Friday, February 26, 2016


Looks like a warmup coming after all of this heavy weather.

New thread.


WVJerry said...

Thanks for New Thread Steve.

WVJerry said...

Good morning. I see an eagle in a wind-blown nest again this morning. Thought I saw a fish but it looks like a branch has blown in or been hauled in to nest. Trying to get motivated this morning. Steve - Thanks for the warm weather report too.

JudyEddy said...

WOW that feather looks good on you JERRY


so happy for our eagles weather is improving

56° here now don't like these cold fronts

JudyEddy said...

need to check the box silly me

and JERRY the thing to the left is that what you are referring to

I have been trying to figure out what it was

WVJerry said...

Good morning Judy. I am guessing it is a tree branch.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning on this Red Friday to all ♥

I vote for a tree branch! Thanks Jerry for the call over - glad you got the feather!

Thanks Steve for the fresh new Friday thread. I saw the temps should spike up but not stay there very long - Just really need these winds to die

JudyEddy said...

Looks like still cam is stuck on 10:11:24 It might catch up we will see

carolinabeachmom said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jerry for the call over. You get the feather today!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thank you, STEVE, for providing the shiny new thread and so glad JERRY was the one garnering a feather!

SANDI, happy news re:Freyja and Lynnis's trip to CA/Disneyland!

I have to go back for more news---be back in a flash.

Kay said...

LINDA, good to "see" you! And to know things are going well---that ski trip sounds like a great way to take a break from the grueling tax season.

So, CANDY and JUDIE are both foraging today. I'll do that tomorrow.

What an ominous sounding wind at the nest and creating a motion that would make me seasick!

I said I'd be back in a flash, but I got my daily phone call from Eileen. It's amazing how much we find to talk about! Now time to catch up with the daily chores.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

It wown't catch up on its own - email to NCTC has been sent
They are pretty busy with other projects - could stay like that most of the day

Thank goodness for up/running Live Feed

Mema Jo said...

Still cam should be up/running very soon

JudyEddy said...

red meat was delivered at 159 still standing waiting to see if we are hungry maybe

JudyEddy said...

oh what a insult switch took place the one stick was moved and the red meat is still at 5 Went to get own I guess

Kay said...

Good Afternoon!

The camera(s) at Duke Farms in NJ have been improved and they have quite a nice web site now. I've been watching this nest since Lee and family took me there a couple of years ago. Late last night I took a peek and saw the sweetest thing. One eagle on the cup and the other sitting there on sentry duty, almost touching it's mate.

You may not wish to add another nest to your list, but this one is another goody like ours and Barry!

Kay said...

Oops, I mean Berry, where the two adorable bobbleheads are basking in 50° sunshine and getting a good meal at this very moment!

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for a new thread for the weekend and thanks Jerry for the call over.

Linda - the ski trip sounds wonderful, especially since you'll be spending time with your son who has overcome a serious obstacle in his life!

CarolAnne, Denny has a lot of allergies and takes a combination of meds - prescription and over-the counter - for them. I suspect they contribute to his snoring.

I see that it's still windy at the nest - wow!

The massage was GREAT - just what I needed!

Dogs have been fed and pizza is almost ready so the people in the house can be fed as well. Then TV if I can stay awake - I feel so relaxed that may be difficult! If I don't get back on the blog tonight I'll see everyone in the early AM.

I see both eagles at the nest. Shep had been sitting but Belle just arrived to take over night duty.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥
Sorry but Still Cam is late getting fixed. May not get reset until after weekend.

Nothing on TV of interest except Blue Bloods tonight.

The nest is calmer then the past evening. Temps should go upward soon.

If I don't return later then this is

Goodnight to All

Judie said...

Good evening.

I may have gotten lost in the morning posts so: thank you Steve for the fresh Friday almost weekend thread. Congratulations to Jerry on his beauteous feather. Is that his first? Is he starting his own boy bonnet?

Linda, glad things seem to be better for you now so you can really enjoy that skiing trip

Sandi, happy the massage was relaxing so you can now enjoy the pizza.

Kay, I'll check out the Duke nest. Think I watched that some years ago but then got captured by the NCTC nest. Snow? Hope not.

Jo, I have not tv favorites tonight. So, it will be reading a few more pages in my library book.

Restful sleep for all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see 1 awake eagle in a not too windy nest. Calling out for a break. It's 29 degrees here this morning.

Today we are taking Janey to the Better Living Home Expo at the Wicomico Civic Center in Salisbury, MD - about 45 minutes from Bethany. Greyhound Pets of America - DE will have a booth there both days of the weekend to educate people about the joys of rescuing a retired racing dog and Janey will be one of the ambassadors for the breed. There will be at least 1 dog there that was at the track in WV while Janey was there so I'm anxious to see if they recognize one another. Should be fun.

Have a greyt day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Looks like Belle is egg-sitting in the sunshine this morning. Thank goodness, no fierce wind.

Sandi, have a wonderful time today. No doubt Janey will be an outstanding goodwill/adoption ambassadress.

Today is reading/puttering day. Broccoli cheese soup (Panera copycat) and garlic bread tonight.

Shirley, how's Luna doing?

Maybe Jo can escape into the fresh air since the wind has departed.

Successful foraging Kay.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ So very happy to see a breeze and not a 20 mph wind - the sun
even though the temp is 39° makes it look inviting outside. Lots more squirrels feeding than there has been on the rainy cold days.

Nothing planned for the day - relaxing in retirement.

Sandi anxious to hear how Janey does on her debut! Most greyhound owners I know love
these events.

Judie Love Panera's soups - especially the one you are going to copy. I also love their Danish! Almost time for me to get some more apple pie - hubby ate the last one with me - so I need a whole pie

Everyone enjoy your weekend - they keep coming too fast for me. Take care and enjoy the sunshine.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Saturday morning all eagle friends out there. Yeah!, no snow on our nest,but plenty of sunshine! Hope the two little eggs are warm and comfy in that egg cup. Just a small amount of wind today.

Sandi Glad to hear that you and Janey will be ambassadors for the Greyhound Pets of America. I know you both will be good representatives. I have a friend from Richmond who is a helper at these adoptions and getting them placed in homes. She is fostering one right now and adopted one (who has since passed) They are beautiful dogs full of love for anyone. Have a great time.

Judie,that broccoli soup sounds delicious for a cool winter day. Garlic bread is the topper. When we visit in Richmond, we have to stop at Panera's at least once while we are there. We love it.

All is quiet on our eagle nest so far. Have to go outside and get busy picking up the dreaded pine cones again and the limbs and branches that came down in that last storm. I am about ready to have all the pine trees cut down! Have to get my fast walk in first, then on to the cones. :( You all have a wonderful day!

carolinabeachmom said...

Egg roll

carolinabeachmom said...

Egg roll and back down.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

SANDI that sounds really neat what you and Janey are doing encouraging other to adopt WAY TO GO

I also love the broccoli soup and so does Jordyn we just tell her is Cheese soup She hate broccoli!!

JO enjoy your apple pie Sounds like you can become addicted to them HMMM Maybe a warning should be put on the box LOL

carolinabeachmom said...

Both birds in nest and one on egg cup is calling out. All quiet now with both eagles in the nest; sameone on the eggs and fly in on 11 oclock. I guess all is ok.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Wow, SANDI! I predict you, Denny and Janey will make a big hit with folks today!

JUDY, why not consider a greyhound adoption now that you're a lady of leisure? I see several of them in our nearby park a lot and can attest to the fact that they are wonderful adoptees. I came close to adopting one when looking for a dog---a greyhound rescue group attends our weekly meet n' greet for rescuers at the animal shelter. Decided the dear dog was too big for me and am glad I waited for Penny to show up, but yeah, GREYThounds are just that, Greyt!

JUDIE, that soup is my all time Panera's favorite, too. Yummy!

JO, you need to find a hidey spot for the next apple pie.☺

CANDY, wish you were enjoying another kind of cone! I think SANDI can relate to the mess pine trees make---they are beautiful trees, however!

Time for this procrastinator to get a move on. Need a shower and then on to Kroger. Seth is home for his "Spring Break". Since it's my night for greeting and cashiering at the Contra Dance he may join me there for a while, but won't be over for the night n' morning. I'm not sure it will work out for him to be here before the break is over as he and his dad are heading west for most of the week. They'll see all the Lincoln stuff in Springfield and then on up to Wisconsin for a visit with Hugh's sister and family. Julie's college has a later Spring Break. I imagine she and I will get together a time or two while the guys are away.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Hi all! We be home! Now have a trailer to clean but that is not a big job! We had fun and it was a very relaxing few days! We read a lot. We. Hiked every day in the woods. Yesterday was a 4 mile day. Saw no Eagles, actually very few birds. Saw a couple of Hawks and one Hairy woodpecker. Saw. Two deer, one blue heron and lots of ducks.

What we had fun doing was finding tracks on the hiking trails. The rain just before our trip supplied us with that fun! We saw deer tracks, raccoon tracks, and what we figured must have been bobcat tracks. They were definitely large cat tracks!

The sun was out but it was chilly as the wind was so strong. Got down to 32 yesterday but we have no problem with vegging and reading.
There were very few campers but more came in last night for the weekend. Probably the nicest day but we were ready to come home. Skippi does not like her travel bag but it is so much better than a hard carrier. And, she does great in the trailer, quickly adjusts to it.

Have not read back so trust that if there is something that happened while we were gone, you will tell me.

Now out to the trailer to clean!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home, Lolly. All is well here and at the nest.

Both eagles in - Belle brought in more flugg and Shep is covered up very warmly.
Still Windy but not as bad as the last few days

Lolly said...

Trailer is all clean! Last load of laundry in , now to relax for the rest of the evening. Heading to Denton tomorrow morning. It is youth Sunday at St Andrew Presbyterian Church. My boys will be participating.

Last BB games were played today. Jacob won the first game but lost the second. They then got to he second place trophy. It was a good season.

Feeling good! Just got a call from Lake Tawakini St. Park. I lost my TCU visor while hiking. Someone turned it in! Wahoo. Mailing them a postage paid envelope to have them mail it to me. Yay. Silly things are so expensive!

Loving the sun on the nest!

Sandi said...

Evening all.

Glo, how did your interview go?

Shirley, how is sweet, stubborn Luna doing?

Lolly, welcome home from your trip!

Judy, I LOVE Kay's suggestion about you adopting a greyhound! You live so convenient to tracks that have many retirees! Might a dog be in your future? They LOVE to ride in the car and could keep you company when you eagle-watch!

Today was so greyt - Janey walked around and collected rubs and ear-scratches for 3 solid hours - she was a perfectly behaved lady!! At one point, there were about 10 greyhounds at the event at the same time. Let me tell you, 10 greyhounds in a group, all wagging their tails at one another and sniffing each other's butts without a snarl, growl or bark really attract a lot of attention!! I'm certain that several of the couples/families that stopped to ask questions will be submitting adoption applications! Gail, the president of GPA-DE said she has 6 applications right now for the 5 dogs that were just brought back from WV on Thursday so she will be making another trip in the next couple of weeks for more dogs.

One of the other dogs that was there today - a male named Stymie - was at the adoption kennel in WV with Janey. When they saw one another today, they put their heads together, leaned against one another, and just stood side by side! It was soooo sweet!

Need to rustle up some leftovers to heat up for dinner. Bye.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI love the Janey and Stymie reunion story SWEET and so happy you all had a successful day.

I got my eagle shirt today in the mail from the fulton eagles (I love this TRIO )
I am still waiting on the long sleeve one but I did order it a couple of days after I ordered the short sleeve one.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Sandi, what a wonderful day for you and the greythounds. Now, wouldn't it be so sweet to have Janey and Stymie together again? What a lovely heartwarming story that would be.

Must be a new adoptee in our neighborhood - this morning saw a man walking a greythound (white with black patches) across the street. Pretty dog.

Welcome home Lolly. So fortunate your visor was found. Enjoy the day in Denton.

Kay, hope you got all your foraging accomplished and you and Penny are in for the night. Wishing Seth a terrific Spring break.

Hope Luna is continuing to heal and Shirley will stop by with an update.

Watching a Miss Fisher rerun. Then to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Luna is doing very well. She keeps telling us she wants to go out the back door, even with all of the steps going down to the back yard. It will be awhile before we let her do that.

Haven't been online much today. I had bowling practice, then lunch with Julie. After all of that, I took a nap, then spent some time watching TV with Kathryn. Hunter is with his Dad.

stronghunter said...

Odd thing happened today at the bowling alley. A young lady at a table near us suddenly fell out of her chair and lay unconscious on the floor for awhile. I think she was one of the special needs people who bowl frequently. 911 was called and she was taken away by ambulance. She did regain consciousness before they took her away. Prayers that she is okay this evening.

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all - almost ready to call it a day.
Can't wait to enjoy the warm weather tomorrow !

Sandi - Your day was so enjoyable I'm sure. Very touching story concerning
Janey's meeting up with her old friend Stymie - they really knew! Hopefully they can meet again in the future.

On FB Steve brought to my attention the Wildlife Vet Care in Millwood VA - they are
treating an eagle with lead poison and he seems to be coming around... You may want to google it.

Goodnight to all

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see 1 sleeping eagle in what looks like a breezy nest.

Jerry, happy birthday!! I hope you and Rhonda do something fun today! You're still on vacation, right?

Judie, Stymie was there with his forever people, he was adopted about 3 weeks ago. But he and Janey will see one another at greyhound events - he's living in Salisbury, MD so not too far away.

Tennis for me at 9am. I think we'll drive up into Bethany for a walk on the boardwalk this afternoon. If Denny goes, then we'll take all 3 dogs; if I go alone, it will just be Janey. Temps are supposed to go into the 50s this afternoon and into the 60s tomorrow afternoon. C'mon spring!

Have a greyt day all.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Sunday morning all. It isa beautiful dayat our nest. Eagle was resting and sun was shining on our nest! Eagle is awake and looking around now. Still breeze blowing,but not a strong one. Don't see any breakfast laying around, so maybe that is yet to come.

carolinabeachmom said...

Parent getting up,egg roll and then wiggle,wiggle back down into nest. Fixing flugg around body to keep the nest nice and comfy and warm.

Sending out a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jerry today. Hope you and your wife have a wonderful birthday together.

Sandi, how I wish I were walking the beach with you. I just love it when it is out of season and there are hardly any people. I live about 4 miles from it and hardly take myself over to see it. Maybe this year I'll start something new and get there more often. Enjoy your walk with your beloved dogs.

Well, it is time for church, to have to go for now. Everyone have a wonderful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Happy birthday, Jerry. So nice to hear from you more often.

Oh, wouldn't it be nice to walk on the beach and boardwalk with Sandi and Janey? I love the beach. Such a touching story about Janey's reunion at the greyhound event.

Thanks for the information about the Millwood vet care place, Jo.

Two eagles in our nest now. Beautiful scene, but I do not see any breakfast. Maybe it was delivered earlier, or maybe they have eaten out individually.

Judie said...

Good early morning (for me).

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JERRY ♪♫ Wishing you a wonderful day and and even more wonderful year ahead.

Sandi, did not realize Stymie was adopted so that is wonderful news. Have fun today.

CarolAnne, I grew up in the Va. Beach area and, like most locals, rarely went to the beach. Only retirees and tourists have that kind of time. lol

Shirley, seems such a good thing that Luna is wanting to follow her routine and is feeling better. Hope the young woman who fainted is okay -- perhaps just dehydrated or something.

Jo, family time today?

Sunshine and beauteous blue sky this morning at my abode and at the nest.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

I see our beauteous Belle on the eggs now. So nice to see the sunshine shining on her today and no snow.

BEagle said...

Yes it's good to see beauteous Belle on her nest with her two.
It's hard to be patient until the hatching.

Did anyone ever determine what the clump of red meat was a few days ago?

stronghunter said...

Hi BEagle.

Oh, I do not know what the red meat was. Yes, it is hard to wait for the hatching. However, it is much better to wait in this pleasant weather.

Good grief that is quite a branch that just arrived. Beautiful view of the eggs. Yikes, Shep! Do not drop that branch on the eggs again.

BEagle said...

Now Shep, the Builder, has brought in a big stick and Belle got up to give a nice view of the eggs.

Shep is making sure his stick is with him as he hunkers down on those eggs.
He's funny!

stronghunter said...

I need more coffee. Wondering if there is someone out there to keep an eye on Shep for awhile. He sometimes needs a little guidance.

BEagle said...

Shep needs to be a little more careful with those sticks!

stronghunter said...

Oh, there you are Beagle. Yes, that was an excellent view of the two eggs, but they did not need that branch dropped on them.

stronghunter said...


BEagle said...

Belle is Shep's only hope for doing it right!
But she flew off.

BEagle said...

If I were Belle I would have pecked his noggin.

stronghunter said...

He did push that stick a bit away from the cup, but not too far. Maybe Belle can take care of it when she returns.

stronghunter said...

I would prefer that he not mess with it anymore.

BEagle said...

They work to get the baby bumpers surrounding the egg cup for the
safety of the eaglets I suppose.

I didn't see where he put that stick though. Is that it near his left wing?

stronghunter said...

I think it is the one right in front of him.

BEagle said...

It's funny...I thought of Belle too,returning and moving
the stick to where she would like it to be.

It looks like an old stick. It was probably very light weight I hope.

stronghunter said...

Yes, they use the sticks for crib rails, BEagle. We will be happy they're there when the little ones start hopping around.

stronghunter said...

Guess it's pretty warm in the sun. He is panting a little.

stronghunter said...

But there is definitely a breeze blowing. The nest is rocking.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Lolly said...

A quick good morning! Change of plans. Laurel is getting a cold, Joseph is just playing in the band at church, so have cancelled going up there. Heading to church here. Need to go dry my hair and get ready.

Have a great Sunday!

Mema Jo said...


BEagle said...

Attending to some Bible study now. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥

Jenny is here and oldest daughter is on her way. Love the weather for today and our
nest looks great - Thanks Shirley and BEagle for the Big Stick comments. Hopefully Belle will put it in place - a safe place for sure!

Sandi your pic this morning of our 2 egg clutch is wonderful. Thanks
Have great time walking beach and boardwalk.

Lolly - sorry for your plan change but best to stay out of germs' way.

BBL to chat

Lolly said...

Need to go outside and take a pic. Tulips and daffodils look great even though the daffodils are on the way out!

72 and a bit cloudy today.

No, do not want Laurel's cold, but she is hanging in there with Avil and gargling.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!!

Jerry, hope this has been and continues to be One Fine Birthday!

Thanks for all the nest reports y'all!

Had a great time at Contra Dance last night---the job of greeter/cashier and people watcher in chief means my face aches from smiling when I leave there. Seth was there for about half the dance and was a good sport about joining in for 3 or 4 dances.

Today he, his parents and I went out for lunch at a favorite Middle Eastern eatery. I'll not see him again before he heads back to college after Spring Break. Tomorrow he and his dad leave for sites in IN, IL and WI. In WI they are going to an area where eagles are often seen! Fingers crossed.

Prayers for all in need!!!


NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Jerry! Hoping for many holes in one and bountiful fishing trips for you in the coming year!

JudyEddy said...

Just got home from the roller rink watching the kiddos and Angie skate was the last leg of a birthday party. Sure was nice afternoon

WVJerry said...

Good evening everyone. Been watching an eagle trying to settle in for the night. Thank you one and all for the Birthday Wishes. Still on vacation and had a great day today. I feel I have rested some and still accomplished most nof what I wanted to get done. Back to work on Tuesday for me. Have a peaceful night and take care all.

Unknown said...

a quick good evening to one and all.
worked yesterday and then did an outcall. five consecutive days of massage and an outcall = one tired me. I held down the sofa the reset of the night and we were asleep about 9:30. I didn't get up til 10 today.

the weather here was GORGEOUS today. a little windy, but gorgeous. we took the trampoline down that was in the back yard and we took it out to a friends house. she has an 11 year old son and I know he will use it. they were tickled.

had a blast out there. she has a small farm, donkeys, horse, goats, chickens....we rode the horse. it had been a long time since I did more than a walk on a trail ride. I actually got him up to a canter towards the end.

well, here in the next couple of weeks we should be waiting on a pip....then a bobble head! getting exciting!

btw; HAPPY BIRTHDAY JERRY! hope it was a fantastic day!

calling it a night. the hot tub is calling my name.

hugs for all!

stronghunter said...

Just wanted to say good night. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Read all evening except to watch a special on Downton Abbey. Very interesting, what a way to live!

Heading to bed soon. Night all! SED

CarolAnne said...

Morning all.
Egg roll
Settled in.

Sandi said...

Goodorming CarolAnne and all my eagle friends. Happy Leap Day. I am celebrating today by making it a day off from school! :)

Jerry, I saw your comment on FB about finally catching on to why I type greyt rather than great. It is indeed a greyhound owner thing, not a misspelling thing. For the record, I also deliberately type goodorming instead of good morning. I think Lolly is responsible for that word being in our blog dictionary. She typed it accidentally one morning but I much prefer it b/c I don't have to leave the space between the 2 words. Enjoy your last day of vacation.

Janet, it occurred to me on Friday while I was getting a massage that being a massage therapist must be hard work. You really have to have great hand, arm, and upper body muscles to do that all day long.

Jo, is this a treatment week? Prayers continue for you.

It was sunny on the boardwalk and beach yesterday but also breezy and pretty chilly. Still, all 3 dogs had a good time - there were almost as many dogs as people out walking. I love seeing Janey wag her tail and approach other dogs with interest; a month ago, she would just hide behind us whenever she encountered another dog.

Have a greyt day all.

CarolAnne said...

Bird squaking nearby. Eagle extra alert, beak open, looking aggressive.

CarolAnne said...

Extra windy again.
A bit of sway to nest.
Head feathers occasionally ruffled.
Still watching all around.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Eagle is looking vigilant. Nest is full of flugg.

Judie said...

Good morning.

CarolAnne, don't cha just love listening to a squaking bird?

Looks as if it might be Shep on egg-sitting duty. A little breeze.

Sandi, so glad you had a good time and especially happy that Janey is so improved with socialization. You and family have done a greyt job with her. Enjoy your day off.

Kay, glad you had a nice lunch with Seth, Julie and Hugh. Soon enough, Seth will be home for summer.

Lolly, glad you have the trailer all restored t order but sorry your Denton plans were changed.

Seems others, Janet and Judy and Jerry all enjoyed the weekend. Jerry, enjoy the last day of vacation.

Hoping Jo stops by this morning. Shirley, also.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

STILL CAM is still stuck

looks to be still windy at the nest

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Guessing you missed my post earlier. Birds are making all kinds of noise in my backyard. Pam says she is finding peanut shells in her backyard. That's where the blue jays go with most of my peanuts. Glad Pam doesn't seem to mind a bit of blue jay litter.

True, it is not too long until we will be enjoying summer days. Happy times for greyhounds and people home from college. Our eaglets will fledge. Teachers will get a well-deserved rest.

WVJerry said...

Good morning Carol Anne, Shirley. Sandi, Judie and Judy. Looks windy at nest again. Not sure what to do today other than go pay Property Taxes. Sandi - I only noticed one of those. Makes sense on "goodorning" though. Talk later and take care all.

WVJerry said...

Both in nest now.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good morning all. What a surprise to come on and see two eagles at home and eating a nice delicious fish.

Mema Jo said...

Good LEAP day morning to all ♥
I am waiting the news that I have become a great Aunt - just sorry it will be on the Leap Year day....... ♥ The little gal just missed yesterday when it was her great- grandfather-to-be's b-day.

Our sky here in the valley earlier were so dark and we did have a sprinkle of rain. The wind picked up and now the sky is brilliant blue with some puffy white clouds.

CarolAnne & Shirley - thanks for the nest comments this early morning
Jerry - enjoy your last day of vacation - Glad it was a good one.
Sandi - It is a good idea not to work on this extra day of the year - lol

Tomorrow starts my 4th session of my 3 day of chemo. Hopefully within a month I will get a scan to see what progress has been made.

I was to get a visit today from gd with the 5 great-grandkids - but one has a cold so they will schedule their visit for next week.

I will be back later - enjoy your day and SMILE

carolinabeachmom said...

Breakfast is over and eagle is back on the egg cup; egg roll and a wiggle, wiggle and back down on the egg cup. I would think that the eggs wouldn't need to get rolled; wind is doing a pretty good job of rocking and rolling the insides. :) Was wondering if that small branch was brought in or glided in with the wind? It is right in the middle of everything. Tucking flugg around to keep the little ones warm.

Well, since it is Leap Day, I think I had better leap out and get my daily fast walk done. Hope all are doing ok and ready for a nice sunny day.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well good morning Jo. You must have leaped on while I was typing. :) Hope all goes well for your great niece to be. You must be getting excited. What a wonderful family you have with all your great ones. Glad to hear that you have blue skies. Hope the sun comes out for you as bright as it is here today. We also have quite a bit of wind. Hoping you are getting closer to the end of your three day treatments. Prayers still coming your way for a good out come. Good news couldn't happen to a better person. You are so very loved by all.

carolinabeachmom said...

And now I'll head out to fast walk. Have a great day.

Kay said...

Good Leap Day Morning Eagle Buds!!!

The nest is rockin' n' rollin', but one dedicated parent is riding it out!

JO, hope the new little one and mommy are healthy! Babies sometimes seem to want their own day. Julie was due in late Sept., so we hoped for our anniversary which was the 24th or my dad's birthday, the 25th, but she opted for arrival on the 23rd. You are on the permanent prayer list, but efforts will be doubled through this next set of treatments!

Ha, JERRY, don't you wish you only had to pay prop. taxes on the 29th of Feb.---every four years would be so easy to put up with!

SANDI, Janey has certainly come a long way in a very short time! I'm amazed at how well her transition from race track life to life in a loving home has been. Lions share of the credit goes to you!

SHIRLEY, you describe the joys of summer well!

Guess I'd better quit procrastinating and get all my tax stuff gathered, collated, etc.. It's fairly simple now, but I've always dreaded the routine.

I'll be hanging on here for the cam show.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Yes, Sandi, very proud to have added many words to the Momster dictionary! Lol. I think "flugg" is the most often used word. Just love typos!

Fog is gone now but it was really foggy here this morn. Have not seen such thick fog in a long time! But clear and sunny now! 62 and headed up! Will clean a little indoors and then head out! Nothing on the agenda this week but digging in the dirt!

Getting a little seasick watching the nest! Dear Sycamore, please, please stand strong!

Prayer for you, Jo! Sorry for the cancellation of the visit of the great grands, but we certainly do not want you catching their cold!

Time to get busy! Coffee time is up! Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

go another recall in the mail on my air bags This is the second recall now. Just got off the phone they will see if they have the part (probably not) if not they will order is. I have a appt Wed for power steering and was so hoping to get it at same time .

JudyEddy said...

Heading out to enjoy this pretty weather

Unknown said...

=Good Monday afternoon to one and all!
SANDI: massage work is mostly about leverage. We learn to lean and use our body weight to provide the depth of the massage. But yes, it leaves us tired at the end of the day. I often wake with my hands spasmed and it hurts to uncurl them. That is why I have to stretch, do yoga, and use my foam roller several days a week. Many therapists sustain injuries on the job: strains, sprains, shoulder injuries, even broken wrists.
My shoulder will not allow me to do deep tissue work nor 2 hour sessions any more. I simply cannot do it. And yet, I love this job. I just have to work within my physical limitations.¬¬¬¬¬¬
This is the 2nd of two bright, sunny, and warm days! Most of us have been hungry for the sun. We were out and about yesterday and today. Today was allergy injection day for Olivia, so we dropped the top on the car and enjoyed the pretty sun. Also stopped by Target. Olivia found a swim suit for herself and a pair of shorts.
I hope everyone is enjoying this day! Hugs for all!

JudyEddy said...

SIS Foam rollers several days a week?????? I am seeing hair rollers

grannyblt said...

I remember this pink foam hair rollers! About the only kind I could sleep on back in the day.. Thank goodness for blow dryers and curling irons.

Windy and cold here as a cold front came through. There were a few snowflakes when I went to post office to mail tax info to my TX CPA.

Eight years ago today I signed the papers to sell my TX house. So it has been nearly 9 years I've lived here in PA. Maybe this is the year I get serious about returning.

Tomorrow is the beginning of March, so we are getting close to pips and bobble heads. Can't wait.

Hope everyone stays well.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Snuggled in my bed with a sleeping kitty. A usual situation. It's Allie Cat tonight.

Ahh, time to shop for shorts and swim suits. I always enjoy this time of year. I admire my crocus flowers every time I go outdoors. Daffodils will be blooming pretty soon. A few are already up and lots more are popping up. I don't have nearly as many as Lolly, but I added a few more last fall.

And, yes, we will soon be looking for pips in the eggs.

Sandi said...

What a beautiful day! Took Janey for about a 3 mile walk today on a nearby trail. Only met 1 other person the entire time we were hiking! Talk about peace and quiet!

Jo, I hope today went smoothly for you.

Goodnight all - I will see everyone in the early AM.

stronghunter said...

Now, two kitties on my bed. They do not usually sleep on the same bed.

Hoping that the upcoming treatments go well, Jo.

Hunter just came in and grabbed Allie, so now I have just Cheeto.

Pink foam hair rollers--Oh yes, I remember those. I do not think I could sleep on any kind of rollers anymore.

stronghunter said...

Almost time to sleep. Rest well, my friends. :)

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Pink/foam rollers or not, wishing everyone a night of restful and restorative sleep.

Night all.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judie.

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to say Goodnight

All seems calm at the nest

Hoping everyone says Good Bye to February and Welcomes March

Goodnight to all ♥

Lolly said...

Watched TV tonight. Watched The Voice and they have started out with some great singers.

Never did get outside to work today. Had errands to run and. It ended up taking most of my day. Did enjoy sitting out for a while. Got up to 77! A front is coming through tomorrow, but hope it will be nice enough to get out.

Heading for the shower. Night all! SED!

WVJerry said...

Good early morning. I see a sleeping eagle in nest. 38 degrees here according to my cellphone. Back to work for me today. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming all. One sleeping eagle in the nest - all looks well there.

Back to work for me today.

Jo, got mixed up last night - today starts your 3-day treatment, right? Hope it goes smoothly and the chemo is doing its thing.

Have a greyt day.

Jewels said...

Good morning....
I have been absent a while. Is there only one egg now??

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Tuesday morning Sandi, Jerry and Jewels and all others that will be getting on today. Nest is very quiet at this time. Just one eagle sitting on the 2 eggs. Thank goodness, the wind has either died down so our nest is given a break from all that swinging back and forth. Love to see the sun out there.

Got to the beach with my husband for a short while yesterday and on my walk, it is beginning to sound like spring is in the air. Still not hearing any osprey returning yet. Should be any time now.

Jerry, have a good day back to work today. Put a smile on your face and it will go easier. Yea, I can talk, now that I am retired. I met with a Kindergarten teacher the other day. I was told that she had a couple of children that could use help in their reading. So, I told her that I would come in to help. Hope I am not making a mistake, but I really do miss being with the children. I won't get paid, but I also won't have to be there all the time. Hopefully it will work out.

carolinabeachmom said...

Well, I have the dentist for a cleaning at 11am and I might get a Skype call from my sweet grand daughter before I go. So hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday!

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS TORI ♪♫ May you have a most wonderful day and a blessed year ahead.

Hi Carolyn. Two eggs.

Have a good work day Sandi.

Jo, thinking of you today as always. Will the post-treatment include an ice cream cone or an apple pie?

Eagle, maybe Shep, resting in the sun and surveying the land.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judy said...

I have followed this site for many years. But I have not checked in regularly since the babies fledged last year. I have noticed in the last several weeks, that Eagle Eyed Sharon has not posted. Just wondering if everything is OK, I missed her
cute posts.

Judy, Ohio

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Happy Birthday to Tori I am so ready for March. Wishing each of you a blessed day whatever is on the schedule. Hoping you will have a Spirited Flight :-) Here is a link to the short TV interview I did about our local blessing of eagles especially during the winter. I love that in a year with so few here, they actually came into the Marina in good numbers just in time to film this. We were blessed Spirited Flight

Jewels said...

ok, Thank youm the last few times one of the gals here at work seen the eggs when the eagle was up, she only seen 1 egg. So I thought Id get your call on it, since you see more than I get to on a daily sometimes hourly basis.

Judie said...

Hi Glo. What fantastic coverage of you, your skilled photography, and your love for eagles. Not only did I enjoy seeing so many eagles at one time and learning a bit more about you, it was lovely to actually "see" you. Congratulations.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Happy Birthday to Tori on this her 22nd year - Wishing for a fantastic year ahead

Heading out shortly - Will read back when I get home

Happy March 1 - However I'm not sure about coming in like a lamb and leaving like a lion!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


My computer is acting up has gone down 4 times already today normally that is what it does the whole day.
Don't want to have to get a new computer but just may have to.

JO Hope you treatment goes good have a slice of pie with icecream after

GLO I loved you interview

JERRY have a good day at work

CAROLYN our eagles like the cup deep I have seen two eggs today already just with my computer acting up can't seen to get a snip before it goes down

CANDY congrats on the reading with the kiddos I am sure you will have some stories to tell

WELCOME JUDY what part of OHIO I use to live there and our KKay lives there also

HOPE each of you have a great day in no matter what you are doing

JudyEddy said...

SHARON is on FB often and doing ok

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Welcome, Judy! Eagle Eye Sharon still works and as she works she keeps an eye on the nest. She is on fb frequently. Yes, she should post on here more often! Hear that, Sharon?😜

A little more cloudy today but still nice. Presently 66.

Looks like another windy day at the nest.

Candy, I am sure you will enjoy time volunteering at school.

To the yard I go today! No errands for me!!

JudyEddy said...

HA HA I got a snip of those two beauteous eggberts and on fb

CarolAnne said...

So nice to see sunshine at nest.
Hope our weather system doesn't reach there.
Snowing here to point of almost whiteout conditions, nasty winds.
Guess we're getting March in like a lion.😕
Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone.

Judy said...

Glad to hear that Sharon is OK

Akron, Ohio

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Still windy at Sycamore Palace, but it looks like all is well.

Penny and I just returned from the Vet Clinic where she was tortured with a mani-pedi. She does carry on something fierce, but forgives all immediately upon being released.

It's a beautiful Springlike day here and the crocuses have emerged. We do still have some snow flurries in the forecast, but hopefully winter will soon be booted out for good.

oHIo to OHIO JUDY! Happy to have you on board!

TORI, Happy Birthday dear 22 year old! Wishing you the best and praying for answers to your health issues!

GLO, as soon as I get this posted I'll go to the video--thanks for providing the link!

JO, extra prayers for you through this treatment agenda and prayers for all in need!


Unknown said...

Good SUPER TUESDAY afternoon

JUDYE: no, not hair rollers. It is a large tubular piece of hard foam (look in the sporting goods sections at wally world, or at any sports store, runners love these). And quite literally you roll your body on it It gives a myofascial release which allows muscles to release. You can you tube foam roller use and you will see many examples. Lol. Hair rollers. I do use hot rollers several times a week in my hair as well….i guess I’m just rollin’ along…..
We had several days of glorious sun. I saw a glimpse of it earlier, but the front is now moving thru with wind and rain. As long as it doesn’t go to severe status, okay by me.
Olivia and I were up and out early this morning to get grocery shopping done before the rain hit. We managed! We were in the house with everything and about 10 min later, the rains began! Even heard a bit of thunder.

I still have to go vote. I will do so in a couple hours. I have heard that lines are very long. That is good…people are out voting. I am trying to catch the lull between lunch and those heading home from work.
Hoping everyone is enjoy this wonderful day that we have! Hugs to all

Kay said...

GLO, what a wonderful video, showing so many eagles and YOU in all your GLOry!

Oh, oh, it's turned dark here and rain is falling--glad Penny and I returned home before this hit.

Have a grand and glorious day everyone!

Mema Jo said...

Happy to see many on the blog this 1st day of MARCH.

Chemo went well - Again wed and thurs.
On March 17th I will be able to get a Pet Scan to see how things are going. Then
treatment schedule will be determined.

GLO - Your featured video was so very well presented - Loved the Dual Eagles in Flight photo you showed! Extremely good coverage - Polar bears, eagles, dogs and cats - what will be next!

Judy I do have my pie in the frig for later with ice cream.

OHIO Judy - welcome - thinking I remember you being here before - enjoy the nest

Feet going up.......

Judie said...

Uh oh! Now we need to designate Judy1 and Judy2.

Welcome Judy2. Kay is in the Columbus area and I used to live outside Dayton.

Nest is still swaying in the wind. At least there is sunshine.

Tedious day here but laundry is done.

Jo, glad today went easily. Jufie reported you were your own lovely self and he never needs to do more than hover around. Enjoy that pie and ice cream.

Kay, tell Penny I am soooooo jealous. I need to get my nails done but will wait until next week when I get my do done, I guess.

Candy, what a wonderful opportunity to work with children again. No doubt those kids will benefit greatly.


JudyEddy said...

JUDY I also lived in Tallmadge Akron area (besides Ravenna and Atwater) many many years ago that is where my x was from.

JO so happy your treatment went well!

Spent a couple of hours at Freedom Park eagle watching. The female was in the nest. The eaglet is so big now I do think she is a female same size of mom. It is so pretty out 78°.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, so happy that treatment went well for you today and that apple pie is waiting for you! Always in my thoughts.

Tori, Happy Birthday! Hope cake and ice cream will be enjoyed and that you have a wonderful and healthy year ahead!

Mema Jo said...

I did rest this afternoon - feeling well.
Tonight some of my favs on TV - I already have my pj's on and going to my recliner in front of the TV - I'll eat my apple pie later I think.

I will say goodnight to all ♥

Prayers for all ♥

JudyEddy said...

MN BOUND had their first egg today

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Looks to be Belle dozing quietly.

Jo, enjoy the tv programs and the apple pie. Rest well.

I also am headed to my recliner soon, no doubt, to be joined by the two boys who keep me planted in my chair.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Lolly said...

Really need to head to bed. Got a lot accomplished in the yard but I am paying for it. My lower back is killing me! Groan.......

Jo, happy things went well today and may it continue to go well!

Night all! SED

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Still breezy. I see a sleeping eagle in nest. Talk later and take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Wet here this AM and temps will be falling. We could even get some snow by tomorrow night - good grief!

Jo, hope day 2 is smooth sailing.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Headinn out the door to take truck to Walker Ford

CarolAnne said...

WINDY, sitting tight.
Morning all.
Enjoy your day.

Unknown said...

good mid week morning to all! make it a splendid day!

Judie said...

Good windy morning. Blue sky and fluffy white clouds.

Nest swingin' and swayin' this morning. Adult tucked in tight.

Camera is again focused on the nest at Loch of Lowes. Ospreys are migrating.

Jo, Jufie just hitched a ride on the high winds headed your way. Thinking of you today.

Lolly, think Aleve.

JudyE, hope the truck doctor makes the truck feel better today .

Sandi, I heard a rumor that Jeeps do NOT perform well in snow - not even a little dusting of snow. Way too risky to try to get to school. Justing sayin'

Jerry, hope work is going smoothly.

Hi CarolAnne and Janet.

Off to begin my day. Wishing a lovely day for all of you.

Sandi said...

Judie, Friday is a teacher inservice day; this teacher doesn't need inservice training. Already put in for a sick day - different reason, same result. But I like the way you think!

Snoring update - Dennis gets his mouth guard next Tuesday. In the meantime, Theravent strips have been working well.

Back to Geography - bye!

CarolAnne said...

Tree top moving back & forth. Eagle doing lots of watching over its back.

CarolAnne said...

Pulling on branch across nest. Stood up, glanced down at eggs, didn't notice eggroll, settled back down.

carolinabeachmom said...

Good Wednesday morning Judie, Janet, JudyE CarolAnne, Sandi, Jerry and all others to come to our nest today! That wind is sure blowing the nest about this morning, but at least there is no snow or rain. OBX has rain and cooler here today. Good day to do housework.

Lolly Hope your back is feeling a little bit better this morning. Like Judie said, "Aleve". You have such a beautiful yard.

Eagle in nest is calling out. Still calling. Maybe it is time for breakfast and a change of egg sitters. All is quiet now except for that awful wind. That poor nest is just rocking. It kind of scares me. Hope it holds together. Stick keeps blowing over on eagle. She can't seem to get it situated and out of getting right into her face.

Jerry, I hope you are settling into work after having the week off.

Sandi, so sorry for you and getting snow this late. I sure wish this weather would make up it's mind. I did hear our first Osprey in the neighborhood calling out yesterday,so they are about on time. Spring weather must be close behind. We are supposed to be getting more rain Thursday/Friday.

CarolAnne and Janet Wishing you good happenings during your day today.

Jo Good to hear that yesterday went well for you. Keep on keeping on. When you go out today, try not to fly away! :) We need you.

Well, I had better get busy as today is my floor cleaning day. I am waiting for the rain to stop to go out and pick up a few things I need. You all have a wonderful day!

carolinabeachmom said...

Eagle out of nest, eggs uncovered. New eagle back in nest.

NCSuzan said...


Am shopping for some birthday gifts and came across this site. Has several eagle t-shirts. Thought I would pass it on.

Eagle T-shirt

Hope everyone is fine and has plans for a wonderful eagle watching day!

JudyEddy said...

JANET I keep forgetting to ask you Do you know anything about a inversion table Angie borrowed one from a friend thinking of buying it from her. She is doing this on her own, she made a comment about it a bit ago on FB and just remembered to ask you in regards to it>3

Just got back from walking to McD for my tea and biscuit

They will call when truck is ready

It was 69° when I woke up this am
silly weather the other day 43 and now warmer But that is Fl for you we get the tail end of cold fronts. One just went by so should start cooling off maybe yesterday was about 80

JudyEddy said...

I got my long sleeve THREE EAGLE Fulton nest in the mail anyone interested in them go to their FB page to order them

so excited to wear them such a conversation starter LOL

JudyEddy said...

SUZ WOW ----- There are 1438 shirts to look at on that site I am on the 9th page now no eagles yet but I will keep looking.
Hey the American Eagle Foundation has all eagle shirts on it if you are interested also

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thank you, back is much better this morning. In fact, when I woke in the middle of the night, it was already much better. Took Advil and a muscle relaxer. Problem is.....I want to work I the yard again today. Working on the terraced area in the back yard. It has ground cover and I am sitting on the ground pulling weeds. Hopefully the ground cover will grow more and prevent weeds. But, with all our rain the weeds have gone wild. As soon as I get the weeds pulled we will spread more mulch!

Golly gee whiz! The wind at the nest continues!

Spring is certainly here. Garden specialist in our area says he has never seen anything like it! Our redbuds are blooming as well as other trees. My Texas Mt. Laurel is about to burst with more blooms than we have ever had. Will share a picture when it blooms. The grass is even growing! World will once again be Spring Green! Warmest winter on record. I have plants that never froze back!

Have a great day!🌝

Lolly said...

Forgot......drum roll, please! 18 lbs!

JudyEddy said...

Here are some pages 10-16-20-21-22(my favorite 10eagleshirt) I then loaded to see all instead of page after page and there are some really cool one SUZ thanks for the link I have always like the Mountaineer shirts I have many of them

Judie said...

Hi y'all.

Come on over. Steve has provided us with a fresh new windy thread.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...