Tuesday, October 11, 2016


After a month's hiatus, here's an update.

We headed up in the tree in late August.  We found that both cameras in the tree had been "cooked" by the close proximity lightning strike.  We replace the new cam in the existing mechanical housing, and confirmed that wiring from the nest to the base of the tree was working.  We plan on putting in a heavy duty surge protector to help prevent such catastrophic damage next big storm.  Unfortunately, this area is prone to big lightning,, we have been plagued with this type of damage since we opened in 1997.

We still have some cabling to replace, and once that is done we'll be ready to start to next season of eagles.

Thanks for your patience.


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Sandi said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve and the update on the cam. I can't wait til it's up and running again, as I know the eagles are probably starting to work on the nest.

Sandi said...

Potter is still looking for his forever home. Five interested people/families but none have worked out for him. Poor Potter!

Janet, welcome home!

Lynne1, good to hear that you are getting settled into your new place.

Beautiful day here - spent 2 hours walking on the beach this morning.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve

And the call over Sandi

And waiting with baited breath for the camera to be installed and up and running

Lynne2 said...

Hi all, checking in from my first day back to work as internet in camper is not working at the moment.

we got back on Friday and there have been several glitches with the camper but all to be worked out soon enough.

Have not had time to read back but hopefully everyone is doing well and as always I think of you all often.

Will check back as soon as I can!

AZPatti said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and the update on the camera. Enjoy that feather, Sandi! I, too, am ready to view the nestorations. I've been peeking in on the SWFL nest and the Berry College nest. Enjoy watching them, but they mostly just tide me over until Belle and Shep get started.

Not a lot going on here that's newsworthy. Everything's good. Looking forward to Terrific Tuesday TV.

Glad to hear that most of the travelers have made it home safely. Janet, I'm sorry about your gal pals' home. Lynne1, glad you're starting to get settled. Are the kitties adjusting to the inside life okay? Lynne 2, glad you and Steve are getting settled as well. Sandy, Potter's furever home is out there somewhere!

We're off to enjoy our beach for a bit. Now that it's starting to get dark sooner, we don't get to spend as much time out there as we'd like. The pups always have a hard time adjusting this time of year. They just don't understand why we can't stay out there after dark! :-)

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay on the new thread and double yay on the cam news.

Hoda said...

Deb's grandson Emmett has had a set back. He is still in ICU.
She is asking for continued prayers, healing energy, positive thoughts.
I told her we would do so.

Snow in the mountains.
Frost on windshield this morning.
Certainly happy I have my snow tires.

Thank you Steve and Sandi.

Good to read all who posted.
Thank you and miss you all.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and hopeful camera news and to SANDI for the call over.

I'm up in the middle of the night for pain meds, durn these achin' ol' hips.

Yahoo mail notes this was our dear, dear Jo's birthday. I hope her first birthday beyond the Golden Gates is cause for a wonderful party! Miss her so.

SANDI, sorry Potter hasn't found just the right home yet and happy he has your TLC in the interim.

HODA, snow already. An omen? A long cold winter ahead? Prayers for Emmett.

LYNNE1, glad you're settling in to life in the Sooner State. LYNNE2, good news on the move away from the ogre!

Hey to Patti! As an Arizonan it always gives me a start to hear you talk of the beach. What fun that is for you and the dogs.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Unknown said...

good Wed morning to one and all.
So happy to have a new thread! THANK YOU STEVE and loved the information he gave. soon we shall be watched our eagles

Thoughts, love, and hugs to all in need. Glad for all the report-ins! Yeah!

SANDI; I know it must be frustrating to not have found a home for Potter, yet. But I feel like that day will come and you want him to go to the "right" home...so your patience is going to be tried, but please know you are doing the right thing by him. And look at the opportunity to teach him about humans, that they can be loving and kind and not just expect him to run and be crated! :) yeah for you!

Yesterday was busy busy busy. Grocery shopping...and they are rearranging our Walmart. its all kinds of backward. so it took longer. then the putting - away - of - the groceries.

but glad that's done.

back to work today. happy for that too.

hope everyone has a beautiful day. later ya'll.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle mom lets

Just about ready to leave to take Jordyn out for the day.

Sandi said...

Happy birthday in Heaven Jo! I sure do miss you here on Earth! ♥

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday to Wanda!
Sunday a group of Momsters plus Jack will meet at her house.
So jealous. Wished I could go too.

Unknown said...

Good Morning! Happy Birthday WANDA!
Yes, HODA, it would be fabulous to be part of that get together.....hugs to you.
Wishing everyone a terrific Thursday!

Light and love....

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

So there's going to be a meeting at Wanda's house that is so super cool.

I went back looking for the information thought I skipped it on the blog but I see nothing on it.

JudyEddy said...

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear WANDA. ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!

***Sending birthday wishes your way***

NatureNut said...


Dear Eagle Friends, if I don't get on here very much, want you to know I think of everyone all the time. I haven't seen much photo shooting opportunities lately. Maybe when the leaves fall off the trees, we'll be able to see something.
I did see something right here at home yesterday that could be symbolic, an omen, or just a coincidence.
I have to give you the background story first. My Uncle Frank, aged 94, a Pearl Harbor Survivor in WWII passed away last Monday. He didn't suffer, had cardiac arrest in the ambulance in his driveway in Falls Church, VA. The celebration of the life of this patriot and great friend to many was held in VA yesterday in the afternoon.
At my house there aren't any nearby rivers or lakes like at the Park, but I saw something here yesterday about noon that I've never seen before (40 years). A BALD EAGLE flew large,long circles in the sky over the street behind us, so I could see it when I went out on the deck with my coffee!!!! One of my cousins, Frank, Jr. replied to my story with "I BELIEVE!!" At the service yesterday, many spoke of Uncle Frank's patriotism and there were a couple eagle pics on his program!!!!
Will try to put a not great quality pic in the Nook.

Congrats to all on camera repairs!

Hoda said...

Good to read you Loretta.
Look forward to your pictures.

Judy I wrote about the upcoming reunion several times,3, at least here.
It was also on messenger.
This Sunday Lolly and Jack will be at Wanda's do will several Momsters. It should be a terrific time. I so wished I could have been there...

Hoda said...

Checking the box.
Forgot to do so.
Rain mixed with snow here and for the next ten days according to our forecast.
So enjoying the weather...the colours are breath taking too...

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Wanda! Hope your day has been really special, and that you'll have a spectacular year ahead! ♥♥

A very HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY in Heaven to Jo, too!! Bet the celebration there is just amazing! I love and miss you! ♥♥

I'm breathing a sigh of relief here--just finished all the transcription work I had this week, and got it sent back to the doctor. YAY! Now my time is my own! Can't talk for very long, though, because it's almost time to make dinner for Emma. Cooked her some chicken this afternoon, and it's almost cooled off now.

Went and got my annual mammogram today. They said I should get a letter in the mail in about 10 days to let me know how things are.

Surprise! I saw a California Scrub Jay in the backyard this morning! It's been almost a year since I've seen one, I think.

Hoda, thanks for the update on Deb's grandson, Emmett. Prayers are ongoing!

Well, need to go make dinner for a certain pup--Emma is reminding me of the time.
Will try to make it back here later tonight. Have a good rest-of-the-evening, everyone. I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

good morning Eagle buds

I do remember the meeting being mentioned on the blog but I don't remember it being said it's going to be at WANDA I thought it was going to be on the NCTC grounds or the date my bad I guess
and I do recall Shirley said she might not be able to make it I hope she does
lot of us aren't on the messenger

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I made a little book of FLAT STANLEY
Will be delivered this afternoon according to tracking number I was given
Can't wait to see it!


They are unaware that I did the book also. Only suppose to do one or two pic of his travels but being he went so many places thought would be cute. Silly me lol

I also went to the post office and got a CHANGE OF ADDRESS CARD to send as a joke LOL

JudyEddy said...

My delete one the link didn't work and the other the link took me to my main page

JudyEddy said...

If you look at the book on the bottom right corner says preview just click on it and swipe the pages forward its only 20 pages long

Hoda said...

Deb S is on her way home. Her Grandson Emmett was discharged from Toronto Children's Hospital. She posted pictures all is well. She expressed gratitude to everyone who kept their family in their thoughts, or prayers...
Thank you everyone from Grandma Deb...

Unknown said...

morning all. JUDYE: will look at Mr. Stanely's book later today!
heading to work. everyone have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

AZPatti said...

Hello fellow Momlets! Happy belated birthday wishes to Wanda and Jo! Wishing I could be at Wanda's tomorrow, too!

Heading out for some yard clean-up on this absolutely gorgeous fall day! Sadly, the sunflowers have run their course, and the birds have completed their seed harvesting, so it's time to pull the dead stalks. We have an easement running beside our yard so I'll "pile" the stalks there to provide shelter for the birds in the coming months. The birds can also clean up any remaining seeds. Although I hope they will miss a few to sprout in the easement next year. I'm slowly replacing the weeds with wild flowers. I have no idea where it came from but there was a wild geranium growing out there this year! I don't know if they are annual or perennial but I hope it decides to come back next year. Beautiful purple flowers!

Will also plant a few more mums. Went to Home Depot for some odds and ends yesterday and came home with a tray of orange, maroon and purple mums. They were on sale, buy 1 get 2 free! So how could I resist? :-) Makes more work, but they'll be so pretty.

Wishing everyone a marvelous weekend!

Unknown said...

good morning to one and all!
JUDYE: I want to be Flat Stanely. I want to go back to Maderia Beach. :( :( :(
(that's a pout not a sad face)

busy day ahead. tom and kids going to titans game. me? cleaning my house! getting my stuff in one sock!

hugs to all

Hoda said...

Patti very awesome to read your post. Lots a happening.
The Momsters Gathered. Wanda is an awesome host. My oh my how pretty her house is. Two amazingly wonderful daughters too. They helped their Momma...
Blessed Be.
I am sure Mema is smiling on all of us today. Lynn too.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Thinking of the Momsters today. The pictures on FB made me wish I could have been there for the gathering.

Also thinking of Jo and hoping she had a happy birthday.

And, of course, hoping that Wanda had a happy birthday. I have missed a bit of time on the blog.

Great news about the cam repairs from Steve. We have had a devil of a time with lightning, haven't we?

Oh yes, I haven't mentioned on here that I saw a bald eagle sitting in a tree along the roadside when we were traveling through Georgia. It was a lovely trip. I have never seen so much Spanish moss.

I do have concerns about my alma mater, East Carolina University. They had flooding from Hurricane Matthew. Last time I checked, they were closed until further notice.

We came home from our Georgia trip through the Lumberton, NC, area, one of the places that has been featured on the news because of flooding. That's near Greenville, which is where East Carolina U is. Interstate 95 was closed because of the floods. I hope things are better down there now. Good that we got home before the storm hit.

Lovely fall weather here today.

AZPatti said...

Hi all! Do I get a feather for the first comment of the day? :-)

Heading to the TV for the AZ Cardinals game.

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED!

paula eagleholic said...

Diann O'Donnell aka granny blt needs your prayers. Her son posted on FB that she is not well.

paula eagleholic said...

Thank you for the update Steve. Hoping to see the cam turned on soon. The Gathering at Wanda's was wonderful

paula eagleholic said...

Diann is not grannyblt. Don't remember her blog name

Unknown said...

good evening all. very little chatter here....

glad the gathering went well.

keeping Diann in my heart and thoughts.

I spent yesterday cleaning and chilled out today; although, Livvy and I went to get our flu shots, she had her allergy injections and I got my B12.

back to work tomorrow!

Hoda said...

Grannyblt is Lynne from PA now in OK
Dianne shows up as Dianne on cheat sheat.
Prayers forthcoming
Thank you for letting us know Paula.

Heart is still very happy that Momsters gathered at Wanda's. Gracious Lady she is.

Shirley to glad you are home and avoided the storms. Sounded like an awesome trip.

God Bless Us All.

Hoda said...

Good one Patti!
I think the gathering should consider a first post of the day feather only if it happens by six In the morning Eastern Time!
With that we must have a song and a dance!
What say you all???
In place of a song and a dance we. Oils have a piece of news or an educational tidbit about Eagles???
Keep your talons sharpened folks!!!

Love you anyway Patti!
Good try!!

Hoda said...

Not oils!!!
Oils would be good!
Which essential oil???
What I meant to write was "or we could have"

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Loved the photos of everyone at Wanda's - nice to have a get together for a happy occasion.

Diann is listed as PA Nana on my cheat sheet - she will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks Paula for sharing the news about her.

We are back in summer weather mode here in Bethany - temps are in the 80s.

Janey and I have started training to become a pet therapy team so I can take her to schools and libraries for kids to read to her. So far, so good. Session #2 is on the 29th.

Sadly, Potter is still looking for his forever home. I KNOW it's out there somewhere.

Grocery shopping awaits. Bye!

Unknown said...

morning to all.

another gorgeous day; low humidity and in the 80's. this ends tomorrow. rain (which is needed) then 70's, which is the "correct" temp for this time of year.

SANDI: when you go do therapies, can you take a pix of Potter, maybe a framed 8 x 10 , a facts sheet and "introduce" him? you never know ....
make it kind of like a bio: This is Potter, a handsome gentleman of xyz years. He is looking for....

anyway, mid week. working . all is well.

love to all!

and yes HODA! I like your suggestion!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

DanaMo said...

I've been seeing the post about Diann and thought I better stop on over. Sorry it's been so long. It sounds like it's not good, but her family sounds very close from the posts I've seen on Facebook.
Life at the Hilmoe's isn't great either and since I don't want to be a wet blanket I haven't been around. Maybe if things turn around someday...year...I'll be back. I can hide and appear happy on Facebook, but not with you guys.
Just pray for me, hopefully someday it will get better.
In the meantime, know I think of you all often.

Hoda said...

DanaMo always good to read you. I am concerned that things are not as smooth as they should be for you. Always hoping the kids are well. Rebelling is a real challenge to parents. You are not alone. I think of your bro and hope he is not causing complications after your Dad passed.
Please do not isolate yourself. We all have issues. PM one two or three of your close friends on the blog and let them know.
My opinion... God Bless You and your family.

Unknown said...

good morning to all.

DANAMO: I second Hoda's words......hugs and love to you you are missed!

Thursday and rocking this week. Weather has been very toasty but nice; lower humidity. Rain today (hopefully a good amount) and then cooler

I've started to work with some of the materials I brought back from Florida. The palm pieces can be rehydrated and flattened. I have learned this so far. I hope to begin to paint one today.

I hope everyone has a lovely day! light, love, and hugs!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

for got to say Hey earlier

went to Jordyn school to take pictures of the Limo ride that 3 different groups got to ride and go to Chickfla for lunch (fund raiser prize for selling for the school)

JudyEddy said...

spent a hour at the park and walked also Naturally looking for eagle in tower no luck today may go back up later

we have a COLD front coming I am so excited today high is gonna be about 87 with front coming in cooler in the lo 60 at nite and high 70 for a day or so gonna be nice

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Feeling sad when I look at the blog and see so few comments but I guess that's just me

AZPatti said...

Hello all! Judye, I felt the same way when I logged in Monday evening and there had been no comments since Sunday evening! But I'm positive that once the weather cools off (and we're "forced" to stay inside more), that comments will pick up. At least I know that's my problem. I don't have all the mobile apps and I want to be outside! Our fall weather is absolutely gorgeous!

Hoda, I'm not sure you guys would enjoy "hearing" my singing, I can't carry a tune in a bucket! The dancing part would be okay. But here's my tidbit: several eagles soaring in a thermal together is described as a kettle of eagles.

Sending prayers for Diann, DanaMo and Jerry and any others I might have missed.

Everything is good here. We're hoping to work on a wild hair project this weekend. If it works out, I'll put pictures on my blog.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend and SED!

Hoda said...

Way to go to the Eagle Feather winner of Monday October 21!
The Kettle of Eagles!
The Right Honourable Patti gets the prize.

Once a day a Feather can be awarded by any of us to another on the blog who teaches us an interesting Eagle fact.
All are subject to passing a Fact Check.

AZPatti said...

Woohoo!!! My first feather! Thank ye, Ms. Hoda.

JudyEddy said...

What we have a new rule for feathers on the Blog?

Hoda said...

Judy read above!
It was an idea that I mentioned earlier, and instead of being a six in the morning posting, I thought it would be fun to bring this rule up.
Any of us can post an interesting verifiable info on Eagles and the first one to do so for the day gets a Feather for that day.
The Feather can only be awarded once a day. Who ever reads the info first can verify it and award.

The blog is in mourning!
Of that there is no doubt.
Our loss is great.
Mema Jo is greatly missed.

Those who helped her set up the blog and grew the others in, did so because of the quality of information found here.

I do not know if we will survive when the camera returns. I hope so.
Meanwhile I thought we would return as being a source of verifiable information. Work on sharing knowledge that could be shared by all. In the spirit of fun. In the spirit of establishing an evolving foundation.

If the consensus is this is a bad idea, people will not participate and this will be the end of a daily Feather.

We have to generate ideas for the blog to evolve, and to continue to be a place of information and sharing.

With all due respect to all.
An idea, not an imposition of a rule...

Hoda said...

Congratulations Ms Patti
May A Kettle of Eagles ride the wind currents above us all.
Good choice. Thank you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hoda, I think that is a great idea. Change is definitely needed. And I swear I have good intentions of posting but time just gets away from me. T-bird and I are taking turns staying with me aunt. So grateful for her help because I don't think I could do it by myself.

On a very positive note, my aunt was able to do quite a bit of walking with her walker today. For the past couple of weeks she could barely get into the wheelchair. Grateful for any and all progress. I am hoping she will get well enough that we can stay at home at the same time.

Good night and sweat eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.


I came for the eagles and stayed for the friendships I've made.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Are lovely glorious absolutely the best cold front came through last night. Our lows were in the sixties last night 61 I think some areas got to be 50 Brooksville area.

Late night at Angie's last night she had a party for a friend a friend that Carl went to school with.
Supposed to go over to her house in a little bit she's having a craft party for some of the kids at school. Jordyn has a little boy in her class Natfor years now. Angie came up with the craft party this way he can be invited over to do crafts and not play Princess Barbies with the girls about was funny

Going to head over to the park for a little bit to do my daily walk and then head over to Angie's later on---- hope everyone has a fantastic day and no matter what they do

Unknown said...

Hi all. Checking in. Worked Tues - noon today. Busy but good week.
Weather has changed. Had 90's early in the week; today, it is about 68 and gorgeous. We even had a little

We have to understand we cannot make people post....they will if they want to. And yes, our little group, when I first started ya'll would have 600+ comments in a day---literally. now. almost nothing.

I see there about 22 folks on FB message. Still given the number of people whom I remember, that's not very many.

Sadly, life changes.

That's the one thing that is always certain. Change.

Given that there are less posts, I dont' have a problem with changing it up as far as the "feather award " goes. It would be interesting to read some eagle facts.

What say you all?


Anyway, date night tonight. heading out with my honey.

I will check in tomorrow. Love and hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...


What if you could close your eyes and still see? Besides the usual pair of eyelids, bald eagles have a see-through eyelid called a nictitating membrane. They can close this membrane to protect their eyes while their main eyelids remain open. The membrane also helps moisten and clean their eyes.

Eagles also have sharper vision than people, and their field of vision is wider. Plus, they can see ultraviolet light. Both of those things mean the expression “eagle eye” is spot-on.

Hoda said...

Eagle Feather award goes to THE ONE and the only Ms JudyE.
Bravo and Kudos.

I was reading about a Vancouver BC man who was fined 250$ for flying his drone too close to an active nest. The chick, who was not yet in flying capacity went on the railing.
The judge was concerned for its safety. The rest of us are concerned with the small fine!

DebS is posting some interesting eagle videos on her YouTube channel.
Are many of us subscribed to her channel?
I am. I much enjoy it.

Looking good with a Feather in your cap Ms JudyE

Wanting to hear from Lynne2.
I keep thinking of her.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

It was 58 degrees when I woke up this morning BRRRRR LOL

Heading to the park for walk and a visit with my eagles.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all

Google makes me go through several hoops to post these days. Ugh.

I'll try to recreate the post I just lost.

I know I'm not a faithful poster. My experience with this blog goes back to the 2007 season when a birding friend found the cam online. I didn't participate for a while, but reading the comments were part of my daily computer routine. I've always wondered who the founding Momsters were and why are so many folks from the area of the nest.

I'm getting settled here in OK, but wondering why I've unpacked so many things that will just have to be packed up again in 3 or 4 months. I guess it is a good time to downsize further. The weather has been mostly dry and sunny, rather windy however..

Hope we hear from Lynne2 and others. I want to hear the rest of the story.

Have a good day to all.

Hoda said...

Lynne1good to read you. I was wondering how long you will be in OK...now I know.
I know about the need to downsize!
The biggest was when I sold the house.
Done it twice since then!

I hope you see the eagles at the tower Judy.

Another hiking day here. So very pretty to be outdoors...

Talk to you later...

Unknown said...

eagle fun fact for Sunday!

•Eagles have unusual eyes. They are very large in proportion to their heads and have extremely large pupils. Eagles’ eyes have a million light-sensitive cells per square mm of retina, five times more that a human’s 200,000. While humans see just three basic colours, eagles see five. These adaptations gives eagles extremely keen eyesight and enable them to spot even well-camouflaged potential prey from a very long distance. In fact the eagles’ vision is among the sharpest of any animal and studies suggest that some eagles can spot an animal the size of a rabbit up to two miles away!

Unknown said...

good afternoon to one and all.
JUDYE: sorry you are cold sis......it was 38 here. 71 this afternoon, sunny and gorgeous out.

LYNNE1: sounds as if you are a busy lady! I feel as if I am in a continual process of cleaning things out. this that and the other. most stuff gets donated to goodwill.....

HI HODA! enjoy your hike

I have declared today a "do nothing day". I plan to finish reading the latest Harry Potter book, do some couponing, and literally do nothing. tomorrow I want to go vote, then Olivia wants and needs some new tennis shoes so a trip out to opry mills in order as she prefers converse.

Chelsea came by and picked up Trixie her dog today. they went camping with the boy scouts and said it was quite the chilly Friday night. lorelei smarty pants that she is, crawled in between mom and dad on the queen sized blow up mattress to stay warm!

our grandson, jack brought his bearded dragon over to meet us. her name is lizzy. she is a cute thing!

and that's how today is. tom and livvy straightened the house up yesterday, so thankfully we can all chill out today.

I hope everyone is well....hugs and love to all

AZPatti said...

Hello all! Quick check-in around football. Janet, which Harry Potter are you reading/finishing? I'm curious about "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child".

Didn't get our project finished yesterday; only got most of the pieces purchased. MTBR

Back to chores in and around football. Wishing everyone a great day, or as Sandi's would say "a greyt day"!

Hoda said...

Five colours?
Did not know that about Eagles!
Thank you Janet!

The Sunday Eagle Feather adorns your cap!
Flying high and seeing clearly.

I read we can tell a male and female eagle apart using the depth of the beak in relation to an Eagle's pupil. Do you all remember that? It came from one of the Norfolk Comentators. Prior to Mama Norfolk being in a crash with a plane.

Regal Feathers!
May we all seek them and know their Grace in our cap!

Looking Regal there Ms Janet!

Hoda said...

Patti, so looking for pictures of wild hair project!!!
Glad you managed to purchase all the parts today!

Any one here news of Diann?
Hope Jerry is doing alright too.
He had pictures of a resort in Virginia on FB.
Good way to sort out stress! Go to a resort!
It works every time!!!

Shar I am very Glad Thelma is helping with your aunt. Glad she, aunt that is, is improving...

Hoda said...

Diann is still on this side of the veil!
yesterday they tried to take her off the ventilator. She was not yet ready.
they were praying for whatever today brings. Blessed Be her and her journey and family.
No news as to how today went.

Unknown said...

good Monday morning.

thanks for the eagle "feather" HODA! I am such a geek/nerd/....I love the fun facts thing.

it is quiet this morning. I wish each of you peace and love on this Monday.!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...


"Bald eagles have 7,000 feathers. Eagle feathers are lightweight yet extremely strong, hollow yet highly flexible. They protect the bird from the cold as well as the heat of the sun, by trapping layers of air. To maintain its body temperature an eagle simply changes the position of its feathers. While an eagle suns itself on a cold morning, it ruffles and rotates its feathers so that the air pockets are either opened to the air or drawn together to reduce the insulating effect. Feathers also provide waterproofing and protection, and are crucial for flight. Feather structure makes pliability possible. Overlapping feathers can form a dense covering, which the birds can open or close at will. The bald eagle has several layers of feathers, each serving a different function. Under the outer layer of feathers is an inner layer of down or smaller feathers."

Good morning Eagle buds

On my Facebook notes over the years I have been keeping notes on eagle facts. So I have plenty to post.
Was thinking of JUDIE. KAY. LORETTA LYNNE2. WANDA. JERRY and others

JudyEddy said...

BOBBY VEE died "take good care of my baby" loved that song
He was 73

Unknown said...

congrats JUDYE: I do believe you've put another feather in your cap!

anyone else gonna play?

heading to bed shortly!


JudyEddy said...

this was on FB

‎Nicki Buller Reigle‎ to Diann O'Donnell
Just now ·
Tomorrow they turn off ur breathing machine. Either u do it on ur own or u follow the light to ur parents An sister. The fight is up to u.. Idk what all is going on with ur body so I don't know how to feel right now so it's all in urs An God's hands! I love u see u on the other side <3

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Hoda said...

As Judy posted Diann O'Donnel's daughter and son posted they will say their final goodbyes tomorrow to their Mom.
I posted wishes on our behalf to her son's and daughter's page!

Hoda said...

Diann's daughter posted a thank you to all of us for thinking of their mother.
So tomorrow in what ever way we choose let us send her a good loving thought of gratitude.

Lolly said...

Knock knock! Helllooooooooo! Am I allowed in?

We are home! Returned home early afternoon yesterday and really had our work cut out for us!

First off I have to say I was shocked to read about Diann this morning on fb. God bless and be with her family. They are heart broken.

What an awesome trip we had. Niagra Falls and wine tasting in that area, New Hampshire and Vermont, the color was awesome as well as the lobster rolls. Oh and the pumpkin whoopie pie! Maine and Acadia NP was fabulous. Got a lot of great hiking in. Then down to WV. Our Sunday afternoon was memorable!!! First we went to Shepherdstown, visited the Sycamore Palace from the bend in the road, did not see our eagles! The. We went to Shepherdstown Market where we surprised Megan. Always, always wanted to do that! We walked around Sheperdstown. It is a wonderful old town. Then to Wanda's!!! It was so much fun! Her new sunroom and deck are beautiful! Loved meeting her daughters! Loved hugging Wanda, Paula, and our Margy! Wish we could have had more there as we had so much fun! Not to mention the wonderful food!

From there we went to Stanardsville, VA where we visited with our friends Rodney and Chee. Rodney is in very bad shape, fear this was our last visit with him.😪 Chee is an artist and she is having a show right now and we got to go to it. What a blessing to go to a show with the artist! Wish I could afford on of her large painting.....however she gave us a small one. I now have three of her works.

Then we went to Williamsburg. Love that place. Ate out both nights there, so much fun! Did see a new Coffee House there and saw several little skits. Only bad thing was that it was too warm! Cooler here in Texas!

3 1/2 days of travel home were uneventful. I did finish my neck scarf I have been knitting. Skippi is happy to be home! She did a lot of running around last night. Lol. Silly kitty!

Pecans covered the ground. Hate to think of the ones we lost. Oh well! We gathered up a large load, the. Went back out last night and got more. This morning we were wakened by the yard service mowing and weed eating. They were NOT supposed to come this week. However, it is nice not to have that job facing us. Down side....they owed over pecans that fell during the night! We went and gathered after they left. I am going to eat the ones they cracked for me! Ha!

One more load of laundry to do, a trailer to clean, inside and out, house to straighten and stuff to put away! Must get busy!

Good to be back. "I came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships I have made!" Love you all!

JudyEddy said...

good afternoon Eaglebuds

Welcome HOME LOLLY glad you had a nice vacation sounds fun.

I wonder if SANDI found a home for Potter?

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, I see visitation of the blog has really slowed down!

Have a great day! Out to harvest pecans!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

LOLLY good luck with the pecans.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my lovely eagle momlets.

I just saw where Diann, aka PA Nana, passed away yesterday. So sad. May God bless her family.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds.

Wondering if there is any one to say good morning to you,
feel like the lone stranger wonder if I just give along with the rest

Lolly said...

Good morning!

More pecans to harvest today!

JudyEddy said...

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds

Have to tell you a story if anybody's here that listen

you guys are just lurking?

I was at the park today naturally as I do every day to do my walking to see the Eagles stopped and took a picture of a beautiful white snowy white egret! She acted like he was having issues swallowing. Took several pictures went to my truck and got my phone and call the rehab they came out and sure enough he had something stuck in his throat so they got to help him I feel so much better about that

grannyblt said...

Good evening. I've had trouble posting here. Blogger doesn't like my iPad, or something.
I tried posting this morning, but it isn't here.

Anyway, I went to a big park here in Tulsa with a nice sized lake. There were 100-200 coots in a group. Along comes a nEAGLE looking for lunch. They scrambled in a hurry to a small circle and put up quite a fuss. No lunch for the eagle, but the reaction was very interesting.

I hope all is well with all of you and SED

Unknown said...

good evening to all. another busy week buzzing right along.

thanks for the update on Diann JUDY and HODA

HI LOLLY! Welcome home. Always good to hear from you

JUDYE: so glad you could get help for the egret!

Its been another busy week here.

Our weather is unseasonably warm. 80 on Monday for Halloween. crazy! I suppose it will be cooler soon enough just enjoying each day as it comes.

hope everyone is well. hugs and love to all

AZPatti said...

Evening, momlets! Prayers for Diann's family. I didn't see any facebook posts but from what JudyE brought over, it sounds like she was ready to go.

Welcome home, Lolly! Glad you made it home safely. So envious of your trip. Ahhhh, lobster rolls, fall colors, Wanda's generosity and surprising Megan! And good luck with all those pecans.

JudyE, thanks for calling the rehab place for the egret. He is very much appreciative, I'm sure.

Grannyblt, I'm also envious of your time at the lake with all those coots and the eagle. I love to watch nature unfold.

It's getting dark so much earlier these days. Going to have to rearrange my evening schedule to accommodate being outside longer. The evenings are just so wonderful.

Wishing all a great evening and SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Trunk or treat at Jordyn school today

LYNNE1 great news on the eagle sighting and sorry about blogger.

PATTI yes Diann did passnon Tues. I also don't like it getting darker and remember the time change around the corner

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been far too long since I last posted. Only have a minute right now, but will be back later today when I have a bit more time.

I got more transcription to do shortly after finishing the batch they had sent to me, and it took up a lot of my time.

All's well here. We're waiting for a big rainstorm to hit--it was supposed to come through last night, but apparently much of it was north of us. Will update you later.

Was so sorry to hear of Diann's passing on Tuesday! Prayers for her family are ongoing from this roost.

Have a good day, everyone. I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon evil bugs. Sitting in the parking lot waiting to pick Jordan up in car line Trunk or Treat got over it too and she didn't want to leave early so when the party with her class so I'm sitting here under the shade tree first in Carline

As you can see I'm doing talk to type on my tablet I'm going to leave evil bugs that eagle buds up on it because I thought it was funny LOL so I have a funny sense of humor

JudyEddy said...

It also doesn't know how to spell my granddaughter's name right Jordyn

The temperature showing 84 degrees on the kiosk right next to the church and school but it is so Breezy feel like just probably in the high 70s

JudyEddy said...

KKAY hoping all is good with you

ANDY did you ever get your emails deleted or do you still have that chore to look forward to

JUDIE hope everything is okay with you and Darth

JudyEddy said...

How is all the crafty thing from FL going JANET

OK I guess I am done for now. Still have till 310 for school dismissal heading to FB

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping back in quickly with a weather update--so far, NO rain at all! Looks like the front passed by north of us, and moved to the east. Kind of disappointing, since that's all they've talked about for the last 3 or 4 days in the weather reports on TV.
Emma is happy that there were no thunderstorms, though. She is SO afraid of them, and a thundershirt doesn't work for her. She just sits in the corner and quivers until it's over!

On Oct. 20th our daughter, Jen, had a hysterectomy (they left her ovaries in there), and a bladder sling operation at the same time. She is doing well, sitting on the sofa and watching TV and reading. Their newest kitty, Tazo, is sitting on Jen's feet to keep her from moving around too much, and Teavana, the German Shorthaired Pointer, is glued to her side, keeping her company. Latte the Siamese is taking good care of her too. Jen says she is mostly just tired. She's not in a lot of pain, thank God, just mostly tender.

Shirley, your trip to Georgia sounds like it was very enjoyable! Glad you got to see an eagle along the way! Lynne1, glad you had such an interesting eagle sighting, too!

Lolly, I'm glad you and Jack had such a nice trip! I bet the fall leaves were absolutely gorgeous to see. I'm so glad you had such a nice visit with Wanda, Paula, and Margy! I'm totally jealous that you have so many pecans! Yummy!

JudyE, I'm so glad you were able to get some help for the egret! We have them here, too, up at the Santa Ana River, and they are so beautiful!

Well, I need to get busy and make dinner for Emma. I'm feeding her earlier now, and hope that will compensate for the time change in November.

Have a good evening, everyone, and I hope to get back here tomorrow. I ♥ us!

Unknown said...

good Saturday morning to all. and to JUDYE: My own evil bug. lol. ;)

work today.

went to a gathering last night at place I have never been to. my friend was doing bone readings and I wanted to hang with her and see what was going on. it was at the center for spiritual living. I have to say, they were very kind and welcoming. they had a party going on and everyone was dressed and the music was from the 70's and 80's so a little dancing was had!

another beautiful day today. warm warm warm.

I wish everyone a lovely day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Saturday Morning, Eagle Buds! (Or is that Evil Bugs? LOL)

Judy, I'm still having to delete e-mails! Will have to call C/S in India soon, though--I keep getting a message that "There was an error when attempting to connect to the Windows Live Calendar service. If the error persists, check to see if there's an upgrade of Windows Live Mail available or contact a service representative." My e-mail still works, although slowly, so I haven't called anyone yet. Let the games begin!

Shar, I'm so glad that your aunt is improving! God bless Thelma for helping you with her, too!

Sandi, have you found a furever home for Potter yet? Have a good time at Janey's pet therapy training session today.

Has anyone heard from Lynne2 lately? I think of her and Steve all the time, and wonder how they are doing. Hope all is well with Judie and Darth, too. Have they moved yet?

DanaMo, it was so good to see a post from you! Don't worry about being a wet blanket. We all have problems and worries at times. If you let us know what's bothering you, we can all pray for a solution. That's what friends are for! ((Hugs))!

Well, I'd better get going. Need to shower and make myself presentable so Ken and I can go walk the mall. Hope everyone has an awesome Saturday! I ♥ us!!

glo said...

Good Sat afternoon everyone. I try to get on here on the weekend to post. I no longer have wifi so is making it a bit tricky. I use my hotspot on my phone at times but have to be careful as it is a family plan and we all share the data.

Sorry to hear of another cooked cam. Hoping to see a working cam and active nest soon. For me most of that info this year will come off of posts on fb. I can get there pretty easy on my phone and data usage for fb "facebbok" is safely low enough.

I agree there is a sense of mourning going on here but the strength of the group seems very healthy to me. None of us really knows all that is on each others plates, but my guess is we all think of each other very often if not daily.

My neighbors where I have gone for dog treats and coffee breaks for years and years are both now in poor health. She is in yr 3 of alzheimers and he is her caretaker. I am however where he comes with questions or need for assistance etc. I am over there some everyday, and sometimes more than just first thing in the am. I love them both like family. I see his health failing before my eyes and to be honest am more worried about him physically than I am her. Not a complaint at all Just and fyi.

Patches and I will be doing out usual visit to Friendship Manor on Monday. She will be dressed up as a Sheriff. She is so very cute in her costume. Monday afternoon we will be with Caring Canines at the hospital for their Howloween Pawty :-). Should be fun as the dogs will all be strolling through the hospital in their costumes. I will be bringing only a small cam since I will be responsible for my dog basically, but I will want a few photos of this. I will try to post a link to share if I get anything cute. Then Wednesday Patches and I will begin our rounds at the Hospital. This week it is a good size Med Surg Unit. I am so excited and so very proud of her. Next week we will be in Cardiac step down unit where the patients go for a few days after leaving ICU following all kinds of heart surgery. She is so gentle and tiny. She can just sit up there on the bed for those who would like to reach and pat her, or I can hold her in my arms and lean her over to them. She hasn't been around telemetry yet but i expect her to do just fine. She has had IV's beep in her ear to the point that I jumped and she didn't flinch.OK enough about my dog but her training and now her work has and will involve a tremendous amount of time and I have loved and will love every minute of it.

Good to see a variety of names on here as I quickly read through the blog. We got this folks. I really think we do and seeing those eagles is going to definitely help us all. It will raise us up on eagles wings. Take care. OH and cheer on the CUBS. thanks :-)

Sandi said...

Hello my eagle friends!

I have great news to share about Potter & Janey.

Potter has found his forever family. They met him on Wednesday and I will be taking him to his new home next Tuesday, as Lynda & Tim had to go out of town this weekend. I think he will miss Janey - and she will miss him - but hopefully he will adjust to being an only dog. If not, Lynda is willing to get a 2nd greyhound!

Today, Janey and I attended our final training session to become certified as a pet therapy team. I can take Janey to nursing homes and hospitals now but, before we can participate in the reading program at schools and libraries, I have to take a 1-hour class specifically focused on the PAWS for Reading program.

I am sorry about not posting more often. Part of it is being busy doing other things. But I must admit that the biggest reason is that the blog just isn't the same for me without Jo here. We shall see when the cam is up and running and we're into active eagle-watching season.

Time to make food for dogs and people.

glo said...

Congrats to Sandi and Janey and the best news ever about Potter!!!! I guess I also want to add that if anyone out there is looking for a dog, there are so many who need rescued already in this world. I would say that Janey and Patches are both proof, that in a good loving home with the right amount of time attention and training, they can turn into devoted, wonderful, loving , responsible members of the family and society as a whole.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

Sitting here waiting to see if we are going to Busch gardens

Angie texted me last nite that they may go I responded yes!

Then got text this am. Saying gonna sleep a little longer

So here I sit waiting.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so happy I saw on TV your post.

Are you gonna get another dog to foster to find another home?

JudyEddy said...

Bummer no Busch gardens
Jordyn doesn't want to go!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so happy for you I saw your FB post is what that was to say keyboard didn't recognize FB put TV

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! We have been so busy! We have so many pecans to harvest! We go out and work but then get tired. We take a rest and then go back out. Would be easier if it was not so hot! Presently 86. Our nights have been cool but it really warms up during the day!

We also have tons of yard work to do. OMG not only do we have many pecans, we also have the ground paved with acorns! It is awful!

We finally got the trailer cleaned and back to it's home, however we go pick it up and take it for a repair job Tuesday. Car also due some repair!

Tomorrow we are headed to Denton. Michael is also going with Savanna and Zach. He gets to Trick or Treat with Jacob. More fun!

Unknown said...

good evening all.

SANDI: congrats! I am so happy for Potter and his new family!!!!

Hi to everyone!!!!

Yes, it is true the blog is not the same w/o JO and she is missed.....but even so, it has changed so much even since I started. There was a time when there was good natured teasing, joking, and much much laughter as well as the sharing of concerns and support for each other and of course, the beloved Eagles...

Now....so much less of everything.

Maybe during eagle season it will fire back up....I do miss it, but I also know the only constant in life is change.....

Love to all

Lynne2 said...

Happy Halloween everyone!

Yes I am here, checking in from work. Sneaking in, I should say!

We don't have internet at the camper, we are not, apparently, going to have internet at the camper. We were told we'd have free internet but for whatever reason, it's not working and the fix is 100 bucks which our landlord said WE are more than welcome to pay if we want it but with all the other money she's had to put out for fixing broken things in the camper she says she is tapped out. Nice, huh? No internet means no TV either. So much for the camper being "ready" like she said it would be.

Meanwhile, not much else is new. I am so happy to be back at my old job!

Sad that there isn't too many posts to read back on....

Good to hear the fun "Sheriff Patches" is bringing to the world!

Glad Potter has finally found his forever home!

Lolly is ankle deep in various tree nuts! Enjoyed your vacation pictures!

It was so sad to read of Diann's passing on FB. Met her and her son Mike at one of the gatherings and she was a very nice lady.

Janet, I too hope that things will pick up on the blog as eagle season comes closer...and the Holidays of course!

Hope Andi's Jen is continuing to heal well! Andi, we have been feeding our dogs LATER than usual in prep for the time change. They normally eat at 5pm so we have gradually moved it to 6pm which when we fall back will really be 5pm again...make sense?

Sorry you missed out on Busch Gardens Judy!

Thinking of Lynne, Paula, Hoda, Patti, Margy, Wanda and everyone else. will try to pop on more often!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle bud

LYNNE2 so happy to hear from you we were wondering how you were doing and so sorry about the situation with the camper. Don't forget to clear your history at work otherwise your boss will catch it. Angie does it just feels your stuff not all history

Unknown said...

good morning to all and happy November!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds!

Lovely Nov day gonna get 86 today - 68 at nite reverse the # for day temps. Still a little warm in the afternoon so heading to park earlier.
This weekend getting a nice cold front high will be 77 and 79 that will be nice.
Didn't do trick or treat long story so being I didn't buy any candy I turn out all three porch lights.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well we survived Halloween but barely! Yesterday gathered pecans, ran to the grosssserie store, came home, baked a pumpkin pie, made three large pizzas and then headed to Denton shortly after 2:00. In Denton, installed food in Laurel's refrig and then went to her school. Jack had a repair job in her classroom. Michael, Savanna, and Zach arrived at 6:00 and chaos prevailed! Pizza was gobbled and trick or treaters departed. It was a fun evening but by the time we arrived home at 10:30 we were exhausted!

Lynne, very happy to hear from you! Sorry about the wifi problems.

Going to take it easy today....and, of course, more pecan harvesting! It really is a great year for pecans and we love it. So nice to be able to give away pecans! And, to use them so generously in baking, cooking, and just snacking!😜

Happy November! Have a great day!

Kay said...

Hi Eagle Buds!

Dropping by to wish our dear Ms. Bookworm aka Andrea a very Happy Birthday! Born on All Saint's Day, a very good omen! My oldest granddaughter turns 26 today and, of course, I think it's an appropriate birthday for her, too!

Reading back over this thread it seems things are going well for most of you and that's good.

Aok here, too. Penny and I are enjoying a warm and beautiful Autumn. We keep heeding the call to get outdoors as much as possible before Winter hits.

Prayers for all in need! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends.

Lynne2, since you don't have internet, could you get a Netflix subscription to watch TV that way? A basic plan only costs $8 a month. No internet is a REAL bummer!!!

Potter went to his Forever Home today. I didn't cry! Janey doesn't seem mopey at all. I bought her all new squeaky toys since Potter chewed hers up.

Have a greyt evening!

Unknown said...

good wed morning to all.

JUDYE: re: Halloween. we live on a quiet, small cul de sac, no children......so our home was quiet. Olivia, Michael, & Niki went out to "haunted" houses. We were asleep around 9. lol.

No internet....yuck. I think there are ways out there to have "hot spots" with your phone or personal devices. Of course you have to pay, but it is possible. I checked into it before Florida (decided I didn't need it at this time), but they are available thru your mobile provider or you could go to a best buy or some place like that and they could help you.

Having said that, Netflix is great (we have that for Olivia) but I also have Amazon prime. in addition to free shipping, I have access to movies and music via streaming. oooh, and books. lots and lots of books!!!!

Just ideas.

SANDI: so proud for you!!! you did a great job taking care of Potter and helping him to find his home!

JUDYE: I brought your weather home. we have been in the mid 80's...record temps. I'm not complaining. very nice weather and more moderate temps will come soon enough!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!!!!! love to all!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Highs here have been in the 80's but see relief coming. Have AC on, not good. Also,in desperate need of rain. So,what else is new? LOL

Yesterday was another busy day. Will we ever get caught up? Going to take it a little easier today.

My back is giving me problems. Mainly in the morning and ice is helping. Bummer.

We now have 19 bags of pecans hanging from the rafters in Jack's shop and more to come! A great year!

Sandi, so happy for Potter. Sweet dog, hope he adjusts fast and bonds quickly with his new family!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds exclamation point just got back from the park and having lunch with Angie time to take a nap LOL I'm at 14000 steps are ready for the day.
HODA where are u and SHIRLEY
PAULA where u at also?

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear ANDY ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!

***Sending birthday wishes your way***

JudyEddy said...

LOL !it spelled it out explanation point

JudyEddy said...

from facebook

Deb Stecyk · Owner at Self-Employed
Nov 2 2016 - I sent an email to Steve today for an update on the NCTC eagle cams and it is good news ... here is his response ... "We are completing the surge protector work. Hope to be online in about 2 weeks".


JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds if there's anybody out there

Lolly said...


Have stayed in today and did a little Lollypaloozing! We got an inch of rain over night. Picked up a half a 5 gallon bucket of pecans but then got busy on the house.

Going to a high school football game tonight rose and hear the band!

Have a great day!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Thank you so much for the nice Birthday greetings! They are much appreciated! Had a very nice Birthday, despite the fact that we couldn't go anywhere. The starter went out on our car! Had to have it towed to the shop. They got it fixed for us, and we even got a break on the price! We had a gift card that was good on any repair, and had a 15% discount coupon as well. That worked out nicely.

Sandi, that's happy news that Potter found his furever home, and Janey doesn't seem to miss him! You did a super job as a foster mom!

I haven't been here in a few days, because our computer has been acting cranky. Our internet provider hasn't been responding, and our e-mail has slowed to a snail's pace.
(Yup, you guessed it! I'm STILL deleting e-mails!) Then this morning, we got a pop-up
message that said our computer has been blocked. It gave an error number, and said the message was from Microsoft support. I was seeing red flags in my mind's eye, so set up a complete scan by our Kaspersky Anti-Virus protection. Then we went and met Ken's pal Chuck at IHOP for breakfast. When we got home, the scan was finished, and there were absolutely zero problems found, so it obviously is a scam of some kind. The scan checked all 780,000+ of our files. Our Firefox is working again, too, so guess we're doing OK technology-wise.

Lolly, sorry to hear that your back is giving you some trouble! Praying that it gets better, very soon! I'm extremely jealous of all those pecans you've gathered! Sounds like you are all set for a long while!

Well, I need to go sit down and fill out my ballot for the election. There are a lot of local measures that will take quite a bit of sorting out, they're so complicated.

Have a good evening, everyone. I'll try to get back here after dinner. Of course, that's if Emma doesn't park herself in my lap immediately. She has a way of doing that, and then she gives you those sad puppy eyes! You all know how that goes! In case I don't make it back here today, God bless and sleep tight, with SED. I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Off to the park I go to get my walking in and picture taken. After all you can't have enough pictures of love life LOL

JudyEddy said...

Wildlife not love life LOL

JudyEddy said...

Howdy Eagle buds. Back from a nice walk at 12,000 steps for the day so far. Little warm still today. Wildlife only great Snowy White Egret was at the park in the area I was walking. It was very evasive on the pictures so basically you didn't get very many pictures Eagles weren't in the nest maybe when I go back later on they might be I try to get to walk them today. Just came home to get cleaned up to head back out talk to you later

AZPatti said...

Hello Momlets! Sorry I've been missing for so long. I just hate it that life gets in the way sometimes! It's getting much cooler here (highs in low 70s and lows in the low 40s) and the daylight hours are dwindling too quickly! Today, we've had rain and the high was only 50. It's still damp and dreary so I think a fire in the fireplace tonight is on the agenda.

One of the things keeping us busy these last couple of weeks was researching and buying a new car! We decided to do a bit of research instead of just going back to Dodge. We ending up with a silver Subaru Forester. I was impressed with its Consumer Reports score (safety, reliability, owner satisfaction, etc.) and was totally smitten once I sat down. Didn't even need to drive it really. Sits different than any other car I've driven. And it drives like a dream, very smooth and quiet. The tipping point (over Nissan's Murano, which also scored pretty high) was the off-road capability and driving in snow. We don't off-road very often but we do take drives in the woods occasionally.

Glad to see Lynne2, Kay, Glo and Sandi check in. Sounds like everything is mostly okay with everyone. If you can call no internet mostly okay. I don't have any suggestions other than those already mentioned. Just books, and lots of books. And board games, card games, dominoes, and such. Lolly, sounds like Savanna may be fitting in? Halloween sounded awesome! And I'm with JudyE, where're Hoda, Shirley and Paula?

I'm off to put my feet up (funny how those sayings just pop into my head) and try to enjoy the damp evening. I don't particularly mind the damp chill, it's just not my preference (being the beach bum that I am). Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and weekend and SED!

Oh, Happy Belated Birthday, Andi!!

glo said...

Go Cubs Go, Go Cubs Go :-) Checking in from IL where of course we are all riding high. Even if you aren't a baseball fan, you most likely love someone who is a Cubs fan and it spills over everywhere right now. It is refreshingly wonderful actually.

So glad to see a post from Lynne 2. I missed a birthday. Happy Birthday ANDY. Prayers for Lolly and her back.

Well since I last posted last week, I have called an ambulance for my neighbor. Tough times over there. They treated her, stabilized her and sent her home to make a Dr appointment with a GI Dr. The good news is the Dr saw her today. I was afraid they would make them wait weeks for appt. I guess all kinds of tests will be run. She is losing a lot of weight and really doesn't digest much of what she does eat. Patches does her therapy visit there most every morning however. The lady will always ask "Where's Patches" whenever I go over, even if it has only been an hour or 2 since she last saw her. Hard times at my friends now. I need a magic wand.

Patches and I will do the Nursing Home on Monday now like always and we will do Caring Canines at the hospital on Wed. I also signed her up for Thanksgiving as for me, that will pretty much be something good to look forward too. Sad folks will smile. I know that they will.

I wish it would get a little colder. I should be starting to watch for eagles in a couple of weeks but at this rate I see another slow to come and perhaps low number migration.

Take Care. AOYP everyone.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Appreciate the prayers for my back. Today was a goo day. It seems to be off and on.

We did enjoy our trip to Denton last night to go to the football game just for the halftime. Joseph's band did an awesome show. But, let me share this. Jacob, in 6th grade band, has just started on the saxophone. He is second chair and trying hard for first chair. Laurel reported that the band director says Jacob is doing great. One of his best students! Wahooo! So very proud of my boys!

Yes, Savanna is fitting in, but I have concerns about their age differences! I have learned in this situation that my children's lives are theirs.....not mine! So, working on enjoying my life and not worrying about theirs! Or, at least trying.😜

We are now up to 21 bags of pecans hanging from the rafters of the shop! Yes, we will have a supply of pecans for a few years!

Tomorrow spending the day in the kitchen, baking for the dessert auction at church on Sunday.

Night all!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon Eagle buds

Beautiful day out today nice walk out at the park got to see the one eagle don't know it was a male or female just 1, got a beautiful picture of a flyover told about 15 people at the park about the eagle that were unaware of it. Got to meet three very sweet greyt hounds and talk about you SANDI where your ears burning LOL

Hope your back is better LOLLY
WOW with all the pecans I buy a bag from the baking isle for snacking often
I had a pecan tree that I had cut down years ago due to squirrels eating hem and the mess they made on my driveway when I drove over them
I never got to eat one
Gonna try to get to Busch gardens tomorrow told Jordyn not to change her mind LOL

Still no word from Hoda Or SHIRLEY or PAULA. happy you check in PATTI and life seem good for all checking in

Have you all been watching the FL nest?
Love being able to watch them rebuild the nest from scratch

Unknown said...

good fall back sunday morning ya'll

checking in...I've been a slacker this week with regards to posting.

its been a nice quiet week here. busy mind you, but quiet.

LOLLY: so year after year you collect pecans. I am very curious. is there an orchard nearby (and do they plant pecan orchards?) or are these "wild" trees....and that's a lot of pecans. I love them and could likely eat a lot of them, pies, baking, snacking, etc....but wow. that's a lot of pecans!

And, I hope your back continues to improve. :)

GLO: what a lovely thing to do, visiting as such. I know you and Patches warm many hearts!


JUDYE: thanks for bringing the news over from FB. I missed it. a couple of weeks huh? fantastic!!!

our weather has gotten cooler. 70's by day 40's by night. very nice out.

I officiated a wedding last night on top of the pedestrian bridge downtown Nashville about 5....as the sun was setting. very beautiful back drop for the couple. :) however, driving home, one would never know it was nov 5. tourists everywhere (which is fine) but wearing summer wear. lol. the bar scene was hopping last night....its fun to drive thru and such, but I am just as happy to go home and relax.

however, did not relax lst night. the gkids came over. Chelsea had won tickets to the preds game (hockey) box seats and she and chris had a date night. our date night included play dough, games, tv, and chatting.

love those kiddos.

today is close the pool day. I will get started in a bit. chemicals went in yesterday. I need to clean it one more time nd then we will close it down for the winter.

mia (gd) plays soccer this after noon so the plan is to go to see her play....

and then, relax?

hugs and love to all

JudyEddy said...

Just got home to find my good morning eagle buds still sitting in the comment box I guess either I forgot to click publish or it just didn't take lol

Had a nice day at Busch gardens

Ms Bookworm said...


Well, we managed to remember about the time change today! Lynne2, I was purposely feeding Emma earlier and earlier because I knew that it would be getting dark earlier once the time changed. Because of the 4th of July fireworks, Emma is afraid to go in the backyard at dusk or when it's dark out. She was terrified this year because someone on the next street bought some illegal firecrackers (probably in Mexico), and darn near gave our poor pup a heart attack! Anyway, long story short, I fed her dinner at 4:30 (new time), and she was happily back in the house after taking care of business, before sunset. We had to move our dinner schedule around a bit, but Emma's a happy camper, which is what we wanted. Poor girl--up until this year, the nightly fireworks at Disneyland which usually happen at about 9:30 pm didn't ever bother her, but since July 4th, she gets somewhat nervous.

I have an update about our Jennifer. About last Tuesday she started having pain in her abdomen, and thought she might have a bladder infection. She didn't call and tell us right away, because she didn't want to worry us. By Wednesday she had a fever of 102+, (normal temp. for her is 97.8) and she felt really lousy. She had Courtney drive her to the doctor, and the doctor put her on antibiotics for a bladder infection, took a urine sample, did a blood test, and sent her home with strict instructions to come back in if she didn't improve a lot, pronto. Well, she did start feeling somewhat better, but didn't have any appetite, and still had pain in her lower abdomen. By Friday morning she went back to the doctor, who checked her into the hospital for a CT scan and I.V. antibiotics. The CT scan (confirmed by the blood test results) showed her right ovary was inflamed, and either had cysts or was infected. Jen stayed in the hospital Saturday for more I.V. antibiotics. By lunchtime Saturday she felt MUCH, MUCH better, and was hungry enough to eat anything that wasn't nailed down! She didn't eat any dinner Saturday night, just in case she might need more surgery, though. They thought they might have to go in through her laparoscopic incision to look at that right ovary, and see what was going on with it.
If infected, they might need to "wash" it, or if cystic, remove it. Well, the industrial strength antibiotics apparently did their job, because Jen got to go home from the hospital today, with 10 days worth of strong antibiotics. She didn't need any more surgery. She will need to take some fairly strong probiotics and go on a special diet for a while to get her intestinal flora back and working the way they should, but she's managed that before. We're just mighty grateful to God that she's doing well, and on the mend! What a relief! Jen said she probably shouldn't have waited as long as she did to go back to the doctor, but she has a very high pain tolerance. She said she wouldn't do that again!

Ms Bookworm said...

Lolly, I'm glad your back is improving! It's great to hear that Joseph and Jacob are doing so well in band!

Oh, I almost forgot! Yesterday Ken was going by a local park on the way to Walmart, and there were about 40 or 50 Canada Geese either in or next to the big lake there!
Wow! Quite a sight!

Glo, I'm sorry to hear that your neighbor is having such a rough time. Saying prayers for healing! I'm sure little Patches will do her best to cheer her up, too.

Well, guess I'd better say goodnight. Think I'll watch some recorded TV programs so our DVR doesn't get too filled up! Have SED, everyone, and God bless. I'll be back tomorrow. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

ANDY so good to here surgery was not needed

My delete

Lynne2 said...

Sneaking in from work!

We have internet at the camper finally!! Only thing is I can't get on to Gmail or the blog from there because a security warning comes up that says the security certificate is outdated, someone is trying to hack the website or a Wi Fi sign in page is blocking it.

UGH. Not sure what to do so I have to check in from work still!

Glad to hear Jen didn't need surgery Andi!

Sad day when you have to close the pool for the winter, isn't it Janet?

Glad you and Paches can brighten up your neighbor's days Glo. Praying for her health.

How is the Pecan Queen's back doing??

Did you get to Busch Gardens Judy?

I put a bird feeder out behind the camper over a week ago and today some birds finally found it! I have missed my birds!

Will check in before I leave work...just got some good news from Steve, both Walmart and Weis market have called him today for interviews! Prayers please!

Lynne2 said...

will check in tomorrow to see if anyone has checked in!

Lolly said...

Prayers right this minute! Prayers for Steve to land a job!

Rainy and coolish here! Pecans are about all harvested, just a few here and there dropping from the tops of the trees.

Car going in in the morning for repair. Hate being without my car and driving Jack's truck for possibly a week. Yuk! Do not mind the truck part, it's the standard shift I dislike! I am not very smooth. Lol

Time to mop floors and clean a little!

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 HELLO AGOOD to see you here

And YES we went to BG I did make a comment Sun when we got back it was short and sweet LOL

I feel we owe a apology to our JO for so few comments. Just the handful show up. I know she was worried about the blog dissolving.. I guess that there will be only the few of us posting will just have to accept it huh!

I notice with each death on the blog we loose some live one When Lynn passed we also lost some and now also

Ok I will step down from my band wagon so to speak. JMHO

JudyEddy said...

I just got back from my afternoon evening walk

It is so so sweet out
Lower dewpoints makes it nice. Windows still open. They say it was to get to 84 today but if it did I don't feel it.

JudyEddy said...

Will be crossing everything for STEVE to get a job.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you only have the ONE PECAN TREE?? correct?

AZPatti said...

Hey there Eagle buds! Prayers for Steve to land one of the positions! And Lolly, mopping is not okay for an ailing back!

We are torn about TV tonight but I think Mike decided to record the football game and we'll watch The Voice. Our friend, Sundance Head, is still making it through! JudyE, I've been watching the SWFL eagle cam and the Berry one, too. Well, as much as I can watch around work. But I've managed to "hook" the ladies I work with. :-)

Glo, how 'bout those Cubbies?!?! I had to work the next morning so I went to bed after the 9th inning. If I'd stayed up, it would have gone on into the wee hours! But I did see all the hoopla the next day. Exciting times, indeed!

Glad things are getting better with internet connections, pecans being harvested, no surgeries required, sunset weddings on bridges and games with gkids. Sad for ailing neighbors, pool closings and standard transmissions.

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

PATTI congratulations on converting people to eagle cam addict group LOL!

I love doing that at the park also with the eagle cams after we talk about the cell tower bald eagle there at the park I always being up how many live cams there are out there. Also tell them just the search I.e. on FB for bald eagle
There were only 6 people I informed about the eagle nest in the tower
Being its a weekday park is nice and not to many people there the dog parks get lots of foot traffic more than the reg areas of the park

Unknown said...

morning ya'll

nice to see LYNNE2 on here!!! :)

last day of my weekend. going to have lunch with a friend.

am flying my flag today. seems appropriate, whatever happens.

hope everyone is well. love and hugs to all.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Another cool drippy day! Not complaining as we needed the rain.

Judy we have 6 pecan trees. Four are "down front" away from our oak trees. They are protected from the squirrels. One pecan tree we planted in the back yard and we can not keep the squirrels out, so they get all the pecans. The 6th tree the squirrels planted and it had pecans for the first time this year and, of course, the squirrels got all the pecans. If they can get into the trees from other close by trees there is no way to get the pecans. They get the pecans before they are ready for us to pick. Makes me so mad! LOL

We actually planted 6 trees down front 43 years ago. One died another the neighbors goat ate the top off. Had it regrafted but the pecans were no good so Jack cut it down. Four trees give us enough pecans.

Took my car in for body repair today. Not happy! Jack did the damage! Grrrrrr!

Patti, Jack vacuums for me. Mopping the kitchen and bathroom floors are no problem. Back is doing well.

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon! Haven't resolve my security issues on home computer. Very annoying. So I am checking in from work where I am listening to Christmas music!! LOL!

Pretty day today but temps about to get cooler. That'll take a toll on the propane in the camper for sure. Right now it's been warm enough during the daytime from the sun coming through the windows that it stays at about 70 and the heat never comes on til night time.

A friend of ours has lent us a smaller Edenpure electric heater that is supposed to heat up to 1000 sq. ft. but it really doesn't seem to be helping at all.

Very excited and nervous about Steve's 2 interviews tomorrow at Weis Market and Walmart...thanks for the good wishes and prayers and keep them coming! I will let you know something as soon as WE know something!

Lynne2 said...

Voted this AM around 10:30 and was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Not sure I will be able to stay awake for the results, may have to find out in the AM tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

oh my gosh no one has been here!

Well, I fixed my gmail security thing...opened my antivirus, said the date and time were wrong on the computer with a link to fix it and sure enough...it's working! Happy to be able to access from home now...but why oh why is no one here??

AZPatti said...

I'm here, Lynne! Glad you got your internet working! We mail in our early ballots so we don't have to deal with lines, etc. So much easier for us. I probably won't be able to stay awake for results either. Hubby has already warned me he's not coming to bed until he knows. Guess I'll get a "wake up call" in the middle of the night! LOL!

Lolly, glad your back is better!

We had/are having a bit of drama in our little 'burb. An armed suspect is on the loose after shooting a police officer. Nothing concrete about the officer. TONS of speculation on facebook - the officer has died, the officer has been airlifted to Phoenix, etc. One of my coworkers' husband used to be a sheriff's deputy and if he hasn't heard anything concrete, there's nothing concrete. Not that he would/could share if he knew, but I think I'd "get a feeling" by reading between the lines and I get nothing. But prayers for the officer and his family are requested, as well as they catch the suspect quickly.

Off to start watching election coverage. No matter who is elected, I'm praying for the next few days to be peaceful. So much anger out there these days. Wishing everyone a wonderful evening and SED!

Lynne2 said...

OMG Patti....praying for that very terrible situation!

AZPatti said...

Thanks, Lynne! I've been over on facebook looking for updates. The only thing is they have located the vehicle he was driving. More speculation that he's now driving something else. I hope he's driving something else right on down the highway. No news on the officer's condition, either. :-(

Hoda said...

Patti with you in prayers for the downed officer and his family and friends.

Praying for the power of your Constitution to help heal the months of rancor from this election. " We the People..." It States. Do proud of all of you who voted.
Awaiting the results here too.
God Bless these à United States Of America.
Enough Jo would say.
No politics!

Hoda said...

Lynne I feel very happy when I see your posts. Praying for a job for Steve.
Let us know please.

AZPatti said...

The officer did not survive. His name was Darrin Reed. Only info released so far, is "his family". Suspect still on the loose. Prayers, please.

Hoda said...

So Sorry to read this Patti.
God Rest his Soul.
God comfort his family.
Yes on the prayers.
Such a tough time.
I hope the contain the shooter before anymore damage is done.

AZPatti said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AZPatti said...

My delete.

Stand-off situation with the shooting suspect "has been resolved" overnight. He had taken a woman hostage at a resort of small cabins about 2 miles from our house. So very glad that is over and the woman is safe. Now I can think about how to move forward on this day-after election. Lord, please grant me patience like I've never had before, Amen. Try to have a good day!!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds
It's 68 degrees out it's a beautiful day and I'm thinking about going to the park earlier.

PATTI happy things were resolved.

Wonder how the second interview went? Waiting to here from LYNNE2
Happy you figured out your puter woes also

Lolly said...

Good morning! Anxiously awaiting to hear about Steve! And, so happy, Lynne, you solved your computer woes.

Some good news from this end. SIL, Joey, passed his exam to become a principal. Prayers, please, that he is offered an AP job! That would be so awesome! Selfishly want him offered a job in Denton. Denton is a great place to live, Laurel has a good job, and the boys are doing well and happy! Want them staying close, too!

Just when you think all the pecans have fallen....Jack picked up approx 300 this morning!

Have a good day!

Hoda said...

So happy for Joey.
Yes I hope they stay in Denton.

Love and Light to you all.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Sitting here doing my bike then I gotta run up to Dollar General buy 8 tablecloth for the Thanksgiving feast at the school tonight.

Have to go up to the school about 3 o'clock and start to decorate for the Thanksgiving feast. And I think it's at the Clearwater school not Jordyn School got a call into him but I remember one

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, my! I think we have sunshine! Wahoooooo!

Have a luncheon today. I will jerk drive into town. Yuk! Hate driving Jack's truck!

Whoops! Sunshine went away! 53 this morn, so it has cleared a little. Maybe it will peek out again!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

I am back. Went to four stores looking for the tablecloths all the dollar stores sold out so ended up a Walmart should have went there first
. Would have saved time the good thing is the stores were all within a 5 miles strip so didn't have to far to drive

Feast is at her school . It's the daddy daughter dance that is gong to be at the other campus.

Unknown said...

good evening. this thread is now a month old. :(

been busy. last night the dogs were barking their heads off. tom went outside to see a small kitten ..... it skedaddled pretty quickly.

it was going to get cold, so we put out some food.

more barking.

a kitten. a DIFFERENT kitten.


so today I constructed a warming hutch and put it out near where we saw them. well guess what I saw?
not 1
not 2
not 3
but 4 kittens and a mama kitty.


my neighbor has an animal trap so I borrowed it. within 15 min I had caught one kitten. it is maybe 6/8 weeks old. I have the trap out again to hopefully catch another .

not sure what I will do.....I will likely see if the humane society may take them. given that they are still at a young age, maybe. if not, then I found out I can have them spayed/neutered for a minimal cost and re-release them....they will also give them rabies injections.

not sure if momma is feral or not. I have a word out to folks in case anyone would like to take one/more.

we may or may not keep one.

livvy is already asking. I told her I cannot make a promise either way. it will depend on a lot of stuff. health of said kittens etc.


I have the one in a kennel with all necessary kitty things; food water litter and a blanket sprayed with catnip spray.

wish me luck....

hugs to all

Lynne2 said...

Just checking in...

Steve's interview went really well at Walmart, guy said barring any issues with drug test or background check that he'd be bringing him on! Shouldn't be a problem with either.

He has another interview tomorrow at Weis Market at noon.

Great news about Lolly, Joey! Hope he gets a job in Denton!

oh Janet...I feel for you regarding the kittens. Glad you are going to try to help!

Glad you got your table cloths Judy. Can't believe how close we are to Thanksgiving...just 2 weeks today!

JudyEddy said...

JANET the kitten rescuer! Good job

What a lovely Thanksgiving feast!! Wow and once again lots of leftovers but this year before everyone left I announced to who was left to take some leftover home. There were about 25 or so families left that took what was left.
Really nice turn out. I took lots of pics for the school to have they load them on the TV in the office and owe in yearbook.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

63 out me house is chilly

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Thanks, Lynne, for reporting in! Steve has been on my mind!

Another beautiful day here and then clouds return this weekend. Pecan crop is about over and yesterday we got our new pecan picker uppers! Lol. They are so nice, much better than our old ones. Will be read for our next crop!

Easy going today and then tomorrow cooking for Thanksgiving dinner with church family on Sunday.

Have a great day!

Lori O. said...

Thank you Steve for the work on the cam!

Not enjoying all the post election ugliness on Facebook so I'm off that and back here with my real eagle friends who have way too much class for that nonsense!

Glo, I'm so proud of you and Patches for all the good you two are doing! Extra treats tonight, please.

Lolly, prayers for Joey getting a Denton principal job!

Lynne2, hoping Steve gets whichever job he wants the most. :)

Janet, I loved your kitten story. Bless you for making them a warming hutch and getting them set for a good life. ♥

Judy, I think about you every time I am grocery shopping now and I reach for the item in the back since you mentioned that those in front are to be picked up by the out-of-date crew. Thank you for that!

Patti, Glad you are safe. That must have been pretty hairy & scary.

Lynne1, where are you for the next couple of months? Read your post above but did not know.

Not a whole lot happening on my end except getting ready to make dog collars and photographer props for shelter dogs. I've scaled back on who I am donating to. If they cannot provide pics of the shelter dogs in the collars, then I have others I can make them for. Sad that there is so much scamming online. I'm learning my lessons though.

I am also not working with the bulldog rescue anymore and it breaks my heart, but it is much better for my relationship with Kate if I do not get involved where her old rescue friends are concerned. I'm rather standoffish with them anyway. Too much gossip and backstabbing (any is too much) for me. I've told Kate if they are talking about everyone else so unkindly then they are surely talking about her/me/us the same way when we are not there. Drama can be overwhelming where there is so much passion, so I will try once again soon with another group and keep to myself no matter what. My dog collar group is great in that way since it's Facebook and we all have the same kind of motivation to help in our own way.

Some good eagle facts above ladies! Good idea HODA!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day! ♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lolly said...

Hi Lori, good to see you here!

My fb is almost great. I have been blocking all friends who post political articles. No matter which side....out they go! My brother included. Ha!

We ran errands and today Jack got his Christmas present. Staples had desk chairs on sale. We went to Staples and tried out all the chairs until he made a decision. Lol. Was not my first choice in looks, as it was black, not brown. However, it was my choice for comfort. Even more comfortable than more expensive ones!

Sandi said...

Good evening my eagle friends.

Even though I haven't been posting daily, I've been able to keep up with the goings-on on the blog. Pretty easy to do with so few posts.

Lynne2, I'm glad that Steve has a couple of promising job prospects. How are things going living in such a small space?

Janet, have you been able to catch all 4 kittens? Any luck finding homes for them?

Lolly, I hope Joey is offered an assistant principal position in a school close to home.

Lori, did you get your hosta garden planted? Are you and Kate enjoying the new house?

I am in the process of scheduling all of the necessary training classes so that Janey and I can start doing pet therapy visits at a nearby hospital and at the local libraries and possibly an elementary school. I'm looking forward to getting the training part finished so Janey and I can start making people happy. We'll be going to the Outpatient Surgery wing and the Emergency Room at the hospital. I know if I was having surgery or waiting for a loved one to finish up with a surgery, I sure would love a dog to hug to make me feel better.

Have a good evening. Wonder when we can start watching our eagles again? I'm sure they are already starting to work on the nest.

Hoda said...

Very happy computer is at home now Lynne.
All good here.
Vigil for a daughter of a friend who died in a hit and run in California.
Armistice Day ceremonies went well.
Feeling fatigued yet celebrating the opportunities to support one another.
God Bless you all.

Unknown said...

good morningfrom the command center of operation kitty rescue.

K1 was captured and is now in his forever home. the one person whom I didn't think would be interested (due to the arrival of puppies in a couple of weeks) fell in love and came over asap yesterday and took him home. he is well. his name is now Jacks. (after her very first kitten when she was 7 who looked much like this little feller)

k2,3, and 4 as of now elude capture. we suspect k1 released some pheromones due to his scare when the trap snapped shut and the sudden enclosure (new experience!) .... because no one has been around.

so I bought some wet food while out yesterday and baited the trap with that as well and fed some to k1 before he went to his forever home. (I could have gotten very attached!)

we also sprinkled dry food all over the rock wall where they had been playing.

good news this morning, the dry food is gone. I am going to choose to assume they gobbled it up! I put the trap back out with fingers crossed.

thank you all for your positive blessings on this venture.

its quiet here other than that.....but that has caused enough ruckus and excitement to last a bit.

went out to dinner last night and went to see the lights @ jellystone park out by opryland/mills last night (free for veterans). it was beautiful and it is amazing how they can make those lights "dance" to the music . it also amazes me how they add to it each year. such imagination! they had singing "trees" and "light bulbs" lol.

then home home home to bed to sleep.

ya'll have a great day!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Off to church soon to help set up and decorate for tomorrow's Thanksgiving dinner. Then back home to cook. Besides two large dishes of sweet potatoes considering a new recipe....pecan pie cheesecake! Doesn't that sound yummy?!!!

Ok, Lynne, time for another update on Steve's interviews!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Soo nice seeing more post! Jordyn and I went to our Country Fair
My intentions were to go right after school but they didn't open till 6 so we went up at 540 to get a parking spot and they let people in earlier. She had a great time saw one of her classmates when we arrived but couldn't find them after we went in.
We stayed for two hours or$45 in ride tickets gone

JudyEddy said...

We also ate there. $$$$$ probably could have gone to a four star restaurant for four with what they charge for two lol

It's chilly out close my windows . Lol

Heading out for a bit

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say congratulations are in order for Romeo and Juliet they had their first eggs yesterday let the Florida Eagles this season begin

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

Steve's interview at Weis went very well yesterday. He also talked to the guy from Walmart who said it would be at least Monday before they had the background check. Hate all this waiting even though nothing is there to make things go wrong!

Lori, so sorry the bulldog rescue has issues but bravo for you for putting Kate and your relationship first! Hope you find a good rescue in the future to get involved with. Good to see you on here!

Hoda, so sorry about your friend's daughter...how awful.

Pecan pie cheesecake sounds delicious Lolly! Hope it turns out as good as it sounds!

Judy, glad you and Jordyn had fun at the country fair...but WOW on the price of two hours worth of rides!

Chilly hear today, not supposed to get above 49 and it's a little breezy but I think we are going to take the dogs out to the reservoir for nice walk.

My in-laws are spending their last weekend in their house....on Monday the movers are coming and they have to take them down to the eastern shore. Will turn around first thing Tues AM to come back and finish cleaning. Spending the night at a friends Tues night, settlement on Wed. They are still undecided as to where they are going to stay until one of the 2 apartments they are waiting for become available in the next month or so. May stay at friend's place in Baltimore, or in a hotel on the shore. Or a little of both.

Bird Girl said...

Eagle friends....I need your help.

One of my very best friends, the woman who trained me in rehab and with whom I ran Fallen Feathers for 12 years, has lost her eldest daughter last night.

Pamela, 35, and her two small kids (2 and 3) were crossing a street - in the walk and with the light - when a driver ran a red light and struck them. Pamela's kids are in critical condition. Their families (she was married) are absolutely devastated.

The driver has been arrested; he has a suspended license already.

Please, please, give your healing and positive thoughts to them.

I can't even really process this right now, I cannot begin to imagine what the families are going through.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Delhpia I also saw you FB post on this.
So sad and will be keeping them in my thoughs and prayers

Unknown said...

Good morning to one and all.

Dearest BIRD GIRL: you have it. Light, love, comfort and healing coming your way to your friends. How awful!!!! I am so sorry. Sending you love and hugs…..keep us informed as you can p lease.

JUDYE: sounds like you and Jordyn had an absolute blast! I love that you take her but also set boundaries! You are such a wonderful oma!

LYNNE2: holding you close for Steve to get the perfect job that compliments your financial needs and schedule! Hugs my friend.

LOLLY: like others, that cheesecake sounds great. Let us know how it turns out; and please, eat a bite for each of us! Lol.
So Operation Kitty Rescue update:
Surprisingly enough Momma Cat was the next one caught. She is gorgeous….but oh so feral. We have her a kennel with food, water, litter. She is separated from everyone and in a darker quiet room to help calm her. UNFORTUNATELY, most clinics are closed today. But I know of a few clinics where I can have her spayed for a very inexpensive price and then after a couple of days…..she can be released.

While in my head, that doesn’t seem great, but it is the life that she knows. She won’t be adoptable and sending her with animal control will mean she will be euthanized. So, it’s the best choice I think. And she can continue to control the rodents from the businesses and dumpsters behind the house.

Now to catch the remaining babes……I am hoping they will come back to the food and that will be on our side. Thankfully they are old enough to be without momma ….. but I hate that she was caught before the babies.

It just bothers me. In fact, about midnight we went out and about (after emptying a opossum out of the trap….a very LARGE opossum ) looking to see if we might just see the babes. Nikik Olivia, Tom and me…..flashlights in hand looking, listening just to see if maybe we could figure out where they are. We live above the stores behind us, we live up on a large rock ledge, about 20 to 30 feet above them. And the area behind our house is covered in brush etc. unfortunately we didn’t find them….but we did freak out a store owner. I stopped and spoke to her to explain what we were doing and she thought we were very nice for doing that.

Very nice. Is that code for nuts? Cold night. Out at midnight. Looking for orphaned kittens.

All a matter of perspective I suppose.

Will check in later. Hugs and love to all.

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon all!

Delphia, I will keep your friend's family in prayer. I cannot even imagine....

Took the dogs for a nice walk yesterday, saw lots of birds and 2 spring fawns minus spots now and covered in fuzzy winter coats!

Janet, yes..."very nice" can sometimes mean crazy! LOL! I have friends in feral cat trap and release programs who do midnight scouting all the time and often scare people by accident!

Hope Lolly and her church gang are enjoying Thanksgiving dinner today!

Hoda said...

Praying Delphia
Sorry for your loss.
Bears are still out.
Two in downtown Nelso!
Craziest year ever.
They do not look ready for hibernation to me.

Unknown said...

hip hip hurray!!! we caught k2 today.....

I doubt that anyone else will wander in tonight, they seem to be around that area between 3 and 6 p.m. but there's tomorrow.

I had baited the food tray with sardines. I have the kids picking up more sardines while they are out tonight. k2 might have been upset about being trapped, but not so upset that it didn't eat the sardines! they are in the tummy! lol

JudyEddy said...

JANWT congratulations on the second kitty saw the pix on FB. Really a cutie

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Good morning!

Yesterday was fabulous! Great food, great fun! Dear friends in our church family.

We were going to Denton today for jazz band concert, but it was cancelled as band director is sick. Hope they can reschedule.

So, house cleaning on the agenda for today. Also, hoping, hoping to get my car back. You should have seen us going to church yesterday with a cheesecake on a glass dish, and two fresh out of the oven dishes of sweet potatoes. Jack's truck is a small Ford Ranger! Lol. We managed!

Hope we get a new thread soon as well as an up and running cam! Want to see them building the nest!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

70° out and cloudy. Got to see the moon last night but they think will be to lousy tonight. Bummer!

They do the spay neuter and release here also cheap. And they snip the ear to show a stray has been fixed. I hope you have success JANET

Gonna head out for the day

Unknown said...

hey ya'll. just a check in. 1 momma cat (who is not pleased) and 3 babies. 1 black and white, 2 calico. the 2nd calico is a little spitfire. she will take some work.

I went to the humane association to day and chatted with them.

the plan moves along. I have fingered crossed that we have all the kitties....tom feels we might be dealing with 2 kitty families.... hope he's wrong on this one.

keeping the trap out a couple more days.

hope everyone is well!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Great news on the kitties JANET that you've gotten! They are sooo cute!

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Still do not have my car back. Grrrrr!

More house cleaning today, getting ready for next week, all cooking and no cleaning!

Have a great day!

Bird Girl said...

Hello Eagle friends.

An update on my friend's daughter's tragic death.... Her 3-year-old son, Ryan, suffered a broken arm, broken hips, and lacerations; he will be out of ICU today, upgraded to serious but stable condition. He is talking and doing normal little-boy things. Audrey, 1, has a broken hand and is still in a coma, but the pressure from fluid on the brain is reducing, and she did open her eyes a little when her father said her name. It is still unknown if she will suffer from any long-term brain damage.

The driver who struck them, William Epperlein, was arrested, cited, and released the same night. Furiatingly, this is our system - he faces *up to* 6 months in jail, a *possible* fine, and *may* be responsible for restitution of medical expenses.

The family has established a GoFundMe campaign to help with the astronomical medical bills, and potential long-term care for Audrey if she does indeed have permanent damage. If you can give anything, even $5, won't you please help?


Thank you very much <3

Lori O. said...

I'm so ADD. I caught up on the blog last night then woke up this morning wondering "did I post it?" No, apparently I did not. I do know for certain that I started writing it. Urgh.

Janet - all the encouragement in the world to you for taking care of the kittens and their mama. I know it's another thing added to your already busy schedule. Yay for kitty #1!

Sandi - If I didn't say it before, I'm so proud of you and excited for the work you and Janey will be doing. I follow a Fb page called Mavis Pearl who has a group called Joy in the Cause where she visits patients and she has another group that works with teens, encouraging them to volunteer in long term care facilities.

Glo, I'm excited to hear your stories of your and Patches too! I remember you said you had a lot of visits on your schedule coming up.

JudiE - $45 for rides? WOW! You are a nice Grandma.

Lolly, I loved the pic of you trying to knit with your kitty on your lap. That was too cute.

Delphia, I'm so sorry about your friend's daughter but was elated to see they raised so much money so quickly!

Yes, I did plant my hosta garden and it is growing well, except for two of the 28. Right now I think I will never again buy bare root hosta. The plants are cheaper and there's more varieties online, but you have to plant them right away and they don't have that cocoon of roots in all that rich potting soil already growing. I'll buy them local in the future unless it is a certain one I want and can't find anywhere else.

Our house in Manassas has lots of huge oak trees and a cargo ship (versus boat load) of leaves! Change is hard. In Frederick we had the same thing, but I just whipped the tractor out of the garage and mulched them. Our tractor is in PA now though since we lived in the townhouse with virtually zero yard work for a year. Luckily, Kate loves to rake. It's her therapy. I don't get it. lol

Big hugs and love you all my animal loving friends!

Dang, I forgot what the pastor at Jo's funeral called us. I loved the name.

Lori O. said...

Lynne2, I hope your in-laws move went well. Thinking positive thoughts for a new job for Steve.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello to all my fellow "momlets". (Lori, that is the name)

Life is so crazy and it seems I don't even have 1 minute for just me stuff. T-Bird and I are taking turns staying with my aunt. She is almost to the point of total care. Sometimes she can stand up on her own and then we swing her around to get in the wheelchair and sometimes it seems I do it all for her. Quite challenging. I am contemplating now possibly moving her to my house. Not sure if it would work but it's hard being away from home so much. I miss my babies and my bed. So grateful for T-Bird, could not be doing this without her.

Anyway, I love us momlets and I hope everyone is well.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle buds

Good to see you both LORI. AND SHARON

I keep checking the cam daily before even log on here still nothing doesn't look good does it but they're having more issues with it

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...