used to have when all my kids came home safely & were in bed! Spelled -RELIEF. Anyone see any feedings yet today?

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I don't think I have seen any feedings yet today although it looks like Ms. InBetween has been busy on something for a little while.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I just dropped in for a second to see how the falcons are doing. They are all still present and accounted for and their living quarters are looking nastier and nastier. I wonder if after they leave the nest for good, does somebody go clean all that off. That is pretty funky.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Really, really grateful I don't have a smell-o-computer. That would be just too nasty! Sure do wish they would get our live feed back up. Anybody out there know what is happening with it?

Anonymous said...

Let's not get too upset about how much the eaglets are getting fed... Remember that the one that is leaving the nest is getting treats out of camera range. But -- it doesn't stop my rapid heartbeat when one of them isn't in view! I did see one of the parents around 11:30 AM, making a short stop. It was in the lower right corner of the nest, where the eaglets seem to be busy right now.

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

I really don't know if any one of them are leaving the nest yet. I am thinking they are hiding at the trunk of the tree when we don't see them. Of course, I could be wrong. I have been once or twice in the past. Good to see them eating. Sure do wish we had the live feed though! :(

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...

Probably carp! LOL!

Eagle-Eyed Sharon said...


paula eagleholic said...

And lunch is being is under the tree trunk, eating from there

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...