Tuesday, May 02, 2017


Apologies for my neglect on this site. 

I'm thinking that it might be time to conclude this blog, as I started it before the social media revolution, something that has overwhelmed platforms like Blogger.

With great respect to all of you, it just isn't the same without Jo on the blog, I may have done the posts, but Jo was the leader. 

Let me know your thoughts, you can email me at steve_chase@fws.gov.


JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread. STEVE

I will post something on FB. Seems that is where everyone has gone to the ones that weren't on FB no longer check in.

Just sad to see

grannyblt said...

Very sad to see.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judy for the call over.

I sadly concur that the blog is just not the same without our fearless leader, Jo.

Unknown said...

sadly it seems to be so. thank you Steve for the wonderful opportunity here to learn about eagles......and to meet some absolutely wonderful people. blessed be.

Lolly said...

This is so sad, but yes....not the same without Jo.

There are so many, many memories on this blog. It has given me so much joy with the best group of friends.

I ❤️Us!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for all you have done over the years, Steve. We all appreciate you. I check in from time to time on the Facebook conversations, and I agree. Social media has overcome the blog.

God bless Jo. We do miss her.

Hoda said...

Thank you Steve.
You have done an awesome job with this blog.
We are grateful.
Sad but also realistic to let it go.
Respect and appreciation to you Steve.
I agree with Lolly we need to stay in touch as a group.

Hoda said...

Checking box one last time so I would know when blog is done.
Is it going to be deleted?

NCSuzan said...

Thank you Steve for caring about us over the years. What will we do without you?

Thank you to everyone here and those that were here before us. I've mostly been a lurker but this blog has meant a lot to me and friendshps have been made that will last.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My tears won't stop. So much loss, so much sadness, so hard to let go of what we have held so dear. I don't even have the words to describe how this makes me feel but I do understand the need to move on. 11 years has been a good long run. We came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships we have made.

Thank you Steve for all you have done for us Eaglet Momsters. You have always treated us crazy-for-eagles peeps with great respect and tolerance.


Sandi said...

Since I'm not sure how long Steve will keep the blog active, I wanted to post one last time and share some thoughts.

First, thank you Steve for providing this "virtual haven." Since joining in 2011, having been a lurker for about a year prior, this blog has been a source of such comfort for me. You made that possible and I am grateful to you for continuing the blog as long as you have.

Like everyone, I originally came to chat and ask questions about the 2 beautiful eagles residing at the NCTC nest. But like everyone, I stayed for the friendships I made over time. The people on this blog are my dear friends, whether or not we have ever met. You have celebrated with me in joyful times, like the birth of my granddaughter, and have comforted my sadness, like when I lost my mom. I have shared many laughs and many tears with the folks here.

I have posted less as more and more of my friends here have become Facebook friends. But when Jo died, it became sad for me to post. Every time I visited, I was reminded of the void left by her passing. If our two chicks had survived this nesting season, I suspect the blog would have survived a little longer as well. But with them gone too...

Change is the only constant in life. Sometimes we face changes eagerly but many times we fear or dread them. What has changed on the blog - for several reasons - is the frequency of the posts. But what hasn't changed is the feelings that I have for the friends I have come to know and love here.

Have a greyt day all.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I knew this time would come but it sure is heartbreaking. Like Sandi said, thank you Steve for providing this forum for us. I have met some of the dearest friends of my life on this blog. Mema Jo was the glue for sure for this blog. Most of us are on Facebook now and hopefully are friends for life. We have celebrated and mourned so much on here. I am so very grateful for the eagles that brought us together and keep us together. I still have hopes of us meeting at the nest some day soon. Much love to all. Tears are flowing here. God bless us all and as my Sis says, I love us!!

DanaMo said...

This is brought tears to my eyes, my kindergarteners are going to wonder why I am crying. I agree, Jo was the glue that kept this group together on the blog. I really miss her presence as everyone does.I miss Gene, Lynn, Jo, and Kay (do we know how she is?).
Sandi has said it very well and I too agree that maybe if our chicks had survived we maybe would have kept the blog up a little longer.
I miss looking forward to the gatherings we had. I think I only went 2-3 times, but they are memories I will cherish forever. Our visit to the nest, lunch at NCTC in that beautiful lodge like building. Meeting JudyE when she traveled up from Florida, being on the campus with everyone! There are so many good memories. Even visiting Kay in OH.I'm so glad that I found the cam and all of you back when I joined, which I think was in 2011 when Sandi came on.
I'm glad we have Facebook, but it just isn't the same as all the good times and hard times we have all shared here on the blog.
I hope we can all stay in touch...Love to all the Momsters and dadsters.

DanaMo said...

I also want to give a big shout out to Steve who has published this blog for us for so many years.
The times he arranged for us to visit the campus and allow us past the guard gate to see our beloved eagles.

Thanks so much STEVE!!!!

Lolly said...

So many good posts. Sandi made a great post. I, too, lurked at first, then approached posting with caution with a question. Which, of course, Jo answered!❤️

Just remember, dear friends, this is NOT good bye!!! It is just change! We are still close, still share things, still have our friendships! We can still watch the nest and hope for next year! Also, we can occasionally get together. I loved seeing Wanda, her daughters, Paula, Margy and Megan last Fall. We laughed like teenagers, so thrilled to be together.

Thank you, Steve, for all that you have done for us. Know that we are still "lurking" at the cam, though not so much right now with an empty nest. We will be watching next season and communicating in another form.

I ❤️ Us!

Lolly said...

The MOMSTERS are NOT going away!!!

stronghunter said...

Hoda has asked a good question. Will the blog and all of the posts be deleted, or can we save it in some way? It would be nice to be able to go back and read the posts at some time in the future.

Steve Chase said...

Thanks for your thoughts and comments. I never intended to delete it, just suspend posts. You will be able to continue to access it.

Steve Chase said...

I would be happy to add some of you as administrators to the blog if you want to post, that might keep things going. If you are interested, I'll add the first several folks who email me at steve_chase at fws.gov

AZ Patti said...


AZ Patti said...

Sandi, I couldn't have said it better myself! I also began as a lurker and once I got the courage to post, Jo just folded me in like I'd always been here. I don't post as much as some, but I've always felt welcome here. Such camaraderie on this site. I love us!

magpie said...

Steve , First of All, Thank You for All you have done for us over these many Wonderful Eagle Watching Years.....you have enabled so many of us to experience the Wonder and Joy of the NCTC Eagles, and the Friendships we have made as well, both in person with our Nest Visits and Dinners, and on this blog, "Internationally."
And grateful thanks to our Paula and Jo, who worked with you, Steve, to put us all together !

I don't have the facebook activity, and I have "dropped off the grid" over the past few years, just "Life" and "Activities of Daily Living," but this is a rich part of my life, here on this ol' blog. And I am geographically close to some of the folks hereabouts, so I am fortunate in that regard, that I can still "see them in person."

With a Grateful Heart ♥, I thank each and every one of you....
I understand the changes to come, maybe someday things will revert to the "old times" here, but in the meantime:

always, Your Magpie....in Love and Friendship, and

God Bless this Nest, and
God Bless Us, Every One xoxox ☺♥

JudyEddy said...

MARGY hellooooo
You are missed as well as. KAY, and JUDIE hope they are doing well.
I still look daily at the blog when I check FB I am one that doesn't want to let go I guess

I want to thank STEVE​ for all the years providing us this media

carolinabeachmom said...

MARGY I see that you are next to the last to check in. You have very nicely said how I feel but have had a hard time putting it on here. I just hate to see this end.

JUDYE I hope you will still continue to post pics you capture of our nest when you can.

A special thanks to STEVE, PAULA, and JO for all they have done so that we enjoyed our togetherness with this nest for so long. I, for one will still be watching our nest and Jo will be guarding it from Heaven for us. Margy, hopefully we can all get together again sometime in the future.

It has been a blessing for me to have been able to share this Eagle experience with each and every one on this blog; old, new and lurkers. AS Margy said,"God bless our NCTC nest." May Shep and Belle return to start nestorations again and hopefully have a healthy hatch next year. Fly high Belle and Shep and return to NCTC. I, for one, will be watching for your return.

Love and peaceful times to you all.

JudyEddy said...

Old habits hard to break! Yes. I will continue to do pictures I know some people think I over do and some don't care but I will continue on the em monster FB page.
I hadn't done Yahoo since I went over and saw a album created with no pictures in it maybe one day I will go there but till then they are on FB

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete I ask a question but got my answer LOL

grannyblt said...

Good morning to all. I check the nest every day but haven't caught our pair in residence for several days. I guess they just come to claim their territory.
Next week my birding friend and I are going to the birding area in NW Ohio where The Biggest Week in American Birding is now taking place. We've been during the biggest week a few times in the past, but she wants to avoid the crowds and the weather may be better. We are sure to see many varieties of birds. In past years we've seen over 40 different species. We always see plenty of warblers and shorebirds, along with some eagles and osprey. Age and infirmities will make this a different trip than in the past, but I think we'll enjoy it nonetheless. If I get any good pictures, I'll post on Facebook. I don't put too many personal things there, one reason I'll miss this forum.
Hoping everyone is healthy and happy.

NatureNut said...

Happy Mother's Day! Have written Huge messages twice & Blogger ate them--BOO
Love to all

Lolly said...

Hi all! Just took a peek at the nest, no eagles!

All is well here! Have had to turn on the AC a couple of times but it is not on permanently for the summer. That is Good! Garden is looking great. Waiting for Caladium bulbs to emerge.

I ❤️ Us! Hugs!

Hoda said...

We'll Miss Lolly!
Snowing in the Valley here!

JudyEddy said...

Snow brrr. We are 90 today

Hey are you all with the eagle cam page. She or he swears we have OWL in our nest baby owlets under the grasses they are posting pics

Hoda said...

I check the cam several times a day. I see video when it is posted be Deb or Terry.
No owls. Our Eagles were in Sunday.
Did not see anyone yesterday.
No one in nest today.
Belle would not allow it.

JudyEddy said...

I also agree no owl. I have the cam up all the time and till I hit the sack about 1am and no owls. I think it's just shadows and cam pixels when you zoom in I looked at her pix I see eyes just imagination
And what do they do uncover and cover themselves up under the flugg. Lol. I think not!!!

Hoda said...

I agree with you JudyE.
We can trust what we see and know about the NCTC nest.
We do not need to engage.
No eggs, no incubation, no owlettes rither.
Jealous of your weather.

carolinabeachmom said...

Great to see JudyE and Hoda on here.I still check in here from time to time to see if it is closed yet. Just won'd be the same. Owls? I don't think so. You all have a wonderful day!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I got a private email message on fb from Debi C. last nite but no explanation just pix of nest last nite.
I just said I see nothing​
Odd that she emailed me.

Eagle cam posted same pic no words with it

No no owls. Just night cam pixels and a good imagination they have

I was gonna say she should mention something to Steve if she is concerned but letting it go

Hoda said...

Belle and Shep were in last night.
Good on you for letting it go.
What site are you seeing this on Judy?

JudyEddy said...

HODA EAGLE CAM page. Debi C.

Hoda said...

I only see five entries at a time. Can not seem to be able to scroll down.
With regular appearances by Belle and Shep we would have seen major drama had the owls laid their eggs there! Let alone incubate and then hatch!
It did not happen.
Thank you Judy

JudyEddy said...

HODA I sent you three picture in FB messenger. You may have to check other mail since we aren't friends any longer in fb

Hoda said...

Judy I got your messages on messenger. Did you get my answer?
Good Morning all.

JudyEddy said...

HODA Yep just saw this am
Got involved with the awards show didn't get back in fb till this am
And then lots of Rock painting.lol. It is addictive! Jordyn and I hide later

So glad the pic came through

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Wednesday morning to HODA and JUDYE. See you two are still hanging in there. Hasn't Deb C started a blog of her own? I am not sure tho. Wishing you both a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend!

Lolly said...

Just took a peek at the nest. Saw nothing except nest! Lol

Doing annual patio clean! Beautiful day here. Presently 71. Saw 55 last night! Highly unusual to be that cool in late May. Loving it!

Lynne2 said...

Hi everyone....

my gosh it's been forever since I've been here. Haven't really even been on FB all that much lately either.

Lots going on. We moved outa that dang trailer and are now in an apartment! My hip is trying to kill me. Eviction update date is July 19. can't wait!

I don't want to lose this blog! I guess I better get back here more often! I really don't think Jo would want it to go by the wayside either. It meant too much to her. It meant an awful lot to all of us. So did she. But I almost feel like she would be offended if we let it go.....

I'll make the effort to be here as long as you all are. I'll never see/hear from some of you again if the blog dies and that is sad.

Lynne2 said...

I'm all alone...LOL! Checking in from work. Slow day. Kinda hope it stays this way.

Judy, what kind of paint are you using to paint the rocks? Very cool looking!

Lynne1 how was your OH birding trip?
Our new place is crazy with birds! We have big trees, some underbrush, some open space...just a bit of something for everyone. Had a lifer the first week....Black Thrated Blue Warbler! What a gorgeous bird!

Hoda said...

Lynne good to see you here.
Most of us are on FB blog.
All of us are struggling.
Yes to what you said.
Loved your photo on FB with long hair.
Glad your flat is working out.
Also very pleased you have a surgery date. Hang in there kiddo.
Keeping you in the Light.

Lynne2 said...

I think I was on the FB blog for a time but I don't remember why I didn't stay...?? But Kay isn't on FB...not sure about some others as well, like Margy.

grannyblt said...

Good evening all. I check the nest every day, but haven't seen our couple for quite a while.
Lynne, our a Ohio trip last week was hot and windy. We are getting to be tired old ladies who were so happy to be in a cool motel room . The warblers were out in force and I'm pretty sure we got a black throated blue. Also a Prothonotary, a Chestnut sided, Black and white, Black throated gree, and a Redstart, a Blackburnian, a Wilsons, and a Bay breasted. Those were the warblers. We got help identifying from other birders. Many many Great Egrets. One Eagle flying and three nests. Lots of $$$$$ in cameras and equipment were seen also. The crowds were there too, but despite our fatigue, we had a good time. We saw very few shore birds. There was an animal safari park nearby, and since April the giraffe was on our minds we took time to visit. It was one of those drive through parks. I wasn't terribly impressed, but the animals looked healthy and eager to get the snacks offered through the car windows. My friends new car was christened with plenty of animal slobber.
Hope everyone is doing well.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone!

It seems like a couple of lifetimes since I've been here. Had major laptop problems when Microsoft quit supporting Windows Live Mail and Internet Explorer! Finally had to buy a new laptop that runs on Windows 10, with Office 2016. Had Geek Squad remove a couple of viruses, and 2 malware trojan horses, and now am up and running. Phew! I guess I missed the entire nesting season while all this was happening, and now it looks like the blog may go away, too! AARGH!! Right now, gotta go feed Emma her dinner. Will try to get back here very soon to see what's happening. DO NOT want to lose anyone because the blog goes bye-bye or something! Haven't had time to read back and see what's up. I love us!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 they recommend acrylics
They have a pinned post on the pages with suggestions
There are so many great artists out there it's amazing
And seal with a clear sealers
There are soooo many rock pages I think each city now.
I am assuming the city where you painted it goes on the back to the rock. Jordyn keep a few she would keep all if you let her! It's neat to see where they end up I did some candy corn and left one in front to dentist when I took Jordyn the other day. A lady posted the pic and said it was her daughter first visit and it made it better when found it going in the office.

Lynne2 said...

Holy Flying Objects Lynne!!! That's a heck of a list! Once my hip is fixed I hope to do some more birding w/ my friend Sharon. Fall migration type of birding! Oh, she's going to take me to a local place where the Chimney Swifts swirl into their chimney at dusk that's near here! Sure miss having a camera...can't quite get the hang of the one on my phone....If you remember, the Wood Thrush is my favorite song bird. The first few days we were here I was greeted each morning with that beautiful song and quite a few glimpses of the little fella. But then he was gone. Guess he was just migrating through. Right now we have some very busy parent birds trying to keep up with the demands of their fledglings.

Thanks Judy. This may be a good winter project...must think ahead you know!

Andy you poor thing! You sure have had your share of computer issues!

Got to get to bed. I've not been sleeping too well for about 5 nights now. Not exactly sure what the problem is but how annoying! I have an appt w/ the hip Dr tomorrow about my knee. It's really taking a beating because I am walking so weirdly. Think Frankenstein. Or rather a combo of Frank and the Hunchback of Notre Dame.... Yep, it's comical!

Prayers for all of you. Hope to see you tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

evening all....tho it rather looks like I'm alone again.

Bad bad bad hip day....good knee day. My opposite knee has been giving me fits since I walk so funny and today the Dr was kind enough to inject some steroid. Hope that it works!! A "new knee" as Wanda would say!

Saw some sun today for the first time in what seems like weeks!

Off to FB then to bed. Hope to see someone tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Good rainy afternoon!

Hoda said...

Good rainy afternoon Lynne.
Your present focor seems more Beale than the previous one.
Happy memorial dey everyone.
Sunny here.
Feeling a need to do laundry, cook and organize.
All good...
I hear the chap who mows the lawn.
Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone.
God Bless the USA

Lynne2 said...

Hi Hoda! Glad you hear the chap that mows the lawn.....good sign that there is no snow up your way....LOL! I, too, am laundering and organizing. For me it is a slow process, but today is a better day for my hip than yesterday was!

Lynne2 said...

Wow, just saw that Gregg Allman has died. Such a musical force.

Hoda said...

Great musician indeed Lynne.
Glad your day was better than yesterday.
Rest well.
Goodnight to all who drop in every once in a while...

Joyce said...

oh my goodness! I have not visited this blog or the Sheperdstown nest in several years, .....or more. Was just reminesing in my mind this morning and remembered such fun times here. Even bought a carry bag with Liberty and Belle's photo and chicks ways back when.
Just saying howdee doo. I remember Glo and Vicky. Are they still around? I don't do FB so that option of communicating is out.

Hoda said...

Joyce, good You checked in.
Glo is doing well.
Vicky died this year.
It is a blog that is meaningful to many of us.
Some good friendships were formed here.
Stay well.

Joyce said...

oh Hoda... I am SO SO Sorry about Vicky!!! Is there any information online that tells of her death? I stayed in contact with her for a long time and then lost contact.

Joyce said...

Hoda, I found the information on Vicky's death. My heart aches. She was such a beautiful beautiful person inside and out.

Hoda said...

Joyce she died April 26, 2017.
It was sudden.
She contacted sepsis infection and died shortly thereafter.


Copy and paste the above link and it will take you to her obituary.

She is on FB, but you said you are not.
Her service was on May 6th, 2017.

God Rest Her Soul.
Sorry for the loss of your friend Joyce...

Hoda said...

Sharon, Shirley, Wanda can you fill Joyce in as to Vicky's death?

Sepsis is a hard infection to overcome.
Her last years were focused on her son who was not at all doing well.

Joyce said...

oh my Hoda. I am so sorry. That must have been horrible for her.
I know she is at peace....she sent a gift and corresponded with one of our adopted daughter's about 10 years ago and we talked alot. Then lost touch. She had come to mind last week and I was searching through the blogs and remembered this one, only to find that she is gone.

Hoda said...

Sorry again Joyce.
"We came for the Eagles and stayed for the Frirndships we formed"
I am glad you found information.
Keep her in your heart and prayers.
We have lost so many good people.
Mema Jo is gone, Lynn is gone, Debbie is gone, Also Wanda's Captain is gone...
Sad and Heart Breaking...
Stay in touch and tell us what is happening in your life...?

Joyce said...

I am so sorry about Mema Jo, lynn and Debbie, and Wanda's Captain. oh this is just a sad day learning of these deaths.Thanks for bringing me up to date Hoda. I'll try and check in later.

Joyce said...

IS there a update to the nest and a link?

Hoda said...


Did you know Liberty died?

Belle is the Resident Female at NCTC.
Her mate is Shep for Shepherdstown, where the nest is located.
Lynn had suggested that name before she died.
We voted and that is what we call him.
Pretty sure he was the cause Liberty died. A fight?
Others call Shep, Ben or Smitty. Not from our group. For us he is Shep.
Belle and Shep had several successful seasons with eggs.
Not this year.
They had two eggs. Both hatched on time. The first did not last the day.
The second died after being around for a bit over 24 hours. Bothseemed normal and healthy. The first lost energy soon and was never fed.
We do not know the cause of death.
We here were shattered. We were naming them Mema and Jo!

Here is the link to the camera


JudyEddy said...

Our royal couple was in for a few min. Pix on monster FB

JudyEddy said...


HODA and Joyce.

JudyEddy said...

FYI. The link to the still and live feed are both on the home of the blog under Steve pic

Joyce said...

Thanks for the update on Liberty. I carry a bag Belle , LIberty and the chicks with books sometimes. Sorry to hear that news too.
Thanks Judy for the link.
I need to get back there and refresh my memory...at 75 some of those cells are not as healthy as they were 10 years ago... oh did I have fun chatting then!!

Hoda said...

Belle and Shep visited the nest tonight
Here is a link

Joyce said...

thanks for the link Hoda! Was that Belle that flew in after Shep?

Hoda said...

Yes indeed.
Glad you saw them Joyce.
A very special nest this NCTC nest.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Memorial Day everyone! Doesn't sound quite right tho....HAPPY for a day of remembering the ones who served and never returned...

Muggy today, some sun. Maybe this will finally be the day the rain will stop coming!

Joyce said...

Hello Lynne2. I know what you mean about not sounding right to say " Happy" Memorial Day... but I guess in the sense that the Veteran's persevered and have kept us free is a reason to be happy.
Sunny and nice here in Los Angeles.
Hope everyone has a most wonderful day.

carolinabeachmom said...

Just checking in to see if the blog is still up and running. I hope all had a good Memorial Day with family and friends. Thanks to our men and women in giving of themselves, we are enjoying our freedom.

JudyEddy said...

Yep it still here. Won't go anywhere its up to us to keep it going. I think SHARON was signed on as a administrator.

Hope everyone had a nice holiday

Eagles were in this am
Debi posted pic and she still
Says we have owls in our nest.
We know with the eagle visiting the nest that it's not so

Lynne2 said...


Judy you should be an admin of the blog, you are most consistently here! Uh, what does that mean you'd do, exactly?

Lynne1, anyone else...any thoughts on deterring starlings from suet? They are totally bullying the others away!

JudyEddy said...

Hi LYNNE2 aww thanks I just am saddened that the blog is so sparse! But learned to deal with it I guess. I keep thinking of those not on fb like Kay I wish I knew how she was along with Jufie!! And Red as well as others Moving Jim was on fb the other day!

From what I understand it just someone to may fresh threads.

Was out walking got my plus steps in did the park while hiding rocks

Gonna go walking when it cooler it's 92 an that not heat index now

JudyEddy said...

I feed my birds grapes. The mockingbirds are so funny to watch with it. Almost like ball tossing and playing. Blue and scrub jays also like them but the mockingbirds protest lol

Lynne2 said...

Judy, I was going to put out a small plate of grape jelly. It's supposed to attract Orioles! Need to get an "ant moat" first to keep the ants out.

I also wish I knew how everyone was doing. Lots of folks exited well before Jo passed away. I just hope they are all OK and include them in my prayers.

I am trying to desensitize myself to centipedes. EEWWWWW I can barely type the word! We have them here in the apartment...BIG ones. They usually are not seen but boy when one gets stuck in the sink or bathtub you've never seen such a sissy as I. I just tried to read an article about them...no can do. Maybe tomorrow. LOL! Steve is going to look for some bug spray that includes the death of them so we can spray the perimeter. Big damn hairy feathery looking things that run so fast you can barely stop them and when you try to kill them those damn legs just keep right on twitching out who needs a creature like this on earth and why do people have to be vexed with them I never in my life had to deal with something so heinous of all the nerve....

Oh...I got away for a moment, I'm back now.

Lynne2 said...

Saw on FB that Olivia Newton John has breast cancer, spreading, stage 4. So sad...

Lynne2 said...

hmmm....just noticed that I am not seeing anyone's pictures, not even mine. Wonder why not?

Need to start gravitating towards bed....have a good night, prayers for all!

JudyEddy said...

I see everyone's picture maybe internet connection!

I am such a night owl since retirement

This rock hiding things is fun. Love seeing found after the hide. I get my steps in also got 23,553 today
Lost 22 lbs since retirement

But oh my to many fb pages out there. Every city someone made a county one and a 727 area code one. To many to join. I joined the ones when I find a rock tagged with it

Need to buy some time tip paint pens order on line everyone says. Need practice drawing I use to be a better drawer compared to now!Odd!!

I think I just may email Steve and keep the blog going for those who wish to say hey
Just remember to do new thread at 200 mark. JO always liked it like that

Joyce said...

Lynne how interesting about the grape jelly and Orioles. Most definitely would need a ant moat! ..

I've been off the blog for many years and just returned last week.
Hadn't heard about Jo's passing away. And dear Vicki. Haven't been able to get over her sudden death and feel bad that I had lost contact with her.
My own health and circumstances of raising our grandson made it difficult to keep up the pace... at 75 yrs old.

JudyE, how awesome about your weight loss. I need to shed about 50 pounds.
Well you all have a great day and I will keep my eye on the nest now from time to time.
Maybe next season we will see some new life spring up there.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Wednesday morning JUDYE, Lynne2, Hoda, and welcome back Joyce. Hot and muggy here today on the OBX. Just started walking mornings again. Hopped over to the live cam and got nothing. :( I'll have to try later. The still cam was working tho.

JUDYE Great news about all your weight loss! In my 3 years of retirement, I put 20 on. :( I have started my morning walks again just have to get it back off. My face wrinkles are bad enough, but to be heavy is worse, since I am only 5'1". I have been having too much fun eating junk food.

LYNNE2 Sure hope you can get rid of those centipedes fast. They are disgusting. We used to have a few when we first came to the beach 34 years ago. Yuk. We build by the woods, so we stated out with many kinds of critters.

Good to see that some of you are still on here keeping this going. I really miss the old days. You all have a wonderful day. Think sunshine!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle budlets

Looks like the storms yesterday took out both 📷

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow, a lot of posts! Fabulous!

Lynne, sorry about the centipedes! Worse than stink bugs? Your surgery is this month. When?

Joyce, guess we never met on this blog. You apparently were on at the very beginning. I have been on 9 years, I think.

Nothing new here! Needing rain, continue my gardening. Have a beach trip planned for then end of June. Taking Laurel and the boys. Joey is teaching summer school. Then in July we are all going to the cabin in Colorado. Panning a Falltrip, but this time it is tothe West coast. Time for more good wine tasting. Stopping at the Grand Canyon on the way. Have not been there in many years.

On my iPad and could not get the cam up this morning????

Lynne, want me to add you back to our messenger group on fb?

Have a great day!🦅😁🦅😁

Lolly said...

Just saw your comment about the cams, Judy. Wonder if they will put in the effort to get the cams back.

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

SUNSHINE all day today so far!! Chance of storms later.

Was wondering to myself Lolly...stinkbugs vs centipedes. Tough to say which is worse! Centipedes don't stink, but stinkbugs sure don't run around really fast and try to hide. Hmmm.....

Surgery is on July 19. It was originally set for June 21 but I wanted to make sure Steve had his license back with time to spare in case of any glitches. He should have it back in less than a month now!

Sounds like you have some fun trips planned! I'll look forward to pictures.

Joyce...I'm not sure if I "met" you here in the past or not but the picture of your little Sheltie is adorable and looks familiar!

I'm on the weight loss band wagon again too. Good for you Judy on YOUR weight loss!

I saw 2 lightning bugs 2 nights ago and that's all I've seen so far this year...unusual.
Candy do you have them on the OBX?

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, sure put me back on the FB thing. I'll give it a try again. Don't really remember how it worked. But I really like the blog, personally.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening! And a very pretty evening in these parts it is!

Saw a few more lightning bugs tonight!

Heading off to bed shortly, good night and prayers for all!

Joyce said...

Good to "meet you" Lynne.........my memory is not the best, but it does seem like your name is familiar.
In any event, Howdee doo.. and we will chat off and on in the future I am sure!

Wanna know something, living in Los Angeles cement city, I've never seen a lightning bug! LOL.. hubby came from Tennessee and grew up with them! ...

Lynne2 said...

JOYCE....YOU HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN A LIGHTING BUG??? WOW!!! In Tennessee, somewhere in the Smoky Mts in June of every summer, there is a spectacular phenom. There are synchronized lightning bugs. People plan vacation camping trips around the time just to get a look at them! You'll have to google and find a video of them.

We were camping in Western Md a couple of years ago and saw lightning bugs all around us that were also synchronized in their flashing. It was pretty amazing! Not AS amazing as the ones in the Smoky's, I'm sure.

Someone brought in 2 little 4 week old kittens to work to be checked out today. Momma got killed by a car. Kittens are fine, upper respiratory infections but nothing serious. They need homes. I did NOT come home with one....LOL!! I'll be a goner though if anyone brings in a black and white that needs a home! It will be so hard to say no....

Need to hit the hay...long day tomorrow. Good night and prayers for all!

Joyce said...

Lynne I am going to need to find a video online and " see" this spectacular sight of lightning bugs..

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

exhausted...very bad hip day. Lots of troubles walking.

Joyce, hope by now you have found a video of the lightning bugs!

Gotta get to bed. Prayers for all.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang!

Well, we've had a wild and crazy week! Our youngest granddaughter, Courtney, is moving back to Calif. from Texas, to go to school. She's applied to Cal State at a couple different locations, and is waiting for her H.S. to send out her transcripts. She has a job at a Starbucks about a mile from our house, and has moved in with her other grandparents, very close to our place. She just turned 19 on May 24th. We haven't stopped running around since Courtney, her Mom Jen, Dad Marq, little (?! 4 inches taller) Sierra our 11 -year-old great-granddaughter, their dog, Teavana (Black/white German Shorthaired Pointer),and our oldest granddaughter, Jay Joree and her fiance Cierra got here! Marq's parents, Don & Emilee, had a family reunion BBQ on Sunday, May 28th! Marq's brother, Jason, and his significant other, Matt, came in from their home in Las Vegas for the weekend. We had about 18 family members and a few friends at the reunion, and the BBQ was amazing. Jen's BFF Cari came to it too. Then, things got really crazy. On May 31, Cari's Dad passed away very suddenly, of (?). We still don't know what took him home yet. He was 84 I believe, and had been in good health. Then, the very next day, Cari's husband's grandmother passed away. She was in her 90s. Her husband had passed away 3 weeks earlier; he was in his 90s too. Well, to make a long story short, our daughter Jen and Sierra (GGD) left to go back to Texas this morning.(Teavana our grandpuppy went with them.) Marq or SIL had to get back home last Wed. because of his job. His bro and his S.O. Matt had to go home last Monday because of their jobs. Jay and Cierra left on Thursday to go to Denver for a tattoo convention. Jay won the award for "Most Visionary" tattoo yesterday, with her tattoo titled "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." So proud of her! Her work is extraordinary. Well, gotta run--we're going to visit our friend Darlene down in Newport Beach today, since we haven't seen her in over a week. (We've kept in touch by phone, though.) Lynne2, hope your hip will feel better today. Saying some healing prayers for you. We're on the same page about centipedes, by the way! Joyce, good to see you here! I remember you from a LONG time ago! Lolly, if you come to Calif., we'll have to try to get together for lunch or dinner! Our Jen and Sierra may stop at the Grand Canyon on the way back to Texas. Well, gotta go feed Emma her breakfast, and try to explain to her that Teavana won't be back later to play with her! Those two got along wonderfully well. I'll be back here either tonight or tomorrow morning to say hello and bring you the latest news from our roost. Have a great day!
I ♥ us!!!

Lynne2 said...

wow Andy what a week....

A friend of mine passed away today. She's an older lady and a client at work...the one who took Joker for us when we had to move to WV last year. I'm really very upset. I saw her a week ago. She'd been having serious lung issues and then they discovered that she had congestive heart failure on top of that. Silly me, I thought she pull through.

My hip is terrible. Hopefully tomorrow it will feel even a little better.

Going to bed. Been a difficult day. Goodnight, prayers for all.

JudyEddy said...

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear THELMA ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!
***Sending birthday wishes your way***

🍰🎉🎈🎂🎁🍰🎉🎈🎂🎁🍰🍰🎉🎈🎂🎁🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈

T-Bird said...

Thank you very much JudyE.

Lynne2 said...

THELMA...good to "see" you on the blog! Hope you are having a terrific birthday!

Lynne2 said...

well, this is truly sad. I guess this blog really is gone for good. What a waste. Goodbye to those I will lose touch with...those not on facebook, esp. It has been fun while it lasted.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lynne2, Steve had made me an admin on here but I never got the link to set it up. I've emailed him but I think he is away for a while.

This really breaks my heart too. We were such a close-knit group.


JudyEddy said...

I know it's sad

I have been saying this for months when only a handful posted

And I was told things change

I accepted it I guess

That's why I stopped visiting

grannyblt said...

I still check daily to see what people have been up to.and to see about nest activity. Did anyone witness the Great Blue Heron visit?

NatureNut said...

Dear, dear Momsters and Dadsters, I hope this info will get out and about to most!!! I was finally able to post some 2017 pictures in the Nook! What's in there now are early (March) pics and I have another combined set of the eagles and ospreys to post. I did go on fb Messenger and saw at least 4 or five "Eagle" titles. One that I read mentioned "Ben" who I remember is Shep but renamed by the bloggers who had a group under the camera pic. So I need to do some more hunting and pecking or are we combined with other groups???
I guess I'll have to write Steve about our Blogspots. I sure don't want everything to disappear before we could download our pics onto discs! 8 years of my life and the best stuff!!!
My techie son-in-law, Jim, and daughter, Sherry, will be up in a couple weeks & sure they can guide me. We have a Grandson wedding approaching, but Sher can't attend as she will be at UMD preparing to get another degree that Sunday!!! She's getting an MBA that took 3 years on the computer. We haven't talked much!!! She felt her Dr.in Microbiolgy didn't cover all the bases when you're employed by a private company!!!! She must have double the brain power that we do!!!!!!
Don't forget, more good pics to come tonight-----maybe the last on our wonderful Blog. Enjoy!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Loretta the blog will always be here. He is not deleting it. Just not doing up to date blog posts since no one really seem to participate anylonger no matter what we tied

You are on FB. I just added you to the eagle monster FB page that we post pic to. There is the messenger also I don't go on it often. But can add you if you wish

NatureNut said...

Dear Judy, Thank you so much for the FB info. Of course I don't know the address---it's mostly Greek to me! I won't mess with the messenger. I've seen that people can post pics and maybe make a slide show so that they're not taking so much space like in the BlogSpot.
Gotta get a little energy to finish posting the Eagles and Ospreys. They will be on here! I'll let everyone know when they're on!
Good night to all hitting the hay ☺

NatureNut said...

Time to hit the hay---work in AM. We get to start playing with the new phone that looks like a Star Trek console!!!! Had a class Friday---wish the teacher was there!
All the other eagle and osprey pics are in the Nook!!!

JudyEddy said...

For those who still check. Did you see the eagles nest that brought in a baby hawk to eat but ended up feeding it. All over Facebook!
In Canada

nature in it oddest

Lolly said...

Hi all! Thought I would peek in here and see who had posted!

All is well here. My foot hurts occasionally (stress fracture). I wore the boot religiously and now get an occasional pain.

Jack's back spasms are fewer. He is doing his excercises twice a day.

We leave for the beach with Laurel and the boys a week from Sunday. In the meantime the boys head to Denver with church group to do community service. Joey is going too and Laurel is taking over his summer school class while he is gone.

We have decided on a Fall trip. Going to head west to California with a stop at the Grand Canyon. I have not seen it in years and Jack's last time to see it he was river rafting at the bottom of the canyon. Planning our trip for October. No pecans to pick this year. Trees to not repeat big crops two years in a row.

Loretta, if you are on fb Messenger is no problem. Just click join and you are off! Love staying In Touch that way

Have a great day!

Keeping you in thought and prayer, Lynne!

Hoda said...

Lynne I did not see the Great Blue Herron's visit. Did you see it or was it reported somewhere?

JudyEddy said...

HODA There are pictures of the gbh visit on eagle cams page the debi that sees the baby owls in the nest daily. If I didn't see it for myself I would have those was really bonkers lol
I didn't get a pic saw right before flying out. Was a beauty

Hoda said...

Thank you Judy.
I was wondering the source.
The baby owl in nest source is not reliable so far as I am concerned.
Glad you confirm it too.

grannyblt said...

I've looked at those pictures that supposedly show the owls in the nest, but I can't really see them.maybe they are screech owls that are very small.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Tuesday morning Eaglemomsters and Dadsters. Just checking in to see if this is still up and running. So glad to see that it is. Whoever asked me a ways back, I don't see lightening bugs around my house. There might be some, but I have never seen them in all the time I have lived here. When I lived up in New York State, we used to have them all over. I sure miss seeing them.

JUDY E I am sorry to say that I missed the eagle feeding the hawk. What eagle's nest was it on?

I hope all are getting much better with their health issues. Glad to read where Lynn2 is settled in a nice place now.

HODA You can keep the snowfalls up there with you please. :) We are finally getting summer down here with it being light out later. Now come the hurricane threats next. JUDYE had better keep her eyes open too. I am not looking forward to that.

Have to get going as I have some shopping to do. It will have to be among the raindrops. May all have a beautiful, peaceful day and many more to follow.

JudyEddy said...

CANDY you are on the eaglet monsters Facebook page correct¿. The eagles nest that has a hawk in it is in it

There is a storm out there but went to panhandle

carolinabeachmom said...

JudyE Yes Judy, I am on the place where the pictures are posted on FB. Thanks for asking. Just checked in after my morning walk. Rainy here on our first day of summer. Hope everyone is having a wonderful day. Couldn't get on the life came yesterday.

carolinabeachmom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
carolinabeachmom said...

Wishing one and all that are still on here a very Happy and Safe 4th of July!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yes Andy, some of us are still around, just not blogging much. I assume you aren't on Facebook, right? We have a little group on messenger that most have migrated to. You can email me, text me, facebook me, messenger me, however you like. I do love us too!

JudyEddy said...

Just had to come over and say you are missed dear JO hard to believe it is a year

I tried with a few others to keep the blog going I know how dear it was to you. So sorry we couldn't keep it up for you. Just know you were loved and are missed. I feel closer to you on here

Lolly said...

Just taking a peek in. Still here and all is well! We are hundreds of miles away. From Houston. All family there are high and dry!

grannyblt said...

Just checking in to see if anyone has posted lately. Hope our eagles are doing well and we'll see them again in a few months.

Hoda said...

Yes, I hope the Eagles are well and that we see them again soon. Hoping for a better season this year. Am curious what was the cause of our losing the two chicks last year. Stay well everyone.

NCSuzan said...

As with others just checking in to see how everyone is and what is going on. Was really hard to break the habit of this blog but it had changed so much. It is for the best. Hope all is well. Take care. Will be watching the eagles!

BJ Rae said...

I love bald eagles and your blog!...

I have photographic book about two young bald eagles learning to fly...Near a River...Would love to get your opinion of the pictures in my book!...My website is www.nearariver.com, and my email address is bobbiejrae@gmail.com...

Please email me if you would like to review my book...

Lolly said...

Just checking in! See that BJ commented. Will go to her website!

Sorry BJ! We love our blog, too but it is about to go away. We are still in communication but on fb blog.

grannyblt said...

Good morning. Checking in to see if this blog is still alive and wondering about our eagles🦅

JudyEddy said...

Here's an update from NCTC. We lost the signal from the cam a few weeks back. We are hoping it is a cabling issue and not the cam. We will go up in the tree on Wednesday to hopefully resolve. We have also been consulting with our regional eagle expert on the condition of the tree and options to mitigate the fact that the main trunk holding the nest up is now dead. We made the decision to ride it out this season and hope the nest does not fall in a heavy wind. Only time will tell. We have a number of options for the mitigation that we will consider and implement next summer. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

From Steve

JudyEddy said...

Steve posted pictures of the camera being worked on. They got it working but not on yet

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say that Steve said they saw both Belle and Shep flying around when the were in the tree working on the cam

JudyEddy said...

Camera is up. Thanks to all involved

JudyEddy said...

Eagle I think Belle still in Nest

grannyblt said...

That was exciting to see an eagle on the nest for such a long time.

grannyblt said...

Wasn’t that fun to see an eagle in the nest again? Thanks NCTC.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle budlets

Odd all that snow. And none at nest.

Sweet for the eagles

JudyEddy said...

A new thread was made but not announced

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...