Saturday, October 28, 2023

10 28 23 Intruder Chased off the nest bu bella in the evening busy day added late alos

A adult visits that ass and stays for quite a while calls


We had a bloodied headed eagle to the nest some thinks it's Shep






639 Shep chases Intruder off the nest and defends his nest

After leaving must have Circle the nest and then lands down any branch on the tree but a few minutes and you'll see the landing then often to The Grove we go

Highlights of the Day - October 28
First Visit – Young adult eagle
831 am - Adult lands on the nest. Moves up to the lookout post.
834 am - Shuggle. A few dark plumages on one/two tail feathers; indicating it is one of the intruders.
850 am – Preening its coat feathers. 856 am – Small poop shoot.
857 am - Exits, flies toward the grove of trees.
Second Visitor – Bloodied Face – Sounds like one of ours!
455 pm - Adult visitor, alerting on arrival, dirty face looks like blood smear or possibly dark feather plumage on face. Looks like it might be Smitty just not sure, need a closer look. Opposite side of face is okay.
5 pm – Adult intruder/visitor with bloodied face exits the nest.
515 pm – Adult with the bloodied face returns to the nest, alerting on arrival. The visitor is very watchful.
518 pm – Adult is tracking and looking toward the grove of trees behind the nest. This adult looks larger than the young male that has been visiting the nest, perhaps a female. Things are unsettled at this nest.
557 pm – Adult on the nest alerts as another adult eagle flies over the nest.
559 pm – Adult on the nest exits the nest.
Third Visitor – Dark Spot-on top of its head
601 pm – Adult eagle with the dark spot-on top of its head lands on the nest; is this Smitty or another visitor. The adult moves a few sticks. Watchful and tracking the area.
605 pm – Exits the nest and flies toward the river.
Fourth Visit – Conflict on the Nest
637 pm – Two adult eagles fly toward the nest. One lands on the nest and starts alerting, Bella perhaps? The other eagle attempts to land near the short post but Bella or possibly Smitty lunges at the eagle so it flies away from the nest.
638 pm – The adult on the nest Bella ? starts whining alerting to the other eagle who is perched on a nearby branch; the intruder is just outside of cam view.
639:06 pm - The intruder? possibly the adult with the dark streak plumage on its tail feathers attempts to land on the nest again. Bella or possibly Smitty reacts immediately and chases it off the nest. Intruder flies away.
640 pm – Movement is heard below the nest; Bella is looking down so the intruder or visitor is likely below the nest.
641 pm – Bella exits the nest.
641 pm – Adult eagle presumably Bella lands on a snag below the nest; she is watchful and tracking the area.
645 pm Bella or adult perched on the snag exits and flies toward the babysitting tree.

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1/6/25 PM Fish

 🐟  2:47 PM both eagles come to the nest.  Bella is screaming with the delight of a meal that he has brought in to the nest for her! He man...