Tuesday, April 12, 2016


New thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve. I'll get everyone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My thoughts and prayers are with Mema Jo this morning. I just read she is in the hospital. :(

JudyEddy said...



Good Morning eagle buds

thoughts and prayers are with JO as she heals in the hospital

Sandi said...

Checking in from school.

Thanks Steve or the new thread and thanks Shar for the call over.

Since I can't access Facebook from school, I will be checking the blog periodically for any updates about Jo.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

STEVE, thanks for supplying a nice new thread!

SHAR, glad you got a purty new feather for the call over!

Here's hoping the hospital stay brings renewed energy and healing to our dear JO!

Beautifully sunny here today so color Penny n' me outdoors, a lot!

Prayers for JO and all others in need!!!


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Tuesday thread.

Thank you Sharon for the call over. Enjoy your feather.

Continued prayers for Jo. I know she will get the best care possible.

Lynne1, safe travels and enjoy every moment of your visit.

Lolly, glad the worst for Laurel was a broken window. Inconvenient but no personal damage for any of you.

Sandi, have a greyt day at school.

Kay, you and Penny enjoy that sunshine. It's raining here. Might make spaghetti sauce - or maybe not.

Wishing everyone the best day possible - especially Jo.

Judie said...

Lady of the Loch laid her first egg at ~12:35am this morning.

Very windy at the nest.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Mega prayers for Jo coming from this roost!!! Hope that a short stay in the hospital will give her the healing she needs!

Congrats to the Lady of the Loch! An Eggbert! Yay!

Lolly, glad no humans got hit by hail! Sorry about the broken window, though.
Our kids are OK too. Granddaughter Jay was at Jen & Marq's, and her car was parked in the street. Hopefully, no hail damage was done to it. I don't think the hail was as bad there.

It's cool here this morning. Two doves are hunkered down and puffed up on our little patio table where we put bird seed. Hope a big breakfast perks them up.

Gotta get ready to go mall walking. Will check back in later for news of Mema Jo. Prayers continue! HAGD, everyone. I ♥ us! (Oh--Emma says, "WOOF!")

Lolly said...

Mema Jo's Hospital Info

Frederick Memorial Hospital
4G Wing, Room 4010
400 W 7th St, Frederick, MD 21701

Good morning! Prayers for Jo!

Brought this info over from fb.

Cooler and cloudy than yesterday. Got up to 89. No wonder I was hot!

Yes, some areas got worse hail than Laurel. Spring time in Texas! Grrrr!

Not much on the agenda today. Thinking about running errands. Just thinking as I am slow moving this morn. Lol

Andy, do hope her car is okay. Yesterday we saw a car with hail damage. No broken windows, but boy was it banged up! My car is always in the garage as is Laurel's car unless she is at school. It is the guys trucks that get parked outside.

Going to get a card in the mail to Jo, so guess I best get a move on!

Hoda said...

Loving thoughts to Jo.
A blessing in my life, I dare say all of our lives.
Like everyone else, I am not sure at all that it is a good thing she is in the hospital. Like everyone else knowing she is getting the best care possible. Like Jo, living on Faith and repeating to myself and the Universe, God is good all the time. Right now I am struggling a bit on knowing that. Wishing against all odds that this is not happening. It is. God is Good All the Time. A great Jo lesson.

Unknown said...

good late morning...checking in and finding JO to be hospitalized. thank you LOLLY for the address.

and of course thanks to STEVE for our new thread.

concerns about, but sending light, healing, and comfort to JO and to those who surround her.....hoping for her highest and greatest good......always.

busy here. Niki just went in to interview at my ME with my boss for a desk position. long story...I think she would be great....job has benefits and that is one of the reasons she is interested.....fingers crossed, candle lit.....again, highest and greatest good....

going out with the boss today to see a colleague who is having shoulder surgery tomorrow. this young woman is a dynamo of a therapist, but has a major shoulder injury. she will likely be out f or a bit. I know she is stressed about this. hopefully we can be of some support for her and her wife.

today livvy and I have optometrist appts at 1:15.

I have been attempting to take the cabinet doors off in the bathroom...but to no avail. will have to enlist tom's help. I want to replace the hinges with new fresh ones. these are old and cruddy. got some painting done yesterday, but given the events of today, no painting at the moment. maybe later if I can get those doors off! :P

I am holding each of you close as we all join in sending JO our healing and comforting thoughts....will check in later....blessed be to all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just watched the "spanning the globe" of the cam. Love to see the barn.

Lolly said...

I like seeing the barn, too, Shar! Reminds me of the time Paula, Deb, Jack and I went to the nest in the evening. We walked up to the barn and took great pics. That is when Deb took her fabulous pic of Lib and Belle. Great memories!

Observation while walking......something was de-furred for a meal. Saw at least one eaglet helping himself to a meal. Sort of glad what ever it is, has been kept hidden by sticks, shadows and adult!

Through with walking and off to run errands!

JudyEddy said...

just got the front of the house painted now its time to remove lots of paint from my body lucky its it washes of with water I love my new color of it will post pic on the blog for the nonfacebookers

My house painted ront and back only can't do side till new siding gets put on but I wanted to paint while it is cooler out

Called Walker Ford taking truck back down Mon
I am so over this with this NOISY pump and it sort of make me a little upset that they keep giving it back to me making noise and I am sure they know its not going away by itself just telling me that to appease me maybe I don't know I am just over it
I paid big buck for noise
I told them I gave them a leaky truck and they gave me back a squeaky one

Maybe I am wrong to be upset! would you??????
this has been going on for 45 days now or so and 6 pumps
They won't put in a after market
I am assuming all the ones they put in are rebuilt and don't work

JudyEddy said...

It looks better in person the colors

odd my camera is acting up with colors also

when I took a picture of my in my purple shirt IT SHOWED IT BLUE not purple may need a new one one day

the roof is not as dark it is a terracotta color looks sort of red in picture

ok now to shower

Barbara said...

JudyE, contact the manufacturer of the truck yourself -- get to the District Manager. Their job is to please customers. If a rebuilt pump isn't working right, they should be putting in a brand new one. Don't take 'no' for an answer. If the District Manager doesn't get it straight for you, contact the Corporate Headquarters. Keep agitating until they treat you right! It might not be fair to say this, but most auto places think women are dumb and they can just shoo you away. Don't let them get away with it! It sounds like you nave the documentation to back up your position. So go for them!

As soon as the weather is warm enough (soon!) my house will be painted too. The major color will be eggplant, off white trim, and the outside doors will be fuchsia! I had all the clapboard and trim repairs done in the fall, so all that needs to be done is the paint. I am very excited!

It is so windy at the nest... I hope Bigfoot 1 and Bigfoot 2 stay tucked down so they don't blow away!!!

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Hoda, I echo your feelings about Jo. It's very hard (no, impossible) for me to turn this over to God and not worry.

Judy, do not settle for less than a correctly done repair. Have you considered filing a complaint with the Better Business Bureau about the garage/dealership? The BBB will act as your advocate to make sure the issue is resolved to your satisfaction. Also, if you paid the bill with a credit card, call your credit card company and dispute the charge. They will also contact the business on your behalf.

Barbara, an eggplant clapboard house with white trim and fuchsia doors? Wow, that sounds beautiful!! What style is the house, where do you live (beach, country, suburbs) and are the houses around you also so colorful? Our house is Victorian - the siding is tan but with sage green fish scales on the 2 turrets, white gingerbread trim and porch railings and eggplant exterior doors.

Barbara said...

Sandi,I live in a residential community just outside Portland, Maine. The houses are mostly New England style, a few with siding but most with either clapboard or cedar shake. The natural cedar houses are very dark when weathered, so mine won't stand out like a sore thumb. My house is farmhouse-style with a huge farmer's porch (covered but open on the sides) on the front. You can't see two of the outside doors from the street, and to see the front door, you have to line up just right with the opening in the porch. So the fuchsia is just my little treat. My mailbox post is neon green right now but will be changed to the fuchsia too. There are some real Victorians in Portland proper and owners have gone back to traditional paint jobs with multiple trim colors. Yours sounds just right to my taste buds! JudyE, I agree with what Sandi says about the BBB and your credit card company. The more noise you make, the more likely it is that you will get listened to and a fair repair completed!

I agree with what

Barbara said...

Half a thought is better than none...

NCSuzan said...

Good rainy afternoon.

Am also very concerned about Jo. Wish they had put her in the hospital last week rather that now but hopefully we worry too much! When you are sick sometimes it's better to have other people take care of you and you just use your energy to get well. Only positive thoughts and prayers.

Sandi, did I comment on your weekend? We can all sit around and talk about fostering and adopting rescue animals but you and Janey went out and did the work. Awesome!

Lolly, so relieved you and your family are safe. What a storm!

Hummingbirds at the feeders! Neighbors have had them but today was the first time I have seen one. Olivia,(my kitty) and I about broke our necks rushing to the window to get a better look!

Can you believe the size of the eaglets?

Hope everyone has a pleasant evening.

Sandi said...

Barbara, again, your house sounds just lovely. When we lived in Baltimore and the house here in Bethany was just our summer place, the siding on the sides and back was still tan and the porch railings were still white, but the fish scales on the turrets were fuchsia and the doors and gingerbread trim were teal. Passersby referred to our house as "the Barbie Doll" house. When we moved here full time, my husband said he would not live in a pink house, so we settled on the sage green with purple doors as a compromise. We also replaced all of the gingerbread trim with vinyl to cut down on painting and it only came in white.

Within the next year or so, we will need a new roof and will be doing the roofs of the two turrets in metal rather than shingles. We're thinking to use red metal and then shingles on the rest of the roof with some red accents and I think I'll do the doors to match the metal roof. That will mean changing the fish scales to a color other than sage green which I haven't decided on yet. I do love color!

Sandi said...

Oh Suzan, thanks for the reminder about the hummingbirds! I always hang my feeders out by Tax Day and that's Friday. I need to check the migration map and may get mine hanging tomorrow. Thanks for the kind words about my weekend activities with Janey. I love this breed of dog so much, I just want them all to have homes to live in rather than crates! Our next Meet & Greet event is at a Pet Store on the 30th of this month.

On another note, I heard in school today that the school board is moving the last day of school from June 15th to June 8th since we have snow days that didn't get used! So I get to retire a week earlier! Woohoo!!

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, my migration map says you're covered in hummingbirds! Love those little guys. I bought a swing for them this year and curious to see if they will use it!

Lolly said...

Well, I wish I had just one hummingbird! We usually see them around April 1, but so far.....nothing! Read a newspaper article that east Texas is missing hummingbirds, well, same here! Also, yesterday saw a sparrow showing interest in the bluebird house. Chased him away. Ha!

Wish we would hear something about Jo.

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

Saw Jo was in the hospital so I wanted to check and see if there was an update.

I still "see" some of you on Fb. Lolly, love the flowers you've been posting for Jo. They're beautiful. The iris was stunning!

I wrote Megan a few weeks ago about hummingbirds and she gave me the migration link. The feeder has been up for a week now and I haven't seen one yet. I'm determined not to be shut out again this year. :) I even have flowers on the deck already trying to attract hummingbirds. I know the last freeze here is early May, but I couldn't help myself. Have been hauling them in and out of the house for the last week. Tonight, I will just cover them with a sheet. Hope it works. It has been such a cold April here.

Suzanne, I would love to see a pic of your hummer swing. How cool!

Sandi, I love color (and dogs) too! Purple doors must be wonderful.

Love and miss you all ...

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

I saw the post on Facebook about Jo being in the hospital. Thinking of her and her family this evening.

JudyEddy said...

Back from Angie house for Jordyn official Bday

also TOM last day of radiation was today He got a Purple Heart Certificate from the VA He get checked in a couple of months to make sure all is ok Now the wait for that. But so happy he got through the treatment

Now just waiting for RICK Angie FIL has cancer he just started in therapy stage 4 melanoma he has it inside his stomach area He has had it on the skin in past and now this There are doing some clinical trial with him not sure exactly

and LORI a friend of mine got her blood work back today also She had breast cancer and she got a clean bill of health So happy for her and her family

The ford dealership has really been good to me in the past Remember that they did give me a FREE rental for over 3 weeks over this PS pump and the truck is a 2004 (not under warranty just th epart is and like Angie said a regular garage wouldn't have)
I just think it was wrong of him to tell me it may go away two time not unless he thinks it may!!

I know that they will fix it
I do believe that

Funny in the mail I got a letter from the with a 9,075 trade in letter for my 2004 ranger truck Is that a coincidence or what Maybe I should like Sandi said check in to getting another vehicle But I would want to put another bumper on the truck before I did that
I just may talk to them about the trade i
n Ken across the street said to ask them for more if they can't fix my truck LOL
I am going to the bank tomorrow to transfer my IRA and 401K to my bank and may just keep some $$ out I can always put it back in if I don't use it

my cam is doing lots of buffering and keeps going out after a bit

JudyEddy said...

SUPER seeing LORI on here today

grannyblt said...

I got a card in the mail to Jo this morning before I left Pa. Sure hope the gets all the rest and treatment she needs to get well.

Kay, I waved at you a couple of hours ago. We are stopped at Springfield for the night. Katie saw the sign for the Homer Laughlin factory (Fiesta Ware) when we crossed into WV, so we took the detour to go their outlet shop. I doubt if we will make OK tomorrow. Thank goodness the weather is fine,

Gosh, my house is certainly plain, white siding with brown shutters. Mom had a yucky to me color of gold for the shutters when she lived here. After I became part owner, that changed.

I'm hoping to have hummers this summer, last year was a bust. Only one frequented the whole neighborhood.

SED to all

NCSuzan said...

I just happened on to Jenny's comment,

Mom is doing better....Doctor says she will probably stay until weekend.

Not verbatim, just my memory. Excellent news.

Judie said...

Continued prayers for Jo and so happy she is doing better. Sleep well Jo.

Wishing everyone a night of restful and restorative sleep.

Lolly said...

"Mom is doing better today. The Dr said she will be in the hospital at least till the weekend."

Oh, just see Suzan already brought the news over. I asked her on fb and this was her reply.

Wow! So exciting to see Lori! Hope you see this update, Lori!

Has been quite cool today. This afternoon we worked outside after running errands. Get my do done tomorrow. Also going to do a little shopping. Time for new sandals. Getting ready for our trip next week!

Laurel and boys are coming Friday. They have the day off as it was a built in snow day, so they get a little holiday. Laurel says she will be cleaning uptheyard. There hail was big, but thank goodness it was not the worst. OMG it was huge. The size of soft balls. It came through the ceilings of some homes!! Houses withWindows knocked out and the blinds at the Windows torn up. Amazing!

Ok, that time of night! Nite! SED!

Lolly said...

Good grief "their" not "there."

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

THRILLED to hear that Jo is improving! It has occurred to me that if they are giving her antibiotics, they sometimes put people in the hospital so they can give antibiotics to them by IV. They are more effective that way. Have a great, restful, restorative night's sleep, Jo. Prayers continue! ♥ ♥ ♥

WOW! Great to see Lori here! I've really missed you, Lori, and hope you can drop by more often! Hope all is well with you.

Sandi, that's wonderful that you get to retire a week earlier! WooHoo!!

Well, need to go hit the hay. Will check back in tomorrow morning. Sweet eagle dreams, everyone. Goodnight and God bless! I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Thank you Lolly for asking Jenni about Jo.
Thank you for bringing her answer to the blog.

Good night.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One parent eagle and 2 dozing babies in the center. Parent just called out and I could see his/her breath so it must be cold in Shepherdstown. No food in the nest that I can see.

Jo, prayers continue for you. I hope you can get better without getting worse - lots of ugly germs in hospitals.

Lori, great to see you on the blog. Please visit more often.

PT at 9am and a follow-up on my UTI with my primary care doc at 10. Also need to grocery shop. Maybe a hike with Janey this afternoon - forecast is for chilly but sunny.

Have agreyt day all.

Sandi said...

A feathered creature - a duck I think - just arrived in the nest and feathers are now flying. Should keep the kids fed for a while!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Lolly for the update on Jo.

Shamrock and Clover are basking in the morning sunshine.

Sandi, have good PT and checkup today.

Wishing everyone, especially Jo, the best day possible.

Lolly said...

A quick GOOD MORNING! Need to get ready to head out for appointment. Going to do my walking this afternoon.

Cool, 58, and cloudy here. Missing the sunshine.

Prayers for Jo to improve some more and to have a great day!

Barbara said...

Very calm at the nest -- no wind it seems! Both toddlers are sunning near the crib rails and stretching their wings with a watchful parent observing. Little feathers are evident.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

What a beautiful scene Sycamore Palace presents today. No sign of leftover duck feathers. They seem to be keeping a very clean house this season!

Thanks for the JO news, SUSAN and LOLLY. She's responding quickly to those antibiotics and nutrients now coursing through her veins. Yeah!!! Prayers continue!!!

LYNNE1, thanks for the wave. Wishing you and Katie safe travel as you proceed toward OK.

Another beauteous Spring day here---Penny and I are responding to the call of the wild....

Have a good day everyone!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Home and have decided no yard work today! 62, damp and chilly! So, going to stay clean today! Lol

Had my hair cut, went shopping and have new sandals, and new purse and new capris. Going to "walk" now and warm up.

NCSuzan said...

Lolly, wanted to thank you last night for asking Jenny about Jo. We would not have had news had you not asked. Thank you.

Am having a hard time watching the youngsters today. They are wayyyyyyyyy to close to the rails!

Hope all is well.

stronghunter said...


Love seeing a post from Lori.

Hoping that Jo is getting stronger every day.

Beauteous spring day here, too, Kay!

Been putting the final touches on my tax stuff. About ready to send it in.

Wishing everyone A good evening.

Goodness, just had to grab a cat who was about to jump on the keyboard. BBL. It is 26 minutes past feeding time.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening all.

I thought I should probably report that Justin got married today. His wife is Christina and she has a 6-year-old son, Christopher. Reminds me so much of Justin at that age, wide open!! :) I need reminded to tell Jo when she comes back on the blog or if someone could pass the word along. Justin so loves Mema Jo.

On the flip side, Mattie's boyfriend of a couple of years decided on Saturday he didn't love her anymore and broke up with her. They had been planning a life together and then poof. She is so devastated. She has been staying with me and every morning, she gets up crying and then into a panic attack. Hate it so bad for her but I know that child has some awesome things in store in her life and apparently he is not one of them.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Supper time. Those eaglets are huge. Older one pecked younger one into submission. I hate when they do that. Little one is turned the other way while the big turd gets fed. Pretty nice size fish brought in so hopefully there will be plenty for both.

What are their names again?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Well, I cannot stand to watch. The older one has pecked the younger about 5 times and youngun still hasn't even gotten a bite. Yes, moved in and stole a bite! Way to go baby littly! Eating some now. :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Getting good bites now.

All alone, I feel so all alone.

JudyEddy said...

This was on FB I copied

‎Jennifer Vallandingham‎ to Jo Lennox
4 hrs ·
Mom is doing well today. She wanted to thank everybody for their prayers, flowers and gifts. She is still very weak and can not get on the computer yet. As soon as she can I am sure she will.

JudyEddy said...

LOL I just noticed instead of ICONs it says the words from fb didn't notice it when I posted it

Went to movies meet a friend there this afternoon
while I was getting the head liner in my truck done

Matt stopped by this evening he is going to be by FRI with the list from HomeDepot for the material for siding the two sides of my house
I won't need to go there with him I can just pay for it over the phone with HD

Angie went to the balance dr today for her vertigo She has issues with the nerves in her brain stem and ears and eyes nerve not communicating with each other He did all kinds of test on her to find that out She goes back tomorrow They are going to have to retrain her brain of sorts I want to get more detail from her I told her to write it down also since she couldn't remember some of what he said

stronghunter said...

Their names are Shamrock and Clover, Sharon. Congratulations to Justin. And, yes, I am sure Mattie has awesome things in store for her.

Hoping that Angie finds a solution to the problems with vertigo.

Take care and rest well. I will see you tomorrow. SED.

Lolly said...

Thanks for bringing that over, Judy!

Saw on fb where lynne2's mother in law has been taken to the hospital. Not sure what is wrong, running tests. This is NOT good. This coming weekend is their move to her house.

Pillow time! Nite all!

Lolly said...

Sharon, so sorry for Mattie! However, she is so young and has great possibilities for her future. Know you are giving her lots of love and support. Also, help her get excited about school. She graduates this year, right? She needs to show her now ex bf, that she can move on!!! And move on with her head up and a smile on her face!

Hoda said...

Continued prayers for Jo and her family.
Shar my friend you too. Continued prayers to you and your family.
Awesome bike ride today. Feeling good.
I will travel to the little town of Rossland tomorrow. It is a ski town but I am hoping for a hike. 70% chance of rain though. So plans might change. I am happy for any rain we can get. Part of my cycle today was in the rain.
Hope you are all resting well.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. All looks well at the nest.

Shar, I'm sorry to hear that Mattie's heart is hurting. Congratulations to Justin.

Sorry to hear about Lynne's mother-in-law being in the hospital - I hope it's nothing serious. It sounds like having Lynne and Steve at the house will be a good thing.

Jo, if you're able to hop onto the blog today, know that prayers and healing thoughts continue for you.

Lynne1 should be in Oklahoma by now, right?

School day for me. Have a greyt day all.

Unknown said...

good morning...

thinking of our JO ...

hoping ANGIE finds some relief.....

know how MATTIE must be hurting....comfort and wisdom for her....such a difficult time.....

LYNNE1 in OK....

busy busy blog !

Me? work and granddaughters bday....Amelia is 10 today. double digits. yikes!

everyone have a great day!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see I have missed a lot while being busy with work and finishing my brother-in-law's probate and taxes. Thanks for updates on Jo. Glad she is getting better while in hospital. I will try and check in more next few days. Thank you Lolly for posting about Jo.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Yes, I'm in OK. Katie did most of the driving, today we rest up and detox from all the caffeine and snack food consumed on the road. Not one drop of rain or a cloud in the sky the whole trip. Missouri was the prettiest state. Redbud and dogwood and trees starting to bud.
Checked the nest a couple of times along the way via iPad. Didn't see any eagles while driving, but many turkey vultures. Hard to see other birds at 70 mph!
Keeping thoughts with Jo. Hope she continues to improve.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Dropping in quickly to see what's happening. Everyone seems to be very busy this week! Thrilled to hear that Jo is doing better! ♥♥♥ Prayers for her healing continue! Thanks for posting that info, JudyE. Hope your Angie can get some relief from that awful vertigo!

Shar, congratulations to Justin! Please pass along my best wishes for him and his new family. Oh, dear! Please give Mattie a big ((hug)) from me. Prayers being said for her comfort and peace. What a heartbreak! With God's help she will get through this, though. I know your support means a lot to her, too.

Prayers for Lynne2's mother-in-law! Hope it's not serious, whatever the problem is, and the tests give a clear picture of what's happening.

Hoda, glad you were able to get an awesome bike ride yesterday. Hope the predicted rain doesn't spoil your plans for today!

Happy Birthday to Amelia, Janet Neely's granddaughter! Wow, double digits!

Jerry, good to see you this morning! Sounds like you have been really busy lately. Hope you are able to visit here more often.

Shirley, glad you were able to head off the kitty who thought the keyboard was a trampoline! Any new Hunter stories lately?

The weather looks like it's going to be sunny and nice here today, so hope I can find some time to work in the yard. Want to repot a couple of things, and trim some of the tree branches that are starting to re-grow. Need to catch them while they're tiny!

Hope everyone has the very best day possible. Will check back in later tonight.
I ♥ us!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here! Lynne1, glad you've arrived in OK, and had a rainless journey. Hope you and Katie have an enjoyable day today!

JudyEddy said...

Huge HEART SHAPED SUN SPOT on the sun did you all see that on the news AMAZING discovery

Adult in nest with back to camera One eaglet is at 12 and other is at 3 near stump

I need to run to WMT to buy 2 gals of paint what I have left I can't use on NEW wood need with primer bummer stuck with 2 gals can't use now

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you to those who posted updates on Jo's recovery. Continued prayers.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Lolly said...

Good morning! See two eaglets growing by the minute and one adult standing watch!

Time to walk and then off to luncheon!

Drum roll, please......25 lbs! And, Jack down 10 and not trying! Lol. He is getting a lot of veggies, too!

Lol. Adult eagle is just sitting and holding wings straight out, back to camera . Title this.....give us privacy, please! I thought cam was frozen, but, no, just holding wings out. Hot there?

Have a great day! Prayers for, Jo! She needs to regain her strength!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

The nest presents a serene scene---eaglets catching a few rays---hopefully with a parent or two standing watch out of camera range.

Like JUDIE, I thank those who've posted JO updates and am continuing with frequent prayers.

LYNNE1, happy you've arrived safely in OK after a rain free drive! Have fun with those grands!

SHAR, the agony and the ecstasy encountered in this life all rolled into one day or two for the "kids". Wishing them both the best.

Will be enjoying another wonderful Spring Day here and wish the same for all of you!

Prayers for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

calling out looking around from right to left and then up I wonder if Shep is ear and she is calling him to the nest or is that him

JudyEddy said...

keeps looking up now like someone is in the tree
but not calling out

Lori O. said...

Great news on Jo! YAY!!!! I bet she can't wait to get home. Glad she has that to look forward to.

LOLLY, did you lose 25 pounds? A big drumroll, well deserved. That is not easy.

KAY, after I signed off the other day I went back to an old thread and saw your 7 hearts - LIBERTY. My heart melted. My heart still sinks whenever I think of that, but so happy nature let Belle move on. These little ones are tough. Hate when they get so close to the edge!

Lynne1, are you visiting family in OK? Glad you had a safe trip!

Andrea, are you still doing medical transcription?

Shar, so glad Mattie has you. You bounce back with such grace and style, I'm sure she's noticed. Congrats to Justin.

Suzan, thank you so much for posting the hummer swing. I can't wait to hear if they use yours. Still haven't seen one here, but it's been a very cold April.

Has Lynne2 found a new house?

Time to feed - four bulldogs in the house now (since January). We lost Dalai in December when she began having uncontrolled seizures while on potassium bromide. Still getting over that one, but we have 2 hospice fosters that we adopted. Gordy is 9 and Priscilla is probably 10. He is the cutest thing on 4 paws, and she is hysterically funny. Ironic that they both have thyroid cancer, among other issues, but that is the worst for them. She was a breeder dog and has no manners, but she's a hospice baby so whatever she wants we just laugh. She is uncontrollable with food. She can hardly walk (but has the cutest waddle) and when we eat she jumps on the couch no problem. She landed in my salad the other night. lol

Hoda, hope you get to go on your hike tomorrow! I love seeing your pics on fb.

Judie said...

Prayers continue for Jo to gain strength and recover.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

from FB """"
‎Jennifer Vallandingham‎ to Jo Lennox
18 mins ·
This Message is from Mema to all her friends.
Good evening to all......I just typed a page full & it isn't possible to repeat...I was just saying hello and letting you know I should be in here a few more days - not to worry as I have 3 docs watching over me.
Than you for many cards, flowers. Pictures from Dana's K-class, cookies but mostly for your prayers and healing vibes
Please don't worry - God is in charge

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Dropping in to see what's happening. Has anyone heard from Lynne2? Wonder how her mother-in-law is doing. Prayers continue for her, and for Lynne & Steve's situation. They are supposed to move this weekend, correct?

Praying that Jo is getting stronger by the minute, and will soon be back on the blog, and back home again, too. Love you, Jo! ♥♥♥

Lori, it sounds like never a dull moment at your place! So sorry to hear that you lost Dalai, though. ((Hugs!)) Yes, I'm still doing medical transcription.
Are you still working as a nurse?

Shar, how's Mattie doing? Have been thinking about her all day. Prayers continue!

Need to go make some gravy. We're having short ribs for dinner. Will check back in later tonight after dinner. Have a good evening! I ♥ us!!

Lolly said...

Ready for bed but had to pop in here.

Had a luncheon today, the. Worked in the yard and tonight watched Greys. We also had TV on to watch the STARS as they are in the play offs. Won big tonight!

Yes, Lori, down 25 lbs. Not fun but can be done if you want it! So good to have you posting. Sounds like the dogs rule the roost at your place! Love it! Laurel accuses me of spoiling Skippi. Tells me all the time "You would not allow that with our other cats!" Oh, well.....

Good report on Jo. Bless her! So positive and turning her worries over to God. She is amazing!

Lori, Lynne2 did not find a house. They are moving in with Steve's parents this weekend. However, his mother went into the hospital this week.

Looks like major rain is heading our way....again. Sunday 5" predicted. More flooding! Jack said tonight why can we not just receive an inch? Why 5"? Lol. Hoping we do not have trouble getting the trailer next Tuesday. We leave Thursday.

Laurel and boys come for dinner tomorrow. Party at neighbors Saturday. Also 300 caladiums to be planted arrive Saturday. busy busy busy!

Nite all! See you tomorrow!

Lori O. said...

Andrea, so glad you are still at the medical transcription! Good career choice. I'm not working at the moment except for doing a weekly radio show on Animal Radio and I get to tape it from my house with an old producer I worked with in Los Angeles. Good times!

Thanks, JudyE for the Jo update. She sounds great and in charge again!

YAY for you Lolly! I need to lose at least another 25 after eating poorly and gaining it back since I moved back with Kate. She is not a good influence. lol. Doesn't help that I have zero willpower. Goodness 5" of rain! WOW!

Wishing Lynne2 a good move this weekend. Something else to put on the NOT FUN list - moving! Good luck, Lynne2!

I haven't been to sleep yet. Went to bed after watching the Clinton/Sanders debate and couldn't sleep so I got up at 2 and finished up a few dog collars that will go to shelters.

Belle is sleeping with her head tucked. I think I see an eyeball on the bigger eaglet and the beak of the smaller one amidst a pile of gray fluff. So grateful for this camera!!!

Have a great day everyone!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. The sun is rising on the nest with 2 eaglets huddled together in the middle of the nest and no parent in sight.

Judy, thanks for the Jo update from Facebook.

Jo, prayers continue for a good day for you. Hope you'll be back on the blog very soon.

Lori, it's so good to see you on here! Please visit more often.

Today is a professional development day. I am as professionally developed as I am going to get so I am taking the day off. I have physical therapy at 9am and after that, the day is all mine.

Hummingbird feeders are out but no visitors so far.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

so nice to see you on here LORI

gonna try to get some trim painted on the house this am before having to pick up Jordyn this afternoon
Had my nails trimmed way down since I split one in the process of painting still look good painted but short they will grow back LOL

JudyEddy said...

both are in the nest opposite end of the news and basking in the sum I just saw a adult fly up to the attic the tree shook

Gonna head out now Hope everyone has a great day

Judie said...

Good morning.

Good to see the update from Jo (thank you Judy). Prayers continue.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Nest not news and sun not sum
just came in for a quick break and sat down I promised my self I wouldn't. LOL and here I am laughing at my sentence. See what happens when you are in a hurry and don't check before sending LOL
adult in nest both are so stinking cute at stump area side by side all looking out onto the world. I was going to say launch pad but that is where the old launch pad was now stump

74° looking at radar rain coming in late this afternoon sort of summer showers with heat of day so happy I am just trimming window

Lator Gator

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to do some straightening as well as grosssssserie shopping before Fritz arrive. Gotta get busy!!!

Prayers for, Jo!

Lori, you just gotta have the will power to lose. And, you do have to have support! Jack is great! He has done without me cooking great meals. He has eaten a lot of instant meals. Lol. But, he has now lost 10 lbs. without trying. He is "walking" with me. Bless him!

The hard part comes next week on our trip. Yikes! But, I can do it!

Gotta go! Happy Friday!

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning, Eagle Buds!!!

Good to see Clover and Shamrock basking in the sunshine again--a parent just flew the coop as the cam came up for me.

JO, so good to see you here--can't wait til' it's a common occurrence once again!

Yes, LORI, I persist with the seven hearts in honor of Liberty--he deserves a lot of credit for the nest we see and enjoy today! Bully for you n' Kate as you give those needy Bullies a chance at the good life.

SANDI, Professional Development Day, eh? You could teach the rest of the staff a thing or two---glad it gives you another day off!

LOLLY, you are without a doubt a Big Loser! Hurray for you and for Jack, too. Losing isn't easy, but it does pay off.

Shep returns. Happy nest viewing!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Windows trimmed Now I can go out and play Gonna see if Angie wants to do lunch
and I wore gloves the first time to paint Sweaty but no paint on hands. Being it was just a little project I could stand them on for a bit Looks really nice the tree windows trimmed in dark brown to match the down spout and the edge of the roof I still have the edge to do not looking forward to that at all Ladder work and my knees and lower back will protest but we will pre advil before I do that at a later date when the guys complete the siding on the house in a week or so.

JudyEddy said...

Three window not tree window

stronghunter said...


Teacher work day here, so Hunter is home. I really need to go down and get busy with some chores so that he might be inspired to do some of the things on the list Kathryn left for him.

Nice to see news of Jo.

Phone is ringing. Hunter is explaining that he hasn't "even had breakfast yet." That means Kathryn is asking about chore completion.


Sandi said...

Hi all. Nice afternoon. I can't wait until every single day is one with no schedule and no work!

Janey and I went for a hike. Three osprey platforms at James Farm (a nearby nature preserve) have occupants. Janey got to run off-leash for a short time - waded right into the bay and laid herself down in the water! Then she took off into the marsh, rolled in something, and then ran right into the swamp!

When I got her back in the Jeep, she smelled so bad that we drove directly to the groomer and she got a bath!

I wanted to let everyone know that I got a very short email from Jo about 2 hours ago. She said she has been unable to get her comments to post on the blog. Still, it's a good sign that she is feeling up to trying to post and I'm sure she is reading all of our well-wishes.

Time to feed people and pets - later!

NCSuzan said...


Sandi, that is wonderful that Jo was able to e-mail you. When I have been in the hospital Google would not let me access the blog either. Bet it is a security thing on Google. I was able to get on FB though. Go figure.

NCSuzan said...

My memory is coming back.....Google sent me an e-mail letting me know that someone was trying to access my account! Yeah....me!

Sandi said...

Jo also asked me to let everyone know she will be in the hospital for a few more days.

Judie said...

So happy Jo was able to send a message to Sandi. Thank you for sharing, Sandi.

Headed to my recliner.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Unknown said...

good Friday evening to one and to all.

Celebrated granddaughter's 10th birthday @ Olive Garden last night. It was "just us" and we went over to their house for cake, ice cream and of course presents after. She loves her roller skates, which made me so happy. I showed her how to put the pom poms on. :) my heart melts.

its been a busy week and I found myself tired when I got home. it has become a habit to nap after work on Fridays. I feel much better the rest of the weekend if I do.

tomorrow is soccer at 9 a.m. (Amelia) and then we are having a girls' day....pedicures, lunch and shopping. This is how she wishes to celebrate her birthday instead of having a party. :)

Our weather has warmed. I think maybe we are settling out a bit.

I hope everyone has had a good day...JUDYE: house is looking great!
Hoping Jo is improving.....and everyone else, have a fabulous FRIDAY!

Lolly said...

Hi all! Had a great day! Before dinner of ribs we played two games of croquet. Lot of laughter! Then after dinner we played Bocce. Laurel and I against the guys and we won! Wahoooo! Then, just before they left....arm wrestling. I did NOT join in on that! A fun evening, for sure!

Yea, Sandi! So glad you heard from Jo!

Tomorrow we are going across the street for a a crawfish boil. They are from Louisiana and do this at least once a year. I do not partake. Crawfish are ok but way too hard and time consuming for something that is quite unremarkable. I will stick with other foods, thank you!

Heading to bed soon ! Night all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

So thrilled to see a post from Jo! Thank you, Sandi and JudyE! Jo, you just take it easy and get rested up. Mighty glad they are taking good care of you, and that God is in charge of your care! Keep healing!

Lolly, congrats for your remarkable weight loss! Congrats to Jack, too! Ken and I need to get with the program. Gained a few pounds over the holidays, and haven't gotten serious enough about losing them.

Oh, Sandi! After Janey's shenanigans, I bet the Jeep needs a bath, too! Good thing dogs are so washable. Sounds like Janey had a world of fun, though.

Ken and I spent most of today visiting our friends, Jim and Darlene. Jim is doing remarkably well, and is no longer anemic. Thank God! He's also feeling stronger, and is able to walk around much better.

Lori, I'm glad you're able to do the radio show, and that's great that you can record it.

Been thinking of Lynne2 & Steve all day. Hope they have been able to move without too much trouble, and were able to find some people to help them with that. Has anyone heard how Steve's mom is doing? Have been praying for that whole situation. Hope things will work out for them!

Janet, it sounds like there's a very fun Saturday coming your way! Enjoy!

JudyE, your house is looking great! I like the new darker paint color--very nice!

Well, guess I'd better hit the hay. Want to try to get to the mall earlier tomorrow for our walk. May not get back here to the blog until lunchtime. Have SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!

Hoda said...

Good to read Jo is doing well.
Glad she has posted several times.
Prayers ongoing.
Shar it is tough. Sorry about your loss.
We are getting July weather in April the next few days.
Volunteering and yoga and exercise going well.

Hoda said...

Enjoy the day everyone.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. One parent in the nest with the kids as the sun comes up.

Lolly, OMG I love croquet! It was our go-to game when I was a kid, and my boys loved it too. When we sold the house in Baltimore to move to Bethany and cleaned out the shed, Brian (who was 26 years old) wouldn't let us get rid of the croquet set - we don't have a lawn here so we knew we wouldn't use it. Instead he kept it. It's probably in storage in WV somewhere. And we play bocce on the beach frequently. Sounds like a very fun day for all!

Andy, Lynne & Steve are moving today. She posted on FB yesterday that they were still looking for a few people to help them with moving boxes. I asked how her mother-in-law is doing and she said the doctors couldn't find anything wrong so she was released from the hospital last night.

Jo, if you're checking in on the blog, please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you - all day, every day.

Shar, I know how much your heart is hurting today without your buddy Buphals. Our lives might be easier if we didn't have pets that we love and tough decisions to make about when to say goodbye to them, but our lives would not be nearly as full without our pets being in them. To me the joy and love we get from having them far outweighs the pain we feel when we lose them.

We are driving to Baltimore today to see Madeline skate as Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan. We'll drive up and back today so we'll spend 6 hours in the car. All 3 dogs are going as well b/c Kevin is in Florida at a music festival.

Have a greyt day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Hoda and Sandi. Last day of six day week for me. Good to see Jo posting, communicating, and getting better while in hospital. Have a great weekend.

Unknown said...

good sunshiney morning to all!

SHARON: sending hugs to you on this blue day. I know the pain....may it soon be replaced by happy memories and smiles of a sweet furry friend.

KAY: yes good day ahead. decided to do breakfast tomorrow. no one wanted to get up at 6 just to go to breakfast!

heading out soon .... hugs for all!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Clover and Shamrock have settled down after having a little chat, or was it a spat. Either way they're learning how to relate to other eagles--useful training for surviving out there in the wild they'll soon call home.

SANDI, you, Denny and the dogs have quite the day ahead. What fun it will be to watch your niece skate that part!

Thanks to the posts re:JO's continuing improvement, LYNNE2's m.i.l. and the move, and more......

Wishing all a good day and praying for all in need!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I have a silly issue ON FB some of my keys on my keyboard don't work But on the blog they do Is that the weirdest thing I just don't understand

So what I am doing I am typing here and copying and pasting it to FB if I make a comment silly huh

JudyEddy said...

I am running scans on FB maybe there is a issue

JudyEddy said...

right now both at at stump lounging look like on has wing around the other

JudyEddy said...

a adult is in both kids are around adult looks like fish was brought in when adult came in back was to cam

JudyEddy said...

Belle is who is in the nest What I thought was a fish maybe not it is still there not feed to them, she is attempting to shade them but her shadow is behind her so not working lol maybe kids need to move behind her

JudyEddy said...

so stinking cute she is diffing in the nest and Shamrock is also digging with her Like let me help Clover has moved behind her

JudyEddy said...

Shamrock just went to take a bit from her wing LOL LOL these guys crack me up OK I am heading out for a bit

Hope each one has a good day

LYNNE2 put on FB she is unplugging for now loading truck and won't be back on until internet is installed Wishing her and Steve luck in the new endeavor

Lolly said...

Good morning! 300 caladium bulbs just arrived! Would like toget them planted but we have a week of rain predicted! Oh no! We might get some planted today if the rain holds off, but also have other things to do. Oh no!!

Thinking of Lynne and Steve's move today. Hoping all goes well. It will be a while until we hear from them.

Never thought of Bocce at the each. That would be fun! Hmmm !!!

The boys, especially Joseph like croquet. We have thought of getting them a game, but it is something special for them to do here at our house, Same with the Bocce! We have fun playing both. Lots of teasing and laughter while playing.

Time to get busy! Have a great Saturday!

JudyEddy said...

Fort St Vrain lost their eaglets from the overnight storm so sad

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

So very glad that Jo was able to get an e-mail out to Sandi. Prayers and good wishes for Jo and her whole family.

Good that you could find a dog groomer when you were in need of one, Sandi. Over the years, our dogs have loved to roll in the most stinky things they could find--poop and dead fish are especially attractive to them.

Sad about the Fort St. Vrain eaglets, Judy.

Thanks for the nest report, Kay. I haven't checked today. I came home and crashed after bowling and lunch. Val's husband is still recovering from knee-replacement surgery, but he was able to join us at the bowling alley again today.

Kathryn and Hunter are off to spend the night in Luray with Hunter's other grandparents.

stronghunter said...

A question: is there any hope for planting daffodils that have been pulled up after they have sprouted? Julie gave me some that were given to her by someone else. She had told me she planted daffodils yesterday, and I was confused because I would have planted them in the fall. However, when I saw what she had, I could see why she would plant them. She shared several with me. I am going to research whether there is any use in trying to plant them. From what I recall, they will not survive, but I could be wrong.

stronghunter said...

Answering my own question: It seems that it is possible to transplant sprouted daffodils successfully, but there's some disagreement on how difficult it is to do this. I will give it a try.

Ms Bookworm said...

Well, doggone it, I had a big, long post that just disappeared! Have an urgent errand to run right now, so will be back later to try to recreate what I had here. I ♥ us!

glo said...

Just a quick stop by to say hello. I have managed to get lotsof kettles in the fire at once again. Did a quick read. Janey smells better, daffodils can be transplanted but could be tricky, Lynne has a very busy difficult kind of move ahead. Our MeMa Jo has posted a few different places and all were so thrilled to hear from her. There is a long well thought out message in la la land. I am hoping mine does not end up there . I love us too. My heart so went out to Sharon last night. She so cherished Buphals. They sure do grab us around the heart and they never let go, which is why it is so very hard to let go of them. AOYP everyone.

Lolly said...

Shirley, I know nothing about transplanting while sprouted in the spring. However, even if they do not do well this spring they will return next year.

So, 300 caladium bulbs were delivered. We pulled 30 to give to Laurel. Then we started planting. We got many planted but still have quite a few to go. Will plant more tomorrow IF it is not raining.

The oldest daughter next door is a senior this year. Tonight is prom and they came over to take pictures in our yard. She looked beautiful and got some great picures. The best one were in front of the roses on the fence! We took Laurel's there!

Then we went across the street to the crawfish boil party. We only stayed a couple of hours. So many of the people we do not know. But, it was fun and then we were ready to come home!

STARS won their second play off game. Yea!

Headed to bed! Night all!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,

Well, my urgent errand went well. (Or not, depending on your point of view!)
Had to get our payments to the IRS and the State of California in the mail. Due to Ken's settlement from his former employer, we owed a combined amount that would be equal to about a year's salary! We paid the whole amount without trying to arrange a payment plan, because they (IRS) charges you 3% interest if you do that, and we didn't want to have to give them one penny more than necessary. Our tax lady said to pay the full amount to the State up front, because they can be a real PIA to deal with. So, Ken and I are experiencing a nasty case of "sticker shock" today. It really frosts our pumpkin that since we were catapulted to a higher tax bracket, and now considered "rich folks" (HA!), the IRS dinged us an extra 20%, apparently so they can distribute the wealth to someone else who didn't earn it!....Okay, rant over. Sigh. At least we should be getting a pretty decent refund next year!

Don't know whether I can remember all of the post I had that got lost in some parallel universe. Will try to work on a recreation as a Word document, then copy and paste. Too tired to try that right now, though. Tumarrah is another day!

Jo, if you're checking the blog, prayers continue for you from this roost, and couldn't be happier that you're doing well enough to post in various places!
Keep on resting and improving! Love you to pieces! ♥♥♥

Shar, been praying for you and your family, and you've been on my mind all day, too! So sorry to hear that on top of everything else, you lost dear Buphals! I know your heart is broken. ((HUGS)) to you! Thank God we know that we will be reunited with our fur babies eventually.

Haven't been able to get Lynne2 and Steve off my mind (and heart) all day, either. Glad to hear that Steve's Mom is OK, and back at home. Hope they got some people to help them move, and that we'll hear from Lynne before too long.

Well, it's been quite a day, and I'm "plum wore out!" Going to head to the kitchen and cook more chicken for Emma, then crash for the night. Have SED, everyone. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Two eaglets in the nest with no parent in sight. Looks like a sunny morning in Shepherdstown.

Loooooong day for us, driving to Baltimore and back but it was worth it. Peter Pan was a cute show and Madeline skated her part beautifully. I love seeing the progress she makes from one year to the next. It will be interesting to see if she continues skating next year when she is in high school. She caught a bit of an acting bug after her small part in a professional production at the Lyric, plus she is very into playing her guitar and singing. She may decide to get involved in the theater program at her high school and, if it's like Kevin's experience, there is always some show "in production." Videos of Madeline's 2 big scenes are on Facebook.

This morning Janey and I are going for a greyhound walk on the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach. One of the young ladies from the grooming salon I go to will be bringing her husband and little girl this morning to meet a greyhound that is currently being fostered by the lady who organizes the Sunday morning walks. If they like the dog (how could they not fall in love with a greyhound), they'll be taking him home with them - it should be a "happy for the heart" morning.

Prayers continue for Jo that she will be rid of her pneumonia and ready to come home very soon.

Have a greyt day all.

glo said...

One way to never grow up is to have someone to play with. A pet will do that. Even a rescue pet will teach you to play in their way.

Wishing all of you but especially this greyhound and Sandi a Happy heart morning :-) I know it will thrill you if it works out ok.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Gloria. Looks like Shamrock and Clover are waiting for breakfast. Sandi - you and Janey enjoy your walk in Rehobeth. Your Facebook skating videos were awesome performances. Getting a late start to today. Looks like two loads of laundry and some light cleaning ahead for me. A little tired after six days. Me and my co-worker got pretty busy yesterday afternoon. Another six-day week coming and then a vacation. Didn't see any news on Jo...I see she is on Facebook some and I thought she would be in hospital this weekend. I didn't post on her page because her family doesn't know me. Didn't feel comfortable about posting. I do appreciate everyone that kept in contact with her family and posted updates. Jo is a great Shepherdstown Eagle Cam leader and ambassador. Jo - get well soon.

Hoda said...

Enjoy this beautiful Sunday
Prayers continue.

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning!

Kate is off to Florida for a few days for work so it's me and 6 critters here. I'll be busy. I have plants to pot now that we won't have any frost for at least a week. Hope that holds!

Great to hear that Jo is trying to post on the blog! I'm sure she is getting anxious to come home, but as a nurse, I know she would be a great patient to have. Love her!

Andy, glad you got good advice and paid the taxes all at once. I'm sure it was tough. :(

Lolly, 300 caladiums is a lot, but how beautiful it will be. You do that every year don't you? Can't wait to see your pics of them. Do you get all one kind, or mix 'em up?

Sandi, hoping the foster boy gets his forever home today. I love Rehoboth. Hope you had a wonderful time.

Jerry, six day weeks are tough, but happy you have a vacation to look forward to!

Enjoy your quiet day, Shirley.

Kay, I just got the Elizabeth Warren book and can't wait to sit down and read it. Some how it strikes me that you would be a big fan of hers too. What a lady!

Have a good day everyone. Main things on my schedule are writing my news for tomorrow's show, getting the glue gun out and finishing about 25 bow tie collars I sewed this week, then getting ready to make some tutus for a photographer in NC who goes around to different shelters and sets up photographer programs for them. She loves dressing up dogs, so it's always fun to see her photos. :)

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Love haring the birds chirp over the camera even if I haven't a clue what kind of birds they are

Both are standing at the stump looking out I see the lovely green brought in

Late night at Angie house last nite after the Zumba bash We raised 450 for Autism We Rock The Spectrum Gym A friend of ours runs one of the first gyms in the area

Lolly said...

Good morning! Has been pouring rain since about 7. Headed to church if not pouring in half an hour!

Yes, Lori, 300 every year. It is Jack's favorite. We do 100 each of white, red, and my favorite a pink. By June they will be beautiful if not washed away or drowned!! Yikes!

So, it looks like a day indoors. Will start preparing for our trip. We leave Thursday. Should be interesting getting the trailer and packing as rain is predicted all week. Plan to get the trailer Tuesday. We shall see!

Our little eaglets are getting so big! And, to that stage where I question if they are cute or not. Lol

Off to eat a bite. See you later!

Barbara said...

The whole family is home and Shep delivered brunch! The kids are big and messy looking with feathers growing and baby fuzz coming off. Soon enough they will look sleeker...

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lovely scene at the nest with our two eaglets snuggled up to a parent. Sunshine is bright there.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lolly. I will wait and see what happens next.

I loosened the soil in my flower bed, then I put the daffodils in the ground, covered the bulbs with potting soil, and watered them. Just happened to have potting soil in the garage. The information I got said that if they are in a bunch, it is best to leave them that way so that you do not disturb the roots, so I planted them all together except for the few that had broken loose. I planted the loose ones nearby. They will need to be separated when they are dormant.

stronghunter said...

Not seeing any fish at the nest right now. Guess the youngsters are eating them up. There is some fresh greenery scattered about.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Looks like Belle believes the sun is too intense for her youngsters. They haven't grown those wonderful insulating feathers she and Shep have. What a good mom!

LORI, thanks for the heads up on the book--I do enjoy reading books n' biographies written by strong, successful women. Our gender may be in the majority, but we've a long way to go before getting equal rights, wages, etc.. I imagine the FB group knows what you're up to these days, besides all the activities involving and on behalf of animals, but I don't. Do you have a nursing job as well? Where do you and Kate live? Inquiring minds....

JO, praying for you and looking forward to your return!

SHIRLEY, I guess it's just delivery of one meal at a time for Clover and Shamrock these days. Their parents can now eat "out" all the time, so no need for excess food in the nest, huh?

Praying for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Makes sense, Kay.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Very quiet day on the blog!

Well, Gus the greyhound went home with Ashley, her husband Jon, and their little girl Brooklyn. Gus looks Brooklyn in the eye and she liked to rest her chin on Gus's back ... when he stood still long enough. Ashley has already posted a video of Gus playing with all of the dog toys at their house. He's only 2 years old - his racing career was cut short by an injury on the track - so he's still very puppy-like.

It has been a lazy day here - took a nap when Janey and I got home from Rehoboth because, despite the fact that we didn't get home from Baltimore til about 11pm and didn't get into bed til almost midnight, all 3 dogs were up at 6:30am. Still, 6:30 is an improvement over 5:30am!

Tomorrow is a physical therapy day for me so no school - ahhh, the benefits of a sore shoulder. I do feel like the PT is helping with my range of motion but slowly.

Thinking of Jo as I say goodnight to all. I'll see you in the early AM.

Lolly said...

Interesting.....it is lighter at the nest than here! Stormy skies will do that! Close to two inches for us. It can stop now, however rain chance all week!

JudyEddy said...

Belle just left the nest in the dark

JudyEddy said...

and I hear eagle talking chirping maybe kids old enough to where they stay in tree maybe she will be back

Sandi said...

Jo's daughter Jennifer posted this on FB 2 minutes ago:

Mema says hello to everyone. She pinched a nerve in her back during her PT. It's hard to get on the computer right now. She is also a bit tired but doing well. Hopefully have a better update tomorrow after the Drs come in.

Not happy at all to hear about Jo having a setback.

stronghunter said...

So good to get an update on Jo, but not good to learn that she has had a setback. Wonder what kind of PT would she be doing?

stronghunter said...

Goodness, Andy. Here I'm complaining about having to pay a quarterly tax. Would hate to pay out a year's salary in one fell swoop.

stronghunter said...

Nice to know that Gus the greyhound has found himself a home, Sandi.

Unknown said...

Hey all….Sunday late evening. Going to dent some pillows shortly…
JO: hope you are continuing to rest. Remember what you always remind me: germs hate rest!!!!!
SANDY: saw the skating video. She was great! I rather miss Olivia skating, but such is life….
GLO: you are so right. I cannot imagine my life without a fur baby of some kind……there have been short periods of time without one and my life was so empty.
Sounds like LOLLY is LOLLY-paloozing her yard! 300 caladiums? Yowser!
HI LORI!!!!!

JUDY: good for you and Angie!!! Woot woot!
Busy weekend. Yesterday was a success: we had lunch, had pedicures, and then it was fun to watch Amelia pick out her new clothes. This fall she will not have to wear a uniform for the first time in her school life….and she is very excited about it.

Today slept in a bit, then Tom and I crawled back up on the RV and sealed the roof seams. It didn’t take very long. But we did determine that we need to replace the sun vent over the bathroom. It is very warped and may end up causing a leak that we do not want.

It was then time for the spring run out to Camping World. We picked up some things that we need as they are having their spring sale.

Next weekend: pool chemicals.

Hope everyone is well. Sweet and peaceful sleep my friends.
Good night.

Lolly said...

Just heard thunder in the distance. Looked at the radar and the storms seem to be east, west and south of us. Hope it stays that way.

Saw Jenny's post about Jo. Probably therapy to help her get her strength back. A pinched nerve....not fun. It's going to take a while to recover!

Thinking of bed early this evening. I am tired from just sitting! Lol. Just did not feel like reading today.

Nite all! See you in the morning!

stronghunter said...

Hoping that you do not get flooding, Lolly. Hoping for just the amount you need--or none if you have enough.

I have kitties foraging about in my room. They sometimes do that before they settle down. Often I wake up with at least one cat in my room, sometimes two, and sometimes both cats and the dog. Well goodness, I see that Cheeto decided to investigate the area under the nightstand. That is a tight squeeze for him.

I will say good night and hope the cats settle quickly. God bless and good night, everyone.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's getting pretty late, so dropping by quickly to see what's happening.

Had a very late night last night cooking chicken and rice for Emma. Ken let me sleep in this morning, and went walking without me. I hated not walking, but must admit that the sleep felt very good! Didn't do much today because it was windy as all get out (Santa Ana winds in April?!), and nearly 94 degrees! Supposed to be about 90 for the next 2 days, then start cooling down more. Feels like we are skipping Spring and going straight to Summer!

Sorry to hear that Jo pinched a nerve in her back! Hope that straightens out in a hurry! NOT fun! I imagine the PT is to build up strength so she's able to get around once she goes back home. Being bedridden can make you weak!

Well, getting pretty sleepy, so will say God bless, and goodnight. Will be back tomorrow. Prayers for everyone, especially for Jo, Shar, Lynne2 & Steve.
Have SED, everyone. I ♥ us!!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see Shamrock and Clover sleeping. Good to get an update on Jo. Hope her pinched nerve gets better soon. Have a great day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. The eaglets are currently alone in the nest, though 1 parent was there when I opened the live cam and both parents were there for a short time.

PT for me at 8:30am, then I am hoping it gets warm enough to take my kayak out for its maiden voyage.

Prayers continue for Jo - I hope today is a good day for her.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter delivered to school. I am home today.

stronghunter said...

Early morning sunshine and sleeping eaglets at the nest. Oh, one just woke up. I agree, Lolly. Not so cute at this stage. They are on the way to becoming elegant.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle friends. Sitting here in Tulsa at my daughter Katie's eating a healthy breakfast. Their family has decided to go "vegan" which means no animal products in their diet. I can do without meat, but I miss the eggs and dairy products. At least they haven't given up wheat, so I can have a bagel. I love beans and rice, but three times in 4 days.....it is all worth it to spend time with all of them. I hope to drive down to Houston later in the week perhaps. That area is having flooding today, schools closed, Metro shut down, etc.

The other day I left my laptop on the nest site when we went out. Grandson(17) was sitting at the table and was startled when an adult suddenly landed in the nest. The whole family has shown interest in the site, but I don't think I've converted them to be regular viewers.

Wishing all the best for all of you especially Jo as she recovers and Lynne2 and Steve while they begin a different lifestyle.

Lori O. said...

Happy Monday!

I'm so bummed that Jo pinched a nerve. Kate has an L5S1 (sciatica) pinched nerve and it is horribly painful.

News is done for today's show and taping this afternoon. I finished the 32 bow ties I had already sewn. They are all glued and stabilized for shelter dogs and will be going out this week.

Kay, Kate and I live in Northern VA outside DC near Dulles airport. We sold the house in Frederick in October and have been renting here until we find a new house. We are looking again now, but nothing yet. It's nice to just be able to look for a house without worrying about having to fix up and sell your own house at the same time!

Hi Janet! Kate and I would like to find a house with a pool. I always remember you and DanaMo loving your pools so much.

So happy for Gus, Sandi!!!

Have a great day everyone. I think I will work on tiny tutus today for chihuahuas. A friend in my crafter group for animals has a page for her chi with over 10,000 likes. She's going to hold an auction to raise funds for a dog that needs surgery. Most of the collars and props I make are for pit bulls because they are the ones that have trouble getting out of the shelter alive, so it's fun making tiny, tiny things for the little dogs. :)

Kay said...

Steve has graced us with a NEW THREAD!

NEW THREAD.............NEW THREAD..............NEW THREAD


I'll be there once I catch up with the posts here.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...