Monday, April 04, 2016


Cold morning.  New thread.


CarolAnne said...

Left a note to come on over.
Feather can go to next up. (That whole asthma thing . . .)

CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve. Have a great week.

JudyEddy said...


Cam is zoomed in???

JudyEddy said...

really can see the feathers and fuzz and big feetsies

JudyEddy said...

someone has to be on with the cam the zoom just moved over a inch or so

JudyEddy said...

another duck in nest eating

Jewels said...

shhhhewwww weeeee, another duck and boy is that a closeup of feeding!!!!

CarolAnne said...

Steve says zoomed in for eaglet loseup. Zoom out a bit round 3:30.

CarolAnne said...

Loseup = closeup

JudyEddy said...

landed with fish on kids lol

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Goodness, those eaglets have grown. Eagerly eating their afternoon snack.

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Thanks Steve for the new thread - AND THE CLOSE UP VIEW!!

Thanks Steve for the call over.

I don't want to alarm anyone, but Jo hasn't posted yet today. So I went back and scanned the last thread and, unless I missed something, she hasn't posted since Saturday morning when she said she had a heating pad on her rib cage. has anyone heard from her? Has she been on the FB blog - I never think to check that? I am worried.

Sandi said...

Oops - meant to say thanks CarolAnne for the call over. Proofread, then publish!

grannyblt said...

I'm seeing really big feetsies on our "kids"

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread and thank you to CarolAnne for calling us over.

Kay, so happy you and the family enjoyed such a wondrous birthday weekend together. Congratulations to Julie and Eileen on their run times.

Sandi, hope school today was uneventful.

I also have noticed Jo's absence. Hopefully, she is okay and will stop by before heading to her recliner.

grannyblt said...

Gosh Lolly, if you were just now watching we got a poop shoot that made me flinch, right at the camera lol

Hoda said...

K! I am back! If anyone hears from JO or her family let the rest of us know please.
Thank you SANDI for voicing it.
Starting a prayer circle for our Mema Jo.
Either on the hour or the1/2 hour STOP send positive vibes/prayers/Love/Light what ever it is that connects with you.
Love you Mema Jo.
I know that whatever is happening you are rocking it and doing it with class and grace.

NCSuzan said...

have messaged Jenny.

NCSuzan said...

here it is........

Jo was having pain and went to the emergency room. They are waiting for the results now. As soon as there is more news Jenny will let me know. Of course she asks that this NOT be put on Facebook and I gave her my word.

NCSuzan said...

Excuse me...her doctor sent her to the emergency room. We know how that works.

Sandi said...

Thanks Suzan for the message from Jo's Jenny.

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, of course. Grateful that Jenny was gracious enough to answer our concerns.

NCSuzan said...

it is situations like this that I can even be grateful for Facebook!

Hoda said...

Thank you SUZAN!
Yes grateful Jenny answered.
Grateful you posted.
Yes will respect the wishes to not put it on FB General pages.
FB blog is only our group and JO had said this is OK in the past.
Does this still hold?
If not we have to let Megan know.

NCSuzan said...

Hoda I did not think to ask but whatever has been OK with Jo in the past I would think would be OK for this. As long as it is not on Timelines and Walls. What is the general consensus?

Hoda said...

I agree no Walls or Timeline posting on FB.
Our FB blog is closed and only our members are on.

Hoda said...

We might have a wait to hear from Jenny.
She sent me this message:

Jennifer Vallandingham
her doctor sent her for some testing in ER. They are waiting for the doctor now to go over results. The ER in Frederick is so slow not sure when that will be. As soon as I find out the results I'll be in touch

NCSuzan said...

Yes, that is what Jenny told me also. It seems that once you make it to the ER your wait for anything can be a very long time.

stronghunter said...


I saw the concerns about Jo posted on the private FB messages. Saying prayers for her and her family.

There is a lovely family scene at our nest with both parents feeding the babies. Sunshine on the scene.

Judie said...

Checking back.

I'm sure Jo is surrounded by skilled doctors and nurses and technicians. Our prayers will be yet another support system for her.

If I may offer a suggestion: please let Jo's medical issues remain private. I understand there is a private momster blog but I think going beyond that with personal information of any kind without permission is ill advised. Sharing personal/medical information on social media is a risk none of us needs to take. JMHO

Judie said...

excuse me, I think FB uses something called a page not a blog.

Sandi said...

Well said, Judie. Facebook allows private groups and there is one called Eaglet Momsters - it has 23 members. Most, if not all of the members of the private group, are also members of this blog. Posts there are only seen by the 23 members, no one else.

So now we do what we can do - send our prayers and positive energy, respect Jo's and her family's privacy, and wait.

On another note, chicks are alone in the nest - they appear to be asleep. Safe in the center.

Sandi said...

Parent just returned with some greenery.

Sandi said...

I just got this private message from a friend of Jo's named Susan Murray. She is a greyhound owner that Jo put me in touch with just before we adopted Janey. Here is Susan's message: "Christine says that she's home and they didn't really say that they found anything, just that she's supposed to take her pain medicine more regularly instead of waiting until it hurts. I'm sure she'll be worn out by today but hopefully tomorrow she'll be feeling better."

stronghunter said...

Glad to know that she is home.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Many prayers and much love for Mema Jo!!

Hoda said...

Let us all double down on our prayers for Mema Jo.

NatureNut said...

Hello, Eagle Buds. Lots of thoughts and prayers for Mema Jo. Hope her trip to DC didn't wear her out ♥ I really enjoyed seeing her trip on fb.☺

Also prayers and best wishes for Wanda's continued recovery. Now that she's home, hope no one lets her go serve church dinner for awhile! Everyone should be serving her!! ☺

Went outside most of today and tried to finish removing dead plant stems from the deck pots. Two pots that had lantana to go yet. They grow enough roots to stay there forever. Too bad they aren't perennials here. Some plants that lived through the winter are starting to grow. I was shocked to count 10+ red dianthus buds on that plant!!! Hope it survives the expected freeze & I can take it's pic soon.

Got a couple chores for work in the AM. Hope I can see the Basketball game. I like both of those teams now that we can't root for MD.
Good Health Prayers to ALL, but especially Mema Jo and Wanda & Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

glo said...

Lots of love on the blog tonight. Thats not unusual for this group. Prayers too for all in need. Especially remembering MeMa Jo and Wanda who has also had herself a very busy day. Does anyone else wonder if Ed tells Jo it's time for a pain pill, if she takes it or says no not yet. I can sort of see number 2 happening before and hope that for now it's number one and she just takes it. I do NOT want her in pain.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Have had a lot to read here and on our fb private group. Stunned is how I am feeling. Prayers for sure! I had noticed she had not posted. Thanks to all who have made some kind of contact and passed us the information.

Worked in the yard all day. Such a beautiful day!

I did miss the poop shoot! However I did see the cam zoomed in on an eaglet! Wow! Quite impressive!

Judie said...

So happy that Jo is home where she is most comfortable and at ease. Prayers continue.

Wishing everyone, especially our Jo, a night of restful sleep.

NCSuzan said...

Judie said it best.

Have a good evening.

stronghunter said...

Wishing everyone, especially Jo, a good evening. I am going to watch basketball now. Have I ever mentioned that I am a Tar Heel?

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the info on JO and WANDA
Healing thought and prayers for her and a speedy recovery
and WANDA happy she got to go home may her healing continue

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Lolly said...

Night all! Night Jo!

Hugs and prayers for Jo!

I came for the Eagles but stayed for the friendships I have made!

Hoda said...

Love you Jo
Good night all.
Lolly said it well. Thank you.
Thank you Judie for your wisdom.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see a sleeping eagle k in a cold nest now. Thanks for New Thread. I will add my thoughts and prayers for Jo. Hope she gets better soon. Talk later. I don't think I am in Facebook group, but I can post here or e-mail her if necessary. Thanks for updating. I have been busy with work and my Fantasy Baseball teams. Work will be hectic with vacations two weeks in a row starting next week.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see 1 adult eagle in the nest with 2 chicks huddling in front of him/her.

Jo, I hope you have been able to feel our prayers and energy for healing, and I hope you are feeling better today. I love you.

There is just the slightest dusting of SNOW on the ground outside here and there is a freeze warning for tonight - give it up winter!

I am off to physical therapy at 9am and hopefully my primary care doc can also squeeze me in. I only made it til 9:30am yesterday at school before I gave up and came home. Slept for about 4 hours and still felt puny. And I am definitely not 100% this morning.

Have a greyt day all.

Judie said...

Good morning and hopefully that is particularly true for Jo.

Jo, if you are feeling some better, please continue to do whatever has been prescribed and make sure you and your recliner become ever closer together today. Lots of prayers and hugs being sent to you.

Sandi, hope you can see your doctor today. Feel better soon.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Keeping JO close to heart today hoping she is feeling better with each passing hour and that the meds get in her and do the job

Lolly said...

Good morning! As with all of you, my first thought this morning are with Jo! Hugs and prayers going her way!

Watching an eagle attempting to keep eaglets in the cup! NOT possible!

Sandi, so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you get in to see the doctor.

Heading outside soon. Already up to 67.

Will be checking in more often today!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, mega prayers and super duper positive thoughts are wafting through the air to you from all directions! Follow the doc's orders and let that wonderful family of yours baby you to the hilt as well. You deserve the best TLC there is!

I'll have to catch up 'more better' later, but just wanted to take a minute for this!

Prayers also in progress for all others in need!!!


Lolly said...

Not sure what brunch is in the nest. It is huge! Maybe best not to know!

Hoda said...

Thinking of JO and praying for comfort and ease.
Thinking of Sandi too.
Doing spring cleaning type things.
We are supposed to hit 65-70 this week!
NOT GOOD! Not at all good.
March was 1.5 degrees warmer than normal. I dread the fires to come.
Stay well and keep our circle of prayers going for Mema Jo.

Sandi said...

Hi all - still no word from Jo? I hope she is resting well and I'm sure she can feel our love for her.

Physical therapy went well - as well as physical therapy can be expected to go. Not too much pain. I have a long way to go before I get the full range of motion back in my left shoulder. Also, according to my primary care doc, I have a urinary tract infection, which is just what I expected. So I am on 7days of oral antibiotics and lots of fluids.

The rest of today is wide open, though it's far too cold for me to take Janey on a hike. It feels like winter outside - temps in the 30s but wind chills in the 20s. Good grief!

I shall be on the lookout for a post from Jo on the blog or a message on FB from one of her daughters. Later.

Sandi said...

Chicks are alone in the nest. It sounds plenty windy there so I hope they stay low!

NCSuzan said...

Good early afternoon!

First thought this morning were for Jo and her quick recovery.

Which leads me to other thoughts. I think we all need to designate someone to notify the blog in case of unexplained absence. Instead of many contacting family or friends there is one representative that would let us know what is going on. By e-mail to one of us or a direct message on the blog.

Of course when there is an emergency chaos does seem to rule the event at first but calm heads will prevail! We are so spread out. Just thought maybe some kind of order could be decided.

Interested in your thoughts and suggestions.

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, glad you saw a physician. No wonder you do not feel well. Hope the drugs work quickly.

Did I miss the tour? lol

Hoda said...

Sandi glad you are getting the attention you need. Healing energy your way.
Suzan I understand your suggestion and it comes from a place of love for the Lennox family. I agree we need to use discretion and not burden them.
By the same token I think it is important for them to know the number of people who care for and love their mother.
So I am not comfortable with designating one person. The love needs to flow not to shrink.
Discretion is the better part of valour. Short messages. Not inquisitiveness to get a report. When they are ready, Jo or them will let us know. My focus is to send love and prayers. Periodically, by no means an hourly, daily or even weekly messages. Jo is very private, and with a lot of class. So we respect her, we love her, we respect her family and love them too. My humble suggestions as to action and an answer to your question Suzan. Blessed Be all of us and our place of love and compassion.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

When I was hospitalized a few years ago, I asked Darth to get on the blog to let everyone know why I was absent. Then, when I was home and able to use the computer, I could read and deeply appreciate the comments posted. So, Darth was my designated speaker/contact person to keep everyone up-to-date. If I misunderstand, disregard my comment.

Hoda, I cannot begin to know how affected your part of the world is when temperatures rise and the danger of fires increases. Hopefully, this will be a year of little to no wildfires. Meanwhile, how's dragon boating? Time is approaching to wear those sandals without socks. lol

Sandi, sorry about the infection - no fun at all. As for the shoulder impingement, it simply takes time. Wish it were otherwise. In fact, I managed better without therapy as the exercises seemed to only result in more pain.

Off to look in on the nest.

NCSuzan said...

Judie, you are right. That is exactly what I was talking about. I for one, was very grateful for Darth's reports. And that is all I am suggesting is that each of us choose a family member or friend, someone we trust with such information , to let us on the blog know if something has happened.

NCSuzan said...

Remember when Deb passed? It was days and we did not know anything. Or whom to contact. Her family did not know who we were or how important Deb was to us.

NCSuzan said...

Last thing and I'm gone.

Don't mean to be doom and gloom. Life happens. Illness happens. Accidents happens. Death happens. This blog has sustained over the years. Connections are made.

Calling for a freeze tonight. It is April, right?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

NCSuzan, I understand what you are saying. It's not that we can't reach out when we don't hear from someone but having someone designated to post information about us would at least give us enough info that we wouldn't have to worry. I painfully remember about Deb's passing and us not knowing. We didn't even know she was sick.

I have had Chrissy B. from England on my mind a lot lately. I have surfed the web some to see if I could find something out about her but nothing. :(

Hoda said...

Thank you Judie for your interpretation. Thank you Suzan for your suggestion and confirming what your intention was.
I extend an apology if my interpretation caused any confusion. There is so much love for Mema Jo and when she returns to the blog I feel she will smile.

Hoda said...

Socks were shed today.
Shoes not yet sandals.
Dry land training starts for the Dragon Boat this Thursday and goes for a month.
We launch the Dragon April 30 th if the lake level increases by then.
June 24-25-26 first races in Lethbridge for experienced paddlers. We have not trained since October so we will have to give it our all.
Ski season was awesome. I improved a lot and invested in newer and faster skies.
Snow shoeing was a delight.
Sunday was my last day of snow shoeing for this season.
My bicycle is out and I have had some good rides.

Zoe Caron, a local Nelson girl, also a recepient of The Canadian Federation of University Women Nelson Chapter Scholarship, was chosen by Prime Minister Trudeau to be an advisor to the Prime Minister on Environmental Issues. She is very bright.
This winter I helped raise 25 thousand dollars to this scholarship fund. So many brilliant youth out there. So proud of them.

Life is good. Thinking of Jo and how she has influenced my life. I have heaps of gratitude and can not wait till her return.

Sandi said...

Hi all.

I know that Ed, as well as Jo's daughters, are aware of how important the people on this blog are to Jo. They know that we care about her. So, if they aren't reaching out to us with updates, it's because we aren't their priority right now; Jo and her well-being are their focus. As difficult as it is for all of us to wait, that's where things stand. We wait.

Yes, a UTI is one of those things that is pretty easy to self-diagnose and also something that you can't use home remedies or OTC medications to get rid of, so I knew I had to get myself to the doctor. I'm feeling fine this afternoon.

Judie, I may eventually reach the point of saying PT isn't helping my shoulder, but I really want to give it a fair shot, in addition to doing the exercises I've been given to do at home, which I didn't do regularly when we were in Mexico. Lynnis told me about a great yoga app that she uses and I have installed it on my iPad. I haven't tried it yet but am hopeful that yoga may also help with my shoulder.

WVJerry said...

Good evening. Looks like Shamrock and Clover are active. Also growing fast. Sandi - glad you had a good vacation and Mexico and are feeling better. Just getting a chance to digest the concerns with Jo. I didn't realize that there was concern with her not posting. I was thinking the concern was that she did not want anything posted on Facebook about her. Now I understand that some one wants to reach out to the family for an update. I will just keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Have a peaceful evening.

glo said...

Well said Sandi I know that Ed, as well as Jo's daughters, are aware of how important the people on this blog are to Jo. They know that we care about her. So, if they aren't reaching out to us with updates, it's because we aren't their priority right now; Jo and her well-being are their focus. As difficult as it is for all of us to wait, that's where things stand. We wait. Yes they all know this. MeMa Jo is top priority. AND She knows how very loved she is to all of us. That we all know too.

Lolly said...

I talked with Mits today. She sent an email to Ed. She did not know about anything going on. Ed emailed back, Said he had told Jo she said Hi and Jo would get back with her. If Mits hears anything she will let us know.

Going to eat! Back later!

NCSuzan said...


My PM with Jenny,

Hi Susan, Saw mom this morning, she is still out of it with the pain killers she is taking. She was doing well but still a little too weak to get on the computer. Jenny
Jenny, thank you so very much for taking the time to let us know about your Mom. She is much loved. Tell her we are praying and thinking of her.
Chat Conversation End

Judie said...

Good evening to all.

Headed to my recliner for a few. Prayers continue for Jo.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

NCSuzan said...

Jenny wrote me around 5pm but I just signed on to Facebook. So very generous of Jenny to keep us informed and know better how to direct our prayers and wishes for Jo's speedy recovery.

If I may let me tell you a story. My daughter and son-in-law were invited to share Thanksgiving dinner with friends a couple of years ago. I was also extended an invitation. Like Jo, I really do not go out very much. Carrying oxygen, etc. is a PIA! Dinner was great and we had a great time. When I arrived back home I hit the bed and slept for three days. The house I went to was next door. When you have COPD your body adjusts to your day to day comings and goings but if you do something different your body can rebel! I am thinking that maybe Jo's excursion to the zoo was a bit much plus Jo has that darn spot. Purely speculative on my part, just thinking out loud one more time.

NCSuzan said...

Have a good evening.

Sandi said...

Popping on one more time to see if there is an update from or about Jo. Thank you Suzan for sharing Jenny's message. Thanks also for sharing your personal story as someone who is also living with COPD. I agree that it's not a coincidence that Jo's pain started after her day at the zoo. I'm sure that, as excited as she was to go, that it was an exhausting ordeal for her.

While I am just as anxious as everyone else to get news about how Jo is doing, I am also so touched by the outpouring of love and concern for her that has been expressed throughout the day. I feel very privileged to be part of such a wonderful group of friends, many of whom I have never even met in person.

Goodnight all! And goodnight Jo - sleep well! I love you!

Unknown said...

good evening to one and all.

nothing much new here. have almost all of my annual/3 yr and /5yr doc appointments out of the way; one to go next Monday. busy with yard work and projects. Olivia is on "spring break"

hoping JO is doing better at this point.

just checking in...keeping each of you close in my heart and thoughts, for love, for healing, for comfort....

love and hugs for one and all.

Lolly said...

Sandi, hope you are feeling better! Glad you got to the doctor. Not drink enough in Mexico?

Have emailed Margy. Heard back from her and will continue to keep her posted. Messaged with Mits and sent a message to Lynne2. Though, I do think our Queen wannabe is busy with packing. Bless her!

Worked outside and Jack helped our neighbor take down some dead trees. Busy day!

Hoda said...

Thank you Suzan for Jo update.
Thank you for sharing from your experience.

Sandi well said. I agree with you about gratitude and the friendships we formed here.

Continuing the prayer circle for Jo.
Blessings to the collective that is this group.

Hoda said...

Thank you Shirley.
I read Lynne's last posting on the 3rd.
Putting her and Steve in prayer. She has had some tough time of it.

NCSuzan said...

Anybody notify Paula? Figured Wanda had enough on her plate but that's not my call. Judie, what do you think?

Sandi, yes. It is quite a group! Are you staying home tomorrow? Are you up to going back?

And did we hear from Kay today?

Hoda, I apologize to you. Was not clear in expressing what I was thinking originally.

All is quiet in the nest. A vehicle went down the road not long ago. And now one is driving back! Our nest is undisturbed.

NCSuzan said...

Found Kay's post!

Hoda said...

I let Paula and Wanda know.
I sent messages.

No need for apologies Suzan. Your message was wonderful and came from the heart. I am grateful Judie said what she understood and that was exactly what you wanted us to consider.

The focus is on our Mema so all is good.

NCSuzan said...

From Jenny

She wanted you all to know that she will be having a apt with her Cancer dr to find out what is causing her such pain. And as soon as she finds out and can get off the pain meds she will be back on the blog. Hopefully this week.

Hoda said...

Thank you Suzan for the update on Jo through a message from Jenny.

NCSuzan said...


Jenny, thank you. I thought maybe she had over exerted by going to the zoo. That darn spot. I also have COPD and understand some of the things your mom is going through. Know that she is in our thoughts and also know how much we appreciate your updates. Let her know that our eagles are well and getting fat!

We were hoping for maybe the same. Pain from going to the zoo. But that is not what it is looking like....

Oh no. Not good to hear. Is there anything you guys need? What can we do?

No not at this time. Waiting for the Cancer and Radation Drs to decide on what is next.

OK. but know that even though we are spread out we will do our best to meet a need. Maybe that spot is leaving and just being a PIA!

Hoda said...

Thank you Suzan.
Thank you Jenny.
It will all unfold as it should.
Jo has strong faith. So I abide in that faith and trust that what is unfolding is what needs to unfold. She is a courageous and valiant lady and she will be well with it all. Of that I have no doubt. Love Flows and God is Good all the time.

WVJerry said...

Good chilly morning. I ser a sleeping eagle in nest. Suzan - thank you for the update on Jo and contacting her family. I agree with Hoda on Sandi's comments. Jo and Paula allowed me to join this group. I will keep her in my family's prayers. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Suzan, thank you for the update from Jo's Jenny. I am feeling OK and going back to school today.

My prayers for Jo continue.

Have a good day all.

Hoda said...

Glad you are better Sandi.
Good morning all.
Prayers for Jo and Lynne.
Come to think of it, and for the rest of us!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Thinking of Jo and
as always keeping her close to heart

heading to get my taxes amendment done trying for a 500 tax credit with my new energy roof

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sincere appreciation to all who have managed to keep us current on Jo's situation. Prayers that her doctors will quickly determine the best course of treatment for recovery.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible - especially Jo and The Family Lennox.

NCSuzan said...

Good chilly morning!

Please read back for the update on Jo from last night.

My bible knowledge is rusty but I believe it says that whenever one or more agree in prayer we have god's ear. So whatever your belief if we agree for the best outcome, may the powers that be hear us and answer our plea for healing and complete restoration for Jo, in particular, and others on our list.

Also just a reminder in keeping with Jo's wishes, not to discuss nor post what we know here on social media or elsewhere for that matter. We must protect her privacy. She is counting on us!

Sandi, happy you are feeling better but sad you had to go back to school!

NCSuzan said...

Forgive me please. I do not mean to sound cold and hard. It is important to me to get information to you that has been shared with me and to reassure the family that we will not disrespect their wish for privacy. I just want Jo to feel better.

For sure someone is feeding Mr. Jo! Some are sending cards for Jo to read when she can. I don't know if flowers are a good idea or not. Does Jo have any allergies? With COPD you have to be a little more careful with the things you breathe in. Any ideas?

WVJerry said...

Come over to the New Thread.

glo said...

There is a plan in place for Megan to bring an outdoor flower box to Jo in early may for exactly the reason mentioned. Thinking the flowers should be outside. More info to come on that once Megan thinks it's warm enough for the flowers to be outside. She will deliver what we want and I will invite all of you to join in who want to. Meanwhile it is definitely time for snail mail.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...