Monday, February 08, 2016


New thread.  Watching for an egg.


Linda said...

And Good Morning!!

Both in the nest....again!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Thank you Steve for the fresh maybe today is the day thread.

Nest was empty when I just looked. No special plans for today. Will likely putter around and read.

Carolyn, prayers for Jessica and a quick recovery. ER was a good call.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Belle and Shep in the nest. Belle doing some arranging and headed to the egg cup.


Unknown said...

popping in to say good morning. busy day ahead here.

have to get the kid up shortly, allergy doc appoint I had to cancel last week as she had a nasty cold.

yesterday was "lazy" day. Olivia went with Michael and Niki to a friend's house where they threw a football and played basketball all day prior to watching the game.

she came home one tired kid. she went straight to bed and was sound asleep in minutes.

hope everyone has an amazing day. holding each of you close in my heart and thoughts for healing, comfort and love. :) later!

Sandi said...

Good morning from school. Lots of teachers out today - Superbowl Fever would be my guess. Too much partying + staying up too late = take the day off.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judie and Linda for the call over. Good to hear that Belle had breakfast delivered. Maybe it's time to get serious about egg laying?


carolinabeachmom said...

Good Monday morning to all. Thanks Steve for the new thread and Judie and Linda for the call over. Just checking in to see how the nest was faring and find the nest MT. I hope everyone had a great weekend, and are ready for our first egg to come. Hearing something about a snow storm headed for the area!!!!! :( I am hoping it spares our nest. Going back to read what was said earlier. I hope all have sunny day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning to all ♥ Very happy to see sunshine and blue skies even though our nest is MT. Well


Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I still see we are egg less



Mema Jo said...

Belle is still sitting pretty at the 11:00 position - waiting for Shep to return.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread - one more comment on the old thread and we would have SPLIT to 400! Very happy for this new thread. Have a great work week and perhaps that egg will be here any day

No plans for the day - good to see all of you here this morning.

Jewels I am so thankful that Jess is going to be ok. ER was a great idea. I know how excited you are for the upcoming event of a grandchild. Keep us posted.

Sandi I hope you have an enjoyable week at school - there aren't too many more weeks to go!

Just sitting here with 2nd cu of coffee watching the squirrels and cardinals and jays.

Lolly said...

Good morning! I see an eagle in the very same location that I saw an eagle yesterday morn! Come on, snuggle down in the egg cup and give us an egg!!

Friend coming over this afternoon, funeral Wed, luncheon Thurs. Not sure about BB games this week. Oh, and a Valentines party on Saturday night. My agenda for this week. Stuck at 12 lbs weight loss. Going to have to work harder!!

We are hoping to head to lakes and a state park east of Dallas next week if this beautiful weather continues. I want to go search for Eagles!
Ready to take Miss Skippita adventuring again! It has been such a mild winter. I have plants that are still green that usually freeze back.

Also plans to work in the yard this week.

Mema Jo said...

We have snow in the forecast again......... 3-6"
Not happy about that !

JudyEddy said...

3 EGGS confirmed at Fulton I ordered a shirt from them to support their camera of the threesome

JudyEddy said...

maybe that is why Belle is waiting knowing there is snow coming

JudyEddy said...

from facebook

"""Yay! We have a third egg at Sauces! Because the first egg was broken, we have two eggs total that are currently being incubated. Talons crossed for a successful year at this nest!"""

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for re-Threading us and to our call over team, too!

Missed the daily show because I was at the doc's office for my 3 month exam---lab results to follow, but expecting no trouble whatsoever.

JEWELS, so glad you took Jessica to ER yesterday! Those fluids should fix her up in a hurry, so that Lil' P-nut will be just fine.

Yep, SANDI, Ol' Man Winter isn't thru with us yet---a wintry mix of rain n' sleet today with snow coming in later today and/or overnight. Glad I'm back on home turf with no place to go for a day or two.

JO, sounds like you'll be getting more snow than we again. Stay safe.

I have a lot of stuff to catch up on since I lost the morning....

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

eagle in

Barbara said...

Both residents are in; Belle is sitting lightly in the egg cup and Shep is having a snack. It doesn't look like snow yet. Maybe an egg for Mardi Gras?

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Both in nest. Tug of war over a stick.

stronghunter said...

Both poofed.

stronghunter said...

Maybe they feel the need to gather more sticks. I think the nest looks pretty nice, but maybe they need a few more crib rails across the back.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Hope this is going to be the egg one.

I see the call-over was made before my post on the old thread. Guess I was not paying attention. Thanks, Judie and Linda.

stronghunter said...

Watched most of the game last night and parts of the halftime. Keshia and Kayla came over for dinner, so it was a busy night at our house.

JudyEddy said...

one back in the nest working on rails brought in some orangish flugg

JudyEddy said...

I here a helicopter on the cam

Lolly said...

Wahooo! Just put out a new sign for the found car keys when the doorbell rang. It was a young (20's) girl. She was driving her mustang and identified herself as Shannon. Yea! I told her a neighbor had seen her do the back flip. So, I said "too much to drink?" She admitted it! Said she had no idea where she was when she did the flip. She had already bought a new key for $300.00. I knew they are expensive!
Ha! Was not going to let her go without being a bit embarrassed by her behavior. I know, I am heartless. NOT! Just so happy to get the keys to the owner.

stronghunter said...

Glad that the mystery has been solved, Lolly. Just hope Shannon will not be out drinking and driving.

stronghunter said...

Snow in the forecast for Shepherdstown this evening and tomorrow. We are supposed to get rain tonight and snow tomorrow.

Unknown said...

good evening. please forgive my lack of manners! THANK YOU STEVE! we are hoping this is the thread where we will have some egg-citement!

busy day! took Olivia to the allergist. good news. she has "graduated" from weekly allergy injections to every other week for two months. then every three weeks for 2 months. then by summer, monthly!!! and I had a discussion with him about sub cutaneous areas that can be used for the injections, so after the chat, he is going to contact our doc office on areas (on the arm) that are acceptable, other than the back of the arm (with 3 injections, ouch)....and other techniques they can employ to help ease the discomfort.

from there, the chiropractor. and then lunch.
I took Olivia shopping today for her Valentine's....basically an excuse to buy her some new clothes. I told her you have this much to spend. no more. so I am trying to help her to learn to shop within a budget as well. she did very well. she bought 2 pair of jeans (which she needed) a shirt that she liked and a pair of socks she likes. (kid loves socks????)

we left the mall and came back across town and ran by wally world. I lost a jacket this weekend, thankfully it wasn't expensive, but it was my favorite kick around jacket. I bought a similar one for $11 which suited me fine.

we have had snow showers all afternoon. it is really coming down now, big pretty flakes. not supposed to get more than a dusting though. but this system is supposed to be with us til about Wednesday.

I just fed the birds, more peanuts, more sunflower seeds. there is still suet and squirrel log out there.

it isn't that cold, mid 30's but it is raw and chilly.

LOLLY: I am pleased that the key owner showed up! yeah! that was very thoughtful of you to take the time to post the keys. they are indeed expensive.

we have tutoring here in a bit, so i'm going to sit here for a bit longer. dinner is already made, just need to relax a bit before we dash out yet again!

later ya'll!

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY congrats on the mystery solved

Belle is back and lots of flugg moving

JudyEddy said...

JANET good news on reducing the injections over time

JudyEddy said...

eagle landed on stump

JudyEddy said...

I wonder what had our eagles upset

JudyEddy said...

calm right now

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Lolly, I'm glad Shannon saw your sign and was able to get her keys back.

Janet, good news for Olivia with being able to cut back on her allergy injections. BTW, is she still ice skating? What about hooping? I haven't heard you mention either one in some time so I'm guessing not but thought I'd ask. A former student of mine who is now married with a 6-year old daughter, posted a photo on FB yesterday of her daughter taking her first ice skating lesson and I thought about Olivia and ice skating.

Uh oh, something's happening at the nest. Belle is doing a lot of calling out and Shep has landed on the stump.

Time to feed pets and then people - bye. All sounds quiet again at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

calling out by BELLE Shep still on stump

JudyEddy said...

heading out

calling out again big time

JudyEddy said...

SHEP poofs

WVJerry said...

Just heard some commotion and saw Shep(?) take off another least I think that is what I saw.

JudyEddy said...

there was another eagle in the area saw fly off

Mema Jo said...

Jerry did you see another eagle -
Something was upsetting them

Are you watching the cam or are you near the nest

WVJerry said...

Judy - I saw same thing then.

WVJerry said...

Jo - I'm home watching Cam now.

WVJerry said...

Yes Jo - pretty sure I saw another eagle fly off and then Shep followed.

Mema Jo said...


Would love to know what he chased!
They were really upset

Mema Jo said...

OK another eagle in their area - Makes sense
Hope Shep comes back soon

WVJerry said...

Yes Jo - some real drama there for a moment.

WVJerry said...

Maybe Judy or Sandi were able to get pictures.

WVJerry said...

He's back.

JudyEddy said...

I got snip of the other eagle

both back in the nest Belle was making some small calls

JudyEddy said...

picture is over on the fb momster page

WVJerry said...

That's good Judy.

JudyEddy said...

I just love love our camera I got to see the chase

Mema Jo said...

Thanks JudyE - Terri also got video
Happy they are both back safely in the nest

JudyEddy said...

is that Shep getting in the cup

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I am also poofing Belle may be staying in the nest Taking tablet Love it can get as I drive LOL

WVJerry said...

Jo - is this Belle getting ready to lay an egg tonight?

Mema Jo said...

Looks like Belle in egg cup

Spreading the flugg under her

Standing up position

What is the wiggle wiggle for............

Mema Jo said...

Keep your eyes on Belle in the egg cup

Report what you see

Sandi said...

Eagle Cam posted a video and is saying that the eagle on the stump was an intruder. I don't agree. No way Belle would have been as calm as she was - even though she was calling out - if there was an intruder that close to her in the nest. I think it was Shep on the stump and the intruder was nearby - maybe even in the tree, but not on the stump. And when the intruder took off, Shep took off after him/her.

Anyway, what I'm seeing now is looking good - Belle in the nest and settled down like she may be staying.

Gotta eat - BRB!

Mema Jo said...


Terri Eagle Cam Video

Mema Jo said...

I agree Sandi that it was SHEP on the stump --- he took off
after the intruder.

Hope no more drama

WVJerry said...

Just took Bella out. It's a little chilly and cloudy. According to forecast it should be raining/snowing soon. Nothing now. My take on the drama. I was playing Solitaire on computer and heard the calling. When I checked Cam Belle was calling and an eagle was on stump. After a while I saw what I thought was an eagle fly off straight out from Cam view and eagle on stump followed. NBot sure of much else.

Lolly said...

I think she possibly laid an egg at 6:11. She was really squirming, and fluffing her feathers. Then she put her head in the egg cup and after that settled down comfortably. Good chance there is an egg. Watch for an egg roll. I have seen her lay eggs before and it sure looked like she was. Friend, Mary, was here and I was showing her Belle when she she started this. We were both helping her push! Lol

WVJerry said...

Belle up and adjusting and back down.

stronghunter said...


Heard lots of beeps from my phone, so I checked things out.

Yeah, it looks like she is tending an egg.

stronghunter said...

Hope the weather is not too bad tonight.

Sandi said...

I watched Belle when she got up a few minutes ago and she DID stick her head way down into the egg cup but I couldn't tell if she was positioning an egg or just rearranging grass. Lolly may be right. If she's already laid #1, it was a pretty quick labor.

Mema Jo said...

We are so hoping that there is an egg in our nest - Lots of pics and videos
being processed.
Belle's actions really suggest she has the egg.

Wish we controlled the zoom

WVJerry said...

Belle pretty motionless now. I saw her up but not sure of anything else...was blocked some plus I can't see much with the Night thing. Don't want to say yes or no.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening, have not read back, too busy checking the videos of the commotion.

I agree that it was Shep on the stump. And Belle's reluctance to leave and her stance over the egg cup leads me to believe that we do in fact have an eggbert!

JudyEddy said...

Yeah maybe

Out n about
been watching theccam can't do two things on tablet

Lynne2 said...

and CLEARly she was not vocalizing at the eagle on the stump...both birds were watching something in the same direction.

Lynne2 said...

Lolly I believe you are correct! Did I say that?

Mema Jo said...

Lolly thinks 6:11 was egg time

We should see an egg roll in a little while - not sure if it is 15 or 20 mins between them

Belle's wiggle wiggle when she went down just proves to me that we do have an egg.

May not be able to see it until tomorrow - but then tonight is snow......Grrrrrrr

NCTC has control of the cam's Zoom

I bet we can eat our Oatmeal Pies anytime now - I'm hitting the donuts just in case.

Lolly said...

I need to get computer up soi can comment and watch. I feel sure there is an egg and Deb said she saw it. I didn't but saw the labor that lasted a couple of minutes, then head in cup and then the wiggle wiggle! So excited!

Lynne2 said...

Shame on her for laying an egg when it's going to snow. LOL! And as deep as that egg cup is these babes will practically be fledglings before we ever see them!

WVJerry said...

Looks like Lolly deserves the Congrats on the egg since this would be egg roll Number 2.

Sandi said...

Belle was definitely up, digging around in the egg cup, moving very gingerly as though she was trying to avoid stepping on something, and then did a big wiggle wiggle back down.

Lolly said...

Yes!!!! Egg roll and wiggle wiggle! I think I saw the egg but will not swear by it, just too dark and fuzzy!

Lolly said...

Jo was right about the time for the first egg roll!

stronghunter said...


Allie is excited about the egg.

Sandi said...

Well, I'm going to watch some TV since I don't think, with this fuzzy picture quality, that we're going to know anything for 100% certain tonight. But I agree that we have an egg and it seemed to be an easy one for Belle to lay. Congratulations to Belle and Shep and to all the Momsters and Dadsters who love these 2 eagles!

Like Lynne said, that egg cup is so deep we may not see an egg in the daylight either. We may have to rely on other signs like Shep coming in tomorrow morning to give Belle a break and then settling down on the egg cup himself.

Goodnight all - I'll see everyone in the early AM!

Lolly said...

Lol. Oh wow! Allie is eggcited!

Congratulations Momsters and Dadsters! Eat that oatmeal cream pie, Jo!

carolinabeachmom said...

My husband left for a meeting, so I came and got back on. Missed all the excitement that was going on there, but am excited about Lolly maybe seeing our first egg laid. Not too happy that you are supposed to get snow up in Shepherdstown tho. Just missed the egg roll(?) too. I was just finishing up dinner.

Congratulations to you, Lolly, for being the one to spot the wiggle, wiggle! If that is Belle in the nest now, she really hunkered down deep in the egg cup it seems. Does anyone have sound or is it just quiet?

Lynne2 said...

oh my Lolly is going to get a Big Head what with all this fuss. Her crown won't fit any more....

WVJerry said...

Been watching Belle has remained pretty still. Candy - I can hear wind picking up at nest.

WVJerry said...

Just stepped outside. Not doing anything here and not breezy.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Seems I just can't turn my back that something eggciting happens.

Based on the past 30 minutes I've watched, I feel certain Belle has an egg. She's too fixed down low over the egg cup and hasn't moved. I missed the earlier activities and am glad Shep was seen to return. Very windy.

Will check in again later.

I believe congratulations are in order for Belle and Shep.

carolinabeachmom said...

JANET My heart goes out to you and Shannon. My son received allergy shots, one in each arm, weekly from 4 yrs old until about 4th grade. It was so great to finally have him get off of them. He has had only 2 episodes the rest of his life with his asthma when it was brought on my strenuous exercise during high school sports drills. He will be 40 in March and only has simple stuff during the different seasons and doesn't any evidence to any of his old food allergies. Hopefully the end is in sight for your Shannon soon.

The sound is on as I can now hear the wind blowing. Earlier I heard the train whistle blowing.

carolinabeachmom said...

Yes, Jerry, I have started to hear the wind. Thanks

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Egg roll

carolinabeachmom said...

JudyE Doesn't that kind of sound like that was Shep on the stump? Jerry said that an eagle flew past the nest and then the one on the stump flew off after the other one.

Belle up and looking into egg cup. She is very gingerly stepping around the cup and head keeps going down into cup; maybe rolling egg. I didn't see an egg yet, anybody else see it>

carolinabeachmom said...

JudyE Did you see any egg? Now she is doing a wiggle wiggle and back on the egg cup.

WVJerry said...

Belle was up a while and now has settled back down again.

carolinabeachmom said...

There has to be an egg there or she wouldn't be periodically be getting up and putting her head down into the egg cup. Lolly spotted our first Eggburt
coming into this world. :)

WVJerry said...

Well, I am calling it a night. Maybe this wind will keep the snowy weather away. If not, I'll see a snowy nest in the morning. Good night and take care all.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good night Jerry. Have a peaceful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

I also think Shep was on the stump she was calm most of the time he was on the stump the video seems to have a buffer issue can't see when he flew off the stump I saw it the case twice loving the rr feature of the camera and its hard to see both eagles on Terri video due to buffering

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Watch very carefully for a glimpse of a pure white eagle egg being rolled.


Lolly said...

Oh yes!! Saw it that time! Wahooo!

Ok, Jo, message Steve! 6:11!!

Mema Jo said...

In the above comment from me is the video where you can spot the egg as it is
being rolled by Belle.............

Mema Jo said...

Deb has messaged Steve the video. We were all over on FB PM watching and discussing these events (Jo Deb Debi Terri Christine - mainly Eagle cam gals) You were the one who
got the time recorded. Thanks.

Mema Jo said...

Going to lurk for the rest of the night.
Very happy that egg is here - praying for safety through the snow.....
Jill Long's b-day was today - she was in our original Momsters' group. I told her
she was honored by Belle.

Goodnight to all on this Blessed day.


**Egg rolls are about every 15-20 mins.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...