Monday, February 08, 2016

Monday Part 2

We have our first egg thread.


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stronghunter said...

Hi Steve!!

Thanks for the new thread!

We are celebrating. :)

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Steve!

Sandi said...

Hi Steve and congrats to everyone at NCTC on the official start of the 2016 nesting season! Thanks for the new thread!!

Thanks Shirley for the call over.

Headed to bed - just wanted to take one more peek at the nest to make sure Belle is still there. I watched Deb's video on FB twice before I actually caught a glimpse of an egg.

Goodnight all!

NCSuzan said...

What an evening! Congratulations everyone. Now if we could just do something about those two sticks!

NCSuzan said...

Thanks Steve for the Egg Thread!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...




Unknown said...

I know I do not come here often anymore. I am on Facebook much more often, and do keep a close watch on my fav nest! But I HAD to come and congratulate all on our first Eggbert! What an exciting night. And now the real journey of 2016 begins. Thanks to Steve and NCTC and everyone who keeps this blog going. Wahooo!!!!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Wow! They just zoomed at the nest!

Lolly said...

How is that for a picture! Awesome!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

I think they areas eggcited as we are about the zoom!!! And Eggbert!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

THANKS, Steve!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve. I suspect this new thread will fill up really fast.

Thank you Shirley for the alert. Enjoy your eaglet feather.

Again, congratulations to Belle and Shep. She's tucked in asleep and I'm sure she needs some rest.

Wishing everyone, everyone, a night of restful sleep.

Oh, Jufie and Sandperson are nearby watching over the nest. Not sure but I think they took my space heaters to melt any snow.

Unknown said...

Good evening to all!!! Woo hoo!!!! An egg!!!!!

SANDI: no Livvy gave up ice skating and hooping as well. Instead she goes to the gym with Michael and Niki. She loves hanging out with them…..and the working out helps them all!

Snowing here. Getting chilly tonight. Snow will be around for a couple days, but not a lot of it…maybejust enough to make the roads slick.

SED --- Sweet EGGBERT dreams to all!

Linda said...

Congratulations to Belle and Shep for the first egg of the season!!

How exciting for us all!!

Busy, busy day today that lasted way too long......

But all showered and ready to hit the pillows......gently!!

Wishing everyone restful sleep and sweet dreams!!


Mema Jo said...

This is a night of celebration!

Thanks Steve for the Egg Thread! And the Zoom is magnificent!

Our 2016 season is very official...........

SED and off to bed I go

It has started to rain here in my valley! Nite

Lynne2 said...

Belle standing over the egg, for a few minutes now, giving it a breather I guess!

Lynne2 said...

actually I am wrong, her head is up and it looked like SHE was up but I don't think so.

Lynne2 said...

this is so awesome...night vision, zoom....

Lynne2 said...

she IS partially up with her wings moved out from her body.

Lolly said...

She seems to be in an awkward position.

Lolly said...

I thought she was going to roll the egg, but no.

Lynne2 said...

big yawn!

Lynne2 said...

no egg roll yet.

Hi Lolly, yes she does look awkward.

Lolly said...

About time to call it a day! And what a day! Mary was here and we had some business to do with our ladies group. I was doing stuff on my iPad. Decided to go to the cam, eagle was there so I showed Mary and was telling her about NCTC. I told her it was time for her to lay an egg and her being in the nest was good. Then I noticed her behavior. Whoa...she was laying that egg right then! Could not believe it!

Lynne, she does look like she is half raised up. Interesting!

Night all! SED!.

Lynne2 said...

She looks sound asleep now, you can notice her breathing.....her body moves ever so slightly in a rhythm.

Lynne2 said...

We must remember that incubation on the first egg must be delayed so I do think she's taking a little break for eggbert.

Lynne2 said...

Of course I can't go to bed til she does SOMETHING....LOL!

Lynne2 said...

Nighty nite Looooooooly!

Lynne2 said...

looked she she picked some flugg in the cup, shifted a little, stretched wing and looks to be dozing off again.

Lynne2 said...

She is dozing. I better get some dozing in myself. Still only 36 degrees here, raining. I'm hoping this storm will be on the low side of snow. Or I'm going to be sore tomorrow night!

Lynne2 said...

she's got her right wing stretched way out now!

Lolly said...

Did not leave, was on fb. Is she being a mumbrella? Poor thing! She is so sleepy!

Again, good night Queenie!

WVJerry said...

Thanks Steve for New Thread and thanks to whoever called us over. I see an awake eagle in nest this morning. Have a great day and take care all. No snow here on ground at least.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Well, well, well, good work Miss Belle!

Nice to have celebratory thread, STEVE. Thank you and thanks to SHIRLEY for the call over. You were due for another addition to the headdress.

So happy with the good egg news and also with the fact that an intruder was shown the gate by Shep. Hope that's the end of that kind of drama for this critical period at Sycamore Palace!

Always good to see you check in with us, LYDIA! Don't be a stranger, okay?

Thanks to those praying for my friend, Ernie. He's hanging in there, but his family and I are still holding our breath. A broken hip at 92, yikes!

Up too early, due to falling asleep too early last night---may go back to bed for a couple of hours.

Prayers for all in need!!!


WVJerry said...

Good morning again. Proper thanks to Shirley for call over. Good morning Kay. Hope Ernie gets better. Raining here in Pa. Mixing with snow or trying to at least. Think I can hear rain drops at nest.

WVJerry said...

Proper congratulations to Belle and Shep while I'm being proper.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends!

Well, aren't we hi-tech!! What a surprise it was to open the live feed and see Miss Belle up close and personal! What a nesting season this is going to be!! Belle is awake but hasn't gotten up at all since I've been watching and reading back through last night's comments.

Kay, prayers continue for your friend Ernie for a full recovery.

Lolly, prayers also continue for Marion's family - what sad days they have ahead of them.

Dana, I'm sure you'll pop on - how is your dad doing? Sending prayers and positive energy his way.

Lydia, good to see you on the blog - I hope you're healing OK and not in a lot of pain.

Jo, do you start your next round of chemo today?

It's good to see no snow in the nest. Just rain here as well.

Belle seems to be dozing now but isn't tucked. Have a greyt day everyone!

Sandi said...

I am seeing either an occasional rain drop or an occasional snowflake on the live feed. Can't tell which but Belle is definitely getting wet - nothing she can't handle.

Jewels said...

The one day I get off at 2pm and the excitement happens after I leave work. LOL
Good EggMorning everyone! I am excited to know that she has 1 eggbert in the nest. No snow this morning, temps hovering around 34-36 degrees. Drizzly rain but not even enough to make you get wet.

Jess, Andrew and I heard the baby's heartbeat. It was a fast heartbeat, and the baby played with the Dr so that he had a hard time finding it. Next appt is March 7th. She seemed much better, throat not as sore, but is still white.. vomiting has stopped. Thank you Zofran and Antibiotic!! And most of all Your Prayers!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

What a beautiful view of the egg!

Jewels said...

Well I saw the egg!!! Yay!!!! And its now snowing there, She has dandruff LOL

stronghunter said...

Snowflakes gathering on Belle's back.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to get Hunter off to school.

Snowing harder at the nest now.

Linda said...

Good Morning to the early watchers this morning....Sandi, Kay, Jerry, Carolyn & Shirley!! Beautiful view of the egg when I opened the cam.

I just love that close up view!! It's gonna be a great day!!

We just had a changing of the guard and I am having difficulty telling which eagle is currently in the nest. I believe Shep came to relieve Belle.....

Hoping today will be more productive than yesterday, but one never knows when you're a "one man shop" what will come your way.............. If the phone and emails are quieter, I just might get some actual work done!!

Jewels said...

Yes, It was the best changing of guard I have seen in a long time. SHep relieved Belle is what I thought too. Margy and I watched together and it brought tears to my eyes as I thought of My momma.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We finally have our dream cam. I am so grateful and proud.


Lynne2 said...

Happy Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras everyone! 48 days til Easter and by then the crocus, wood squill and daffies will no doubt be up and blooming the first blooms of spring!

JudyEddy said...

good morning eagle buds

I love love love love this view

Linda said...

Bell returns. Shep is nestled into that cup almost level with the flugg!!

He's not moving yet.....and she is waiting....

Barbara said...

Wow, Belle looks like an ice sculpture! She is all snuggled down in the cup, so I am sure the beautiful egg is nice and warm! Here's to improving weather for the nesting season and the magical view on the new cam...

Linda said...

Correction: Belle

Good Morning, JUDY!

Linda said...

Shep finally gets up and jumps up to a branch....cuz the camera shook!

Belle is checking out the cup and rearranging things!

Linda said...

She isn't taking any chances with this snow.....and decides to tent the cup!

Mema Jo said...

I Saw the egg - just now - I saw the egg - made my day!

Happy good morning to all ♥

Need to read back and go to FB also to see pics.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Cannot tell which adult is incubating but whichever one it is becoming snow covered - a sight I do not like. Hoping for no significant accumulation.

Carolyn, glad Jessica is feeling better and you all had the joy of hearing the heartbeat. Also glad you and Margy could watch together and, yes, Lynn is cheering for Eggbert.

Hope Lydia is improving as well as Dana's dad, for Linda to be headache-free, and Kay's friend Ernie to heal.

Headed to look in on the nest again. Wishing everyone, including Belle, Shep, and Eggbert, a wonderful day.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes! What a view!! It is beautiful! Just think what it will be like zoomed in on a lil bobble Head!

Have been watching while reading the paper. Also love the sound. Just heard birds singing.

Just got a great view of the egg!

JudyEddy said...

nice view of eggbert

Sandi said...

Hi all from school - I was able to get a look at that beautiful egg before Belle dug up some grass and spread it in front of her. Wow, I love this new camera!!!


Lolly said...

Today we go shopping for rose bushes. Jack never promised me a rose garden but this is the third or fourth one he has dug! The first one was on the west side of Fort Worth and he used a pic axe to dig it! Yes, west side is all rocks! Sandy soil here. Will have to bring in a few bags of good soil!

Laurel is coming here this afternoon and spending the night. Going to the visitation this evening and the funeral tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Headin out taking lap top so may pop in but on it can only do one thing at a time

Sandi said...

Belle is tenting to keep the egg cup dry. She is quickly becoming snow covered. Gotta run!

glo said...

Yeah yeah yeah. I am so enjoying our eagles, their egg and this new cam. Wishing them a wonderfully successful season. We have better seats for the egg bowl than the super bowl :-)

NCSuzan said...

Good Egg Morning! What a great day! As much as I do not like seeing a snow covered eagle in a nest with an egg this is just a beautiful site. Love the new cam.

Hope everyone has a fantastic day. Jo is this your day back for treatment? Thinking of you always.

Linda said...

Another switch!

If I have my eagles right, I believe Shep returned, Belle poofed and Shep is now tending to the egg......

However, I am a bit rusty at this!! :)

JudyEddy said...

So hoping E8 is able to get himself untangled from the nest material I guess they notified authorities here in Fl and they are waiting to see if he untangles I haven't the heart to watch the nest now This is from the Southwest Eagle cam page """""""""""""E8's left leg appears to be entangled in nest material since this morning. We hope that E8 will manage to eventually become untangled. This has happened in other nests and the eaglets have managed to free themselves and it is hoped it will happen here.
Please do not call or email the MyFWC. It is the determination of a licensed and permitted rehabilitator, in coordination with the USFWS eagle permitting to make a determination on when it is appropriate to intervene at an active nest. All parties are aware of the situation and will take action if required. """""""

JudyEddy said...

Yep it is SHEP in the cup he is so much smaller than her fits snug in the cup no spill over like Belle I wish he would put his wings out like Belle does to protect the cup area But I guess they know what they are doing

JudyEddy said...

I got pic of the switch at 1001 where Belle left and shep took over onFb page and will be in album later Off and about Will keep eye on nest while I am out

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Tuesday morning to all eagle watching friends out there. Just got back from my daily fast walk and came right in to get the cam on. What a beautiful picture it opened up to. Yes we are going to have a great eagle viewing season this year. :) It was eggciting to hear it confirmed that we do have sighting of an egg in our nest! Just wish the snow would stop.

Carolyn I bet you were excited hearing the baby's heart beat! So glad everything is getting better for Jess too.

The sun is shining at OBX today, but supposed to get rain tonight and tomorrow night. I hope the rain holds off until I can get home from Peaks nursing home. We go down there on 2 Tuesdays a month to do a breakfast for dinner meal for those that want to come into the dining room and have it. It is usually from 4:30 until 6. It makes me feel so good to be able to make a little difference in their lives.

Jo, how is the chemo going you "Tough Old Bird"? :) Is today the day you go? Prayers going with you.

Lolly prayers for your friend and her family. A tough time lies ahead.

Well as long as I have been on here, Shep is tenting as it looks like a mixture of precip keeps coming down. His back is starting to cover over. Did anyone happen to see another egg being laid?

JudyEddy said...

that was 1051 when Shep took over realized I typed the wrong time just looked at picture time on it

JudyEddy said...

changed my avatar to show the first egg cap so cute and tiny EGGBERT

Linda said...

JUDYE, thanks for confirming my eagle ID's! I thought I was right on who was who, but sometimes when they are hunkered down in the nest, it is a little difficult!

Haven't completely lost my touch!

Keeping those prayer requests in mind and praying for those needs!

Getting windy at the nest and light snow showers continue to fall.

Shep is still on duty!

JudyEddy said...

tour and all is well

JudyEddy said...

eagle cal

JudyEddy said...

Shep up

carolinabeachmom said...

Shep just got up and poofed off the nest. The one egg is clearly visable.

JudyEddy said...

and off the egg

JudyEddy said...

saw eagle go to cam

Linda said...

I hope the zoom back in close!

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle just flew in. Going to the egg cup and working in the egg cup flugg to get it just. right. Now very carefully stepping around the egg, more sent work, egg roll and then with a wiggle wiggle settles back down on egg. Maybe if it is Belle, we will have another egg today; or is it every two days? Precip has seemed to be stopped for now which is good news.

carolinabeachmom said...

Judy E Is that Belle back on the nest?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

YEP its BELLE notice how much wider she is

don't tell her LOL

Mema Jo said...

I've been looking at everyone's pics of our blessed event

Road are clear even though snow is coming down - Headed in for a Chemo

BBL and will check in

JudyEddy said...

zoom back

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks JudyE. I know she is the bigger bird, but that still doesn't help me sometimes. Maybe we'll get another egg today or tomorrow. Yeah, the cam has moved back in but now it might be too far.

Linda said...

Yay.....they just ZOOMED IN!

Praying all goes well, JO xoxoxo

carolinabeachmom said...

Take it easy on the drive to chemo Jo. Safe trip.

Jewels said...

MUCH luck on the chemo visit Momma Jo, Love you!!

JudyEddy said...

lunch delivered

Linda said...

Lunch delivered!

carolinabeachmom said...

Looks like Shep is back in nest. Belle gets up to eat a piece of the fish he just brought in for her lunch, and egg is uncovered.

carolinabeachmom said...

Egg is just visible. The cam is in so close that all you can see is Belle's feet and Sheps chest. :)

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like Shep just took off

glo said...

E8 has been rescued and taken to CROW where they took Ozzie

Linda said...

Candy, I think it may have been Belle who took off. And Shep is tending the nest.

Like I said, I "think" :)

Linda said...

Glad E8 was rescued, GLO

Lolly said...

Fish or road kill? It was very dark and very stiff! Whatever.....lunch and it was appreciated!

Jack has been getting lessons today. Have lap top on cam. He saw the tour for the first time. Then both were gone from the nest, I explained how they delay the development of the first egg. THEN we heard Love in the Afternoon up in the attic!😳😉😍

carolinabeachmom said...

Belle is done with lunch and very carefully gets back on the egg cup all the while fixing the nest to her satisfaction and fixing a stick in place. Thank goodness, it looks like the precip has stopped for now. Wind is blowing.

Lolly said...

Love how they rearrange the flugg in front of them!

carolinabeachmom said...

Glo I am glad E8 is being taken care of.

Thanks Linda for keeping me straight.

There sure is a lot of house straightening still going on. Pulling flugg around body to keep egg warm and comfy.

Lolly said...

Do not know what eagle is on the nest but it is not the same one as before lunch. Have been studying beaks!! This is a different beak,for sure! Love the zoom!

JudyEddy said...

GLO so happy they intervened to help

WVJerry said...

I see we have a front row seat now. Checking in on my lunch break.

glo said...

Yes we surely do Jerry What a great time we are all going to have this year.

carolinabeachmom said...

Belle returns to nest so now 2 eagles in nest.

JudyEddy said...


Linda said...

Time for another Exchange!

carolinabeachmom said...

It looks like Shep took off and Belle is now getting into the cup. Boy she is really ppulling and straightening the flugg. Possible egg roll, anyone see it for sure. Now wiggle wiggle and back down in egg cup.

carolinabeachmom said...

Two eagles in nest again. Looks like more Flugg brought in by Shep.

Linda said...

Yep! He likes going out for more stuff!! Good Guy!

Wants to keep his woman happy and warm!! :)

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, it is time for a late lunch. Everyone keep their eyes peeled. Oh no, it likes like Mixed precip is falling again. :(

JudyEddy said...

TURNED OUT TO BE FISHING LINE tangled on the eaglet

NCSuzan said...

Is that sleet falling now?

NCSuzan said...

CarolinaBeachMom, sorry I missed your post. Mixed precip. Yuck!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

I see our eagle is in tent mode and snowflakes are falling. We do have quite a view with the zoom. Should be exciting when the eggs start hatching.

Snow has been falling here, but so far it is too warm for anything to stick. About 40 degrees.

Worked on eagle education at bowling. A couple of ladies thought bald eagles were extinct. Thank goodness, they are becoming more plentiful

I am in the mood for a nap. Found a nice supply of meatballs in the freezer, so I am set for dinner tonight. All is well.

JudyEddy said...

looks like she is letting Eggbert get some air I can see the egg under her she is over the cup and up on her legs I guess in order to see it

JudyEddy said...

she is still up above the egg I am sure she know what she is doing BUT I want to SHOUT SIT DOWN PLEASE its cold out there LOL

JudyEddy said...

love the mumbrella out but still letting air in I see the egg still

JudyEddy said...

she seems to be tracking something stretching neck all over the place

JudyEddy said...

I still can see eggbert she is straddling him. I guess she knows she is gonna have another and wants to keep temp just right!!

JudyEddy said...

E8 rescue

JudyEddy said...

eagle calling and getting up

Linda said...

Belle calls out and is off the egg cup.

Shep must be on his way in.......

Linda said...


Linda said...

One is back

Linda said...

I think it's Shep

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school.

Linda, I agree that this looks like Shep egg sitting now.

Linda said...

Thanks, Sandi!

JudyEddy said...

Shep on duty now and looks like rain

JudyEddy said...

or maybe still snow

JudyEddy said...

He looks really comfy in cup Odd that BELLE stood the whole time But Shep lays down I wonder why? We will never know!

Barbara said...

Maybe Belle's next egg is in the delivery chute and it is too uncomfortable to try to sit with one in and one out!

Mema Jo said...

Home from Chemo - all went very well - back again Wed and Thurs.... Thanks for your
concerns. I am treating myself with the sugar free apple pie from Cracker Barrel soon.

Thanks for all your comments - I know exactly all that I missed. So far it has been really good.

I was praying for an intervention for little SWFL E8. Get that foot untangled and
healed and then back he goes home. CROW is fantastic with our eagles.

I am looking at all your photos over on FB - TIME TO CHANGE OUR EAGLET MOMSTER page's
cover photo. Hoping that tomorrow is the day for egg 2.

Sandi said...

My theory about Belle standing while Shep only sits is that she is the more experienced/savvy incubator. She knows if she has another egg or two to lay; Shep doesn't. He just knows, "When I'm on nest duty, I have 1 job to do - sit on the egg(s) - so that's what I'm gonna do!"

Doesn't matter if we're talking humans or eagles - God help the male that gets his mate angry b/c he doesn't do what he's supposed to do! :)

grannyblt said...

So happy to see Eggbert and parent. Love the new camera.

WVJerry said...

Jo - Glad your Chemo went well.

JudyEddy said...

Hope you can see this pictures of E8 he is so cute

Linda said...

Jo - Good to know you're home and all went so well. Enjoy that Apple Pie!!!

Sandi - I like and agree with your theory!! Moms just know what to do and when, for the most part!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I love it your explanation from Shep point of view LOL

I hooked my lap top to the TV for a bit really cool having it so large

It is so cold out in the 50's

WVJerry said...

Wow- This i9s the first time I have seen new Cam on full-screen on computer. I feel like I am in the nest now. Awesome view now. I can see why everyone was commenting and enjoying the new "Zoom" look. Enjoy your evening. Jo - never had a Cracker Barrel Pie but if it is anything like their chicken and dumplings or their "Sunday Best Chicken Platter" it should be a great treat.

JudyEddy said...

Glad all is good JO

JudyEddy said...

eagle calls

WVJerry said...

Oh no. This is how the excitement started yesterday.

WVJerry said...

Things seem calmer now.

Linda said...

I think that piece of evergreen has made its way all the way around the nest today. I remember it being at about 2 o'clock this morning and now it is at about 10 o'clock!! Each time Belle or Shep come back, they pick up that piece and move it!!

Funny how they each move stuff around to their liking......and then when the other comes back it gets changed again!! Kind of like us humans!!

WVJerry said...

Just got my first look at the egg. Really enjoying the new Zoom look.

Linda said...

And we had another changing of the guard a few minutes!!

WVJerry said...

Linda - Almost like one thinks - I thought I moved that over there and now it's back here.

Linda said...

Meant to say "a few minutes ago!"

Mama's home and settled in on the egg!

Jerry, it is beautiful to see things so clear and up close, isn't it??

WVJerry said...

Linda - Yes it is. I feel like I am sitting in the nest when it's on full screen here.

JudyEddy said...

JERRY hook it up to your TV I did mine today and OH MY MY so neat

Lolly said...

We are home and back to eagle watching!

We went out and purchased six new rose bushes and they are now planted and watered! Three red roses, two pink and one yellow. Hope they do Well!

WVJerry said...

Judy - I have an older TV and I cannot hook it up. I'm hoping to get a newer flat screen some time soon. Hate to stop using some thing that works even if it is old. I am sure it looks like life-like when you are seeing it on a large screen.

WVJerry said...

It is not snowing here and we are maybe no more that 12/14 miles west of the nest site. Looks like Belle is getting covered with snow.

stronghunter said...


Yes, that snow is falling on Belle.

stronghunter said...

Happy to learn that the chemo went well, Jo. Enjoy that pie. I plan to try it next time I go to Cracker Barrel.

Went with Val and Julie to a new restaurant in Locust Grove today. It's their second day open. The chef came out and talked with us. I do hope they are successful. The place that was in that spot before didn't make it.

glo said...

The light this time of day is actually very beautiful on the nest and on our eagle

WVJerry said...

My Live Cam has stopped.

WVJerry said...

Working on my phone though.

JudyEddy said...

Live Cam froze on me but now back

WVJerry said...

Spoke too soon...neither working for me now.

Linda said...

Mine has too! Just says buffering.

Maybe the number of eagle watchers is high now!!

JudyEddy said...

maybe now when I open it is in the wrong mode of buffer about 04 not 402

JudyEddy said...

its not working OH NO

WVJerry said...

Yes Judy phone working now for me.

Linda said...

Jerry, if you hit your refresh at the top of your web browser, it might come back quicker. Mine is back after I refreshed.

WVJerry said...

Got it back on computer now too. Thanks Judy.

JudyEddy said...

I got it back you all also don't like the snow What is the inch forecast for the nest??

WVJerry said...

Linda - Thanks I got it back now.

Linda said...

I am going to guess the traffic is high and that is why it keeps buffering. I have had mine on throughout the day today, and will close it out.....just in case someone who didn't have that luxury today can hopefully watch some this evening!!

JudyEddy said...

LM for me

WVJerry said...

Not sure on forecast. I have seen anywhere from 1-8 inches. It did not snow in Martinsburg according to Rhonda. It snowed in PA today and as far south as Williamsport MD.

WVJerry said...

Good idea Linda I think I will do same thing and try later if I am up.

JudyEddy said...

looks like we lost the live feed at 555 If you bring up the cam it shows as being light out and its not on the still LOL

LM still have the still

WVJerry said...

Just took Bella outside. It is snowing k lightly here now. Looks like I will call it a night. Judy - maybe Live Feed will return tomorrow.

carolinabeachmom said...

I just got home from the nursing home and I have live feed!

carolinabeachmom said...

Jo, glad to hear your chemo went ok. AND you got to go to Cracker Barrel. O just love eating in that restaurant any time of the day and of course love to browse through the store too. I wish I had your apple pie. Every time I go to Richmond to visit, I can't leave for home without going to the Cracker Barrel. We don't have one here on the OBX. :( The wind seems to be picking up at the nest. They will be gently rocked to sleep tonight. Doesn't look like there is any precip at the nest right now. :)

Linda and Jerry What I am finding is that the live cam comes up for me for awhile and then goes off. I renew the page at the top and it comes back on.

carolinabeachmom said...

Only have an hour before my Carolina Tar Heels come on TV. We have been in a slump lately. They had better pick up their pace and gel. Have to get something to nibble on. All seems well at our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Going to go into Lurk Mode
I am having problems with both cams...
Hoping for another egg tomorrow........

I have 2 TV shows to watch after Jeopardy. Jeopardy has been the College Kids
competing for big money prizes.

Everyone Take Care - have a restful night - SED and AOYP ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

JudyEddy said...

I also having only live feed issues Still cam work good

LM for me also Looks like more snow on Belle hard to tell with just still but seems to be good dusting

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Judie said...

Evening all.

Cannot get the live cam. I'm sure Belle and Shep have everything under control. Experienced parents.

Jo, so happy your chemo went well today and that you again enjoyed your Cracker Barrel pie. Rest well tonight.

My feet are going up. Maybe some reading.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Could not get live cam. I got a bit of time with the still cam. It showed Belle with her head tucked. There wasn't any snow on her, so that makes me wonder.

It is snowing here.

BEagle said...

WOW! An egg! I am happy to see that Belle is still plucking along!

stronghunter said...

Yes, BEagle, Belle is still laying eggs. We hope for some more in the next few days. Stick around and watch with us.

I am going to say good night now. I think I will take a moment to look out the window and see if it is still snowing.

Still getting still images of Belle sleeping.


BEagle said...

Good night strong. I will be watching.

It was snowing softly in the capitol of WV. It's stopped now. Belle is tucked and dry. That's a good thing!

Sweet dreams.

Lolly said...

It has been a long emotional night, visitation at the funeral home. What a crowd! A real tribute! Laurel is here and we have been talking all evening. Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

Live cam is up. Belle is awake.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see an eagle in nest. Fell asleep before the Live Feed came back last night. Have a great day and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Jerry and all my eagle friends. One eagle tucked in a snow-free nest. Looks and sounds very windy there. We are getting some light snow for a few hours.

Jo, I hope you are well-rested and ready for day 2 this afternoon - prayers continue for you bug time!

I am off today - have 1 appt. at 11am and then I really need to hit the grocery store.

Have agreyt day all.

Sandi said...

Oops, now that it has gotten lighter, I see there IS some snow in the nest. Belle is up off the egg. She has stretched her wings and is calling out for a break. And poof!

Sandi said...

Took only about 30 seconds for Shep to arrive, roll the egg, and then settle down on it.

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Snow in the nest, but none around that precious egg! Kind of windy, too!

Looks like Shep is still tending to the egg.....and he is doing is normal fidgeting!!

LOLLY, I am sure you were emotionally exhausted last night, but happy Laurel was able to come and stay overnight as well. I am sure there were lots of memories brought up last much history over the years. Will be praying for all of you today, as it will be a tough day.

Good Morning to SANDI and JERRY!

Have a dermatologist appointment today and we will take care of some grossery shopping while we are out. Then back to my desk!!

Will watch for a while having my coffee!

Hope it is a blessed day for all.........

Linda said...

Belle has returned!

Linda said...

Shep poofed.....

Belle settled down on the egg.

Man it is windy up there!

Linda said...

Belle is up and screeching!

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...