Tuesday, January 12, 2016


New thread.  Snow this evening?


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CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve, have alerted the others..

CarolAnne said...

3" snow with blowing winds. Windchill around -20.
Hope all are well.
Wish my feathers kept me as warm as they appear to do for the eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon and Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread

CA - you got a very regal feather - Hope you have been well and your snow is headed our way this evening - so they say! Stay Warm

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Tuesday thread.

Thank you CarolAnne and congratulations on the new feather. Be careful it doesn't blow away. Stay warm, please.

Jo, had a snow-looking sky earlier but now the sunshine has arrive. So glad the numbers are good.

Lolly, hope Laurel's eyes and burns are going to be okay soon.

Kay, at least from your perspective, it is a good thing Penny does not like the cold so a few romps in the snow is tolerable. So happy she's improved so much.

Back to sorting. Bye

Mema Jo said...

There are some snow flakes you can see on the live feed. The Royal Couple were in for an evening visit - Really digging into the egg cup.

Mema Jo said...

Going to snuggle with my fleece in the recliner and not sure about TV.....?????????

Goodnight to all

Stay warm in this weather


Judie said...

Sweet dreams, Jo.

News indicates snow with some accumulation up around Frederick and Dana Mo's territory. Nothing here yet. Likely not enough to be of any concern.

Headed to my recliner.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Judie said...

Oh my, snow flurries at the nest and the Sycamore Palace is swaying to and fro.


JudyEddy said...

no one came over to the other blog to alert I was on it when the eagle landed I thought you all deserted me LOL LAST post was by JO at 1252
Lucky I lost my computer otherwise I wouldn't have found you all


NatureNut said...

Here, Here! It must be a New Year today!!!! This AM AND PM saw real live eagles at the Park~~~first time in ages!! I wrote this message as the 3rd person on Blog this AM and it would NOT publish. We have new 'puters at work and it seems Big Brother is blocking most stuff he deems personal. I think documentation of eagle activity would be important!!! ☺
Hope the good news is a preview of coming attractions___if anything decent is in cameras.
We have NO snow flurries here, but earlier this evening saw quite a few dump trucks going down our road to the County Salt Mine!
See ya later. Keep warm!
Prayers for Good Health for All and Pleasant Feather Dreams ☺

WVJerry said...

Good chilly morning. Empty nest now. Thanks for the New Thread. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Thanks Steve for the new thread. Like Judy, I never got a call over on the old thread. Thought everyone must have gone to bed without saying goodnight last night!

Judy, my advice on your 2 weeks notice letter would be short and sweet. Walmart probably cares little about your explanation of why you are leaving, just that you are. I am envious!

Schools in Sussex County, Kent County, and Worcester County in MD have received a series of bomb threats in the past 2 days. My principal called an emergency faculty mtg yesterday to tell everyone to dress warmly and keep our coats and purses handy in case today is the day for us. What a world we are living in.

26 degrees here - no snow last night but LOTS of wind. Temps are only predicted to go to about freezing today. BRRRR! I hate winter weather!

Janey started whining at 4:45am this morning. I will be taking the squirt bottle to bed tonight. This must stop.

Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Thanks for the new thread, Steve, and congratulations on the new feather, CA.

Cold here this morning. It was very windy last night, and I did look out the window once just to see if there might be snow.

The early morning sun is shining on a bit of snow at the nest.

stronghunter said...

There was a bomb threat at an elementary school down this way this week, too, Sandi.

stronghunter said...

Judie asked about Kathryn. She is still having some issues. She came home from work early last night, but went in this morning. She did say she'd be home early again today if she thinks she needs to. Since she had pneumonia last fall, I do want her to be careful. She has all kinds of medicines from the doctor.

Lynne2 said...

Morning all!

OG is downstairs cleaning as if her life depended on it and she's crabby. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Soryy Kathryn is still not feeling well.

No call over on other thread!

Judie said...

Good morning.

No snow. Gales of wind last night and still breezy this morning. However, sun is shining and it is very cold.

Our nest MT. AEF eaglets are already exploring and provided a few moments of anxiety yesterday as they approached the crib rails and looked over. Bei Bei was sleeping when I checked on him.

Shirley, sorry Kathryn is still feeling puny. Hope she's able to get lots of rest.

Good morning Sandi. Yes, squirt bottle may be the weapon of choice. Janey seems quite intelligent so she should catch on quickly. When do you return to the dermatologist? How the face feeling?

Loretta, it sure seems to me that being able to watch/document eagles would be work related. Maybe a hint or two?

Lynne1 might be covered in snow.

I'm headed out for lunch today. Will check when I return to see if Jo and Kay and Glo have stopped by.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Wow! Came back to say I kept hearing this wild and crazy laughter and wondered if I might be losing my mind. Nope! It was Lynne2 laughing about OG. Gosh, sure hope she got a wake-up call.


Lynne2 said...

Well, in one month I will have my certificate of completion for my animal behavior course! Then starts 2.5 years in which I have to have a gazzillion other things in order to become certified w/ the CCPDT. (ccpdt.org if you'd like to check it out)

Did you know that there is NOTHING and NO ONE regulation dog training? You don't need experience, you don't need ANYTHING but to call yourself one! That's pretty scary.

The certificate I'll get now will prove that I have had 100 class and practical hours minimum in animal behavior, operant conditioning and positive reinforcement within the CCPDT standards. It's the first big step, and I can actually start training right now! I'm really lucky that I have the cockers here to work with because what I do with them goes towards my hours. We have a real problem child coming today....

Anyway, I'm very excited!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

I made it just in time to see the panoramic sweep of the MT nest and environs. Windy and chilly looking there.

Thanks to STEVE for the new threat. I'm sure CAROLANNE had good intentions, but for some reason her call over post didn't take. Like JO, I think she deserves the feather for giving it the ol' college try!

LYNNE, it's so wonderful to catch your justifiable excitement! Good on you!

JUDIE, glad you have weather that allows for "heading out for lunch"! Enjoy!

Area schools and much of life canceled here today. About 4 inches of snow on the ground with temp dropping to 4° this a.m. and well below that with wind chill. Brrrrrr. Penny and I are only out for moments at a time. Three days of thaw starting tomorrow. Yeah!

SANDI, sounds like Janey needs a good work out before lights out, but that's when her peeps are ready to call it a day. Hope the squirt bottle works.

Seth reports he likes his roommate and is pleased with classes and profs. 2nd semester, Junior year off to a great start!

Time to see what's in the larder for lunch.....

Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

No need for alarm, STEVE Did Not issue a new "threat"! Only a nice new thread!☺

Lolly said...

Good morning! I always love saying that when I know it is afternoon already for most!

Had a great time yesterday! Joseph'steam won a close game. Once when Joseph was going after a ball, he dove over a chair and into and over a table. Everyone gasped and applauded when he got up not hurt. Yay! He also got a finger in the eye! BBis a rough game!

PTL. Laurel's eyes are better. She does not have the autoimmune disease that requires expensive medicine, Restassis. Sp? She does have one eye disease that is now under control. They put plugs in her tear ducts and that will help with the dryness. She has had these before. Her hand is healing but still bothering her and will I am sure for another week or two.

We are going to work I the yard today! It is 57 and headed up into the 60's. Still standing water and muck but we will avoid those areas.

Congratulations, Lynne! This certificate is so "up your alley!"

Better get a move on! Have a great day! And, I must say, I am so jealous of Loweeeeeeda's eagle sightings!

Oh, and Jo, I saw the man on the path that runs behind the nest from the road towards the buildings.

JudyEddy said...

1230 lunch punch

NICE TO SEE NO SNOW IN NEST after last night thought there would have been some Blowing snow didn't stick I guess

JudyEddy said...

watching the SW nest and I notice this pair is constantly picking at each other bonking each other

Lynne2 said...

Glad Laurel's eyes are doing better! How are her hands progressing?

JudyEddy said...

one of the adults is out on the limb love the person that zooms can see adult and the babes in the nest I wonder if they are able to see the adult also on the branch from the nest Scary if they venture over

Lynne2 said...


Sandi said...

Hi from school. Lynne, it is indeed scary that no one regulates dog training. Apparently the same is true about regulating therapy dogs. I say this because my neighbor's dog was able to fly on the plane, right in the seat next to her, when she went to Puerto Rico for the winter. Brittany claims he is her therapy dog who keeps her from having epileptic siezures. But Brittany doesn't have epilepsy! AND this is the same dog that attacked me and bit me in 3 places over LaborDay weekend, and also tried to bite me another time when he was running through the neighborhood off leash! No way that dog is a therapy dog!! But I saw the photos on FB of Tank sitting in the seat next to Brittany on the plane!

Kay, your weather sounds horrid! Good to hear that Seth likes his roommate.

Will check in later fromhome. Bye.

Lynne2 said...

OMG Sandi, that's insane. There ARE so many legit therapy dogs and these people who lie to get them places ought to be horse whipped. Anyone who claims their dog is a therapy dog should have to prove it to whoever they are dealing with. Shame on the airline for not checking!

CarolAnne said...

Sorry my new thread alert didn't show up for everyone. Weird!

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon ! Sill mighty cold out there.

CA - you are many many times forgiven - it's the pc that is to blame. Some momsters keep their Blog up continuously - I don't do that and therefore I don't miss any of the fresh new threads. I turn mine off when I'm finished commenting and then close it.
You keep finding those new threads for us! And keep those feathers.

Just bumming around here today - not too much unlike other days.

Judy keep your notice about leaving short and sweet. I'm sure they will discuss it with you once they receive it. It really is not a resume' - when I read that I thought you were reapplying for another job. You get out of there while the going is good!

Glo was able to have Patches with her on the plane - I'm sure she didn't need to say she was a therapy dog - I think the airline had a deal with doggies.

I need an hour of feet up
Judie hope your lunch was very enjoyable and delicious - also hope you don't need to fix dinner tonight.


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon eagle buds.

This morning I had to leave the house early for my cataract surgery! But I wondered why the early morning crew hadn't posted. I check email early then checked the still dark nest. Never did see the snow fly there.

Yesterday we had a lot of snow and today is beautiful but very cold. A rainy warm up is coming, then cold again with snow. I guess winter is finally here.

Even though I read the posts every day, I guess there are some things I forget. I remember that Lynne2 was taking that animal behavior course and was really wondering how she was fitting it into her busy schedule, but I missed the part about not working at the animal clinic. Or did I get that part wrong?

Sandi, is Janey whining to go outside or does she just want you up to give her breakfast? My male cat William wants to go outside when I have the pet door closed, and I shut him out of the bedroom when he starts jumping on me at 4 am. There is always a litter box available, but he thinks he is too good for that. Lizzie, the female is more civilized, but she petitions me for breakfast in a less annoying way.

I'm ready for some longer nest times from our Eagles.

I'll quit blabbing now and check the cam.

Sandi said...

Hi all.

If a person claims that his/her dog is an Emotional Support Animal, the animal does not have to have any special training or documentation. HIPAA laws forbid the airlines from asking the specifics of a person's "emotional problem." The person simply needs a letter from a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker stating that s/he is under someone's care and needs to travel with the animal for his/her emotional well-being during the flight. Sounds like a pretty easy policy to abuse.

Patches was able to fly in the plane with Glo b/c she is small enough to fit into a carrier that can slide under an airline seat. That's why Brian and Lynnis are able to fly with their dachshunds in the plane with them.

Judie asked how my face is healing - stitches come out tomorrow morning. Both incisions look very well healed - I just hope that once the stitches are removed, the actual scars are smaller than they look now. Fingers crossed - again, there could be far worse outcomes than 2 scars on my face.

Time to fix food for people and pets - will be watching the cam to see if our eagles show up.

Mema Jo said...



JudyEddy said...

Howdy just got back after work I went to see the resident eagles at the park
Can't wait to see how many bobble heads are to be seen soon in the future
I found out the saucer is 12 ft across Talked to the owners of the buildings where the tower is
Then stopped at thrift store and picked up a couple of cheap comforters for my grand puppies to lay on Since Angie tried to separate them in separate crates. They don't stay in them at all The male busted himself out of it the first day and that is not good so they are just leaving them out They are so stressed out because of it So she just leaves them out I told her she traumatized them LOL

Judie said...

Checking in before denting the pillows.

Good day for me. Darth had a meeting so no scullery duty and got laundry caught up.

Missed the eagles' visit. Maybe tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a good day.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

I did have a Mystery to watch - Very happy about that

Hoping for a temp rise tomorrow.


Lolly said...

Worked in the yard today. We ended up raking and hauling leaves from the muck. And, by this I mean we were raking leaves in about an inch of water. I am not kidding. The south side of our house is standing in water. The brick path is submerged. We are hoping we can get better evaporation as well as let the water flow and cover more area and soak in faster. It is awful! Wish we could find a way o drain the area!

Also planted my tulip bulbs. Only about 2 1/2 weeks late. Some were planted in soggy ground, the rest just in mud!

After the yard I finally finished the 1500 pic puzzle! Never again! 3 pieces are missing. I am sure lost in the Christmas mess. Maybe a dog ate them! Anyway, it barely fits on the card table and while working it had pieces on a TV tray and box lids! Way too big.....but a beautiful picture of Santa!

Time for the pillow! Nite all!

WVJerry said...

Good morning. Both eagles in nest.

WVJerry said...

One now.

WVJerry said...

Both gone now. Not supposed to be as cold today here. Had 2 losing Powrerball tickets. Don't normally play since it went to $2.00 but it was just to big to not try. Have a great day. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - nest is MT at 7:27. A little warmer here this morning and going into the 40s this afternoon.

No bomb threat at school yesterday but there was one called in to a school in Ocean City.

Did not have to use the squirt bottle on Janey this morning - she was quiet until I woke up at 5:45am. Kay, I think Janey gets plenty of exercise - she gets 2 walks a day and at least 2 trips out into the yard to run off-leash, play keep away with one of us and her ball, and tug-of-war with us and her tug toy. Lynne1, I have seen Janey go 12 hours between bathroom breaks so 10pm til 6am should be no problem. She's either bored, lonely, or hungry when she goes off.

Stitches out at 9:30am, meeting with the new property owners association treasurer at 11am to pass along all the stuff I have, getting my nails done at 12:30pm.

Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good chilly morning eagle buds

JERRY so glad you got to see the eagle As for me I was snoozing I did wake up at 7 but decided to stay in bed

Judie said...

Good morning.

Congratulations on seeing the eagles this morning. Condolences for not having the winning Power Ball ticket. We would all have been happy to help you with your financial planning. Hi to Rhonda.

Sandi should be stitchless by now. Any marks should fade with a little time. A manicure seems a nice treat after handing over the treasurer's materials. Sandi, could Janey have been dreaming?

Lynne2, I am astounded. So there is apparently a difference between therapy animals and service animals? I did not know. I would think a person would need training to teach an animal to detect pre-asthma attack, an impending seizure, etc. Not right. JMHO

Lynne1, hope the weather is warmer in your territory and the snow goes to the place where things go never to be seen or heard from again.

Enjoyed lunch yesterday with a former adult student. Place called Hard Times Cafe. Good wings, chili. Sort of like year 'round Superbowl food.

Shirley, hope Kathryn's all better.

Kay, still snowing?

Jo, stay warm and cozy. Kinda think Mr. Newt might be more inside than outside with this weather.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

CarolAnne said...

9:50 my time - one in

CarolAnne said...

Both in

JudyEddy said...


CarolAnne said...

One in middle, one on edge. Both just looking around.

JudyEddy said...

OK IF LYNNE2 was here she would also so HP HP HP come on guys

JudyEddy said...

I seem not to have sound

CarolAnne said...

Now a bit of cup work.

JudyEddy said...

moving lots of flugg

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

to stump

Mema Jo said...

Great fly out from the stump - No sound here - should hear the wind

I think Still cam is stuck!

CarolAnne said...

One gone.

CarolAnne said...

And back.

JudyEddy said...

nice fly in with flugg

Mema Jo said...

Still cam refreshed and is now current - but it was stuck

JudyEddy said...

I love being able to see them fly in from the distance so friggin cool

JudyEddy said...

JO I had notice it getting stuck several times but them it recovers odd

JudyEddy said...

MINE SAYS 1109 and its 1114

JudyEddy said...

now I am caught up 1117

Mema Jo said...

The still cam is needing to be refreshed too often in my opinion

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

That was Shep - Belle's neckline feathers can be seen really well
She still has the inverted "V"

JudyEddy said...

poof two

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Got here in time to see both--a sight for sore eyes! Saw Shep poof, but Belle's still surveying the scene. Oops, Poof!!!

Mema Jo said...

Belle went Poof - same direction as Shep

JudyEddy said...

and back

Mema Jo said...

Back to business - Good Morning to all!
It is an eagle sighting morning - windy up at the nest - but clear sunny sky

Hello to all of you and thanks Jerry, Judy and CA for nest reports!

Judie - Mr Newt being feral does go out - he has a box that he sits in that shields him from the winds. However a lot of times he will sniffed the air and turn around and comes right back into the house.

I know Service dogs are trained - but Therapy dogs I'm not sure training is involved.
I need to read up on this - but I thought it was an instinct reaction.

Off I go to check out my peeps over on FB - BBL

Mema Jo said...

Eagle has returned - Busy morning

JudyEddy said...

working on rail pulling on sticks

Mema Jo said...

That one stick is really loose - maybe he'll get rid of it

Lolly said...

Good morning! Brought up the cam in time to see both! Yay!

Need to get busy with some work for a meeting tonight, a treasurers report! Have been doing this for years. Once you get the job it is hard to get rid of it. It is a woman's group and no disagreeable people!

Jack is heading out again to work in the yard. So much clean up needed. Maybe we should have just let it be a wooded area, no lawn, no flowers bed, no landscaping......just woods!

I think we really need to see hp!!

Kay said...

Eagle returned while I was catching up on posts. Busy, busy, busy with nestorations. They are definitely beginning to get the urge when they're spending so much time in the nest. The big show will start in about 20 minutes and I hope Shep sticks around for it! Have seen vehicles on the road every day, but never any humans or four legged critters.

LOLLY, glad Joseph was unhurt---he really throws himself into the game!

Belle joins Shep!

Lynne2 said...

The Americans with Disabilities Act defines service dogs as any guide dog, signal dog, or other animal who is trained to provide assistance to an individual with a disability. For example, Seeing Eye Dogs, seizure alert and diabetic alert dogs, some dogs are trained to pull wheelchairs, others are taught to alert to the sounds of the telephone, oven timers, alarm clocks, smoke alarms, and even a baby’s cry. Service dogs are not considered pets. They have to be allowed public access to everywhere.

A therapy dog can provide healing to his or her owner, visit people to provide love and comfort whether a hospital, a school or a retirement home. They do not have to be allowed public access but rather are granted permission to enter facilities and regulated by the facilities and the organizations that the people/pet teams belong to. In some cases, well behaved dogs don't need to belong to any therapy group but with the facilities permission can still enter to visit specific patients.

Kay said...

JUDIE, no snow falling and the temp to go to 40°. Should get a nice start on thawing and then two more days above freezing.

Seth is coming home for his parent's 23rd anniversary on Saturday. In the evening we'll all go to Irish Contra dancing at a nearby church. I am starting my duties as greeter and money collector in chief and the others will participate in the dance. I love the music and people watching so volunteered for the "job". Eileen and Bill took us to their November dance and it all blossomed from there. There will be another dance on the 23rd and then one a month through May. They take the summer months off and resume in Sept.

POOF one.

Kay said...

LYNNE2, thanks for defining the roles of Service and Therapy dogs.

SANDI, me thinks your neighbor has mental issues and perhaps the dog is an aid in some way. The fact that it's a proven biter seems alarming, however.

Eagle back and that makes two enjoying the sunshine, doing a bit of nestoration and why no HP?

Kay said...

JUDIE, wish there was a Hard Times Cafe in my neighborhood! Sounds good and makes me very hungry for lunch! Waiting til' the panorama show before giving into the eating urge.

Judie said...

Thanks for the info Lynne2. I still find the operative words "trained to provide..." to be very significant.

Going to check the nest. Maybe I'll get lucky and see one or two eagles.


Kay said...

Since I don't play I was hoping the big money would be won by someone who loves me a lot. Guess not, unless the CA winner is my granddaughter.☺

Praying for all in need!!! Have a good day all!!!

Will be watching through the show and then must move on to household, pet and dietary needs.


JudyEddy said...

tour going on with both in nest

Mema Jo said...

Lots of 'in's' and 'out's' today with nestoratons.

Thanks Lynne2 - explanation was very well needed - thanks again.
I wasn't sure how they trained with health issues.

Mema Jo said...

Well I missed the tour - I was busy reading and commenting on our blog

JudyEddy said...

JO I have the live cam and still cam up and the blog are you on a small device so you can't do all??

JudyEddy said...

I am waiting for them to show us a little action LOL I know LYNNE2 also is waiting LOL

JudyEddy said...

sure wish we had sound Is there hunting in the area?? maybe why sound is off!

Mema Jo said...

I can't fin any Deer Hunt schedule for 2016....... I thought the same thing about the no sound

Judie said...

Well, I'm just looney tunes. Lynne2, I totally forgot to congratulate you on your certification. Wishing you the best with the final phase of training.

What's going on with OG?

Kay, glad you have a thaw. Please enjoy Seth being home and the anniversary celebration and the Irish Contra dance. The woman I had lunch with yesterday -- she and her husband are Irish descendants and also enjoy attending Irish dances and other functions (especially those held in Ireland).

Okay, bye

Mema Jo said...

Judy I don't multitask too well - lol
I am on my desk top computer so it would be easy for me to split screens - I'm too
lazy to do it I guess.

JudyEddy said...

they act like tracking something the one at 12

JudyEddy said...

poof both again

JudyEddy said...

Just got back from lunch with Angie and a trip to see the eagle at the park and got to see a osprey in her tower also near Angie job

Have to pick up Jordyn at 510 to take to gym Some reason she wants me to pick her up instead of meeting there So I am picking her up and Angie will just meet us there from work.

JudyEddy said...

Changed avatar again I just love this one the way I think it is Belle looking up at Shep like man where you going I got some really net ones today Loving our new camera with the approach and exit

Mema Jo said...

BAO BAO is on CAM 2 Fonz - I'm waiting for some confirmation.

She is running all over the place.

On Cam 1 Bei Bei is sleeping in his rock crib.

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Headed to my recliner to watch First 48 and then Father Brown.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...


Kathryn tells me the Giant Grocery store where we shop had a big lottery winner . . . and so did a nearby Sheetz. These prizes were more in the 50-100 thousand dollar range. That would have been nice. Too bad we didn't get any of that.

stronghunter said...

I am yawning, so I will say good night and wish you SED.

Mema Jo said...

Watched TV this evening - all Hallmark

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday with a 3-day weekend coming up! YAY!

Stitches are out. The incision on my forehead looks great - it's right in one of the lines across my forehead so, aside from being a little pink, it's already pretty much invisible. I still haven't seen the scar above my lip b/c the doctor put another steri-strip over the incision after removing the stitches and said to leave it on over the weekend just to give the area a little more support for a few more days. But he said both have healed beautifully.

Missed all of the eagle viewing yesterday - busy doing this and that.

Have a greyt day all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Eagle in our nest. Adjusting crib rails. Calling out now.

Raining on the FL and the GA nest.

Don't know about today's adventures. May stay home. May go foraging. Kennedy Center tonight.


Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...


Sandi, glad the "scar" is disguised. I'm sure the one above the lip will be all but invisible.

Shirley, sorry you didn't win anything this time.

Still wishing everyone the best day possible

JudyEddy said...


bug front here on top of us Hope the weather stays nice and calm and no tornado warning Stay away

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE thanks for reporting you HEARD the eagle call out we were in doubt of sound on the nest yesterday

Judie said...

Yep, I think it was the female calling. They are all soggy this morning. Bye-the-way, what's a bug front? Must be a Florida thing. lol

Darth is headed to the P.O. to deliver our tax stuff. Then I am going to be out foraging.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
I think I may have sound on the live feed - every once in a while I have the wind sound. My only doubt is that is is NOT windy today. Go figure. Still cam is still not working right - too much refreshing.

Deb caught a video this morning hour of Downsizing a Branch - Nest Repairs - NCTC Nest - January 15 2016 - Here is the youtube's url. (Cut and paste or on FB it's Bald Eagles 101 page.)


Today my one granddaughter has reached her 30th b-day. I miss seeing her but we do keep in touch. Always in my heart.

Judie said...

Back to clarify. I thought JudyE was referring to the Berry nest. Sound there and rain. Rain on FL nest this morning but did not hear anything and both adults were on tree limbs last night. Our nest MT last night but adult working on crib rails this morning - did not hear anything.

Happy Birthday to granddaughter, Jo.


Judie said...

No sound at NCTC nest. Low humming.

Mema Jo said...

Two or three times earlier this morning I heard static I guess - thought it was the wind

Lolly said...

Good morning! Empty nest! What is with these eagles? We have seen hp before now. Right?

Had a great time last night.

We were going to Denton tomorrow for a Jacob game, but Michael just called and he and Zach are coming over tonight. Going to make homemade pizza. Michael's birthday is Monday, but he says he is going out of town. So promised pizza tonight, a birthday dessert. However, no present. Have no idea in this world what to give the boy!

Need to get busy! Need to head to the grocery store!

Have a great Friday!

Sandi, happy for you the face is mending.

Mema Jo said...

cam tour in a few minutes

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Cam tour! :) I wish one time there would be an eagle sitting on a branch when they pan.

Hello everybody. How goes it?

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...


(sorry caps lock stuck)

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

I missed the show today--on the phone with Eileen--she works 40 hours in four days, so calls me every Fri/Sat/Sun/Holiday. Just watched Deb's "cutting a branch down to size" video. It's always fascinating to watch Belle n' Shep as they work!

SANDI, so happy to hear you're healing like a baby!

Happy Birthday to JO's granddaughter and LOLLY's son!

JUDIE, what's on tap at the Kennedy Center this evening. Enjoy! So glad Darth has recovered well enough to resume normal activity!

Another wonderful day here---rain to begin at 5 or 6 this evening---possible snow flurries tomorrow, but the temps don't drop til' Sunday morning. Then, watch out for winter returns with a vengeance then.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Eagle Alert

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...

just sitting and looking one flew out and brought flugg back but just sitting now

JudyEddy said...

had lunch with Angie and getting ready to get Jordyn

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Thought for sure I saw beak open no sound and looked like the approach but nothing

Lolly said...

Watching! Looked like interest in hp but no action! Certainly look like a loving couple! A little sweet beaking going on!!!

Lolly said...

Heard the messages ping and knew to open cam. Thank you!

Lolly said...

New door is being installed! Yay!

Lolly said...

I wonder about the cars going by. Do they look up to see the eagles? Or are they not interested?

JudyEddy said...

gotta head out to get Jordyn Was so hoping to see HP Keep a eye out and take a snip if they do

LOLLY I have wondered that also I know everytime I drive by my cell tower I always look up They may not even know they are there Like here where I live all the time when I go to the park most everyone doesn't know about them at all They just thought I was taking pic of the cell tower LOL until I point out the eagles

JudyEddy said...

OH I just think today is the day and I don't want to leave LOL Do you have sound LOLLY when Shep spoke I heard nothing But it did look like OH Come ON HONEY but no HP

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

And there was the HP!!!! :)

Lolly said...

Well, dern! Missed it! Really, Sharon?

Lolly said...

No sound!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My profile pic is the proof! :)

JudyEddy said...

SHAR so happy you got a snip LOOKS like right when I left also EGGBERT in the makin

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I put the pic in the momsters album too.

JudyEddy said...

SHAR please put on the momster fb page also so eggcited you got to see

JudyEddy said...

I wonder if Deb was recording it I hope so

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Seems a good day was had by all, including Shep and Belle. Thanks for sharing, Shar.

Kay, the play is a farce about murder and romance. Got a slightly good review. We'll see. Hope all the family is doing well and your pantry is stocked.

Nest was MT when I looked a couple of minutes ago.

Foraging accomplished. Food is in for the weekend. Was going to treat us to prime rib but two ribs cost $45 so opted for Angus rib eye.

Enjoy the visit from Michael and Zack, Lolly. I'm sure Michael will be more than pleased to consider your homemade pizza and dessert his birthday gift.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

hp hp hp hp hphphphhp

Mema Jo said...

Whoo hoo hp


grannyblt said...

No doubt that was a bonding moment

Mema Jo said...

And with sound I should say!

JudyE is a happy nester now

JudyEddy said...

so we do have sound I heard the hp

grannyblt said...

And we do have sound

JudyEddy said...

two times in one day also

Mema Jo said...

One went POOF !

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

I know Judie is out on a date with Frank - but where is everyone else.
Lolly of course is b-day partying...

I have been at TV and have one more show to watch

We are getting some rain!

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Hope everyone has had a very nice evening. The play, A Gentleman's Guide to Love & Murder, was very much like a Gilbert & Sullivan operetta. Really fun and funny and reminded me of my days (long long ago) as a Savoyard. Much better than I expected based on the review.

Maybe more HP tomorrow and we are on the way to little eaglets.

Headed to the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening to all. just thought i'd pop by....its been a rather interesting start to the new year....maybe the Evil Jufie is lurking??????

I think I told you we've been having issues with our washing machine backing up and flooding the upstairs laundry room and running downstairs??? Well, Tom has snaked it. We had the plumbing co out to snake it....Tom snaked the upstairs portion when it "burped" and then last night, while I was washing a load of uniforms, it backed up again. Hiller Co. came back out....and it appears we have a collapsed water drain line.

An expert will be out Monday night to confirm. Thankfully the laundry place is right behind the house. Unfortunately, we have cold weather settling in. hmmmmm

Now, the down stairs heating system is all skeewonkey....blowing only cold air and the blower won't shut off. Tom shut it off via the circuit panel and we do have an infrared heater which is pretty awesome. Kids are using that.

lol could be worse. I just keep saying could be worse..... not inviting it to be worse.....but reminding myself.....be thankful and grateful in each moment.....

so its been a challenge around here to say the least.

Work has been good and we had a beautiful day in the 60's yesterday!

Highs Monday to be in the low 30's.

I read back, looks like everyone is doing okay. I will try to pop in a little more regularly in the next week. It was just crazy this week...

Hugs to all. SED!

JudyEddy said...

I am here

just got home from Angie just a bit ago and need to wind down I guess

Lolly said...

In Laurel's previous house the laundry room was upstairs. Very convenient to the bedroom but I thought it risky to have it upstairs! Also, hard to move washer and dryer up and down stairs!

Had a good evening with Michael and Zach. They are both in bed. Michael says he has been sick all week. He is tired.

Broke my diet tonight eating pizza and sopapilla cheesecake. But, I have done well all week and was down 6 pounds this morning. Will get back on the wagon tomorrow!

We have had beautiful weather this week, but tonight the temps fall!

Night all! SED! Feel better now that we have seen hp! Lol

Jewels said...

Good early morning! Sorry took me too long to get back on here. With only three hours of sleep the night of the accident and having to work Monday I was one tired gal. I also worked Tuesday and when I got off work, I went to see Jessica and she was feeling fine. I made her call the OB and they told her they would call back. It was not till Wednesday that they called. Said as along as she had no cramping or bleeding she should be fine. Found out then she has a appt on the Jan 25th.
Also that Wednesday thanks to me, she was able to go get her a newer veh. I gave her dad $700 to put a down payment on a used car. Just a week prior he borrowed 200 from me. I just told him to give me 450$ and call it even. Arent I a nice ex. LOL

Thank you so very much for all the good thoughts and prayers. and again I am sorry It took me so long to get back to you.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Gray and dreary here but not too cold. I see on FB that our eagles were at the nest this morning but I missed them. Good to hear they are doing things that eagles should be doing this time of year. I am really excited about this nesting season with the new camera!

Janet, so sorry about the house woes - they really do create stress, don't they?

Judie, Savoyard? had to Google that - details please.

Carolyn, good to hear that Jessica and baby are fine and she has a new set of wheels.

Lynne2, what's the latest in How the Kennel Turns? How are the horses doing? Do you ever get updates on the donkeys and/or the pigs?

I am getting a massage today at noon - it was a Christmas gift from Denny. It has been a number of years since my last one but I just may start scheduling one each month. Janet, convince me of ALL the benefits!

Have a greyt day all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Drizzly overcast here this morning.

Checked the nest and it is MT. FL eaglets are starting to peck at food on their own.

Bei Bei is sleeping soundly despite all the camera flashes. Mei is stuffing her face with bamboo.

Janet, do hope you get the water problem solved quickly. Such a mess and inconvenience.

Lolly, so happy you had a good evening with Michael and Zack. Congrats on losing the lbs.

Carolyn, thank you for the update on Jessica. Continued prayers that she and baby are okay. Yes, you are a good person and your mom would be ever so proud.

Sandi, D'Oyle Carte is a British light opera company that performs only Gilbert and Sullivan light operas. The U.S. equivalent are Savoyards and there are groups all over the U.S. Probably most popular is the NYC group. I studied voice in my younger years and was a member of the Norfolk Savoyards. Grew up not far from the Azalea Gardens where the Norfolk nest was located. Now you know the rest of the story...

Not much on my agenda today. Puttering and putting my feet up. Will check back later.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!!

JUDIE, like SANDI I yearn for details re:your Savoyard experience! I was in the chorus for a High School performance of The Pirates of Penzance, but I don't think that qualifies me for Savoyard status. I'm forever grateful to Vocal Teacher, Mr. Porter, for introducing me to Gilbert and Sullivan. A big favorite ever since. Seth shares my love of their work and we often play G&S cd's when out and about in the car. Glad you enjoyed the show---I have no experience with murder, but can tell you I've seen the farcical side of romance in my lifetime!

Our nest is MT, but it looks like a windless and relatively lovely day there. Have seen a couple of vehicles on the road so know the cam is working.

JEWELS, so glad Jessica and the little one are Aok. She's lucky to have parents who, in spite of separation, can get along and put their children first!

LOLLY, glad "the boys" came to visit and enjoyed a birthday feast!

JANET, no question about it, homes can be Money Pits! Sorry you're having such woes.

Just tending to household chores today and looking forward to cashiering at the Contra Dance tonight. So pleased that Julie, Hugh and Seth will be taking part in it---a nice way to celebrate a 23rd wedding anniversary!

Wow, all of a sudden wind has come up at the nest and the sky has darkened a bit. Some winter weather popping up. I hear raindrops plopping on the cam.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Doing a Margy...

Enjoy the massage Sandi.

I also hope Lynne2 will check in with an animal update along with one on the OG.


Kay said...

JUDIE, I see we were pecking at the keys at the same time. Thanks for "the rest of the story"!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Eagle in the nest Alert

Good to hear from everyone - shadows at the nest as the clouds interrupt the sunshine.
Sound is on and I'm not sure but someone may be up in the attic.

No special plans for this Saturday. Sandi enjoy your relaxing day and once a month sounds good. Here's hoping you are very satisfied with your looks this am - ♥

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! It seems Michael was sick all week. Mother is always the last to learn! He slept til 10:30 this morning! We fed Zach and played multiple games of shut the Box! They left a couple hours ago.

It is grey, windy, and quite chilly here! Sitting here with a lap blanket and a lap kitty. Both keeping me warm.

We missed Jacob's game today because of M and Z being here, however he won. Also, Laurel texted me that Jacob is now 5'9.5". My 11 year old grandson!!! He also weighs 200 lbs! Football coaches are going to be drooling, but I really can not see him playing football! He is his daddy all over again! Taking bets when he passes Joseph who is four years older!

Have cam up, waiting for an eagle visit!

Lolly said...

Tomorrow is my sister Sharon's birthday. Monday is Michael's. We had gone to see Sharon on her birthday. It was a weekend and Michael was born that Saturday. I figure I was sitting and drinking coffe with Sharon when Michael was born. We got a call 11 days later and we learned we had a son. I was so excited and called Jack at work. We went to get him the next day! We did not call family until he was in our arms. He was a beautiful baby and a very good baby! Hardly ever cried! Laurel made up for that!!! She had colic and cried a lot!

Lolly said...

Eagle in!!

Lolly said...

Eagle proofed! Think it was Shep. Spent a lot of time looking around and then some grooming!

Lolly said...

Yay! Both in and hp

Lolly said...

Some work in the nest and both have proofed!

Lolly said...

Well, I see my Ipad does not like the word poof and has auto corrected it to proff!Ohh, well, you know what I meant! Lol

Janet said...

good afternoon / evening to all.

SANDI: please double your water intake for the next 24 to 48 hours to flush your body.

massage benefits:
*stress reduction
*helps with circulation
*helps with joints
*can decrease pain
*can bring on theta brain waves
*different types of massage can have different effects: such as:
*neuromuscular: releases trigger points and thereby relieves pain
*myofascial release: loosens the connective tissues thus allows muscular movement free from pain
*craino-sacral: works with the cerebral spinal fluid to relax and decrease pain
*hot stone: great for pain relief (arthritis/fibromyalgia) and relaxation
*lymphatic: relieves swelling from lymphedema as well as stimulates and moves lymph throughout the body.
*Swedish: great for relaxation, stress decrease

That's just right off the top of my head. Depending of course on the therapy you receive, there can be stretching of muscles as well as loosening of muscles.

CONTRAINDICAITONS FOR MASSAGE: antibiotics. infections. chemotherapy (must have doctors note, but generally if a person is currently in chemo it is not advised)
and there are many others, but these are the top ones that I see. People who are on blood thinners, even otc ie ibuprofen, vitamin E should advise the therapist due to the possibility of bruising. May also require a doctors note.

People with heart/kidney problems, advise therapist: massage moves fluids through out the body. generally speaking, all is well, but may need a doctor's note, depending on what is going on.

Is that more than you ever wanted to know regarding massage??? lol

Heading out for a date night. Hugs and love to all.

Sandi said...

Good evening all.

Lolly, thanks for the evening eagle report - sounds like our 2 are making up for lost time! I didn't know that Michael wasn't your biological child - thanks for sharing that story about his birth.

Judie, so you were a singer in your past life, eh? That's quite a transition to college professor teaching about serial killers! Glad you enjoyed the play - when you and Darth move, will you still attend events at Kennedy Center?

Jo, still have the bandage over the incision above my lip - if I can't see it, I can't be upset with its appearance. Forehead looks great!

My massage was wonderful - I am so tempted to book one for every month, but it's such an extravagance! Janet, convince me that it's good for my health!

Will try to stay awake to watch some TV this evening, but I was up very early with 2 four-legged family members. Goodnight all.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Chrissy!

Happy Anniversary Raymond and Donna!

Sandi, I also employed water bottles with the fur folks until one day I grabbed a can of air duster! I have rarely ever released air but just the mere sight of the can sends everybody to their corners, off the counter or under the bed! Quite effective and no puddles of water!

Hope everyone is doing well.

Judie said...

Good almost time for Midsomer Murder. Repeat but I will probably watch anyway.

Sandi, I was a government secretary. Chorus in high school, voice lessons after high school, singing with the Savoyards was a wonderful extracurricular activity. No aspirations for stardom. So glad you enjoyed the massage.

Hi Suzan.

Janet, seems there are many benefits to massage therapy.

Lolly, glad Michael had time to actually get some restorative sleep and Zack had some special time with you and Jack.

Headed to my recliner. Feet going up. TV going on.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Very happy to learn there has been HP!

I didn't get to check the cam today. I practiced bowling and went with my friends to lunch. Then I came home and slept. The night had been rough. Kathryn has shared her cold with me, and I was really tired. I almost decided I would stay home from bowling practice. My bed was so warm and soft this morning.

Lolly, I have a lap blanket too, and a kitty stretched out on it, though she is not on my lap. We're both snuggled on my bed.

Allie is turning out to be one crazy kitty. A couple of nights ago, she was sleeping on my bed with me when she suddenly jumped up, ran across me and leapt off the bed. I knew she was headed for Kathryn's room (at 3:00 AM). Very soon afterwards, I heard a scream, "Get off my back!!!!!!" It seems that Allie had hopped on Kathryn's back and started kneading with claws out. Yikes! What a way to wake someone up.

Yes, the kitty sleeping on my bed right now is Allie. I hope she stays put for now. Kathryn is not home. I have always thought that Kathryn is quite capable of defending herself against a kitten, but I do not wish her any more kneading at 3 in the morning.

stronghunter said...

Interesting, Suzan. I can imagine that a can of air duster would scare the daylights out of fur children.

I'm sure Judie and Frank can find their way to the Kennedy Center when they settle in their new abode, Sandi, although the drive up I-95 can be a challenge.

stronghunter said...

I now have 2 kitties in my bed. Much purring from Cheeto.

Janet said...

SANDI: AS far back as the 1980's it was concluded that STRESS caused at LEAST 80% of all illness......not just colds, etc, but major illnesses.

The simple decrease of stress can be beneficial to health. By lowering stress, you can help to lower blood pressure. Massage on a REGULAR basis is when you see THE MOST benefit from it.

If its Massage Envy, by chance, or not, ask if they have a six month membership (we do). And if at the end of six months you are not satisfied....

And I don't think of a massage as a luxery, it can be a part of your wellness plan....a way to take care of yourself and ...


Janet said...

SANDI: and from the MAYO clinic:
Benefits of massage

Massage is generally considered part of complementary and alternative medicine. It's increasingly being offered along with standard treatment for a wide range of medical conditions and situations.

Studies of the benefits of massage demonstrate that it is an effective treatment for reducing stress, pain and muscle tension.

While more research is needed to confirm the benefits of massage, some studies have found massage may also be helpful for:
•Digestive disorders
•Insomnia related to stress
•Myofascial pain syndrome
•Soft tissue strains or injuries
•Sports injuries
•Temporomandibular joint pain

Beyond the benefits for specific conditions or diseases, some people enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort and connection.

Despite its benefits, massage isn't meant as a replacement for regular medical care. Let your doctor know you're trying massage and be sure to follow any standard treatment plans you have.

Risks of massage

Most people can benefit from massage. However, massage may not be appropriate if you have:
•Bleeding disorders or take blood-thinning medication
•Burns or healing wounds
•Deep vein thrombosis
•Severe osteoporosis
•Severe thrombocytopenia

Discuss the pros and cons of massage with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or you have cancer or unexplained pain.

Some forms of massage can leave you feeling a bit sore the next day. But massage shouldn't ordinarily be painful or uncomfortable. If any part of your massage doesn't feel right or is painful, speak up right away. Most serious problems come from too much pressure during massage.

NCSuzan said...

Hi Judie! I really hope you are doing ok and that J&J are enjoying being lords of the manor!

I notice that I was the only one wishing congrats today. Is my calendar wrong?

My daughter has massages as her time allows and she benefits from it. I would love to have my neck and shoulders worked but having someone touch me would stress me out therefore negating any positive benefits! haha

Eggs coming soon!

stronghunter said...

Did not know you were so musical, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

Jewels said...

Good Evening,

So happy to know that our Birds are doing the HP!!!! I am excited to see eggs and then little bobbleheads!!

Thanks everyone for the lovely comments on my Jess and her lil one.

My co-worker went to see Bei Bei today.. I am excited to hear from her when she gets back. She wants to kidnap him from his momma cause she says momma is too rough with him. LOL She actually called the Zoo police one night when she was watching!

Sandi, I am now wanting to get a Massage!!! Oh the benefits sound so amazing! Hope it was everything you wanted it to be!

Judie, I am sure Mom would be proud. I sure wish she was here tho to be with us for this ride in life. How are the kitties doing?

Kay, Yes Jessica is very lucky. We have always put our girls first. I wish my BF would understand that Charlie and I are friends. Our separation wasn't out of hate and disgust with each other like most separations and divorces. OH he hated me at first , but then soon enough realized why I left and moved on with my life. He as said to me He blames me for leaving but understands why at the same time.

I thought early in the day it must have warmed up cause I was nice and cozy while sleeping, but then when I woke up in the early afternoon, it was dreary and cool. Almost could feel the moisture that is possibly going to happen in the morning. I hope it doesn't do anything!! I am ready for Sun and Heat!

Lolly, at 11 he is 5'9.5" and 200 lbs?? Oh yes he has to play football!!!! Happy birthday to Sharon and Michael!!

Jewels said...

My dad is in Bonita Springs Fl... They are getting hammered with bad weather. They are even in a tornado watch!
Hope he stays safe as well as everyone else!!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Its raining and storming

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - one eagle in the nest right now. Just sitting.

Sandi said...

It's snowing here! Nothing is sticking yet but it looks pretty!

Nest is MT.

stronghunter said...

Snowflakes flying outside my window. Not really cold enough for much accumulation.

Judie said...

Good morning.
Gosh, y'all got busy chatting last night. lol

Shirley, sure hope you feel better soon. A cold can really sap one's energy. Poor Kathryn. Soon enough the kitten behavior will taper off. Nail trimming on the agenda?

Stopped singing nearly 40 years ago. Vocal cords become tired with age. The J boys are doing very well. Colder weather seems to have encouraged them to snuggle together in their Millie bed and the people bed. Not enough sunshine on the window perch, I guess.

Carolyn, thank you for the update on Jessica. Hope your Dad is safe and dry.

Sandi, enjoy the lovely non-sticking snow. That's my favorite kind, I think. Sky here looks menacing so maybe we'll get rain or snow later.

JudyE, the AEF eaglets are getting really big. Is that a nest near you?

Nest was MT when I checked.

Would enjoy an update from Glo.

Off to do nothing. BBL

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Rooftops are becoming white with snow.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Flurries here as well, but no big accumulation expected. Temps will plunge this evening and tomorrow morning. Brrrrrr.

Seth will be with me for the evening and tomorrow morning before heading back to campus and started the semester in earnest. He and his parents joined me at the Contra dance last night and a good time was had by all. I loved my vantage point as greeter/cashier and look forward to future dances. There will be another next Saturday evening and then one a month Feb-May.

JEWELS, hope your dad stayed safe during the bad storm.

Such good pics in this morning's paper, showing the Panda-monium of yesterday! So cute!

SHIRLEY, those kitties keep Kathryn "jumping", don't they? Ah, well, soon they'll end the kitten phase and hopefully settle into calmer companions for their peeps!

LOLLY, surely some TLC from mom n' dad did Michael a lot of good. We never outgrow that need!

JANET, great tutorial on massage therapy, pros and cons. I'm surprised anyone in your household is ever ill since they have you and your fingertips at close range!

I'm conflicted since Downton Abbey and a debate are on at the same time tonight. I'll bet Seth opts for the debate, for we're both political junkies. I can catch DA later in the week as it will rerun on one of our three PBS stations.

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

Temps here are in the low 30s, just above freezing.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Carolyn anxious to hear if your co-worker was actually able to see Bei Bei - He was one sleepy panda yesterday. The FONZ members were able to start their visits a few days ago and on one of those day he really put on show - he is walking now and climbing and as far as Momma's treatment - just like a cat when she picks him up by the nape of the neck - disturbing to see as a human but it doesn't hurt him. It was funny one day to move him Mei scooted him along on the floor by pushing him with her paws. Hopefully this spring my gd Christine is going to take me down. Mits aka Helen still have Cam Duty on Wed early evenings. I could talk forever about the pandas and of course our eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - I always go onto FB to wish Donna and Raymond Happy Anniversary as Donna doesn't come on the blog and as far as Chrissy - no one has been able to be in touch with her since 2012. She was always are informant on the Loch of Lowes Ospreys over the pond. You were correctly informed of their dates by our Momsters' calendar.

It is bleak out there but no snowflakes (YET?)

Nest at Blackwater has some snow dusting - Nest Update from there:
Technical Note:
Choptank Electric came out and shut down the solar meter. It did not eliminate the static, so we're planning on moving the microwave receiver to a better location in an attempt to get rid of the static.

We hope to see eggs sometime this month.

stronghunter said...

Nest is still snow-free.

Snow is accumulating on the grass here.

Judie said...

Okay, now I am watching snow flurries so I can only guess that both Shirley and Sandi are in the mood for sharing this morning. lol

Jo, I must have been watching Bei Bei at the same time as I laughed watching Mei scoot Bei along the floor to where she wanted him to be. Comical. We were disappointed that Frank wasn't quite up to visiting the zoo during FONZ days. Perhaps we can get there in the Spring.

I did not comment on the anniversary of Donna and Raymond as I do not recall ever seeing a post and figured neither would see good wishes. I have in the past corresponded with Chrissy via email regarding events in England and Lock of the Lowes along with sending her e-cards for special occasions. She has not responded for several years and I doubt she is lurking.

Kay, so happy you all had such an enjoyable evening. Have fun with Seth tonight. I choose Downton Abby.

Okay, I really am leaving this time. Bye

NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday to everyone! We are getting snowflakes here, but temp is 40°. I had checked the nest and all looks clear!
Have been working off and on with my Park nest pictures. Some have such poor quality from the long distance that they probably shouldn't be seen. However, if you can stand them, I'm trying to show the activity there with more than just words. Hope to get them in Nook today!
Have a good Sunday! ☺

NatureNut said...

Is it just me (& Windows 10), or has everyone's avatar disappeared???? I need to do a new one---but will it show?

Mema Jo said...

Janet - I have always enjoyed my Reiki treatments. They really made you feel fabulous.

Sandi - loved the video of Janey in the snow - She is one fast gal!

My VA families getting excited with the snow -

Mema Jo said...

Cam Tour in 3 minutes

JudyEddy said...

Howdy on lunch 1201punch time

JudyEddy said...

WOW several areas south of us had bad bad weather in middle of night couple of small tornado hit Ft Meyers area

JudyEddy said...

this storm was suppose to bring with it a cold front so far not bad out in the lo 60s

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 334   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...