Monday, February 22, 2016


New week thread.


Jewels said...

Good Morning, Thank you for the new thread, I will call over the others!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle Buds

Jewels said...

I see the eagle calling out, just pulled it up so I am not sure who is egg sitting at the moment. Hope he or she is just calling out for hey I wanna break!!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new work week thread. Thanks Carolyn for the call over.

Just checking the box.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning Jewels and Judy
Sun is shinning and a fresh new thread - Thank you Steve.
Enjoy your feather Jewels!

No plans for the day - just thankful to be able to meet up with all you good friends

Both cams seems to be functioning ok - If I can have one more cup of coffee I will
be able to do the same......


Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday morning thread. Have a great week.

Congratulations Carolyn on the lovely feather.

Downton Abbey was quite interesting. Think the last episode is next week. Boo hiss.

Eggberts being sat upon and all is quiet at the nest.

There is a gorgeous male cardinal in the tree just outside my window. Just chattering away telling me Spring will arrive soon.

A little laundry and some scullery work today.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

came home courtesy van didn't know how long it would take So I walked to McD had my biscuit got home and had a call from Ford LOL They thought I was outside looking at the eagle in the tower He said he looked all over and decided to call home Power Steering just as I suspected being I had to put fluid in it 3 weeks ago He doesn't have the part so will top it off and order part and take back I need wheels so it has to be fixed.

Have to wait for the 1 oclock shuttle

Lolly said...

Good morning! Half inch of rain last night and cooler. More like February! We have had the warmest winter on record.

Skippi has decided she likes to have her belly rubbed. If Jack gets up first, Skippi comes to me in bed to be petted. I usually scratch her head, but this morning I rubbed her belly. She immediately turned more to her back, hind legs spread. She all but said rub my belly all you want. And, of course, she was purring loudly.

Eye doctor appointment this afternoon and then through with doctors for a while. I will be getting new glasses this time. It has Ben a few years and I need new lenses!

Laurel has no problem with the sound of Joey's machine. It is more like a white noise.

Our plan now is to get the trailer tomorrow and head out Wed. Plans to return home Saturday. Hoping to stay at Lake Towakini State Park. They have full hookups. Just hoping we can get a spot. Then we will go eagle hunting!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

I just googled cause I wanted to see what I walked 2.2 up and 2.2 miles back home Round trip was 1 hr 15 min so not bad

Judie said...

Shirley, I forgot to mention that Darth's CPAP machine is quiet. The only thing I really hear is inhale/exhale as a smidge louder but nothing like snoring. In his case, the machine is for apnea and copd. Can't think breathing would keep someone awake.

Lolly, hope your travel plans work out.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

A new thread--how very nice. Thank you, Steve. And congratulations on the feather, Carolyn.

Thanks for the information on the CPAP machine, Judie. I slept for many years in a room with a snoring husband, so I think I am up to sleeping in a room with a CPAP machine.

We just got back from the vet's with Luna. The growth on her rump has been determined to be cancerous. She'll have surgery to remove it tomorrow. It seems that this type of cancer is not too likely to have spread. We will take things as they come and hope for the best.

Luna was very upset this morning because we were not supposed to give her breakfast before her vet visit. I got barked at for quite awhile. She almost never barks except when she wants food or to be let out or let in, then she is very outspoken.

Hunter is very concerned about his Luna, so Kathryn has contacted his guidance counselor to request that he call Hunter in and explain the situation. She will take Hunter with her tomorrow morning to leave Luna for the surgery. Luna will stay overnight and come home on Wednesday if all goes well.

stronghunter said...

Oh, and thank you, Lolly for the info on the machine. :) I am still reading back.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo,

I am with you on the need to have coffee to function properly in the morning.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Much thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to CAROLYN for the call over!

Serene scene at the nest as I wait for the show.

SHIRLEY, prayers for Luna!

JUDIE, next Sunday there is some kind of Downton overview thing and then the last episode airs on the 1st Sunday in March. Oh, so much left to cover. Can Mary and Carson really change their stripes? Will Edith ever find happiness....and on and on.....

LOLLY, good luck with the eye exam and safe travels ahead!

Time for an egg roll! And almost time for the show.

JUDY, hope that truck doesn't break the bank. Vehicles are such necessary evils.

Easy peasy day for me. Temps have dropped, but the sun is out and that helps.

Prayers for all in need.


Jewels said...

Thank you, I LOve my feather ;)
At work, has been a busy late morning. But managed to get my lunch in before it got cold.
Not sure who is on duty, but he/she is panting... must be warm way up high in that tree!! Got to see the tour, just love that!

Lolly said...

Just finished our walk. Need to get outside and admire my tulips. They have started opening. You might know that the week we are gone for a few days they bloom!

Also, need to fill feeders.

Saw a bus pass by while watching Belle. Made me think about the times the Eagle Express and Momsters/Dadsters were down on the road. I was watching the cam as well and and listening as Gene honked the horn and I could hear the laughter. No one ever said the group was quiet! Lol. How much fun it would have been to have this cam then and be able to see the group! Gee, I wish they would let us on the grounds now! Sigh........

Lolly said...

Jack made our reservations. Unable to get sewer hook up but we will have electricity and water. Just no long showers.😫

Lolly said...

Sitting in the doctor's office, waiting for drops to dilate my eyes. Just sitting is not for me. Cold, hungry and impatient! Grrrr!

Lolly said...

Belle has calmed down but was up and calling out. Intruder?

Sandi said...

Uh oh, eagles calling out! Whoever is in the nest is standing up and on alert!

Now quiet but still alert.

Lolly said...

She is still up, off the eggs and looking!

Lolly said...

Hi Sandi! Really not what sure which eagle. I just said Belle without thinking.

Whoops! Eagle proofed. Eggs alone!

CarolAnne said...

Evening all. Prayer request. Son and family got a new puppy last week. Friday night while out for potty duty it found a dead bat. Bat, per vet instructions, has to be sent in for rabies testing. If bat is too decomposed to test, pup has to be quarantined for 6 months and they will have to have shots. If bat tests positive, pup will have to be put down (too young for shots) and they will need shots. Prayers that no rabies.

Sandi said...

No parent in the nest - eggs are alone.

Lolly said...

Auto correct.....poofed!

Sandi said...

Camera just zoomed in on those 2 uncovered, lonely eagle eggs.

CarolAnne, how awful about the puppy. When will they know if the bat had rabies?

Lolly said...

Certainly, CarolAnne! That is so sad. Poor puppy! Poor family!

Lolly said...

Eggs still alone!

Lolly said...

Eagle returned!

Sandi said...

CarolAnne, when Brian was a kid he found an injured/sick bat and kept it in his fort to try and nurse it back to health - that's the kind of kid he was. Anyway, when we found out, we called Animal Control and they came and got the bat and took it away for testing. It didn't have rabies and I seem to recall being told that only about 5% of all bats tested for rabies actually have the disease. Fingers crossed.

Eggs are still alone.

Sandi said...

When Lolly posted that a parent had returned to the nest, I still hadn't seen him/her. Now I see a parent in the nest. So our live cams weren't synched due to buffering.

Mema Jo said...

Do you all hear the Gun shots - must be target practice but in the dark?
I'm not familiar with any Deer Kill scheduled.
This sounds more like a training session.

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - that is so sad and also scary for you and your son and family. Prayers for the bat not to have rabies!

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - the tulips are a sure sign of Spring - they are beautiful!

Mema Jo said...

Tonight is The Full Snow Moon (also known as the Storm, Chaste, Quickening or Hunger Moon)
It is our wake up call.The hibernating creatures are beginning to slowly arouse themselves, quickening their heartbeats and creeping out of their dormant period. Mother Earth is gently awakening full of new possibilities. (like flowers)

JudyEddy said...

just got home to BELLE calling out

Mema Jo said...

I have found some TV new shows for this evening - Major Crimes & NCIS-LA

Gong to close for now - watch my shows and get a good night's sleep.
Tomorrow is my visit to Dracula - no problems.

Take care and have a good evening.


Lolly said...

Left to get the trailer. Now back and Jack is setting it up.

Must say I hate having my eyes dilated!!! Still living in a fog and the glare off this iPad is horrible. Will go back tomorrow to look at frames, they had closed that section early. Just as well, could not see!

Wide spread, heavy rain predicted that is why we decided to go get the trailer today. 100% chance after 12:00, 1 to 3 inches. We already have standing water with last nights 1/2 inch.

Yes, Jo, very excited about my tulips blooming. Wish we had the pretty weather of last week.

Second eagle in nest!

Lolly said...

Eagle arrived with big stick!

Lolly said...

Second eagle staring at eagle on eggs. Eagle up! Must have been Shep and Belle is ready to take over for the night!

CarolAnne said...

Thanks for the good thoughts. Bat test results will tentatively be back by Thursday. In the meantime they have to keep 7 year old and puppy contact to a minimum.

Have a great evening all.

Judie said...

My goodness. Did not expect such distressing animal news today. First, a large number of bald eagles found dead in Maryland and now CarolAnne has concerning news about the puppy and a dead bat.

Prayers that the cause of the eagle deaths is found and, if needed, culprits are located and prosecuted. Prayers that the bat was not rabid and puppy and people will all live well and thrive.

Headed for my recliner and my library book.

Jo, you have PBS email from me.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, Lolly, the days of listening for those visiting the nest to honk the horn. I do remember them fondly.

CarolAnn, prayers and good wishes that the bat incident turns out well.

Wishing you an uneventful visit to Dracula, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Regarding the bat--as Sandi says--rabid bats are pretty rare.

I found a bat in my house a few years ago. I noticed it because the dogs were showing interest. Since it was lying on the hearth, I guess it could have easily been sick. However, as far as I know the dogs hadn't touched it. I captured it under a glass and set it free. It's a good thing nothing bad happened as a result of that encounter. Guess I should have called someone.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn gave Hunter a blanket to sleep with tonight. They will take it to the animal hospital tomorrow for Luna to sleep on after her surgery. Kathryn has slept on it earlier. She figures Luna will be comforted when she smells her people. Maybe I can give it a caress tomorrow morning so my scent is on it too.

stronghunter said...

Going to settle in for the night soon, so I will wish everyone a good night. SED.

Unknown said...

good evening to one and to all.
CAROLANNE: certainly holding one and all close in heart and thought for a good outcome!

it was a busy weekend. tom and I shared some virus...I had it thurs and slept from 10 p.m. thurs til 10 a.m. sat and he woke up with it Saturday. lol. thankfully it was a quick one.

sunday was SIL's bday. did dinner out and then cake at their house. had some time with the granddarlings....the male version was not so darling...he was grumpy :(

when I last reported my weight progress, or lack thereof, I had plateaued. I am now down 1.8 more lbs for a grand total of 13 lbs gone. :) I bought new work pants today to celebrate...and cuz I needed some.

work tomorrow thru Saturday.

I finished crunching tax #'s today; turn them to our accountant on Thursday when I see her.

took olivia to the orthodontists today. he is pleased with her progress. I see a difference each time. hoping we are on the down hill slide now as she has had them for 13 months!

hope everyone has a fabulous week. i'll peek in I do check in on our lovely eagles and love to watch them keeping those precious eggberts warm! soon soon we shall have bobbleheads!

good night to one and all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Belle is awake but quiet.

Shirley, I will be sending very positive thoughts to Luna today that her surgery is successful and the vet is able to remove the tumor and all of the cancer.

Lolly and Janet, congrats to both of you on your weight loss. Keep up the good work and the updates!

Jo, I saw that beautiful full moon last night before the clouds rolled in.

Denny had impressions made yesterday for his mouth guard. The dentist said she wants to talk with his primary care doc about the possibility of a referral to an ENT (which was my suggestion) and a referral for another sleep study (also my suggestion). The Theravent strip only worked until about 2am this morning - then I asked Denny to move to another bed in another room.

Rain is just starting here and is supposed to continue for the next 2 days.

Have agreyt day all.

CarolAnne said...

Damp eagle in nest. Our weather people talking of big storm headed East. Don't need that at nest.
Hoping all have the best day possible.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, thoughts and prayers are with Luna and her family. Hopefully, all the cancer can be removed. I'm sure Luna will find the blanket comforting -- a lovely idea.

Jo, I may have missed this but how was your play date with Master Elliot? Did he like his book?

Good luck with the bat problem, CarolAnne. Keep us posted.

Raining here and our egg-sitter looks as if it's having a bad feather day.

Sandi, really hope Denny follows through and a solution is found soon. Sleep is so important for so many reasons -- especially a happy wife.

Congratulations to Lolly and Janet on weight loss.

Another reading day for me. Rain and books just seem purrfect together.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Judie and thanks for a new thread yesterday. Congrats to Carolyn on a feather. I see a wet eagle in a rainy nest now. I see I missed some excitement yesterday at the nest. Going to try and get started some on house work this morning. Probably be away from Cam most of day. I also saw the terrible news on Facebook yesterday about the dead eagles near Federalsburg. Hard to believe someone would do that deliberately but you never know. I grew up not far from that area but I lived in Delaware and have a friend who works in Federalsburg at the Solo Cup plant. Oh no calling out at nest now.

WVJerry said...

Seems to be calmer now.

WVJerry said...

I can an eagle calling but not the one in nest. it is rather faint and intermittent.

WVJerry said...

OK. Both in nest now.

WVJerry said...

Maybe calls were for a relief from egg duty.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

lots of static on speaker but I did hear the conversation they had when leaving

Lolly said...

Good morning! Drum roll down 16 lbs. congrats to Janet! I am waiting another month before buying any new clothes. Right now enjoying the fact that my jeans fit more comfortably. Lol. Will continue the diet through March, then just maintain! Bless Jack as he is so supportive! Not doing much cooking nor opening bottles of wine!

Rained all night and still raining. Back to being Mudville. Will be interesting loading the trailer today.

Also, on the agenda....early voting today! I want to say how thankful I am that we do NOT have politics on here! You are the best!

Have watched a changing of the guard as well as a delivery of flugg this morning.

May not have a cam for the next few days as we are going to a state park and probably no WiFi but we will be back Sat evening. This is just a short trip!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

I don't get static, but the wind sounds ominous. I take it this is Shep on the eggs. If it's raining Belle would be mumbrellaing or whatever it's called.

We're having one more beautiful sunny day with 50° temp, but Penny and I may not be outside anymore than necessary. She has refused to eat so far today. She carried on as usual when the mail carrier paid his call and she jumped up on my lap a couple of hours ago, so she doesn't seem to be suffering with back pain. Our pets are much smarter than most of us when it comes to knowing when to lay off the feedbag for a while.

Thinking of Luna and her loving family today. What a great idea that scented blanket is!

SANDI, thank goodness Denny is so receptive to jumping through all the hoops that may lead to a snoring solution!

CAROLANNE, I do so hope that bat turns out to be free of rabies! Prayers!

LOLLY n' JANET, good on you! Most of us know how difficult weight loss is---lots of willpower needed!

JUDIE, happy reading day!!!

Thanks nest reporters, for telling us about the Shep n' Belle conversations, trading of places, etc..

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

YEP here also static is now gone replaced with wind Which I like better that static I wonder what causes our sound issue at times?

Heading out to the park Was goning to go buy paint for the house But took a vote and guess what won. Yep! Park!!! Tomorrow for the paint cause I may get me toes and fingers done at Walmart while I wait for the paint to be mixed. I was thinking 4 gals for house and 1 gal for trim
I am also thinking of shutters for the windows Will look at Home Depot for ideas since I need to run there and look to see if what I found online was T 1-11 siding I have the older style and its going to be hard to find I am finding out Looks like this store only has 2.
T 1-11 should be what it says. 1" 11" NO but the new is 4" or 6" or 8" THAT is not 1 - 11 and there is no 1" in it at all LOL

JudyEddy said...

I did ask a question on the store page and asked them so was so hoping they would email me the answer. So it gives them the 48 hr to answer by tomorrow.
gonna watch news first before heading out

JudyEddy said...

I was at MCD having my biscuit and there was a couple in the table next to me.
He was accusing her of drug and they were talking about her taking a drug test for him. And using the Food Stamps for food and not SELLING THEM!!!!!!!! OH I so wanted to say something that should there conversation take place in privacy. Had to bite my tongue not to say anything!

and I also early voted but sent in via mail

JudyEddy said...

YEAH!!! just go a email my TRIO eagle T shirts are on their way!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

looks like someone doesn't want to give up egg sitting both in nest

JudyEddy said...

switch now

JudyEddy said...

shep got up and started messing with crib rails at 11 Belle on eggs now and Shep is just keeping busy while she watches sitting on the eggberts.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


CarolAnne said...

Eagle sitting tight. Glancing around. Camera lens spotted.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
My trip to see Dracula went well - I will see them next Tues for #4 Chemo -March 1
Rainy day at the nest and may last off & on until Friday
Lolly and Janet - I lost 4 lbs but never dieted once - Good for me - my weight is
holding at my norm.

Master Elliot - I didn't even get one picture due to the fact that the little guy was not still for longer than 5 seconds. He really moves and is always so busy with the toys his Meme (Jenny) has at her house. The book went home with him due to already having one there. He has so many books (the hard pages kind) it is hard to buy one that he's never seen before! I got to sit next to his highchair at the table. He loves to eat. Dessert was a cup of pudding and his mom was trying to give him his spoon already filled and he would take it and place it in his mouth. Well
mom was busy so I filled his spoon and move my hand to where I thought he would take it from me BUT little stinker pulled my arm over instead and stuck the spoon in his mouth. He is going to be able to Think Out Of The Box - lol

It was a beautiful evening.

I liked Downton Abbey - I just knew he was going to commit suicide! The House of Ill Repute was so funny. Very thankful that Edit and Tom brought Mary to her senses - Loved her grandmother's input. Sad for Edith but she was very realistic in accepting the situation. Just wishing happiness for Edith and Tom. Just sorry that March 6 is the final.

stronghunter said...

Just got this information from Kathryn: Just got the call, Luna's surgery went well. No other tumors found with the x-ray. She is drugged up and resting. Will still need to get the results of biopsy, but looking good so far

CarolAnne said...

Wonderful news.

Unknown said...

good afternoon to all!
CONGRATS TO LOLLY! 16 lbs! say what??? Way to go! I’ll get there!
I’ve been using an app on my phone. Someone showed me this app its called MY FITNESS PAL. Basically its just counting calories, but it is soooo easy with this app that its almost like a game for me.
Thanks for your continued support!
Its another cloudy glum day. Started off much worse for a family near us.
As you may know, we live in the hills. From our home, we obviously see other hills. Well, this morning when I got up Thomas said hey look out the back deck…and I saw something glowing brightly on a hill a couple miles (?) away. I said what’s that? His response? House on fire. My heart sunk. I had heard the helicopter flying over very low and sort of heard the sirens, but we hear them so often I honestly didn’t really pay attention………..
The flames had been shooting up about 30 feet, as high as the tree tops and more just before I got up, but it was still very very bright. I saw on the local news that the family got out okay, but the home was a total loss.
Its one thing to see it on tv….another to see it.
Other than that….its been a good day. Heading out to algebra tutoring in a bit. Hugs and love to all!

Sandi said...

Hi all - both eagles in the nest!

Great news about Luna!

Sandi said...

Whoever is egg sitting didn't get up so the other eagle just poofed.

Sandi said...

Just read on the eagle Cam Facebook page that, starting today the cam will stay zoomed out (like it is right now) until 8pm, not 6pm. I guess someone from that group made the request. Am I the only person who prefers to see the eagles up close and personal?

Mema Jo said...

I need to apologize for not placing Deb Stecyk's email to NCTC IT on this page - I truly thought I had this afternoon when I saw the announcement. I did put it on Outdoor Cam comments, Eaglet Momster PM comments and my FB page along with the Eaglet Momster's FB Page. No excuse - but believe me it was unintentional. Sandi whenever the eggs are getting to have a PIP - the cam will be zoomed in - zoomed out due to disturbances at the nest right before night fall.

It seems there is an intruder in the eagle's territory again; we saw a distant chase off the nest on Sunday and last night the birds were in "alert" mode again.
The intruder may be the Owl you saw recently or it could be the adult eagle that we saw a few weeks ago ... it was a distant view so just not sure!
So i wondered if you can position the cam ... in the wide angle or zoomed out position till after dark ... that would provide more details as to what might be going on off the egg cup.
As the days are getting longer now perhaps 8 pm might be a good time to zoom in again.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley prayers still being said for Luna but so far it's good!

Now I'm praying good news comes to CarolAnne's son's famiy.

CarolAnne said...

Mema Jo and all others, just heard. Bat tests came back negative. Puppy is getting lots of extra loving tonight.
Sending wishes that all pets have a bright future.

Sandi said...

CarolAnne - excellent news about the puppy being fine! Thanks for letting us know!

Jo, absolutely no apology necessary as far as not making an announcement here about the live cam!

Mema Jo said...


YOU are good to gO PUPPY


CarolAnne said...

Thanks for all the happy thoughts. Dog dilemnas continue in family. Daughter does dog fostering. Current dog has recently been separated for her 11 pups as they go on to homes. One of the dog's teats became severely swollen overnight, bleeding, and actually appeared to burst leaving a hole in it. Dog has been at vet since early morning. Awaiting to hear resolution. Once again more good thoughts requested.
Have a good evening everyone!

CarolAnne said...

"from" her pups

Lolly said...

Wow! Wonderful news for the puppy! Back to loving on that pup!

What a miserable day it is. It is 44, windy, and just downright nasty! It chills to the bone. Have loaded what little we need for this short trip!

Oh, and went and ordered my new glasses! Jack looked horrified when I told him the frames are purple. Lol. They are a metal frame that are just a metallic light purple. Really pretty! Hardly look purple at all and I do wear a lot of purple as it is TCU color. It has been 4 years since new glasses. It was time and the prescription had changed for my left eye.

We also did our early voting! Glad to get that out of the way!

Lolly said...

Oh, poor momma pup. That sounds awful!

Mema Jo said...

More prayers and good thoughts for momma pup -- That I hope is fixable

Lolly did you see my new picture?

JudyEddy said...

Lost cam went to the silly mssge But it came back

Mema Jo said...

Good TV night for me - NCIS, NCIS New Orleans and then Afterlife

Night light is on and doesn't look like any commotion at the nest. Thank Goodness.

IF I don't return - Take care and enjoy your evening.

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Yes, Jo! See your picture! Awesome! I can not even go outside today to enjoy my flowers.

JudyEddy said...

Can I cry now I think I have termites
gotta call tomorrow I think sub terrarium termites Concrete block at base of house on one corner If it ain't one thing its another
So happy I have some savings for ER's

Mema Jo said...

CAM zoomed in on Belle at 7:58pm
It was a quiet evening -

stronghunter said...

Judy, I am a little confused. Termites would not be eating a concrete block. Guess they might be there, but they are not a threat to the concrete block.

stronghunter said...

Lovely avatar, Jo. I have a crocus bud in my flower bed. Spring will come.

Allie Cat is here with me purring and watching with interest her bird video on my phone. Sometimes she puts her paw behind the phone to see if she can catch one of those birds.

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Shirley, thank you for the update on Luna. Sending prayers that all the cancer was removed.

CarolAnne, very good news about the negative test results and a healthy puppy. So very sorry about the momma dog. Wishing a good treatment for her problem.

Jo, enjoy your evening programs.

Okay, everyone get your imaginations ready to picture this: Lolly 'walking with the stars' wearing her purple eyeglass frames. Way cool. I think purple is the "in" color for cougars.

Janet, glad the family escaped the fire. Possessions can be replaced.

I also think termites would not eat cement.

Shirley, Allie sounds like a real treat.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

the blocks aren't damaged that is where I can see where they are How the sub terrain ones get in the house is through weak spots in foundation mine is on concrete blocks a wood frame house so they have tunneled in the cracks in between each block and have loosened the paint of the blocks and crumbling cement in between the blocks can be seen on ground from then tunneling up in between the block You can google it also to see what damages that they can cause and what I am referring they are not the typical termites Subterranean termites
both neighbors have similar damages also

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I guess its just a way for them to check also around the house that is sort of evidence I guess.
Where as other termites leave coffee looking grounds And I haven't seen any evidence of that A long time ago I did in my window sill but got them taken care of them So we will see when I get inspected I am getting several One is Angie FIL old business he sold it but still works there

my delete I left something out of the first sentence

Lolly said...

Belle is awake and calling out!

Lolly said...

She is going back to sleep!

I'll say good night now!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see a sleeping eagle at the nest.

Schools are on a 2-hour delay here due to fog but I am off today - mammogram this morning. Forecast is for rain all day.

Judy, I'm sorry to hear about the termites and hope you are catching them early, before they did any structural damage to your house. Homeowners insurance usually doesn't cover termite damage b/c it's not considered sudden and accidental. Still, there's no harm in calling your agent to check.

Lolly, safe trip and happy eagle watching!

CarolAnne, I hope momma dog is OK.

Shirley, hopefully Luna will come home to her people today and can start her healing surrounded by love.

Prayers continue for Dana's dad and for Jo.

Belle just did an egg roll and a 180 and then settled back down on the eggs.

Have agreyt day all.

Sandi said...

Belle just called out, got up, and took off.

And now Shep has arrived and is settling on the eggs.

Seamless switch.

CarolAnne said...

Thoughts and prayers for people and wildlife in the path of the storms in south and east.

grannyblt said...

Good news about the bat report, CarolAnne. Sorry to hear of the foster dog's woes.

Hate those subterranean termites. We had an all brick home in TX, but they still managed to tunnel in. Fortunately we got rid of them before structural damage was done. Just one of those problem so prevalent in the South. Hope your problem is minor, Judy.

Also hope our Paula is out of harms way with the storms, Judy too.

Busy day ahead for me, and we are having a lot of rain, turning to snow tomorrow. Hope our eagles stay dry.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see our eagle in the egg cup with raindrops sliding off his back. I'm assuming it's Shep. Cold and rainy here as well. Thank you for the kind thoughts, CA.

I am sure you are much better informed than I am regarding termites, Judy, since you live in Florida, and you are smart to have the problem checked out ASAP.

stronghunter said...

Allie Cat is now hiding and watching real birds and squirrels in the backyard. She is being very stealthy. Cheeto is just hanging out in the window. He's not bothering to be stealthy. I hear occasional little meows and calls as they guard the house from birds and other critters.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, have a good report today.

Shep is egg sitting. Poor guy looks miserable. Same situation for the DC eagle.

JudyE, did some reading so now understand better. Do get the problem resolved quickly.

Shirley, so odd. The J brothers do not seem to have any interest in things outside. So much for our adding that bay window. Luna should return home today? She will be happy to be with her family.

Prayers for Dana's dad, Jo, CarolAnne's mamma dog.

Have a very busy day today and into early evening.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It is wicked wet and windy out there today

Getting my coffee and heading out for a few --- don't worry I am like our eagles - resilient. Things roll right off my back! lol


CarolAnne said...

Momma foster dog back to daughter's from vet last evening, with lots of meds and instructions of things to do. First thing this morning grandson asked her if she had "milked the dog" yet this morning.
Stay safe everyone.

Unknown said...

morning all. temps dropping steadily here...literally dropped 2 degrees in the last 20 min. chilly weather on the way.

hard to leave that snuggly warm bed this morning.

glad for all the furbaby news. :)

nothing going on here this morning, a nice quiet a.m. going to start a quick breakfast for tom and then get ready for work!

JUDYE: hopefully you will get some good news!

hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Waiting for a call back from Rick (Angie FIL) who is part owner of the company I found out on the phone.

Then I want to run and get taxes done

Had severe weather in the area but seems to be going away now

My area is fine nothing bad

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in with dry flugg brought in form the right side

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Aha, I'm just in time for a good view of the eggs as they're rolled. Too bad it's raining, but Belle and Shep cope well.

It's raining a lot here, too, and Penny and I do not like it! Snow due tomorrow and that's even worse for me. Oh, well, it is Winter after all and this one has been mercifully mild for us here.

JO, absolutely loved your recap of the time spent with dear little Elliot! Sweet little puddin' he is!

CAROLANNE, so happy with the non-rabies report and now praying for mama dog---ouch!

SHIRLEY, wonderful news about Luna, too. Here's hoping they got "it" all.

Like JUDIE, I'm wishing all the best day possible!

Prayers for all in need!!!


CarolAnne said...

Mumbrella in use.

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing so birds in the area sound like little birds I wonder if there is another nest of some kind in the tree Its a continuous bird sounds so I was thinking little ones calling for food

JudyEddy said...

some birds NOT SO BIRDS Lol

JudyEddy said...

we have over a inch of rain so far another small band is moving in now

some area are getting tornado warnings but we are ok

JudyEddy said...

on the TV now a tornado on the ground WAY south of me past Ft Meyers area
They are showing on radar signature of a tornado

JudyEddy said...

nothing visual just on radar

JudyEddy said...

My intentions were good today to go buy paint, get taxes done etc But now I am still sitting here waiting for a phone call from bug people

but I guess with the weather its best to stay in We are completely out of danger just south and east of us
Cold front following this system

Sandi said...

Forecast for this evening the entire state of DE now:
"Severe probabilities have increased once more. This is turning out to be a full on severe weather outbreak with the threat of destructive winds and tornadoes this evening."

Headed to the grocery store while there's a break in the rain.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI stay safe I bet the systems your have are connected with our cold front also

CarolAnne said...

Eagle sitting tight.
Small birds still chirping away.

Mema Jo said...

Oh Sandi I pray the canal can hold all the rain.
I am having a downpour like you wouldn't believe.
Sure hope our eagles will stay ok!

JudyEddy said...

There were two confirmed tornado one in a open field and on did slight damage on a few houses today They called it on radar as it was happening Amazing technology now days.
Made a appt for 1 tomorrow with insurance co to go over Humana Care Plus
Like I told him I only go to dr one time a year but would like coverage just in case more than what Medicare A&B have I only do one prescription also
so we will see tomorrow OH and giet silver Sneaker Club at gyms in the area

JudyEddy said...

weather is getting bad at the nest wind is horrible

DanaMo said...

Nasty weather in these parts! Tornado warnings around DC area.

stronghunter said...

Hanging out at animal hospital because of tornado warning. We have Luna with us.

JudyEddy said...

live feed went to grey replay screen

JudyEddy said...

and it came back

Sandi said...

Judy, I lost my live feed as well, same time you did. But it's back. looks like the storm is over in Shepherdstown.

Wind and rain here but nothing severe. Water in the canal is high but not overflowing.

DanaMo said...

Looks like everything has settled, here and at the nest. Phew, I was worried with those winds!

NatureNut said...

Get safe in your waterproof caves tonight!!! Checked nest a little while ago and it was wet but still a little daylight. THEN, the buffering strip started crawling along the bottom, so Still pic here.
We are getting some heavy rain, a little thunder and lightening here, but I keep seeing on TV that heavy stuff will be around 9:30!??
Have to finish some Park eagle pics for Nook. Saw an adult in tree near office at PRP yesterday, but camera wasn't close by.
Hope to check in a little later---gotta have Din Din. Not hungry--knot in stomach due to some outrageous written list about things at Park I do not do!!!!!!All false & I refuse to sign it. If I've been doing things wrong, why didn't anyone say anything in the past 30 years!!!! Our acting Dir. has only been there a few months and if she heard any stuff from others, none of them have been around for 2 or 3 years, except our top naturalist, Greg. I'm usually in office alone, so WHO knows something I don't? (I refuse to leave out of spite!!!!I've done nothing wrong!!!) So sorry to be selfish~~~thx for letting me borrow your shoulders. Later

Mema Jo said...

Another Stay Safe Prayers is for all of you in VA ♥ & the Carolinas
Shirley i saws that Kathryn was picking up Luna but waiting out the storm. Picture of Luna sprawled out on the floor with Hunter's hand on Luna was worth seeing. ♥

Granddaughter in Bowling Green and granddaughter in Midlothian all on high tornado alert

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - Stick up for yourself, gal ! Don't sign - this is a shocker - Is
Greg still there? I hate when a Supervisor starts knit-picking! Stand up for yourself
and your work morals and ethics !

You can vent here anytime!

Sandi said...

Oh dear Loretta! I'm sorry to hear that there are problems for you at the park! Please don't apologize - we are all here to support one another when things aren't going well. I hope you can have a conversation with your new director and share your perspective and your feelings about the list you're being asked to sign.

Looks like a dozing eagle in the nest.

Shirley, I hope you're home safe and sound with Luna.

Mammogram went fine (don't know results of course). Picked up dog food at the pet store and did the grocery shopping for the week. Also took a nap since I was still awakened at 5:20am by 3 hungry dogs. Denny's snoring wasn't bad last night using the Theravent.

I will say goodnight now since it's TV time. I'll see everyone in the early AM.

Mema Jo said...

The IR light is on - I saw an egg roll around 6:45pm. All is well now and our Royal
Couple mustered it through the day. Prayers the storm is over.

Mema Jo said...

Cam should Zoom in at 7:58 pm

Mema Jo said...

Belle is awake - she is facing 6 position but looking out at the 10 position
I have no sound.
Hope she soon tucks her head under her wing

Checking out what's on TV

If I don't return know that I didn't blow away or float away

stronghunter said...

Looks very peaceful at the nest, thank goodness. Looks like Belle has her head resting on the nest, beak down.

stronghunter said...

Hang in there, Loretta. We are on your side.

glo said...

Loretta so sorry to hear of problems at work. These young whipper snappers have a way of insulting rather than respecting and learning from the older generation. Good friend of mine has lost her job and allowed to only work part time with no benefits now. She served her company very very well for a very very long time. Makes no sense at all. Sign of the times and it stinks. Yep don't sign it!!!!

First place I came after I got home from church tonight was here to be sure all was well with friends on the east coast. Glad nest is peaceful too.

JudyEddy said...

Don't be bullied in to signing it LORETTA you knowyou are on the right side and they are wrong Ask where is any proof of anything!
getting ready to watch AI

stronghunter said...

Glad you liked the picture of Hunter with Luna, Jo. I copied it and posted it on my blog. I guess Hunter did not want Kathryn to photograph his face.

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I met Kathryn at the animal hospital so that Hunter could help with Luna. At 70 pounds, she is too heavy for Kathryn to life.

It was a pretty rainy trip home. I encountered one closed road and had to turn around.

stronghunter said...

__Luna is too heavy for Kathryn to lift.

Judie said...

Good almost pillow time.

Loweeeda, so very saddened about the problems at work. Stand strong. We are all here for you.

Shirley, hoping Luna is sleeping and recovering.

Sandi, wishing you a good night's sleep. I'm sure the test results will be just fine.

Jo, no PBS favorites for me tonight.

Attended a meeting. Fierce rain, hail, wind. Now ready for my recliner.

Wishing everyone, including pets, restful sleep.

stronghunter said...

Didn't see any hail here, Judie, but plenty of rain and lots of lightning.

Mema Jo said...

Just checked back before I posted remarks from DANA about her dad

I'm so glad my dad got to spend a few hours at home today. He is doing so much better. He still needs to get stronger, but I pray that will come in time. He sure is one tough old bird! Mom is amazing as well. She is staying strong having to deal with new challenges but she is staying positive.

Prayers continuing for all ♥

Mema Jo said...

You are right Judie -0 the ones that were on were repeats.. I just watched
a Law & Order.......

Oh well, can't win them all the time.

Belle is asleep and the weather is: 43.7 °F Feels Like 39 °F
Wind Variable Gusts 9.0 mph

Headed to the keys to close down for the day.
Restful sleep for all - that includes LUNA

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see a sleeping eagle in a windy nest.

The thunder and lightning arrived here around 10pm right when Denny takes the dogs out for their last call before bed. We now now that Janey does not do well with thunder!

Shirley, I hope Luna feels a little better today.

Dana, I was happy to read that your dad got to go home for a few hours. Prayers continue for his healing.

Back to school for me. Have a greyt day all!

CarolAnne said...

Windy, alert eagle. All looks well.
Hope all had minimal storm problems.
Weekend approaches, hang in there.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Carol Anne. I see one eagle in a breezy nest. Looks like fish scales in the nest. Not real cold but windy. Been getting some work done around house. Might go out and about today. Have a great day. Take care all

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Seeing in the news this morning that there was a tornado a bit west of Fredericksburg, which is where we were. Thank goodness, we are all okay, but it was an eventful night. I had a bit of trouble getting home from the animal hospital--was turned back because of a washed-out road and had to find a different route home.

I do hope all Momsters and Momster families are doing well. Plenty of bad weather all the way down to Judy's abode in Florida.

Luna is sleeping peacefully in her crate this morning. Doctor's orders--we need to keep her confined so that she does not try to move around too much. She has quite an incision. Kitties are fascinated with seeing Luna in a crate. The vet's office gave us a sling to put under her so we can help her move around. It works nicely.

stronghunter said...

Everything looks peaceful at the nest. It's rocking a bit in the wind. I see those fish scales.

CarolAnne said...

Momma dog update. She is recovering well. Will be on meds for awhile. Improved enuf (or medicated enuf) to play with daughter's dog last evening. So now back to eagle worrying. :o)
Great day all.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Carol Anne. I see one eagle in a breezy nest. Looks like fish scales in the nest. Not real cold but windy. Been getting some work done around house. Might go out and about today. Have a great day. Take care all

WVJerry said...

Good morning Sandi and Carol Anne. I see one eagle in a breezy nest. Looks like fish scales in the nest. Not real cold but windy. Been getting some work done around house. Might go out and about today. Have a great day. Take care all

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I think still is stuck on over nite update

I have a 1 appt with insurance agent at house and Jeff from Couch Pest will be here 11-12 I called them back and he apologized big time that no one contacted me

Judie said...

Good morning.

What a good news morning!

Nest survived as have the eagles and eggberts.

Shirley, so happy that Luna is home and was sleeping. Maybe Allie and Cheeto will curl up with her and keep her company. Also very glad you and family are safe. The tornado in Waverly was horrendous.

Dana, such improvement that your Dad was able to get out and visit for a while. Real progress and may he continue to improve.

CarolAnne, good news about momma dog.

Jerry, remember to take some "vacation" time.

Another busy day for me. Wishing everyone the best day possible.

CarolAnne said...

Ruffled head feathers.
Eagle attentive and looking around.

JudyEddy said...

YEAH NO TERMITES and he looked around and sees no evidence of either so far Just said to keep a eye out being my neighbors have them And funny thing is he does both my neighbor houses

DanaMo said...

Tell me again how to tell, other than size, which is which? Didn't someone say something about the beak??? Sorry I know someone answered me, but I don't think I will be able to find it.

JudyEddy said...

DANA females beaks are longer the beak goes back to the pupil Whereas the males ends before the pupil I posted a picture on FB for you to look at It was on FB years ago from Norfolk Page

DanaMo said...

Thanks Judy, with our wonderful zoom I should be able to see that!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Winds are really blowing out there - lots of flugg to build a wind breaker -0 I actually had a few snow flakes - short lived.

No plans of going out today - Judie you said you had a busy day - don't you blow away.
Happy that Luna had a good night - I think the cage is a wonderful idea.. curious
kittens wouldn't understand not to play.

Judy very good news about NO termites. Early this morning I sent email about Frozen Still Cam. Has not yet been reset - glad we have the Live Feed.

FYI: Trying to confirm by a photo during an egg roll that both eggs can be seen.

Mema Jo said...

Jerry - hoping you can get out and about today. Also I am very happy that you come on the blog as often as you do!

Dana - I guess your duck eggs will soon be in the classroom - Good luck this year !

Lolly - hope all is going very well and that Skippy is enjoying herself.

CarolAnne - good news about Momma dog getting better.

Sandi - I guess Janey needs a thunder jacket - Some of the summer storms are real boomers!

Mema Jo said...

Not to worry - both eggs are there - Photo was captured by Debi on Eagle Cam

Mema Jo said...

Drama at the nest

Lots of calling out

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Arrived just in time to witness the drama, JO. Perhaps just a plea to the partner flying about. Sure hope is isn't an alien eagle or that pesky owl causing the outcry.

SANDI, looks like you'll be purchasing another thundershirt. I'm sure the one you have for doxies will not fit the Greyt Miss Janey.

SHIRLEY, I'm relieved to know you and yours are safe and sound. I saw that Virginia lost 3 souls to that horrendous storm. So glad Luna is doing well.

DANA, s'wonderful that your dad could get in a little home visit!

CAROLANNE, s'marvelous that momma dog is recuperating nicely and is even a bit playful.

Snow falling here, but so far having a hard time sticking thanks to the warm weather preceding it. My Eileen is on her second snow day in a row up there in Western Michigan. They have about 10" so far. That means bonus phone calls for me!

Prayers for all in need, whether they have two legs or four!


Mema Jo said...

Lydia took the initiative to call NCTC and ask for the guard shack - We know the nest
is in their view - She talked to the guard named Shirley who was well aware of the nest:

Those people at the Guard house are SOOOOOOO nice
Talked to a Shirley. She said she works till midnight
And she has not notice any other eagles flying around when she is there nor has seen seen any other large bird. But she told me she will be sure to keep a close eye out until it gets dark and see if she sees anything
She has watched them for years
And she remembers the year Shep came in. and all that drama.
So still no answer on what is bothering them. So far she has not seen anything that would cause concern, but after we talked she said she will be watching closely

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

insurance dude just left and I knew him from when he was at Walmart doing insurance there.

I am now on Humana Gold I get 92. a month back to me, free membership in Silver sneakers club

and my current gyno is on the plan happy about that

was talking with him when our eagle calls came and he sure was interested in all my cameras Got another one I think hooked LOL

Now I need to run to metal place to pick up paint sample of my gutter and head to walmart to get 5 gals of paint mixed and while I am there waiting get a mani pedi done Its been 4 weeks now I am doing the french and it seems to last longer that plain gels I do the gold tips not white

stronghunter said...


I see an eagle in a windy nest. Very windy here as well.

So nice to know you do not have termites, Judy.

Was trying to figure out who this Shirley is who can see the nest and will keep an eye on things. Now I see it's one of the guards. Nice to know we have that connection.

Spring should come soon to Columbus, Kay.

stronghunter said...

Luna has been sleeping most of the day. I came home from bowling and gave her a little lunch--they said we should give her small feedings 3-4 times a day. She ate part of it. Hunter came home from school and took her outdoors with the sling underneath her.

grannyblt said...

I've missed all the excitement today. I started out getting kitty footprints off the desk top, which led to washing sheer curtains, which led to shifting around some furniture in the living room. Almost finished getting everything back in order so I can watch Eagles. Glad the storms were kind to all of the Main maters, although I don't know about Paula in MS. But I haven't checked FB since early this morning.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Jo, I managed not to blow away but the wind is very, very strong here. Sky looking a bit stormy again. I tried to remember thunder jacket earlier. Yes, maybe Janey could use one.

Glad JudyE does not have termites. Um, her house doesn't have termites.

Kay, hope the snow amounts to zilch. You and Penny stay safe.

Shirley, remember when we sweet-talked our way into NCTC to see the nest? Well, the nice lady who looked away was Shirley. Good to know that Luna is sleeping and getting rest that will help her heal. Very sweet that Hunter is helping her, also.

Good grief, Lynne1 reminds me of wiping up a spill on the kitchen floor and the clean spot is so obvious one has to wash the entire floor. lol

Off to the scullery.

CarolAnne said...

Hope the movement caused by the wind is the camera and not the actual nest.
And sure glad I'm not an eagle with all they have to put up with.

Sandi said...

Hi all - got my nails done after school today. Dogs have been fed but I still need to fix something for the people.

Judy, glad you don't have termites. But what did you see that made you think you had them?

Shirley, does Luna have stitches that will have to be removed or are the dissolvable? Does she have to wear a cone to keep her from chewing her incision?

A little more on Janey in the thunderstorm for those who didn't read on Facebook. When greyhounds are scared, they freeze - like turn into a statue. You can't pull them and you can't push them. Unfortunately, she was in the middle of the yard last night in the pouring rain when she heard the first clap of thunder and saw the lightning, so THAT's where she froze. Denny was outside with her and called me on his cell phone (I was brushing my teeth for bed) to ask for help. It took both of us to get her back into the house and then she wouldn't go up the stairs. I manually lifted her front legs and then her butt and back legs to get her up the first flight. I picked all 73 pounds of her up and carried her up the 2nd flight. Her last time outside to pee yesterday was 5pm and she didn't go out again until 5:15 this morning!

Very windy at the nest - I had to turn down the sound. Lost the live feed about 5 minutes ago but it came right back. same thing happened yesterday at about the same time of the evening.

OK, time to fix dinner. I probably won't get back on tonight since I'm sure I'll be in bed early tonight so i'll say goodnight now. I'll see everyone in the early AM!

glo said...

Well Sandi you were sure meant to be Janey's Mom. Gosh the weather is wild. I enjoyed the eagles some today. More than I have seen at the Marina at all this year. I belonged home getting ready for the tv interview tomorrow. Hopefully I am good to go. Have a good evening everyone. I am sure I will fall asleep early. I was up before 5 am today. That eagle adrenaline kicked in. SED

Mema Jo said...

Last switch of the day at the nest
Belle's fly in from the right is breathtaking... Shep leaves and Belle
turn the eggs - egg cup is soooo deep & builds up the flugg around her.
Praying for a peaceful night and for the winds to decrease.

CarolAnne - I think it is the nest actually moving so Prayers for the Sycamore Palace

Need to read back on comments of today

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I am so thankful that you and my 2 granddaughters made it thru the storm.
Virginia was really hit hard - I think the news said 7 tornado touchdowns. Last I heard 9 deaths. Christine said VA houses don't have basements. I told her to get that crawl space dug deeper or wider..... Just happy you are all safe.

Mema Jo said...


Hope to BBL

CarolAnne said...

Sitting here w/pets while bubby away at work function, thinking of this and that. One thing was the snoring issue. Sandi, have you given any thought to the difference in pre-bedtime activities from nites that have less vs more snoring? Food, activities, drinks, level of daytime activities, etc.
Hoping all have a good evening with favorite TV shows and restful sleep.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Glo, best wishes for an outstanding performance tomorrow. Enjoy. Have fun.

Sandi, poor Janey. Hoping she will adjust to loud noises as she realizes she is in a safe haven.

Thank you for the youtube link Jo.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. Headed for the recliner.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

We have been trying very hard to keep Luna restrained--that includes not going up the stairs to the second floor. She has trouble doing that during ordinary times. This afternoon I was sitting in my room when I heard Luna drinking water just behind me. She had sneaked upstairs. Guess it is a good thing she's able to.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to wind things down for the night. Brain is wearing down. I'll see you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

the nest is swaying so bad in the wind I would always be sleeping if I were in the nest lOL

I uninstalled my weather app so can't see what the temp is Wasn't the same as the last time I had it could only have one location on it not like all the locations I had on it before May have to go looking further in to it.

JudyEddy said...

Amazing eagle are E* had a fish tail stuck and Harriet worked for about 12 min to get it out of him and finally pulled it out was on FB

arriet to the rescue (again!) - she grabs a big piece of fish fin that was stuck in E8's throat for about 12 minutes this morning. She actually tried to grab it a few times, finally almost lifting him up off the nest to pull it out!! Harriet is a hero!! Hope you enjoy my video. ☺

SWFL Eagles ~ Harriet pulls fish out of E8's beak 2.25.16
E8 swallowed a big piece of fish and had difficulty getting it down. He kept trying to shake his head but it was stuck in his throat

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

JudyEddy said...

If you fast forward the video about 6min that is when Harriet sort of goes after him I think he thinks she is trying to steal his fish LOL cause he keeps moving and she is trying to get the fish

I just pulled a Marggy

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see a sleeping eagle in a very windy nest. Back to winter here again.

Talked to Freyja on FaceTime last night. She and Lynnis just got back from visiting a friend of Lynnis's in CA and they went to Disneyland for a day!

Short day for me - took a 1/4 day so I could get a massage at 2pm! :)

Gotta run - forgot to put the recycling out for this morning's pick-up. Have a greyt day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

I see another very rocky windy nest again this am

Judie said...

Good morning.

Eagle settled in again and tucking flugg around.

Shirley, Luna must miss being upstairs with you. She'll likely only do what she knows she's capable of doing. Hope she continues to heal today.

Sure bet Freyja enjoyed her visit to Disneyland. Sandi, enjoy your massage.

Going to try to make myself look less scary then out to forage for the weekend.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning JudyE and Sandi, the early birds this morning and to all others out there to get on. Was so glad to check in to see our nest still with no snow on it. Yes JudyE the wind is rocking that nest pretty good.

Sandi, way to go taking some time for yourself. Nice to hear that Freyja and Lynnis got to Disneyland for the day. Too cool.

Eagle just up a ways and quickly turning on the egg cup and sitting back down. It is tucking flugg closer.

carolinabeachmom said...

Spent yesterday dusting before we chocked on the dust and today is floor day. Then I have to get groceries at the store, so we can eat. Frig is getting bare to the bones. :)

Shirley Glad to hear that Luna is feeling better. Poor thing just wants to be by her love one. AND she made it up the stairs ok. Maybe once and awhile will be ok.

Linda said...

Good Friday Morning, Eagle Friends!

Have breezed through most of the comments since I was last here and won't take the time to comment, but know you are all in my thoughts and prayers! I celebrate the happy turn outs of animals and people with you and keep you all in prayer!

I find little time these days for relaxation other than sleep.........Even my husband in my own house sees me rarely, but is taking such good care of me fixing dinner almost every night allowing me to continue working! I am surely blessed!! So far I am keeping up, which helps my stress level!

And I do get to take time out to play a little this tax season. I am going to Jackson Hole, WY for a long weekend of skiing next week!! I am so excited! My son (who has finally decided to claim victory over his traveling anxiety) has planned this trip for us to meet up and ski like we used to years ago!

So that is my incentive to keep plugging away at the work............

Hope everyone has a great day today and I will check back in again when I can........xoxoxo

WVJerry said...

New Thread Started.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles in nest. One just brought more flug in.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...