Saturday, February 10, 2024

2 10 24



154 pof

646 am Scout in the nest. Up to LOP.
657 am Scout exits from LOP1105 am Scout lands with a clutch of bedding for the nest. Up to the LOP he goes.
1120 am A bit of rain, Scout remains on the LOP.
1129 am Scout moves to the nest.
1132 am Scout moves back to the LOP, Scout preens his tail feathers. Drops down into the nest and starts to sort the blankets of bedding.
1135 am Bella arrives lands on top of the LOP. She moves to the nest and together they work on arranging the bedding in the nest. The egg cup area is looking fine.
1137 am Mating, looked effective. We could see eggs anytime at this nest as a new pair we do not know their egg cycle yet but Bella has a history of laying a bit later in the month than Belle did.
1138 am Scout moves up to the top of the LOP, Bella remains in the nest. Scout flies down into the nest and Bella moves up to the top of the LOP. You have to watch this pair they swap places in a blink of an eye.
1142 am - Bella chackles, she turns so she is facing the cam now. Scout responds to her calls. Both in the same position, Bella on top of the world and Scout in the nest.
1145 am A blue jay is heard singing its song.
1149 am Bella remains on the LOP, Scout is in the nest.
1153 am Hanky panky, mating second time today.
1155 am Bella moves up to the top of the look out post, Scout works on the nest.
1157 am Bella exits to the left of the nest.
1158 am Bella circles and returns to the nest with a small clutch of nesting materials.
Bella goes to work on the crib rails at 2 oclock she straightens up Scout's mess :-) Bella makes good progress.
1207 pm Scout exits heads to the weed and feed and returns with a small bundle of bedding materials. Up to the short post he goes. Scout has a poop shoot aimed off the nest good job Scout.
1214 pm Bella exits from the LOP flies out of view. Scout remains on the short post.
1219 pm Scout exits from the short post flies toward the right of the nest or 3 o'cloc

1 comment:

JudyEddy said...

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...