Wednesday, January 20, 2016


New thread.  Is a big storm coming??


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Mema Jo said...

HELLO - It is cold out there!

Thank you so very much for the Fresh New Thread!

Stay warm and get your snow shovel ready!

I'll give a shout out to the others

Janet said...

Congrats JO on a new feather! Thanks Steve for a new thread.

we had ice over night and a little light snow...home for now. supposed to go above freezing today, might go into work later, for now, frozen in on the hill. just got up. coffffffeeeeeeeee

Janet said...

just read back! lol. all this talk of driving...well if I went by my street name i'd be FIRESTONE. hmmmmmm maybe something there. my alias is gypsy moon dancer..... but it could be by a firepit.....thus firestone....

I drive a Mazda MX5 as my daily driver. I've had it for 10+ years now and love the little thing. For me, with no depth perception, the small car is perfect. Easy to park. The other car is a ford escort wagon, which I do drive on occasion as well. If we want to go bigger, there's the Ford F 150 (we think everyone needs a truck) which we pull the boat with. Or, the RV. I still say a tank might be in order though, lol.

I keep a pepperspray foam gun with me at all times now. Next on my agenda for the year is a personal safety/self defense class, then maybe a carry permit.

I've had too many encounters in the past year or so to feel safe when I am out alone. its sad. I am more vigilant now than I used to be. I no longer bebop into stores without checking things out. We have so many homeless here who panhandle and for the most part I am sure they wouldn't hurt you, but there's always that one, on drugs or whatever that might snap. I just don't want to be a number.

Maybe I'm paranoid? I don't know. But in my mind, better safe than sorry.

Glad I did all that cleaning and purging of stuff yesterday. I sure was tired last night though!

Not sure what i'm doing today. if it thaws later and I can get off the hill I will go in if the boss needs me.....other than that, here I am.

will check In later! :)

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Much thanks to JO and to STEVE. We do love new threads!!!

Nest empty and free of snow right now. Vehicle just passed by--otherwise there is no movement, which means no wind. C'mon Belle n' Shep, how about getting down to bizness now?!

SHIRLEY, you're playing it wise and safe with that cold---you'll be back in the pink very soon!

Temps are rising a bit and we have about a half inch of snow on the ground. A very pretty dusting and I hope Mother Nature leaves it at that for now.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for our fresh pre-snow thread. Stay warm!

Jo, congratulations on the new feather. You will look beauteous this afternoon.

Jo, glad yesterday went smoothly. Jufie will be with you again this afternoon. Oh, had to laugh about being able to get into a vehicle. My Interpol friend drives a huge SUV and if she picks me up for lunch she puts a step stool in the car for me.

Seems to me that Lynne2's menagerie would be well-served if she would power up her Unicorn of Justice, gallop over to owner's location, casually show off her taser while asking about a snow plow. She could also ever so nonchalantly mention her friends Rip Tide and Jufie.

Speaking of snow, we have arranged for a nice young man to come and rescue us from the snow. His mom, nurse, agrees that Darth has no business shoveling and they had already discussed son would do the rescue.

Shirley, do stay in. You need to rest and really recover. Your body and your friends will be grateful. Is Kathryn feeling well enough to do some shopping?

Hope Kay and Rip Tide both have supplies for the weekend.

Sandi, how cool that you have the clock for the young man to enjoy. Hope today goes smoothly. Stay dry. Oh, if you get snow, let us know how Janey reacts.

Lolly, sorry the game was lost yet glad you got a big hug.

Our nest MT when I checked.

Heading to the scullery today to see if I can pre-cook food that can be warmed up on the grill should we lose power. Then will know what items I might need to get tomorrow.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Janet, I feel you are just being cautious to the ways of the world nowadays. I have concern for our younger girls not having this incentive that we older women have. I think that self defense instructions are a MUST for all of us.

Shirley, my daughter Jenny was getting a cold so she stayed away from Elliot (which broke her heart to miss a play date) and from work but now she is feeling much better since she took care of herself. I am glad you are doing the same and that you feel much better very soon.

I was just sent on FB pictures of Alexis at her school receiving an award for
Outstanding Academic Improvement. She has a great future ahead of her - and she has support and guidance from all in our family. She will enter 6th grade next year in Middle School.

Getting ready now for Chemo and then later I have a regularly scheduled Pulmonary dr
visit. BBL ( not until early evening I think)

Lolly said...

Good morning! See an M T nest! Thanks Steve for the new thread!

Good idea to stay home, Shirley! Though, I admit, while teaching I always went to work with a cold unless I was running a fever. Guess the kids and I shared the germs! Knock on wood.....Laurel and family have had a healthy year except for Laurel's eyes, which are bothering her again, and her burned fingers. She is now down to two bandaged fingers.

Cold but sunny here. Keeping an eye on your weather. Brrrrrr!

Thinking of you, Jo. Prayers for you!

Yard work today if it warms up enough. Will be nice to get out in the sunshine!

Lolly said...

Alexis is so pretty. She and Jacob are the same age, same grade. Now picture him, Jo, at 5'9 1/2" and 200 lbs. However, look him in the face and you still see a little 11 year old.

JudyEddy said...




Sandi said...

Hi from school. Thanks for the new thread Steve and thanks Jo for the call over. Sitting in art with James right now. Will check in again from home.

Lolly said...

Eagle in nest!

Mema Jo said...




Mema Jo said...

MY APPOINTMENT WENT WELL (So Sorry about the Caps locking up on me)

FYI - Janey is in a video on Sandi's FB page when there was the small dusting of snow in DE - She is in the play yard and running like a greyhound should. Perhaps Sandi will
bring it over for those of you not on FB. It was so fun to watch! Not sure how Janey will act in 2 feet of snow.......

Lolly said...

Still a lone eagle in the nest, just looking around.

Lolly said...

Happy your appointment went well, Jo!

Mema Jo said...

Our eagle and I think it is Shep - has been in the nest surveying his domain for a long time. Perhaps he is waiting for the Snow Blower Deliveryman.

Off to the Pulmonary visit then I can come home and put my feet up!


Mema Jo said...

Home again
Time for feet up
dinner will be later!

All is well

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I turned in one more day of my sick time on the 3rd so now I will have 32 hours of my 192 used Odd they aren't even questioning it I guess they figure what can they do LOL so next week will be only a 3 day work as well as the one after that then no more work on vacation then perm;ant vacation

JudyEddy said...

It was 28° in Brooksville today that is cold for Fl there are several people that work that live there also

Sandi said...

Hi all. Uneventful day at school, which is a very good thing.

Jo, glad to hear that things are going well with your chemo and your pulmonary doc said all is well.

Judy, since you won't have insurance after you retire, are there any other appointments you should make while you still have the insurance? Mammogram? Bone density? Physical? Colonoscopy? Blood tests? You've probably already thought about this but I just figured I'd ask.

I uploaded the Janey in the snow video to Google Drive but every time I try to add it to my blog, I get a message that it's still processing. I did add the recent photos of Freyja that I posted on FB to my blog for Kay and Judie to see.

Our local forecast is calling for a little snow this evening/tonight. So far, the storm forecast for this weekend is still saying mostly heavy rain and wind. It's sounding like Judie could really get dumped on!

Time to feed pets and people, in that order. Bye!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Good evening.

Snow sky here. Predicting may 1"-2" tonight which should not stick. Darth has a meeting so he will need to be cautious about frozen water spots.

Jo, glad all went well at both appointments today. Yes, you deserve feet up. Thank you for the update with Janey and the snow. I think I remember Sandi commenting but it will be fun to see how she reacts to a big snowfall.

Congratulations to Alexis. Can hardly believe she's ready for sixth grade.

JudyE, retirement is really getting close. How're you going to spend all that free time?

Off to listen to the increasingly scary weather forecasts.

JudyEddy said...

and I heard the incoming before I saw them Wings flapping on the cam so we do have sound again

JudyEddy said...

one poof

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I will have insurance to cover all that with medicare and I am all current on all my appts as of now anyway Just need to see about getting the Humana gold plus instead of straight medicare CHEAPER

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I really loved our HD cam - really beautiful receptions

JudyEddy said...

I hear a helicopter on the cam

Mema Jo said...

We are getting some snow flurries here - sure hope it doesn't last.

I am headed into Jeopardy -

I wish to say GoodNight now in case I don't make it back.


NCSuzan said...

It has begun to snow. The weather forecasters have already changed their accumulation from 1/4 inch to an inch.

Janet said...

good mid week evening. yet another productive day...

JO: thank you. sometimes I hesitate to mention my caution, etc....but I guess my boss put it best, as women we often feel vulnerable, like prey. I hate to think that way, but it does rather describe it.

tom ended up going to work (2nd job) today afternoon. our road thawed, I did offer to come in if they needed a therapist in the afternoon or early evening and boss said no, they were covered. think she was miffed with me.

so that's life.

I spent the day purging papers....such as old utility bills etc...shred shred shred then file file file.

getting cold tonight again. black ice will be a problem. we were above freezing for the first time in a few days today.

they are calling for more snow Friday.....rain to snow. we shall see.

will check in later. hope everyone is about ready to go feet up and relax a bit!

hugs to all!

Judie said...

Good mid-evening.

Janet, your area made our news with awful snow and traffic accidents. Please stay safe and, if you have to go out, take all precautions.

We have a light dusting of snow. Enough to cover the ground and the street seems a bit slippery. Advised Darth to be very careful driving home as the wet may freeze.

Ah Suzan, an inch of snow? Well, if you want snow, just stop by on Saturday and you can enjoy a couple of feet of the lovely white stuff.

Will go foraging for last-minute items tomorrow. Then hopefully set for the duration.

Sure hope Kay and Glo and Lynne1 and Lynne2 check in tomorrow.

Nest is MT.

Wishing restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....been running most of the day.

Snowing here now, big fluffy slowly falling flakes sticking to everything.

Lynne2 said...

Did my panic shopping early today but ran into some folks I knew and got distracted and left without crackers, peanut butter and birdseed. Back tomorrow!

I have such a chill, going to take a nice hot shower and get to bed a bit earlier than usual this nite.

Janet said...

JUDIE: thank you. At 4:30 a.m. it was sleeting and that coating of ice is what caused the problem. Snow didn't start til much later in the a.m. and it just looked like powder sugar on a cookie. There were a bunch of accidents. When I looked at the main road (visible from kitchen window) it was moving well, but my street was ice and I stayed.

if I can safely navigate my hill I will. other wise, here I stay.

heading to dent some pillows shortly

nite all

glo said...

Stopping by to say Hi to all. Weather here has been very cold but we really got only an inch of snow. I still have ice here from the storm while I was still in AZ though. I stopped by to say I am thinking of all of you facing this big storm on the east coast. I hope you are all prepared and ready to just hunker down and be safe. Glad we do not have a nest with eggs as this storm approaches. That is so very hard to watch. SED everyone and AOYP

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

up early in order to drop my truck off at Walker Ford

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Schools are on a 2 hour delay for snow today - that's a very good thing. Our forecast for this weekend is still for some snow tomorrow evening/night but then heavy wind, rain, and flooding all day Saturday.

Both eagles are in the nest.

Janet said...

good morning. wild tennesee weather coming....supposedly: current forecast:
rain starting tonight, possible thunder (??) changing to ice, then snow.....we are under a winter weather warning. maybe i'll trot down to Aldi's today if we need anything, but I think we are good. I just baked cookies last night.

up early, not sure what time Hiller will be here, but I suspect shortly.

Hope everyone has a great day! ((((Hugs)))) and love to all! Stay warm and stay safe!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Nest is empty right now, except for a small bird I see on the far side.

Schools here are on a 2-hour delay. Hunter is dressed and ready to go.

I think I will stay home from Thursday bowling today. I do hope we will be able to get back to bowling next week after the big snow. It seems that things in DC and surrounding areas were in a big mess last night after our very brief snow event. I do need to take Hunter to school and take care of some business with the health insurance company. I am shocked at the awful price of one of my medications.

JudyEddy said...

JO still cam seems to have gotten stuck with last night update again

just got dropped of by courtesy van from ford now to wait for the it get done

Judie said...

Good morning.

In a bit of a tizzy here this morning. Darth got stranded last night coming home and then the car died. So, Judie literally went on a midnight rescue mission in two inches of snow on roads fit for Olympic ice skaters. Now must go and try to retrieve the abandoned car (conveniently located in a MacDonald's parking lot). If the car starts that's a good thing. If car does not start that's not a good thing. Mumbled something about a car dealership on the way home.

Will return later today.

Meanwhile, wishing every a safe and warm day.

Oh, nest is MT

Mema Jo said...

Good Pre-Snow Morning to all ♥ I will be holding up as of Friday noon for the duration
It is sometimes so hard to fine good Bananas that will last a few days! Here I am worrying about ripe bananas when 2 feet+ snow is expected. Our snow blowers are ready
but so are our sons and grandsons! In today for the last of my 3 day fusions. Tomorrow. I just quickly go in early morning for my immune shot.

Nest is MT and I am also happy like Glo mentioned that our eggs are not in there yet. I have great anxiety attacks while they are incubating in the snow up to their beaks.

The cardinals are visiting the feeders on my deck in great numbers - great numbers to me is more then one Mr & Mrs Red. Also saw a blue jay this am - I think they have found another feeding station.

Shirley I am happy to know you are taking care of yourself and I am praying that you can find a lower cost for your drugs.

Judie, good luck with the car and perhaps visiting the car dealership for new wheels will be the answer. Proud of your Midnight Run being successful.

Kay usually comes on while I am writing ------- Lynne2 hope you get some help with the upcoming snowfall.


Lolly said...

Good morning! 46 and raining a little here. Just what we need.....Not!!! A very gloomy day, but licensor snow!!!

I am excited about today. I taught at Fraizier Elem. After I retired they built a new school called Fraizer. I have visited it once. The old school became the district preschool for the teachers. Now it has undergone a complete remodeling and this month it opened as a middle school, STEAM. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics! Students have to apply to go there. They are bused to the other middle schools for extracurricular activities. There is going to be an open house soon, but today a private tour for former Frazier teachers. So excited to see the school but also friends I have not seen for a while.

Nest was empty when I peeked in. Will hate seeing the nest deep in snow. So happy we have not seen a whole lot of hp. Maybe they knew! Lol

Sitting at 7 pounds weight loss. The last couple of days I have hit a plateau! Hate that!

Need To go give myself a manicure! Gotta look nice today, don't cha know?😜

Lolly said...

Ok, I am just going to have to proof read more! That was supposed to have been "no ice nor snow!" Geesh!!!!

stronghunter said...


Glad you translated, Lolly. I was trying to puzzle out that post about the weather.

I have been busily trying to take care of some stuff around here. Paying some bills that need to be mailed. I pay many accounts online, but sometimes it is easier to use an old-fashioned check, especially when they want to charge extra money if I pay online. I do resent being charged money to pay a bill.

stronghunter said...

There is an amazing amount of craziness around here about the snow mess last night and the coming blizzard. Sorry that Darth got caught up in the gridlock last night, Judie. I am glad you were able to rescue him. Kathryn came in saying that the roads were quite slippery last night. She and I agreed that it was fortunate I did not head out to play bridge.

stronghunter said...

It is official: The alarm just went off announcing the blizzard warning.

stronghunter said...

Right now, it is sunny here.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle friends. Just realized there was a new thread. This morning I got my haircut. I got off schedule and missed being in the group here for that. The weather people say we shouldn't get more than a dusting of snow from Jonas. That is fine with me. Wm has an annual appointment with the vet tomorrow and since he is already overdue, I don't want to have to reschedule. I live 50ish miles north of Pittsburgh and they are only expecting 1-3 inches. To the south--our Royal nest--is where it will really be affected. As others have said, glad there are no eggs yet.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Just returned from an Applebee's lunch with my BFF, Doris. She and her hubby will leave for the Panhandle of Florida on Jan. 31st, coming back for Easter. So glad they're still able to do this and get out of treacherous ice n' snow.

Sounds like you're all set for the coming storm. My thoughts are with you. It looks like the worst of it will be south of Columbus, but I'm ready should "it" change it's mind.

JUDIE, I hope you n' Darth have retrieved his car by now and that he'll get serious about a new one. It's scary not having dependable wheels in the dead of winter.

Time to put my feet up for a while.....zzzzzz......

Prayers for all in need!!!!


Lynne2 said...


That means we are going to have high winds and copious amounts of licensor snow. Not good.

OK the blade is on the back of the Kabota. This should be really interesting for snow moving.

No one is coming to work this weekend. Not much of a surprise.

JudyEddy said...

BUMMER BUMMER just got a call from ford my truck won't be ready till tomorrow They have to over night one of the gaskets Bummer He thanked me for being patience and then I commented how much of a discount can I get for being so patient LOL He said he will hook me up HMMM
Why complain won't make the part get here any sooner

NCSuzan said...

Lynne, get on your Unicorn of Justice and demand these folks get to work!

Judie, can't believe you had to go out so late and rescue Darth. Sounds like you did OK. Of course you could not leave him........Hmmmmmmmm. lol

Jo, grateful you do not have to venture out any more this week.

Janet, are you homeschooling Olivia this year? Do not remember reading any reports of activities.

Hope everyone in the path of Jason is stocked up on body fuel for a couple of days. Please be careful and lucky for us we have WeatherLynne with accurate and updated info!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

calling out both in nest tracking something

JudyEddy said...

digging in cup now one looking around

Janet said...

Good evening all.

SUZAN: yes I am homeschooling. the difference is this year I am using an online curriculum. we have a math tutor. she has done fairly well, but the usual I don't want to do math....its just a struggle. but despite her best efforts, she is learning algebra! I haven't even TRIED to involve her in homeschool events. she is adamant that she will not have fun nor will she try to have fun. and, beyond that, events for high schoolers are minimal....

JUDYE: love the attitude. you are right. it make the part get there any faster and worst they can say on a discount is no. what did mom used to say? catch more flies with honey than vinegar......although i'm not sure why she wanted to catch flies in the first place! ha ha

JUDIE: hope you have the car and Darth and that all is right in your world.

I hope those in the bullseye of the upcoming storm are stocked up on what you need and ready to ride it out....

as for here.... well.... we are continuing to support our economy and all. sheesh! head slap.

things to be thankful for:
1. tom and I can communicate well and make decisions together
2. the ability to pay for this stuff
3. we are both healthy and working.

so the day here:

I was at Walmart at 7:30 a.m. tom wanted more pet safe ice melt. and I needed a couple of other items. they of course, had no more pet safe ice melt. I suspected as much, I circled the store 2x and asked as associate....who really didn't want to talk to me. but she was restocking that particular area and I was hoping she would say they had some more they were going to put some more out later...but no.

so over to lowes. only rock salt there.

stopped at target and bought their last five boxes of pet safe ice melt. figure if the weather prognosticators are wrong and we don't get ice and snow in the next day, we are only mid way thru winter...and worst case, it will save til next year.

once home, hiller (plumbing - heating - air - electrical) was here.

well. at this point, the new water heater is in. seems to be working well. tomorrow the plumbing guys will be out.

unfortunately, we do need a new heater for downstairs. tom just got off the phone with our project manager and got that arranged. they should be able to do an install tomorrow, along with the other work.

he did cut a bit of a discount to the new unit given the amount we just spent....but still...ouch.

I put a lemon pepper potatoe/chicken dish in the oven for dinner new dish. sounded good. easy enough t o pop into the oven.

we are anticipating 2 to 4 inches of snow tomorrow....we shall see....I am ready. bring it.

will check in later. hugs, love, and comfort for all!

JudyEddy said...

poof poof

JudyEddy said...

back in one eagle

JudyEddy said...

and gone again

JudyEddy said...

both are back

JudyEddy said...

one still in nest and dark

JudyEddy said...

and gone again

Judie said...

Good evening.

Well, this has been quite a day -- one I hope I won't have to get through again.

I'll read back later.

One eagle in the nest but poofed after stomping around the egg cup and looking around


grannyblt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
glo said...

Gosh I hope all of you in path of storm are putting any finishing touches on storm preparation and ready to hunker down and stay safe through the storm.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Judie, that sounds BAD.

Well, there are 24 dogs in the kennel this weekend. I'm going to cry. And not only that but TR the horse has an abcess in his foot which needs to be opened up daily. OMG....

Meanwhile, I'm hoping to get some nice Snow Horse pictures to share during the snow! There was a 10 second beautiful moment in the pasture today where all three, on in front of me and one on each side, all put there noses together, touching. It was so amazing! Wish I had a picture of THAT!

None of my fav weather pages have posted anything on FB for about 3 hours. I'm hoping this means that they are busy analyzing new information that might hopefully mean we won't get hit so hard!

Lynne2 said...

Kay, read the article about the burros. WOW. what a mess....

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night. I will take care of a few errands tomorrow morning, then I will settle in for the storm. Hunter's school is closed tomorrow. I am not sure he knows this yet. Kathryn does not always tell him right away about these things, and, strangely, he does not seem to have figured out he can turn on the news and find out for himself. Kathryn can be pretty good at manipulating him this way. She had him get up, shower, and dress very early this morning before she told him that school was on a two-hour delay. That way, I did not have to worry about getting him out of bed later.

Lolly said...

Concerned about Judie's post!

Has been a great day here. The tour of the school was awesome! It blew my mind. First off the school is not recognizable.. My room is now two rooms. One room is a classroom and the other a production room with a green screen. Every student was carrying around a a laptop. And they were coming and going. A teacher teaches in a classroom, if a student masters the concept they get an "trust" pass and go to any of three open areas to work on line with "STEAM U". The teacher stays and continues with the students who need extra tutoring.
At any time she can check, online, the work the students are working on in the open areas. There is no ceiling and you can see all the wiring needed for the technology. The room the main computer is in is all glass so everyone can see it sitting there and blinking. Lol. This is all too in the future for me! I know I did not explain it well, you just have to see it to understand.

Then late this afternoon Jack and I went to see the Star Wars movie! Love it!

Now watching American Idol.

stronghunter said...

Oh, now I will need to check back to see what happened to Judie today.

Oh, Lynne2, I hope that you will have help taking care of those critters.

stronghunter said...

Hoping you are well, Suzan. I think NC is supposed to get a pretty good blast of this weather.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all

Janet I wish I were only getting 2 - 4" But they are saying 16" - 22" It was more earlier in the forecast - keeps changing.

Well everyone stay warm and be prepared for the duration

Goodnight to All ♥

NCSuzan said...

Thank you Shirley. I have kitty litter so as long as the cats are good I'm good! Hope you are feeling better. Maybe these cooler temperatures will stun all these germs.

Janet, online curriculum? That has to be easier for you.
Good that the tutor is helping.

Please stay safe and warm.

Goodnight everyone!

Lolly said...

Has been very cold and rainy today but no snow, no ice...sending that your way!

Skippi is keeping me warm sleeping belly up along side my leg in my recliner.

Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, the school sounds very cool. We call it STEM here, not STEAM but the concept is the same. There is even a STEM program in our school to prepare kids for the full program at the high school, which the kids must apply for. It's a new day for sure!

Judie, I am really anxious to hear if the Vajdas are now owners of a shiny new Hummer! You just may need it to get out and about in this storm that's headed your way!!

Jo, glad your medical week is over and you can just hunker down and recuperate this weekend.

Lots of rain, lots of wind, and flooding are in our forecast - I would much prefer snow, as it takes longer to melt and settle into the ground or run off and contribute to flooding. Oh well, we shall see. We have gas for the generator in case we lose power. And we have 2 gas fireplaces and a gas range so we can stay warm and eat. As long as all of the water stays outside, we'll be fine.

Stay safe everyone in the path of Snowmaggedon! Have a greyt day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning on this snowy, sleety cold morning. We are in and staying here. Stocked up on groceries and food for the 8 animals we are now feeding. Golly, I haven't said it like that before. 8? Some of you may already know but my Buphals has been sick and in the hospital this week. He has vestibular syndrome which basically has thrown his balance off and his eyes were darting back and forth (nystagmus). He is doing better but still has a ways to go. I have also been sick this week with this week, feel like I am coughing up a lung. I'm on antibiotics and steroids but I am needing them to start working.

Hope all is well. I am glad there are no eggs in our nest yet.


glo said...

Be safe out there. Report in as you can. Prayers for Sharon and sweet Buphals

Judie said...

Good morning.

First, I appreciate the concern. I'll get to the events but want to say that Darth cooked an order-in pizza and along with a large glass of wine, my eyelids fell down asleep until about 30 minutes ago.

Jo, glad yesterday went well and you are home and safe and dry with family ready to help out if needed.

Kay, I think you may get more snow than originally thought. Stay in and stay warm and dry, please.

Lynne2, happy to know the blade is on the Kabota. Hope it works. Sure would love to see some Budweiser horse moments. You, Steve and all the critters try to stay safe and warm.

Lynne1, safe travels for you and William. Hope he gets a good checkup.

Shirley, too funny about Hunter. Kathryn is a smart mom -- get's it from her mom.

Shar, hope you and Buphals are getting better.

Will provide a new post with yesterday's events.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I apologize for not being here in so long. Figured I'd better drop in before you give up on me entirely! Ken and I have both been trying to fight off a case of the flu that's going around out here. It's relentless! Ken got it first, about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and about 5 days later, I started coughing. The darn stuff tends to boomerang on you if you're not careful--Ken's officially had it twice now. He finally went to urgent care day before yesterday, and was given an albuterol inhaler, and a gelcap of something similar to Robitussin. It loosens up an unproductive cough. Ken's feeling somewhat better, but still coughs occasionally, mostly in the evening and at night. My story is similar, but I haven't gone to the doctor. Have been taking sugar-free Robitussin DM, and it works, although it tastes HORRIBLE. I have maybe one or two coughing spells a day now. Guess we're both going to survive. We plan on walking the mall today, after taking the last 2 days off. My Sis-in-law has it now, too, since Monday. She finally dragged herself off to work yesterday, but promised to come home earlier than usual. Bro-in-law had it 2 weeks ago, and several of their neighbors have been passing it around the neighborhood for weeks. YUCK!

Shirley, hope you're soon feeling 100% again! Wonder if it's this same stuff as out here in SoCal!

We're awaiting a bit of rain tomorrow--only supposed to get about 1/4" from it, though. We have heavy fog here in Anaheim this morning, so it's cold (49 degrees) and damp right now. Supposed to get all the way to 69 today, though.

I'm really concerned about you folks on the east coast, though. Hunker down and stay warm, if at all possible! Judie, you and Darth have me very worried! Having a car that's so cranky in such awful weather is NOT good! Hope Darth will consider getting a new car!

We bit the bullet a week ago, and got our 2 HUMUNGOUS Ficus trees trimmed back considerably! Talk about a major project! They did a major crown reduction on them (cut them back by probably 1/3), thinned them out so heavy winds probably won't bother them, removed what looked like a whole other tree in the front yard
(it was a major offshoot that has been growing for about 15 years), and cut several roots that had headed toward the house. They also removed a tall but sickly juniper by our back fence, and trimmed back another juniper and a carob tree by our back fence. We also had them remove a huge amount of overgrown asparagus fern that was attempting to take over the back yard. Gosh, the place is really looking good now! These tree guys gave us a price for all of this that was significantly less than we paid for half the work ten years ago! We will need to have them come back in 2 years to thin out the crown, then in 4 years to do a much less complicated crown reduction (at a much lower price, too).

I just got a bunch of reports to transcribe yesterday, so may not make it back here for a few days. Will try to post quickly if possible. Hope you all stay safe (and Belle & Shep, too!) with the nasty weather back there! Prayers for everyone being said, for sure! I ♥ us!!! (Emma says, "WOOF, WOOF!" to all!)

Judie said...

Darth left a meeting Tuesday night. Three hours on I66 he needed a pit stop. Stopped at MacDonald's about 30 minutes away. Car had died. Called me at about midnight.

Judie gets up. Googles location. Gets dressed. Goes to find Darth. Road w/hills are solid ice. Judie stopped in traffic massive traffic. Car next to her spins around going backwards toward her car door. Judie needs a Depends. Judie finds Darth at 1:30am. MacDonald's manager let Darth stay inside (30 minute loitering rule) and promised to notify the morning manager not to have the car towed.

Judie and Darth return to MacDonald's at 9 a.m. Wednesday. Sit waiting for AAA at 3:30pm. Manager very nice. Let us stay inside. Promised would not allow car to be towed as abandoned.

3:45pm AAA provides tests and a new battery. Home at 4:30pm.

Judie takes off to grocery store. Obtains final items. Now stocked with food cookable (real word?) inside or on grill.

Judie consumed several slices of pizza and a large glass of wine.

Judie's eyelids fell down asleep until 9:15 this morning.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

NCSuzan said...

Loving the nest happenings. They are working hard.

NCSuzan said...

BIG stick!

Judie said...

Very heavy snow sky here.

Please, everyone affected, stay in and stay safe. Don't take chances.

We have above ground transformers and utility lines. So, if at some point I disappear, don't worry.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I am back from the Cancer Center and ready to stay in to meet Jonas !
Sure hoping he doesn't overstep his welcome !

I sure hope Judie is writing in detail what her day consisted of yesterday.

All counties around us last evening call for 2hr early dismissal and gave parents time to plan ahead - Not our Frederick County!

I'll keep in touch as long as the power delegates.

NCSuzan said...

Looks like a possible domestic dispute but short lived. Think they are trying to break this long stick into a shorter piece.

Mema Jo said...

A chain saw is needed up in the nest - I just don't think you can beak that limb

Mema Jo said...

Working so hard

NCSuzan said...

lol Jo. You may be right! Good morning!

Mema Jo said...

Shep flew out

Will Belle keep trying?

NCSuzan said...


NCSuzan said...

Leave it to mom to get the crib perfect!

Mema Jo said...

Shep back in with another large stick

They don't give up easy
Great builders - it just takes time

Mema Jo said...

They seem to get distracted at times
Hoping there isn't any other birds in the domain.

Suzan - Do you have any precipitation yet?

NCSuzan said...

Jo we have an excellent layer of ice. Just about everything is closed here. It did start with a light dusting of snow then the ice. Still more of both predicted for our area. They did stripe the roads yesterday.

Mema Jo said...

Belle flew out

Shep followed

The stick still remains a problem


NCSuzan said...

Double poof! They'll be back!

Time for the nebulizer....

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

I'm happily watching our industrious eagles as they do nestorations this morning! Their home is still snow free, but snow is still predicted.

JUDIE, what a trying set of events you and Darth had to go through. I wish Darth had called AAA in the first place, but hindsight... Glad the car problem was as simple as a new battery!

ANDY, glad you got the chance to drop by. Hope that nasty bug vacates your premises soon!

SHIRLEY, Kathryn is smart! Hunter doesn't have a chance with his mom and grandma in charge!

Both eagles POOF!

Kay said...

Yes, they were studying something of interest before Poofing. I suspect they're high in the tree and standing guard for some reason.

Twill' be a laid back day here as Penny and I wait for snow to fall later today.

Prayers for all in need, both bi-peds and quad-peds!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been watching the tending to the nest. See that they have departed at least for the moment.

You know YOU are in for a big snow storm when that is the big headline in our newspaper! It is 38 here but we have bright sunshine.

Hope I am not trying to get Shirley's cold. I sneezed all night and I am really blowing this morning as well as sneezing! Noooo!

That was scary, Judie. Driving on icy roads is horrible!

Home today, nothing on the agenda and no errands. Tomorrow we head to Denton for Jacob's basketball game. Also, Jack has a project. They have purchased a loft bed for Jacob. He loves it but it is too close to the ceiling. Jack is going to reduce the height by 10 inches. Lol. Jacob likes it even though he bumped his head the first night. Crazy boy!

He had a trundle bed and that is now Inthe guest room. Gives him more room they said and my thought is more floor space to cover with toys, books, trash, etc! Half the time Laurel can not vacuum his room. We shall see how this works out!

Stay warm!

JudyEddy said...

Good Raining Stormy morning from Fl

ANDY so good to hear from you

Janet said...

good morning . SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited 6" of snow and still coming down!!!!!!!!! woo wooo
I'm Mrs white winter, I'm Mrs. Snow!!!! love it love it love it! we are all snuggled in and safe.

hope everyone is doing the same!

glo said...

OK we need a back up plan for our east coasters. I will give my cell phone number to any of you on here whom I know by name, IF you lose power for overnight and you know we on the blog are stressing if you will call me I will report in for you OR if you need me to call anyone or any place else I can do that too. I will be watching the blog closely in case anyone takes me up on this. I will get connected with you and we will put that plan into place. Most but not all have cell phone access to fb or blog now but even that battery needs charged. Gas up your car and have a phone car charger available. I learned that one during the derecho a few years back when I had done neither :-(. OK nuff said. BE SAFE

Mema Jo said...

Well Janet we all know you are happy because you baked all those cookies the other day!


Judie said...

Dear Glo, what a lovely and generous offer. Let us hope that no one needs to have that help but it is comforting to know you are there for us. Thank you.

Mema Jo said...

Sent you a PM Glo

glo said...

Well I think we all want to know that everyone is hanging in there and doing ok, or if they need help it is on the way etc. MeMa Jo now has my cell phone number I would trust her to give it to anyone who needs it as well. I am SO worried. I will be glad when it is passed and everyone has checked in. I will be gone the next 4 hours but will check Blog and messages as soon as I get back.

Judie said...


Sandi said...

Hi all - I took a half day so I could get to the grocery store to pick up a few things while there was still bread and milk on the shelves. The weather forecast for here is still questionable. With our proximity to the ocean, the weather guys almost have to wait for the weather to happen to know what it's going to do this close to the ocean. The latest forecasts are still calling for mostly rain with 60mph wind gusts tomorrow and flooding through 3 consecutive high tide cycles - don't forget it's a full moon. UGGHH! Trying not to stress right now since things could change. Right now it's just overcast and cold outside.

I LOVE how this group looks out for one another - I always use Jo as my contact person but thanks Glo for offering to be a liaison as well!

Judie, sounds like a real PIA ordeal but at least it didn't end with having to buy another vehicle!! I would hate to hear that Darth had a stroke over the sticker price and ended up back in the hospital! ;)

Stay safe everyone! Later.

JudyEddy said...

On my fb feed The Shepherdstown Police Dept was put up snow and weather warnings Jefferson County area 3pm

JudyEddy said...

Shepherdstown, WV Police Department
21 mins ·
A dangerous winter storm will impact Jefferson County on Friday, January 22 through Sunday, January 24, 2016. Onset will be about 3 p.m. in Jefferson County.
The National Weather Service predicts that the heaviest snow and strongest winds are expected to be during the evening on Friday and throughout Saturday. The snow from this storm is expected to be heavy and wet. Indications are that accumulations may be between 24-30 inches. This the latest estimate from the National Weather Service at 10:13 a.m.
The Shepherdstown Police Department plans to have 2 officers on station from 0800 hours on Friday, January 22nd through 1700 hours, Saturday, January 23rd. Because of the expected heavy snowfall totals, the ability of the officers to respond quickly to calls for service may be hampered.
We request that you remain in your homes during this dangerous storm.
Please do not hesitate to call for assistance through the Jefferson County Emergency Communication Center. Call 911 for all emergencies. The non-emergency telephone number for the Jefferson County Emergency Communication Center is 304-725-8484.

JudyEddy said...

30 inches


I hope our eagle will be safe

JudyEddy said...

check out Google today Belle Peppers

Sandi said...

Judy, I had to smile that the police in Jefferson County are asking people to stay IN their homes. We have been getting warnings since last night requesting that residents get OUT of our homes and go somewhere else for the duration of the storm! We are not going anywhere. Our only family is in Baltimore and the weather will be far worse there!

JudyEddy said...

and other peppers

Janet said...

hi all. we have shoveled. it Is still coming down quite heavily.....we have 7 to 8" at this time, which granted is not 30 " but the city shuts down @ 1"....soooooo.....I have refed the birds......I hope everyone keeps power and stays safe....i'd love to have you all here......

we did loose power over night and areas are currently without power.....NES is working.....

yes JO there are cookies, left over chicken and dumplins (although only 1 bowl at this point as tom and I just had lunch) and chili mac.....

stay warm. stay safe. and no falling. please and thank you

Judie said...

JudyE, in case you are not familiar, the heat intensity of peppers such as jalapeno, ghost, etc. is measured on a scale created by Scoville. Thank you for the Shepherdstown police update.

Really snowing now. Will check the nest again. No snow about ten minutes ago.

Sandi, stay in and stay safe.

Judie said...

Snowflakes at the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Waiting to be picked up by Ford to be take to Enterprise for a rental They notice the value cover has a crack in it and part won't be in till Mon so I get a rental HMMM They tired to see if there were loaners at the dealership but they were all out so I get a rental no problem there
Odd they are also say I have after market gaskets on my truck and I told then that COULD NOT BE because they are the only one that has touched my vehicle Don't know what is going on there ???

Mema Jo said...

I also just saw the snowflakes starting at the nest.
Thank goodness it is an MT nest.

JudyEddy said...

Then I started thinking have I broken down with my truck in the past and have forgotten about it anything is possible I do recall breaking down on the way back from June and Terrys in SC and getting towed but I don't recall was it the truck or car So I called Angie to see if she recalls She can only recall me breaking down with my old mustang

JudyEddy said...

Yep I see snow flakes also JO and JUDIE

JudyEddy said...

I can see the snow starting to accumulate in the nest

JudyEddy said...

Enterprise just called be here shortly Yeah I will have wheels not mine but wheels

Lolly said...

Just took a peek at the nest and see the snow coming down. Also see no Eagles inthenest. Hope Belle can hold off the egg laying! And, has started! Yes, we will be wanting to hear from everyone!, know you are all stocked up with the necessities and staying in and warm. You may be In for a while. Take care!

Up to 47 here and sunshine. Jack actually ventured to his shop today. Remembered to turn on the heat out there this morning. Hope he is working on a new blue bird box for me!

Nose is running, itching and sneezing a lot. Cold or allergies? I am kinda miserable! Been spending the day cleaning kitchen drawers. Yuck!

Hoda said...

On here to wish you all a safe weekend and I trust by now you have battened down the hatches and have all of your supplies...Anyone know if Lynn's daughter has to go to work in this...Carolyn?
Praying and please keep checking in...either on FB or here...I will stop in periodically to find your news and be assured that you are well. God Bless...

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon. I see snow on the nest. I'm sure there will be a lot more by tomorrow.

I've been having trouble on this iPad about the posts on this thread not going to email. Small problem I'm sure, but my routine is disturbed.

Wm has been vetted and is fine. He is only 2 oz. heavier than last year. 10 lbs 11 oz. just your average sized cat.

Glad we have a "plan" for communication during this storm. I will be thinking of all of you.p

grannyblt said...

Hoda, I think I read on Carolyn's Facebook page that she had to work today and may be stuck there overnight. Someone correct me if I am incorrect.

Sandi said...

Eagle in!

Sandi said...

And it's snowing here in South Bethany.

Hoda, good to see you on the blog - PLEASE visit more often!

Hoda said...

JUDIE, get a new car...break downs in the winter on icy roads are not fun and certainly not a safe thing to do...
Where is WANDA? ANyone hear from her and what support does she have in place?

Hoda said...

Thank you Granny.
Yes Eagle in too.
Sandi keep that awesome picture of Miss Freyja and I will do just that...seriously I am worried about you all back east...our weather reports about what to expect out there are not fun...the only thing you are missing is an earth quake!!! God keep you all safe...praying.

Hoda said...

Eagle gone

Hoda said...

I hear Eagle chirps...

glo said...

Oh Sandi thats fine . Just know we will all want to know how everyone is weathering all of this. However that communication happens. It's hard to be way over here right now and have so many I care about in the path of this storm. I love snow. I however do not like the idea of loss of power in a blizzard in the winter. We will start shouting out your names if you all don't check in with us or someone who can check in with us. JUST SAYIN

NCSuzan said...

Ice is really accumulating here. Satellite comes and goes. The nest has a light dusting of white. That will soon change. Our power is flashing also. Who knows what will happen.

My daughter has made chicken pastry, lentil soup and oatmeal cookies. She and her neighbor buddies are all cooking so no one will starve! We may all freeze with no heat but we will not starve!!

Glo, that was a most generous offer of your resources.

Fine here. Hope you guys are too.

JudyEddy said...

Back from enterprise rental
I have a Corolla nice ride has backup rear camera pretty cool

JudyEddy said...

I just don't like the lowness of it to the ground getting out of it is a PIA when you are use to a pickup truck

JudyEddy said...

strobe lights at the nest only a dusting so far looks like I still can see ground at the nest. It is still snowing there Hope the amount that falls isn't what they predicted for everyone out there in the way of the storms

JudyEddy said...

saw the nest shaking not positive but I think someone has landed up in the attic There seems to be no wind so quite at the nest right now

NCSuzan said...

The power is gone. House is so quiet. The ice laden trees are so beautiful and I saw an Eastern Towhee at one of the bird feeders! A good bird watching day.

Judie said...

Checking in and so happy as I see our wonderful Hoda was here.

Hoda, thank you for your loving concern. Is it going to take daily blizzards for you to visit us? We do so much miss you. A new car? Ha! I want a Hummer but they're no longer produced. Next choice is a Secret Service SUV.

Nest is snowy. Did not hear or see eagles. Maybe they booked a room at the Clarion where they won't need to bring their own Sheetz.

I think I recall Carolyn saying she might be snowed in tonight. Hope she either is home safely or safely at her work.

Glo, I'm with you. Time in OH (likely Shirley will remember) snow was not the biggest problem. It was power outages. Kay has likely already been plowed.

Ooooh, two plows just went down our street. Yippee!

What I learned in OH is: power outage = eat the ice cream first and then pack everything in a cooler and put it outside.

Suzan and Jo, just make sure all your oxygen supplies are at the ready.

Most everything is closed down around here. Metro train system will operate until 11pm. Bus service has stopped. Plows are at work on the highways and main roads.

Most important is that we know each of us is safe. Hope Jerry checks in as well as Lynne2.


glo said...

YEP it's the power outage that is going to drive me crazy. I need you all to have food and heat and OXYGEN!!!! Not much I can do here but pray and thanks for whomever posted that phone number for Shepherdstown non emergency police. I have it noted. I can't dial 911 from here and get anyone but Rock island Police. lol That's not gonna help so much. It is atleast good that in winter refrigeration is not an issue. Be Safe folks

Janet said...

Nashville checking in. still snowing lightly. we have 7, 8 ? inches out there. maybe a bit more. sooo beautiful. work was closed today and will likely be closed tomorrow. i'm not getting off of the hill (unless I walk) any time soon. wanted to take livvy sledding. she wanted to go with Michael and niki, but not with us. Michael does not always make good choices (ie sledding being towed by a car) and I will not allow him to make that choice for her.

I have a flank steak (meant for grill, but, there's that) coated in teriyaki in the oven, some rice and veggies.....

settling in for a nice evening. do wish the kids would come home. they left for sledding several hours ago and its getting dark now.... i'm a bit concerned.

glo said...

Janet well Nashville is making it on the National news. Stay safe. Hope kids are home or will be very soon.

Lynne2 said...

I'm checking in after Steve and I almost got run down by a crazy horse.....MTBR

Janet, hope the kids get back...please let us know!

We have never lost power here except over the summer when the transformer blew and then not long ago when a truck took down a pole. Both times it was back on within an hour or so. Knock on wood! If we lose power I won't have internet. MAYBE I can post from my phone. So don't worry., sorry your powere is out! Maybe back on soon? A towhee! I call them disaster birds...I only ever seem to see them at the feeders when the weather is really bad in winter! I'm glad you will have plenty to eat!!

glo said...

Gosh Lynne2 Between you and Steve and all those dogs and that horse YES it would be really nice to hear from you. I hope you will check in. Maybe practice a phone post now. That would be good.

Lynne2 said...

I have to let the dogs out downstairs and I'll try a test. I think I can post on FB.

Mema Jo said...

Everyone is doing their thing to stay safe and warm. My power is up/running and I
pray it stays that way. Hubby did bring home a battery concentrater so if we lose
power I am still good to go.

For now I will enjoy Jeopardy since I know you all are ok.
Be careful Lynne2 & Steve.

I'll check back later.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Wow, Judie, what a story. Glad you all are safely home. Please do keep Darth at home.

Snow is coming down in bunches here. We are safely at home. Hunter keeps looking for a whiteout, since that has been predicted. He seems disappointed that there hasn't already been one.

The snow plow went by earlier this evening. I hope to see it again soon.

Very kind offer, Glo. If you e-mail or private-message me on FB your phone number, I will add it to my list and send you mine. After 9-11, our family had a hard time getting in touch with one another. It can be helpful to have someone in another area to contact.

glo said...

Yes Shirley I will go message you my phone number now.

stronghunter said...

I spent the morning doing last-minute shopping and gathering. I was very upset with the price of one of my new medications--$500 for a month's supply. I tried to find a less-expensive alternative, but I ran out of time with the impending storm, so I paid the price. This is not the same medicine I was upset about previously. With the new insurance coverage, that medicine cost $30-something, a fact that tells me I might find a less expensive brand for the new medicine.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Glo.

stronghunter said...

It was interesting at Home Depot today. They had lots of ice melt, snow shovels, snow blowers, generators, and such things. I got a couple of shovels and some ice melt along with some flashlights and other things. A snow blower and a generator would have been very nice.

Lolly said...

I keep checking the cam to monitor the snow. Also, there are lights in the distance.

Lynne, do the horses have shelter? I worry about them! Oh, and you, too!😉

Lolly said...

Yes, Shirley, you could have purchased those things if not for the price of the meds!

stronghunter said...

Thought about that, Lolly.

stronghunter said...

It was nice to have Hunter to carry in the 50-pound bag of ice melt. If not for him, I would have just stored it in my trunk.

Judie said...

Good almost goodnight time.

Shirley, I am horrified at the cost of your medications. So very sorry for the horrible expense.

Jo, so happy you are safe and secure and please thank Mr. Jo (Ed) for his loving care.

About to close down now. Snow continues at a rather fast pace and wind is increasing significantly. So truly hope we do not lose power. If all else, we have two sweet furry boys to help keep us warm.

Wishing restful sleep for all but more importantly, wishing safe passage through this storm.

stronghunter said...

Vehicle making its way down the road at the nest. Almost looks like a plow. Flashing light on top.

stronghunter said...

I am horrified, too, Judie. I complained to several people. I will try to see if I can work something out if I need to get a refill. I don't think I will need to take it for more than a couple of months.

Vehicle now going the other way one the road at the nest.

stronghunter said...

on the road

Lynne2 said...

Funny you should ask Looooooly

Yes, they have a large area to shelter in. However, being horses and adding the insanity of being thoroughbreds they'd much rather be outside. No need to lock them up...and you can't anyway. they don't like it.

So T. R. has a sore foot and Michelle the barn manager said to put him in a stall overnight. HA! We did just that and he fussed and stomped and snorted and then calmed down and ate his supper. After supper, he started fussing again but then calmed down some. So we started to inch our way out to see if he'd be OK when we left. Then we got outside, Steve on one side of the barn door, me on the other, peeking. Well, shortly he started to fuss so I decided just to let him out. Before I could get to the stall to open it for him....


Oh yes he did!

I couldn't believe it. Then he charged down the aisle! We moved aside just in time, it all happened SO fast. I'll ge some pictures of the stall and barn and you will be amazed that he even tried to jump. He did break the top rail, landed IN the wheelbarrow which is of course smashed. I tried to get him outside but the bond of trust we had is now broken and he kept moving away from me. But moving is a good thing...when it's light I will check him over but I think he's fine.

Have I mentioned that Thoroughbreds are crazy??

Poor Steve, this is the second time he's been charged. He is scared to death of horses anyway but comes to help me nevertheless. God Bless him! This nut jobs are a far cry from the much better behaved, and MUCH smaller donkeys....

stronghunter said...

Oh my gosh, Lynne2, I am glad you are both okay. I do not know that much about horses, and certainly do not know much about thoroughbreds.

The craziest animal in our house is Allie, and she is not too dangerous.

Lolly said...

Yikes! Oh, Lynne, what a story! I love horses but much prefer sweet, gentle, and calm horses. The man who gave us our horse had quarter horses. He raced them in New Mexico and Louisiana. He had a ranch that I never saw but lived in our town. His house was next door to my daddy's farm implement business. He would sometimes have several of his horses in small corrals on his property. They were not pets and I kept my hands back. He Did let my brother ride a few for exercise. Once we did visit the race track, Ruidosa Downs in New Mexico and he gave us a owners pass to visit Sunny Deck, who was there to race. You have to respect those horses. Hope he did not injure himself more on the wheelbarrow.

I am off for a hot shower! Will say goodnight and check on everyone in the morning.

Mema Jo said...

I have been watching TV shows - Electricity is still on and haven't had any flickering of lights. Going to get ready for bed but first want to ready the evening comments.

Lynne2 said...

I was unable to successfully get anywhere with my phone. If someone wants to PM me a phone number then if the power goes out I can text that person to let you know we are OK.

Lynne2 said...

Hi Jo, hope you are feeling OK!

SHRILEY...that is CRAZY price for meds! It better magically come out of the bottle at the correct time and put itself in your mouth! Heck, it still isn't enough for that price!

Janet said...

last check in for the evening. thinking the sand person is delayed due to the weather?

Yes, thank you LYNNE2, the kids did make it back and did not come up stairs for dinner. I suspect they grabbed something while they were out (if anything was open?) or ate at a friends. no matter. they are home and safe and for that I am thankful.

LYNNE2: so glad you are safe and well. a horse racing at you with the intent of getting away from you is no joke!!!!

I think the snow is winding down. I bet we have a good 9 inches out there! :D its been since the mid 90's since I've seen real snow like this. (that was in maine)

am thankful for a nice quiet safe snuggled down evening. I holding each of you close for safety, warmth, and comfort as the storm rages. good night to all. sleep well my friends....

Lynne2 said...

Lolly, I prefer calm myself!

Lynne2 said...

Good news that the kids are back Janet! Whew!

Mema Jo said...

I think I have caught up to speed........
Lynne2 your story - well I could picture it all - scary - determined TB

Janet - glad the kids are safely home - I had contact with all of mine and all are
home with no plans of going anywhere. Peaceful feeling.

Goodnight to all
Stay warm
Praying for all of us !

Jewels said...

Its almost 2am....
here is how my day/ night has gone.
I got off at 6am Friday morning. Stopped at Charlie's to get a propane heater and two tanks incase our electric went out. Got home and in bed, sleep probably by 730-8. Woke up at 1230ish... chilled with Jennifer for a bit. Finished packing over night bags. Went to lay down at 3 and got a message that everyone was being picked up by 6pm. Now mind you, I was not to be in at work till 10pm!!! so I figured by this point it was 330 and no sense in me laying down. Ride came at 7pm. Officers came and got me, on way to work, there was a wreck, I sat in veh while the officers worked the wreck. Got to work about 915pm... and guess what, no work for my shift till midnight, so instead of working 10p to 10am, now its midnight to noon. I will be up 24 hrs by the time I get off.
So, I am safe at work, planning on staying here till sunday sometime.
Jenn is home by herelf with Toby the dog, hopefully managing.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It has not been a good night to sleep here. Snow last night turned to sleet after midnight and has now turned to rain. But I don't think I have ever heard wind like this in the 10 years we've been here. I just read a report of 55 mph sustained winds right at the beach with gusts of 80mph.

It's hard to believe the power and cable service are even working but so far, so good. It's too dark still to see what's around us outside but I heard a very loud boom about a half hour ago, like a nearby tree fell. When I took Janey out - she was pretty skittish about being outside in this wind - there were no fallen trees on our fenced lot or in front of the fence where the boat is stored. The winds are not predicted to subside for another 12-14 hours. And then there are the 3 high tides coming.

The nest is MT and snow covered and it's snowing and blowing in Shepherdstown.

Lynne, great description of the horse incident - how scary for you and Steve. I hope that's your only adventure of the weekend but I suspect it won't be.

Shirley, $500 for one month of a medication???? Yikes! That you have to take for more than a month??? Yikes! And you HAVE health insurance! Why doesn't your insurance cover it?

Everyone in the path of this storm, please stay safe. I suspect I won't be playing tennis this morning at 9am. DE is only at a Level 1 driving restriction which doesn't forbid vehicles on the roads, but I doubt the tennis facility will open. I will check in later - assuming I can.

Jewels said...

Oh Sandi, that is not good. Our winds are blowing hard, and being inside the center here I have no clue how much has drifted.
Yes Please everyone be careful!! 5.5 more hours of my shift !! Still wide awake here!

Sandi said...

It's 6:50 and still so dark outside I can't see a thing. Butwhen I look out, there are no lights in any of the houses across the street from me. We live in the newest section of South Bethany and our power lines are underground. But the rest of South Bethany has above ground power lines.

When we had the nor'easter in October, the wind took down a huge branch of our across the street neighbor's tree. As the branch fell, it landed on the power lines right across the street from our house and the weight pulled down the entire electric pole. All of the houses on the other side of Canal Drive were without power for about 12 hours. I'm beginning to think the loud boom I heard about an hour ago was a power line that went down and took out the power to those houses again. Our neighbors across the street always leave a little light on above their kitchen sink that we can see through the window, and I see nothing but darkness.

I just saw on a locals FB page that a guy opened the door to take his dog outside this morning before he hooked her leash on and the dog took off. How very scary for the owner and the poor dog. I was very worried that Janey would try to bolt when she heard the wind this morning - I made sure I had a REALLY tight hold on her leash before I opened the door.

Jewels said...

Oh NO doubt it was probably a line or transformer down...
that poor doggie... I hope it makes it back home safe

glo said...

gm everyone. Did quick read to see how our East Coasters are doing. Lynne2 I will message you my phone number now. Just saw your message to go ahead and do that. We of course need to know how you all are doing at your place including the crazy horse. :-) Be Safe everyone.

glo said...

Heard from Shirley who says she all are warm and safe and home

Judie said...

Good morning.

Nearly two feet of snow here and the wind is becoming increasingly intense. Still have power but not optimistic based on past experience.

Glad to see many have reported in this morning. Carolyn, sorry for the work schedule and hope you get a day to sleep and recover. Jo, happy that all the Family Lennox are safe. Lynne2, please take care and so glad no serious injuries. Each time we lose power, there is a loud boom when the transformer dies.

Nest is filled with snow and I am just so happy there are no eggs yet.

Everyone please take every precaution, stay inside, stay safe.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning from the snow bunny! Quickly letting you know we are ok
I want to read back now

Mema Jo said...

Good to hear from you Sandi - Hoping your canal doesn't overflow.
Lynne2 I hope you can make it out to the barn through the drifts..

Today Hubby is celebrating his birthday - Good thing I had cancelled reservations at
Dutch's for today. It is still snowing and the winds are yet to come.

Going to FB to check out the kids......... Will keep in touch

Lolly said...

Good morning! Checking on all of you! Sent Lynne2 a message with my cell number. Oh, the nest does look snow bound. So thankful Belle is not sitting on eggs!

Please take care. Off to read paper!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Snowing hard here now. And blowing.

Birds are flocking to the feeder I put close to the back door and the kitties are very excited. They (kitties) probably think I did this just for their entertainment.

Luna decided to poop on the front porch. I do not blame her. Hunter scooped out enough snow for her to get out the front steps, but she did not make it that far.

Oh my, it is fortunate that our eagles have not laid eggs yet. The nest is covered in snow. I think I am seeing some flocks of birds flying by the nest. Hard to tell. Pretty much white out conditions there, and here.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, it is a good day to stay home. I expect that Dutch's might not be open today, anyhow.

stronghunter said...

Charging my cell phone. Need to keep it ready just in case. Kathryn is doing the same.

stronghunter said...

The wind has definitely arrived here.

stronghunter said...

I threw some birdseed on the front porch. Expect some seeds went through the cracks between the boards and landed underneath. Most likely, there are some birds hiding there who appreciate the gift. Also expect there are plenty of little critters underneath the back porch.

grannyblt said...

Good morning. Glad that many of you are checking in. 50 miles south of me people are reporting several inches of snow, here, not a flake.stay warm and safe everyone.

WVJerry said...

Good snowy morning. I see the nest looks like our yard...snow covered. Didn't have to work today. Although we could use the money - it I'd just to bad. Our street is unplowed since yesterday about 6:00PM. Dean and I will try to shovel some later. Poor Bella doesn't like the snow. Been trying to get her a place to go outside. My estimate is at least two feet of snow in our yard. They were calling for 28-32 inches and that looks quite possible. Hope you are safe and warm. Take care all.

Lynne2 said...

11 AM and all is well!!

magpie said...

Good Totally Snow Morning, Eagle Pals....
Yep, Winchester VA is reporting 30 inches and maybe another 10 on the way...
WV Jerry has reported what we have here in Martinsburg....
Really putting out positive energy and safety prayers for all involved...and all the responders....
and for the Sycamore Palace, And florargirl Megan......surely she must have some
snow removal concerns, as in the past, with the greenhouse...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

The nest presents a very wintry scene. I was up off and on all night, checked the nest and could see snowplowing going on up in the far left corner of the screen. Lots of lights. Now all obliterated once more with snow galore.

My heart has been in my throat just reading about the way things are for each of you in the storm's path. Here on the north side of Columbus we've no new snow---dry pavement and just leftover traces of the white stuff on the ground. Ohio south of I-70 has been blanketed just like most of you are reporting. Prayers continue for all and I do hope JEWELS is back home, safe and sound. I'm so glad the dept. provided transportation to and from work and hope Jenn and Toby were Aok through the night.

GLO and LOLLY, so nice of you to provide a way for Momsters to communicate.

JERRY, some things, like safety, are better than those extra bucks.

LYNNE1, so you and I are above the snow line---got lucky this time and I'm not taking it for granted!

Belle and Shep must have sensed this weather system. Yeah! I hope they're safe and sound! Wonder if we'll get a panoramic show today, hope so.

Off to e-mail in hopes of finding some word from my New Jersey kids.

Prayers for all!!!!


magpie said...

Work pulled some shifts in early, set up accommodations for those on duty,
pretty much keeping everyone there, and rotating fresh crews in and out..
I believe Jewels is probably "stuck" there...I report back at 0600 Monday,
but if they need me, they'll come in a Humvee to get me buggy is totally buried and the street is unplowed and would be up to the axles.
I went out and cleared the front door and a small path, both for me and elderly neighbor Lorraine...and cleared the two heat pumps as well as possible, that's my limit, back indoors now....
Love you Folks, all the time, Every Day....
xoxoxo !!! And then Some !!!

We' re about to SPLIT unless this already hits into the next 200

magpie said...

I see KAY's comment regarding all would probably
know before I....that ol' Facebook really keeps loved ones connected....!

some of my co-workers had to leave their pets at home alone....and they are
ultra-worried about them, if I could get around in this, I would go check and tend to them....but this is not an option....

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...